The CORRECT Way To Store Pokemon Cards in a Binder

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your binder might be ruining your cards like right now okay maybe it's not your binder but it's the way you are using your binder that's ruining your cards or maybe it's where you store it this is sad because our binders are supposed to protect our cards but unfortunately all over the internet there's case after case of card after card getting damaged because of bad binder behavior i mean watch this clip from rudy over at alpha investments and this really expensive card that is well no longer that expensive you're like oh man i mean that is near mint that is a beautiful beta card man and then unfortunately you guys know what this is right yeah that's not good oh and check out these cards they were put in sleeves for protection and yet still absolutely ruined bad binder behavior how exactly were these ruined well we'll get there because we're about to go on a journey together to talk about your binder and all the things that might be considered bad binder behavior where shall we start ah the rings if you're using a binder with o-rings that's bad binder behavior o-rings are the number one culprit for your dented dedene your creased crescella your concave crocodile o-rings are a big oh no if you actually care about your collection because if you add too many pages anywhere above here when you close up your binder the cards on your top pages will move back toward the spine and your done sparse is done for use a d-ring binder it's rounded on one edge but slanted on the other and it reduces the chances of denting your cards by 64.209 percent okay not really i don't know exactly what the percentage is but it does help a lot now if you go to target you might come across a binder like this one it's the card guard three ring binder it goes for about 25 bucks it does have a large d-ring so we're good there but let's take a look inside this binder comes with a hundred new nine pocket pages but unfortunately they're not the best quality if you use these pages watch this oh that's not good generic pages equals bad binder behavior over time especially if you're active in your binders you're going to tear the scenes if you're going to use loose pages like this i recommend the ultra pro pages but these kind of pages bring us to another kind of problem if you're not careful this could happen your cards could fall out of your binder also why am i on a dirt road with my pokemon cards anyway with a binder like this any centrifugal force and your starmies are everywhere plus if you use both sides of the sleeves front and back you risk scratching the backs of the cards i tested this in a previous video and you could actually cause some pretty serious damage just by rubbing two cards together sliding two cards against each other is bad binder behavior also at target you can find the next best option same brand these card folio portfolio type binders which i like because the cards inside aren't loaded from the top they're instead loaded from the side this greatly reduces our chances of having to pick up cards in the middle of a dirt road again look i'm even spinning one full of cards on my finger something i learned how to do in middle school because i thought it made me look cool although that proved to be false at least these cards aren't flying out of the binder oh and the cards aren't going to rub back to back because of this soft backing here and these are pvc and acid free so they technically shouldn't erode your cards over a long period of time now you might be tempted to pick up one of these cool looking binders they've got a hardcover which is great they're not flimsy like the other ones and they even got a zipper because you never want to collect your cards with your fly down but be careful because not all zipper binders are created equal although the design of this one looks really cool when we open this up o-rings and cheap generic protective sleeves bad binder behavior at least it has this cool leash thingy so you can i actually have no idea why this is here top of the line i really enjoy these binders here nice stiff covers they feel nice they got this zipper and they got the side loading sleeves with the backing they're just excellent and yeah they're a little bit more expensive but i mean if you're going to be storing your cards in here for potentially years wouldn't it make sense to spend a little bit extra to make sure you don't lose a whole lot more these are the ones that i use for my collection and there's even 12 or 16 card versions so you can have a specific slot for your reverse holographic cards if you want that's a big binder though but it's still legit now that we've got your binder covered let's talk about how you put your cards inside of your binder first don't just insert a bunch of the same cards in each sleeve i know some of you do this you just love feeding that slot with the same pokemon every time you pull them in a pack well you know what your sleeve is now huge and it's stretched out and there's no coming back and as soon as you stretch these things out all it takes is a little gravity and yep don't overfeed your sleeve bad binder behavior next although the side loaders are definitely best you gotta be careful because you might guess the wrong side and ruin the corner of your cards bad binder behavior the opening is not always on the same side on each page so just look for the edge and even if you know what side it's on just take some care don't just like ram your cards inside it's not a coincidence that in the word carest spells card okay that one's a little bit of a stretch they don't always land but you know what i mean now i do recommend putting sleeves on your cards before putting them into your binder you could pop a regular penny sleeve and then insert that in but for binders i do actually prefer the perfect fit sleeves they fit so much nicer into the binder and plus there's less worry about sticking which can sometimes happen in certain weather conditions you could just sleeve up your hitters but i mean i want to preserve the entire collection so yeah i fit sleeve the entire set and i've got peace of mind from there yes it's a bit of extra work but that's how i roll here's something not to do store your binders on top of each other like this bad binder behavior sure everything is laying flat but if any one of these binders for some reason had a page pressed up against a ring you're just putting more weight on it just store them spine out like books at a library and over time you'll amass this amazing collection that'll look like the university library but it's all pokemon cards that'd be dope also be careful where you store these binders yes the binders will protect but not against everything especially when it comes to humidity and heat the absolute worst place to store these things would be in your attic i get it if your mom put them there years ago to get them out of sight but if that's the case get them out now the attic is the hottest part of the house and that heat over time combined with any moisture that's up there could cause your cards to stick or worse deteriorate remember those cards that i showed you earlier yeah those were producer dan's cards from his childhood that were stuck in an attic for years dan i'm sorry but that is bad binder behavior now that makes me wonder does where you live affect the condition of your stored cards well in the meantime youtube says you want to watch this video next so i'll see you there
Channel: Deep Pocket Monster
Views: 2,488,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon cards, pokemon tcg, pat flynn, pokemon pat flynn, deep pocket monster, pokemon card binder collection, pokemon card binder, pokemon card binder ultra pro, card binder, best way to store pokemon cards in binders, store pokemon cards, storing pokemon cards, trading card binder, protecting pokemon cards, deep pocket monster mystery box, pat flynn pokemon, weird pokemon cards, pokemon card collection, pokemon card opening
Id: gs6mQ5J6Q7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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