Crafting Dragon Wings in Minecraft Bed Wars

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you know guys i'm really beginning to think that pickles are just salty cucumbers yeah they did a whole veggies episode on it really say what they really yeah about how to make pickles let's ban pickles salty cucumbers only fried pickles are so good that's just fried salt umbers is that the newest month salt number might as well be so today's gonna be a great day in the world of minecraft because not only do we have salt numbers but also we have the wings mod in bed wars that's right the way you play is simple try and go around the map and collect all sorts of resources from generators like this i'll always bite my ankles then when you get those resources you bring them back to your base and you buy cool things like wings weapons uh drones yeah this is my island drops what are you doing with this are are you making the game fair no are you hacking no yes then from there you try to destroy everyone's beds until those beds are gone they get an infinite amount of lives but once you do this star drops oh your command block destroyed the bed it's gone so it's super duper easy if you guys enjoy you want us to do more bed wars modded and you know what to do also did you guys hear about that new glitch when you hit the like button yeah what you don't know what it does no it actually turns yellow for november are you serious no absolutely not so is everyone ready i guess all right i'm refusing to play i can tell we have a lot of opponents here i refuse to play all right three steve are you cheating we didn't even yeah i already started okay go go go go go go okay sorry bud starting it off right so what do we need for wings the wings are emeralds right yeah emerald is sorry so emerald is okay uh what about armor okay for a sword you only need 30 diamonds pretty much everything else is diamonds it's just emerald for that one thing okay uh okay tools trader so are you guys gonna upgrade your iron gens or do you not really care um they're a tough one honestly yeah i want to get straight to the wings tbh yeah no boneless all bone in oh but but but boneless wings need love too boneless wings are for whatever yeah that's true are you trying to say that boneless wings are the medium well of the chicken world [Music] okay um you guys prefer wings or drumettes oh my goodness i didn't know that there was a neb well i didn't know about the island protectors hey steve of course there's a you nebs i didn't set a spawn wait nev do you mean neves no like these are leaves on this i have neve's do you have that maybe there's two i have no clue i didn't even see him until it was too late i thought nab was more towards the center [Music] why i think you're just wrong well i did it steve i just defeated one of the neves did you yeah one of your one of your armies is dead steve ah no okay what what did you oh oh we have three gold gens now that's pretty radical spedicle yeah okay i can't sleep in my bed right now that's a rip off why would you want something like that maybe i was tired oh i just realized gotta throw those off the cliff i still have my wigs up from the intro cheater i didn't actually use them you guys are mean peter you know what at least i set a spawn point what do you mean uh steve you okay no how long does neve take the he's been taking a long oh god he's back oh god i'm sorry i didn't mean to make fun of you that's what you get with his fists ha i have killed neve again [Music] yes but it's not working out for me also anyone else hear the zombies that are trapped inside of the gold generator islands yes oh that's a lot of uh gold we got here i don't know how much i need to turn on the diamond gens but i feel like that's going to be enough jesus if no isn't he bothering you again i can't i just punched me off the edge did you really yeah oh i just killed an eve as well and he gave me a gold chest plate with pratt2 and a gold helmet with prot 2. i'm going to be mega defensed i punched him off the edge too it's the easiest way to get rid of him so yes i tried to stab him like honorable person but uh what are those giant names oh yeah i forgot to tell you i saw those earlier why what do they do who affected them they're giants clearly blade who hurt them how much damage do they do to you do they do as much as a giant what oh they do the same as everything else i didn't make it there yet so i don't know i just saw him flying over i got close enough to him but they're really big and scary and hairy and hairy and hairy and hairy no you know your buns sorry no oh [Music] wait what a creeper just dive bombed me in my base i've got a complaint is it creepers trying to dive bomb you no it's that it's useless to buy the gold sword when you can just buy the um the wooden sword and it's better yeah yeah anything else no nothing else that is all okay i just uh i'm so upset a creeper tried to dive bomb me i don't know i think it's kind of funny not very nice of him though well no gotta do what he's gotta do he didn't have to do that well but he did oh neve stop it i don't know how many nibbling at my ankles oh god i have so many needs chasing me now i hate this game i hate this game leave go away oh god creeper why not did you yeah or do you think you tricked the knees no i tricked him did you oh no oh no i didn't trick this one oh no no no no why you're so smart oh my gosh no what'd you lose i hate you neve what what how did you do that okay getting even with nevin [Music] i don't wanna i don't wanna meet neden that's not that's not someone i wanna associate with it's just the dark side of steven how do you beat the knees dude how do i reach these kids no i got a diamond sword too i didn't even just kneed me in the bed this is the worst name you don't have a problem but this this sucks get out of the way get out of the way steve why i mean they're cloned off of you steve why are you like this good question my friend [Music] oh are you gonna give us an answer or i think that's what we get yeah that's all you get okay that's what you get when you let your heart win whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no i want that version of this one yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa i need can you walk up this thing yeah i'm up here okay i'm in between the nave army right now hello this game is puns yeah why are there two knees at my island oh my god there's neves everywhere they're terrible steve it's outrageous and i also died multiple times losing all of my stuff with someone's upset i haven't even gotten to the center yet because of all these neves i'm struggling hard but i'm about to just take all the gold that i have and buy iron i think i'm going to try and do things the right way can we can we talk about how i feel like it's every time we play this we complain about neve yeah there's been times where he hasn't been as terrible this one is awful this one's especially awful well i'm pretty sure that blade just uses the same yeah same thing i think that's why i'm confused i think it's the lack of areas you can hide away in normally i wouldn't have to hide because like the one where the islands are like on the corners that one's usually fine for me this one not so much to be fair though i usually just cheese neve on those ones yeah i just kind of did that right i just jump over his head and then i punch him off a cliff he's not very bright nice can you what do you guys just come over here and take me out of my misery oh cappy it's okay cappy you have plenty of time to lose i'm planning on it here mr neve so i guess because they're giants at spawn i think you have no choice but to just straight up fight and kill them if you want to take over the mid oh jesus anyone know the uh death counter stroke no but it's probably higher dude i got dive bombed by a creeper steve i told you there they spawn a top there inside your base sometimes and then they hurt you [Music] this name still hasn't respawned and i'm scared when he's gonna these items are also a rip-off okay i'm sorry it's not very nice steve okay well i can have the wooden sword with sharp two for 45 i uh iron or i can have the iron sword with nothing that is only 0.5 attack damage better for 45 gold yeah absolutely not worth it okay well then don't buy it steve well i figured that one out now captain obvious no his name is captain blasto i literally can't make it to getting the the spawn is just is too much no neve i hate you so much dude oh my goodness i'm gonna reach these kids what what it's a famous movie how do i reach these kids i know what you're talking about pepper's farm remembers oh gosh come on no no leave get away dude stop chasing me you little demon i second that things dropsy's parents said there we go 20. and how many more 25 diamonds thank you for the boney [Music] oh barely got out of there alive let's go let's go what did you drop chest plate nice [Music] okay what can i do with these oh dropsy okay you hurt you heard a lot hey do you want diamonds there you go yeah take those yeah keep dropping keep dropping keep trying that's that's what i got right now that's what i got right now bro okay that's really good guys i did the thing i did the thing yeah i got diamond armor now i might be good enough to fight me big neve sorry in the middle big knee you guys ever go to a base and hope that it's your base but it might not be your base so you're just kind of on on high alert oh no did you just lose diamonds and stuff like that [Laughter] i gotta go how many diamonds is it to turn on the emerald gems i haven't even looked okay full iron [Music] oh okay [Music] helped out tremendously did it yeah with wha the thing that just happened that was cool okay i have 80 ounce of chill oh my gosh [Music] i hate this stupid thing so what if i told you that there was a prank it would feel like i hate you these guys are terrible [Music] okay gotta get back to this wait what are these pricings neve oh my gosh i barely clutched that [Music] oh now i got demoted back to iron armor dude the knees are insane i'm losing my mind no leave here boy you're you're lad demoted back to iron army oh that's fine [Music] 15 diamonds yeah my gold generator exploded good luck getting the mid to use them on the emerald gens cappy you think i thought that far ahead oh my god he can hit me he can hit you through walls into different universes yeah neve is omnipotent he's omnipotent he's not of this world dropsy [Music] he sees all he knows all he knows he knows my every move neve is a wise man is someone who is the hero that has killed the nieves jerome you stay over there deal i don't wanna i don't wanna message you at all steve you just killed two neves i think you understand how powerful you are until i miss a jump no steve possesses the power of gods not anymore she's speaking the language of the gods you're welcome at least we got some generators rolling that was a steve effort gonna say a group effort but that that would be a lie yeah it's just you but yeah okay neve hear bud earbud nev it's like a dog yeah everybody okay steve you do that to us i don't want to hear it oh you know steve she's not wrong you go here when's the last time i've stood anyone probably yesterday yeah i'm gonna go with you perfect incorrect you have it dated yeah oh when you've done it 23 days and 19 hours ago you're impossible impossible highly probable is more like it [Music] vlog all right guys we oh can we i need a permanent kill all on the knees please i'm demoted back to leather armor dude i hate the struggle when i when i lost my full diamonds i got punched off a cliff i was furious i'm gonna be honest i would not be surprised if blade said that this was a prank video because this is outrageous i just can't believe you mean you killed that they're just having a hard time correct but getting started is the hardest thing okay and okay i need two more just two more somebody's got wings watch out that's me but don't worry i'm not going to the offensive yet i need to be smart so i'm covering my thing and obsidian obsidion yeah i'm playing it's smart steve [Music] and boom okay we got those two and then what are okay oh that's a good one nice all right what are those oh no the knee is just laying on the ground but he's still alive though wait what happens like he's possessed he's possessed i can't hit him anymore no huh hey dropsy go away what what's with the wool mound dropsy go away i don't i don't wanna do it so much dropsy no war okay you don't fight i'll leave your base i'll go to to the people who aren't paying attention can i take myself out of the game yeah sure yeah why not go for it yeah i'm not gonna have any objections why is there always a skeleton in my base [Music] cappy that was shocking what i you walked right behind me wait what what is it what is it how did you break that i was there for a solid like 30 seconds you just kept walking by dude i swear you just kept walking by me that's really funny oh get the heck upstairs from laughing oh god steve i feel so bad i don't feel bad i i'm having a rough time here jerome i'm gonna be it's okay i'll put you out of your misery okay no don't there's your bed all right let me just uh go ahead and just one two buckle my oh shoot oh i missed that now there's one that's a good way to avoid the need flying no like dropsy just built a bridge [Music] okay let's see oh that seems like a really good whip up oh god geez you freaked me out man ow oh wait that actually doesn't hurt that bad neves they really don't debate the mega needs okay but we are i mean steve managed to do that uh to kill him the first time for us yeah just remember that i started this all off dropsy your bed is bork oh okay all your lines your bed is bork wait why was my bed worked i broke it steve you're out of the game what you killed me and then broke my bed and then i killed you again no you didn't you said killed him and then i respawned and then you broke my bed stephen is that not how that went no i killed you broke your bed killed you a second yes i thought you killed me i thought you exposed my bed killed me and then you killed me again
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 294,400
Rating: 4.9610863 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, dragon wing bed wars, bed wars with wings, jeromeasf wings mod, minecraft wings mod, modded wings in minecraft, jeromeasf minigames with wings
Id: ntIIRmg-Wqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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