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good morning if you have not already don't forget to hit the subscribe button below about ding-a-ling-a-ling videos every Tuesday and Friday on the old occasion we do the sunday video days after Sade day before Monday yeah okay today what we're doing is one of the worst jobs on the farm and we do raw milk now so we have to TB every year we used to be the T before which means TB in every four years but now we are TV in every year which is great so what we have to do the whole herd milk this morning all the cows are in the back shed just chillin we've kept them in gonna get all them in first TB them first and then we've got all the groups we have about six different groups so we also have to hire TB the Highland so much stuff going on a lot of chest cam stuff going on today because then I can move a little bit and I'll probably be filming everything I've just film bits as we get on this is all gonna be a long day so that's coming at 9:00 she's like quarter to nine now just bet these pens up quickly because I'm not gonna have the time to do the little things that we always do because it just takes forever if I were dumb before half - I'll be very happy and that's with no stops desmondo is here to help us and actually we'll meet everyone who's hit helpless and - that's ready but it's still not here yet so I'm going to get ten in well me and Dez are gonna get ten in ready for the vets because then it's done then it is done Tom needs to count this is gonna be a challenge I just I'm quite good at maths it's English on the regular just like taking it hey hey so that is the cow in thank you for winning on video think we've got ten ready vets not here yet already getting ball we're stripping off for YouTube we're doing it dude it for the views strip off the news farmer stripped off I don't forgive dues world page three months probably gonna and buy the last four digits it should be so occasionally we might have the ones that have the same last four digits if you notice that's the only budget okay don't worry I'll explain it yeah first time he's ever been in the South farm so he's literally gonna be hungry shout numbers at him and he's go right down right okay so we have the team here Susie is turned off Alistair who normally does our milk deliveries he said he can give us a hand today which is great and we have dead so does the client today is dad's gonna get ten cows ready so obviously we can fit ten at a time he's gonna get really so when we've got really getting over selling fast Susie is here she'll explain what we're doing we might get a few done first and I'll explain how we're getting on and what we're doing here and then we have Alastair Heidi is away she is on a placement this week so we have Alastair here who's gonna scribe like I say he's not been this close to the back end of a cow before so definitely learning experience for him right so let's get started with these cows ten o'clock we've got through about 78 cm already so we get on to the last few so I'll show you what we do yeah okay so really go around this side I think yeah yeah so you have to click two patches on the net so and then the first thing we do then is we measure the patches so that is five and five so this is the skin thickness so it's 21 69 so we're looking at the actual cows registered number not the herd number and then we go next one is 25 43 and then what do you do again sorry so then we measure each side so about six and seven and then injection of avian TV and a top clip part make sure there's a lot and bovine then she can go don't ya maybe see ya so we are doing this on Monday next one Aleister is 2607 and then we leave it 72 hours and we'll test them on Thursday a lot easier to test on Thursday just looking if you've got reactor reactor if the skin levels come higher at the top is alright tops bigger than the bottom by four millimeters bottom zero the top [Music] so we obviously don't know if I meant it so we obviously have to do this because we're doing raw milk and raw milk you have to do it yearly before yearly yeah dad yep which is a pain in the ass for that unfollow [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] six and six [Music] [Applause] her all the Moscow she's probably gonna get me till after milking cow we are done that's it done for the day I wish we have another 170 to go yeah only in the 100 sunsets right let's find some more so we have to do everything these guys are only eight weeks old but we have to do everything so that's why we do not get to shave the marks thank you look I think their own attack me sorry yo yo don't look at those we can hoping that up again everything is doing it here [Music] you make me crazy sometimes we follow it up [Music] [Music] okay so we've done the milk cows we've done the cows in there we've got side shots in the calf building and we've also done the shed there that's undercover the next what we're gonna do now is the seven islands so that'd be Moretti harriet mini jr. and may get those done now put them back and then I'm going to get Megan and Kate last year Megan got on Balam Road we didn't film much here because the video da before for like a film it but this year we are filming obviously so what I'm gonna do is get film as you go just put in the chest cam you'll get what we're doing hopefully they'll come across nicely [Music] [Applause] here we go this is where I got trampled by horns go up right I'm sorry bit to all of them yes I took that gate off because what happens is you go around the gate catch the back end because if you didn't know cows when they turn they cut corners like a bit arctic wagon but maybe give up hey you okay do you need me to give you undo nothing you're right yeah they are hairy animals good girl [Music] you be so help yourself for it yeah yeah well done so there we go come on be ready we'll get them to dawn and then we we've just got two groups after that one your bit funky oops so the next one is the two of the front what might do is actually keep this side I'll cue them to put two two banged their past last time we did this Megan got on the road so I'm gonna move Megan gonna move them from there over here a national car park it's just great hopefully they don't figure that out later on come up back back back back back back back back back back back back give up give up Shh back back back back give up come on know exactly what I want you go there I've got it huh just walk him nice and steady does you go yeah I'm gonna go round doing something like this I hate Highland it's so hard work to do detail work like a bit times 100 oh nice - steady oh yeah on you razor so Megan is number 27 35 16 14 6 News you've got thick skin so where we did Moretti where did seek I had to use both hands and couldn't film so he was the biggest you have thicker skin where's 27:35 thank you oh you do so well yeah yeah Wow yeah you just look so good you had caught you just look amazing 10:14 thanks Alan juice we're not planning any mistakes I mean gp-25 look at my face it's 20 past 1 we still have about hundreds female pilot super long time hi I'm day [Music] [Music] don't be glad cumberly got a big like come back come big like - eight - I think you'll be on this one at the front I think yeah he's bought in how big is he you know Moretti smells good doesn't it so we still have a few more to do because this mean that TV and on Thursday does anything else is working in the shop Kazumi Susan Dutt so what we're gonna do is we're going to keep these in from City Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and then probably ever saw out on Friday and just makes our life easier so go do is bring him into there and then do the reading so Doug cave went with the feeder after we got all out please come with a feed and news feeds them all and we just got the drive in every day we like easier than trying to get them back in on to do it variable and a lot quicker as well this is taking forever obviously I'm using my camera yeah done last one it's been a bit it's been a hard day not as hard as what you've had before but and failed fair pad fail we should have prepared more yesterday on Sunday normally we do don't we TV on a Tuesday to Friday but I'll just show you where the cows are thank you Susie as always Alice dead on des smashed it big hung today that's great help loads was hard I think not having the cows in here that took what five minutes so at the moment what time we all I'm a twenty five to twenty five to five now who stopped me looking at half three so behind all stocker and here didn't realize how many here I thought was about eighteen there's actually one hundred and five so there's plenty near tomorrow we'll come back we'll sort everything out and make sure everything's right weed photo a bit the style of engine bunching in seemed quite happy seems a little bit content so that is it guys thank you very much for watching the video that's how we TB we've got to do it every year it's a job and a ha what it needs doing if you did like the video don't forget to give it thumbs up help to push it along and all that still follow me on Instagram on snapchat I never really say that okay you keep you merge Sigma at payments popping up Cody K / TP merge you can pick it up there we will see the results on Thursday and your CT results whenever after I've done this bot don't figure what edit this video tonight is mocking me I'm so late so we might do a small one
Channel: Tom Pemberton Farm Life
Views: 235,281
Rating: 4.9006305 out of 5
Keywords: simulator, farm, funkyfarmer, onelonelyfarmer, farming, fails, bovine tb, bovine tuberculosis, tuberculosis (disease or medical condition), public health, tb free england, tb free, national farmers union, badger cull, tb testing, centers for disease control and prevention, tb personal stories, health care (issue), skin test, health (industry), tom pemberton, tom pemberton farm life, farm life, animal surgery, silage 2019, tom pemberton farm life silage, happy cows, vet, veterinary
Id: 1dNHeCfkNbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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