Letting The Person In Front of Me Decide What I Eat for 24 Hours...

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[Music] so today as you can see by the title we are doing the big thing that's going on on YouTube right now and that is letting the person in front of you decide what you're going to eat and who's hungry okay so we decided we are trying to do a full day of people in front of us decide what we're going to eat we're gonna do lunch snacky and dinner I'm very excited to do this video if you guys have yet to see any videos like this basically you just go up to drive-thru and you order what the person in front of you got and then you just have to that's it then you just eat it so I think we're gonna hit Tim Hortons first I'm really really hoping that we don't just get someone who orders like a coffee because that won't be good enough and we'll have to go to another two mornings it's for me I left my Tim's reward card that I had it I had it on the counter and I was gonna bring it alright but that's what we're doing today so wits let's get into it maybe I can give them my phone number oh man imagine if somebody's like buying food for their whole office like 24 doughnuts oh my gosh there's no one in the to more interview we're gonna have to wait wait what about this guy oh yeah yeah what we Adam peddanna here it is ordered pinky oh dude oh crap so move it in I'm scared uh hi there can I just get what the person in front of me got ya thank you thank you you too I wonder if that man knows the man knows who we tricked him into ordering for us all the work let's reading talk about this let's talk about what just happened okay so this is she said I think a strawberry cream chill it's freaking delicious here is what it looks like honestly yeah it does look pretty freakin good and then we got a saucer a classic ice cab iced cappuccino smell test I haven't drank coffee in like two years not bad okay you try this oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah actually Wow I need some food yeah I'm gonna pitch this off the window you guys we're gonna go to one more two horns a different one and hopefully someone orders like a donut or a rap or something we're just gonna end up with like five drinks I can't believe it like you go your whole life ordering from Tim's and you don't even know they have this no it's crazy and those people ordered it like it was nothing honestly it's a regular very happy with how that window meet you the girl in the drive-thru was definitely like like she's like what are you two up to but she never asked but she was looking I could I could read her eyes she was wondering he was like what the H are these two trendy teens up to she's like I think I saw every star do something similar to this for what are you idiots doing this for can i actually hop in you know grandma may've mom's mom also loves Folio family why don't I like it flying fish in my veins oh yeah that's good I can't believe it I can't believe that's with the people in front of us god I'm just totally flabbergasted at this - you guys it's just so weird it's like a window into other people's lives this is what you order this is what you've restored but you went to two Tories and your eyes should fall in next car that we see we should like follow them to the door with like the same food I wonder where those people are going at 1:30 they got two of those drinks and I wonder was it two people in the vehicle probably one guy just like driving with his knees like imagine like somebody else in their car right now with like these things we don't know we ordered what they ordered they don't even know what if the girl told them these people behind you just ordered what you ordered and they're like why does that car behind us look familiar to you you like pull over and they like run and like jump in like we could go to a subway and we've not drive through and just like stand behind the person and like their like lettuce and you'll be like MN lettuce like and a few onions will be like a few onions online too and just a bit of mustard then like the baby buster is there anyone in the drive-through there isn't enough to wait okay man I'm getting full mmm oh oh yeah mm-hmm oh no am I just getting gas it's gonna be a long night whoa oh yeah yeah she's hungry yeah hi there can I just get with the person in front of me got you are there many like this donut can I get that okay thank you she would do about one donut what a freaking gold yeah that's an interesting one like not even the coffee to be like that's very interesting she's getting away follower follower no Joe she's turning left that donut is so good did you show it just kids all for jokes we're all following anyone back to their house we're not gonna hurt this family we're not gonna forcibly take or do it okay I think I see her you know we should do a vanilla donut that is so awesome I love our lunge oh yeah me too that was pretty good beside her up there turning right honestly yes yes it is it 100% his okay yeah she's going in there is she going to Boston Pizza like we were just going to the same place wait that's not her I'll know the license plate is it that it's like YH that's not her that's a Subaru she could be anywhere at this point all right let's chat let's chat about what just happened so we got a vanilla doughnut an ice cap and a strawberry chiller chill for lunch I say not bad I have high hopes for our snacky and for I didn't but okay that was good I think food got some drinks feeling okay about that high five only we could like skip actual time yeah honestly like I want to do this again - I just want to keep doing it every Thursday we should do this every day all right we'll see you guys for snack sweet oh wait no it's no it's snack time all we did was online shop and now it's time for sanic we're hungry after our big lunch honestly and we're going to another place that a lot of people just go through and get drinks that so freakin hopefully we get some actual wages anyone in the drive-through oh no not a single Warsaw wait what did the person in front of me get person in front of you ordered it brought a lawsuit some funky sugar vanilla I can I get that too okay anything yes but four years with that thank you she knows she says she knows what's up I can't believe it we need food like I'm depleted you ain't gone being cool you gonna drink this water I'm not gonna sleep a wink tonight I'm in a cop like 8 years she seems excited until she saw my face thank you you too grande latte with two pumps of sugar-free vanilla matter what's good it's really good it's nourishing honestly we should go into a grocery store and distant fault should we swap it around a little and going to a grocery store and just pick up whatever someone picks up and like the granola bar I'll undo it okay let's freakin do it it's hot and it tastes bad it's hot it tastes bad alright alright wait now hands-free actually no I'm now holding it we're hands-on we're gonna go into the grocery store and see what we can find I know where these sunglasses that people can't see what I'm looking there's like something like I mean we're not up to anything yeah yeah lucious and weird about like grabbing the same thing it's just not right honestly especially it's like these two [Applause] checking spelling she's still grabbing it yeah which end up with maybe we should go down there just hops we're going down the girl the crackers is here [Music] hope you brought your straw we have to get it red pepper black bean now we're down the right aisle now hopefully we'll get some food okay so what did we get so far red pepper black bean I don't just like something I've never once thought to purchase I want granola bars we'll see how this goes now we wait I just really have a big secret I think we're scaring people the way she just come on watch it looks like you're looking at me but look at it I can eat but what kind of look shouldn't grab them grab them just keep watching what is it over there that is so freakin good come down the corner we go oh there's my one in the night start looking at [Music] Oh didn't see you back there can someone come by and just like pick this up please thank you okay so this man just picked up this organic fajita okay so here's our fishing Hall for our snack this is so bad like we can't even make anything with that it's perfect you know we can't just eat the powder yes we can mix it into water like ivory I would go down in this so completely just why does everything I love run away from her are you kidding I think we should take a photo of this issue of how conspicuous it is so people are nervous at all the King down this aisle because we have we have a secret hidden camera set up we set up secret hidden cameras all over the store so we even get everybody new and improved stays crunchy and milk longer like that's the advancement in cereal technology [Music] she's still waiting but what wait what do you get if you had sites on there [Music] that's doable it's for sure who got that one okay many ways and what else right here all right we're gonna go buy this and we'll be well show you our halls actually works cuz we can add the fajita mix to the milk through the cereal let's see what we got start with that alright so this is the first woman she got red pepper black bean what even is this it adjusts soup mix miss can I ask you why you hate yourself a man wanted this this is organic fajita seasoning mix it's some kind of fish having some kind of uh some kind of fajita frisky tonight oh these people were on to us also and then fun mom brought it home with some cinnamon toast crunch and then we got some mini weeds so we're gonna go home and have some freaking food it's interesting because this is kind of what we'll have for lunch even if we get to choose contains a wheat ingredients oh yeah oh yeah I'm so hungry because we got like a couple of happy meals that's what we freakin need it's like a big motor hungry honestly my sugar intake is way too high no water in it that's big I think it's the type of soup oh my gosh it smells great oh my gosh yeah actually maybe it's a real fine Wow it smells so good maybe it'll thin out as we were like sir you look awful why am i doing a taste test of cinnamon toast crunch obviously it's gonna be great mmm it's very thick oh it's thick all right I'm just like loving how that smells it smells pretty good the soup is starting to look better let's give it a freakin go taste test wonder was this woman all about it's not that it's pretty good actually yeah that lady kind of Anu oh I hate to say it oh I hate to say she was right what a good snack we will see you guys for dinner hmm where we died hopefully it's big that this is it it's dinner time mom's calling answer it put it on speech hey mama good you're on camera with me and Mia yeah we're at McDonald's right now we're just waiting oh I can't hear you what mom mommy we've lost her she's calling we've lost her entirely mom mom mom I love you please answer me mommy no honestly I just had a freaking power nap I would call it a weak man a weak well I really don't want the haddock what is this the fish and chips uh no that's okay I'm just wondering what did the crime front get the car in front of us yeah we'll do that one the last one that's everything yeah thank you no problem no just being the first window thank you they got a freakin poutine in 20 nuggets and Arab studies and no sauce Danny bad no sauce no like there was a little thing on the screen that said like no sauce everybody here is happy honestly yeah they're all having like fun is that Manjeet maybe absolutely not if it is it's like we're in danger I think it's funny that mom didn't even attempt to call me back just now I wonder why she was calling us in the first place I mean like who you kidding with that mcwrap alright we're now part let's do a freaking food haul you think like first stuff we check if this rap is a WoW should I check and see gotta check if it's grilled that girl crispy she would never do never do that to us after so many busts just bust after it boss after boss to have this okay oh my goodness there's a lot of fries in here a poutine I'm having PTSD mm-hmm I feel like I should explain that one a little so I after rock climbing one day I was really feeling like a poutine hmm so I got a poutine and it just like it devoured my stomach that's all these are like 700 calories you tried to get me to talk her out of it I said I talked her into it you did no sauce hey I asked what is wrong with your brain he's just right quick to order 20 nuggets and no dipping sauce holders you guys this has been a full freaking day of eating when was last time Anna nugget without sauce that's the truth that's the real crime should have called 911 could I have what the person from me is having oh okay thank you no thank you hello 911 I found them I don't get it like they're good but like there's so much better with a little sauce I've no dream the heck is wrong with these people honestly no mm-hmm it's still fun I'm still having fun why am I going in for poutine I guess I'm kind of happy that like we didn't get like really nasty stuff actually yeah why are we complaining we should just be thankful we didn't get filet-o-fish or the haddock would you like to try the haddock I think does anyone just be like you know what put it in I was gonna get a quarter pounder but instead I'll get the haddock why do you guys think of this video be honest be honest what did you think do you want this yes do it with the grocery store get in there and try and cook something with everything we follow people around and pick up you know mini Nuggets we have left yeah we have like an unreal 20 chicken nuggets I seriously couldn't finish 20 chicken aw guys I finished 20 before but I was really hard and I had sauce all right you guys so I really hope you enjoyed this video this trend that's going around on YouTube our take on it if you guys want to see more videos like this make sure to click the subscribe button and comment down below what you want to see and a lot of you guys asked me about where you can follow tape well Tate has been making music and posting it on soundcloud for quite a while now and we have yet to expose it to the world so it's out now if you guys want to go and follow him on called an Instagram I will link them down below now you guys can create them you guys been wanting to creep them for a while and it's been a secret so go now creep away download some of his music and for fellow youtubers out there his music isn't all not copyright as long as you link him in the description box give credit so you're free to use it as well so make sure to go and check it out yeah tell them what you guys think but anyway thank you guys so much for watching and we will see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 1,215,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, strangers choose what I eat for a day, the person infront of me chooses what I eat for a day, Letting The Person In Front of Me Decide What I Eat for 24 Hours..., person in front of me decides what I eat, eating off new menus, eating fast food for 24 hours, funny vlog, food vlog, mukbang, my first mukbang, car vlog, grocery shopping
Id: JUpvaKMhrek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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