we had SO MUCH FUN watching *MATILDA*!! (Movie Reaction/Commentary)

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[Music] what is up everybody welcome back to real time I'm Rob and I'm Bryce and today we are back with movie night number 113 this week you guys voted for Matilda obviously Z is not here he is currently on vacation so uh he will not be here for this reaction he'll be here next week though so happy vacations off woohoo yeah Matilda I have never seen this movie I don't think um I have a core memory of the daycare that I went to when I was like a small small child and I just remember seeing like the VHS box of this movie like on a shelf all the time like it was just one of the movies that was on the shelf and yeah I I don't think that I've ever seen it but like I know I can picture Matilda like I know what she looks like I think I know what the movie is about but I I don't think I've ever actually seen it so I'm excited you guys really hyped it up in the patreon comments so uh I think it's going to be a good one yeah I mean this one one fantasy so I'm expecting a fantasy type movie of course but I have not seen it as well I do recognize the main girl from Mrs dfire she's uh Robin Williams daughter in that movie so that's a classic but um besides the fact that it won the Fantasy pool I have zero idea what this is about out I've definitely heard of this movie like my whole life but just haven't watched it so I'm excited to watch it I'm sure it's going to be really really good all right guys well that is pretty much it before we do get into this movie if you have liked all of our movie reactions please leave a like drop a comment and subscribe check out all the links in our description as well we got our patreon Discord all of our social medias our second Channel and our PO Box make sure to check all those out and with all that being said we're going to get right into the movie movie night number 113 Matilda let's do it every human being is unique for better or For Worse that's yeah that's dny deito narrating most parents believe their children are the most beautiful at him dude Planet others take a less emotional approach what a waste of time and painful that's him right there yeah looks good $5,000 I'm not paying it what are they going to do repossess the kid we know she's in Barbie as well yeah she's Ruth the creator of Barbie in Barbie I that is not the safest place for a baby to go well she's sliding around I don't think I've ever seen this man this young looks pretty good had they paid any attention to her at all they'd have realized she was a rather extraordinary child oh my gosh Matilda now look what you did they named her oh [ __ ] she could spell that's crazy she's a baby by the time she was two Matilda had learned what most people learn in their early 30s how to take care of herself early 30s wow her father went to work selling used cars make money for unfair prices and her mother took off to play Bingo soups on the stove heat it up if you get hungry just leaving her alone no guidance she gave her advice dump in that [ __ ] what is she making cookies or brownies or something some kind of baking cake pancakes pancakes why why was it a thing like when you were a kid that pancakes were just like this like mystical breakfast I don't know cuz it was always like a such an event probably how unhealthy they are they're so good morning after her parents left Matilda set off in search of a book [Music] library but she is so independent where are the children's books please in that room right over there would you like me to pick you out one with lots of pictures in it no I want to read I'm sure I can [Music] manage I feel like she probably want an adult book realistically something I mean she can find her way here definitely doesn't want a kids book matild walked the BLS to the library and devoured one book after another Mrs Phelps who had been watching her with Fascination for the past few weeks offered Matilda some valuable Library information get a library card so you can take it home mhm oh did um oh did you ever have that like van that would come around um what I forget what it was called but it it would pull up to my house like a a mobile library and you go in there no I did not dude I would rent bcks and never take them back and I always thought for years I was going to like get sued or you read them maybe a few but it was like remember it was like every day it like add interest to how much you owed so I was like I'm never taking them back they got to come pry these things out of my hands that's the Matilda that I know you got a little wagon full of books Bro you've never set foot in a library you're only four years old 6 and a half you're four 6 and a half if you were 6 and a half you'd be in school already I want to be in school I told you I was supposed to start school oh my God they didn't roll her give me that book dude dearest pie Dearest pie I want to go to school to school out of the question who would be here to sign for the packages she can't go to school marshmallow what little [ __ ] [ __ ] that kid but Matilda was about to discover that she could be her own friend that she had a kind of strength she wasn't even aware of I'm great I'm incredible Michael pencil and paper in the kitchen this is interesting because like Danny DeVito is her dad also but he's also narrating and it sounds like two different characters talking the second one cost $512 I sold it for 2,000 oh my gosh this dude's scamming $1,100 I sold it for 7,839 Jesus bro he's actually raking it in what was my profit for the day can you repeat the last 10,200 65 oh check it if you don't believe me oh she said check the facts check the work you're a little cheat you saw the paper from all the way over here are you being smart with me look at his little mustache it's tiny when a person is bad that person has to be taught a lesson person what do you you going to do spank her like he meant to say when a child is bad instead he said when a person is bad and thereby introduced a revolutionary idea that children could punish their parents ah I like [Music] that oh she's going to prank the hell out of them dude what are you put in the hair stuff oh that would burn your [Music] scalp she got the mask on it looks like me what nah dude like instantly I feel like you'd know yeah feel like you'd smell it quick too that [ __ ] was on your head I think she mixed it in with something else clean shave Snappy suit maybe it's ready for a big day of learning kid maybe it's just going to like it's going to be a big day of learning too his hair will fall out maybe I think it yeah I guess it's not going to burn him okay my boy air to the throne today we didd the custom oh what's wrong with you what are you looking at oh is it die it it's like bleaching [Music] it her outfit does not look good dirty dealings like buying stolen car parts never stay secret for long especially when the FBI that camera is ridiculous he's been stealing car parts hey there he is that's PeeWee Herman right there we saw he was in the movie rip my man what do I do with her H I sell her we really should well these bumpers on he's just a scam artist like that is his career professional the sawdust quiets the GE and let the engine run as sweet as a nut for a couple of Miles daddy that's cheating of course it's cheating nobody ever got rich being honest he's the worst he's going to kill someone that's really D deito yeah dude if you didn't tell me I I'd have no clue are you serious I swear I feel like he looks so different now you just probably can't picture him as anything other than Frank from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia I haven't watched the show but I know what he looks like now can't you good cars dad listen you little wiseacre I'm smart you're dumb I'm big you're little I'm right you're wrong well I think all of those were pretty incorrect I'm big you're little wouldn't call him big is the first word oh Super Glue on the hat I already see it I won I won bingo I love her uh outfits here's your hat Daddy get in the car go on get in how much it's for me to know and you to find I'm waiting for the fantasy to kick in yeah I think it probably has something to do with like I don't know I thought when they were saying books or yeah I thought when they were saying like she thought there's only good people in the books somehow she'd like get sent into the book or something off can't can't can't be done I get it just a minute it's going to rip his hair off big circle around oh still on there looks like a army [Music] hat oh goodness D's got moves oh yeah yes good perfect perfect outcome everything is as it should be oh that's like a Blackberry tart or something oh I did not glue my hat to my head the Hat Shrunk The fibers fused to my hair what what world is is that [Applause] possible oh I'm surprised none of his hair came off yeah we are eating dinner and watching TV they got those TV dinners they do ready to get sticky with hey oh my God what's that guy from I don't know oh [ __ ] that makes me mad but for those ID out don't know how to she's reading Moby Dick and she's 6 years old and Mom's wearing Shades inside dinner time is family time what is this trash you're reading it's called Moby Dick by Herman Melville Moby what H this is fil trash Oh I'm fed up with all this reading you're a worm what you start acting like one wormwood is the worst last name he's forcing her to watch television I definitely know that guy he's in like he's in some funny movies I think like maybe some Adam Sandler movies that's that's [Applause] sticky oh oh yeah there we go I didn't do it of course you didn't do it little twit I think she did it told you that was a cheap set it's not a cheap set it's stolen set okay so that's what I like thought this movie was about was that I thought that she had like weird psychic powers like that but then we got 20 minutes into it and nothing happened and I was like did I make that up completely no I need a car inexpensive but reliable can you service me in a man of yes welcome to Wormwood motor worwood owner founder whatever I got the trunch ball principal crunch Hall Elementary the trunch bowl she looks Russian you can't see her I know but I'm pretty good at outlines she reminds me of the the girl from dodgeball youed yourself yeah I got a boy Mikey and one mistake Matilda dude what a horrible person he's a [ __ ] you're going to school I am first thing tomorrow she tried to imag what her new school would be like go ahe this looks like not a school no crunch crunch Hall oh my God that looks haunted any school is better than no school at all isn't it is it the woman that he sold a car to got to be uh looks like a commander that nose look at like the you see that boy underneath it's like under the stairs you detention you detention there's a riding crop in her hand like smack a horse with yeah they won't show her face hey sorry that's okay it's much better than being out there that no that's the principal Miss you've got to be kidding uhuh you squirt better SC did we just become best friends Julius role ate two M&M's during her lesson and she caught him of course and threw him out the window used to be in bed limp what sh Javelin Hammer better than being put in the chokey chokey yeah like a guillotine a tall narrow hole that's like a one of those like prison cells broken glass and Nails sticking out put in there I mean that can't be real no I don't believe that in a fantasy movie you don't believe it I don't know no dude here she comes fresh meat I feel like I can like feel her hot breath on me Amanda thp yes Miss TR what of those what's what she looks just like my niece bro this is so sad for me you mean my pig tails are you a pig Amanda no dude I'm not kidding that is my niece like there's no way chop those off before school tomorrow or I will come I'll give you but what the [ __ ] this is so messed up what I need MAA do explod her she's doing like a like a shot put throw like a a discus throw oh good L think she'll make the fence can we close one no oh my [Music] gosh this is unbelievable Happ what's my teacher like run run run fter you think there'll be a chill teacher or just a grouchy teacher as well I bet there some of them could be cool because that girl was like oh miss honeying for who she or he is yeah because she said like trunch will come and shows kids they're the teachers how to handle kids so I guess they don't they don't do that luckily now you all remember how scary your first days at school were so I'd like you to be especially nice to Matilda and make her feel welcome she's a sweetheart dude I would have had the biggest crush on Miss honey if I was in her class did you ever have have a crush on your teacher when you were a little kid every year Miss honey had a deep dark s Miss honey though it caused her great pain she did not let it interfere with her teaching she gives me for some reason like Jennifer Garner Vibes I think it's the haircut we've been working on our two times tables would anyone like to demonstrate okay two times tables that's easy for Matilda 2 * 4 is eight beat him 2 * six is I got subtitles it's unfair 139 4,927 uh I know it 4927 I think she just threw out numbers and didn't even know the answer no bro she knows it no I'm saying like Miss honey like for example you could do this oh yeah definitely I think she's doing the map on a piece of paper right now it is wow wow book last year in mathematics at the library I feel like that ability is not something you can get from a book I feel like that's one of those things you just have to have to do something that quickly yeah I mean she's special she was a literal baby and she could spell her name out I think she's just got a crazy brain a genius brain'll be back in a moment she loves Matilda about to be best friends until Trunchbull throws her off the roof but I bet she could fly cuz she's an angel yeah almost got you good to see you Jen good good good just pictures of the kids yearbook pictures I think she might be happier in in an older and in a more advanced class I knew it you can't handle the little Viper so you're trying to F her off of one of the other teachers not at all she's just too smart to be in that class if you can't handle the little brat I'll lock her in the choke what is that logic oh my God I just flinched the bellying come here they're dying his hair back I think Miss Honey's here whatever it is she's your problem now no there is no problem then beat it we're watching TV if you think watching some rotten TV show is more important than your daughter then maybe you shouldn't be a parent oh [ __ ] Miss honey what do you want I'm sure you're aware by now that Matilda has a brilliant mind yeah right Mike you give me a be I really feel with private instruction that that she'd be ready for college in just a few short years that's crazy you want Mata to go to college College I didn't go to college I don't know anybody who did you know anybody that did that's obvious but it's so hard for interrupting our show someone's going to be knocked out why you stand in the middle of the Ring oh left our little probably Charles Dickens M Miss honey is just awesome I love her I love her I'm in love with her Bruce B TR that's a Harry Potter name if I've ever heard one oh my God is that the is that you he in uh the sand lot let me look at him maybe dude he's definitely in something I've seen as a like as a kid you SL withered like a serpent into the school kitchen and ate my personal SP do you deny it that's up Bruce and it was the most scrumptious cake in the entire world mom's better damn talk your [ __ ] Bruce how can you be sure unless you have another piece sit down Bob what is she about to feed him oh that doesn't look good to me I think it looks good to me look [ __ ] slimy here we go so much chocolate smells chocolatey that is just straight icing I think actually I don't want any thank you maybe it's not uh bro what do you think's in it they she definitely put something in it [Music] you act it's actually pretty [Music] good he's going to go into a chocolate coma bro you must have some more don't think but you'll hurt Cook's feelings cookie he yes eat all that [Music] bro I mean this would kill some like this would kill anyone let alone a kid maybe not Matt Stony that's the biggest cake I've ever seen no it's not n dude I used to uh watch Cake Boss back in the day they had some big cakes on there big cake this kid got paid to do this bro that's awesome oh she wanted to come to school to learn she's been watching this probably for like hours looks real bad give up you can do it bruy oh hype him up Matilda yeah you can do it go let's go yeah yes sir come on Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce yeah yes [Music] sir like he's going to puke [Applause] bro [Applause] yeah oh my God he just inhaled that bro there is lick that plate clean now what Bruce just took down that whole thing hello what is this movie this woman just abuses children you get all this stuff from catalogs and I don't get anything it's not cataloges it's car part sweetness it's business oh if it's business why don't you have it do he have a marshmallow Kebab it looks like it he also looks like he has a mark on his head from the Hat off they're parked outside right now those are speedboat salesman there are no lakes around here some people like to go away on the weekends some people have fun and some people are cops yeah they are sure are that's not a frog you keep going she just has a n in her pocket n in a jar you're heading for the choke young lady CH the Apple never rocks far from the tree oh put away the art project put away anything colorful oh Charlie won't you get those crayons for me most great ideas come from hard work and care it no no I mean it was in the water it's aquatic so yeah put it in there coming let trun bu drink that [Music] thing are you okay I want Miss honey to adopt her yeah dude can we just go live with Miss honey miss honey this could be the most interesting thing ever done what the [ __ ] dude this [ __ ] is crazy Miss honey taught us how to spell a long word yesterday we can spell difficulty you couldn't spell difficulty if your life she called CAP she said cap spell it Mrs D Mrs I Mrs f f i Mrs D difficulty [ __ ] think they do it deliberately just to annoy me oh oh it's going Down the Hatch for sure I hope not it's a snake it's a snake it's a snake I'd be freaked the [ __ ] out too honestly new Miss stand up youing ack of slime dude the amount of names she's been called this movie by her dad her mom her brother even if you didn't do it I'm going to punish you because I'm big and you're small I'm right right and you're wrong and there's nothing use your mind Powers Matilda yeah for real you made the TV blow up here we go you're the most corrupt low lives in the history of [Music] civilization she's being attacked by the N now go out the window oh thing is climbing around you it didn't move she didn't do a damn thing I'll be watching you each and everyone when you turn the corner when you go to your little Cubbies to get your smelly little coats when you skip merrily to lunch I'll be watching it says if you're having fun you are not learning I made the glass tip over oh sweetheart don't let Miss trench make you feel that way she's telling the truth he's a [Music] truther it only works when she needs to use it sometimes you can do something until you want to show someone and then you can't or sometimes you think something's broken then you take it to be f like that okaya would you like to come over to my house this afternoon very much Miss honey she's a very nice lady but that is a bit weird like in real life come hang out you're six not not in the world where principles throw kids out the window though yeah that's where M trun lives pretty big house for Miss trunow looks pretty worn down a girl I know used to live in that house her life was good and happy when she was just 2 years old her mother died trunch po yeah I guess so he invited the mother's step sister to come and live with him but the girl's aunt was a mean person who treated the girl very badly trench ball oh when the girl was five her father died how did her father die the police decided he'd killed himself uh I don't know like it was trunch B she found a small cottage she rented from this lovely rhubarb Farmer for just $50 a month and she covered it in Honeysuckle oh it's her planted hundreds of wild flowers and she moved out of her Wicked ant house right oh so then trunch B is her aunt yeah go inside and have cies yes please seriously can we can you just be her mom here's a small cottage there a cottage from your story the young woman is you no yes and I had to leave all my treasures behind Treasures photographs of my mother and father and a beautiful doll my mother gave me with a China face is wait isn't truno her last name yeah you don't call your Aunt by their last name I guess the trunch bable you do all grownups get scared just like children I wonder what Miss trunch was afraid of Sanitation hygiene kindness you're scared of cats black Very Superstitious well we know what to do now oh come on cats have nine lives let's go get your Treasures no Matilda well she's gone come on MAA set out I not listening to you let's go oh she bought it from him yeah remember that scene of yeah just that's why it's breaking down oh my my father's portrait used to have whoever painted the trench ball must have had a strong stomach dude father's chocolate Bo after supper he take a chocolate cut it in half and he'd always give me the bigger half she take a chocolate bring it to her lips and say much too good for children [ __ ] damn that's my Dad what's his name Magnus I used to call him Kim Magnus he called me bumblebee I don't think Magus killed himself trunch full killed her dad that's insane and then took his house uh-oh someone was in here [Music] I think we might need some Matilda magic to get out of here get out of here come on she she can smell them she is she is literally the apex predator bro like who who can [ __ ] with her [Music] smart oh oh oh goodness goodness goodness oh it's a [ __ ] board is over over the door you can't open that [Music] one she's a super villain oh my God [Music] whoa where'd she go oh my gosh she got some strength oh oh my gosh she's a barbarian there a shot put ball on a string oh dude she's gross I think Matilda will be able to get out but I don't know about Miss honey or I mean she ain't getting through there let's be real well she can get through there though she's Unstoppable she should be one of the [Music] Avengers what was the purpose of that promise me he will never come go back in that house again I promise okay I feel like Matilda tells the truth but I could also see her going back in that house she wants to get Miss Honey's doll so we came home with $2,000 cash and he threw it up in the air she got them inside the house who are you what is this a hot tub party get the hell out of here I slave all day I come home you're entertaining a couple of surfer dude bodybuilders how are those dud Surfer Dude bodybuilders Surfer Dude bodybuilders [ __ ] peeee Herman dad what do you want yell me okay shut up and leave us alone she has to get yell at me again what do I have to do to gain respect around here she's going to hit him with the door my she has to be like m I guess yeah I don't know if M I don't [Music] know oh she's doing a lot now damn that's so cool I'd be doing all sorts of magic [ __ ] if I figured this out oh my God there's another crime in the making your car is about to run a stop sign oh my gosh oh she took the tape out she's saving her her dad have a carrot shoot it back at him [Laughter] that's the most carrot looking carrot I've ever seen your food you're an animal going back to trunch Bow oh this is easy bro she can just float that thing out if she can lift the window up yeah [Music] oh yep we're good all she had to do was come come on that thing is shooting in the wind oh never mind oh her ribbon [Music] though just [ __ ] javelins in her own house [Music] just trolling her trolling the hell out of [Music] her dude I'm not kidding one time I did that to Z in school I pulled his chair out and he just [ __ ] fell I feel really bad looking looking back on it but like he hit his head and like got so mad it was in like a study hall how old um I want to say eighth grade I'd be so [Music] embarrassed no yes oh God no not my self-portrait everything is going bad for her now good yes you killed me put him back up where he belongs she's going to leave this house and uh Miss honey is going to be able to move back in yeah with Matilda [Music] hopefully she gone does that car even work Matilda yeah w wood she get a great sense of smell sure does hone you'll never believe what I got to I didn't step foot in the house like like you asked sweetheart you promised you wouldn't go back in that house again I didn't I was on the garage roof I did it with my Powers you can show her now mhm [Laughter] why is that thing floating Bingo she's a oneman [Music] army aous nice girl I like that get against the wall against that wall wait water I wouldn't trust them water from here again I am here to teach you all a lesson holy [ __ ] A Child came to my house I don't know how I don't know when I don't know why but I do know who did you know it was illegal to enter someone's home without their permission you abuse children you throw them out windows does this disgusting ribbon belong to okay I don't think the kids are going to route on her you will be put away in a place where not even the crows can land their droppings on you dude why do they always make these type of characters British like why is she British cuz it sounds mean when she sounds like this I uh I love that the kids can all read [Applause] [Music] this hey get out of if you don't I will the fact that they're all just chanting this is actually [Applause] [Music] scary just hacked by [Music] erasers everyone's laughing no one's like what is going on down for the count finally someone taught her a [Music] [Applause] [Music] lesson she taking a hostage what's going on no [Music] no no no no can [Music] help he's flying he's flying right back dude he's been waiting to push her like that spinner that is a big Globe she's going to fall dude imagine getting up after that lavender laer what was she trying to do like run through a kid just trying to [ __ ] hurt children you guys let's all throw her food at [Music] her I didn't know I could do that pretty good huh don't try that at home by yourself no all the kids are like no holding back anymore Trunchbull we all hate your ass chocolate cake I always wanted to do a food fight nah I don't like it I don't like the thought of that I mean right now I don't but when I was younger I definitely did and the trunch was gone yes banished from this realm or heard from never to darken a doorway again wow the house that made me want to cry seeing that house let's wrap up these cookies come on we're leaving now I'd be happy to walk her home well nobody will be there we're moving to Guam what I love my school it isn't fair honey please don't let them get in the car Melinda Melinda why would she want some snotty disobedient kid because she's a spectacularly Wonder beautiful child and I love her adopt me Miss honey please please I have the adoption papers what hey where'd you get those the in the library I've had them since I was picking up the Xerox what Xerox I think that's make copies oh you're the only daughter I ever had Matilda and I never understood you not one little bit who's got a pen they're the worst they really just do not care I hope they get arrested he literally just called her Melinda so sign thetion dad looks like he's dressed like a Scooby-Doo character right now the colors he's has on her crazy I'm telling you she's a she's a bad mom but she had she was had them fits on this this movie definitely let's roll they going to say bye you think Oria CIA bye bye family I mean they look like mother daughter Matilda and Miss honey each got what they had always wanted a loving family and Matilda never had to use her powers again well I mean almost never oh I would always use them call me is [Music] never mind how long precisely having little or no money in my purse all right well that was Matilda got to say really like that movie A lot it uh surprised me how much I was actually into it and invested in the story and the characters I figured it was going to be good but I definitely understand why people like consider this a classic and like say this is one of their favorite movies growing up I honestly wish that I would have seen it when I was a kid cuz I know I would have loved it um Matilda awesome like that child actress really really good I thought she killed it in this obviously I loved Miss honey kind of have a crush on Miss honey now but she was also just a great character the only real adult in this movie I would say everyone else was just like a goofy like parody version of an adult I don't know they they all had their different things about them but miss honey and Matilda were obviously the The Shining lights of this movie the one thing I'm I'm a little I'm still confused on is why Danny DeVito was narrating it but also the dad because the dad was a terrible terrible person he didn't have any Redemption at all in the end but like was it the dad narrating the the story or was it literally just Danny DeVito I think it was Danny DeVito I I I'd like to just think that but yeah that that threw me off I was waiting for some like in the back of my head I was like is the dad going to like become decent in the end and he's like telling this story somehow I don't know but no they went to [ __ ] Guam yeah I agree I had a good time watching this movie like you said um I think if I watched this when I was younger I would have been obsessed with it I feel like it makes a lot of sense like you said why people love this so much I think especially if I was like a young girl like watching this I'd be like I want to be like her like I one day like I'd probably imagine myself as Matilda growing up like I'm going to get I want to get powers one day like her cuz that was so cool um she made the best out of her situation obviously had potentially the worst family ever um they didn't know her age her name at sometimes shamed her for wanting to learn it wasn't until she finally got to that school that she found someone that like cared about her and paid attention to her and also made some friends too along the way I mean I yeah like if I watch this when I was younger too like really young I feel like I would be terrified of Trunchbull of course and maybe even like some of the aspects of the school like the chokey like come on but yeah I mean Trunchbull was obviously the worst but she was definitely a really cool villain just absolutely terrifying and just unredeemable to to no end like there is nothing good about her I mean they obviously were they knew what they were doing they even made her look like you could just look at her and be like I I know what she's up to I know what she's about and yeah I mean of course the ending super wholesome that's what we wanted all along I think um Miss honey I mean dude her mom died and then Trunchbull killed her dad like that's insane and her out of the house yeah like she had to move so the fact that they get to live together for the rest of their lives and you know Miss honey can be probably the sweetest mother ever to her we saw just a little preview of that at the end like that's that's amazing that's a great end of the story obviously Matilda finally has a loving parent as well that's just great you can only imagine you know what she'll do in her life probably going to be just the most successful person ever um so yeah it was a really great story I'm glad we watched it and hopefully you guys enjoyed the reaction all right guys well that's pretty much it for this movie if you have been liking all of our movie reactions please leave a like drop a comment and subscribe check out all the links in our description as well we got our patreon Discord all of our social medias our second Channel and our PO box make sure to check all that out and with all that being said we will see you next time for our next movie peace out [Music]
Channel: Reel-Time
Views: 63,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8F8RLMwkPvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 48sec (3108 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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