We Added GOD Weapons To Minecraft Bed Wars

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five six seven well doesn't make a crazy day in the world of minecraft because we have the god weapons mod and we're playing it on bed wars within this mod we have all sorts of crazy weapons like aries spear and armor of the gods like athena artemis adonis captain blasto no that's an anti-hero oh and the best part is the gear gives you varying amounts of effects to make them even more overpowered so if you never play bed wars the goal is simple break your opponent's beds they stop respawning remember to click that like button or cappy's gonna gonna be on someone's bed oh god geez always go straight to peace steve i do kathy on the router i can't that's not even me i can't believe this oh shut up get it kept the cat pee on the router wasn't even me dude yeah i know but yeah okay so do uh i know there's a food trader but do we want to start with food or now nope okay all right well you heard it here first folks all right well let's go go go best of luck everybody let's do it let's do it oh man i'm getting all the iron all the irons also talking about how cap got acquiring hardware before everyone else i just like kind of stood on the generator and i got some iron you cheater oh no whatever shall i do steve cappy doesn't cheat he just bends the rules i cheat at cards sometimes well that's not good oh it's against my brother he's he's mean so okay it's like he deserves it so come on and what are you guys doing first i've been upgrading my smirn generators first because you need them for the gold you know i've been doing that too but i wasn't sure if that was the right call because it's like 32 per one and it's like that's a lot i think it'll pay for itself very quickly to be honest so i i did it but you you shouldn't listen to me i'm not very smart um weapons okay what what oh man a wood sword i mean it was sharp tube but how is that like dirty iron what a ripoff man what a ripoff indeed oh geez okay but the opposite of a ripoff is adonis's armor yeah that stuff is cheap man does adonis have cheap armor apparently there we go adonis put your armor ooh yeah dude very very very affordable okay tools trigger armor traitor hey so remember that moment where there was no blocks traitor getters where i don't have a blockchain you must not have one what sucks for you i totally have one toe stop i'm giving myself a bunch of stone [Music] how much is going on he's totally not into that how much is how about how much do you how much is your cheapest building block uh uh one iron like yeah white wall is one iron okay i i took two two i'll do two stacks of wool so i got rid of two stacks of iron there that's fair but hey oh look wow the block trainer is here he was here the whole time he was just hiding in fear as blade leaves the server okay anyway as you were saying yeah what well i i don't know did you just say as you were saying yeah like carry on oh i don't know what i was saying man i don't know what steve you're scary all right then carry on [Music] confusion so where's the gold oh these little side islands ah yes see i see but guess guess who's guarding them no no never did it he's not needed never guess gosh it's neat it's never [Music] and all you get is a wooden sword that's fine you need the diamond armor that's fun do you think the odds that neve's been uh made an appropriate difficulty no of course not dude he's still gonna be terribly powerful oh jesus he's already waiting for me dude well at least i have the secret trick to beat neve you ready for these people watching this is what we call a pro gamer move watch got em they need i beat them too hold your horses where the where's the gold generator it's in the back i can't hate him because i'm lagging that's okay that sounds like a problem no no no lagging is never a problem [Music] oh uh hey hey i cheated inventory [Music] oh you did the oh i did that too then okay good good good i know what you two are talking about hey you don't want to come over here okay okay i didn't know that was yours i just thought i was gonna get lucky and get two of them you know you know what it is absolutely not you clockwise my friend clockwise okay okay sorry steve please don't clock me in the head you come over here and you're getting clocked in the head i said it you're aggressive [Music] and you have tiny hands aggressive uh uh aggressive did you just say tiny hands i said i know what i said and i meant it too you and i we're gonna have words here in a minute oh come on neve come on buddy why don't you come over here you little you little punk yeah okay you can't say that on camera punk what do you mean yeah yeah man punk get popped canceled okay where's the diamonds where are you diamond are always at the top of the tentacles yeah i think the diamonds are on top of the tentacles christmas isn't coming what do you mean what do you mean steve christmas is the best holiday though okay you know what steve how about we all celebrate christmas yeah you cannot have christmas but i'm gonna have christmas yeah you know you know what i do every year with my family yes yes but that's too real for this show anyway we make christmas cookies every year nice what kind of cookies oh everything you got the sugar cut cookies you got chocolate chip you got chocolate dough with peanut butter uh like sprinkles or whatever they're called sprinkles dude chocolate chip cookies are my favorites chocolate chip is that what you just said yeah chocolate chips they're classics yeah he's a chocolate yeah i go a for chocolate chip thank you for the diamond sword neve i appreciate it cappy goes cuckoo for coco puffs i just gotta think why do we never have chests on our island that's because i eat them i'm supposed to drop your stuff he's also a woodchuck so right but like if you have backup gear you should be able to hold on backup gear right i think we normally do it's just this map we don't yeah sorry steve it's because i'm a beaver and i cannot read these trees i did it guys i have diamonds spawning now you made it get off the island europe butt chungus sir oh yep i get speed with this that is scary okay oh my gosh my armor is almost breaking maybe the adonis armor isn't as good as i thought it was oh i jumped very high you don't even get effects for the adonis armor yeah it's not that great i'm gonna be honest yeah but it also only costs iron so it's like well that kind of makes sense then you know you gotta work on getting the better stuff if you don't work on getting the better stuff then how do you expect it to be better no not like this need not like this [Music] you're following me 52 54. oh neve stop it [Music] give it to me please give it to the knees and there we go another stack of gold we need a quicker way home thank you hey who's up top there on top of on top of the tentacles oh that's me hi steve hey bud the tentacles if you know you know yeah and if you don't you don't i'm sorry it's pretty simple i mean that is what that implies you have to go the rest of the way i just wanted to make sure that you were crystal clear on those rules yeah i got it i got it yeah okay there we go you boys doing pretty good now jeremy can you upgrade the rest of that other diamond gen for me no wait did you turn yours on yet no oh steve sorry bud oh i got an eviction pumpkin hi huh no it's like whatever that was no never again i don't want any part of this who's to just knock the knee off that was me [Music] it almost hit me in the head i had to send him flying yeah someone coming over here i saw someone trying to climb up you didn't steve you cruising for a bruising i'd rather not have a bruising all right what is this an enchanted diamond sword what how did you get a chain of diamond sword neve what all he gives me is poopy gold i'm not even hanging it just gives you poopy gold swords okay now hear me out you know there's like rose gold that's like a pinkish gold yeah i've got some headphones like that what do you think about poop gold i hate it okay yeah did you say relish gold no green gold oh my god relish oh god what do you think it would taste like relish bold did you say mold yeah it might not taste like mold i was never like a huge i want it up but it's difficult with this i was never a huge fan of relish but um have you guys ever had sauerkraut i like sauerkraut i do sauerkraut is good i can't leave my base because dropsy wants to kill me yeah just how the game goes steve yep yep and that's the way the news goes and that's the way the cookie crumbles oh there we go quoting some bruce almighty up in here uh sure oh that's an old movie yeah that's why i said it because the cookie was crumbling i missed that i want to rewatch that movie i don't think i've seen it it's really good but it's at this point pretty old like it came out probably when i was like i don't even know five six seven oh so i was not but a thought yeah it's a jim carrey film where he becomes god that is i'm not sure that's the individual but you're absolutely right this is miserable you know yeah it's it's not good oh no i fell it's not good i mean the speed itself is also very tough to deal with yeah it's like i wasn't joking it's hard to control that's why i was like it seems like i'm coming towards you but i'm just trying to figure things out but i promise you i am not there we go adonis armor is now gone oh my goodness fighting neve is impossible like this neve is a bully and on top of that i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he uh was part orc i said it come again i said it i said it and i can't unsay it so he was like a corrupted elf yeah yeah wait who else has the super good armor uh what super good armor are you talking about well you're jumping like at a million hut everyone's ju how do you guys drop you know i can't fight you though okay just did you just like fall dude it's hard to control especially when i'm lagging that's why i didn't have anything before [Music] so steve what armor do you have the best or the second best second best oh okay hey yeah ouch yeah you get out of here steve you don't want this oh man you got a good sword there pal but you're not doing any damage why not you gotta get some god weapons steve [Music] that armor is so op cause you can just jump for the top ropes on people yep that's exactly what i did that's terrifying i hate it and then wait this isn't my base i didn't set a spawn point steve why are you at my base i didn't set a spawn point quick break his bed uh more like quick take my gear because it's all at my bed oh can i can't do that while i'm trying to set a spawn point well your boy got the best weapon now yeah your boy is close to it hmm there's close and then there's having it steve well i mean i just picked up all my stuff so let me go check uh your boy's got the best weapon okay okay there's close and then there's having it you either got it or you don't got it understand i just want my stuff excuse me if i just want my stuff body screen i've got plenty of iron i'm sorry cap okay i'm sorry i didn't know you were in i didn't know times were this tough for you i'm sorry we out here trying our best oh my goodness i just fell off the edge dropsy how do you have that as your bridge what's up how is your bridge like that wait did you just use all your good armor yes i did and i also spawned at the wrong side that's what's the problem steve well spawn point top ropes wait i broke your bed wait no get out top ropes wait [Music] [Laughter] oh sure i've heard that before i've heard that story if you keep it about take the heat get out of haiti's kitchen i mean i'd love to but this laptop is [Music] can i ask why there's a million torches over here um i eat those like stuffed animals oh okay think of it this way they're just warmer stuffed animals that could also hurt yes i'll say they can't hurt to say you can breathe so get animals they say some mean things from time to time uh fail i'd run yeah i'm trying i'm sorry buddy if it means anything cap yours is the only one i felt bad about what
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 229,086
Rating: 4.9712648 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bed wars, modded bed wars, god weapons bed wars, god weapons minecraft, using god weapons in minecraft, op weapons in minecraft
Id: YTmLaDdf8iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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