Matilda - Was so Special

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what's up guys welcome back today we're checking out Matilda this movie came out in 1996 it's a family comedy and um it's a Hidden Gem because it got really good reviews um I've heard of it but I've never seen it so I'm very excited to watch this it was a suggestion on my patreon from Andrew S suggested it uh four weeks ago I'm finally getting to it today I was scrolling up and down trying to get ideas and then I saw um his reaction his uh recommendation so decided to check it out with you guys mat came out in 1996 and let's get started guys if you like Matilda and you like my Channel please leave a like that really helps out try to do that every time you watch one of my videos really really helps out more than you think it's free just hit that like button thank you guys notification Squad everybody who uh came in right away left the comment what's up thank you I see all you guys that do that that's amazing I love it Matilda but not everyone is Born the same some will grow to be butchers or Bakers or Candlestick makers oh that's um One Way or Another though every human being is unique For Better or For Worse oh yeah it's him narrating yeah yeah Danny deito choose ever to Grace the planet others take a less emotional approach what a waste of time and pain what the jeez oh man this is her parents oh my God they didn't even like strap him in oh my God can barely see over the steering wheel what a menace it's funny that he's talking about himself get out of the street you little Doos the worm Woods were so wrapped up in their left her in the car the hot car oh my gosh Matilda now look what you did they named her Matilda you're supp she wrote her name she wrote her name already she's just a baby by the time she was Che Matilda had learned what most people learn in their early 30s how to take care of herself oh my go she's super smart as time went by she develop a sense of style my daughters did this every morning Matilda's old brother how clean her room is soup's on the stove heat it up if you get hungry oh my God was left alone that was how she liked it she's so special threw it out immediately oh my God are you kidding me their like motor skills are aren't ready yet for all this like they're so wonky with stuff but she's special pancakes you can tell by the way she's like every time they show her doing [Laughter] it by the time she was 4 Matilda had read every magazine in the house one night she got up her courage and asked asked her father for something she desper a book like a real book A book yeah what do you want a book for magazines aren't good to read there's nothing you can get from a book that you can't get from a television faster get out of the way a even her brother sucks she saw that whatever she needed in this world she'd have to get herself go to the library there's fish fingers in the microwave she go leaves her kid to play Bingo all day the heck Matilda set off in sech of a book Library come on Library yes Public Library let's go I can't believe her Mom leaves her I obviously you guys know but I have daughters right so it's so messed up so dangerous she made it where are your parents dear this is a cool Library no thank you I'm sure I can manage holy this is a serious Library what if she gets hungry from then on every day is as soon as her mother went ah she went wow and devoured one book after another wouldn't she develop a relationship with the librarian offered Matilda some valuable Library information you know you could have your very own high break heart and then you could take books home yeah yeah you could take as many as you like that would be wonderful that would be wonderful there you go she gave her a library card cool oh the time Jump there there she is that's the one you see in the poster so this is where these books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message you are not alone what about neighborhood Friends School what about all that I guess she wouldn't really get along with anybody like reading at her age like adult books I want to be in school I told you I was supposed to start school in September you wouldn't listen get up what get up well she'll destroy School the hell dearest pie what's wrong with these people we can't leave valuable packages sitting out on the doorstep now go watch TV like a good kid what oh I hate these people have a marshmallow have another marshmallow dip face oh man this is horrible dip face jeez won't even let her go to school cuz of stupid packages sometimes longed for a friend someone like the kind courageous people in her books oh did we sell some cars today honey do did we they never really kiss that's so weird it's time you learn the family business sit down write this down like air kiss all the time all right cost $1,100 I sold it for $7,800 whoa this is screwing people the last $1,265 oh cool he's got math check it if you really good at man you're a little cheat you saw the paper from all the way over here are you being smart with me giving his daughter the first practical advice she could use he meant to say when a child is bad instead person is bad and thereby introduced a revolutionary idea that children could punish their parents yeah they deserve everything she's doing she's going to do these people are horrible they deserve to be in jail mess with their products yeah yeah put syrup what's it called pancake syrup in there oh peroxide oh what's peroxide again oh shoot oh crap oh crap oh crap get out of here I go Matilda oh go Matilda go go go 6 and a half my oldest daughter is five Michael come into my room for health and what my boy today's the day I take you to the shop what do you say I don't know what do you say dad there's a sucker born every minute we're going to take him for all they got oh man what is that stuff going to do to his hair what's peroxide okay my boy air to the throne today we the customer what's wrong with you what are you looking at any class of chemical compound of which two oxygen atoms are linked together by a single why did you do to your hair my hair it's actually like now it wouldn't be that bad yes oh he just where's the hat like buying stolen car parts never stay secret for long especially when the FBI gets involved look at this guy so suspicious looking around constantly hey PB herbman 97 suspect exits do I've got 918 9917 is correct do does it matter buying stolen car parts so they're going to go to jail come on go to jail oh then she's going to have to go to orphanage is it an orphanage type of movie I'm not looking I'm just curious you run it backwards the numbers go down watch your speedometer cool this crook see yeah Daddy you're a crook what the what I swear I haven't seen this I'm like predicting everything do you make money do you have a job no but don't people need good cars can't you sell good cars Dad yeah be honest sell a good car and there's nothing you can do about it you're not that much bigger oh sabotage this a Dennis the Menace type of movie she just like sabotaging them I want H the double Bingo come on everybody I'm taking you all to Cafe litz here's your hat Daddy get in the car man I hate seeing bad parents how much for me to know and to find out upset it's nice to go out sometimes oh wait it's going to stick to his hand I can't this is a nice place you can't wear a hat inside to his head I can't take it off I can't get it off I can't get it off just a minute I'm going to they're going to know won't they know that she's been doing all this stuff I think your head swalled up really bad those cakes are going off those cakes are getting smashed oh my God yeah here we go those cakes where are the cakes I guess not oh oh there we go yeah here we go I knew it oh he yes right on her head come on where's the big cake oh no okay I will not be the figure of ridicule oh my God I did not glue my hat to my head head the Hat Shrunk The fibers fused to my hair baby wait AE yes oh my God and right now we are eating dinner and watching TV TV dinners run of the TV with those like TV dinner uh tables hello are you in this family dinner time is family time what is this trash you're reading Moby what this is trash it's not mine it's a library book trash Oh my God all right that's enough let's get sticky forcing her to watch this crap close your eyes [Music] Matilda enough what the heck she has powers she has telekinetic Powers you little twit holy crap a cheap set it's not a cheap set it's a stolen set stolen put your light on she has telekinetic Powers that's crazy I did not expect this she's a freaking Jedi it said that we humans use only a tiny portion of our brains oh my God this is incredible own were it not for the events that began on the very next day she's a freaking Jedi well since you're an educator going to make you a great deal you had better let's do business glad I never was one you were a child you can't just be born an adult you're going to school I am first thing tomorrow yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay you get a real education at this place what the heck man how could like how could you be a terrible father to her she's wonderful God damn your child that gift be like she pictured a lovely building surrounded by trees and flowers and swings well there was a building oh so regardless of what crunch Hall looked like she was happy to be there crunch Hall any school was better than no school at all yeah isn't it uh-oh what's going to happen Now sucks oh beat the children she said cuz I'm all backing away who no that's the principal Miss trunch that's the principal the trunch lik snap a whip in there to see who's trying to hide oh good she saved them I'm AER lavender lavender she doesn't really hit children with that riding cop does she mostly for scare two M&M's during her lesson and she caught him of course what after being thrown R out the window of course he wasn't okay he lived if that's what you mean the TR Bo used to be in the Olympics look at this girl hammer throw the hammer throw is her specialty so she does this all the time chokey yeah chokey you have to stand in a drippy pipe in Jagged edges and the walls are broken glass and Nails STI my God Oly it's like a what's it called Iron Maiden butt did you say butt what definitely I'll give you [Music] but what the heck oh my [Music] God good luck excellent release she better be okay land on something soft oh my God okay she's okay she's sliding okay she's totally fine for some reason I Yay yeah run run run fter get in okay she was fine okay that was so messed up but she's okay holy all right there we go okay good I scoop these up for you miss honey oh how lovely Miss honey Amanda laender Matilda and make her feel welcome all right could you get a work for her Miss honey you can sit down she get some like semblance of Sanity here but her life was not as simple and beautiful as it scene Miss honey had a deep dark secret though it caused her great pain she did not let it interfere with her teaching what but if you do know an answer just raise your hand yeah right she knows it all so maybe she can't have kids and Matilda she'll adopt Matilda come on please deep dark secret 13 * 379 4,9 yes 27 genius I think that's it 4,927 13 * 379 49 27 check wow man that's so cool I love it oh I love that that's so awesome it is wow wow Matilda you know how to multiply big numbers I read this book last year on mathematics at the library you like to read everything dolls chickens Charles chickens you could read him every day so could I come on aop her please all right everyone you got your workbooks need a good good parents a good mom oh man no oh no I'm going to cry this movie is going to make me cry I know I knew it last time I watched the Adam project I had a migraine and it lasted all day and I was done can't let that happen again man you she's not going to care don't tell her almost got you good to see don't tell her she's going to sabotage you till the wormwood is a very sweet girl and very bright a Bright Child yes mhm mhm soak can a calculator well I I think she might be happier in in an older and in a more advanced class I knew it if you can't handle the little brat I'll lock her in the [Music] choke oh it actually looks like that I thought that was an exaggeration she needs to be fired too man okay well you're going to have to just teach her separately from the other kids FBI they're right there so obvious packes oh there honey we don't buy raffle tickets I I'm Jennifer honey I'm Matilda's teacher what's she done now whatever it is she's your problem now no there is no problem then beat it we're watching TV come on and get this over with Mrs wormwood's not going to like this come on yes H she's going to be her mom man come on please tell me she's going to adopt her what do you want I I'm sure you're aware by now that Matilda has a brilliant mind yeah right Mikey give me a beer her M bought a new TV she's reading material that I want one no thank you dear material that I didn't see until my second year of college that she'd be ready for college in just a few short years look holy a girl does not get anywhere by acting intelligent I mean take a look at you and me you chose books I chose looks I have a nice house or or say you were sued for selling a faulty car the lawyer who defended you would have gone to college too what car who you been talking to nobody we're not going to agree are we nope sorry I bur in on you like this sorry yeah they're horrible people matela needs out of here over and Miss Honey's awesome hate these [Laughter] people immediately so exagerated I like that what's her name again Lily I forget something this boy Bruce Bruce BG truter BG truter you're a disgusting criminal aren't you I don't know what you're talking about cake chocolate lavender slithered like a serpent into the school kitchen and ate my personal snack do you deny it what why would you do that to the principal this lady that throws children around you're going to steal from her well it's hard for me to remember a specific cake this one Bruce was mine and it was oh he lost a lot of weight as as he's older he doesn't look familiar at all actually it is is it everyone's all grown up now unless you have another cast oh sit down bog BG Harry Potter gives me Harry Potter Vibes too oh you're still here are [Music] you eat it this pois so T what what she do MH what did she do to it what she put in it xlax sitting there eating the whole thing what did she put in this thing what's oh my God gross they're making it seem so disgusting but you'll hurt Cook's feelings keep feeding him more and more oh my God I can't eat all that and blood went into this cake and you will not leave this platform until you have see at lunch thank you cookie oh gross is he going to PUK without a doubt yeah he's going to going to puke for sure oh going puke all over the kids you can do it bruy yeah yeah you can do Bruce Matilda yeah yeah yeah you can yeah come on Bruce go do it yeah go Bruce yes backfired on you yes Matilda yeah yeah silence ow ow ow ow yes whoa he ate it all yes like the plate yeah backfired oh shut up any children who object will go straight into the chokey together chokey 5 hours they you can't do that way of saying we've caught a b right across theat on us watching TV in there you see those packages over there they were left out there for the world to see because you weren't here to take them in well I don't think it's fair bumpkins what she doesn't work you're home all day I wish they got a different narrator it's kind of weird having the father narrate cuz it's kind of it throws it off like I can't sympathize because it's him it got should have been like any of the smallest sem my salamander the guy from shash Shank Redemption what's his name again Lawrence Fishburn that's should have been see you're you're as crazy as the people on Twitter I'm not Lawrence fishberg useless flaming C oh my brother used to have n what sell me a lemon you're heading for the chokey young lady oh no the chokey the Apple never rocks far from the tree who stop putting the Pigtails in make sure the water's cold lavender hurry vny cover the fish put away the art project once in a while they just jump out at you uhoh Raina cover the birds in the Beetles hurry hurry I hear her coming okay now cover all the fun stuff don't speak unless you're spoken to don't smile don't even breathe loudly don't breathe at all oh gosh don't breathe at all what a jerk oh no Sho the N is in there small children are so disgusting they're the bane of my life they're like insects they should be got chokey then there'll be no humans my idea of a front of the class get her out of there are you okay oh man next time I tell you to empty your pocket you'll do it faster uhoh this could be the most interesting thing you've ever done she's rescued her from the chokey sit down you squirming worm of vomit is you going to fire her can she do that get up what can you spell Miss honey taught us how to spell a long word yesterday we can spell difficulty Mrs LT difficulty I think they do it deliberately just to annoy me oh God is she going to swallow it or see it she going to see it she not going to swallow it what's funny H speak up I like a joke as well as an next fat person it's a snake not a snake it's a snake It's A N I just thought you like to not it's not a snake It's A N what did you say it's a n Miss trench ball stand up you a n you notice how Matilda's really like blank on her face like not too much emotion I didn't do it you didn't like the chokey did you thought you'd pay me back didn't you well I'll pay you back young lady uh-oh lavender might have to uh confess besides even if you didn't do it I'm going to punish you because I'm big and you're small and I'm right and you're that's what her dad says you're a liar and a scoundrel and your father's a liar and a cheat you're the most corrupt am I wrong I am [Music] God yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] scared of it the [Music] N he's okay you you what she didn't do anything man she hates children why is she a principal can I do something else seems like like why would she choose to this job thank for not telling best friend don't tell yeah she can really dancing I made the glass tip over oh sweetheart that Miss trunch will make you feel that no she can do it I did it with my eyes watch I'll prove it to you uh can she I don't know if she has control over it yet I think it's got to be emotional stuff it's all right I really did do it Miss honey sometimes you can do something until you want to show someone yeah that's true sometimes you think something's broken then you take it to be fixed this isn't like that I don't know maybe I made myself tired Matilda would you like to come over to my house this afternoon like they purposely made her like more subdued like in her emotions just a swing why is there a s yeah a girl I know used to live in that house her life was good and happy is that her Mrs trench trench B her father was a doctor and he needed someone to look after things at home so he invited mother's step sister to come and live with him shoot who treated the girl very badly the trench that's Mrs honey and worst of all when the girl was five her father died how did her father die hard did why would he do such a thing no one knows what the heck holy crap she found a small cottage she rented it from this lovely rubarb Farmer for just $50 a month and she covered it in Honeysuckle and she planted hundreds of wild flowers she moved out of her Wicked ant's house and she fin honey that's her you know why I told you this no you were born into a family that doesn't always appreciate you but one day things are going to be very different yeah oh man should we go inside and fdn cookies God damn it don't do this to me movie please I can't take it not today I got a lot to do today this is a cottage from your story yeah yes it's a young woman as you but then no yes and trunch killed her dad I wonder what Miss trench was afraid of she killed her dad she's going to go to jail come on she goes to jail and M his parents go to jail shot put hammer throw he's going to go train she scared of animals blacks she's very superstitious uh this cat's [Music] aggressive oh my god oh he's all right kicked the cat holy crap Matilda she's going to come back for sure she's got to learn to use her powers got to like learn to master it I think it oh no Warwood Mo Motors you always people always forget stuff and go back to the house you got to remember that so just wait crush the little we this is my room cobwebs everywhere oh here's all the paintings she shoved all the stuff in this room that's my Dad what's his name Magnus I used to call him Kim Magnus Magnus bumblebee I don't think Magnus killed himself I think he's a Transformers fan Ultra Magnus and Bumblebee I like Magnus as a name what what you useless used car salesman scummer want around here now with another car I'm going to suit you I'm going to burn down your show I'm going to what are you doing oh shoot oh no she didn't close it properly she probably wants Intruders to in her home so she can just beat them up oh my gosh oh that was close come on and fight like a man shoot that is so [Music] sweaty come on Matilda crap crap oh crap crap oh [Music] crap oh my God oh my gosh no come on oh it's boarded up why did she do that Nails jeez oh my God holy crap just jumped off the balcony like that like Jurassic Park now the heck oh wow W chocolate cake jeez oh my God so aggressive Le like that that just hunched over eating the chocolate cake all sweaty and gross come on matila get out of there back door is locked oh shoot she's so gross man they make it gross on purpose with all the sound effects and sweatiness and stuff come on come on come on come on go hurry hry basement come on come on oh man she locked up every other door she's nuts now what the window yes you can't fit through there oh my God she ripped the chains off it was multiple rounds of it she ripped the whole thing off smash why why yes promise me you will never go back in that house again I promise yeah she'll kill you it looks like man she's a psycho all right they got out awesome Matilda this is and the [Laughter] cops star hi Harry the cops who are you the cops dad the cop you don't let me talk to people I am in a cage ABY I need to talk to cop FBI agent yell at me okay shut up and leave us alone yell at me again yell at you I'll come in there and pound your Miss yes it's working I'm going to on his face life my word is my law boom aha how you explain that yes there it is but it was precisely Harry's ranting and raving that gave Matilda the key to her power MH all she had to do was practice Yeah that's what I'm saying like a Jedi or anyone with with superpowers practice and practice so you can Master those Powers we know this come on my hero Academia Attack on Titan every superhero in the world that's ever existed it seems like it's dark side though if it was theet force it seems pretty dark side power cuz it's all motivated by hate and anger but you know she's using it for just normal [Music] stuff and she's a brilliant girl so she'll Master it quickly hey you see if in Star Wars Ry had a training montage like this I think people would have wouldn't have been too so upset wow she's mastering it holy she can do multiple things at once what this is crazy look at that wow good thing she's a good person everything oh wow there they are do you think she'll be able to turn her parents around in the end you guys know you've all seen it but this guy's dirty I wonder if they'll she'll be able to make them good you two men are going to be in a lot of trouble very soon it's a female minor describe like that I really hope you have a search warrant according to a constitutional law book I read in the library if you don't have one you could lose your job or even go to federal prison oh it's your father who's going to federal prison and you know where you'll end up in a federal orphanage if you cooperate we'll make sure it's a nice orphanage the kind with food and teeny weeny cockroaches there's another crime in the making your car is about to run a stop sign uh uh stole the tape VHS good old VHS wow she mastered her powers but now Matilda had bigger fish to fry much bigger oh she's going after the doll well she's got these Powers now and she seems to have it down so she should be okay I just don't know if she would be able to stop uh Mrs what's her name trun ball trunch bll miss trunch a dip face have a [Music] carrot when his mouth [Music] oh Che your food you're an animal good stupid brother is nearly as important as what you choose to do with it with great power what nothing short of heroic with great power comes great responsibility holy crap sharpening her [Music] javelins oh my gosh he's a freaking crazy not even supposed to be that super sharp she turned the light on moved the painting oh my gosh she's so good now oh come on grab it wind is too powerful come on come on come on come on come on come on yes crap oh crap now what oh shoot oh no evidence that she was there oh what the hell just throwing it at the wall in her house what is wrong with this lady she just destroying her home she like a horse you notice that sound effect just chucking the javelin at her own wall imagine that just throwing stuff through your wall at [Music] home just mess with her constantly make her fall she's going to make her go [Music] nuts what is she doing okay Matilda this is kind of too far now no what do you think it's not the force so it's you can't go dark side but this would be very dark not very but this would be the beginning of it oh Magnus is haunting her oh puts it back what Magnus you killed him she killed Magnus for sure 12 midnight yes she her little uh Red Scarf was there so she might know it was her oh crap oh what are the odds of that she knows how does she how does she know don't she's going to know this is the worst place to do it I alsr this bring it to her house later bro this is the worst idea Matilda you're smarter than this oh come on I will be teaching your class today s frazzled and messed up from last night in the time it took Miss honey to get very very nervous Matilda had formed at a plan she is really waving mad MH I didn't I was on the garage roof I did it with my Powers show her now show her it's going to be a big reveal to show her no or she just do it right now oh okay mastered it fully so good Powers mhm Powers mhm I didn't know this was is a superhero movie what the heck this's a origin story watch this who does she become later on Jean Gray is this Jean's Jean Gray's origin story she becomes the Phoenix no morous nice girl she doesn't get tired either so it's you know this is like scratching the surface of her abilities oh these things are a test of this breaking stuff you only have to fix all this stuff don't you I don't know how I don't know when I don't know why uh uh did you know it was illegal to enter someone's home without their permission yes M sir sir do any of you recognize this let's play a game shall we it's Matilda's oh my God don't give her up kids don't give her up it was me it was me do one of those where it's all the kids you know they do that Miss trench I was the one who was at your house last night I know I I don't I broke your arm once before I can do it again Jenny I am not 7 years old anymore an trench bu broke your arm once shut your house you will be put away in a place where not even the crows can land their droppings on you look oh oh shoot she's going to yeah yeah she's going to pretend um Magnus is haunting her again right [Music] Agatha mag [Music] Magnus give me my little bumblebee her house and her money you don't they're all saying it woah you like you got me oh wo yeah I will get her like you got me that is a promise oh that was a hard fall what hey what are you doing she's going to throw him through the glass yeah what's wrong with that she's going to Chuck him out the freaking window yeah yeah get him get her yeah ooh spin her around spin it around that's a big Globe carry all her weight throw her out the damn window put her in the Iron Maiden this is crazy what is happening right now oh no lavender stop going after the kids Yes W throw all their lunches at her yeah reel let go wow she reminds me of my my daughters yeah get her Shane Shame Shame Shame yeah chocolate cake yeah shame get her out of here do this every day till she quits that would actually probably work if like there's a teacher that's horrible if all the students like stood up to her and say like we want her out they would probably have to fire never to darken a doorway again yes Miss honey moved back into her father's house wake hey you hey we're leaving come on let's go get in the car hurry up let's wrap up these cookies come on we're leaving now hey hey hey well nobody will be there we're moving to Guam come on let's go what daddy's not going to be oh the police are after her we going on a permanent vacation going to get her yeah we got to beat the the airport I love it here I love my school it isn't fair get in the car Melinda Matilda whatever don't even know her name why would she want some snotty disobedient kid because she's a spectacularly wonderful child and I love adopt me Miss yes yes yes yes look I don't have time for all these legalities one second dad I have the adoption papers hey where'd you get those from a book in the library I've had them since I was big enough to Xerox wow all you have to do is sign them I'll be an only child again shut up I I I can't think with all these Sirens what do you think pumpkin you're the only daughter I ever had Matilda and I never understood you not one little bit who's got a pen that's kind of so sad though jeez they're horrible give up your and doing perhaps the first decent thing they ever did for their daughter the wormwood signed the adoption man that's so messed up you're not going to be calling us for support payments or something like that huh oh no no no we'll have everything we need don't worry all right here let's roll oh yeah nothing from the brother wow horrible they throw her doll out and as bad as things were before that's how good they became home homeway homeway which had to add in upper school because children never wanted to leave to her great surprise that life would be fun and she decided to have as much of it as possible she's a genius I wonder what she's going to be it's not going to be a superhero thing but like you know when she grows up but the happiest part of the story is that Matilda and Miss honey each got what they had always wanted a loving family and Matilda never had to use her powers again what well I mean almost never oh come on don't do that you know much good she could do with that I actually it's not that useful in the real world but never mind how long precisely having little or no money in my Pur is there a part two I always look for that whenever I really like a movie I'm going to ask if there's a part two that's how you know I really like it when I like is there a part two and I immediately look for one that's how you know like okay he really likes this uh let me see if there's a part two real quick revenge of so there wait no was that uh the cast of Matilda 2 oh it's true there is one um [Music] IMDb 2019 is this real or everyone oh it's like way later though um I don't know yeah I can't I'm not going to look right now but I don't think there was a part two that came out um man that's that was really good part two new trailer till the 2 trailer is this all like fake stuff oh wait till the two trailer the musical okay okay okay so there's like a musical thing um okay all right so there's a musical version yeah maybe I'll check that out if you guys want me to if it's actually good let me know if it's good then I'll watch it man that was really freaking good oh I loved that such a feel-good movie actually some of it was feel bad but like the horrible parents okay they were absolutely horrible man she deserved better and she got better but it was kind of super sad when at the end they were so easily handed like signed the papers you know like they wanted they didn't want anything to do with their daughter and obviously I have to say this every time I know some of you guys are sick of it but as a parent I can't even imagine doing that like like remotely like there's nothing in me at all that would be like yeah get rid of my kids and sign them over like like and treat her like they treated Matilda it's just insane they didn't even know her birthday they didn't know what how old she was they got her name wrong most of the time they didn't like nurture her um uh what's it called want to learn and stuff like that's every parent's dream if your kid was like really wanting to learn and read at such a young age and like so self-sufficient and like that's just like what every parent wants you know like not every I guess what I want it would be really cool if my kids were just like able to do all the things like on their own and like they're wanting to learn and educate and like that's cuz usually it's hard sometimes it's hard for well for me I didn't like I didn't like school and like reading was a chore and stuff so for them to actually want that stuff and be good at math and it's cool um I love the relationship between Matilda and Mrs honey and how uh Miss Miss honey was connected to the um what's her name I got to get all their names here let me get the cast up uh it was connected to Miss Trunchbull how oh there was no justice on that though Miss Trunchbull for sure killed her dad Miss Honey's dad to to get the house and the money and stuff but it was you know they think that she he killed himself and that wasn't really um like clearcut but miss honey was you know like the the ne the niece of her and then she worked at her uh at her um school and stuff the whole like the principle how she was very uh like she ruled over the kids and she was throwing them everywhere and putting them in the Iron Maiden was so crazy I thought it was like uh a fake you know when kids tell a story that exagger I thought it was one of those like she puts you in this like this closet with these nails in it but it was all real there was these gigantic Nails in the closet door and it was horrible I thought it was just I thought it would be just a normal closet that she locks you in but the when the kid was telling the story that was actually the the the closet or the what what did you call it the choke something um so nothing was exaggerating when she said she like threw kids she actually threw the kids she like swung the little girl and threw her over the fence she was about to hit the fence part but she went over it and then when she hit the ground she just slid and she was fine I really appreciate that they did that when the girl got thrown and she didn't get hurt she just kind of softly landed and picked up the flowers that was a really nice touch it it got the message through that the principal is horrible but you didn't have to like really hurt injure the the kid you you know she landed softly and stuff so like it it it I love when they do that I hate when they have to like really like um hammer the point in and make it really like you know over the top but it did its job and like yeah that was really nice and then Mrs honey was taking out her pigtails and stuff and I like the contrast between them to and the fact that um Matilda finally got like a nice adult you know like every adult in her life was horrible but finally when she met um Miss honey she finally found someone who was like really good to her and nurtured her and like you know believed her um that was awesome and then the element that was completely unexpected was the superpowers she had telekinesis abilities and it was Advanced very highly Advanced and she mastered it within like a day so that was the part that I was like whoa I did not expect that at all um I kind of I thought there would be some kind of magic in it but um that I didn't expect that that was a really cool addition and um you know my mind goes to superhero you know like obviously I watch Invincible I really like the superhero genre sci-fi stuff too and U my mind goes to like what will she be when she grows up like that's why I wanted to see part two and three but this was probably a novel or something and they just turned it into a movie maybe that's that that's the vibe I get and it was like self-contained it was just one but if it was if this was made now it would be like an origin story to like some kind of awesome superhero um they could do like a into the spiderverse style Matilda part two where she like you know puts on a mask and like starts helping people at night I don't know whatever but that's where my mind obviously goes but I don't think they meant for that but I'm glad she got a happy ending she got like I predicted she U Miss uh honey adopted her she lives with her now they live amazing an amazing life and her she's so intelligent and good at math and reading and everything I just wonder what she's going to be when she grows up is she going to be a doctor a lawyer uh uh scholar like who knows she can do anything but there wasn't anything that was particularly um she gravitated towards like there was nothing um that showed she had a particular interest in um in this movie so that's why I'm so curious as to what she would want to be cuz her possibilities are are endless cuz they asked her like what books do you like and she said all of them so there wasn't any specific type of book she lik she knew laws she knew like um like doctor stuff and animal stuff and she's like a genius at multiplication so she could definitely do anything she wanted I just yeah I would love to know what she would be later and I wonder if the choice to make her more monotone like her she did have emotions like she did smile and stuff but for the most part she had this really blank look on her face I wonder if they did that on purpose as like a I don't know maybe yeah yeah I'm just curious if they did that on purpose um to have her kind of muted like that for for most of the movie or if that was just the act the actor the actress that was just acted like that or that was a a a choice to do that cuz I think that's interesting too because a lot of really gifted people in like math or like you know memorization have a little bit of of um I don't know what to call it like uh emotional not emotional but socially awkwardness you know so maybe that had something to do with it but who knows but again I loved this movie it was great thank you for the suggestion um please this this is why it's important guys leave your suggestions in the comment section um down below if it's something you think I would like and it's um even better if it's like you know a little bit popular that would help as well um but yeah if there's anything you think I would like leave it in the comment section I'm getting all these recommendations down here Freaky Friday um Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so yeah and the musical to Matilda I can also do that at some point so let me know what you want to watch leave likes on patreon very very important leave likes on patreon that's how I know that you like it so leave likes over there and especially on YouTube obviously let's get this video out to way more people let's grow this channel subscribe um keep watching more videos don't click away watch the next video that pops up here any second now and I'm sure you'll enjoy it until next time I'm out of here [Music] peace [Music]
Channel: JV's Galactic Adventures
Views: 19,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma thompson, roald dahl, alisha weir, lashana lynch, matilda, matilda movie reaction, matilda movie commentary, matilda film reaction, matilda film review, first time watching movie reaction, first time watching reaction, first time watching matilda, movie reaction channel, movie reaction first time watching, movie reaction disney, movie reaction videos, movie reaction videos first time
Id: 0x2-WWbbRNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 5sec (3305 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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