🔴Live | Get determined to learn English in 2021 | Bring the Fire

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okay hello everybody and welcome to another episode of bring the fire my name is christian i'm an english teacher at uh at kangaroo english i'm here with will will will from ask teacher will or as he likes to call them the atw family the art teachable family um and it's 2021 right it is a new year and you know a lot of people are probably taking this as a moment to to reset to you know look at their achievements or failures over the past year and they're looking at it as a moment to start fresh and probably if they're watching this video they're interested in learning a language this year and probably more specific uh more specifically learning english right and i'm sure that these people have a real hunger to succeed right they they they really want it and some for some people i know this will be their first time learning a language but for others they they've you know maybe tried and failed many times before and so today we're going to be talking about how to get determined to to to succeed this year and um and and you know basically yeah how to succeed and so we're going to start with um with with a discussion between me and will uh probably for about 30 minutes and then we're going to take some questions uh from you for the for the rest of the time so so i suppose the first question will is um what what is what is determination right because i know that's your theme for for this year that's a good question all right so before i get started hello legend hello friend hello brother hello kangaroo family hello atw family and uh before we get started i want to wish everybody a happy new year to my brother christian's point 2020 i don't know about you 2020 for me was a very interesting challenging thought-provoking year with many different obstacles barriers personally professionally pandemic coven and through it all i survived that so i need to first of all say thank you for that now we're in a new year 2021 and as christian said an opportunity that people reassess set new goals some people even make new year's resolutions or they have a fresh start and so determine is an interesting concept before i get into that i do want to say this it is 2021 and we are still some of us living in a pandemic so for the purposes of that i want to remind everybody in case people don't know what this is this is called a mask and so we pray if you believe in prayer we pray we hope we wish that this pandemic is over and that people and countries throughout the world the virus will be eradicated people will get vaccines some countries right now such as where kristen is at is still shut down still on lockdown other people i know so please brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen do yourself a favor wear a mask social distancing this is no joke you might not know someone personally impacted but at the end of the day it's real so i just wanted to say that with respect to the word determined it's very interesting for those individuals that are part of the atw family on instagram or youtube each year i do a particular theme as a way to focus as a way to put emphasis in terms of what my content and hopefully what value what benefit and what service i will make to the atw family and to the community of english learners as a whole and then hopefully as greater humanity for those of you that don't know a working definition of determined or determination you might have heard of the word what does being determined mean or you'll hear it in a sentence oh i'm determined to achieve my english goals i'm determined to learn english this year i have determination well i think what's important is for me my approach my way my method is to give a definition and for those of you that have asked my brother and i how can you learn vocabulary learning vocabulary is in situation and context when you learn a word whether that word is determined or loquacious or bravado you do not learn words alone in isolation so what did i do i am determined this year to achieve my goals here's a question for you for those that are listening are you wherever you are whatever you look like whatever you think you want to be or not be are you determined to achieve your goals in english this year what does the word determine mean determine means determined is an adjective that's a part of speech determined is the adjective determination is the noun determined means for those of you that do not know is having a firm decision to make up your mind that you not me not christian not anybody else on this call is having a firm decision that you are going to do or achieve something synonyms of the word determined would be resolute resolved now why does that word resonate with me why for me did i focus on this because again i've done themes throughout the previous years on social media be your own leader insight we learn together motivation inspiration through english well briefly let me tell you why i came up with the word determined because i'm talking about myself if it applies to you it applies to you there have been times in my life where i have not been determined or i have not had determination there have been times in my life where i've said i've wanted to accomplish something and you know what i i i not not not christian i've made excuses for myself i've had a pity party for myself i've blamed other people for myself i've made other people responsible and not take accountability for myself and so this year as a way of galvanizing learners and more importantly galvanizing myself because ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters just because i happen to be a native english speaker and a teacher does not mean that i don't learn doesn't mean that i don't at times in my life i don't i'm not resolute i'm not resolved and so determined ladies and gentlemen for you is an opportunity for you to sit back as it relates to your goals in life that's your business but as it relates to your goals this year in 2020 is an opportunity for you to focus to gain clarity to figure out what is important for you to achieve and let me remind you something very briefly the pat if it applies it applies if it doesn't it doesn't the past is the past and the only moment that i have is now now why william are you saying that to yourself maybe it has some applicability to you learners out there or to anyone listening on this call maybe you were not as determined or maybe you didn't learn everything that you wanted to learn or accomplish everything that you wanted to accomplish last year in english but you know what the past is the past and the only moment that you have is right now so as challenging as 2020 might have been for me and and it's crazy as confusing it was still a blessing and an opportunity why because i'm alive right now so this call is about you being determined having the resolve the resolution to achieve your goals and after that after christian the legend says something i just have three suggestions for you why because this call ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters we're having a discussion but this call is for you this call is an opportunity for you to think about to analyze to process to keep it 100 with yourself and ask questions um yes i think that everyone who's watching this you know needs to remember that um we're doing this for you guys right um and and you know teacher will and i have have a similar have a similar intent right and that is that um you know we're not here to we're not here to sell products we're not here to we're not here to to to have a million subscribers and be famous we are here because we're passionate about teaching and we want to we want to help people right and so this is for you and i want to just go back a little bit and because i suspect that a majority of people who are watching this who who really want to succeed this year at learning a language are probably people who have tried and failed before right or maybe you know they've been studying for years and you know it's not happening they're waiting for the fluency they're waiting for the ability to have a conversation that's not happening so i want to invite people to take this moment to say what am i going to do differently this year right what what have i been what have i been doing right for the past five years or six years or ten years banging my head against a brick wall doing the same things in the same way the same study techniques yes yes yes it's it's time for a change yeah i mean so what christian christian you said brother let me just segue for one moment what you said change change change family change kangaroo family change atw family what does the word change it means for me at least is to not do something the same way that i've always been doing it and what's interesting for me is i don't know if this is interesting for you y'all but what's interesting for me is the the one thing i recognize in my life in this world in the universe in the big scheme of things is is that the world my life is constantly changing and though i recognize that i have to be honest with myself and realize i'm like you know what i'm a creature a habit you know what i have to be honest with myself and say you know what i don't there are times in my life i don't want to change what do you mean by that teacher well you know what you've made a certain video the same way for 8 000 times or whatever like that if it's if it's broke don't fix it but wait a minute but the world is changing which leads me brother to my point because if we're talking about how is it can we be determined right and christian talks about the word change learners listen people listening to this call ask yourself the question part of 2021 in terms of you asking yourself are you going to be determined to change in 2021 is is that you are going to have to be honest not with me not with christian not with anybody else you're going to have to be very honest with yourself and ask yourself are you willing to change yes because what i worry about is and this is a bigger question for me right is i worry about basically learners who have become so indoctrinated into certain ways of thinking like you're saying they've been indoctrinated into habits that although they they become determined to study for five hours a day they become determined to to really you know work hard this year the the the things that they're doing the way that they're studying the objectives they have are all really repetitions right of the same things they've been doing before exactly exactly and so it's about asking questions like um what kind of student do i want to be right because if if you want to be the kind of student who's really great at filling in the blanks go ahead spend all those hours in a workbook that that will be your result right if you want to be a student who's um you know really great at passing exams right all you care about is that b2 or that c1 go and do that you know go and buy the official preparation book and you know go and do that but if you're a person who really cares about being able to use the language to do things you have to make a change this year right it's not enough to spend more hours it's not enough to to say that you're gonna do more you have to change and the only person that can do that is everyone listening to this call the only person that makes a decision to change is you because you can have your teachers your mentors your family your friends your husband your wife your partner encouraging you to change encourage you could have christians sitting back or teaching wolves sitting back and say have you considered looking at this before have you thought about this particular approach have you considered the fact of why do you follow and who do you follow for what reasons see we can open up the door but the person that makes that determination to walk through that door and change is you not anybody else and sometimes ladies and gentlemen i'm talking to myself oh i don't want to change because it hurts i don't want to change because i'm afraid i don't want to change because i think i know everything i don't want to change why because i'm afraid of asking for help or you know what i don't want to change because i am afraid of my own success i don't want to change because i'm sitting back worrying about what other people are talking about saying about me are not vested in me so you know what oh no i don't want to change because it's uncomfortable i know where i am right now in my english it might not be where i want it to be but at least i know it's safe well it's safe ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters getting you to the level that you want to be in sometimes in my own life i can't be safe which leads me to my point number one in terms of being determined having resolved and making the firm decision now if this applies to anybody that listened to this call good i'm talking about myself because i don't want to offend anybody i don't want to be considered evil or angry so let me talk about myself and then if you can relate that's fine one thing that i have to do if i'm going to be determined to achieve my goals in english if i'm going to achieve uh if one thing to be determined to achieve my goals in english this year or one thing to be determined in terms of the fact if i want to be a better content provider or be a teacher number one i need to get out of my comfort zone yes yes and i think a lot of students do not realize that although it feels like hard work to like pass an exam right although it feels like hard work to you know spend hours in front of in front of irregular verbs memorizing them that feels hard but we know will that there is nothing harder than actually using your language to do things language listen y'all if you don't listen first and foremost please listen to me i need everybody that's on this call if you follow kangaroo english that's great if you don't follow him follow him and i want you to tell two of your friends associates to follow this man why he says and has said numerous numerous times that language is a social interaction yes you can talk to yourself but the goal of a language is to communicate one's thoughts one's ideas hopes and dreams and inspirations he has said on numerous videos that you use the language it has to be a lot you interact with it so for me getting out of my comfort zone what does that look like what does that look like teacher will you want to learn english this year what does that mean getting out of your comfort zone number one it means that i have to have a real honest 100 conversation with myself i gotta get messy real and honest with myself i need to look at what content i'm looking at who i'm looking at why am i looking at them how many hours am i studying am i studying in a particular way and is it it is this giving me the results that i want if all i am doing what does that mean now if you don't follow me you can if you want i did a video on it go to my uh youtube page ask underscore teacher will for example if you were the type of learner where and there's nothing to matter with that because we all learn in different ways so when you ask christian and i what's the best way to learn english you have to find the way that works best for you we can be guides we can be tutors we can be uh coaches but you have to find the way that works best for you so if you were the type of individual see getting out of your comfort zone says wait a minute teacher will i'm learning phrasal verbs i'm learning vocabulary and most of the time that i'm learning vocabulary i'm learning vocabulary from a book and it's not giving me the results that i need is there a possibility is there an opportunity that i can get out of the book and find another way another vehicle another avenue another resource maybe instead of being in the book and if i'm in a book for an hour maybe what i do is i stay in the book for 15 minutes and then i find a speaking partner to speak english with maybe i'm in the book for 15 minutes and then after that i get out of the book and you know what i do i watch a video from teacher will or kangaroo english and repeat that but get out of your comfort zone because at the end of the day i'm talking to myself one plus one is always going to equal two unless i change the numerator or denominator last point before point number two listen getting out of my comfort zone at least for me means it's like you know what particularly last year it's messy it's hurtful it's having conversations that i don't want to have here's another example for you ladies and gentlemen here's the thing get out of your comfort zone i dare you to dare yourself not me i dare you to dare yourself get a piece of paper after this call is over during the next couple of hours within the next week i dare you ladies and gentlemen to get a piece of paper and make what is called a swot analysis and have an honest conversation with yourself if you don't know what that means is it's basically you take a piece of paper break fold it up four little squares strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats and when you ask yourself the question when you're trying to achieve you look at where you are right now not from a place of judgment not from a place of denial but from a place that you want to get better and ask yourself the questions what are your strengths what are what do you do really well in english what are you weak at and then call week in area development what are your opportunities ways to improve your english and what are your threats but you gotta change y'all because one plus one in my own life is always going to equal the same thing that's number one and um i think as well i wanna say that what you know specifically when it comes to english right when it comes to getting out of your comfort zone and doing those things that are really uncomfortable a lot of students think that they can study their way out of the problem right they like okay i'm afraid to have a conversation but if i spend just six more months improving my english just one more year then i'll be ready right that day never comes right that day will never never at least in my own life never comes as you and i both speak another language in english listen for y'all that have said i'm looking at the comments you're weak and speaking or then i never come hey william hey teacher will how did you get better doing live instagrams live youtubes making content i did it how did you get better teacher will uh speaking with christian was a friend i did it how did you listen y'all the only there is no time but you have right now better yet can i ask you a question william can i ask you a question yeah ask me a question hey why am i putting off something until tomorrow when tomorrow is not promised i don't know about tomorrow i know about today i know about right now learners ask yourself the question i understand and respect the fact that hey you might be a little scared you might have a little apprehension but imagine for one moment if you dare to dream and do it now will that numerator or denominator be different question number two because we got about 10 minutes learners we gonna be quick because we want to hear from you another way ladies and gentlemen to be determined have resolved have resolution make up your mind keep it 100 with yourself stop lying to yourself is what i'm sorry i'm going there christian never had me back for what i'm about to say for those of you that are determined suggested number two to be determined this year i make a recommendation it's just a recommendation use social media more for education than for entertainment i need to say that again real quick use social media for education purposes more than internet entertainment purposes what do i mean well i'm talking to myself if it applies it applies if it doesn't it doesn't wow you know what i'm going on instagram right now look at this wow i'm going to click on teacher wills page ask teacher will's page or kangaroo english's page and you know what wow look at that teacher will or kangaroo english has got a lot of information over many many videos oh what did he say in the video what did he say in the video what did kangaroo english in the video say about oh this understanding uh thinking in english from a scientific perspective oh what a teacher will say as it relates to the expression suck it up what are you talking about i don't know hey the picture looked good i'ma click a like now brothers and sisters why do i say that kangaroo english on his youtube channel has done over 500 videos over 200 something videos on his instagram page if i said to y'all not a judgment just a question if i said to you okay this is what i want you to think about learners when he drops a video do you actually watch the video on youtube from beginning to end or do you just click on to see what he's got on how he's saying if you're watching a video from ask teacher will if i said on my last youtube video oh speak english naturally do you watch the video from beginning to end and use it for education purposes and take a notebook or a notepad and write down words and phrases that you don't understand or are you just concerned like oh my god is he singing is he dancing what is he doing so yes ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters social media is there and i i don't want to be a hypocrite listen i like entertaining on my videos i i try to get out of my comfort zone about that but i tell you what i'm gonna educate first so you have an opportunity to be determined this year with anyone that you choose to follow first of all ask yourself the question why but use social media more for education purposes than intertainment purposes it's free is it so hard to follow kangaroo english and he's dropping videos free of charge is it so hard if you want y'all might not want to follow me because y'all think i'm crazy that's fine that's your opinion but is it so hard to follow and subscribe to information that's available for free that you can use as a vehicle to help you be determined with your english goals now if that applies to some people you know it applies to teacher will if it applies to some people then hey but there are some people i know so use that we got one more brother we go we're good yeah well you know i think um maybe um well i i can talk about my personal experience right when i wer um when i was trying to learn arabic um there are not very many good quality resources for people trying to learn arabic right and arabic is a massive language i think it's the third most spoken language in the world it's in you know dozens of countries not really any good materials for learning arabic for english speakers right and and that's a big language so imagine if you're trying to learn you know a tiny language that's spoken by a few thousand people very difficult right and maybe it's easy to forget it's easy for people to forget how many amazing good free resources there are on the internet to learn english right english english language materials are everywhere like there's no excuse for not being able to find the information you need right and i i see that in my facebook group people will post a question like um what's the difference between uh determined and um uh determined and uh i can't think of a synonym uh uh okay what's the difference of determined resolute and these people they haven't spent two minutes to look in the dictionary right and read the definitions and part of that is you know okay maybe you are not aware of the resource i don't think so it's it's a decision right it's a decision about are you going to take responsibility for your own learning or are you going to try and pass that responsibility onto someone else right that's right that's right and again i think that's important to say in my sense of own integrity because my approach my way and my method of learning is this listen i don't like to be a hypocrite i value social media i appreciate social media i'm on social media and people hopefully with the atw family recognize or i hope i inspire them as i'm like my job is to help you motivate you to learn social media is a great tool it's a great resource but the way my approach and your approach is similar is to have people look up the information for themselves to research the information for themselves to be critical and to have the opportunity to be critical thinkers my job is not to give someone the answer all the time you don't learn that way and i'm sorry by the way ladies and gentlemen is i'm like hey some of you think that you're entitled to this some people think they're entitled to social media you're not well let me use myself i'll talk about christian i'm not entitled to christians or a christian chooses to drop videos christian chooses to do content for free that's his choice he chooses that if he doesn't drop a video in like when i think he should drop a video i have no right to say that i'm not entitled to anything so the approach is is that if you have available resources out there ladies and gentlemen use it but don't assume that someone's supposed to give you the answer there is a the last time i learned is is that when i learn learn means the acquisition of knowledge that i use for myself so if there's a video that i do or christian does or any other content provider out there use it or lose it you want to know why because i'm going to tell you something learners and you might not want to hear this this is just my truth for what it is and i and the atw family knows this which leads to my last point learners appreciate not saying you don't let me talk about myself william yes appreciate what you have teacher will appreciate what you have teacher appreciate those content providers out there that is giving information for free because you want to know why that information might not be free always which leave how do i why why you say that to why you say that teacher will two years ago well actually three years ago right now i challenged and i encourage the atw family i said hey listen y'all listen family appreciate content providers out there that are doing information for free that's doing content for free if you like them if you say that you like them and you value them click like click subscribe why because i notice and that's their right i noticed a lot of people more and more for various different reasons or getting off social media not doing live youtube not doing live and that's his or her right to do that's no problem but if we're honest a lot of people are like you know what i'ma stand in my truth and honestly teacher will talk to yourself yeah hey teacher will what what you still gonna do content you still go teacher will you still gonna do content for free usually yes i will but here's what i recognize teacher will i need to tell you something there are some people in the world that don't value anything that's for free so at some point in your mind you better make up your mind and make up your decision that don't give everything away for free because some people don't value that some people only value and appreciate something that has a monetary value and caused by it which leads me to my last point you have an opportunity this year ladies and gentlemen in 2021 to be determined to be resolved to achieve your english goals it's a chance for you if you want my last point is this is to make well let me say it like this is to invest and make an investment in your english to invest or make an investment in your english what does investment mean what does the word invest mean invest means multiple different things and best means that you put something in to get something out which is particularly associated with associated with value benefit or profit now i'm gonna say something and this y'all you don't have to have me back live in legend some of y'all need to make an investment as it relates to your time and some of you need to make invest the time find the time if english is important to you find the necessary time to learn to study to practice the language more information i did it on my video a video on my youtube channel but one way to invest in yourself to get the benefit value and profit that you want is to invest time uh oh last one now y'all don't have to have me back listen if you believe that you are not getting the results that you want that you deserve so for example if you're if you're doing self-study if you're doing videos if you're looking at content whether it's me or so or christian or papa teach me or whoever it is if you're getting if you are not getting the results that you do not want uh-oh you might have to invest money on someone a course a language school a tutor that might meet your particular budget how interesting it is william i'm talking to myself i'm talking to myself i'm talking to myself how interesting it is you know what hey i have i'm determined this year to lose weight i'm a determined this year to be more healthy so that means there are certain things i can do by myself that means i can eat healthier get enough sleep go to the gym and exercise but if i'm not getting the results that i want i have an opportunity to make an investment in myself and hire a private tutor not a private tutor a private coach if i can't cut my hair then wait a minute you know what if i don't like the results i go to the barber the barber shop now i'm going to say something i'm not here hear me and hear me well i'm not here at this particular moment selling any courses or anything like that maybe i will do that in the future but i need to say this in all spirit and truth and honesty if you are not getting the results that you need you need to make an investment as it relates to yourself and pay for services because teaching is a profession and oh by the way let me dissuage get rid of the following thought when i hear some people saying oh my god courses language schools if christian ever offered a course or i ever offered a course in the future and you sit back and say it's too expensive my response to you would be the following point number one i really respect what you say expensive as compared to what because one of the things that i've noticed in my own life and being in this community is the following i can find somebody teaching english helping me with my english goals from as little as a dollar all the way up to a thousand dollars and the second thing i would say is this okay how expensive do you think it is or how important do you think not me not kristin how important do you think it is to make an investment in yourself toward your learning what return on investment do you see because you know one of the things that i've noticed is i'm like listen particularly with pandemic challenges everything like that if something's important for me i'ma find the time and find the money why because i've known to go out on a weekend and blow 100 200 300 on stuff that i don't need and yet what some people i know do they sit back and say oh that's too expensive well okay if you think that you're learning it's not if you think that making investment in yourself is too expensive go right ahead so those are my three things well i just want to say one thing about that right is that if and when you do decide that you want to invest in a course or a teacher or whatever it is please base your decisions on the right reasons right don't don't choose a teacher just because they were born in england that's a stupid reason to choose a teacher most of the christian they're gonna choose that christian listen they were born in england or america they have a native accent they look a particular color and have a certain way not all learners but most learners do that uh oh did i say that maybe check out my video on youtube but to christian's point when you are looking for someone to support you i've done a youtube video on this i'm gonna say this listen if you're looking like for example i'ma say this i pray one day i pray one day if this is in prayer change this thing don't i pray one day if this man decides to do it or not i don't know i pray one day that this man has a transformational chorus training whatever like that call it the revolution whatever and i pray one day he has that in the near future but even if i respect this man i which i do i would say to you before you're interested in any training that he might do course that i that he might do or i might do i i you owe it to yourself learners to interview that teacher and find out if that teacher meets your qualifications exactly how is it that you're going to make an investment in whatever dollar amount it is and you're not going to interview that teacher find out what their qualifications are find out if the training is aligned with what you need but no so yes what he says you have a right but what some of you do if it applies it applies if it doesn't it doesn't what some of you do is is that you think that you're not worth it and will spend spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on people that are adding no value to you demean you and you're afraid to ask them questions how can you be afraid when you were the student the customer and the client and and listen that you know there's another side to that right there's another side where people will actually spend the money in place of being determined right so they say to themselves right i want to learn english this year so i'm going to spend 300 euros on a course and then they never even log into the website they never do lesson one but it makes them feel good it's like exactly i've done my bit i've done my part i've spent the money well no because you always have to do the hard work right and that's the thing even if i spent ten dollars on a course one dollar on a course a hundred dollars on a course fifty dollars on the course that's the initial reaction but at the end of the day i still have to do something family members people listening to the call money does not get rid of the work so you have to do something about it and this is an opportunity for you this year to make up your mind keep it honest with yourself to be determined for yourself figuring out what ways by what get out of your comfort zone that means be honest with yourself use or think about social media more for uh entertainment purposes and actually for education purposes and make an investment in yourself with respect to certainly time and then money if indeed that you're going to decide to do a course a program a tutor a coach whatever that that is up to you but at the end of the day money christian myself cannot replace the most important person on the call that is you and so that's you that's no one else so you know i was looking at the comments or whatever of that nature by the way i'm passionate when i speak so i do have etiquette thank you very much for that um so thank you for that comment but i do think the thing is is this is is that the beautiful thing that i love and i respect about kristen is this is that his content and hopefully my content is to inspire you to make you accountable because ultimately learning comes down to you that's why i did the theme this year determine are you determined to achieve your english goals and if you are listen if i'm going to aid in your process if you think i'm going to aid in your process feel free go to my youtube channel go to my instagram you can do that if i help you great if i don't that's fine no big deal no let's take it but that's right and i mean they're two they're two sides right of the same of the same coin you know uh you have to do the hard work but you also have to choose the right teacher that will actually yeah that will actually give you the opportunity to do the work that will um that will inspire you to do the work they're the same yes yes um let's um should we take some questions now bill let's take some questions brother i'm down um so well uh always i think my pronunciation is perfect says how to overcome the fear of failure now okay i'm gonna just take this one and you can say what you think after um but you know i think there's an expectation right that i don't know why right but you know nobody would expect to do anything new and do it perfectly the first time right no matter how simple no matter how simple the the task is right like you look at children like my son he's six years old he is a human being that's very capable right like he can walk he could ride a bike he can do mathematics but if i ask him to you know put butter on some toast or make a cup of tea you know for the first time he's not going to do it well at all or he's going to fail um children know that you know the parents of children know that and as adults you know we know that we don't expect to drive a car first time perfectly or you know sit down and play the piano perfectly but for some reason there's this expectation that with language learning you know you cannot fail right that you go into a conversation you should be perfect and people forget that learning a language is i think the most difficult thing that an adult will try to do right i know that playing a piano is hard um you know certain things in life are really hard but language is hard in a special way because it's it's everything right it's like social skills psychology um part you know like having a conversation isn't just sitting and listening it's a dance between two people right it is so hard why do you expect to not fail you will fail again and again and again and again and the failure is the learning right that's oh christian yeah i mean very briefly i would sit back and say um two things number one is in my own life i've failed and i recognize that through failing has been is when i've learned the most so i think ultimately is is to have a particular mindset where and you said it briefly or brilliantly where you know i need to remove the expectations listen just because i fall down doesn't mean i can't get back up and so if i do not get the results i want does not mean that there's another opportunity i failed how many videos have i failed on producing sometimes and stuff but i've learned the greatest so i would say that and the second thing i would say is is that um fear can be used as an abbreviation and recognize that sometimes that is not afraid of being um you know falling but afraid of someone's success so i would say more information look at the video i did on my youtube face everything and rise what you mean like um people are actually afraid of comparing themselves to others this is what you mean that and also i think that part of the thing is is that in my own life excuse me yes and in addition to that what i would say is sometimes i'll make it personal sometimes it is easier to compare myself to others because that gives me a sense of like you know what not authenticity and so sometimes people i think are afraid uh because it's easier when they don't have to take responsibility and accountability for themselves so they can look at someone else but i love what english is true i mean comparison is the thief of joy right i mean exactly you know you you look at other people there's always going to be someone who's better than you and always going to be someone who's worse but people always look up right and and i'm not saying that i'm not saying we shouldn't have role models i'm not saying that we shouldn't have people that inspire us but go will go go go looking up in terms of admiration i'm sorry brother you just you know how i roll sometimes certainly i think it is very uh at least in my own life yes there are people that i look up that i admire that i respect that i i that challenge me and so you know i look at christian's videos and his process and just his methodology and i look up to them and i respect that so to your point there's nothing to matter with looking up and admiring people but here's the thing sometimes instead of looking up for me i need to look within i need to look within and sometimes what happens is that you know what i have to recognize and realize wait a minute what am i comparing myself to kangaroo english or blackboard english or teacher leon or teacher papa t whatever like that what i gotta look within because everything i need is inside of me learners you have to look within that is the beautiful in my own life talking about english talking about life the beautiful thing i believe about life is yes you can get you might look at one of my videos and be like wow you really inspired me or you might say to christian oh christian you know what thank you kangaroo english you motivated me you inspired me that's a wonderful thing you looked up or you looked too but notice you gotta look within okay we've got it we've got another question here from from jose who says is it possible to learn english without going to england or america or australia or another english-speaking country and and look i just have a couple of things to say about this before before i hand it over to you okay so um the the first thing i want to say is that and this is something that that was told to me by josh hart's heart shawn who's who's a neuroscientist and i asked him that question about immersion and i said to him is it possible to learn a language you know without going to england or without going to america and he said christian your brain doesn't know the difference your brain doesn't know where you are right if you are having conversations in english if you're consuming content in english reading watching if you're producing english writing your brain doesn't know where you are it doesn't say oh well i'm not in london right now so i'm not going to learn anything right and and and again i think sometimes it's an excuse right it's like i personally know many students of mine who have gone to live in england and they've been there for two years and what did they do they stayed in their communities they were afraid they spent two years talking in spanish with their spanish friends and they didn't improve their english at all in fact maybe maybe it got worse because at least when they were here they were studying right they had this this objective but when you arrive in the country and you realize that as an adult we can survive without language suddenly your your motivation evaporates right your objectives evaporate um right and and the other thing i want to say about that is that um people need to remember that 85 90 maybe 95 of people who are learning english right now will never go to england or america or australia never okay that's not why you're learning english i don't think you're learning english so that you can move to london right maybe a few but the majority know so why why why are you doing it one you're doing it to have a deep human experience to learn about the beauty of language to learn about communication to to grow right to to to acquire knowledge but also you're doing it because probably you're going to use english in your own country you know in in your own country and that's that's that's the reason why and now i'm feeling a bit fiery will but that's the reason why i always are firing the industry upsets me so much when they spend all their time trying to import basically this is colonial this is colonialism right colonial attitudes trying to import you know british culture and american culture into classrooms where these students where they have no business importing that culture right i'm i'm bored i'm bored of opening workbooks with pictures of big ben okay so somebody you know a little boy in a village in in indonesia is never going to go to and see big ben he does not need to know anything about british culture how they're using you know english in britain no he needs to know how to use english to do things in his culture okay so kristen i would answer the question by saying this uh yes it's possible um and then i think that you know i'm going to be in prayer about you like i think you know you have a perfect course in the future about that because i think that you i think that's a really good point very quickly with respect to your comment about colonialism and all this other stuff or importing language i think a couple things number one language is culture one doesn't one that should not leave their culture outside of studying english i would encourage people check out uh when you talk about colonialism or institutionalized isms and stuff i would encourage your learners to look up my youtube channel but i would say um the following about this that mentality of make i want to broaden it out that mentality of making english inclusive making english representational making english alive and global really only changes when the learners believe and deserve and think that they want and unfortunately in my humble opinion which led me the reason why i did that video um white privilege white racism is the elt industry a white only industry is because of that very point that you met i agree with you and i'm a pa but none of that changes i think it against down to let's tie it back determine learners are you determined to expand your definition and a horizon about the language and i'm going to say something which i don't mean to offend but i'm talking from my perspective my truth and unfortunately you have it let me say it like this i have sympathy and empathy toward that because if i grow up my whole life and say i'm learning english and i'm taught that the way that i speak and how i speak and how i might look is wrong and i'm only watching content from one particular view then christian and i certainly understand that i think the thing is it's up to learners to man that and that's not being woke and that's not being political that's making english truly a global language when the learners decide that they want to see themselves and they want their grammar books diverse is when the industry changes yes yes exactly and this is something that we've talked about so many times before right where's the power the power is in is is with you right it is a hundred percent with you it's about you choose to learn with about where you spend your money that's it and you know stop giving your money to people who do not care about your learning stop it please or at least or well hopefully you know what you know this is a year we're challenging learners to be determined um you know i'm an optimist realist i i pray about that deal i'm honest and and again you know my you know this christian my and i hope the atw family knows this yes you know i don't i don't expect okay this is very honest i don't expect the industry to change i do not expect the industry to change why power concedes nothing the only way the industry changes when people demand it so learners listen in this year of being determined whatever it is whoever if i don't care follow who you want to follow but if they're not meeting your basic limits and i need to say this learn people please please not for me please i want you to if there's a possibility to think critically think about it this way if you go to a store and you're buying if you go to the store and you are buying a shirt and you were not getting that shirt at your right size and at the quality you deserve it would you pay for the shirt no learners some of y'all need to demand excellence you deserve excellence you deserve excellence you deserve to be treated with respect and if you are not getting the right proper service you have a right to say no but what some of you might do is you glorify these people oh no we can't talk about that teacher that content provider why because oh oh i i want to be like them i want to sleep with them i want their passport they're providing a service you learners demand excellence you are the largest client based out there you are and so someone will only treat you let me talk about myself someone will only treat me the way that i believe to be deserved so learners the only thing that i'm asking you to do is is that you know you have a right to ask questions to think critically whether you're paying for something or you're not if you're looking at content that just quite doesn't jail with you there is nothing to matter with asking a question and say i'm sorry i quite didn't understand you because the only this is christian talked about the psychology listen y'all uh chris and i are a little older than most of you on the call people don't change unless sometimes you force them to change and even if they don't agree with you it's like you know what i'ma tell you this much i've seen it in my own life it only takes a little bit of noise it only takes a little of you all to demand the change and watch how quickly those industries will change but hopefully we'll get there three let's take some more let's three to three percent will only takes three percent of people to make enough noise and then we can have a revolution three percent you can be part of that three percent well you know i get well listen no teacher no kristen they think they feel in the after no i mean i think the thing is it's that you know what the revolution starts and revolution necessarily isn't a bad word because that for some people might bring up negative connotations or negative uh feelings so if that does i respect that i'm gonna change the word for a minute the awakening the awakening learner starts with you the ability to think critically starts with you the ability to demand representation and and proper service starts with you whether you're doing a video that or whether you're watching content for free or you're doing a course or language school the awakening starts with you because you know what's you know what pains me as an individual and i'm not changing i'm par i mean not that i'm not changing there are certain things that i will change with right because i'm a i'm a human being but with respect to this whole aspect of like oh why do you think learners i say speak naturally instead of speak like a native uh i mean none of y'all most of y'all listening on the call you're not native sorry well look i think we know will you and i know that the the let's say the institutional uh the institution of language learning like the old boys you know cambridge uh oxford the big the big companies they have not innovated in 400 years right i can i can i can show you materials that they that they're putting in classrooms in 2021 and they are the same as when they used to do grammar translation back with latin and french christian why would they christian christian why i agree but can you answer me a question i'm sorry this is where you're more up this is where you're more of an optimist than we are and we'll take some more questions why would anybody want to innovate when the customers the students don't believe that they should or don't deserve that they should why well why would i innovate i'm sorry i i i agree but learners think about that why would a language school a good old boy or good old woman network or a content provider that you've been following which is your choice to follow for years or months or days why would they innovate if you don't demand it but then christian will make a video and you'll get mad at them teacher willow make a video and you all think i'm i i hate certain people which i don't let's take more christian let's take more questions kristen because you got the next topic for next month and you talking about people innovating people don't think that they deserve the best of service because they've been programmed and bamboozled to think less than and it's very hard for them because sometimes they don't have the right language or right so i agree with you in theory let's take more questions because i'm not juan aguilar says when will talks i think i'm in church i'm a spiritual individual um so if you hey listen if that listen if you think you're in church or synagogue or temple or masjid or out in the woods or even by your house that's fine i speak in a particular way and if that's listen brother i appreciate the compliment and if that's able to inspire you to achieve your goals then i've done my thing so thank you very much for the compliment it is it's a it's an amazing compliment because um because i think it's a place right that that people leave feeling amazing right about the world that's what i think right um okay uh okay so um uh a question here from ma about um and this is this is actually something really which is re i think is a really important point right is that there's a difference between teachers who are working for state state schools right who are trapped in in the curriculum and the exams at standardized testing and then teachers who are free to do what they want with private clients right and the same thing for students who are let's say trapped in you know state this the the standardized testing and this and the state curriculum and then students who are adults who are free to choose a teacher right so it's it's absolutely true that um you know some of these students they do not have free choice right they go to their class they can't say i'm not going to class you know i don't want to work with this teacher but i think still and this this is what i think right that the you can you are still in a position to demand change right and i think that um like i because you said that you're not optimistic about the lang about the industry changing itself when it's still working right when the network is still working when they're still making money so even if you're in a state school right you have to be disruptive right you still have to make noise in fact i'm going to consider it your responsibility to do that maybe not for you right because it's too late for you but do it for your children or for the children of the next generation who who you don't want to have that same experience as you because like will said nothing will change unless you demand it so you have to be disruptive as a teacher go to the principal and say look here's the evidence right i'm not making this up here's the evidence what we do in in the classroom isn't effective right that's what you can do as a teacher and offer an alternative you know you say you know what for six months let's do it a different way let's do it my way and let's see what happens as as a student you can you can demand change your teacher and this is something to remember teachers are also trapped right they are powerless to do what they want in the classroom they're bored of the workbook just as much as you are i promise right and they're waiting for someone to come up they're waiting for a student to come up who has the passion who feels the same way they do to say teacher i don't want to do the workbook anymore can can we do something different can you fight for us can you help us can we work together to do something so i know that some of you don't have free choice but you are still you have an obligation to be disruptive we're all the only thing i would add into that is the following for those that have the desire we're all in this together we are the change we are all in this together and so again being an optimist realist so i talk to legend sometimes because he keeps me optimistic more so than i am but i do think that we're all in this together and so again fight the battles that you're able to fight but as long as you're in the fight sometimes standing on the sidelines waiting for other people to do what you might need to do for yourself is not good yes yes yes um well listen will i think that we have um we've talked about you know some some really interesting things today and i think um the the questions have been thoughtful and um you know important and and i hope my hope is that we can change your mind right even if it's just one mind you can change your mind someone who like you said looks inside and wants to make a change yeah definitely well listen uh let me thank everybody for that has joined i hope you found this conversation of value obviously the legend is going to save this and stuff and so i would encourage you ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters to watch it i appreciate the time we'll be back uh and also too we'll hopefully we'll be back next month yes because um we'll find this of value but please at the end of the day let us know if this is a value to you please let christian know this because again we're doing this for you so please share it things of that nature if there are any topics out there and the last thing that i would say is two things number one determine are you determined to achieve your english goals and if so you have to what look within brother i respect you legend i respect you you know that i look forward to next month and i hopefully to your point hopefully we change one person yes thank you will uh thank you everybody for watching uh if you would like to see uh the and subscribe to the youtube channel of this man which i high i strongly suggest that you do uh you will find the link to his channel down in the description box okay um look at some of his content really listen to to the messages and um you know see if see if you need to make a change this year right teacher will thank you for bringing the fire you are amazing as always as are you sir and we all know who the real legend is here whatever but very quickly christian shout out there's a there's a learner right there i believe it's uh juan shout out to juan because i believe he was the one that first started using this terminology legend so thank you juan for joining nicole and i hope you found it of value we know who the legend is i'm looking at it better yet i'm looking right at it listen everybody have a wonderful wonderful day evening or afternoon where you are and uh look within thank you everybody i'll see you in a month ciao bye bye bye bye um
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 21,651
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Id: ai0gPV2pbPk
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Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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