We Made Camp Minecraft Swords In Bed Wars | JeromeASF

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you know it's very rare that I get this excited about a Minecraft datapack minigame but blade went over the top with this one and you're interested at any point in time all the data backs are down below in the description but what we're doing is an awesome ped wars using crazy weapons but get this we have a separate bed Wars data pack that lets us run a game as if we're on any major server network and we have the camp minecraft weapon pack we're talking to me at a swords now Trump fleece fireworks you make small boom on ground take a look at ground and I go boom the sword is baloney balls are the fireworks or sitrus off to a rough start okay drop this next one heals you ready just stand right there just getting pissed ass or oh my god the balance just kidding just kidding so once you're all ready we press the start button and you come onto your very own [ __ ] from there you're the bronze generator which you can use to buy all sorts of custom weapons however there's also iron and gold that are needed to be purchased now as you can see it's actually really cool how broken down this is you get all different tools and things like that building blocks to protect your bed and of course iron on the side islands and gold in the middle buzz I've never played bed wars living under a rock but the way you play is simple you have an infinite amount of lives until your bed is broken once the beds broken you're down to your very last life gold simple eliminate all the other teams and speaking of simple goals how to simple goal about 15,000 likes I'll have some more data tech stuff then soon near Orana alright well everyone do /pw join and we can get ready did you go this honestly I can't believe they have a plug-in like this available but here we go games started good luck break them I know exactly what I want right there that's crouching so hard there's a blow-up and what what what bud ah wow what a band underneath this [ __ ] buddy Dean ooh well how are you people okay - okay quick question is the cheapest thing sandstone yes that seems like an order of like of Chi penis and yeah of the cheeps yes yeah what is Chi penis sound like a bird cuz it probably is cube hmm fail are you a bird you okay I am very cheap cheap okay how far away are some of these islands they're not too far I wouldn't recommend you actually don't don't go to any of them there's another question what if it happens for that our timer runs out not that I was terrible everything dies oh yeah everything would die so don't do it yes I don't like that very much ah of course Cathy's building out to my Island what you mean my islands wish you wish it needs so much sense so the hideout to get there dude it's it's a ridiculous amount I the same everybody else a straight path once they get to the center to their gold but mine has this horrible monstrosity in it so I have to run off yeah so I have to run around it well Steve his octopus that's all I heard do you think it actually does like the regular padwar Z and gives you the resources if you kill someone find out you go away Vale this is for good luck is only this island I am so tight this map is Horeb something that's fault if you Steve dit is that what happened oh there's just a couple of random holes in the walkways that are like 1x1 holes that you wouldn't see otherwise kinda yeah okay oh I thought I could change the game I feel like the sword I got right now is good for early game I don't know about like endgame though you know I like that movie and game never heard of a shirt Oh Santos the man with a thick book oh yeah what what about Shrek what it's no he's an in-game oh dang I lost everything already ah where I've done it twice well yeah I had iron and swords and armor oh it does let you keep the armor like real bad Wars oh that's rough oh you lose everything respawn protection is gone oh oh okay okay I thought him Ellie I couldn't respond more than what I mean I can't respond it when you accidentally fall through your fences on your boat I'm trying to recollect my diamonds me my irons it's weird because this is like the diamond islands in the high pixels in the pickles you know yeah alright alright head back or to the base now oh my my gold see if you're having many uh problems yeah I know it's making trustee was your of exploit you were trying to do buying blocks of iron no it's possible it's possible this is I done it again well I jumped right past a spot that I thought was a hole into another hole oh yeah I wouldn't recommend that ever sleeve that doesn't sound like a good you see your tie I mean I lost twenty gold this game so far oh dang I mean I wish you had go I haven't had any grab another one of these feel like this is a good sword to use and then for actual combat I feel like we're gonna need oh yeah that's where you need to go you need gold for the actual combat weapons don't you know I mean like Ferb like the good good ones is what I'm saying oh good good yes yes you yeah if you want to get the late game weapons you got to get the good good good I didn't bother checking how much is obsidian I'm guessing it's gold there's an obsidian no obsidian okay oh that's a big ol focus Maximus high drop see look this is old I spoken oh did he give you all your students oh you cuz you knocked me off completely I know but in like high life in the pickle I just wasn't sure if it would do that makes sense the white one okay well come back home I have five gold I mean surely that's gonna get me something hey you know I'm uh I'm gonna jump off cuz I'm starting o bail you can just buy food you know if there's food at the trader it's very cheap it's like bronze for cooked pork chops or you just put all your stuff in the chest and jump off yeah I like that one better see dropsy knows what it's about yeah you do know what it'd be like Steve Steve Steve Steve's is that we're doing here no we're not doing that mmm Steve Steve sorry you're not allowed to buy them here you don't so well the where am I supposed to buy my Steam Steve's from don't answer that yeah nothing for you go let's see what I could buy with all this gold I feel like I can probably get that seems like a really good sword but if I save up god what's going on who's on my Island you'll be God you big on you a god big on Captain me more like captain be God oh god no you heard me oh my gosh the lessor does 30 diamonds but it's so good diamonds now 30 Gold's mints I was like diamonds when did diamonds get on this map no 30 Goldman's there we go I've got a strategy I'm playing the long game [Music] well I saw you over there don't worry about it bro more I'm very much so worrying about it bruh bruh no you should bro Chacho listen bro side and king of the borough ssin don't even worry your sweet little head over it who are you dad cabbie be okay that's good you made a happy beat gone no one better be stealing me gold from the center tab no I would never capi get scram no you can't steal my bit there you go get out of here this be my Pistons soul man honestly I was but I'll be the baby with the piston sort of the slide sort of really glad of a with a piston swords think it's like whale the pouch you know I'm saying only more I will tell you more I want me to tell you the story about my great-great-great great-great-great great-great-great-great great-great-great-great great-great-great-great great-great-great great-great granddad died Iblees and thank you okay so there once was a dolphin named Steve yeah that's another story he just was named Steve okay and then he exploded I like it I like it a lot yep and then it exploded yeah you're about it on Oprah that book that story dude it will be it will be on Oprah Oh Steve is preparing to make moves apparently why does they'll say that because you bought it yeah I mean I guess all right I didn't see that I had an achievement I'm sorry blue bed is destroyed whoo blue is that mine whoo blue am i blue okay Steve's blue oh wait take out my bed I was just there yeah I know no tunnel underneath or something yeah cat you want somebody here no then how did you get it what do you mean just take a look up okay sorry cap I also get as a respawn thingy as well drop see he's not on his bed duh destroy oh well you have been destroyed valve this is a tale of Captain Oh blossom core par par parkour oh wait where are you parkouring - on top of my shift oh my god well that's one way to handle business there we go how do you know what color team everyone is you don't Oh tab oh I'm green tea [Music] don't leave that's okay I'm out of the game because of one of those stupid holes are gonna Steve it man poor for Steven it's is that our new record you guys got it easy I got this stupid octopus that I gotta run halfway across the map to get around I got around another no no Steve Copsey you don't have the octopus on your side when I was leaving your island yeah I did it that's how I left I didn't rebuild back out I'll be dumb it's a good matchup so far guys really close matchup so far they'll still in it by the way he's just hiding on his sails just to remind ya don't worry about it I'm not concerned right now did you just build an entire like what even is all this you don't want this fight here I don't even think you could build all this here like this well oh my god Wow drop so you really went to town didn't you felt the entire basement with stoop yeah she went full-on trihard mood today got it Oh drop see this is my ship I am the captain oh sure oh I don't think you look at this dead respawning Oh what happened it'd you Steve it know you never want to Steve there's no way dropsy got stuck what I are you stuck at your base okay oh are you still stuck I'm coming no not stuck don't come over here you're dying if you come over here foul what no he'll see you fall in one of those holes no I was currently pressing shift but dough that's so depressing I'm sorry Vale last game mode survivor okay that works okay this is I like this I like this weapon here is good yeah y'all got the the 1v1 of a lifetime let's see it happen hello hello are you nearby no vales just staring at my Island okay okay Oh cap you're still in it I didn't even realize well I died no he's not he died mmm oh but you're just pretty sure spirit I think he glitched up no he's definitely a no no no I I cheated oh I made a big boo-boo see this might take me a while to break this and stone with my hands yeah yeah there we go good good nice good board no I'd be pretty angry with sandstone all over me too and what else is there to buy oh man there are many other things you can buy there in such bad like you can't see them I spent all that time getting all my super year and I have to read get stuff ah that's her chance drop see no yeah I just the thing is I don't know which island he is because they're not color-coded someone could point me in the right if you're looking at the eyeballs of the octopus it's to the left Wow veil oh I see yeah cheater McKee Orson okay missing there we go one of those hello dropsy hello this is the battle they've been waiting for I've been expecting you are you building all the way up yeah that's the strat whatever you're doing been worse well I guess so what are you doing all the way up there worry about it cheap okay you're pulling up to that fish you can't live on the fish forever yeah I can't well I don't have any way to get up there so there are no forever fish it's getting gold oh yeah yeah I'm collecting up the gold collect up the go you know he's always coming back hey I see you up there drop see I hope so you can't hide up there forever mom not again I'm quite in plain sight actually hello friend oh you got a bowl oh that's scary oh that's go to middle I needed the gold get a new boat didn't realize there were posed surprise
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 227,138
Rating: 4.9724498 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, minecraft animation, minecraft roleplay, minecraft mod, no swearing, 1.12, roleplay, jeromeasf crazy craft, crazy craft jeromeasf, crazy craft 3, crazy craft 3.0, minecraft, crazycraft, mini game, crazy mods, youtubers, modded, server, cool, walkthrough, multiplayer, the pack, minecraft modded survival, minecraft pc
Id: WMN_Vsp5lEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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