We Got KICKED OUT of a Garage Sale! With Shane Dawson and Ryland Adams

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another day another garage sale we're here in Los Angeles just to see what kind of treasures we can find and we already found these two what now let's hit up our first garage sale all right so we're in Los Angeles today obviously we got Shane and Ryland with us Shane's already sporting the fanny pack he's pretty prepared however Ryland I do see that you're missing something I'm relying on my husband is that a noo no you got to have your own getting a Wallace he is not the Wallace from the last video and I even I'll let you do it if you want to unzip that top pouch right there hold on hold on hold on all right no no it's okay you have all you need in there to make a deal happen oh my gosh you come on this show and you get some coin you know we're going off of sag standards $2 you know we've been looking forward to this for a long time we requested for ourselves to be on the show we weren't even asked we definitely forced you guys into this oh no no forcing no forcing it's all consensual I have a $20 bill I'm a little nervous about this because haggling like if I say like oh I can only do five and then I hand them a 20 it's a boss move to hand so I should do that oh yeah for sure okay that'll be my goal I also have hand sanitizer cuz I feel like you guys don't do that enough on this show oh yeah yeah here let's some of the sh you guys are touching is insane good call you guys are teaching us things so the first garage sale that we found I'm not going to lie it's a little disappointing we drove buy it it's pretty small sometimes what happens is if they know a big garage s is going on down the way they try to get the stragglers coming in so I think this is going to be a good warmup garage sale I'm hoping it goes into the inside but let's see what they have is this the estate sale I believe this is the estate sale unfortunately this is also I think candy Kan Lane yes it is that I did tell Jared on the way here which like is going to be epic for one of your guys' Vlogs candy can Lane is crazy we've got to come with the boys too all of us we're really forcing ourselves onto your channel it doesn't even have to be for the video Just For Life you know let's do it all right so are you guys looking for anything specific yes I I don't know why I keep doing this I'm looking for an art piece for my office and I'm looking for a unique fun candle I know I might already have a pig coming for me in Christmas time but you know something kind of fun and interesting what about you um I think we need to find you a new pair of sunglasses his walking has made his sunglasses be too loose and so now he's on yeah by the way guys I'm walking backwards yeah this is crazy walking very fast and we're not watching tra at all for you good looking out slow down I I can be convinced of that I need anything though so I see art I see a lot of art oh my gosh it almost doesn't look like a garage cell it almost looks like they're cleaning up hi right on I have to pee in something okay I already see something I kind of like the Nike Duff bag I never thought about the name Duke but I kind of love it for a child for our child to carry the children around here's a discount there's a hole there's a hole there's a little bit of a rip say how much do you want for this duffel bag with a hole in it hello hello how much for the Duke bag 10 okay so would you take three he's never going I told him he was going to be an awful ha how you guys would go on the gym bag five oh wow you're it that's a drop thank you just cuz the hole and everything I mean could you do three I can do five H I have to stitch it up yeah I can't okay let's see if we can bundle we could bundle let's see so Shane right away how did that feel horrible actually Shane but you got half off we need one of these the flies have been crazy around our property ooh tennis racket no it's it's a fly zapper you guys look what I found the Bible okay okay what is Right find oh wow Playboy you might have to censor some things oh my gosh I'm not seeing any nudity just yet actually is there any naked bodies in this thing or no there's one yes yes yes there we go oh wow wow interesting are we seeing anything else that you guys are interested in this this is nice oh it's a passport and a wall ooh it is missing the necklace aspect Apple you get the skin off the apple with the wow hamburger Mar's oh how much would you theant Queen one yes five for this do you know if it works D oh s's into the bobbleheads what do you think about this bobble head it's cute is she did she pass away oh it's worth more did we see the art yeah what about the art cuz we actually are here with art in mind art intentions yes art intentions Duke bag possibilities it all looks very Lobby to me I don't know if no it's pretty it's screaming office but it's pretty though okay okay it's pretty oh they have their own hand sanitizer definite points okay I like the vibe this is a good first y yeah this is a good like starter yard sale wow I actually really like this B and I'm very anti- buying dishes at yard sale but I might change my mind how much for this bowl that looks like a $3 that's a $3 Bowl those are old oh See's no eating going on what would you say to the bow the bag in the racket all for $10 a deal is that a deal okay cool all right I made our first deal and we could put everything in the Duke bag yeah know how to make a deal all right guys let's scr up what we got here we got the Duke bag all right what are we putting in this thing oh there's a keyboard is there something else you like how much for this apple Vision what is that is that like a teu Oculus I think oh how much for that oh wow that's out of my range I don't even want to offend you with an offer all right we got the racket the bowl the bag do you accept cash cool well hey thank you so much man thank you good luck with the rest of the garage sale they can't leave they can't leave they're hooked oh wait we left their stuff oh my God can you go it was just for show we don't really want it we knew in our hearts it was a deal wow I do love this bag I'll sew it up for you yeah really I'll pay you $10 so how are we feeling about the first garage sale right now guys that was awesome I loved him I love the energy I want to just hang out there he was a stickler though you know he wasn't willing to come down no I think five was like the lowest well he knew what he had and he knew you know it's a deal and he's not you know you got to respect somebody who values their possessions I have a question what do you do when you got a pee do we ask the owners you know what that's something you might teach us I don't know I've never asked this is Jared getting the shot yeah a little BTS all right so there's another one that's right down the street I'm excited for that one cuz not that this one wasn't great but now I'm excited for the next one it's supposed to be huge let's go all right so we're at the second garage sale which is actually an estate sale and I don't know if you guys know but I hate estate sales but we had to give you guys a chance to see one and is that because they're snobby or because you don't like what's in them because the estate sales aren't necessarily people putting stuff out on their front that they don't want it's people that come into a house they stage items a lot of it doesn't even belong to the people whose house it is and they're not really into bargaining at all but we'll see maybe you guys will really appreciate an estate sale we're still looking for art yes and then also we're looking for a little figurine for my mom for her backyard oh but only if it's a dollar she said if it's more than a dollar don't worry about it let's see how this is State sale is this is going to be bad they look like they don't like hagging there's kids toys we don't need the little awesome chair with the F we don't need it they're growing out of this anyways so a little louer a little louer so they could hear little dirty this is epic I want this I don't know what oh it's a toilet or no so typically at estate sales they have prices on the items does this have a price on it if not it's good I'd like it if it didn't I don't see a price on it I just see a lot of um dirt on it yeah and where it's for the I would clean it off for myself but for my kitchen well let's pick it up and ask how much it is let's let's here let's see let me shadow excuse me yeah how much for this a dollar a dollar that's pretty good you for a baby for a real baby then you have it for five what happened to a dollar okay come onom why why are you filming on our it's kind of weird okay I mean we just do vlogs and stuff would you prefer that we not film yes okay I'm going to say you might have had your first experience with a hater cuz I'm pretty sure she knew me and did not like me and the second she saw me she was like angry this is Iconic we have never been told not to film so that was huge that was big that was huge that does feel like it might be an us problem well in that note and you know what I told you I hate estate sales I don't think she was a hater I think she was uncomfortable with us filming haters aside let's find another garage sale haters okay I already see something I want I think I don't know okay but remember you don't need it don't need it when it comes to the bargaining okay that yellow beach cruiser so cute all right let's let's real quick make a guess how much do you think they won for that 50 bucks 15 I'm going to say they won 75 but they'd be willing to take 50 I think I think you're probably on the nose but I think they're asking more See Art okay guys let's see what they got they have blinged car seats wow oh they're Matt in the sun look at that shine wow is that a Britney Spear's book oh never mind what is the sex oh she stayed sexy throughout her whole is she still alive Suzanne Summers no she Shane oh well she stayed sexy her whole life I kind of want this Shane look at the bling hat nice for walking we've got to get a close I need a sun hat wait I don't want lice or oh wait you told me that you told me no hat yeah this yellow beach cruiser don't talk too much about it don't talk too much it's just okay I'd have to paint it all right my love are you seeing anything that you like uh yeah I already saw look for the children emotions ooh 2D shapes wow so pieces of paper nice mons oh look how cute I can't even see them charging you for those to be honest with you we we'll pick him up come on we're going to bundle it with the bike okay all right well in that case maybe should look more at the books do you think they'll let do a test run on the bike to make sure that it works oh they have to oh I'm sure Hall oh this is hot yeah yeah you got to be careful of the garage sales that have uh you know stuff in the sun these deals are hot look at this just a girl who loves cats wait this woman dude you got a whole outfit here oh my gosh the yellow be Shan Shane complimenting the host is always going to win you favor in regards to price just so you know there's also a bling phone case should I get my bling leopard cup in the car hold it and be like Oh my God look at all this bling should I do a swap yeah that's pretty hard worries and I found the Disney photo album unopened oh my gosh there it is you guys have amazing stuff here I love this game is that what Chinese checkers yes oh wow the jewelry is how much are you asking for the bike the yellow one whatever you think is fair that's the pro answer right there is there any a test drive it just right here to see that made me want to offer okay just a little bit student meets the teacher okay okay and it has a cup holder it's cute do you want to test it Ryland Ry test it I'll try yeah why not is it too high I think you're the one that would demand the least amount of air in the tires a really oh that'd be great dude thank you all right he's good yeah yeah it's so cute all right I'm going to look at the books then and let's get a little bit of book stuff so we got books last time and we actually gave them to our nieces and they loved them so let's see what else they've got they're a little too old for the boys but let's see if they have anything here Pinocchio P these look like kind of Bo are they boot L are they really from Disney or they look vintage vintage they look like they would they with something and there's a CD in there yeah that's that's always a sign of vintage a DVD well yeah but look at the drawings look at how glamorous Snow White is secret wow everything here is glamorous this is a good yard art sale yes pranks are supposed to be fun but it's not fun if anyone gets injured or hurt I love that little art piece dang is that a Bob Ross a little Zen Vibe that's very cool Shane did you see this art piece for the office yes and it's unopened show Shane Jo Shane it might be the piece that he's been looking for oh cute maybe if there was a bling on it you have a bling car Honda it just bling all over oh really all right let's see what they got over here hot meals hot meals okay okay that always look for [Music] money oh my God the juicy wait that's whoa wo wo did we just find the Holy Grail of t-shirts kind of yeah oh my God the juicy I love that you got to pay this shirt some respect what does it say on it ju I thought I said Julio Caesar no what that was like a tequila shirt okay do you remember this yes skip B yeah oh my gosh Phase 10 I love that game how much for the phase 10 whatever you put together oh man this lady's good all right we're testing out she's disarming us all right let's see all right oh wow it is really really nice wow the seat's very comfortable wow yeah but it kind of rides funny right super funny it probably needs a lot of work oh yeah I don't know it's going to have to go to service oh the basket has a chip in it why do you even offer for something like that you might have to go to the ATM for this one you know yeah seriously or $25 let's find like two more things that we like like the skipo a few other things and I say we offer 30 bucks total and see what they say cuz she's going to show her real colors if she don't like 30 bucks yeah you're right but she's also closing up she said it's too hot out here she's closing up she just got a new car she don't care about a bike you know what I mean what's the plan okay so you want these I mean I can't even imagine paying for this but so you want these let's find a few other things Phase 10 skippo I mean did you want this is this something that you're interested in no I'm okay okay teeth cleaning powder gross wait hey oh not gross this is someone's stuff that's for feet I think I don't know I think I want the Suzanne Summers book you want the suzan Summers book oh I'll get it for you let's get the Suzanne Summer book the sex years yeah I like this I would imagine there's some quality shoes in here are you just a girl who loves cats I don't want to sweat on the clothes proper urate don't sweat on the merchandise okay so I think we have what we're looking for okay here's my only side question so I don't know I love the bike I don't know if R's actually going to use it these are the hard-hitting questions you got to ask at the garage sale okay so what are we thinking about the bike I feel like you have some feelings like maybe you don't want to take it cuz you won't use it I love it as an art piece it's beautiful like it literally looks like a Louis Vuitton bike I mean I just don't I wouldn't use it you could hang this on your wall I would use it but it could be idea you know it's just the banana it's just so nice it's so well made I mean it's terribly made and definitely need to get a discount I mean it can't hold there for you know what I mean the tires are already going flat okay would you go riding bike riding Sandy oh I already have a bike yeah we have we already have two bikes that we don't use enough well what do you thinking we could just get it and then put it in the garage until one of us is ready to use it I mean I'd ride it around take it to the beach little beach cruiser I think you hang it on the wall and then you just bring it down if you ever feel like riding it it's it is nice you know okay we need to make a decision guys it's too hot all right so I think this is so far what we have Phase 10 she don't even care sko a bunch of paper Suzanne Summers the sexiest Suzanne Summers the sexy years one more spin you guys story of I'm just trying to decide is it offensive to say $30 for everything including the bike is I Reed oh oh okay well the back Tire's flat again so I'll probably I won't do maintenance so the bike is out of the question give me what you guys want it's fine $2 make it three 250 three come on damn I'm bad at this here I'll throw one of my dollars okay we'll do three they don't have they don't have the stomach for hardcore negotiating The Bling tribe we stick together all right she found commonalities and it worked here you guys go three bucks thank you so much okay big update love her yeah she was the best also I feel like I should have just bought the bling hat cuz I trust her head I trust her yeah yeah she doesn't have ni giv famous jeans Super Famous jeans well that was by far my favorite garage sale of the day as of yet do you have another plan for us oh yeah I I I think because the second one kind of got Bamboozled because they were rude to us we at least got to go to one more so let's get on this app and see where it takes us you can need to get sponsored by this app okay so we are at potentionally our last yard sale and this is an estate sale you guys know I hate them but you haven't had an accurate representation of a full estate sale yet right I want you to come to your own conclusion it's packed honestly it's busy as hell it's cracking which is a good sign it's a good sign also the portapotty the yellow it's just reminding me of the bike that I feel like I missed out on I'm really sad about it that's a ported can w wow like that play on words Kardashian with the K I feel like this one I'm a little nervous about filming just cuz there's so many people do we need to be more like inconspicuous I think it's about confidence I think if you just go in there like not even questioning the moment just doing it then you're good to go ask for forgiveness okay let's go see what this esta has to offer so we're still looking for art uh nice piece of art a candle and some kind of a gnome or something for mom's backyard I'm still on the hunt for that honestly I could use a gnome too okay I don't know what I'm just saying wow and they've got a legitimate sign oh yeah dude we get to go in the house wow oh yeah we got to go in the house oh my God I'm nervous hello Hi how are you how are you oh can't complain yet the potential oh they have good games potential podcast games celebrity head that's an interesting name when are we going to not see one of these oh my gosh this is possibly the nicest one we've seen all the CDs 40 bucks oh wait did you guys find the DVD you're looking for looking for Dogma oh it's right there is it is it no I see it do you I swear we had it way if you guys have Dogma I mean I don't want to buy everything but I'll buy that yeah well that one's $75 but I think somebody bought it that's insane wow that would have been cool dang it that's a hard movie to come by here yesterday we're never missing one of your sales again oh my God look at the Old Mac the teal Mac look at what I found a podcast jacket I've been looking for a western like tassel podcast jacket for so you better get me something real gay for the podcast episode this is on chaps and then ooh I found this cake decorating kids kit from my birth year Isn't that cool wow honestly inside was the most fun we've had all day we couldn't take you in there but it there were a lot of good finds including what we have here the lady who owns the house was a great find as well she was very cool very she's subscribed to the podcast thank you honestly this is good for us you know how many subscri three this is huge and this jacket they actually wanted $75 for this jacket originally we were able to get it down to and this is certified authentic leather oh yeah for 2250 look at that let me say certified oh yeah it says certified everywhere it can't stop saying certified look at that wow it's heavy too I would say this probably weighs a good 24 o no for real so it's almost 2 lb all right show them what I found for Ryland why why don't you talk about what you found here so we found these pop-up books for the boys like look at this are you kidding look at that what coming out of the Shelf oh okay so this is your favorite yeah this one is from Peter Pan and then look at this what isn't that crazy it's like every page is an art piece I think the boys would love that it is gorgeous yeah it's old it's faded it looks ripped up you know oh yeah we'd have to do some repairs obviously I'd have to go to my guy in Burbank to have him refurbish most of this but this looks great Ryland show me some of this de wa the tornado taking up the house are you kidding me that's gnarly these are very nice so these are the ones we're wanting for the kids also I found the infamous pogs what these bring back bad memories and I have to say even I'm starting to remember pogs now with that price point it's going to stay here so is this something guys have done before we're literally closing this out we are here till closing they're about to close experience do you think this vans for sale for the new conspiracy wagon and then we also found hardware for cabinets since we're going to be refurbishing all right let's see what kind of deal we can do so the jacket we already got 2250 now it's your time to wheel and deal on some books my love yes so all the books are 30% off because it's Saturday and it's hog would you do 40% off no tomorrow if you come back we definitely can do that it is so hot oh my God I bought the heaviest jacket on the hottest day of the year all right 21 for yours 21 let's see oh wait are you getting the no no no no unless you want to throw the Pug may we got leave in the Time Capsule okay so 21 for all that what do you think do we have $21 okay so you need the $2.50 cents for the jacket with your 20 oh yeah so can we do a deal can we yeah I can knock off the 50 cents even better 22 for your jacket and then yours is a 21 do you have a one okay 20 so this is for the jacket 21 thank you so much so much this some great stuff all right so that estate sale was definitely better than the other ones that we've been to how did you guys feel about it what do you guys think I ripped them off with this jacket this thing is worth like $200 they gave it to us for 20 and it's from Scotland all the way she got it in her travels I know and she was so nice so now I'm like wearing a part of her we found a ton of books for the kiddos which you guys saw already and then we got some little cabinets yeah I feel like it was the win today that last one was the bang oh yeah yeah Susan summer book my Dale bag or what was it duke duke duke bag you got a tennis racket success yeah all right how do you guys do this well after around this time we're ready we're ready for it to be done yeah yeah once my back is visibly sweaty we stop fing for the day well you guys thank you guys so much for watching follow all of us on YouTube Instagram we'll leave the links in the description thank you guys so much for watching bye bye keep haggling thank you you too I like your outfit [Music] [Music] that's
Channel: Sandee Yaw
Views: 347,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garage sales, garage sale finds, garage sale deals, couple vlog, Sandee yaw, Yard sale, estate sale, antique sale, haggling at garage sales, best garage sale negotiations, Shane Dawson, Ryland Adams
Id: legFw7R9ORg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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