Biden is drowning on every key issue: Gutfeld

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happy wednesday everyone it is wednesday am i right so the democrats are in bad shape how bad a shape well if they were a person they'd be this the latest fox news poll shows the president drowning on every key issue he's so underwater the secret service had to untangle him from a fisherman's net so look who they brought in to cheer everyone up yeah it was either that or take joe to chuck e cheese but they were afraid he might choke on another pepper but it looked kind of sad [Music] just 19 a day and you can save a pet that was really depressing someone put on old yeller to cheer me up he looks like a four-year-old boy who lost his mommy at the mall it's kind of worse he looks like jesse waters at his last class reunion biden hasn't been that ignored since he called saudi arabia but i guess when things are bad you got to make it feel like the good old days mr president welcome back to the white house man feels like the good old days memories like the time your vice president jill who is my sister-in-law passed the new deal and the louisiana purchase all in one day so while you're dealing with five dollar a gallon gas biden's waltzing down memory lane it's the shortest lane by the way meanwhile voter enthusiasm is at its highest level since 2010 when kat just turned 30. an nbc poll found a 17-point republican advantage the last time anybody saw a gap this large evil knievel tried to jump it i wonder what joe thinks [Music] oh yeah sometimes i just like to ride the amtrak and pretend it's the old days [Music] i'm not kidding i'm serious i'm not kidding it's a true story hey hey buddy i'm serious about that it's a true story it's no so amazing so is a blood bath coming for the dams maybe but let me be a soggy blanket something i was known for at camp it's not gonna be a blowout if the voters don't finally see the true big lie that democrats care it's a lie we've been taught since i was a kid like the tooth fairy and everyone is beautiful it's what made me a liberal back when i was just a model for svelt teen monthly but when it came to compassion republicans sucked and democrats ruled the dems cared more about the poor the sick the downtrodden while republicans played golf at their all white country clubs before digging into panda stakes and endangered spotted owl eggs then afterwards they'd head to a local orphanage and beat the crap out of a redheaded child in a wheelchair sounds like mitt romney's autobiography but it's not true and it never was but it didn't matter because few challenged the lie and when they did they were so bad at it republicans would say things like hey we don't eat panda steaks they're too gamey or the kid in the wheelchair didn't have red hair he was bald but the next election can be a game changer if voters see the truth about democrats that in power democrats caused a glaring covet inequality between the masks and the masked knots the marginalization of parents even calling them terrorists an epidemic of homelessness fueled by untreated mental illness and drug addiction a crime wave that's turned cities into chaotic hellholes with that list every single democrat should lose because all those problems are part of the liberal wheelhouse a wheelhouse greased by you the taxpayer it's what they claim to care about the children the sick victims rights education but in reality it's just about power because in every single area i just mentioned life has gotten worse under democrats yet they've been given more second chances than criminals who randomly attack people it's the one true red pill for all voters every place where the left claims the higher ground has left americans dead or broke coincidentally those are democrats most reliable voting blocs look at the new mayor of new york city so much promise but so much he's taking over a city plagued by so many problems that liberals are supposed to solve the mental illness the homelessness poor education and what does the mayor do he trashes florida and pleads for gays to move back but mayor what good is a pride parade if you're walking on syringes maybe clean the subways before you start inviting people over you're putting a welcome mat in front of a house on fire and with kids he's no better he just decided to extend the school mask mandate for children under five which is anti-science and anti-kid and he did this after he exempt exempted athletes and performers from the covid19 vaccine mandate so it's one set of rules for kids and another for the stars i guess he knows parents of school children are easy easier to push around than lebron james or jay-z and besides who wants a selfie with a three-year-old and a mask he's not even famous so no wonder a new poll finds that 59 percent of new yorkers believe their family would have a better future if they quote left new york city permanently that's one solution leave go to texas tennessee even florida yeah mayor have you been to fort lauderdale lately it makes san francisco look like green bay new york city better add a tax for people trying to move but soon we're just going to run out of places to move too that's why this election matters all elections matter including school boards it's no longer just cities that are in trouble it's a country so maybe it's time instead of moving out we move them out and show them how compassion gets done the right way let's welcome tonight's guest she's proved the pens mightier than the sword by using it to stab an editor at buzzfeed editor chief of the federalists and fox news contributor molly hemingway you've seen him at america's top comedy clubs validating your parking writer and comedian joe devito she's like a streetlight skinny bright and attracts a lot of bugs foxy's contributor cat too [Applause] and his baby carriage was an 18-wheeler my massive sidekick in the nwa world television champion tyrus molly welcome back to the show good to see you always a pleasure to read your work why does everyone still assume it's the democrats who get compassion why do we still believe that is that going to change ever yeah i mean it's kind of never been true but they've done a very good job they control the corporate media and the corporate media does a very good job of helping them with um with all of their messaging but i just don't see how you can live through the current moment and think that they are compassionate toward anyone much less the working class you're looking at all these problems throughout cities in america all controlled by democrats and things are extremely bad so it is definitely time for that reputation to change yeah if if it were republicans and you had this homeless problem drug addiction problem crime problem the media would actually try to solve it right no i think they might be so evil that they wouldn't try to solve it yeah but i have very low yeah for them me too you know joe uh did you feel sad watching the other joe big time with the music i expect to see sarah mclaughlin spinning him around you could rescue this poor it was so sad to see uh how he was overshadowed by obama it was like imagine if you went to a star trek convention and people are saying do you want a picture with captain kirk or well here's klingon number five you can get a photo with him well he's supposed to be the guy who's in charge so it was not good to see that it's it's it's humiliating not just for him but for the united states yeah in the contrast the contrast was quite sad it's like when you know somebody says oh here's greg gutfeld look at him and oh there's tom brady and then tom brady just looks so pathetic yeah yeah it's brutal yeah did that flash through your head no it's that did you put me up against tom brady and go wow i have to say that's not what flash through my hand it's like okay like if you used to be really close with somebody and then like something happens and you're not anymore and then you have to like see them out somewhere and they just treat you with this like sort of polite indifference it is so painful you got to like play it cool and then just like listen to dreams by fleetwood mac on the way home but i checked instagram yeah and joe follows barack but barack does not follow joe oh my god i know it keeps getting worse it really is bad did you see it when joe tapped obama on the shoulder and jo obama didn't even bother to turn around yeah i know biden's hand is so frail he probably didn't even feel it i don't know am i standing under the air conditioner what is that it was like the finger tap of death brutal yes you know um tyrus i do you okay here's here's did they believe bringing uh obama back would be the kind of a a thing that brought the democrats some energy and then it backfired or did they want to do this on purpose you know that's a really good question you know that was painful to watch because he the only thing he didn't do was close his eyes when he reached out he was reaching for people if you look he was kind of like this he looked like where is his wife just or like one friend or one security guy i i have been in those situations as a bodyguard where a guy has grossly overpaid for my services and is not that popular and he's in the room with celebrities standing there and i will go he's got three seconds before i walk and be like you got a call sir big thing i got jay-z on line two he doesn't do about his lyrics and people look around and i did something like wow who is that guy wow who is that guy yes and saved the moment and of course asked for a raise afterwards nobody was coming to save him and it looked even kamala had people she was it was obama her they had the little group and then he was like this is where he could have took a page for the previous administration because if that would have happened on president trump's one he would have stepped in the middle of him excuse me yes what is all this going on here about in fact he did do that yeah he did that he did the thing like don't stand in front of me but he would have had a moment he would like i'm president brock you induced me you know but he didn't do that he looked he looked senile and frail yeah we that's the thing we make jest but that looking at that is a senile frail lost man and that's the leader of our country right now but wasn't it revealing too you know you hear all these people complain on the right about joe biden but that was the first time you actually saw a bunch of democrats and what they think they don't think joe biden is president they do think barack obama is running things you might explain i told you they were going to stab him in the back progressive just needed him to get in yeah now he's used up his usefulness and now they're going to if i was there i would have let him smell my hair yeah i feel so bad watching that i'm nice i would ask for you know i would have chatted him up he would have you know he might have had a weird kind of odor but that's okay or like lied like yo trump's online too he said he'll fight you in the backyard right now let's do it come on joe let's do it give him a moment something yeah funny thing is so you probably go and do that and then he'd blow you off right just like you're not important accomplished and i would ask for a raise there you go hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 712,867
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Keywords: greg gutfeld, kat timpf, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, fox news network, fox news media, fox news, gutfeld panel, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus gutfeld, jesse watters, tyrus murdoch, the five, joe biden, president biden, fox news live, democrats, midterms, joe biden midterms, joe biden lonely, joe biden alone, fox biden, fox news biden, democrats midterms
Id: tiYVnqTi6uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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