E46 M3 Street Drift in the Rain! *POV*

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all right what's up guys sorry it's been a little bit we had a little issue with the m3 the alternator I got an alternator from O'Reilly and lasted about four months and it just I think it was a lemon or something and just completely all the diodes just were burnt out and everything so I had to get that swapped out so the m3 was down for like two days or so but now it's all good so Sunday right now so that means we're gonna go have to do some Sunday slides you guys are wondering this is where the e36 has been in hibernation still running great she a little beat up though we got bugs all over the front from the three-hour drive there and back to the compound multiple times not washing it you got bugs all over the valve cover this is just completely scratched from all the tire but that'll all wash off as you can see I have style 67s on it for some reason I just wanted to see what the style 32 looked like and they actually look really good on this car let me know what you guys think in the comments but I think it looks pretty sick fitments not bad yeah when I went to get an alternator I also decided to get a new air filter so as you can see this one's very clogged up and then I got a brand new one right there so now the car is back to breathing healthy again and getting all the airflow it needs so yeah I've been ill a good range for about a week now so that's why it's I've kind of slacking on the video is also a little bit but I thought we'd go have some fun I've been grinding out some instacart lately it's been grocery shopping for a bunch of people around here there's like a lot of older people that live around here so they don't really like to go shopping with this whole coronavirus so it's a great way to make some money if you're any one's looking for a job just look up instacart because I've definitely been making some decent money off of it just delivering groceries yeah I'm honestly excited to go hit up some oh jee spots that I been drifting at since I started drifting because I've lived here pretty much more than two-thirds of my life so I kind of know of all the spots around here better than I do in Fort Myers where you guys comment on my lulu shorts i love these things it's 90 degrees in florida like a hundred percent of the time so as I'm wearing a long sleeve but yeah that's why I always wear these like lulu shorts or they're amazing I haven't really gotten a chance to fill these tires I probably don't have any grip in them really cuz they're dry rotted and 215s but let's try out very understeery edge need to lose the grip in the rear more so there's spots like a really hitting quited spot so really only gonna do like two laps here whoa it's so fun though I should probably switch the front tires like I hate these front tires because I'll show you guys in a little bit but they're a little bald so it's getting a little understeer II so I just got to kind of work around that look at this roundabouts pretty sick because the roads closed kinda I mean there's no cones blocking the road so like no one's really back here ever and it's pretty big roundabouts so that's pretty sick [Music] so the sponsors are pretty cool but everyone's just kind of outside you know rollerblading biking walking doing whatever so all these spots are pretty close to like you know they're not just out in the middle of nowhere so doing it hit it and quit it you know just go in there couple little slides and then just kind of dip in right after see yeah David wants some help pulling his v12 I don't know how he convinced me but I guess I'm gonna help him a little bit but yeah I have to go to his house first to get some jack stands because he didn't bring jack stands to shop because he's dumb because he's David so yeah we're about to do that right now this man gave me the wrong coat or something he gave me the wrong code Thanks yeah you're dumb yeah look at this beautiful Beast we got here important it's hot in Florida you're hot yes what is this what is this oh my god this is my first time being here yeah never been here I'll let you have a fan whose is this typical BMW well I mean like had a catastrophic failure what do you mean yeah I don't like this anymore I wanna get rid of it so I'm just gonna fill the emptiness and then eat the shell what are you doing with the wheels that's a good question these are fake [ __ ] and then there's this that has never been finished yeah I know never finished ever literally the exact same no is it'll give her a good ol rip all right Brian go ride the horse oh yeah oh yeah she burned not good all right so it's the next day and as you can see completely different weather it's pouring a little right now so I'm gonna let it kind of cool down a little bit it's been a little while since I've drifted in the rain so this should be pretty interesting with very slick tires it's gonna be like a slow-motion drift pretty much these things I'm know gripped in the rain so I think you guys will like this for sure oh it's so oh my god there is no grip whatsoever that's really fun though there is so little grip that like this puddle right here I could just feel it kind of hydroplaning me so definitely gonna take this a little slow on on this road for sure because it's there's no grip on this road whatsoever look how little grip I have first third and then it just catches once I hit this different concrete but yeah you can see there's literally no grip whatsoever all right so of course Brian saw that there's drift Lube on the grounds right now and texted me so we're gonna pick him up because it's always fun having a passenger honestly it's simply a lot more fun with the passenger so we're gonna pick him up gotta tell them I'm here you know huge [Music] it is kind of chilly it is oh damn honey boost I don't eat boost I mean we might as well kind of like that trailer dude no this is not a trivial it's difference is completely different you [Music] seems like nice like literally so slow there's a card and strain ice I just get so like I imagine it's very unpredictable oh it's very unpredictable yeah I don't like that there was like a big dip oh come here oops we I hate no answer all right we'll try an Amber country oh there's a guy over there that's fine I don't even think this Hamburg works very well at all it works all right in the rain it like didn't work and then like everywhere else - yeah on a-slash [Music] grip this spot honestly dude that spot back there the viewers don't know the stuff that happened back there that that's where me and Mitch we're Mitch and I that's where we learn to tandem and everything [Music] [Applause] but then it started getting out of hand when we started monitoring the street [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah stuff like that and the helicopters great yeah you see any cops I don't see no cops and so smooth an the renewed [Music] this is usually very very very slave right here gets licked up hello I love how you just stayed there Oh and he's dripped it with me no one yes No I don't know where you went give it did he was sliding with me that's insane we didn't know him I knew he saw the clutch kick and he was like all right I forget marry now let's talk to this day hell yeah bro that's awesome all right I'll follow you oh it's so good looking I'm so wet now different I just don't want there to be a cop you know I just it is so hard to catch him he's still going I want to get closer before I even start initiating my drift it's so hard to see right now I can't even see that I can't even see the curves when I'm gonna wait for him dude it is a monsoon out right now he's coming yes he is on my door right now [Applause] [Music] I'll try to I try to pet you Oh Fred Fred now yeah you say all ones think I'm gonna go back around and he just backed up it's raining so hard I can barely even see I think your car is fine why do I always eat pizza [Music] [Music] Oh God and this is a big set of cojones you maybe you're on this corner go it's fairly dry though it's so scary is it so narrow my battery's gonna die on my GoPro but we're gonna have some more fun I got so slick right there [Music] [Music] third once you hit these is just like way less group Oh slicker than the other understeer light this is a statuary here you just want to do an understeer [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] racetrack now yeah all right ma'am like I'm not gonna make a big deal out of it okay but I'll tell you I'll leave you with this I'm gonna cut you loose okay don't take my kindness for weakness of course if I catch you again I got to do what I got to do I completely understand and now that I have to run your tags and now it's in the system if we get called again and they come up and they somebody runs your tag it's gonna pop up a notification about this incident okay okay I really appreciated the same outcome I really appreciate I'll definitely stick to the track so that cop was literally the nicest cop I have ever met in my life seriously he was so nice but yeah that's the that's the last of it he's gonna see the dirt drops and everything damn but yeah I got a trespass warning and obviously Street drifting morning so that's the last you'll ever see of that layout but at least I have it now so that's sick Thomas yeah so I got super super lucky oh my god I'm kind of shaking but I'm sure I'm shaking I'm changing because bro I honestly though yeah oh god the cop didn't talk to us yeah I mean how do you think it went yeah so so well never going to McNeil over again so at least we had her fun while we had it you know he said like it's trespassing felony drifting felony yeah I think I got some of it reported but like I was just talking to the cop too much he was too nice of a guy for me to stick a camera in his face so alright guys that's gonna be it for this video back in fort myers now just finished editing the video so I forgot I didn't do a closer I always seem to forget so thank you for watching whenever I make videos like that it's so much fun especially when just random things like that guide in traffic that I saw just starting to tan with me it was so much fun unfortunately that is the first and last time you guys will see videos like that back at home with all those edgy drift spots I'm just gonna keep my cool now with those spots those were a part of my past now so no longer need to be going to those spots even though they're really fun if you haven't subscribed already just click that button takes less than a second and you're in a free subscription to seeing a bunch of awesome content with drifting and the m3 and whatever else I'm doing maybe it build later on so stay tuned guys also tomorrow we're doing the giveaway so we're gonna do the drawing for that so stay tuned for that now as always thanks for watching guys and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Hoon Garage
Views: 821,310
Rating: 4.8988967 out of 5
Keywords: BMW, Street Drifting, Gone Wrong, Cops, E46 M3, Drifting, POV, Tandem Drifting, Corona Virus, Lexus Ls400, Day in the life, S54, Autovlog, Hoon, Hoon garage, Roundabout, Condorspeedshop, BC Racing, 1UZ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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