We got a NEW ORANGE ONE at the Paul Bunyan Show

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[Music] w welcome back to outdoors with the Morgans this afternoon was round one of leaf cleanup most years it's normally around an 11 round fight this was just round one so I didn't get too carried away we're just getting started the cherries and the maples they've been turning and falling now for quite some time the Oaks are just starting to turn when these ones hit the ground right here they're like big hunks of cardboard uh the Maple and the Cherry they're pretty easy to get off the lawn I like to keep things mowed down pretty low that way there's least resistance and you can get those leaves to blow off pretty easy this is what I was using this afternoon the big steel zero turn and both blowers now this big one the BR 800c this stays in the garage about 10 months out of the year but when you need it you need it this one I use all the time this is the BGA 86 battery blower I use this uh for blowing off the patio the deck uh drying off cars and Equipment after I wash them but uh I would say year round I use this at least three times a week but like I said this one here only about a month or so each year on and off so now we are going to run down to my sister's place and finish up that ditch line on her driveway I was going to take the Tilt bucket off and put the rake back on it cuz we are going to get into wood mode here pretty hard but before I take this off I need to get down there and finish that up I got about another 3 or 400 feet to go shouldn't take too long there's nephew Christian we got some bad news to report yeah come a little closer so they can hear you a lot of people have been asking about the pumpkin why don't you tell them what happened it got some kind of fungus started out as a little dark spot and we were going to shoot a video but I went out and after about a week it it grew it grew a bunch and then just collapsed in on itself into a big pile of mush so you think it was some kind of fungus it got it yeah I have no idea what it was but it definitely was start off a little hold and it just grew really cuz it was getting huge too it was yeah the last measurement I got was about 450 lb still 200 lb less than last year but and this was what a month and a half ago yeah that it went South yeah didn't even have time to get a video of it yeah that's too bad yeah I still fed it to the chickens but I bet you they liked it huh they love it yeah about 400 lb of chicken food you going to try again next year absolutely absolutely all right you going to do one or two two at least yeah I think two two is good three is a little bit a little much I think all right we'll go get them next year absolutely all right later all right we're right here where we left off the other day but it is uh it's a cold one today windy and cold the leaves are hitting the ground pretty quick now but it is uh Sunday yeah Sun afternoon right now and uh some people were wondering if I brought anything home from bunion and I did actually a Cod I wasn't looking for one but I got a Cod it's not real bad or anything I mean it didn't really slow me down at all but uh I think that kind of happens when you go somewhere like that we met so many people I don't even know how many Melissa took pictures of probably 90% of the people that we met I'll have to put all that together in a video from the show and I'll have a better idea then but uh if I had to guess we probably met 600 or 700 people by far the most ever and I kind of feel bad I don't know what the answer is but with that many people we didn't have a lot of time to talk you know what I mean maybe a minute or two with each family or whatever so I need to figure out a better plan for that cuz uh I mean it's great that everyone comes up but I feel bad cuz a lot of people drove a long ways and then you know they stand in line and all that stuff and uh so we need to figure out a way to improve that if we can moving forward I've only used this tilt bucket maybe three times and each time I do I don't know why it takes just a few minutes to kind of get back into the groove with it I'll get about 20 ft of ditch and then I'm like ready to rip but uh takes just a little while [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] all right so I got back up to the house with the excavator then we uh loaded up some firewood and I just made a delivery actually daughter Eva loaded the firewood with the skid you will have to see that video on her channel uh that'll be coming up on Sunday yeah she did a really good job actually but uh yeah she's home from college for the weekend and she wanted to learn how to run the skid loader and uh shika did really well but right now I'm headed back to the house and I will report back in the morning and I'll show you what we got from the bunion show [Music] [Music] all right it is turning out to be a beautiful morning here cloud cover has dissipated let me show you what we got here the guys from Split Force they just left a little bit ago but you probably remember seeing this if you were at the Paul bunion show uh this is the Split Force SF 132t now as most of you know we have been using a split Force log splitter a blue one and the only major difference between the two was that one had a 16t conveyor on it where this one has the 20t and it's orange which kind of matches a lot of the other stuff around here now vertical Splitters are gaining in popularity you see a lot of guys running different types of vertical Splitters uh one of the things that sets this one apart is it is self-propelled like the blue one was which is fantastic you don't realize how much time it takes you know to hook up to a side by side or a four-wheeler or maybe you only need to move it a couple F feet very nice feature having it being self-propelled these are real simple to operate it's got a big Honda engine on it right here this right here drives the unit forward and back this one raises the boom or I'm sorry the conveyor up and down and this one steers these wheels right here it also has a log lift on it as you can see you operate that with this lever right here which is really nice for big rounds that you don't want to lift and what else is nice about the log lift if you're splitting smaller wood you can bring that up and you have a nice big flat table uh I like to load it up with you know 10 or 12 rounds and start splitting the splitter is activated with a foot pedal right there table is at a nice height and it's a single wedge now I have gone over this before uh a lot of people said it needs a four-way or a six-way wedge on it uh personally I'm not going to speak for everyone but I'm probably speaking for most people that have used this type of splitter you want the single wedge this is a production machine however it works fantastic for sizing your firewood you know like for bundle firewood uh camp stoves things like that you can size the wood with this very quickly okay later on in this video we're going to run this and I'll kind of demonstrate how but what I normally do you'll sit around around right here maybe take a side off another side off you leave it intact spin it and you instantly have 9 or 12 pieces of wood the size that you want most of them fall right into the conveyor what's left you just brush over into the conveyor and keep going now I'm going to call this splitter I don't know if it's right or wrong it's just my opinion I kind of look at this like it's a hybrid log splitter because it does a whole bunch of different things and it's kind of a combination of different types of log splitters it is a production machine but you know is this going to produce the same amount of firewood and the same amount of time as a $150,000 firewood processor no it's not however it's going to produce a lot of wood and like I said you can size that wood another nice thing about it I already mentioned you know you don't need something to move it around the Woodyard it's self-propelled so it's it's just it's kind of like a hybrid I think that's a good way to describe it be great for a a oneman band or even a two or three man operation that wants to produce you know a couple hundred cord of wood a year I mean you could do more than that but I think it's just a good allaround machine but anyway I will report back later today we'll fire this thing up and try it out and I will show you how it works and by the way I'm feeling better today I mentioned yesterday I had a bit of a cold but Melissa's been giving me some concoction each morning a bunch of vitamin C some type of drink and uh I feel much better my voice isn't quite there yet but it's coming back pretty quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh oh all right we're down here at the Woodyard now standing in the wood bunker which is uh getting pretty close to empty probably only about three full cords of wood left in here and it should be gone by the end of the week before I took the grading bucket off the excavator I kind of pull it back some from that wall uh those blocks are real heavy but you can knock them right over with that skid loader if you weren't paying attention so it just makes it a little bit easier to load and I just cut some firewood now you may have have noticed this is a little shorter than normal uh this is for a special order uh they wanted a 12in in length and split kind of small so I pric that accordingly but this will be used for pizza ovens now this wood is not seasoned and ready to burn but the guy I'm selling it to a buddy of mine Chris he's been in a couple of our videos before he has a ey dry Kil so he will dry the rest of the way and sell this to people for their pizza ovens which apparently has become a very big thing so this will be a good test for the new Split Force uh like I said we're going to split it pretty small he's going to get a full dump trailer load I'm definitely not going to have time to do all that tonight because I got a guy coming here in about 15 minutes so I'm going to fire up the machine right now and uh see how much of this Pizza Wood we can split in 15 minutes he oh yeah all [Music] all right I got a little start here but uh splitting it this small does take a little bit more time but what you see right there was 13 minutes if I was splitting 16in wood normal size it'd probably be double this amount but uh yeah this will make nice Pizza Wood this is a mix of maple Red Oak and somewhere is in here Cherry right there I got to head up to the house here in just a couple minutes I will finish this up tomorrow and probably deliver this tomorrow afternoon but what's nice about this splitter as the front of the dump trailer fills up I can simply just back up a little bit I don't have to move the trailer doesn't take any time at all and uh we got a nice Jag of wood in here I bet you a full cord cut to this length and split this small you're probably looking at 2,000 pieces of firewood if I had to guess because a regular quart of wood like we normally do there's give or take 725 750 pieces of wood so this pizza oven wood you're probably looking at about 2,000 pieces per cord that's just a guess slightly educated guess but anyway that's it for today's video appreciate yall being here and I will catch you on the next one
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 117,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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