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one of the harder things about sailing is falling in love with so many places people and things but having to leave them within such a short time Bimini is one of the places that will always be dear to my heart and I will cherish the memories from my last few weeks holding Charters there this week I hope you join me as I take the next step and start truly living as a solo sailor going where the wind blows this week being a very remote off-grid location I hope you continue to enjoy seeing the raw life of sailing and please click that subscribe and notification Bell for reminders when new episodes are live [Music] my window [Music] s straight down my spot into the ground fractures I am super excited today I'm going somewhere I've never been before I'm going to be completely remote I'll be shocked if I see another bow I say today but today is just a stop and then it's it's just gonna be the whole next week and leaving Bimini and it's ending of one chapter beginning of the next is how it feels this is going to be a big test for me a big test to see how I do completely alone with nothing around for a few days because I've never been in that situation and it's gonna we're gonna see how my sanity does we're gonna see how the boat does and go from there I'm really excited this week so I'm really excited to take you along today is a 30 mile sale I'm gonna be anchoring surrounded by coral reef and that's it and hopefully it's not too swelly shouldn't be worse than it is here right now but time to get the boat ready and raise the anchor and put out the sails [Music] so clearly my breaker panel is um slowly going I've had two switches break off fan and the VHF this VHF I have my portable all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm turning up already know [Music] right here right now [Applause] [Music] we are about two hours in going six knots with 16 to 17 knots of wind Mako was not happy hey Bob hey my autopilot sensor for the yeah my sensor for the autopilot keeps falling off it's falling off three times so that's an ongoing struggle still but we're moving along nicely three foot chop not bad and should be there within four hours so not a bad sale today really nice to be out here [Music] it's been I don't know how many hours probably three three hours of this and I haven't even read a page of the book had music off for a while and just sitting here it's so peaceful and so nice to be back out here [Music] thank you [Music] what's going on makeup oh don't chew my fishing line [Music] [Music] [Music] I've been taking this afternoon very slow I've had a few meetings I've read I've napped I'm editing but the Sun is setting and it is so beautiful here I do have to say it's really amazing with starlink that I can be out in the middle of nowhere and have cell reception I was FaceTiming my family earlier and it's really amazing I struggled to turn it off today while I was sailing I'll be honest I kept checking my email and I kept checking things and I hope this week I have the discipline to turn it off a little bit more because it is really amazing when it's off and knowing that a few months ago I would have never had service here but it's a blessing because it's also a way to stay in touch and safety I don't need it and it's so nice to take a break but it's so hard to take a break when everything's at your fingertips and it's a simple button it's another beautiful night here at the Bahamas I'm feeling so blessed right now I really wanted to enjoy my morning coffee and then edit a little bit but I can see everything now I think it's about time to raise anger so I'm gonna start raising anchor in about I'm gonna give it 15 things and head on our way it's going to be a really long day and I'd like to get to land before complete dark come on Mako we're gonna go okay come on come I get a lot of questions on what I use for Mako and I used rabbit goo harness so far it works they have multiple sizes I've used their brand since he was a kitten and I have a size bigger as well but it's still too big for him so still in the one he's been using for about a year I love [Music] [Music] face sales out I'm leaving the engine officer about to go through a cut and I'll want it for control through the current long days sailing ahead and should be beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a little sporty out here mainly because I'm going Upland but two to four foot chop the autopilot sensor kept falling off the quadrants I spent the past 30 minutes trying to figure out what's going on so that is duct tape it's every wave we hit it falls right back off but so far now we're going good going really really upwind going seven knots and it's beautiful I only have the head sale on we're going seven seven and a half knots well at some point eight just now so yeah beautiful sunny 15 feet of water I couldn't ask for better conditions today [Music] I just put out the main well that half out and speed is picking back up when is has slowly dies gone down about five knots since we're sorry this morning so now it's 10 to 15 knots it's absolutely beautiful out here one to two foot shop and 15 feet of water it really doesn't get any prettier the only thing that would make this day better is if autopilot was really working [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] I don't know if it's going to show up this blue and the footage but wow 80 miles of this and nothing else now the wind is tied to 12 knots I'm only going five knots now so the closest spot for like a protected area would be about 20 miles which at my rate will be four hours which would get me there at 6 pm so I could probably make it a little further really once I get to that point I can anchor at any time so that's the really cool thing is I can once I feel like I should stop I can just stop if there's not a ton of coral heads I keep going a little bit longer but it's nice to Anchor when it's still light out [Music] and it's unfolding beneath me [Music] I brought the salesman because I couldn't adjust this and steer adjust the sails and steer at the same time which sucks I want to start cleaning my face now but it was a little intense for a little bit rails were in the Water full sails out which is great and it's a lot of fun but it's not fun when I'm struggling to steer and I know I need to bring them in and I can't go get them I am deciding I'm officially gonna get a hydra Bane I can't deal with this anymore it just gradually gets worse as time goes on so I just said it but in a few minutes it's going to be swinging look how bad that is and some of you have donated money for a hydrovain in the past because you've seen my struggles with autopilot and I can't tell you how much that means to me and that money has been saved up for it it's a big addition to this boat and one thing I'm adjusting is the dinghy davits and there's no way hydroving could fit there right now so there's a lot of adjustments coming and [Music] foreign [Music] it's actually not even as bad here compared to like Bimini and stuff not ideal Anchorage but I can't get close to a land tonight so you're free it's about 7 30. I'm about to start the engine put the main out raise the anchor and get going wind is only about eight knots and it's gonna be dying as the day goes on and it's going to be dead calm for a few days a lot less Rocky than last night when we got here Sun's Up should be I don't know seven eight hours sale let's hope autopilot cooperates but we're gonna do full sales today and see how it goes hopefully we'll find some coral reefs so that is why I did not go overnight is because once I get to over there there starts to be some coral reefs at least that's what the chart says so we shall see what you know it's coming you want to move [Music] haven't showed you guys how I secure my anchor now since I lost it six months ago so I have a clip and I go around the anchor instead of what most people do and clip it to the chain that way if any of this breaks this line is still holding my anchor on the boat so that's how safety my anchor now [Music] look how pretty she is [Music] to talk about a beautiful sale five knots with eight and a half knots of wind this baby's going off this is so beautiful [Music] have turned the engine on because the wind died to four and a half knots and I really don't mind except for the fact that autopilot stopped working about three hours in it just keeps veering to the right I put the sensor on a million times I've held the sensor there I greased the arm so right now I have a bungee cord which is at least holding the steering wheel in place I just have to adjust every few minutes so I turned the engine on mainly so I could possibly dive today if it looks like the coral heads are decent number two so I'm not steering for the next 10 hours I've turned off the breaker I've turned it on I've research I've done I don't get it last night started working at the end this morning it was working it's just I don't know what to do so [Music] excuse you is this how today's gonna go hey [Music] hey you gonna help me anchor high five Mako [Music] today is something like I've already said if you don't love it you're going to struggle with doing this stuff autopilot didn't work I go down and I think fill up my water bottle or no I wash my hands after giving Mako some tuna and there is no water and I just turned over to a 70 gallon tank which means my boat just emptied 70 gallons of fresh water which takes about six hours to make and those six hours that it would take to make that back pretty much drain the batteries so to put in perspective that was a lot of power I just lost good thing was I motored today therefore the batteries are a little bit topped up and I can run the water maker for a bit other good news it's sunny but I've made it it is beautiful looks like a thunderstorm is going to roll in afternoon thunderstorm they usually build over the xylem I'm going to try to troubleshoot autopilot real quick and then jump in because I am hot oh but for the water I one of the hoses has a leak I don't it's going to one of the bathrooms I don't have any guests coming so I just plugged it and I'll get a new hose at some point [Music] thank you foreign [Music] is the only thing out here not even a shark to go with it makeup yeah it is Absolute Glass I'm just catching up on some work and didn't see much on the Drone at all the coral heads aren't really Coral heads that I saw I'm like grassy Rocky bottom and the water's super murky on top of that but I am in the middle of nowhere the closest land is 30 miles and even that is just Mangrove swamp stuff it's not even yeah it's nothing 80 miles from Cuba we don't get many days like this here in the ocean [Music] [Music] off into the distance [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I owe him this much after sailing for two days straight [Music] I hope you enjoyed a few days of sailing with me I am so grateful for all of you that continue to watch as it gives me the opportunity to take the time to not only explore these beautiful places but also share them with you this little trip got better and better as time went on and I hope you join in next Thursday as I explore one of the most amazing places and days I have ever experienced and as always a special thank you goes to my patrons for always Lifting me up and keeping the string going [Music]
Channel: Lauren Landers
Views: 178,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CgZ8-Lb_7LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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