I Spent NOTHING On This Kitchen Makeover !! HOW?!?

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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video before we get into it i'm sure there's already people curious about what is on my wrist this is a wrist brace i'm experiencing some carpal tunnel probably because i have the like least ergonomic editing set up and i'm like constantly editing working on it but for now i'm going to wear a wrist brace to help with that but yeah that's not what the video is about so today as you guys can see by the title we are going to be doing a kitchen makeover for zero dollars now i'm already gonna come out and say it i've already cheated a little bit if you watched friday's video we epoxied the countertops which ended up costing just under a hundred dollars but that was in a separate video but we are going to be finishing that kitchen off with pieces that i already have now if you've seen my bathroom makeover that i did where i spent zero dollars on it you'll know i have spent money on it but it's only things that i have right now if that makes sense i will admit i have a unfair advantage because not only do i hoard like renovation supplies but i also have overstock from past videos that i often will like dip into in this type of video if that makes sense like right now the camera is set up on one of my organizers that holds all of my um legs handles that i've seen at like home sense i just wanted to buy even though i had no use for them yet so i have quite a bit of items so doing a makeover for zero dollars is not very difficult because there's a lot of things that i can reach for but i still feel like it's a really fun concept because you kind of have to make things work if that makes sense like often when i'm doing a renovation video i'll make a little list and i'll just go out and get everything that i need but this sort of pushes me to use some of the things that i already have so that nothing's just like sitting and not being used whether it's paint whether it's material whether it's handles we're gonna use some stuff today so hopefully you guys think this concept is fun and maybe it'll inspire you to go like into your storage and look around and see if you have any decor pieces laying around or cans of paint that you could like judge up a room with i don't know i think it's fun today we're doing my mom's kitchen if you missed friday's video i suggest watching that first but the countertops are already done very budget friendly in my opinion for getting new countertops but yeah that was a separate video we're not going to talk about it right now but it is kind of a cheat i'm sorry i promise or at least i send my promise that will be the only cheat in this video but let's begin so my reusable bag here and basically i'm going to be shopping through my supplies now i have already talked with my mom because it's her kitchen so i wanted her input so we have the color story down she went ahead and looked through my stuff prior to filming this so i kind of know what i need to grab but i'm also just going to look through and see if there's anything more that's exciting so let's shop my supplies also yes i have lots of stuff um i have a problem but i can't help it so if you watched my last video that was similar to this one where i did my bathroom for zero dollars you probably saw most of my organization was in here so i since actually got a little bit better organizers over there which i'll show you but in here we have lots of tiles and tile cutters but i don't think we will have any use for these which is too bad but the flooring at my mom's place is pretty good we also have some like rolls of sticky laminate to go over countertops there are three rolls back here we have a black a white and also like this white with lots of gray i used that in my previous video but i don't think i'll need it for this one i also have some extra tubs of epoxy yeah i don't think i need anything in here i'm looking around there's some grout over there i don't think so and then these are my new organizers they're from ikea i really really love them they're great because they're like thin and wide for storing things and this is where most of the stuff is and then over at storage i have lots of decor but we'll get to that after i'm talking with my hand a lot really showing off this wrist brace getting my money's worth so let's take a look my mom was mentioning that she actually had some of these handles so i think we're just going to spray paint those initially i was really really wanting to use these ones i got these at home since i had absolutely no where to use them yet but i love them i also have these from flip i don't think anything in here and then i keep all of the ones from my facebook marketplace revamps just in case you know you never know when you may need them you never know i'm trying to think if i'll need any filler i'm pretty sure the holes will be in the same spots i might need these squishy round brushes no sanding blocks more handles my stapling gun okay in this one we have some froggy tape which i think we'll need lots of brushes in here these aren't my favorite brushes but i'll bring some over just in case and this is where we have some legs and also some stencils now i initially bought these for a bathroom reno i was gonna do but then with kovit i wasn't able to do it and initially i bought these ones because they hadn't looked at the sizing and then when they showed up i was like okay they're way too small so then i got these ones which are big i don't know if any of these will be the right size for my mom's backsplash but i think we'll make them work even if they're too big we could always cut the edges and then if these are too small i feel like that will make them work so definitely going to have to decide with my mom which style she likes i'll actually do that right now ooh no no too too leafy again though yeah that one looks country kitchen no i like country kitchen but i don't think that's what we're going for with this one that's pretty [Laughter] what did we i i like it country kitchen wait no too swirly oh my gosh that is so small ah i don't hate that i don't hate that that's that's huge pretty this might been my maybe my favorite so far that one looks dated to me a bit yeah that is not the right vibe that could be okay we narrowed it down quite a bit so we'll take all three of these over and then we'll make the decision on the stencil for this okay i'm excited me too as you can see this is chip's chair it's got all this stuff on here okay let's see my drill hammer i might need this stuff eventually when i'm hanging things but not yet oh this wallpaper i forgot about this i have some pink like flamingo wallpaper okay this is an important drawer i have spray paint for the handles lots of fusion paint options these are all cans that i've actually opened before i honestly don't know when i got this abundance of spray paint but it's just been building up which is great because i love having the gold white and the black options we're going to be using the matte black today these colors right here are all paints that i've already used this is an ultra grip that i bought and then this is a top coat and then this is a top coat also we'll probably be using the ultra grip and maybe the tough coat i don't think we'll be using any of these colors actually i think we might need this one yeah we might need the extra of this one the plan that my mom and i have decided on is we're gonna do the upper cabinets white and then the bottom cabinet's a fun color which i'll show you right now and here is my giant paint drawer i have an addiction this is not sponsored i wish it was but it isn't so when i was showing my mom my paint drawer i basically told her to pick out her favorites and she chose this one this one this one this one and this one so from there we had to narrow it down and i think that we had decided on the lower cabinets being this color which is called pressed fern it's like a beautiful greeny blue very excited about it so here is the color for the upper cabinets i had a new picket fence and two old ones and then here is for the upper i really like the idea of the dark color on the bottom because i think it's going to really ground the whole thing yet with the white it'll keep it open since it is a smaller space okay so i'm just going to throw all of this in here and then i'm going to drive over to my mom's place and we will get working she's over there right now so so far i've spent zero dollars right now but in like past mia spent a fair bit but yeah that's all right outfit is on that can only mean one thing the renovation is about to begin here is what the kitchen looked like before the countertop so that's like the very very beginning and then this is what it looks like now obviously i absolutely love the way these counter tops turned out if you guys are wanting to revamp your countertops make sure to watch friday's video but to start on the rest of everything we're going to be taking off the old handles because we've got some different ones and then we're going to be wiping everything down with tsp this does a really good job at removing any grease especially in the kitchen where you're going to be like cooking there's gonna be oils and stuff like that paint often won't like adhere to a material that has grease on it so this is a good way to ensure that all the grease is off so i'm just gonna go through and spray everything wipe it down and pop off the handles could i please get my assistant in here perfect you can take the handles off i'll spray everything down [Music] all right five minutes later i'm gonna wipe this down hopefully most of the grease and oil comes off with this i'm sure the paint will let us know if it hasn't okay now everything is wiped down and the handles are almost off just one final one oh look at our little fondue pots from last year with your coveted fondue what do you mean remember of course we ate all this these cans of tuna to make all these individual fondue ones so now that everything is wiped down we are going to pop off the cabinet doors right over here we're just going to push in and they pop off because we're going to paint the faces in the other room just so that we can really get a nice finish on there we got it painting ready we decided we're going to like paint right on the top of here so let me just start pulling things off this is hard because there's no handle oh yeah now everyone gets to see the inside of my very messy cupboard [Music] hey this is i was looking for this oh my god you guys left it in the car it was literally worried dad threw it out it's highly unusual that you open my cupboards and not find something that's yours ah she took my stuff okay now we're going to paint first the doors on here so we're going to set up so that our backs don't break as we paint can i get you a drink of water or anything um yes while you're here like painting thank you because i don't want you to get dehydrated i could use some water first coat i'm on green you're on white let's get to it happy painting happy painting this paint is like oh my gosh let me try really stuck on there your new countertops oh very beautiful oh what do you think you like it i love it it's a really interesting green isn't it it is i'm just excited to see what some white cabinets up top look like yeah because i think the dark will ground your kitchen and the light will open it up yeah it's like a perfect mix do you think i need grounding i think you need to be grounded oh i'm loving that green goodbye golden oak [Music] first coat is done we're just gonna let it dry while the door is dry we're just going to paint all of the casings and everything like up there down here the whole entire island i really really want to try doing a backsplash tile just to see how it'll go uh i don't know if i should just yet but like i'm tempted maybe i'll do a little bit of painting and then i'll try yeah i'll do that i'm just being really careful with how i paint here because the inside of the cabinets are white and we like to keep them white so i'm just trying to not paint on the inside [Music] that's looking good up there thanks it looks really nice and open oh yeah the new countertops are getting broken in okay so i have this uh ultra grip bonding agent and i'm just going to put a really really thin coat on this tile just because painting on tile can sometimes be a little bit problematic so this is going to be like a sticking agent i don't know i got this for painting tiles a while back never got to use it but now we're using it the videos i've seen on this has like said that it will add like kind of like a chalky look to the tiles so i don't know how i'll like that but i think it's worth a try i'm just going to put a little bit of that all over in hopes that it will stick better [Music] so we had narrowed it down to three stencils this is drying really quickly so i feel like you and i need to talk about stencils okay so we have this one it's a little bit bigger and then we have these two which like are a little small but i feel like they'd fit okay you hold okay okay and you need to seriously think about it okay i like this one a lot but i also like that one for the bigness of it i would say this one this one's more fun i think i think so too i think we should do this okay i think so too it's chosen i'm going to tape this up with froggy tape now they're a little small like if i was getting these for this size of tile i probably would have went a little bit bigger with the stencil but we'll see how it goes so i'm just going to lightly tape it and this is another thing like i've never staped or stapled i've never done this before okay i've never done it and then basically i'm gonna dip in the paint and then on a plate gonna tap off almost all of the paint this is what i've seen from printing backsplashes and videos you have to get almost all the paint off and then you lightly stamp ah i'm concerned i'm concerned fine i said it i'm concerned here's what it looks like on the wall it's got a little bit of give to it as you can see and that's why i just want to use a little dry brush to do it also i took off all the outlet covers so i can't procrastinate any longer i must try it okay i'm going to pour this and i'm using black which is going to be very dark obviously so i'm just going to dip this little sponge in some paint and as you can see it's too much so i'm going to dab it until it's like pretty much dry like very dry and let's just see oh my gosh i don't know what to say yet just making sure to not come at it from like an angle just like straight up and down is anyone still wondering why i have a carpal tunnel [Music] all right the moment oh my gosh you missed the spot hold on okay the moment of truth let's see what this looks like oh oh my well that looks cute and it looks really cute that looks pretty good i think what do you guys think it smells really good i think it looks awesome i like it i think it looks really good okay only like a hundred more to go good luck [Music] i wish we had two of the same stencils and i could help me too if i could have spent money i would have bought too [Music] [Music] all right you guys we're just finishing up the second coat i think we will need a third coat so we'll see when that's done [Music] oh it looks so cute yeah it's coming together slowly but surely [Music] second coat my legs are hurting it has been a long long journey for these stencils i will say you save money but it depends what your time is worth it is a lot because if you think your time is worth a lot and like if you don't think this looks like a ton of fun then i don't know like i think it'll turn out good but it's a lot of work i think it's gonna be really worth it though honestly i think it's really nice yes i agree i just like i've gotta be honest [Music] i'm not liking that one at all it's good though that's a good thing like it took a long time and it was really hard but it's paying off yeah if anyone is curious how we now both have a stencil we're still using just the one stencil but once we were done doing full tiles we cut the stencil in half so we both could work with a piece you guys the back flash is done the paint is done i think you never really know and like look at my fingertips that's a lot oh god it's looking really good you guys we just took the tape off seriously just hang on what's happening here because okay so that's the bottom of that one right yeah but that one's wrong too are you talking about that one no the two above it yes they're pointing the wrong way mia tomorrow you'll look and it'll be fixed i'll be like digging through the garbage getting that stencil out literally something doesn't look right put them in all right you guys we're just going to finish putting on the cabinet doors and we will see you tomorrow for the decorating and the finishing touches so see you tomorrow all right you guys it is the next day we are at storage right now where all of the decor is i remember in the last video i was like you probably don't understand why i have decor but now since then our flip house video went up so you know now that is where i've been storing all of like the decor and furniture from that i don't know maybe it's just a hoarding thing i don't want to get rid of her secrets revealed i will get rid of it eventually but like there always has to be like a six month waiting period of me just like having it and then finally i can part with it but in this case it comes in handy because we're gonna go in there we're gonna see firstly for some decor but also i'm pretty sure i have some like high up chairs that might look really good in the kitchen i have my mom here so we're gonna go in and take a look we're going in here all right oh yeah ah it was full before and then my dad stuffed the sprinter in here a bunch of decor and then up here i have four of these like high chairs i think we'll grab two of those i think those will look really good like i like the black and then the tops of them are actually wood which i think will look really good in there work my way around all this stuff i seriously look how did dad even fit this in here so oh my gosh mom so shopping in mia's little stash literally yeah one high plant would be really good i agree cutting board i remember tate cooked cut raw chicken on here and forgot to clean it and that was a bacteria problem you guys this should show you i keep everything like these were from my mom's bathroom renault she was like yeah we can just get rid of those i was like look who's the hoarder now i love this i actually bought this from my place that's cute it's not cute it's actually like uh it's glass that they found i'm pretty sure in the ocean so they were turning like litter into sea glass yeah pretty cool what do you think of the lemons i love the lemon am i draining my stock right now yeah i'm getting nervous it's hard to part with all my well you know what i was literally talking to my mom yesterday i was like i don't know why i have like this withdrawal issue where when we're painting i like i'm scared to use the paint i miss the paint as soon as it's used up mia scrape the paint off she wants it back i just want to keep them okay so now is kind of the difficult part i have to try and get these chairs from up here which means i have to put my bag down i feel like i should go up there and then i'll pass them down to you i'll go up there no no no no you're not going up mom i am way more able i can do this what the frick bomb look at it see it's not that scary these are real these are so cute they are so cute yeah see the top is like wood you guys yeah so i think it'll like add to sort of the window casing it's a little darker but i think it'll bring it in this is a wood it'll bring it in all right let's put this in the car okay all right we're good all right we got everything home now i also grabbed this little bin this was from my etsy hall i haven't found homes for any of this stuff yet so i thought maybe some of the stuff could go at my mom's place we'll see i don't know yet what's going to go anywhere but firstly [Music] i'm pretty sure my neighbors think i'm insane i have all of these black handles that i painted i put one on and i have all of the rest to put on so i'm gonna do that quickly sometimes when you're putting the screws in after painting it can be a little bit of a long process if there's like paint build up or anything like that so just a lot enough time for this step because it takes longer than you'd expect that's what i find oh my goodness look how that black handle looks whoa that pop tops yeah i love that it's popping [Music] all right the handles are on that really completed it now we're just going to decorate with all the pieces that we already had we'll see what we can put together literally look at the mess out there don't look at that [Music] would you look what i just did yeah nice [Music] all right you guys it is finally time to show you the final reveal of this kitchen makeover [Music] so i think this type of video is so much fun for many reasons firstly i like trying to make do with things that i have and i know that i have accumulated a lot of decor and like renault stuff because it's something that i love to do on my channel and i always get a little bit too much when i'm doing a renovation but i mean when you can put it to use like this it is so rewarding seriously i didn't have to go the store once i definitely suggest going through your storage or just looking around your house for little things that you might be able to diy or extra paint cans laying around for a little like wallpaper feature wall definitely would suggest doing that and see what you guys can find i'm sure there's something there's got to be some even if it's just like a fork and you hang it on the wall and now you have a decor piece of a fork i don't know if that's really the vibe you're going for but you know what i mean it's fun to shop your own stuff so if you guys end up trying any like at-home decor diys or renovations make sure to send me them over on instagram because i would love to see what you guys came up with and i am just so happy with how everything turned out if you guys missed the countertop video make sure to go watch that one because i am like obsessed with how that worked out as well and that was also pretty budget friendly in comparison to like a granite countertop this was under a hundred dollars so pretty decent what am i talking about what is going on i'm just like i feel like we've been renovating all week and now i feel a little bit like whoa wait it's done huh but anyways i will stop rambling on i hope you guys enjoyed this video my mom is so happy with how her kitchen turned out and i am very excited with how it turned out i hope you guys enjoyed and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 1,171,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, $0 kitchen makeover, I spent nothing on this kitchen makeover, budget friendly diy, budget friendly kitchen makeover, budget friendly revamp, kitchen makeover, renter friendly kitchen makeover, free kitchen makeover, shop your house, makeover using only items I own, room makeover, room transformation, kitchen transformation, diy, budget, makeover, house flip, old to new
Id: eRW2DXeZqAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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