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Oh even have a party what are you doing oh I was just hanging out saying that's ironic because I was gonna call you over here oh my god so you know how the Queen yeah well you know how Queens like to spend sure what I was searching online trying to find ideas to steal and I saw a bunch of different youtubers doing videos called mystery box I've heard of these where they buy like $20 mystery boxes and then they open them and then they'd see what's in them are you baby yes $20 but that's for trash today we're doing [Music] okay so here's the situation so I'm gonna give you thousand dollars and you have to go out and fill this box with a bunch of random crap and then I'm gonna open it tomorrow and have myself a Christmas they're giving me a thousand dollars I know a thousand dollar video was a thousand dollar pizza with drew and quit sponsoring it then I was like wait hey quit let's do this again so they were sponsoring this video and letting me give you a thousand dollars isn't that nice no here's the thing okay so I already said this last night but you guys know Quinn is an amazing app they have a bunch of stickers it's kind of like bitmoji but better yes I'm dragging and not only do they have stickers of me and my pads and Ryland and gareth bale another cool stickers too from different TV shows and different things that you guys would know so go over to Quaid it is free download it open the link right down there and there's gonna be so much more stuff they're doing gifs and memes and I'm old so I don't know what any of that means I'm sure it's great Oh they could also trade with their friends you can like trade stickers into is this Queen oh my god okay boom I got it for when you're going crazy if you don't know how to tell your friends ever to break down Oh Shane what are you really gonna cook here I'm cutting into my brain to kill myself oh I love it do it you can send that one to your mom oh no in all honesty thank you so much Quinn I never get brand deals it's very exciting that you want to work with me again thank you guys for downloading it last time because it made them want to do another video and I'm really excited to give Karen thousand dollars you go buy me [ __ ] bucks that seems like a very very bad idea yes okay so you go do this I will see you tomorrow I'm sweating wait a minute anything I want yeah this whole box the whole thing and if you pocket some of the money I'll know you're not oh my god they're use and that's we like that and there is welcome soon come on nothing's going on I'm always at your house with the violin just hanging out when you're not here come on what's going on I'm scared I don't like super no it's okay come on come on come on we unscared well remember the mystery box video we were talking about aha well we might have a little something for you this mystery box is for a man named Shane calling bad piggy and he'll squeal in pain this box is very wild spooky fun and gross it's not miles we hope it will drive you insane hi I'm Marilyn and I'm just inviting you into my box she's literally running away [Music] really show them the magic literally more excited than you oh I will this was Rylan stuff cuz he didn't have tape here we go do I dig in yes okay here we go okay okay okay wait what's in a [ __ ] box be careful be careful um it's smells I know it's not what does it smell like the mystery take it in take it in no [ __ ] mystery sauce well there's not are you kidding me you don't know what's in there yes there's actual trash in it that's just at the top it's literally so deep there's so much stuff in me well keep in mind the impersonator was 250 anyways she was 250 yeah that she was 250 Marilyn Monroe's $250 you could have got Cameron Dallas and he would have done it for 100 okay here we go okay big first okay that has a story it with the story to that is that there's a bunch of high schoolers that hang out outside of Taco Bell after school that's why I win and I fought him like $80 worth of Taco Bell yeah make a wish they were so happy oh and then I gave the rest to a homeless person so this is just symbolizing five hundred dollars you spent it's symbolizing kindness and you can take a bottle [Applause] [Music] you now that is precious right well okay all that is is it's just a fun ghost holding a pumpkin and I got it at the Halloween store they're not dead I figured I don't know they could just be nice around the house they really are they'll be nice right there violin control him rattling okay okay okay okay all right oh these are fun you know what I figured I figured we could piss our pants together okay I'll put it on there they're for all sizes oh my god oh oh here I'll move the box over do it like a big baby okay wait no no we should be clean mistake yes I'm just trying to figure out how it works that is a big diaper should this look like someone's working on a car right now or something oh my god come on with me let me get in there come on they're from the third store I mean really do you want me to yeah they'll change into that diaper baby okay keep opening your [ __ ] this is fine yes mystery Oreos for a mystery box mystery cream cominius Shana Oh oh my god what is that flavor are they different flavors that was [ __ ] gross Ryan is here kappa mystery oreo riley go peep peep no I'm nervous baby piece oh my god our gardener Ellen thanks thanks tell the gardener is that we'll give them an extra 50 this week Jesus okay okay what does that one two units so this is an original Ouija board from 1992 and I know you love it because remember we had to abandon ours when that demon followed us home 99 either - do you not remember that we literally threw it away because we almost got killed by a demon you know we could do what let's put it in your house Shane no I'm not having more demons in my house I already have enough oh my god Wow oh right you can do that one next what the [ __ ] is this oh my god why is this besides my coal wave I don't know what it is it was also a lot of money how much money was this not important next thing all right let's see what next you just pick something that is actually really cool Shane do you know what this is no it's a book of humans being dissected I can literally make a book of me dissecting youtubers pictures on Instagram for how much this is 200 I love it today will be on the cover why I said Tana will be on the cover oh it's just a kooky wig would you snatch it from Oh funny um no it probably has licensed ok ok ok I know for our scary videos like when we go through mazes and stuff that's like a nice this is cool the GoPro I know it already so go I already have all the equipment to like put it on our chests and stuff so we can like on I'm gonna throw you off the building okay Oh what the [ __ ] is this carrot cake cupcakes I didn't know that they would melt like that one of them is eaten yes I ate it that literally looks like my ass I know I saved that joke a lot but that's my let me show you cuz that's it a little Pisa carrot take out three little ass little there's another wig yeah because there's two of us next there's another wig oh I forgot I got three next condoms oh oh that's a lubricant so I was in CVS cuz I had to run in and grab something right and then this woman I said hey what's the most expensive thing in here and she was like what was this $24 for the lube after tax 30 you know it's free [Music] I know I love it I know because when I'm in a bad mood all I do is watch friends I know yeah we're right you talked about this before love you Phoebe what is oh you haven't seen the best of it so this is a little piggy playing a banjo oh nothing's happening look at that oh you when you're filling your videos all right what next they just hold a tumbler I don't even know what a tumblr is but I love this it's the perfect amount of gay just half right oh look this is me and then this is you what like half gay and then all the way gay wait I always bring the tea lights so I always bring the tea no joke's on you it's from a thrift store so we really can't take it back yeah but look at it she's funny I do love Catholic humor oh my god why is this me literally Oh same outfit same fear in the eyes next thing I'm Madonna CD oh that's me pregnancy workout oh that was in case you got Ryland pregnant oh what's that a table oh that's the holiday the Halloween season sorry about the hair no this is cool so this is like one of the nice things this is a book full of dead children no that's cute I love it I'm gonna show the audience a dead kid I don't want to get demonetised I need to pay for this dear wait let me show you a brand friendly dead kid he's thriving oh [Music] this is actually another really cool thing and it was on sale like it's made out of wood at camp car what is that like a girl ghost why is there an old woman inside her stomach where did you get this Halloween Town but it was on sale Shanee where Ranma has the best treats oh that's just for when you're eating because you get messy my grandma's dead are you trying to trigger me she did have good treats she made me obese she really did it oh I know I know she just got me a bunch of diet coke yeah I'm gonna crack one open with my boys see you soon grandma is that poop oh let me see oh no it's not I promise is this a subway sandwich I thought you might want the other half okay can I tell you why pink is the back of hope we can split this it's a meatball sub have you ever had subway yeah I have half of that today your loss we're not spawn here not by subway yeah I just didn't know if you had it do you like that movie no baby's mama I don't know if you've seen it how did you have time to take a family portrait of me make a DVD of it Riley she's literally us oh my god being you in the back powering the world oh there's one more thing okay so that has a story no it does it was fifty dollars that's a lot I know but it was actually six dollars but there was this woman had a bus stop and I said hey do you think this is cute but she didn't speak English do you think there's pumpkin is cute this little guy this is cute right and so she went to take it and I was like oh my god I can't give it to her so I just pulled out fifty dollars and I gave her 50 instead and said buy your own Halloween decorations bye I love you I don't know so this is worth fifty when did you think I literally was superwoman giving out my girl I didn't want to do I got nervous this is a fifty dollar what did this buddy look so they're just kind of have fun and please don't throw those for the love of God don't throw those Shane oh well you probably damaged a felt good that's not like fifty dollars then it was worth it cuz that that yeah those are thousand dollar mystery box when you say it like that it makes me so angry I know you're kind of sad so I have some really good news for you your viewers can go over to my channel and watch my whole journey of me getting all these things for you [Music] don't akito-kun anyways links at the end of this video yeah Mystery Box challenge I wasted a thousand dollars and Garrett probably will make over a thousand dollars on his video Shane you've wasted a thousand dollars look at this my life is falling apart they turn it over to Gary's channel subscribe to check out the video of him buying all this crap it's nothing my money it's not crap I can literally just watch the riland piss in a diaper also make sure to subscribe to my channel if you want to see all the other videos I mean Garrett have done together there's been too many I hope I'll see you guys later I'm gonna crawl on this box die we could never we couldn't breathe let's tie it up like make sure it's shot I have an idea what oh this is fun look you can put these on in the video and just piss our little pants $24 just to make your genitals slippery this is 50 I love you that's me when I haven't eaten in 12 minutes just imagine a little burrito right there oh my god
Channel: shane
Views: 14,448,207
Rating: 4.9537539 out of 5
Keywords: shanedawsontv, shane, dawson, vlogs, iphone, similar, to, jenna, marbles, smash, nigahiga, comedy, mystery, garrett, watts, fun, dollar, thrift, haul, garrett watts, ryland, adams
Id: hxKPwJaqkIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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