We Got BUSTED Street Drifting!!!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right boys we're ready we're gonna go meet up with zach calvin today we got the tires in the back just picked up some food so we got enough energy for today but yeah we're gonna get heading on over there i'm excited to finally meet up with zach it should be a really fun day not bad looking a little weird but different i guess looks kind of like a lexus we got a little spicy out here crazy traffic as always on i-4 my guy in the hundi literally almost just rear-ended me because the traffic just went to a complete stop really quick and i was going off over here just in case there was someone behind me i noticed him just like flying and went into this lane but then i just moved over and thankfully they did not slam into me that would have been real nice yo all right guys so we got our tires on he's just gonna get some gas and we're gonna hit up this warm-up spot which i guess is an s-turn or something so we're gonna hit that up and then just kind of hop around different spots so today should be pretty interesting i've never been over here so i have no idea what spots are really going to go to but zach knows some pretty sweet spots so should be fun this man's static over here this really doesn't feel like florida up here i like it it's not as flat potential houses and there's only like two guys they're super old dudes that live back there sometimes they'll come out and like literally watch me around sweet so they don't care um so you can park wherever you want but basically how we pulled in is usually the line will run so you've probably seen the tire marks back there so we'll start we'll literally pull over on the side of the road because again this is an access road to a college which the college is closed so nobody's really going to travel through here and then we'll initiate come here and then you'll shut it down wherever you want down here it's safest to run it from there since that's an actual road and this is somebody's driveway so to speak so if we were to exit out like we would have to worry about traffic but yeah we're there we can just come in and hit it as much as we want probably gonna watch you hit it the first time just to see the line and then i'm gonna set up some gopros and stuff and there's like a weird flapping noise that's annoying me so i'm gonna check that out i think i saw that in the rear end yeah i saw something flapping in the rear yeah okay cool oh it's up front yeah up front um since i rip off the bumpers inside because you're static i am static well yeah man i saw something back here but maybe i was just everything's falling apart on this car same though all right so zack's going to go out first he's going to show me what's up the whole line and everything so basically it's just this corner so he's going to start right over there do a nice little flick in here around this way [Applause] [Music] so these tires are like incredibly grippy i'm gonna check what the pressure is at i have a pump okay cool it'll it'll be fine i just didn't expect usually when i slam second like that it kicks out on its own but it didn't i saw it just gripped right now i still had grip so i was gonna feign entry i'm going to do one more because i want to fade entry um i might have to actually clutch kick i've never had a clutch kick of faint entry before i've always just had the power really all right let's see what we got all right so niko's gonna go ahead and do a test run now [Music] um gonna enter a little bit earlier but yeah or later i mean yeah enter later and then i would say run this wider because you were uh like i mean you kind of see your line you were kind of shallow and then you did a fat mongee which was sick yeah but run run the grow line here so i can get okay so i can get on it okay yeah we'll feel it out a few times yeah so what you want to run a tandem already yeah okay you lead okay i'll keep distance okay you know but no you're good all right so i guess we're just hopping right into tandems he said he's gonna give some distance because it's our first run together but we will see we will see good [Music] we might gotta go a little bit further back yeah i wasn't able to get enough speed in the beginning but that was pretty good though i guess yeah i got on your door on initiation and when you transfer those on your door so that should come out awesome my handbrake literally did not lock on that entry that was whack i gotta warm it up [Music] that was fun man this is a fun spot i feel like my angle gets loose i haven't i haven't checked in a long time there's like crazy uh vibration and lock [Music] sorry if that's a little uh not very smooth when i transition it's just like kind of bogging yeah once you get into it though you're perfect so that works for me oh there's a cop huh yes sir oh that guy did yeah he didn't like the skids hey at least we had our phone though and we're staying out of trouble kind of sort of you're bad luck bro i am you're bad luck yeah the lane cops don't play man so hey at least apparently that black i was thinking it that black suv when you went and you were leading that was the cop yeah that black suv when it passed us and you just consent it i was like i bet that's a cop sure enough really yeah but i mean it worked out yeah i say that's torque to spec yeah that might have been fun that was a little more than five hunka duggars all right so my angle kit uh was loose we went ahead and fixed that but while we're here nico was asking me about this car and the cool thing about this is we're actually giving this away to someone random is gonna win it if you go to mustanglifestyle.net every five dollars is gonna be an entry so go there check out all the merch that we got we got virtual stickers so to speak if you want to buy that but 850 horsepower bc coilovers corsa exhaust whipple supercharger only 60k miles i didn't realize it had all that all those goodies [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my lord 850 horsepower whipple supercharged e85 no traction except for fourth gear and up even fourth gear will skate a little bit but and you can just win this for buying a t-shirt that's it insane don't sleep on that i know this is nuts i wish i could win but i can't i'm not a mustang guy either but i would love this car yeah honestly man that is insane amount of torque like ridiculous imagine we toss an angle kit on this thing insane dude insane i don't think we're going to but [Music] all right so to stanford we go this i think is an industrial park area so it should keep us out of trouble fingers crossed but yeah it should be some fun but we got like a 30 minute drive ahead of us so let's just get on the road [Music] over there so when you come out and then you flick and you're turning towards this wall go as deep as you can that way okay [Music] [Music] my bad brother it was a little weird right here [Music] if i ever spin i'm just going to go backwards so stay forward kickback you got to do a pedal dance no i'm good though you're good okay i might want to back up just a little bit okay [Applause] that worked out good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i know you have to slow down so much right there and my car just bogs after but this is pretty fun though it's sick dude let's just keep running hot laps [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so i'm gonna swap this tire out dude this is fun though [Music] yeah that's gonna look sick bro you were dusting me i gotta let my tires cool off now probably there's i mean i'm just saying there's a water hose right there we could put a water pit right here please hold i'm gonna get the water this guy oh you're a genius yeah this place isn't the best on tires so zach just light bulb yeah buddy oh yeah pulling them down [Music] [Music] so [Music] hell yes hell yeah that was dope you came so close to the curb i was gonna nick that thing bro that was sick my tires are done but i'll follow you want to follow him let's do it man [Music] so [Music] well they are popped oh nice we got a cop another cop back there bro just chilling another one another cop yeah i don't think he'll mess with us no he just started driving again so he he flashed his lights and then he was like that's all she wrote boys that was all she wrote so that's going to be it for today's drifting your tires are done and my motor is done like 240 oil tips but we were killing it man dude good stuff man go follow zach calvin on instagram and he also has youtube so he's been working on that he said he's gonna get serious into that so definitely check it out because there's gonna be some awesome awesome content there's not a lot of camaros out there of course oh yeah this is definitely not the first time we are going to be driving with each other but there's not a lot of camaros out there so definitely check it out this thing is insane well that was an insane day guys god was definitely on our side for the cops we got really lucky twice see i think that's going to be it for this video guys don't forget to check out zach's channel calming down home garage gang on his video that's going to be it guys wish me luck on the way home hopefully the car stays together don't forget to like and subscribe and i will see you all the next one you
Channel: Hoon Garage
Views: 206,541
Rating: 4.8851805 out of 5
Keywords: bmw, e36, m52, limiter, drifting, street drifting, tandems, gone wrong, cops, pulled over, camaro, LS, manual, sliding, skidding, new years, christmas, hoon garage, send it, tiktok, viral, how, to, where, is, cliqtuning, maxpeedingrods, nerptech, drifthq, entry, clutch kick, collab, meetup, zack calvin, mustang, s550, supercharged, 850hp, lifestyle
Id: tIYCEiLVjfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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