How To Drift: Just Starting Out!

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all right more more gas going a little bit faster though so we're gonna pull it sooner [Music] yo what is up guys we are going to be on our way to the secret drift spot today got a couple friends coming out you know thomas is big turbo sr2240 we got andrew back behind me and his 550 horsepower n54 135 and then we also have jordan it's 3 50. so it's going to be a really fun day we're going to teach jordan how to drift today should be a great time we out here right now boys this is the secret drift spot is it not a secret don't tell nobody yep don't tell anyone you heard [Music] we're going to show him the layout you haven't even seen the layout yet i've literally never been here so let's see where tommy thomas is he's probably coming around over here yeah there he is oh okay what's up bro huh these are buttery buttery yeah they're so not grippy oh there's a lot of dirt there yeah [Music] oh thomas threw all the angle that only scared me more nico i did in the m3 what you got to do yeah but you had an e-brake no i didn't i had no hambrick um what you got to do in the beginning just straighten out at those like one spots and just do the corners transfer so you don't spin the car yeah are you out of tire all right the whole time following yours did you get like pretty close or not really no if i had better tires i could've caught you hell yeah dude i want to follow you next yeah dude you're ripping that thing i i thought you're gonna start dripping that first one no i was just feeling the tires and warming up how was it [Music] was it rad bro all right well i'm gonna go kill off the rest of these wait how many laps do you get huh how many laps do you get like two we're gonna do this spot over here though which is even more fun you'll see we're already on like no tire whatever i normally start right here but we have no tire so we're gonna start over here [Applause] i had no gripe oh no isn't that spot sick i don't know if i've never popped a tire with you really i don't think so they literally landed my diffuser decided to come off the car but it's okay all right let's go let's go learn you got tires on that's all i was wondering we're going to get some laps in today thomas bet all right so we'll just go to the called the sack down there real quick you can practice the donuts and then entries as well okay all right guys so to start learning how to drift or do donuts so to speak you're going to want to find a safe area like this preferably private property or like closed track or whatever i'm not responsible to whatever happens if you get in trouble or crash we have jordan over here in his 350z he just picked this thing up stock engine that's what you want when you're starting off you don't want a lot of power you want to just get all the fundamentals down and this thing just going to stay reliable if it's stock engine and low powered it really can't break so just doing a little rundown of the car this thing has what it has the gk tech dual caliper handbrake you'll definitely want a handbrake you don't need it but this will really help you out if you ever need to like scrub speed or whatever but when you're doing donuts you really don't need a handbrake and then he just has a steering wheel and a nice seat to keep it in place you don't need any of these things but it just helps kind of helps keep you in place but you can easily slide a stock car you want it to be rear wheel drive preferably welded diff or lsd it's a lot more consistent and predictable with the welded diff because the wheels are at the same exact constant speed whereas the lsd you'll have like a little bit of irregularities just going to start teaching them how to do some donuts really hasn't driven a lot we did like a couple little slides yesterday just because like we wanted to but this man is pretty fresh to drifting aka i'm terrible perfect platform for tg yeah so when you start off you want to drive forward you'll like want to come to the outside of the wherever you're at like a cul-de-sac turn the wheel as it is and then you're going to give it gas so jab the foot you're mainly steering with your foot so you give it more gas you're gonna come out more you let off the gas you're gonna come in more you see how he's coming in more and it gave a little too much gas so then it just over steered and came all the way around so if you're about to over steer and all like spin out basically you're going to want to let off gas and it'll start straightening your car out but that was good that sand gets real slick i kind of felt this yeah i know you definitely hit that sand and you gave it more gas as soon as you hit the sand so it was just like a double negative so he initiated just with the pedal you can also initiate with a clutch kick i mean if you don't care about your drive shaft or axles or anything you can clutch kick and the clutch that's not the greatest for the clutch but whatever it's a drift car it's gonna get clutch kicked a lot but yeah so he did it with just the gas so you can do it like that if your car doesn't have a lot of power you'll probably have to clutch kick so you want to show them how we do that we can go left now so you're going to rev it up and let off the clutch now you see how we just jab the wheel and then let go you're going a little too far but you're good more steering right right more right more more gas perfect perfect i like that your throttle is just consistent and not it's really smooth perfect all right let the tires cool down that was perfect so you saw that he kind of not a lot of steering movement you're really not going to do a lot with your steering wheel when you're doing donuts you're going to do a lot with your pedal so more gas like i said brings you out more less gas brings you in more more gas gives you more angle so you'll have more oversteer and then less gas will straighten you out and one thing i noticed when i first started doing this was the fact that i was really scared to let the car steer itself yeah i was like wrestling in the beginning you kind of saw that he let go of the steering wheel at the initial you'll do the initial jolt and you'll let go of the steering wheel to let the car kind of slide out and then you'll you're going to catch the steering wheel and you want to keep your hands close when you let go you don't want to like let go like this you want to keep kind of keep them close to the steering wheel to get ready to grip it again and you're going to grip it as soon as the car starts to slide you're going to grip it and then you're just going to hold it and do very minor adjustments so yeah that was perfect you want to try entries now i guess sure okay this first entry will probably have you do with a handbrake okay the good thing about this spot is we have like a little run up this is perfect to practice entries and everything so you have like a run up into a cul-de-sac that's like perfect and you can find these pretty much anywhere when you're about to enter you want to give yourself a good amount of distance and you can really just enter as fast as you want basically but you just have to change where you're entering so the faster you go you got to enter sooner so with him being this far away he's probably only going to get to like about 20 miles an hour so he's gonna go right about here and then probably start entering right about here so you want to give yourself a little bit of space when you're practicing just so you don't go completely off so he's letting me drive his car real quick i'm just going to do an entry so basically you're going to start probably not that fast when you're getting the hang of it then you're going to come over here to the corner yank it you see how i let go of the steering wheel and then you can still practice the donuts but i would probably exit just so you don't you save on tire because once you get the donuts down you're gonna want to save tire for bigger boy things and do entries i'm going to do one more so we're going to enter a little bit faster we'll just stay in first so it's not crazy see how we're going a little bit faster though so we're going to pull it sooner you want the consistent pedal so that you're not fighting the car when you're feathering the gas and like jabbing it a bunch of times it's just not as consistent the car is straightening out and doing weird things so if you're on consistent power and just having the revs kind of just sit where you want them like wherever the sweet spot is so where you're not spinning out that's perfect because then the car is just smooth so you're gonna yank and turn in and then let go of the steering wheel catch it okay a z is a great beginner car this or like even an e36 i love my car because like it just doesn't break and it really teaches you everything about drifting because it has no power and then obviously when you're pulling the handbrake you're going to want to put your foot on the clutch as well and then let off the clutch as you let off the handbrake and if you're going too fast you can always use a little bit of foot brake to slow you down as well [Music] to the edge edge more dang it perfect perfect stay on the gas more gas more gas that was good i'll see the edge out to the edge yank it yes yes more gasps this man is already working his way to transitions we haven't gotten that far yet jordan i couldn't help it it's so fun thomas and i are about to turn him he's gonna lead this thing okay corners pretty well oh yeah it's a bmw bro [Music] uh [Music] wow that's so fast [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] ah there we go all right andrew's about to go out in the 135 let's get the comments it's too clean bro dude you can't drift it it's too clean it's too clean bro don't drift it bro it's too clean don't ruin it all right here we go this course is a little scary this is the tightest i've ever driven [Applause] i'm gonna try and clutch kick it a little bit harder throw a little more angle and probably string it out at that one section just to keep it clean keep the car out of a [Music] ditch [Music] [Applause] [Music] ripping it dude that was good dude that was sick man good job good job dude you're gonna like the video so next we're gonna teach you guys how to do like a scandinavian flick or whatever entry so with that you're gonna clutch kick to get the car this way and then handbrake or you don't have to use the handbrake but when you're learning you're definitely going to probably want to use the handbrake because it's kind of like a cheat tool so like you'll use the clutch to flick it one way and then make sure the car like rotates the other way so like it's a lot better to do this if you have like not a lot of power and you need like all the momentum to enter in a corner so if you don't have a lot of power you want to do the scandinavian play so yeah that's basically how you do that like you'll just clutch kick get the car out and then handbrake so i don't if you want to try that um you can try it right here with first gear so i'm gonna have you come over here you'll be over here on this side yeah for this one so your clutch kick you'll be right here and then enter okay so instead of driving to there you'll use the clutch kick to kind of throw the car out and then just kind of get you in there and it'll be a lot faster because you're like moving the car you know using all the car to throw yourself in and with the clutch kick you're really just like stomping it real fast right yep so like you'll literally just have your foot on the gas and just as you kick it you're gonna put put the gas in more nothing like some sweaty dirt on your face yummy yummy give or go see if you mess up finally because you have yet to mess up this whole time so i'm going to kind of stay on this corner right here yep there's the map i jinxed it so um you got a little bit scared yeah and you kind of like let off the gas go over here okay get it yep that was a lot better you were just hanging it out a little too long on the clutch kick no so like you clutch kicked you had the car over here you were staying like this way too long okay so you were like about to just go in the grass because you were just staying like this and you're like basically just drifting right so you want to just do like that nice clutch kick and then right after you want to turn you want to make sure you're turning because you were just on it like still for a while yeah yep perfect there you go now you kind of know how to scandinavian flicker do you like uh whatever entry oh that's scary doing that the first time isn't it kind of scary but like i for me i love it because it like sets you up for the corner pretty well especially if you're trying to come in fast that feels a lot more like drifting right you're getting closer yeah [Applause] perfect all right show us one of the uh handbrake entries so for the handbrake entries you're going to come out to this corner instead of that corner and then just yank it in shredding it dude that was good bro you came all the way out that was good bro this man i swear i swear on my life this kid literally started drifting yesterday like we did maybe a couple donuts and figure eights yesterday so he is very new to drifting yup enter and then exit just exit right away okay not enough yeah you need more wheel speed we're good i'm just messing around at this point all right now it's okay you just need more wheel speed oh are we stuck [Music] damn it i think you're stuck so yeah when you're learning stuff like this happens but it's all part of the game we just got a little stuck nothing wrong with the car or anything it's just in the dirt let's go get the dually thank god we have a truck out here you just needed more wheel speed because yeah it wasn't the tires weren't spinning so you were just kind of straightening and doing weird things so all right yeah she's stuck hold on you wake up oh boy this man said all right i'm gonna give it all the gas hello andrew nico is your car broken no it's just really hot okay oh there she is there she is right there yep loop around okay we're getting somewhere thomas we're getting somewhere i undo that one that one that was a good idea though oh it's stuck in there oh no dude that shows how well that was in there yeah i know it was in there i bet if i would have tied the other one on this one oh yeah and then it would have pulled the bash bar out more because it was just in an accident send it down nah oh boy he just didn't even tell you but we're good now oh yeah you're about to dig to china muddy yeah almost almost oh no oh no oh no oh oh no there's your exhaust right exhaust [Music] it only scraped right there though only one spot very good we're good my side skirt's a little torn yeah anybody got any zip ties bro what kind of question is that we got zip ties on deck bro oh dude dude gone wrong do pranks in the hood jordan has to go because it's his mom's birthday and he really shouldn't be here anyway right now but we're still spending it she's gonna drive next do donuts and stuff and shred and do tandems he's changing his tires because they're all done now he's going to get out of here i think i'm going to go drift with thomas a little bit more and then i don't know andrew's probably going to i don't know maybe we have three car tandems or something okay bye say bye see ya so i'm gonna follow him you're gonna follow me all right all right oh boy is right there goes my new windshield um [Music] sorry i went a little in the grass i was trying to like catch up to him good lead hell yeah yeah ah my tires are really done though yeah that's like it's like making it feel weird too there it goes literally lasted maybe three seconds this thing already is a drift car what do you mean yeah but it's like actually becoming a drone car now i'm scared [Music] isn't it nice having a drift car though like a dedicated drift car is oh yeah he's huh crooked [Music] dude it was a sick day though that's so fun oh no what no yeah it'll do that this is that just adds some character it's like that little bit you know that little bit that someone's like all right he drifts this thing you know it's alpine white why do you think that my bumper is the way it is that's why you can't belt them like that what tool is this right here this is the butter dude look at that right off that's the first time it's done that on this car yeah there will be many more don't worry dude so yeah let's let's just uh we're going to take a moment here and we're going to look at all the tire carnage bye so yeah we are all out of tire all of us so that's gonna be it good skids very good skids good skits are you as scared of this spot now no good i need to e-brake yes one thing i want to show you guys real quick we got an e46 radiator in here now things thick because my other radiator is leaking and we had to do some i am we had to do some custom work right here but that fits amazing i literally just heated that brass fitting and then slid it in the plastic and dude it works so perfect fan barely fits in there but this car literally stays too cold sometimes so it's awesome and then we change out the filter as well it's really dirty now but whatever yeah s54 radiator fits in the e36 literally stock hoses connects right up if you guys are wondering and it's a lot thicker than the thin e36 ones so i would highly recommend you can literally see right there frozen this thing just keeps shooting down unless i'm drifting it'll maybe see the middle like insane this thing is just too cold now insane insane insane all right guys that is gonna be it for this video completely covered in dirt and tire and whatever else but that's gonna be it for this video guys had a blast driving today so happy i was able to show jordan how to drive hopefully help you guys out because i know a lot of you guys are learning let me know down in the comments if you want to see more videos like this i'm down to show you guys whatever just leave it down in the comments give me some ideas yeah that's gonna be it for this video guys thank you all for watching don't forget to like and subscribe and i'll catch you on the next one [Music] the suit
Channel: Hoon Garage
Views: 71,632
Rating: 4.9910712 out of 5
Keywords: bmw, e36, 135, e82, drifting, sliding, street drifting, tandem, how to, drift, diy, n54, big turbo, 550hp, m52, 240sx, s13, sr20, nitrous, nerptech, pov, tire popped, you, are, is, adam lz, cleetus mcfarland, taylor ray, evan shanks, condor, cliqtuning, k sport, coilovers, mhd, secret, learning, to, stimulus, check, when
Id: ocxkc841CSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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