*NEW SIGMAR* Stormcast Eternals vs Skaven | Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battle Report

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welcome back to tabletop tactics and welcome back to the age of Sigma it's a whole new addition and with it a whole new game mode The Fast and Furious action of spearhead the scaven Swarm forth led by their vicious claw Lords to face against the Shield wall of the stormcast eternals warpstone glows and lightning strikes but will the scaven tide drown all before it or be broken apart by the Hammers of Sigma [Music] [Music] welcome back to the Mortal Realms in our first spearhead game we're really excited to get cracking into fourth edition and testing spearhead in all its Glory so today I'm running those that are Eternal the stormcast themselves against beards scaven appropriate in this scaven tide matchup so I'm running the first of the spearheads which basically is what comes in the scaven side box and I'm going to go over that list right now we have two regiment abilities to pick from and we also have a relic that we can choose as well today I have chosen strike where needed as a regiment ability which will allow one of my units to retreat without taking any mortal damage and also still be able to declare a charge later that turn that's really good at making me allowing me to redeploy a unit and then put them where I actually need them to be for my generals Relic I've given him mordar Talon that goes on the Lord Vigilant himself and he will now have crit mortal on his hallowed great ax which makes him much more reliable at doing damage when he rolls sixes in the toit phase of combat so that's really cool then as the main stay of the force we have five stormcast liberators um these guys are really good they actually have crit mortal on their weapons too so they hit pretty hard we then also have three prosecutors so they can fly around throw their Spears and also do some business in combat and finally have the Lord veriant himself with his burning brazer which can do some serious damage at range let's see what this battle priest can do against the scaven let's see what Joe has put in his [Music] list it's time for the scaven uprising let's get into the spearhead list uh my regiment ability is too quick to hit hit uh which means I can do Retreats without taking any damage which is Pleasant I've also taken Sky connections as my enhancement for my warlord which means that the rattling pistol that it has has 2d6 shots rather than D6 so hopefully I'll will get lots of shots off in this game speaking of which the claw Lord is my leader in this game he's my General on his nor Beast rattling pistol has been overcharged uh hopefully he will ruin some stormcast units at range and up close we also have a gray Seer who's going to be one of my magical Wizards for this game I've got a warlock engineer who I like quite a lot he's got some great abilities I've got two units of Clan rats I do have the option of putting one of them into reserve and bringing them up from the nor holes which is very cool um I've got a big unit of rat ogres as well um one of which has a war fire gun so hopefully they'll do some bashing and some more damage at range that's the list let's get into the [Music] game well well well welcome to this battle report the first and fourth edition the age of Sigma very good we're back we are back we're back baby sigma's back baby in fact it's back weekly to on demands as of now and we will sprinkle it here to you folks here on YouTube as well every 3 weeks speaking of on demand we've got a little lineup available right now we do indeed so we have a how to playay Sigma coming this Wednesday right here on YouTube but if you'd like to see it right now you can sign up to on demand on our website on our app you get the how toplay Sigmar available today as well as a full review of sigar the entire game not spearhead so spearhead uh the core rules generals handbook games everything we're going to give you our very honest opinions which you can also see right now on demand it's quite a big chunky one it is and but that's not all coming this Monday we have our second age of Sigma game night horn are very popular nigh haunt Army against an all new fire Slayers Army oh yes their wrath will be forged in Fire and will they kill the spooky ghosts I do not know but you'll have to tune in to wonderand on Monday to find out exactly and whil you're here just hit like And subscribe because it helps us out tremendously we want to grow and do more stuff so you can help us by doing those two very simple things but for now we're going to play Sigma baby right so I am the attacker I won the rolloff we've already predeployment now deployed our forces but I will remain Vigilant ball you're going first pants pants tactics I [Laughter] [Music] think battle round one here we go so I've drawn my Battle Tactics I have uh take the flank so need to be within three of each short uh Edge which I might be able to do actually because as I mentioned in my list I've done the lurking Vermin tide so these clam rats are in uh the GW hole which sounds very painful uh but in my movement phase I can bring them up from the depths okay and I can put them uh within 6 in of a corner and more than 9 in away so I should be able to get them over here they just emerge from the swamp which is nice we should also mention ignore the rest of this uh mat here it's just this Central piece here we just wanted it to look pretty um so I should be able to do that uh the IGN deis is over here I'm not going be able to to get that because of your flat boys uh but I do also have the option to go for the bamat de which is there so I can get more points for that objective as well which is nice great very nice um in terms of we'll cover your battle Tac yes in my turn yeah uh our twist for this one is Grandfather's blessing so there's no Underdog yet so we're going to determine who gets the underdog bonus by doing a rolloff why don't you go first oh thank you thank you very much a six a four right so you choose one of those so do you you don't have any water saves in your army do you uh I don't no I don't no no no uh well then I will choose for your um storm uh Rat ogers even yeah they're not storm Raven uh storm Raven wrong game storm Vermin uh to have a minus one to their armor very good very good cool we'll move on to my hero face short hero face my Scroll of Arcane bolt I got from my battle tactic is out of range so don't need to worry about that uh my gray se's wither ability is also out of range quite far apart at the moment uh but my will of the horn rats can go off so I'm going to select my clam rats as the target of this and on a three plus I can add to their goodbye control score uh four so they have plus four to their control which is very nice um that is it yeah I do have a couple of uh hero phase um command abilities I could use but uh one from a battle tactic and one from my battle traits I'm not not going to use it this turn fair enough I will move my models the movement phase so my norl Lord is going to move onto this objective because I need that for it is the bayam mat Deus I'm also going to move over with my clam rats so because they've got such a big chunky control score um they will surely hold this forever right I'm going to stay still with the rest of my units over here my warlock engineer wants to stay still so he gets the better ability with his uh musket but the last thing to do is from the shadowy gloomy depths we're going to bring in these clam rats over here so I can get my take the flanks objective shooting face okay movement is done uh just the one thing to shoot my warlock engineer has not moved I make that very clear because I can use more war energy yes yes yeah I a D6 one marvelous um so on a if I roll a wild I take D3 mtal wounds on myself cuz it gets hot but that does now that my War block musket has a damage of three oh yeah okay um I'm going to shoot your fly boys over there oh my prosecutors yes all right yes they will be prosecuted so I hit you on threes one hit but it is a crit oh is it crit mortal is crit Auto wound oh crit Auto wound okay so what's your Rend my Rend is two okay so that basically means in Sigma I go down to a five up safe cuz I'm a three- up armor Sigma protects Sigma does protect de no my second six of the game Lawrence is back that's my turn complete I'm not going to charge you with my pathetic Clan rats down there they've done their job I can't believe he's not dead um no charges no combat no nothing no end of turns have to worry about my points so I've got this objective here and that one there that one on my nor Lord being the bamat deas which is an additional point so we got two points ping those two objectives one for the bayat deas and also the flanks over here with these little fellas that emerge from the swamp so that is four points to me I'm probably going to discard theack de but I'll worry about that next turn yeah no worries well obviously I've already drawn my Battle Tactics uh let's get into my hero [Music] phase well let's go over my Battle Tactics shall we everyone so uh I did get cut off the head basically need to kill the general that's not happening this turn I did however get do not waiver which means I need to activate the fight ability with one of my units and ensure that none of my units are destroyed this turn that is durable and then I also got War of Attrition that means I need to kill an enemy unit this turn and have killed more enemy units then I lost that's definitely doable it also has a command ability called stand guard which means I can pick any unit in my hero phase which it now is and give them the fight's first ability just because I think this is epic of course the Lord Vigilant himself will have fights first this turn um I will not enact any other hero phase ability currently because my cleansing fire ability uh is out of range it's a 12in range to do that um and I don't need to pick actually I will use the Lord vigilance plan the attack ability so for the um pick an objective that we do not control uh but you're not on an objective over there it doesn't matter I'll save that for later prepare to prosecute the war the prosecutors take to disguise fly forward stopping outside of three Ines of the scaven because that is their combat range and the Lord Vigilant will also follow suit up here like so the liberators will now move forward this one just touching the objective so that we have some control on it can take it the end of this turn and the Lord there will move up in line with these liberators and uh despite leaving the objectives because it was the beginning of the battle round uh and we were on those objectives they do count as sticky and uh they remain under our control it is now time for prosecution of the scaven so the three prosecutors there will launch their storm call javelins or in this instance as they are the older version of the models the storm cool hammers yes Thor Styles you can throw it and it'll just materialize in your hand so right uh I've got an attack each I hit on threes that is three hits very nice we wound you on threes oh that's nice it is just the one wound it is a Rend of one clinked off my mighty my mighty hide you you have killed one uh well unfortunately uh the damage is D3 and in the age of Sigma damage carries over all I need to do is not roll a one you've killed one let us continue this prosecution I declare charge into the scaven with the prosecutors wow now weirdly I actually make it because I get a plus one to charge oh how annoying yeah yeah that's the only unit I have which will make it but their ability Heralds of righteousness actually gives them oh when you make a charge roll for this unit roll one additional dice oh it's the same same isn't it that means they get a 3d6 in charge I suppose they are literally flying through the yeah can I get another one oh no anyway I make the charge I'm now going to roll the charge for the Lord Vigilant oh he makes nice I'm going to move them in and prosecute you we must begin with the Lord Vigilant in this fighting now he has to fight first ability because of the battel tactic command ability standards uh from war of attrition so I've got five attacks with M's Talon I hallowed great ax nice uh my enhancement there so any sixes I I get crit mortal right I've missed you once but I did r a six which means that's just two damage that's just two damage two dead cuz Mor uh so two are dead and then can I wound you now threes to wound that's another two wounds uh the Rend is two so you've killed six the jungle moves in and with more D help me and now the Griff stalkers beak and Talons or as I like to call them the Chocobo h hitting on fours that's three hits wow uh wounding on threes two wounds go through this is a Rend of one okay very good you killed two more uh well it yes I no it's damaged two Dam oh they're all dead oh he does it by himself ah PE PE well folks that is my turn I I did thank you thank you thank you I think it was all the Lord Vigilant there he was just just ever VI ruined some rat uh so I didn't get cut off the head uh I did get um do not waiver for points and I did get War of Attrition for a point so I've activated the fight ability and I've killed a unit and I killed more units than you I lost I held one objective two objectives cuz they remained sticky at the beginning of the battle round and I did have a unit just on control there so uh I actually held more so I've got five points nice which is cool but now the priority role oh boy well I'm going to be I just yeah okay okay oh oh so it's a tie it's a tie which means I can choose you just be I am going to take the next turn because I need to kill some of these golden B [ __ ] [Music] it battle round two I'm drawn my cards and done a couple of things off camera so I did discard my last battle tactic it would have given me the ability to do a roll charge with the command ability but I would have had to have taken that objective for the extra points so I've just got rid of it um so I drew Rays for my Battle Tactics so getting within three of the long of your long Edge which probably won't be able to do um but I do also as my P get inspiring pres which done the hero face so I rolled for Mr Nord so he's got plus four to his control which is very nice because I've also drawn draconi and D over there so I need to take that objective this turn oh okay which is nice um and I've also got C off the head kill your general might be difficult but I've got the option um the other thing we drew was the twist for this uh turn for this B is grasping Vines so uh I've put that on this unit of liberators over here liberators prosecutors prosecutors prosecutors um and they're now in snared so their move characteristic is halfed and you get one less D6 when you make a charge so when you killed those little clown rat just covering you in Nets and dragging you into the swamp me that yeah they're clanes ninjas yeah yeah it's really cool that's very fun um I have done uh will of the horn rat again on my clown rat so they've got plus four to their control again which is nice and the last thing to do is wither so he's now enrange the gray Seer to wither your liberators over there so it's your all 2 D6 456 it does go off on a 6 Plus which is Pleasant um so on a six plus I get to do D3 mortal wounds okay well I will just warn you as well this can be enacted in any hero phase I am picking on my liberators this turn uh once per battle The Shield of air which will give that unit a five plus Ward save oh that's very nice you take two mortal wounds two mortal wounds chance I could kill one withering okay W five plus you do indeed one of the a dead in his armor we'll begin the movement phase with my claw Lord he's going to Scuttle over this way on his G Beast he's going to take the objective in the middle the dracothian dis and being in ranged with his pistol oh rat ogers are up next moving forwards I do have one gun with these which which should be in range now and potentially in range for a charge as well my clamat are going to run they've been commanded yes nice big run so they are going to run over to the long board Edge so I can get rays which is one of my other oh Commando roll uh another battle tactic for another point for this turn and finally I'm going to move up with my grayer for extra range on Wither in further turns I'm staying still with the Warlock engineer for his big gun it's time for the shooting face okay I'm going to kick off with my claw Lord he he's got his rattling pistol but he's got the the sky connections enhancement which basically gives him an Uzi oh Wick I got two D6 shots rather than D6 are you fing with my liberators yes okay hold hold the hold just hold up hold up hold hold up hold up okay I need guns lot of guns right um I actually discarded my cut off the head battle tactic um the beginning of this battle round and I drew three new ones one of which is also the dracothian now here's the thing it's got a command ability go to ground the minute you target a unit I can choose to go to ground the liberators will do so you now only hit me with your shooting on the rooll of a six okay but powerful it's very powerful but I get strikes last on that unit I do imagine I'm gambling on you maybe not making some charges I imagine that the the claw Lord kind of likes the fact that they've gone to ground being like a big a little Tyrant man he's like yeah yeah yeah Shield Ward oh boy oh boy oh it's a shame I'm hitting on sixes but that's nice yeah but that's that's 12 shots there is 12 shots the scaven uzi uh I hit you once okay okay okay one out of 12 ain't bad can I wound you yes it's a Rend of one Rend of one it goes through nice oh actually that would have Auto wounded anyway uh it goes through it's just one damage it's just one all right so uh that means my health point is reduced to one on one of the liberators I do have the shield of air on here for a five upward oh The Liberator Shield will hold that's fine that's all right okay I'm going to go back now to my warlock engineer he's going to change Target and go for your general no we're going to cut off the head or blow off the head maybe he he's not moved again so I'm going to do more war energy oh do I hurt myself no I don't actually actually G Master crafted seven wounds that's not actually right I've hit you once can I wound you it is a wound Ren to it is Ren to yeah you go I go through I do not have a w save on him really that's three damage oh right in the choco B shooting is not over yet he's not out of the woods just yet uh my rat ogre at the front there is going to unleash his war fire gun into him now oh no blowing a big Target in his back so it's two D6 shots with a war fire gun oh it's a lot this there's some hot hot heat coming off the rats I hate you on toots oh that's really good I guess it's like a flamethrower oh I only miss you the once that's nice uh there's no crit stuff here but you can shoot this into combo which is wild uh it's forced to wounds so not quite as uh oh oh hello not bad there's one for each of your remaining wounds what's the ren the ren is the ren is two oh my goodness yeah so need fives oh very nice very well stylish oh laen very Sil it's only only the one damage so he is still alive okay so I've got four wounds left but you've hared the Lord Vigilant ouch it's charge time okay two charges to do my claw Lord is going to lead the charge okay on an eight he does make it into your liberators uh the rat ogers are going to do the same they need a six oh no you made it with those beautiful beautiful die die kill kill okay so we're in the combat phase uh you are about to attack me now my liberators do have Strike last but just a little rewind because I did choose Strike last um or rather go to ground it means that I cannot score the draoi and de because the Battle Tactics are a or now they don't have a column saying or it's super unclear yeah yeah yeah we you you you actually find that sort of buried near the beginning in a single paragraph but nonetheless that also means that my Lord Vigilant wouldn't have had strike first he would have opted for the war of attrition battle tactic to still to still score it hasn't changed anything else cuz he actually did strike first anyway and he killed you all yeah uh you also do don't have the uh control because of course you're going to go for the dracothian I forgot cuz I've gone for Ray so I can't do inspiring presence um yes PSA not super clear in the book but it is in there you need to look for it yeah you need yeah yeah deeper than you might need to yeah they also suggest that the cards are hidden but that's in on an example page and nowhere else in the the the rules yeah and also it's very hard for you guys to follow along if we're hiding what we're doing so we we'll play we'll play face off yeah yeah okay awesome right it's time to fight you yeah scallywag so I'm basically going to do my best to kill those liberators because they're scary I would have the option of going for your um what is his name yeah you could you could actually fight the Lord verant because you could Pile in towards him as well you've pulled him into combat yeah but um I think yeah you're wanting to get rid of my liberators I am and to do that I'm going to use unleash warp Fury as well so what that means is that I take D3 mortal wounds as they power up I take two mortal wounds but I do get an extra three attacks on that unit cuz I get plus one attack per rat ogre very nice so with my claws and blades and fangs and things I've got six attacks each hitting you on fours okay okay not the best uh I'll be wounding you on threes all right that is uh four wounds at Ren of one Ren one four wounds on my liberators I fail all four oh no what's the damage two right now do you have W saves oh no I I I told you I've got the shield of air on okay that's how I Wrong my claws are rats and teeth and fangs oh no I only made one hey that's one dead dead two dead three dead and a and one wound left on one oh well done the rat ogers see if we can finish him off with the claw Lord shall we so I've got my warp Forge Hood I'm hitting you on three he got five attacks okay all right okay uh there's no no critting here for him he'll be forced to wound you oh a my great hammer oh it's three wounds is Ren of one Ren one okay so four up arm two what's the what's the damage damage two no I I do have the shield of a zero I'm afraid don't celebrate yet dirty rat only might I may only have one wound left but I also roll double six sometimes the Lord Vigilant steps forward technically he would have uh been able to fight in between but that doesn't matter so he's going for the rat ogres nice okay so uh he's got one attack with his staff of abjuration he misses he has three attacks with his judgment blue taking that blindfold off he hits you twice uh you're not a wizard uh and you're not a priest so I don't have any of my anti- kick off um to wound you threes that's two wounds what's your Ren the ren sir is one judgment blade I have a mighty sixup save I pass one of them it's D3 damage oh boy it's just the one oh no uh oh no they got four Health points so one of them's got one wound left I only did one one yeah but I've already taken two mortal wounds of course I exploded myself oh that's right oh my goodness okay so uh you're about to be judged perhaps next turn with the Judgment blade but I believe that is your turn complete it is that is the end of my turn indeed uh I completely forgot to mention that these clam rats came as reinforcements in my movement phase didn't want to charge into him because they would be smoo fire so they're just holding the line they are my dispensable rap boys um I have someone three objectives so three points there because I'm holding one holding two and holding more now um I've also scored an extra point for the Draconian dra that one in the middle there which is Pleasant um I've also scored Rays over there with those clam rats um cut off the head no not I I'll I'll I'll think about keeping it but for now I I have got five points yeah a big big turn for you but it is my turn next and I can also reinforce my armi as they have the reinforcement tag on their card that seems with more liberators [Music] fair so it's my turn um I obviously have two basketall tactics in play that I could potentially get um one of which is the igna deis which I'm is already sticky so I do have that uh right that aside um what I'm going to do is my hero phase my Lord Vigilant is going to use his uh once per game ability or that's actually not even once per game plan the attack it's called I can declare an objective I do not control the droian Deus um for the rest of the turn add one to hit rolls for combat attacks made by friendly units that attack units contesting that objective so any units that attack you here will get plus one to hit on your claw Lord and your um rat Ogar oh no so I'm now also going to do another command ability or hero ability rather I'm going to use the cleansing fires ability from my Lord veriant into your rat ogres picking a unit within 12 in I roll 3d6 if it goes off on a roll of a three plus it does oh boy are you going to set my ogre on fire well on a five plus you you receive one mortal damage okay one of them is uh ignited it stinks killed one of them okay very cool that's my hero phase done I'm now going to go on to the movement nice the Lord Vigilant who's over here we prepare to prosecute they can only move half range because of the twist this battle round but that's been okay and my own reinforcements another unit of liberators appearing on my home objective and looking at the claw Lord let us begin with the prosecutors I'm going to hurl three of my uh storm cool javelins or hammers in this instance into your newly arrived rat unit all three here oh that's nice to wound threes oh just the one wound one you've three Dam three isn't it two rats are slain SM two of them that brings us to the charge phase the prosecutors can only roll two D6 they don't get their extra D6 now again because of the twist uh for this battle plan they're going to charge the clan rats they do make it I'm afraid uh the Lord Vigilant into your rat well you don't have to declare a Target you just roll your charge I roll a six that is sufficient um so I'm going to probably move him up round the back there towards the Deus and then the liberators themselves Liberation they also r a five which is sufficient so I'm going to move into combat range it's time for More's Talent not again again but I will also use my deliver judgment ability um in the combat phase I can pick a friendly unit within 12 in I'm going to pick the liberators that have just arrived and they will actually be able to use the fight ability twice so they can fight twice this turn but after the first time they've used it they get the strikes last ability okay but first the Lord Vigilant will strike your rat ogus nice okay so M Talon m o we got crit mortal nice we got crit mortal there so that's two damage right out of the gates very we then wound you on threes with these remaining that is another two wounds r two I have no save oh no save that is six damage before I get to my chocoo very nice you've killed one one's got uh two WIS left okay six damage two WIS left the Cher bow uh he hits you once the Cher bow that is a wound it's Ren one it's Ren one oh no yep yep yep yep oh no that's the damage too I believe that's he's also dead oh the rat ogers no are slain the Lord's Vigilant is just a weapon isn't it good things are looking a bit dire in the middle there so in a show of uh what's the word Defiance Defiance I'm going to fight your general oh youat yes okay well I'm not a cornerback because I haven't lost any wounds if I had i' had three more attacks in my ja okay but I'm going to give it a go anyway okay you got to take it's it's a general Jewel it's a general Jewel uh I'm going to go with uh old nor Beast first come on nor Beast I've hit you I've hit you twice okay can I wound you nor Beast uh it is two wounds oh very nice Ren of one Ren of one yes one does go through one goes through it's D3 damage oh that's very nice oh it's only one oh you stupid nor Beast I've got three wounds remaining it's down to the claw Lord himself I've hit you okay hit you four times hit you four times yeah have I yes I have now it's fors to wound you so I could do that roll again oh actually oh no that's fine good luck good luck two the dreams alive damage two damage is two oh that's awesome R of one so I need to fail both of these and you will slay the Lord V Vigilant oh I made both I'm so sorry no a oh no and now the storm Co javelins of the prosecutors they will be hitting on threes against those SC okay and then there will be wounding on threes there is a end of one but just a damage of one uh right that is six wounds be six wounds six wounds six up save two of them good roll so four are slain four more scaven splattered liberation time so this unit can now technically fight twice um because of the abilities I've enacted uh and they're also getting plus one to hit against your claw Lord as he was on that objective this turn so here we go this is just the regular hammers hitting on twos cuz the plus one to hit from my Lord Vigilant bonus I don't get any crit Mortals that's nice that's nice threes to wound I do wound you five times it's a minus one R minus one so I need what have I got I need ppes I make one oo okay what's the damage it's just damage one okay for those so that's four wounds down I got three left now my great hammer oh no that does hit twice but again no crit Mortals cuz it could have been bad there uh threes just the one wound so he will live cool uh this is also Ren one Ren one yeah it was just the one wound bait I think you fell both both anyway uh damage two okay's one wound left he's got one Health Point left easy okay oh cool unfortunately the priest has now piled in and they get to fight twice anyway he's D I know okay the staff of abjuration okay from the priest the Lord V he does miss you the Judgment blade he hits you all three times okay the Judgment blade he wounds you twice what's the AP the Ren is one Ren of one oh no oh a is how many WIS he got left one more like none well well well that is the end of my turn we did of course do your rats off camera before the um Lord Veron struck but I did make my save not that KY I do because they're still alive I can do um seething swarms you get some back I get one one more rat that's that's what that's will save me come back ratty help me help help anyway uh what I'm going to do now is explain what happened this time so um I did not get attack on two fronts okay because I didn't get uh two whole two objectives that you were controlling this turn I have claimed that objective back so I'm now holding one holding two and holding more cuz these would remain sticky anyway so that's three points and I did get the igna de which is this one for a bonus so that's four points I've scored Four Points this turn nice we move on to battle round three yes we need to do the uh the old role don't we want to do the old role of priority oh damn do you want to go first think I've had to think about it there is a disadvantage to taking the priority in fourth edition Sigma um that I'm not able to draw any new Battle Tactics this round but for for me given my position I still have the attack on two front battle tactic in play that doesn't go away so I'm not going to draw any Battle Tactics any new ones and I will take the priority yes okay there's also no Underdog there's no Underdog cuz we're drawing so I mean if you get a really good hand next turn you could spring ahead of me Po points wise we're drawing points wise we're drawing but I feel like I've got some serious resource that's on the table right so okay we're about to go into my hero phase but first we've drawn a new twist we have so we have draw and take the land so we score a point if we uh have more of our models controlling the large objective the large terrain piece in the enemy territory yeah at the end of the turn I think so I think I might be able to set that up okay let's get into my hero face all right then folks uh let's do some heroic action first of all my Lord verant he is going to do cleansing fires on his right uh oh uh it doesn't go off anyway oh marvous yeah yeah um cool then I will also use my Lord Vigilant ability to plan the attack this time I will pick your warlock engineer uh cuz he's on that objective um my friendly units will get plus one to hit uh if we get into combat with you that's my hero phase done let's do some moving okay the Lord verant will uh be moving towards the grace here my my liberators will run and uh they roll a three so that's enabling them to move 8 in oh that's nice this turn because I have an ability which will allow me to run and charge and finally the Lord Vigilant move towards this warlock engine here we're in the charge phase I'm going to charge with the Lord verant into your graer he makes it I'm going to charge with the liberators into your graer because oh a double six they make it because they're enacting the once per battle game storm charge which allows them to run and charge nice and then finally we have the Lord Vigilant himself he also makes it okay well uh since I had a really good charge rolls uh my liberators have actually got into your rats I'm attacking all of your units now I'm going to start with the Vigilant just supposed to be swarming you I know just in case you could kill me before so I General will attack your warlock engine you he'll be all right o unfortunately with M Talon oh and actually hit you on twos cuz of my own ability like M's Talon that's that's two sixes crit mortal wounds yeah that's four damage all right he's still alive oh good yeah he's still alive and then I you that three more wounds the r minus two another six damage he's turned into rat soap cool this is where the tables are turned prepare thyself for my grayer and my warpstone staff can he kill me I've hit you twice okay I mean you I think I can't I I can't kill you I can't kill you can't no you got two hang AE how many rooms do you have I've only got six okay the dream is alive technically the dream is alive is AP is AP Ren of one Ren of one one does go through damn dream is dead I do two WS oh it D3 D3 damage all right so two Health points down uh all right so I've got four Health points left that means I'll get to hit you but of course I'll hit you with my liberators first more hammers have been swung and more stabbies have also happened uh you did do a Health Point damage to my my liberators but I did kill five of you an eye for an eye yeah uh you are still alive though and you would be able to get bring back D3 is it the end of your turn or every turn end of the Turn end of the turn cool uh prosecutor next into those remaining scaven oh [Music] oh all right threes oh I only wuined you twice oh my goodness so the unit will survive and be able to bring more back the friend one you what's damage two uh one so oh okay so yeah you'll be able to bring the three more back y you helped me Down Yay your rats just struck back into the prosecutors uh which are brave rats but they didn't get any wounds through it's now the Lord veriant will the staff of abjuration finally hit now I'll start with the sword of judgment first okay judgment blade oh he's only e you once okay he's wounded you once it's Ren one I have no say oh are you a wizard yes I'm anti- wizard plus one Ren oh well I mean have I got a six up save anyway basically wearing a dressing gown three damage okay and then the staff of abortion yes you have been judged have I you have been judged no you judged he's still alive I found to wind you incredible and there endeth my turn so uh I didn't actually get the attack on two fronts because I only took one objective that was claimed by you this turn so I didn't get that battle tactic and obviously wasn't allowed to draw anymore so I took the priority but I'm holding one I'm holding two I'm holding more than you as a result I did get three points this turn as we go over to you [Music] sir my last chance Hanging On by a a rat's whisker here oh yeah yeah so um War of Attrition I might be able to do well I technically only killed one unit you killed my my engineer um attack on two fronts is going to be very difficult because even if I fall back I've not got the range to get onto any objectives that you were holding previously that's going to be tricky um cut off the head maybe yeah you could potentially do it I'm going to try you bring back only one rrap for both units as well again again yeah um right I'm going to in my hero phase I am going to wither you wither your general with wither his Timbers okay okay okay I need a six all right does go off it goes off okay D3 mortal WS oh that's five or a six you could kill him he's withered oh well done Lord cut off the head and yeah hooray that's Co Grace yeah Gracie is going for the double combat phase um yes there's there's no moves to do or any shooting no no I'm going to uh kill this this blindfolded man I've hit you twice the dream is alive okay can I wound you the dream is dead oh no end of one oh it does go through as well it's going to be a oh it's only one oh so he's got three Health points left oh he's withered as well oh no all right well I'm going to uh power up my hammers on the liberators next okay uh well the liberators did power up um I actually rolled four crit mortal wounds on the normal alone has controls called in was scaven left alive who then got great Hamet he's the Dead uh wacka scaven in this case the prosecutors you did stab one ah but then I finally did prosecute you um they are no more scaven coming back well you will be able to bring that unit back but anyway yes first the Lord verant into your grace here the staff of ABD duration no again the emperor's the emperor sorry wrong game judgment blade yes oh oh only one wound is there any Ren is Ren to because anti- wizard what's the damage D3 okay don't roll a one oh cuz you've got No Sa you got six up save ah you pierce my dressing gown three damage I've got no rats left well it wasn't the most successful turn I you did kill my general I got cut off the head I cut your head off which gave me a point but then you cut all of my heads off yeah and now I'm a headless headless rat man you've got one more unit that can come back in the the rat boys they might stay down the old G hole I think I think they've had enough are you calling it you you've tabled me so yes yes I think I might thank you excited game with anger Sigma U yeah we've um I I actually have drawn the basketball tactics for the next battle round we don't know who would have technically got the priority yet but unfortunately with the only the one rat unit left um it matters it doesn't matter cuz I'm going to score the points I have I have some thoughts yes please I have some thoughts on our first game of spearhead I like the game of spearhead it's good it's got lots of ups and downs the underdog um mechanic Dynamic you get a chance to come back and get some more points to get back in the game yeah the issue seems to be that some of these factions aren't quite balanced yeah yeah I would say the stormcast because I'm actually allowed to bring in the liberators and the prosecutors as reinforcements whereas the scaven spearheads or at least this this one that we're playing because they've got two spearheads to pick from you can only bring the rats back in and that and because the the the stormcast unit seem so strong in comparison um yeah it that that I'm I'm sort of surprised I can bring in it's pretty weird because you you look at the two the two armies value I've got several more units than yours because they're weaker than your stormcast but in reality you have two more units on top of what you have because there's no restrictions on um reinforcements apart from how many times you can use it so yeah I killed your liberators but then they just came straight back that's right and you killed my prosecutors I could have bought them back exactly yeah you you you brought them back 4 in charge they fought twice so powerful yeah they've got a stacked I can stack a few abilities which which make it go yeah pretty cool I I think we sort of need like a tier list and like a recommended faction versus faction list to make sure that the games are a bit more yeah a bit less yeah actually onesided completely agree yeah I think I think um I'm really excited to try some of the other spearhead um uh spearheads against each other we'll sort of see how they Stack Up um and also I think it this would be limited specifically to spearhead because when you play a larger game scaven up bringing many more of their guns which will help against something like a stormcast army I think quite considerably obviously with you you're fixed with that one list um okay well look what an amazing little time I've I've really enjoyed it thank you as ever Mr beard than you pleas um we have plenty more Sigma coming your way as I've said weekly on demand from here on out uh as long as you guys want to watch it so if you like Sigma and you want us to produce Sigma you got to watch it like subscribe here on YouTube that's free if you really like it subscribe to us on demand otherwise we can't make it in the first place cu the YouTube ad money is not good that's the reality so folks I've been Lawrence thank you for watching age of Sigma you have as ever have been Mr beards and our chaotic familiar Our Endless spell has been the BD be the Raven we'll see you in another age of Sigma not 40K very very soon bye- bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 30,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, tactics, age of sigmar, AoS
Id: n_7RmCFw-6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 2sec (2882 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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