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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to some more minecraft that's right this is my house this is sloka man's house in that scrub AQAP's house oops what is this we've got ourselves a beautiful wishing well yeah I don't know what happened but I think slow man created the wishing well for all of us together how cute if you're wondering what you're watching and why this video is like 2 hours long it's because this is actually live yes hello world that's right I am talking live right now but how about we throw some beautiful wheat into the wishing well I would I would throw diamonds in if I could but I'm actually a poor man I I don't actually have any diamonds all right so how's everybody doing hope you guys are all having a fantastic day let's grab my stuff and do some things that we got to do you guys know what we did in the last episode in the last episode I named a chicken after one of you guys I do that because you know you guys want to be in the videos and I think that's a pretty fun way to get you guys in these videos alright is that is everything I should probably organize my inventory a little bit okay we got a sword we got a shovel and axe alright chicken dig dig dig dig in wait did it bring seats yes I did chicken come on what was his name Carl hold up Carl call the chicken why is his fence open I'm so confused what happened comments-section see this is why I live stream where's my chicken where is my chicken Carl the chicken is not here I'm soaking was it couple toped was it trouble cop did you take my chicken little trouble cop no I don't even care anymore where is he Carl Carl you have to be scared okay couple cop didn't hike all in this closet you never know hmm I don't hear him he should be speaking right alright sloka man was it you in the basement in the basement nope okay Carl Carl I'm actually a little bit upset did go walk away we hold up the comment section is saying that slogan man took it where is it then where is it buddy no Carl come with me buddy come with me you're going back home I can't believe slogan main took you it put it put you in that little disgusting area ok ok crawl it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine crawl all right come on we're gonna find you a little sister ok we're gonna find you a little sister Oh slow go man I cannot believe he did this I cannot believe he did this ok well let's take calls egg that's actually mine I'm gonna say nice try slow go but the chicken yeah is mine there you go nobody touches my chicken alright we've got three more wheat seats maybe we should get some more can I turn this off I don't turn that off there we go we should get some more so let's get ourselves some wheat seeds yay I actually think that public up worked on this farm over here it looks great nice actually what do you guys think I think it looks pretty good all right there you go that is plentiful plentiful obviously we got to put these guys back in since this is a live stream I cannot cut anything out so everything I do in today's episode is recorded and left into the video because it's a live stream lol how's it going alright ok so we're running out no we're not oh man we've got so much wheat over here that's way too much ok we should actually keep some seeds because we need to get some chickens alright which way do we go to get some chickens also yes look at my beautiful outfit doesn't it look so good tell us sir a conga she can get you can get this shirt sort of calm all right let's go up here let's go up here chicken come on we need to get Carl little sister Carl Carla's been lonely he got he got stolen he basically got kidnapped yeah it's not great is it now Carl I mean Carl sister we don't we don't have a name for it yet make sure you guys leave a comment down below because obviously the name Carl came from one of you guys one of you is named Carl shoutout to you and because he liked subscribed and clicked on a notification bell he got his name at wait wait what he got himself named after a chicken that's how it works everybody make sure you like this video subscribe to my channel which by the way we are nearing on 14 million subscribers so you know if everyone that's watching right now could just click on that subscribe button we could we could hit 14 million guys they'll be amazing alright so um yeah make sure you subscribe click the notification bell and then leave a comment and I will name a chicken after you we got some llamas and a wolf we got a little wolf seat I know if I had a bone I would give it to you but I unfortunately do not have a bone with me alright I want to be a little bit careful with those llamas because they spit they spit into my face and I do not like that where are these bloody chickens at go chickens why is it so rare to find chickens in this game I just want to get a little sister for call yeah yeah how's everybody doing anyway I'm actually doing amazing like you guys might know I miss my flight and oh never mind hello do you like me do you like me come with me come with me about I'm gonna bring you to your new brother okay your your your your best friend it's gonna be your best friend anyway like I was talking about my miss flight yeah I miss my flight so I didn't have a video prepared for for today that's why I'm going live now you know that's why I'm going live just just the raw cut you know not a lot of youtubers do that these days but hey I'm showing the true self my right what I can't even talk yeah the true self is me not talking wait what's down here okay chicken come with me come on you're gonna find you a new sister if we can I'd like to get to two chickens they'll be nice right that'd be really nice come on little buddy come on all right so technically all chickens are females right so Carl I'm not sure if you're a boy or a girl in real life but unfortunately you are a girl in Minecraft Hey correct me on that if I'm wrong guys I think I think I'm correct on that all right going up here can you do that little buddy I don't have a name for you yet come on come on come on I need to break this block oh oh you're so cute you remind me of your brother oh you guys are gonna have such a good time together maybe I should try and expand that cage today as well they'll be I'll be pretty good you know if I get more chicken friends it'll be good to expand it right come on buddy come on come on there we go yep almost there just gonna break right through these bushes there we go all right so my home should be right down here somewhere I think what's this what is this hold up hold up you stay there you stay there oh hello please take off your shoes the air temple I don't I don't have any shoes what is this okay I'm not gonna open that no I'm not gonna do it now I'll leave that for later maybe I'll do that together with Jordie or zorse logo man or something I I don't know all right go with me a little chicken it's actually getting dark creepers are scary and they will blow us up okay we cannot have that we cannot have that come on yes getting there yes also we should probably do like a little bit of a you know a troll on slogan conserving he stole my chicken I've got an idea although we need a lot of chickens for that I can't I can't run around the whole day getting chickens okay I can't cannot do that all right in here right in here yes hello oh wait no no that's not good it's brother and sister we've got a little chicken now oops don't do that guys you were supposed to be brother and sister and not get a little Sun all right come on come on there we go all right good good job yes we've got three tickets now wait we need to name one of you so you are call and you are going to be what can we name you hmm Oh Rachel rachel says named chicken Rachel because I like this video subscribe and turned on all notifications by clicking on the bell Rachel that's such a beautiful name do I have a sign with me I don't have a sign with me Rachel all right now we'll get a little we'll get a little name for the little boy over there later okay we'll do that later maybe we can get lucky and get another one nope all right let's get a sign put Rachel's name down Rachel is our new chicken and it's actually a mother now yes it's really weird how quickly that way huh all right let's get some oak planks let's put these together like this get some sticks in there we've got a sign all right Rachel your name is going to be written down so we've got Carl the chicken and we've got mm-hmm Rachel Rachel the mother chicken yes yes it's a mother chicken now yeah congratulations she guys are parents of this little guy wait maybe we should put a sign down there we still need a name for this little guy okay nameless baby chick there we go who said I got a name baby chick but that's okay well that's okay can we get another one no we cannot all right so maybe guys I've got a cool idea if we work really hard today we can get a lot of chickens and then we put all those chickens inside Josh's home I'm not sure if we're gonna manage because we need a lot of eggs for that but it would be cool wouldn't be it would be pretty cool all right um let's set let's sleep real quick because it is dark outside and then we're gonna do something else ladies and gentlemen that's right let me just take a sip of this mmm that's that's so good all right so anyway what can we do um I actually noticed that slow go man and quibble cop have a mailbox that's right slow ghost mailbox got nothing in it an acrylic ops mailbox that's got a gift from swag oh man four blocks of iron and a golden horse armor what should we do what should we do should I just steal it we just removed this sign he will never find out yes yes that's what we're gonna do right first we need to make our own our own our own mailbox all right guys let me know in the comment section right now ask this is a live stream you can let me know whether I should steal it or not I think we should I think we should how do I make a trap door trap door trap door trap door trap door whoa just like that okay all right that makes a lot of sense there we go we got two more I don't make a barrel bear roll okay we need two Oak's lab for that aha ah and how do I make a slab guys I am a Minecraft professional as you can see this is how I build this this is how I do these things all right so we're gonna make a barrel right no what oh okay alright we got a barrel so now if we grab the fence or should we put it like on the right side right over here and we put the barrel on top of that yeah buddy and then we grab the trapdoor okay that is a work no I wanted it to like be on the barrel how do I do that oh man oh man okay and maybe we need to grab some dirt and we just like put it there does that work yes see I am a genius guys see now mine doesn't look the same as slow go man's mine is different and unique okay so I'm gonna call this one jellies mailbox alright there we go beautiful maybe we'll put one on top as well can't we can we put a trap door on the top please oh man guys sometimes I struggle in this game I'm gonna be very honest with you trap door there we go close it okay now we need one on the top as well yeah how exactly does that work huh maybe like that yes yes all right all right so wait let's just quickly get rid of all this stuff in my inventory cuz it's always a mess in my adventure here oh you'll figure that out real soon guys it's always a mess in my inventory alright we're gonna take that now we've got ourselves a little mailbox nothing's inside of it but oh wait hold up well Cobb has some mail oh oh oh how sweet a gift from slow go man wait how do I I like how does he do it how do I say that there's a gift maybe I'll do it like this gift from slow go X Oh X something like that right you did something like that and then we're gonna do the exact same thing oh wait okay now let's pretend we don't know about it oh look I got a mailbox what's the mail oh no way we've got four iron ingots and the golden horse armor from slow go man oh sweet of him how sweet ah I really don't care oh so sad so sad I just stole Jordi's gift and put it in the well and he will never see it again man alright anyway let's have a look what can we do um we've got ourselves a mailbox now I want to get a lot of chickens to prepare a troll and slow go man but that might be difficult what do we need for a lot of chickens we need a lot of wheat we need a lot of wheat seeds so I should probably fix this right yeah I don't do that do I do with a shovel or something thought I'd write clicked alright anyway let's get ourselves a lot of wheat seeds there we go we're just gonna grab basically everything we have yes perfect and we just kind of need to duplicate our chickens okay it sounds really nasty and very scientific but trust me it's fine okay it is minecraft it's just a little video game nobody needs to get upset about it okay nobody needs to get upset about it there we go get some more seeds well we're doing great also I'm hungry actually I'm a little bit hungry I've got three and a half bars of food left so I can make some breads yes also not sure if this is like a community a community farm or if this is something that only Jordi is allowed to use because I'm pretty sure he's the one that built it but you know what don't care don't don't care nope don't care all right there we go there we go perfect look how well I'm doing guys all right let's let's not all put all of that down because obviously we need the wheat seeds for the chickens it's actually really nice farm look at this nice area all right I think we've got enough now we've got four full stacks wow that's a lot that's a lot that's a lot okay let's just let's just go back let's go back we need to create some bread and we need to feed our chickens so that we got another little chicken well there we go yes okay how many do we need maybe we need a lot more than that hey let's just use all the wheat right let's just use it all I have a lot I'm so bad at this sometimes guys there we go all right sixteen pieces of bread that's fine with me we can eat now and we can feed our chickens so if I'm correct if I feed this little baby chicken like a lot of seeds he will grow up quite quickly alright that's thirty I'm just gonna feed him an entire stack or you guys make love again yes okay that's good alright now feed you as well dang that worked yes alright let's throw some eggs oh we got another one oh we're all we are doing crazy dude the Carl and Rachel DNA is amazing that's oh no no we shall not how dare you how dare you how dare you escape my little farm come on come on there we go alright it's gonna continue doing it like this so we need to feed these little babies and then eventually they will grow up to be bigger chickens oh man we get enough more chickens and more oh oh yes that's what I'm talking about all right now we feed the little one do this is going so well oh and now we're in trouble with five oh okay well we should probably find find some more I think I'm not a cool thing I wanted to do today is work on this bridge oops that was a good one there's a good one yeah so we uh we could we can make a little bridge here right like way to the other side of the town and that's where we can farm all those trees hmm I think that's a pretty cool idea so while we wait for some chickens to lay eggs maybe it's a good idea for us let's have a look where do I have my uh we're to have my mining gear I don't have one more block of iron really oh I can throw these don't I have one more block man all right let's get some wood let's get some wood but first we need a pickaxe there you go beautiful beautiful hmm that's a good lookin pickaxe all right so what we're gonna do wait that's not a pickaxe that's just a normal axe what we're gonna do is we're gonna use that okay nothing happened we're gonna we're gonna use that to get some wood right over there and then we'll work on our little a little bridge here obviously it's gonna be looking like a fancy bridge eventually but we need some wood first okay so that's just what we gotta do and then wood takes time in this game that's just that's just honestly right there alright guys if you know of any good trolls that Josh or Geordi did please warn me about it in the comment section right now okay I am reading the comments it is a live stream after all it is a live stream so I know exactly what you're saying and when you're seeing it a lot of people are saying that josh is trolling me well yeah he stole my chicken I know that the comments section is going so fast it's so hard to read all right there we go get some more wood get some more wood yes beautiful okay one second Oh yep we're good okay it's actually getting dark I don't I don't have any torches with me I am so smart and well-prepared yeah like usual like usual I actually don't think we need that much wood though we only need maybe like 30 and then we can get like 120 wood and then we can just build a simple bridge for now we don't need a complicated bridge just yet guys it can be a simple bridge all right it's so dark I can't I can literally not see anything anymore let's go back let's go back what I just almost died all right back up this way let's go to bed real quick you're right in here I also want to expand this house like crazy because I think I'm the one with the smallest house hmm I'm so thirsty today all right let's turn this into oak planks now we've got like about a hundred and that should be plenty to create just a simple simple bridge very simple okay so that's one two three four five six all right now we just need some slabs which if I'm correct you make like this no yeah okay one two okay maybe like that let's try that the reason I want some slabs is because it makes the bridge look elevated oh yeah I like that word I like that word all right one two and that's three and that's four five six and seven we're almost there eight and I think one more and then we can go back to real wood okay oh man what am i doing can I stop putting it down like that please okay there we oh wow of course it have to do that of course there we go that's more thank you and voila we have ourselves a beautiful bridge to this other land which we haven't really explored yet we should probably explore it there's a lot of things here that we don't know about just yet okay there we go maybe we should like open this up a little bit maybe we should just set all this on fire all right well we've got a little bridge let's have a look what that looks like looks like a bridge okay maybe so that's five we should we should probably make it look a little bit better but for now it's okay for now it's okay you know it's not really my concern right now but my concern right now though is to make some chickens come on little boys or girls whatever you are yeah it's I'm talking about drop those things for me please yeah look at that we've got two eggs and we've got a bunch of more chickens oh and we can grow you guys again we just need to feed the small ones because if we feed these small ones a lot they grow so much quicker that we can expand our family pretty quickly we've only got 11 left all right there you go you guys grow okay you guys grow I'll be right back I'll be right right back all right let's make some fences fences fences fences how do I make those again isn't it what sticks yeah it's what sticks all right we need some sticks how many do we need we need a lot more than that okay and now sticks in the middle was it like that oh it was like that I'm so bad at building guys you do not understand there we go fancies why do you need the fences jelly well ladies and gentlemen a bridge doesn't just hang on itself doesn't now you know it needs it needs to be supported by something yeah that's right that's right oh look at that that already looks a little bit better a little bit more professional okay maybe I should like hmm okay that's fine let's do it on the other side as well all right we are gonna build down from here and we just build right down make sure it doesn't touch the water cuz that just doesn't look good perfect but actually looks really professional even if I say so myself look at that now I like the look of that maybe something that we should do though is um do I have dirt on me you know I do okay let's just do this okay we should we should probably put two over here like that as well not maybe that's too much okay just like just like this is good just like this all right just a little support you know it needs a little bit of support yeah I like that look at that this is a proper bridge ladies and gentlemen we can use this go to the other lands yes there's a Britisher for okay two right there and we built right back down oh yeah chickens are so cute I just saw a comment from somebody saying that the chickens are so cute I know right they are so cute oh man they are so cute oh they're fully grown now we should probably get some more seeds it's a lot of work trying to grow ourselves a little chicken I'm not sure if I'm gonna manage today because my plan is to just spam Josh's home with um yeah with chickens cuz cuz you know it's a little bit of a payback we need we need to do some kind of pain bag he he cannot just enjoy life and get nothing back he kind of just steeled Karl tell me I'm gonna do anything yeah let me know in the comment section if you have on any other troll ideas right now that I could that could easily pull on him need something good need something good it's kind of its kind of difficult you know it's kind of difficult also yes we need to prepare for uh for our troll bot war anyway cuz I know what these guys are up to see here's the thing Josh gave Geordi a gift because I think Geordi probably give Josh a gift where is my gift I never got gifted there working against me I'm telling you they are working against me alright perfect get herself some more seeds look how nice all right with that we'll be able to grow our chickens to the fullest mm-hmm I hope Josh likes chickens hey guys how's it going there we go we got another little chicken and we've got some eggs as well yes yes no luck no luck today alright well it doesn't really matter how about we start upgrading our house a little bit while we wait for more chickens to grow um something we could do quite easily its expanded on this side I think that would look pretty cool well another idea I had was to create a little Terrace that overlooks the water over there so how about we start with getting some wood now that we have a bridge is really really easy to get some more wood ladies and gentlemen that's right we've got wood for days basically we've basically got wood for days he gave me dirt what do you mean he gave me dirt I just saw a common because this is a live stream so I can see the Commons live somebody says that he gave me dirt as gift Josh gave me dirt as a gift what why would he do that that just mean he gave his friend quibble cob iron and golden horse armor and I get dirt see this game it's not fair or at least they are not playing it fair okay they're not I'm telling you they're they're up to something and I I don't know what's going on but I do not like it I do not like it one bit at all like you guys know I also have a secret chest room which I've got all my valuables in which is not a lot right now okay it's not a lot should probably kept those iron blocks actually now that I think about it would have been useful yeah well now it's probably despawned anyway because I threw it in the well alright get some more oak logs look at that okay I hate it when these trees grow like this and then I just go straight up crazy trees sometimes they're up to something you know what I mean hey wait we're almost out of our pickaxe as well that's crazy man I definitely need to get some iron cuz I'm running out of these axes too quickly ah oh well its life of minecraft you know it's just how it goes there we go that's that we still got a wooden one stuck I have winter one he gave me I can't believe he gave me dirt as a gift why what are you guys talking about the well I see a lot of you are talking about the well it didn't despawn I'm so confused I threw it in the well man it's so deep it'll despawn also we need like just a little bit amount of more subs for 14 million subscribers you guys see this counter right over here right that's a live counter if you guys hit the subscribe button you'll see the number going up also if you hit the like button you'll also see the like button going up you know it's like that it makes a little sound now it is if you guys get it out the well is what the well is a troll I mean it said well how can it be a troll anyway we're almost out of her wooden axe I think we're gonna get just about 64 oak plugs and then we'll have to head back home that's right it's also getting dark again man days in Minecraft go so quickly it's actually ridiculous it's actually ridiculous like it's been like five minutes and it's already dark man I feel like we're on the North Pole where we're in the winter times there's only one nice sunshine you know what I mean you guys know that's the thing and in the summer times they actually have 24 hour days of sunlight it's crazy all right there we go that's racks we've got 68 oak logs let's go back sleep real quick well so we need some of that birch wood as well we should probably put samplings down as well but uh let's use a little bridge why I like the bridge what do you guys think about the bridge I actually think it looks really cool I actually think it looks really really cool okay they really just put an oak log down inside of my house uh sometimes I do a weird thanks guys sometimes I do weird things goodnight sleep tight a goodnight sleep tight right cheers to that so thirsty today man I don't know what's going on with me all right let's uh let's feed a little chicken some wheat hey guys how's it going oh you guys are so cute no no back in immediately are you Carl you hardly look like Carl you're going back inside immediately yeah that's what I mean yeah that's what I mean okay feed these little ones there we go no do you want to kill you do you want me to kill you man I made you these chickens are so annoying guys it is actually ridiculous all right let's start working on the expansion of our house 1 2 3 4 blocks I think that'll be big enough right 1 2 3 just like that and maybe we expand it from right over here huh no it was a nice hook up ooh three four okay we actually need to get yeah we need to get an axe again we should probably what do I do with the chicken farm like I don't know I'm a little bit confused how I'm gonna do this we'll figure it out though first let's create just simple cobblestone ax uh no just open the bloody chest oh my I'm so clumsy I am so clumsy guys it's actually ridiculous okay just gonna break this with our axe take these two oak logs back there we go so we're gonna expand it that way let's just get rid of this real quick the pressure plate I actually like the way our house looks but considering mine is the smallest out of everybody's I think it's about time we expand it you know what I mean okay we should should we keep this support pillar no you should probably get rid of it just get rid of it yep there we go okay get rid of these stairs over here there we go ma'am my house got me so big it's gonna be too big to look at not sure that makes sense okay okay nearly done with breaking this open I guess what we could do considering I want to probably leave it like this we should probably have like a glass staircase like we have over here I just came up with a really cool idea what if this is the only staircase and this brings us to a terrace yeah I like my own thinking guys okay let's just put this here in case they try to escape okay so we need to we need to break this open a little bit alright do I have anything important in here I don't know we'll get some more glass glass is really cheap to get okay so will will break this we're gonna make this one higher this is all with the different type of wood as well so I probably need to get some more of that this side is going to be the same as it is now but instead of this house being basically symmetrical we're gonna change that oh yes we are oh I am up to something good I can tell you that hmm okay so this is gonna be a little walking way and it's not gonna be is that gonna look good though is that if we walk here is that gonna look good like visually hmm another thing I look fine we could actually keep this and we could keep this as well just like this yes and then we'll have like a little terrace here with some slabs on it and maybe we leave this as an outside area that you can walk underneath oh I like where this is going ladies and gentlemen I like it alright well we're gonna have to move that chest though we're gonna have to move that also we've got a lot of staircases now okay so let's change this into logs we need slabs and a lot of it oh no those are this is a there's normal blocks okay I can do that so normal blocks right over here woohoo and this is going to be oak there we go beautiful what a beautiful house of God ladies and gentlemen what a beautiful house of God oh yes I do oh and our chickens are gonna have a little roof as well it's gonna look good it's gonna look so good magnificent this is what I like to call it okay maybe we should remove that and remove that and then we extended like that mm-hmm oh yes and now some stairs and we just like build around it right oh oh that's just looking juicy ladies and gentlemen this is one crazy good-looking home oh yeah Jordie and Josh have got nothing against me nothing Wow that's a beautiful Terrace it's a beautiful Terrace okay maybe we need to remove this and the glass okay so then we need to get some glass again we cover this up with slabs Oh what am i doing take it back yeah so we cover that out with slabs again this is gonna stay the same as well but then this area is gonna change so we're going to get rid of that chest can we take everything out okay almost everything anyway just break it it'll be fine yep just a little bit of a mess right now but that's gonna be fine hmm and then we'll have glass right over here this is gonna be like a little passageway glass glass hmm yeah it looks good looks really really good let's get some glass boys to put some things in the chest what's what kind of chest to this I forgot what yes we have okay I hate these messy things we need some glass so how did we get glass we need sand how do we get sand we go to the beach beach let's go get away oh I cannot sing that because that's unfortunately copyrighted oh man I love copyrighted things it's great it's amazing all right here we are at the beach look about sand we've got we've got our three little boats that we use to get here man this is gonna be the best look at home ever if you guys agree with me make sure you leave a like in the stream right now jump in the well I cannot swim out of the well why would I jump in the well it sounds like a really bad idea okay you know what I hate about spades or shovels whatever you wanna call them they always break so bloody quick oh man fourteen million we're at nine hundred and sixty three thousand guys so what's that like we thirty seven is that is that counting right maybe not something like that there we go how much oh yeah sixty one already it's plentiful blender full of sand the ball yeah what's this guy like a little um he'll okay there it's hidden away oh it's beautiful though looks nice okay there's my shovel let's go back we've got enough sand now anyway it's always like that the well is a secret I mean it's a wishing well and you're supposed to keep your wishes a secret I'm not sure what your what your obsession is with the well guys I see a lot of people saying stuff about the well I'll check it out later okay first let's actually finish the expansion it looks good it looks so good from the side doesn't it alright so I'm correct yeah we have a bunch of coal we're gonna put some sand in perfect um we need a new pickaxe oh man how do I do I really don't have cobblestone on me anymore way I mean new shovel okay new shovel he's okay is okay we're just gonna have to get rid of this floor over here so I'm not sure if I should leave this as an inside area or as an outside area I'm not really sure what to do with this just yet under the torch in Josh's house you guys are you guys are saying a lot of silly things you guys must have watched slogans or publicize videos yeah hiding stuff for me guys to say yes if they're hiding stuff for me I'm just asking a question here I can ask those things right oh that's not supposed to happen just say yes if they're hiding things from me guys I'm watching hi Carl that's Carl right there at the sign Carl's being a good boy come on stop that I see a lot of nose and a lot of yes I'm not sure what to believe at this point okay that looks pretty good no no no stop running away it's gonna be fine come on these chickens never listen these chickens never never listen come on hey all right you guys have good times okay here we go all right so you're not as born oh we got seven eggs now it's going a little bit chicken faster with our chicken farm I like it okay this is actually starting to look really good I actually think we should build this in okay so we would build it like this as well maybe we can have like a little connection to our home yeah that'd be cool we see a lot of nose and a lot of yeses guys I am not sure what to believe at this point you have to understand that it is hard for me to know what's going on but clearly something is going on and clearly I need to do something about it okay maybe we should have another door in this one I think that would work right over here and then just the roof I like where this is going honestly and like where this is going all right do I have enough wood or do I have enough wood oh we have we have some more nice all right door you're gonna be right over here for the rest of your life probably maybe can't confirm all right some glass looks good let's put the glass of stairs as well this is the upstairs area and then we're gonna like cover this up no okay just like that I guess you won't even be able to see it that's the good thing about it I think look at that now I'm gonna be honest with you that looks really good I like it just not this piece this piece is a little bit odd and maybe we create like a nice big window over here and then we cover that up yeah oh that looks good okay it's getting dark I should probably go sleep again I like that that's cool so this is gonna be our like our terrace or outside area therefore think we can probably close this off over here right boom oh okay now I need to figure out what I can do with this though how do I close that off like nicely see that doesn't really work does it no yeah Oh glass is sometimes so annoying to work with look at that so I like how that looks but I don't like that do I sell bet on me no creepers around me right all right wait before we continue I'll look in the well just nothing there you guys are trolling me listen it's a troll Mar war between Kabul cops logo man and I okay not between you guys you guys can pick sides tho you guys can pick sides I think I'll have to remove these stairs and maybe we just have to put like something else down trying to figure this out let's see if we put the slabs like right there that'll look cool that'll and that'll feel quite nice to walk here as well I think I like where this is going no what did you do here can we not just act normal Oh sometimes this game doesn't want to work with you huh all right we need some more slabs and then we'll put them right over there this is a weird house I'm gonna be very honest with you okay I'm gonna have to worry rid of this don't like it don't like the way it looks let's go to sleep let's go to sleep okay maybe we'll have to make a fence like that does that work I mean that looks pretty cool and then if we got some slabs up here to like fill it up yeah that's better all right what do you got some more wood though all right let's just break all this down houses are really confusing to work on and I ain't no architect okay I'm gonna be honest okay let's break that do we still have three pieces of iron let's go to our secret chest and figure it out three pieces of iron please my actual valuables yes 25 okay I kind of want to see if um if it's not been found yet I'm always scared Oh still there okay good all good all good nobody knows about our little tea and she trapped there guys know buddy knows and don't worry nobody's watching slow go mine's not watching my livestream don't worry about it yeah hey wouldn't do that kwabba cop wouldn't either okay I like the open feeling that is getting especially from here billing this might look even better okay good let's use that would I mean iron perfect now we can get a lot of wood let's just go let's just go a lot of wood is what we need a lot of it so guys exactly tell me what this logo men do is there something with that well I need to be careful about is there like a teen key explosion if I go in there I don't know what's going on you have to understand there are a lot of people in the comments section trolling me and there's a lot of people being honest as well so I don't really know exactly what to do tell me remove the water someone says why give me an explanation okay this is the good wood there is a secret how do I find the secret my ah it's good it's good that you guys are telling me that he's up to something though because to be very honest with you I don't trust him I'm not sure it was it was slow go man right I think you guys said it was slow go man he had something all right he probably built some really crazy redstone contraption that will lock me in and kill me so I'm not really sure if I want to go down that route guys I'm not really sure hmm oh that's good also I need to make sure to plan all these saplings cuz I'm getting a lot of wood over here a lot of it now somebody is saying that the Commons are trolling you what I don't know what to believe I don't know what to believe Oh Apple let's get this all right so we need really a lot of birch wood we actually have a lot of stuff in our event tree let's get some more there we go how much do we have for tea let's just let's just continue until we have sixty four of that and then we continue on on our on our house probably you will be able to finish that now so that'll be nice we might need some more sand as well for some glass maybe we can actually steal some from couple copper sloka man you never know they might have a lot of glass ready that I can just borrow you know how it goes yeah also guys make sure you like and subscribe to this channel I mean like the video and subscribe to this channel to be in to me in the next video I was a little chicken guys we named it a little chicken today her name is Rachel and she is a mother now I know it's so cute how many do we have 64 okay perfect let's go back whoa all right where's my bridge where is my bridge oh look at that alright still a really simple bridge I really need to like make it look more proper but we'll work on that eventually it's not really one of my concerns right now okay oh no that I just do that I hate when that happens okay so we'll just put everything in the air that we don't need for now there we go I guess we keep the rest because I don't want to mess up all these chests alright that's a lot of wood let's get some slabs how did I do that again okay oh that's way too many slabs Oh what did I just do oh man here we go see I can do this I said I can do this okay we're gonna have to get rid of this one oh gosh can I can I pick it up can we put it down somewhere we need more chests that way yeah man I'm a mess honestly did I really just put everything in there and then I broke the chest it's not so smart one two perfect okay so now the roof is done and I think we can is there no way to make it like a vertical slab I don't think so right let's grab the stairs again that looks nice that looks really nice okay so right over here we do the same thing see this one always confused me no that doesn't work guys what do I do with this I am so confused I want to make this look pretty gosh so we should do like that okay okay I can live with that oh man that is a rough corner right there I've got a better idea I've got a better idea yep you just need to make it a little bit longer and that is literally it okay anyway where were we is this a fine Terrace looks kind of cool but I don't like how it's like unfinished over here this is so hard let's just close it off boom that's it for now all good do we have torches on us yes we do nobody's coming in and nobody's going out that's the way uh-huh aha ok so now that we've done with now that we're done with that where were we exactly actually we need some more glass though right I did say because we need to make this is a glass pane do we have enough you might actually have enough oh yeah hello little chickens look I created a window we've got enough that's awesome Oh No where are the seats do not want chickens in my house where did I put the blimey seeds ok we got one we've got one chicken tick tick tick tick tick come on oh look at them come on buddy come on it's gonna be just fine that's right dad's right come to your parents yes to Grandma Rachael and hello Rachael and Carl is that Rachael Rachael trying to escape Rachael come on it's only been a day it's only been about a day No let's go to bed and take care of these chickens after stupid chickens gosh is so annoying oh they're so annoying okay I can't close that up I hate how unorganized my chests are my inventory' there you go I'll organize that later we need the seeds okay we have it on us okay let's get some let's get some there these chickens that's right they will not give up trying to escape and I will not give up trying to keep them lair yeah that's right that's better what you just look at that you guys remember the good old days where I had my own castle with like basically an automated farm automated sugarcane I had everything automated fish farm yep have to leave all of that behind for my friends and now they're trolling me and basically leaving me alone it's it's not great it's honestly not great but at least we've got these chicken friends come on look chicken come on come with me we're going we're going home yes yes we're all getting seeds oh no come on oh it's so close maybe I should get a carpet instead of this oh look at that more family more family that's great oh here you are come on buddy come on yes good boys good boys all right now that we've got a lot of chickens that's great I'm like you guys know Josh did indeed steal my chicken before but I told him nice try I'll see you guys hear that there's fireworks outside you hear that fireworks it's like fireworks every evening here it's great it's like party time I was thinking maybe we should like cover up his house with chickens but we'll keep that there well keep that there oh this fireworks is so loud can they stop and I'm just trying to have a good time always these bloody firework shows I'd like to go see it though fireworks are nice all right how was her high school I was looking now how's our heist like okay I don't really like the way that looks like the coroner looks really strange but don't really know what to do with it right now I think that coroner's is so weird you see how it's kind of like leaning and also we're supposed to like yeah I mean I guess we'll fix it later at least we extended it a little bit man that fire was so loud all right let's see can we do something else at the bridge maybe we should work on the bridge a little bit how can we make the bridge look even better we need some more wood of course and some more wood we shall use did I not have a lot of the other wood or it is okay okay four-wide is enough you think oh I've got a good idea here guys I've got a really good idea we're just gonna place these blocks making four wide at the edges but then the inside is rather thin and we're gonna cover that up with some fences yes yes boys that's how we do it okay so we need two fences okay we can get a lot of fences it's probably enough for now oh look at that man I actually really like the look of that that's great so now it's starting to look like a proper bridge oh I'm actually proud of myself I am actually proud of myself guys would you just look at that watch I just don't get that do we have torches on us we currently don't we should probably get a torch like for example we could put a torch right over there oh yes okay let's get some let's get some coal coal coal we're gonna have my cold and my furnace of course a little bit of torch a little bit of torch do I have some bread no I don't let's make some real quick cuz I'm starving there we go dude playing Minecraft takes so long I feel like I haven't done anything when I've been playing for more than an hour now that's crazy perfect huh I'm so proud of myself for this one welcome Who I am really proud of myself for this one huh looks so good I'm gonna have a look from it from the side this is our bridge oh my that looks good I like it what do you guys think I fixed that by the way let's do before somebody's saying there's diamonds in that temple why do I not believe that guys why do I not believe that should we quickly um expand our basement a little bit cuz I feel like I feel like I need to have a proper storage room so maybe we should make this actually nice just like this we'll use our pickaxe and make it look nice what's it the well guys Weiss everybody's still talking to me about as well all the way down the well you have to understand it's confusing for me and how did that iron pickaxe break so quickly alright I'll go down again there's nothing there what is this it's a hopper what what does that do it hops it helps things I am a noob guys I own I don't know he's definitely put something there I don't know what it is though go too slow go man's basement I've been there it's nothing they're expanding our basement we need we need to get like a proper chest room here guys oh wow look at this the well haha that's so cool okay I guess we leave it like that I don't want to hmm I guess his chest room is fine it's big enough all right ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna leave the stream here hope you guys enjoyed in the next one I'm actually gonna have a proper look down there because I really don't know what that is I'm getting really tired like you guys know I missed my flight this morning so it's been it's been I spent a long day it's been it's been a long day I'm gonna be honest make sure you guys leave a like on the stream subscribe down below help me to go to 14 million and I'll catch you guys and the next one [Music]
Channel: Jelly
Views: 13,009,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, troll, war, building, new, funny, game, jelly, slogoman, kwebbelkop
Id: UCOhetIovYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 32sec (4652 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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