Family Brings Baby Cow Into Their Home During Hurricane | The Dodo: Comeback Kids S02E01

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I needed that. Thanks /u/Qsector !

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ncphobs 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Best thing I’ve ever watched

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lyzardothegreat 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2018 🗫︎ replies
Hi, Harv. She just soaks in everything around her now. Her odds were against her from the beginning. I named her Harveigh after Hurricane Harvey. Devastating flooding because of the speed at which this storm is moving. It was getting bigger and stronger, and moving closer. We made it through the hurricane okay. But then the flooding is really what destroyed our -- our city. My husband noticed there was a little calf in a puddle of water on our pasture that was starting to flood. My husband went out there and just came right in the laundry room and laid her down. The first thing I did was try to get her warm. She was shaking, she was wet. Her mouth was ice cold. Her body temperature was extremely low. I told our friends that were here, you know, "She's probably not gonna make it. Don't get too attached." I made a call to Sealy's vet. She told me just to let Sealy come in. Sealy didn't have a Mom, and Sealy was abandoned. It was the same thing that Harveigh was going through. It just made sense to let Sealy in the laundry room. She immediately went over there and started licking her face, kind of like her Mom would do. Her little eyes opened. She just really stayed by her side. Sealy made Harveigh feel safe, so I let all seven dogs in. And they all took their turn just kissing her and smelling her. She slept right here in the laundry room. There was one store that was open. My husband drove about 20 miles, so we could get milk for her. She totally trusts us. She didn't know any different. -Moo Ended up taking her to the vet a couple of days later. They suggested that I kept her in the laundry room or in the house, just because she had no immune system. We just let her in, and just walk around and hang out with the dogs. She had so many odds against her, and she just kept beating them. Harveigh got her fighting spirit from Sealy. Sealy's story is-- is just so similar. The Sealy police department had found a litter of puppies on a dirt road. And they actually found Sealy on the hot concrete. She had little burn marks all over her paws, and even one on her chin. There was a huge concern with the puppies not making it. Sealy just had a strong will to survive. She has no fear at all. She just loves life. Sealy helped Harveigh just trust people and other animals. After the hurricane came through, we let Harveigh out on the front yard. I think she was probably confused, thinking she was one of the dogs. Her personality really started coming out. Harveigh would kind of butt her head on Sealy's tummy to try to get milk. And Sealy was so tolerant, she just let her do it. I knew that she was gonna be okay. There's not a day that Sealy and Harveigh don't get to see each other. The relationship was more like a mother/daughter type. But now that Harveigh's getting bigger, it's turning into more of a friendship. - She loves her milk. Sealy loves her milk, too. Harveigh just turned six months old. So Harveigh spends most of her time outside. Okay. That's it. Come on. She just loves to be brushed. There you go. You ready for your photo shoot? Sealy and Harveigh, they're gonna do a calendar to raise money for Fort Bend Pets Alive!, which is an organization that supports our local shelters. It's just kind of like a full circle. Now my little rescues are helping. - So pretty. - Where you going? - No. - Aw, there we go. Good girl. Harveigh will eventually come out here, graze and hang out with her other cow friends. Out of all the cows, Harveigh is the most interested in Roxie. My son showed her for 4H. After we were done showing Roxie, I just didn't want to not know where she would end up. It just really started getting to me. So at that point I was like, "Just let this herd live and -- and be happy." Roxie seems to really be interested in Harveigh. And Harveigh, she's still a little shy. But I think that's gonna be the first relationship whenever Harveigh moves out to the pasture. It's really cool to see her explore. Harveigh and Sealy are always gonna have just a special bond and relationship. They found each other, and they just love life. She seems to be pretty happy. Letting her go is gonna be a little tough. But if she's happy, then I'm happy. Here we are, six months later, and she's healthy and she's thriving. I cannot get over this little calf that was almost dead in my laundry room. She actually beat all of those odds, and here she is.
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 21,514,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, baby cow, baby cow rescue, cow dog, cow and dog friends, cow, cow thinks it's a dog, cow thinks it's a puppy, cow thinks she's a dog, cow videos kids, funny cow, puppycow, hurricane harvey, hurricane harvey pet rescue, hurricane cow, hurricane cow rescue, Harveigh, Harveigh the cow, comeback kids the dodo, comeback kids cow, cow in house, cow opens door, cow video, cow and dog playing, comeback kids, harvey cow, dodo cow
Id: K4jIAdAUjHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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