First Time Watching *PRIDE & PREJUDICE* It's Not A Romcom It's A MASTERPIECE

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welcome back to another movie commentary today we're going checking out pride and prees now straight away it seems like it could give me Bridgeton type of Vibes but I'm quite sure it was written around 1796 so the feeling should be similar but not the same because it was written in that time period and Bridget was written recently so their take on it is going to be hugely different what do I really expect for this movie okay so if we're going off Ron cuz that's one of the only things I've ever watched that time period I would say there's not going to be so much sex or probably no sex at all maybe just kissing but loads and loads of sexual tension that's the main thing which I think is going to happen because in them time periods it's very hard for you to actually do that type of stuff without anyone knowing I also think there's two endings for these so there's an American one and then maybe a European or British one we're going to check out both of them just to make sure we don't miss s on anything anyways as usual if you do want to check out the fun version for this movie you can check out my patreon it is the first link in my description box we also do weekly polls any movies binges and TV shows which you might want me to do in the future if that does intrigue you can check it out over there but let's get straight to the video oh see I told you no kissing it's a you you can't be kissing in you movies maybe PG probably you nah I forgot the person who actually wrote the novel but I'm quite sure it's like a Jane something she she was young I'm talking about like 21 interesting beginning can hear the birds turfing sunlight hidden oh okay oh she's said [Music] this oh you know what okay so she falls in love with a wealthy man don't know his name I think they're going to find it very compelling because they're completely opposite and then maybe within the first 45 minutes 60 minutes they're going to realize they have something in common plus okay so I can't really tell the personalities but maybe one's like very suppressive but they suppress their feelings and maybe the other ones a little bit more outgoing I can't really tell who's who yet but still Lydia I like how no one's really speaking it's just animals people music and just the scenery that's it do you not want to know who has taken it and as you wish to tell me my dear I'm going to trust you okay it's a you movie so I know you ain't killing anyone in this movie or doing anything crazy but that's his daughter can he sell his daughter I don't know okay I don't trust you ever since Hunger Games if I see you in anything straight away I'm like ah 50/50 so right now I'm going to trust you do not let me down he's single who's single B apparently oh she's in here too oh good for you even though like but she's another person I can't trust trust good Heavens is it wait she's the girl from um what was that film I watched recently is it Gone Girl D you have a bunch of people are just evil I have the highest respect for them they've been my constant companions his 20 years okay I'm I'm just saying can you trust your dad oh is this the person she's going to fall in love with so will he come to the ball tomorrow Papa I believe so 300 400 years ago this was girls life it's just crazy for maybe since the age of 15 to maybe like 21 22 that's all they have to do just find a man also she's not really excited for it but she's going to find someone okay good for you okay here we getting turn so she better to find her man somewhere over here I have no idea who the guy is I haven't even seen the trailer at all it could be anyone one of these days Lizzy someone will catch your eye and then you'll have to watch your tongue ooh and it's going to happen in the next 5 minutes so what are we looking for wealth or looks or personality or order free oh he's like the main man okay let let me have a look oh old girls won him you're about to get him maybe his favorite color is green he's on the right and on the left is his sister and the person with the quizzical brow that is his good friend Mr Dary oh Dary okay so that's who she going to be with that is crazy that we are pocket watching damn so people not straight off the bat oh can you imagine that in this Society even though you can kind of pocket watch slightly but know the exact figures that is so crazy he's about the best butcher in the county o he watching her straight away that's the only person you looked at so she caught his eyes straight away now it's either Beauty it's going to be beauty Beauty the dress I don't know she's the only one red and green maybe is that his favorite color maybe so straight away he changed what he was just doing he was walking straight not looking at anyone he turned to his right and then that quick stare he did oh is she gig old too Mary Mr Bingley my eldest daughter you know and may I introduce Mr Darcy of pembley and darish is he staring guy oh you want to a little one-on-one conversation maybe he's interested okay so he's either going to be very strict or very awkward for these type of characters it's always the same thing strict or awkward and shy the library at netherfield I've heard is one of the finest in the country yes I wish I read more but there always seems to be so many other oh she keeps looking at him so she finds him attractive now the first conversation is going to be very interesting because one she already reads so she's not a typical type of girl oh straight away do we have him okay so we we kind of Trapped him for now good for her dance Mr Dary not if I can help it straight to the point okay this is a bit awkward interesting first conversation he's probably all three so he could be shy could be very strict with whatever well-mannered psychology he has and awkward is he awkward that was an awkward conversation he said one sentence that was it and I don't think he was even looking at her actually will you dance Mr Dary not if I can help it okay so he did look at her for like a second but he can't keep eye contact straight away but then again it is the first time they've met each other so it's going to be awkward but her sister Elizabeth is very agreeable perfectly tolerable I dare say not handsome enough to tempt me oh not handsome enough to tempt me is he lying that's a lie because straight away when you were walking you already had a quick look for no reason now if he was walking and he looked right and left cool right he's just looking at both sides but he looked One Way once okay yeah he he is just awkward Miss Lucas is the most amusing young woman oh yes I adore her it is a Pity she's not more handsome oh that's a little bit cold there was a gentleman so much in love with her that I was sure he would make her an offer however I'm convinced one PO on it will kill it Stone dead so what do you recommend to encourage affection dancing so we're kind of button heads but he probably likes it because she's intellectual and she can can read and have a conversation cuz he's probably thinking okay most girls in this place right now if I has to speak to them what would we speak about oh and she's like I showed him sensible Good Humor I'm conveniently Rich you know perfectly well I do not believe Mar driven by money nice nice this type of girls I like she's like you know what the money that's a good thing that's a plus but I'm talking about his looks and his personality all the world is good and agreeable in your eyes not his friend I still can't believe what he said about you Mr Dary I think he's going to make his way here he's inrig he wants to see you again even though he's very awkward and shy and a little bit strange but then again is that really strange probably not he probably has his reasons for it I think we'll see him tomorrow either tomorrow or within 48 Hours when you die Mr Bennett which may in fact be very soon our girls will be left without a roof over their head this from Caroline Bingley okay she has invited me to dine with her oo he's going to be dining out so he's not going to be there but huh okay so maybe their sister's going to review you and then go back to her brother I think that's the play here certainly not what she'll go on Horseback horseback horseback she going to be dirty and probably hair mess everything like that nah Carriage we won't put out and use our money or anything we have unless it's certified that people's going to be there and her daughters are going to be looked after see that's so bad she's going to catch a cold now plus her first impressions now is going to be quite bad people do not die of Co but she may well perish with the shame of having such a mother yes they do they still die in this time period too in that time period [Music] 100% Miss Elizabeth bent oh okay does he remember her by name oh oh okay looking kind of good looking decent well presented oh oh good lord Miss Elizabeth did you walk here I did my goodness did you see her hem 6 in deep in mud she looked positively medieval she's almost died she's under verge of death right now see she is so lucky she's over here cuz we have medication or herbs whatever they had in that time period and the mom's like ah who cares see this is why none of your daughters have men because you're not thinking straight she just thinking about the end goal nah even though it was tough to say it's a Pursuit right now so if she had the courage she'd be good I mean it's sorry not a pleasure that she's ill of course not and don't mess up pleasure that she's here I think you two going to end up together it's all going according to plan he's half in love with her already who is Blossom Mr Bingley I thought she about to say I saw that was raining and I knew she about to get C and I wanted to stay over there so that he can fall in love I was like damn you're kind of smart but I did don't want to see that [ __ ] to do the pig that was crazy that was right in my face is that the girl from Hunger Games am I bugging someone let me know it looks like her um oh what's that [ __ ] I forgot a name it's been so long it's been about 5 years since I've seen Hunger Games you know what I actually might decide to rewatch Hunger Games and Harry Potter this year cuz it's been 5 years since I've done it so I might do that soon if you want me to do that let you know but oh I forgot her name but I liked her character that's actually her she's the one who stripped in the elevator you write uncommonly fast Mr Darcy okay you're mistaken I write rather slowly half a dozen women in all my acquaintance that are truly accomplished nor I to be sure goodness you must comprehend a great deal in the idea she got to be one of them come on you double looked in the first 5 minutes are you so severe on your own sex I never saw such a woman she would certainly be a fearsome thing to behold did not really flirting but they're going back and forth it's very interesting they're just gauging each other right now I like it and he's complex did you see his face right now he's kind of confused and maybe because she's talking back to him in a way as well he like damn I normally don't have girls do that to me will you not join us Mr Darcy you can only have two motives Caroline and I would interfere with either and would you consider Pride a fault or a virtue that I couldn't say cuz we're doing our best to find fault in you and he keeps himself to a certain standard that's the whole situation right now and she's GNA break that standard slightly well kind of crack his armor and start to see his personality and Mrs Bennett and Miss Bennett and Miss Bennet and Miss Bennett so you just said they Bennett family just said they Bennett family don't hear girl on the right I forgot her name but it seems like she don't want to be here at all Mr Bingley is it true that you have promised to hold a ball here at netherfield a ball um it would be an excellent way to meet new friends yeah and they're like ball more guys we can all get claimed get some oh do you see Darcy he just looking at Elizabeth right now he doesn't care about all of this what a fine imposing place it is to be sure is it not my dears there's no house to equal it in the county Mr Dary Mr Elizabeth he's he going to do it o she like bam two things two things which is crazy one he offered right that's a crazy thing in that time period those little hand gestures are very very important two she had no gloves on I'm quite sure you're not allowed to touch skin to skin unless she has gloves then you can do that she doesn't then I don't know what that means but I'm quite sure I've seen or heard that before she's like damn okay so either he's going to start writing her letters he's going to go straight to her house or he's going to request that she comes back here maybe within the next 48 hours okay so he's actually put himself forward which is out of character what did he say in the beginning of the movie she's not too handsome for him or whatever even though that was a lie because he did a double look but yeah he's starting to change oh you see his hands too is no one going to mention the hand thing at all did no one see it I hope my dear you've ordered a good dinner today I still don't trust you I don't care every single time I see you I think you're op this up my piano store belongs to Mr Collins when he may turn us out of the house as soon as he pleases but why crazy thing we have no fre breze in this time period so you know that place stinks like do we have any herbs to which of my fair cousins should I compliment the Excellence of the cooking I'm honored to have as my patroness lady Katherine the BG you've heard of her I presume quickly um the candles the flame it's not a fire hazard it's a little bit too high especially next to Mr cins seemed born to be a duchess for she has all the superior Graces of elevated rank oh believe me no one would suspect your manners to be rehearsed oh that was a good one that was a nice bar oh wonder if Dary likes that it's like a challenge right cuz she's not going to stay quiet at all you say something about women or a certain thing which she thinks is wrong or the opposite she will say something now for Mr Darcy he probably likes that because one the conversation is intriguing to him two you don't really see that with gods in that time period are you familiar with for Di's sermons Miss Bennett and I have to inform you that the eldest Miss Bennett has captured my special attention oh okay yeah she kind of already taken is you drop yours on purpose Lizzy Mr Wickham's a left tenant an enchanted left tenant y he's some bars right now he's not even looking at the other woman he wants Elizabeth okay so the girl from Hunger Games is called Lydia and buckles when it comes to buckles I'm lost dear oh dear you must be the shame of the regiment oh what happens to Mr Darcy like now that someone else is talking to her will he make a move and try and get her or he doesn't care allow me to oblige oh no Mr Wick please oh okay magic trick nice okay so he wants her like giving a toy to the kids like go play what they I don't know look Mr Bingley be sure to invite Mr Wickam he is a credit to his profession Dary how you feel about this could we tell what was going on already he's like Mo step back that's my girl like they had a quick ster off for half a second Lydia be sure to invite Mr Wickam he is a credit to his profession Lydia you can't invite people he like what you staring at this is interesting so Mr Dar said nothing at all forgive me but hey you acquainted with him with Mr Darcy that your plans in favor of meritan will not be affected by your relations with the gentleman oh no it is not for me to be driven away now I want to know more about their rivaly or stuff which happened to their children I want to know it's interesting we grew up together Dary and I all good friends then he change his father treated me like a second son loved me like a son but Dary ignored his wishes and gave the living to another man but why oh that's jealousy now are you telling the truth I need to know I think he is that's a very detailed lie then oh that's tough now she's going to sway to him for now until she finds out maybe it's a lie or there's more to the story unless he completely changes in the next 40 minutes I still think there must have been a misunderstanding oh Jane do you never think ill of anybody well how could Mr Darcy do such a thing on the contrary Wickam is twice the man Darcy is let us hope a rather more willing answer now because of makeup and hair I think he's going to make him move he's going to be shocked with her beauty or because she's going to look very beautiful loads of guys are going to try and speak to her and he's probably thinking okay this girl intrigues me she's probably one out of a million if I'm going to get her I have to do something different now I can't be awkward and shy sabotage maybe what's the movie and ah the hair is crazy I know that was a thing in that time period but still it's crazy how are you Miss Elizabeth are you looking for someone no oh we can just say we're looking for him dear jam always doing what's best for out of nowhere just F oh okay now you're moving kind of like Joe I don't know if you're trying to protect her or just like watching go for her see how she portrays herself over here but don't be creeping like that he was in the scene for one second and dipped the up way perhaps you will do me the honor Miss Elizabeth oh I did not think you danced Mr cins we don't want you no no no you guys don't match at all the chemistry hell no it's crazy how in this time period almost everyone had Rhythm like you had to practice that [ __ ] from age five may I have the next dance Miss Elizabeth me respectable I like it and he just walked away I we going to dance right now so did we pause for a bit so we dance for like 20 minutes we pause and then we come back dancing again is that how it works most inconvenient since I've SW to Lo him for all eternity but that was your natural response you want to dance with him okay here we go are we going to start talking whil it's dancing or it's going to be quiet your turn to say something Mr [Music] Darcy yeah he's awkward and you know not really comfortable speaking with certain people you know what he don't waste a sentence at all so you know when you're speaking to anyone right and the situation could be awkward or you have nothing to say some people will carry the conversation he don't do that he'll make sure he says what he needs to say and that's it if he has something to say he's not going to say anything at all Mr Wickam is blessed with such happy manners he is sure of making friends why do you ask such a question to make out your character Mr Darcy what have you discovered very little yeah cuz you don't speak much tell your side of the story I actually like this situation so she wants to listen to what he has to say she's heard part of the truth from the other guy and she still wants to hear him out first before she makes any decisions oh we don't even care at all Mr Darcy you must be done on purpose he must have heard you she plays it's the first time I've seen her interested in doing something before I think he likes her very much but does she like him okay I I don't know ah let's see I think she probably likes him but maybe she doesn't want to marry him plus it's a little bit too soon it's only been okay I don't know the whole duration of the first 45 minutes it could be 5 days a week 2 weeks who knows it's still way too soon for me I know them time periods used to be very quick but still is he going to find her is he doing the same thing he doesn't like loads of people around him Charles you cannot be serious oh you think she's not worthy he likes [Music] her we going to mix that are you going to eat that is this like a hangover thing Mr Collins would like a private audience with yourself no wait please I beg you Mr Collins can have nothing to say to me that anybody need not here damn she said whatever he said is not going to be worth my time and our time but the mom's like ah he has some money hear him out Jane Jane Jane oh he said n he's President Snow he's going to leave you the crazy thing about this whole situation is not people leaving is not people leaving and taking the food too okay I know there wasn't that much stuff there was milk um grapes some fruits I'm taking all of that we are poor okay we're not going to waste our fruits but before I run away with my feelings perhaps I may State my reasons for marrying tell me yeah no no no no no Elizabeth let me speak I want to know his reasons to inherit the estate and such an alliance will surely suit everyone oh so he said I'm offia H okay give her some compliments you are too hasty sir you forget that I have given no answer I must add that lady Catherine will thoroughly approve I'm perfectly serious you could not make me happy and I'm convinced I'm the last woman in the world who can make you happy damn forget about making him happy she said you can't make me happy low key it's also because you're short I'm just put it out the he is why would you say that and think she's going to backtrack first of all you got to look at her and as just a woman right let's single her out she's intelligent so for you to do that she is not going to step down to your level literally because he's short two think about him like you know what he's right no one's going to marry me I might as well go for him no she going to clap back I am not the sort of female to torment a respectable man please understand me I cannot accept you they all heard it are they laughing at oh that's crazy is the mom going to say anything like don't laugh and then go after Elizabeth worry Mr Collins we'll have this little he come down with immediately D Elizabeth can move so can the mom damn yo if the Olympics was running right now she got a good 100 me Sprint Mr cins has proposed to Lizzy but she vows she will not have him does he care yeah he's like Ah that's my girl know your worth and even if she met Darcy I still think the same result would happen it's not because she's holding off ority to make a move or be respectable it's just it's not her character at all go back now and say you've changed your mind no think of your family you cannot make me your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr Collins and I will never see you again if you do a true one even though like every single time I see your face I don't trust you still I'm always thinking you're P another game people who suffer as I do from nervous complaints but have no pleasure of talking to anybody you know what the crazy situation with the dad he said he doesn't really want Elizabeth to marry Mr Collins or doesn't mind that happening and Elizabeth is probably thinking I'm so glad that Dad is on my side not really so I don't know how old he is probably between 50 and 60 once he dies the family is left with nothing it's not like now it can get passed down to the mother or the daughters it's going to go to someone else completely he's not securing any of the daughters future and his wife at the moment which is so crazy um I don't know why he's doing that is he selfish maybe is he not bothered probably but them times you have to do that so I can understand why the mom is doing that but she's probably given her daughters away to people who are not really suitable for them Whoever has decent amount of money take my daughter which I get it right she's desperate so I can understand both of their ways of thinking and Elizabeth is probably thinking okay my mom's kind of [ __ ] but she's not realizing okay if I have daughters and I can't really secure the future I have to do something so I get what she's doing she's trying to find the best suitable guy as possible and Mr Collins I don't know if he's a good suitable match at the moment he could be but for now I don't really like [Music] him how long they gone for is it going to be a time skip of like a week 2 weeks like I need to know it can't be more than a month I think a couple weeks is fine maybe okay maybe a month but not more than two months it's far more likely that he does not love me and never know he loves you Jane do not give up I think they will get married should have a happy ending when it comes to Elizabeth she won't get married in this I about say this episode in this movie they just finally become official I think J so I guess likes to be crossed in love now and then hopefully she's going to be safe and good oh what if she comes o she comes back married it really depends how long Okay so she could come back married or come back pregnant yeah that's what I think no wait wait wait wait she can't come back pregnant because she would have to be married first it a Bridgeton when he just having sex so the only way she's going to come back pregnant if somehow she got married and then it's been Maybe 4 weeks to 6 weeks and then she ends up being pregnant or she comes back he proposed and she accepted but they not married yet I've come here to tell you the news Mr Collins and I are engaged really Mr Collins and you said yes Charlotte oh For Heaven's Sake Lizzy don't look at me like that call there is no earthly reason I I can't I can't I disagree not everyone is the same person as Elizabeth plus you know we're not really wealthy we need the money and I don't know the situation to their family how many siblings she has so I get it some people would take it but Collins cins said I'm leaving here with a woman a wife I don't care and he was not joking it took him what 24 hours not all of us can afford to be romantic yeah he's like it's all about this a comfortable home and protection and security food wealth she's 27 and I'm frightened so don't judge me Lizzy don't you dare judge me how old is Elizabeth right now so if Charlotte is saying I'm 27 she has to be younger but they got to be around the same age is because they're like good friends so I would say Elizabeth would have to be between 24 and 26 this movie is also interesting because Darcy and Elizabeth don't spare a huge amount of time together which is good cuz we get to see their personality a little bit more deep into the character we get to see them how they adapt or deal with certain situations so like how she's dealing with Charlotte right now her getting married her saying yes to Collins when she said no how's she going to feel plus there's nothing she can do at the moment because dary's not here this look spacious got a lot of land for our humble AB it's not bad this parlor is for my own own particular use okay good for you you have your own room even though that's crazy to say but still we've received an invitation to visit Rosings this evening from Lady Catherine the bird how wonderful a little later we'll play cards your lady ship a God damn I know that's the thing in them times but it's just like imagine you're here trying to read or it's night time or even in the morning and you just want to be in your own space your own world it's a bunch of naked people here cost up300 how are you coming out of nowhere this is the second time you've done it I told you he was going to be here though it make perfect sense to me but how does he appear and no one sees him so was he here when we walked in O we are feasting again about sit next to your wife move no we can't over there oh that's the thing we can't do i' would have been like yo excuse me I apologize I was you know the food got in my way the smell kind of forgot yo I'm not even talking I'm just eating sisters do they draw not one it's very strange I suppose you had no opportunity damn she said you are po po someone in a Defender you know what she don't need no defending she can do it herself your younger sisters are they out in society yes Mom all all but all five out at once is that not a thing we can't do that we have we have to wait for one of them to get taken by a guy and then after that we just keep on shipping one out at a time like back to back damn so we got to wait our turn what happen if the youngest is like really goodl looking and we have to wait for the oldest to get taken first she could be a 2 out of 10 that's going to take years pray what is your age with three younger sisters grown up your ladyship can hardly expect me to own to it I can't tell how old she is so um her friend what's her name Charlotte she's 27 like I said before I think she got to be her s definitely like 24 to 26 maybe even 27 if you're not married I'm guessing it's probably like really bad right if you're yeah cuz you think about it now like even in this day and age people normally should be married between like 28 33 you know inflation so you can understand people getting married later now but she's like 27 yeah they probably looking at you like ah damage good something's going on you mean to frighten me Mr Darcy by coming in all your state to hear me at the assembly he danced with nobody at all even though gentlemen were scarce and there was more than one young lady sitting down without a partner I think that's because he's very awkward and shy he probably doesn't even like people that much he has a certain standard which he keeps himself to I don't know if that's something to do with his family when he was a child but he's starting to open up the more he opens up the more she going to find him attractive see this ain't creepy right now him staring at her like that is not creepy it's not D level is just like okay I'm going to try harder Mr Dy going to go for a walk a little stroll does he know how to use doors well most times people open the door for him but the way he opened the door like that damn I'm afraid Mr and Mrs Collins have gone on business to the village now he's here for you see he's or oh and the gloves too M see he's fighting the urge normally he doesn't do this type of Confrontation or dialogue or conversation so right now you can see he's actually well you can say nervous shy awkward he can't even look at her the moment okay he's looking around he's looking everywhere except for straight into her face should I call for some tea no thank you you just want to be in a company a walk a stroll oh who's here don't [ __ ] block what in Earth have you done to forom d one he doesn't know how to open doors at all but I like how we did that you see that dialogue she just said what have you done to him that's a double meaning so she just talking about like right now he's walking off didn't say anything but also he's changed completely from the first time you've seen him he came here on his own accord now I do think eventually she's going to realize okay he does like me she's kind of pointing out his flaws it's not really flaws but she's noticing something which maybe she doesn't really like and he says the same thing sometimes to her but it's not really a bad thing because eventually both of them are going to change for the person so he normally doesn't speak to someone which he mentioned like 2 3 minutes ago and now he's coming here like I said within 12 hours he said okay bet he tried his best now he was squeezing his gloves cool a lot of tension stressed out maybe he's not used to doing this so he just left but it's not really a rejection from what I heard on our journey here he recently came to the rescue of one of his friends just in time what happened he saved the man from an imprudent what kind of objections her lack of Fortune I think it was a family that was considered unsuitable o now that could be again a double meaning so yes he's trying to help out I get it interfering so do is kind of projecting his insecurities when it comes to their relationship and that is why he interfered because it's from the same family so Elizabeth is from that family and he's like ah see I don't really know what's going on with Elizabeth she kind of rejects me she challenges me which I do like at the same time because he is changing for her gradually for the last hour maybe he's also projecting because he can tell that he really likes um I forgot that gol I'm g go he really likes it the same thing as he likes Elizabeth and he's scared so he's projecting his insecurities on him and he's trying to even play like Game Theory he's trying to predict what will happen to his relationship if they go through of it too now is she going to hate him for doing this [Music] how do you even know where she is are you just following her 24/7 I'm willing to put them aside and ask you to end my Agony I don't understand I love you whoa whoa whoa whoa go back 10 seconds I didn't understand I love you Dam he said the words and you know he's serious because it's raining anyone who would go through that type of rain and says them words I love you he ain't joking he ain't playing no more Game Theory no more testing out he actually means it or if your female did it same thing damn okay do we have anywhere to like dry off whilst we have this conversation because it's all cool you said it and you're both drenched okay so you could say I love you she might say it back even though I doubt she's going to do that probably reject him right now because of the stuff she just heard but but we could die tomorrow are you laughing at me no no are you rejecting me I'm sure that the feelings which as you've told me have hindered your regard will help you in overcoming it say why give me a reason you think of anything might tempt me to accept the man who was ruined perhaps forever the happiness of a most beloved sister it's true okay let's just come clean talk about it you have a reason even though it's kind of messed up to a certain degree how could you do it because I believed your sister indifferent him indifferent I watched them most carefully and realized his attachment was deeper than hers oh he is projecting because I don't know if he thinks Elizabeth kind of likes it which at this moment in time she kind of does right maybe not as strong as him it's the same it's the same thing it's playing out the same way so he's infatuated with her she probably is kind of interested and he can see I'm in the same boat so he doesn't want it to happen but even though the other relationship is slightly different it's not the same thing over here Mr Bingley didn't seem to Vex himself about that how sir it was the lack of propriety sh by your mother your three younger sisters even on occasion your father ooh ooh and the funer too okay yeah yeah about say you got to apologize you can't just like call out the whole family like that plus okay the mom is desperate they have no air no Sons at all just girls the dad I don't know what the hell is going on with the dad now was he always like this is he like this because he only has girls can't tell haven't read the book um it seems like he doesn't care once he dies he's like you know what fend for yourselves which is crazy to say the mom is trying to secure the daughter's Futures all of them they have like what five to six people which is crazy and all of them need to find a rich husband so she's just given her daughters to any decent man with a certain amount of money your behavior towards him you take an eager interest in that gentleman's he told me of his misfortunes oh yes his misfortunes Happ be very great indeed Dar is a good guy what did he do your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry well that's a huge lie cuz it's going to happen at the end of the movie Are We who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there's no way going to okay yeah you can tell straight away even though they're both shouting at each other and they're not really disrespecting each other they're just saying the faults and stuff they've hidden and all the secrets and it's bouncing between each other cool but you can see sexual tension right there so she's going to find out the truth very soon what's going on I think he has his reasons to hate that guy okay you know that's crazy so there's no way for her to leave you have no horses for her no carriages at all did you have a shower cuz your bed's going to be wet and not in a good way because it's not you uh this is 113 do they ever show the cover of the book no you just show the back you can't tell oh what if she's reading I think she is it has to be the same story slightly all right so she's either changing from the beginning of the movie or he said some [ __ ] to her and now she's starting to second guess herself or actually truthfully look at herself and maybe make some changes the same thing with Mr Darcy he needs to change too this is kind of nice like it's dark on one side light on the other two halfs I shall not renew the sentiments which were so disgusting to you but if I may I will address the two offenses you have laid against me oh okay I can't wait for her to read it see I don't know how long you've been staring at the mirror for he might have left like 10 minutes ago but he's still moving like Batman she's been staring at that mirror for like a good 6 hours no water no grapes no apples bananas on my father's death Mr Wickham announced he had no intention of taking orders he demanded the value of the living he came back to see us last summer at which point he declared passionate love for my sister whom he tried to persuade to alope with him Sam so he came after the sister for more money oh damn oh we got to kill him I will not attempt to convey the depth of georgiana's Despair she was 15 years old she was 15 got to be onside nah he got to be dead would set me up very nicely done with the officers every night please Papa don't let her go yeah I feel like the dad's just here vibing does he care sometimes but he doesn't really care and kitty will follow as she always does Lizzy we shall have no peace until she goes how old are they though that's the thing I can't tell are they like 14 15 16 and she's far too poor to be an object of prey to anyone father it's dangerous this is why I told you I don't trust him he's not evil but he kind of is a little bit evil like when it comes to this movie if you have like a evil parent he's close enough he doesn't even care come to the Peak District with us Lizzy and get some fresh air so we got about almost 40 something minutes left I think eventually Mr Dar is going to speak to the dad or the mom now I don't know if it's going to be marriage but something similar to that maybe proposing is she dreaming this is a nice shot now I need to see what she's going to do because she accused him of a couple things and he's actually shown up wrote a letter and explained everything now is she going to change slightly even though she kind of did two conversations one the accusations the other his personality now his personality is starting to change gradually throughout the movie and he wrote the letter explaining what was going on so I want to see the next time they meet what is she going to say to him first I think we're quite close to pen Mr D's who the poor man can't help it he won't be there anyway these great men are never at home n you got to apologize or say something now you know you can't be in this room in the night time you can't it's a little bit too scary I would feel like someone's watching me and all these people here are like mostly naked so that's a scary thing okay do not bump into anything don't drop anything she's actually kind of like the perfect girl to be in this room because one she's going to notice everything in the room and she's going to have an opinion on it most girls in this story wouldn't really care about this or they can't go into depth with detail ooh okay is it a true likeness does the Young lady know Mr Darcy of course yeah only a little what's she going to say yeah oh okay and and another compliment okay slowly bringing it in so now she can finally admit it because she was wrong about his character plus he's changing too just give him 5 minutes he's going to appear out nowhere you know him every 10 minutes he just right behind you oh why would you run do you know how long it going take you to leave this place that's a good mile almost what's the point where are you running to Elizabeth where we going where we going where we running to yeah see you ran to a dead end where are we going to go look at this power walk I'm in ders with my aunt and uncle okay and now you having a pleasant trip very pleasant yeah it's crazy about his house house is so big he couldn't even tell but she was here do you know how big your house has to be but you have guests and you don't even know I'm so sorry TN trude they said that the house was open for visitors it was open for visitors like it's a museum okay I thought she was staying here for a bit I'm very fond of walking yes he can walk with you talk yes I know oh yes I know he's taking notes of every single thing she likes to do all her Hobbies good respectable okay oh and looking that smile even though it's kind of crazy right now I paed it like that but she's kind of like oh okay so he's actually interesting he's taking notes and he's a good guy plus he's handsome who's here don't tell me he's here already what well he did take horses or carriages it makes sense this guy moving wait unless she didn't just arrive here L we've just met Mr Darcy you didn't tell us that you'd seen him he's asked us to dine with him tomorrow ooh he's making sure that you can't leave him now he wants you particularly wants you to meet his sister oh so she's like damn I'm wrong again I thought that was someone else let's go back and hear that particularly wants you to meet his sister damn I would even start asking him questions so the whole time he was like damn he's with another girl and he was lying to me but he loved me and it ends up being his sister but people need to speak up so she has her own let's say opinions on guys and their situations especially wealthy guys and she doesn't want to just marry anyone so every single time he makes a move or he does something she's like aha I'm right about these men but then like a huge U-turn and it's something else but she doesn't want to have admit it that she's wrong well sometimes like you know what I'm just going to keep quiet and not say anything so they're both evolving throughout the movie because they are imperfect but not just for themselves but for the other person your unfortunate brother wants had to put up with my playing for a whole evening but he says you play so well okay so much compliments yeah break it down what is he been saying all the compliments bullet points oh she cheesing now see how she's changing and oh and you's wait wait a second now I think I've realized it slightly but um so there's a lot of stuff going on here one she's starting to smile a lot more while she's talking to him or about him two um I think I don't know really but when it comes to Darcy when never used to see him in the first 30 minutes there was a lot of dark light so he was kind of darkish maybe didn't speak a lot kept himself very shy awkward but now we're starting to see him open up more he's in Better lighting which is very good so his character is starting to change and you can maybe even say that Elizabeth is his life plus I don't know how but they're making his appearance feel much better like it's becoming better looking as the movie goes on if you know what I'm trying to apply now that could just be just the lighting who knows but I'm guessing also his personality is making him look better too so before it was like I said quick replies one sentence now he's actually engaging and he wants to engage in the conversation splendid fishing good company what a capital fellow thank you so much Mr Dar oh okay so he's pacing oh okay you're not dead right okay so he was pacing his brother sit down she came he got up so I'm guessing when a woman's here you have to get up show respect okay cool and he hurt himself that he hurt his back Lydia has run away with with with Mr Wickam yeah I told you we have to like run the fade I could help you sorry I think it is too late I said as soon as we seen him it should have been on site yeah let him do his business yeah let's use our money for something [Music] important oh this is actually perfect too so he's he's proving himself as well so he showed us in the history that he's a good person and you know the other guy was bad his personality has started to change too and now he's going to defend her honor or help the family too he's taking every single box and now she's ruined you're all ruined I will take you now with a fallen sister Mama our uncle has gone to London and is helping in search Lydia must know what this must be doing to my nurse and she doesn't even care all the mom wants is to secure the future and that is it that must have been so tough though like even though the children the daughters especially like you know what Mom you got to chill you can't just give me to any rich guy I understand why she's moving like that been married they will be if your father will settle £1 a year on her that is wi's condition you think it a large sum wi's a fool if he accepts less than 10,000 10,000 okay now I need to know like how much is 10,000 in this day and age when you have five daughters Lizzy tell me what else will occupy your thoughts and then perhaps you will understand I mean I get it but still she came back oh no see it has to be on site now I'm sorry something has to happen something has to happen to him I wish we had one child like one son and we can see what happens with that son because he would have so much pressure too but like I said before I'm I'm on defense when it comes to the mom she has five girls so we need to actually protect the future but you can't just like tone it down slightly I want to hear every little detail did De I'm Mama I've been enlisted in a regiment in the north of England okay I think she might say something Elizabeth you know what to do we have manners but also at the same time we have no manners I long to know whether he'd been married in his blue coat the north of England I believe there some spectacular SC I should said a word Mr Darcy was at your wedding he was the one that us did he help them oh she about to say it so he helped them get married now I think I know his reasoning but how is Elizabeth going to feel about this she's going to feel betrayed I get it but but in them times if someone hears about this and it becomes public your family is going to feel disgraced and be disgraced publicly for a very long time so he probably gave him a decent amount of money and now there's going to be no scandal at all no I dare say you won't when I married your father they didn't seem to be a m n you got to talk to him you got to say something if I'm her I'm plotting I'm plotting to drop a body nothing so bad is part with one's children so what's that now two out the five and if we add Elizabeth that's be 3 out five Mr Bingley is returning to netherfield Mr Bingley okay Mrs Nicholls is ordering a honch of pork okay you're smiling you're happy about it don't speak for her N I want something to happen what are we doing who we looking for oh we're here okay so dsy came too nice [Music] he's here he's here he's at the door d can we just open the door softly I keep thinking like we're getting attacked Mr wats his name the pompus one from before Mr Darcy the very insolent of it what does he think of coming here I thought we didn't care if he came here okay now let's see what happens oo do you see how she's acting now I don't care about any of these G Mary I don't give a [ __ ] by Mary like at the moment she has no one and one of my own daughters too you will have seen it in the papers though it was not put in as it ought to have been how does she feel about Darcy interfering is she grateful because the family would have been disgraced in the paper you already know that I hope that the weather stays fine for your sport I return to town tomorrow so soon oh you disappointed we can stay we can stay an extra day if you want just let us know well we must be going I think that was it no there see oh Elizabeth's like don't go don't leave me can we not speak to her for a little bit longer like a couple minutes alone oh he don't want to leave okay excuse me o she about to say something ah if you say something he'll stay here for an extra day oh are you disappointed you wanted him to stay here a little bit more speak to one-onone both these guys don't get girls at all we were going to walk in and she was going to say sit down now oh you thinking about what to say you can go back and you're taking advice from darsy out of all people you are in great danger of making him as much in love with you as was ever I'm sorry though that he came with Mr Darcy she wants to see him oh look at her yeah she changing yeah come on come on realize she likes him I'm in love I know this is all very untoward but I would like to request the privilege of speaking to Miss Bennett oh Mr Bingley it is so good to see you again so soon if I'm Elizabeth I'll be like you know what to do don't mess up now oh and I realized oh [ __ ] so you remember when Dary was kind of putting his insecurities on him but now that he's confessed his love to Elizabeth he's actually helping him cuz he's realized okay I was insecure and I made a move and it's not going badly so you should do the same thing so hopefully once this all goes well and he goes back to Dary he says okay you know what I'm going to do the same thing as you know and this time because Elizabeth realized she likes him she's going to accept whatever he says now I don't think he's going to propose all going to get married but it's going to be something similar to that quiet yes a thousand times yes you know the sad thing for um Jane I don't even know her age and the mom just give her like 10 seconds 10 seconds okay now the dad don't even care at all so she has to be high 20s and even even though it's sad like in all time period if you're like 26 27 28 it's fine if you're not married right but in them times if you're like 26 27 28 you start to lose hope plus the guys who want you is not going to be the best people so who's going to make the first move I've also realized that throughout the movie the weather's changed so it stopped raining now and most of the time in the daytime it's just Sunny a lot more light and it's kind of complimenting the characters too can you die of Happiness no she going to find out soon oh Lizzy if I could but see you so happy if there was such a another man say it say it say it now come clean oh hell no Mr Collins I don't even like him is he here and my eldest was proposed to only this afternoon what do you have to say you have a very small Garden Madam we are poor and we know we're poor what's the point of say the size a report of a most alarming Nature has reached me that you intend to be United with my nephew Mr Darcy do you then pretend to be ignorant of it has it not been industriously circulated by yourself I have never heard of it God damn so she's kind of ruining our moment now we were so happy and all of a sudden now she came here and ruined the vibe plus this is going on Wows it's night time so for the last 30 40 minutes it's been good good moments everyone's kind of slightly happy and we see a lot of sunlight and all of a sudden now we're having this conversation in the dark whil the fire is on or candles are on right now and you can see but the light is now dimmed so it's kind of like our hopes is starting to diminish Now by a young woman of inferior birth whose own sister's Al lopment resulted in a scandalously patched up marriage oh she is talking her [ __ ] right now and you can't even slap her so what do we do like fight her with words maybe Mr Dary can step in but he's not here you have insulted me in every possible way and can now have nothing further to say and you are so lucky it's in them times this com times we're going to run the fade we got a bunch of candles here we can L your ass on fire I'm so glad that she fights back though does she run away and somehow Mr Darcy finds her so she's going to start wandering around for maybe a minute a conversation with her for like 2 minutes I don't know if they're going to kiss I don't think so should they kiss no they shouldn't they shouldn't kiss because I don't think anyone's actually kissed in this movie and out of respect in them time periods they probably wouldn't even kiss [Music] anyway H got Sunrise too I'm telling you the weather I think plays a very important part in this movie too now let's hear The Boss what is he going to say you know he's serious you can tell about oh you can see about how he looks too oh so he kind of like dressed down slightly after what you have done for Lydia and I suspect for Jane also it is I who should be making amends okay so she's not mad I thought for a second she could be slightly mad at him just because of he interfered once again but if you didn't do that your family would be on the newspaper plus you can see in the background now the light waiting is starting to change my affections and wishes have not changed but one word from you will silence me forever you have Bewitched me body and soul and I love and love and love you that's a b damn I'm might have to use that one day damn I'm going to write that down after this reaction yo people don't speak like that [ __ ] it I'm still going to keep that I don't care if it's been over 100 years I'm going to use that you have Bewitched me body and soul and I love and love and love you like what do you say to that you have to marry that person straight away you have to all the holding hands your hands are cold well it's freezing it's like what 500 a.m. she kissed his hand okay so you remember the first time when he said I love you he said something like take my hand and this time she did and she kissed it that's better than saying anything else I like how they did that that was very subtle that almost went over my head [ __ ] you know what I don't even know what the other ending is going to be but in a way I prefer this one even though I haven't seen the other one but I don't need a POA kiss that one was actually much better oh wait is he speaking to the dad now shut the door please Elizabeth we would have more fine carriages than Jane okay but will that make you happy no he will make her happy not his money I do like him yeah you've had their back and forth plenty of times I love him oh she finally said I actually forgot she didn't reply back to him you don't know papar if I told you what he was really like what he's done yeah the dad's probably thinking she has never admitted that she's wrong before she must really love him and I think it's not even just like her opinion of him is her opinion of certain type of men he's changed up I thought she didn't like him so did I so did you well it makes sense that they think that she never liked him it's because most of the times when they were in public together they always had this strange awkward conversation plus when she was speaking to Jane and other people she was denying the fact that she does like him or she's very intrigued with him I must pay him back no you mustn't tell anyone he wouldn't want it we don't even have the money to pay him back he and I asked he and I are so similar and so different at the same time so similar and so different it's the perfect match but when he smiles I just think about President Snow I can't it feels uneasy I heartly give my consent nice is that the first consent we've seen from my father in this movie I don't know any young men come for Marry or Kitty For Heaven's Sake send the in oh I'm quite at my leisure you know what out of all the girls I do also like Mary too and that's how it ends okay so this was the European ending so we have an American one now what would be the difference we would have to change it slightly now I would say they'll probably add an extra two three minutes right they could throw in a kiss other than that I really don't know like what else can we do maybe the conversation is going to be a little bit longer but let's go check out the other end okay so we're going to go on YouTube to find the other ending now I'm trying to think what's the difference between there's nothing different here okay we've seen this talking to the dad cool cool cool um him pacing outside okay the dad oh wait is this this part here is this the difference okay really I wish you would not call me my dear why cuz it's what my father always calls my mother when he's cross about something what shall I call you when I'm cross Mrs Dary he said Mrs Dary that's basically saying we are married or I intend to marry you damn okay you know what even though oh you know what this is perfect it's crazy so you remember in the beginning of the movie uh a lot of the times his replies were very straight to the point harsh on liners and now he's very fluid with his replies and he's spitting game as well well especially on the field and the crazy thing about the whole field scene that [ __ ] was 45 seconds of him just walking and I was still not bored but damn okay so he's spitting bars now and how are you this evening Mrs Darcy Mrs Darcy I knew it I told you yeah yeah okay kiss on the forehead I like that oh we're going to kiss for real real oh he's saying it twice just have sex just have sex you are teasing her you're basically edging right now okay ah this is tough because both of them are decent endings um you know what I don't mind the first one because it's basically the same thing I thought they're going to add a lot more or change some of it so we just added something else on towards the ending I do think they just kept the part when he was saying Mrs Dy without the kissing that'd be kind of fire only because throughout the whole movie no one's really sexualized anything you could say kissing is not really sexualizing anything but it's just I think it doesn't fit in with the whole movie if you really think about it so I guess people in America probably thinking it's kind of strange that they didn't kiss but you got to think about it from them times when they actually kiss maybe maybe they would I don't know you know what it's all right it's okay it's not bad um it still doesn't fit in but it's not bad but didn't make it too sexual now if he was kissing her neck like yo chill like that stuff you can put in a different movie for this we don't need it at all First Impressions it was a masterpiece now did It win any Oscars I don't know it probably did if it didn't definitely got nominated um D we don't make movies like this anymore do we and it's so sad because if a movie like this came out right now would people go watch it I don't think people have the attention span for it because it's just like pure Cinema most of the times it would be something similar to Bridgeton there's not that much to say because I think throughout this whole commentary I've talked quite a lot um I don't know if there's any movies similar to this I wouldn't know so if there is put in the comment section I'll probably do that in the next couple months I don't know um but yeah I fly enjoyed it I wouldn't mind watching it again I'll probably pick up on stuff which I've missed out there's probably loads of stuff which I just you know went over my head um I think I got some of the stuff though the interesting thing about this movie was when it comes to the main two characters you really have to look at their character profile and how it evolves throughout the movie for example the hand kiss towards the end him offering to give a hand when she was going on Courage them zooming into their hand people probably thinking what the hell is that her not wearing a glove and he still offered so many small little things him walking on the field and he's a little bit more rough now it's kind of like he's made himself a lesser version or he's actually mirroring her now slightly and the weather changing like even though it could be random but I do think that played a slight part towards everything because I think in the beginning of the movie it was a little bit more dark it was raining a lot it was very cloudy and then the second half of the movie we switched it lot of sunlight and I like when he confessed his love to her it was raining and when he switched it and he confessed his love to her towards the end sunlight I could be on to something I could be totally wrong but I do think that played a part when they were making this movie like I said in the beginning of the movie if you do want to check out the fop version for this movie you can check my patreon it is the first link in my description box but I hope you guys enjoyed the movie don't to like com subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next one for
Channel: Sean Thompson
Views: 76,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sean, sean reaction, sean thompson, reaction video, movie commentary, sean thompson reaction, sean thompson commentary, first time watching, first time watching movie reaction, first time watching reaction, pride and prejudice, pride and prejudice reaction, pride and prejudice ending, pride and prejudice soundtrack, pride and prejudice darcy and elizabeth, pride and prejudice dance scene, pride and prejudice ending reaction, keira knightley, pride and prejudice 1995
Id: GaBA73WyLU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 32sec (3992 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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