We fit a tractor magneto to each cylinder in a Lada

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hey there fellas all right here we have a car and this one is a champ it's rocking a healthy engine it's a superlative now i remember a few viewers requesting we replaced the stock lot ignition components with magnetos so i've sourced four of these which wasn't all that easy given some of these are double contact while others are single like the four i've got laid out right here the doubles would have been easier to install of course but we do have four cylinders and so let's use a magneto for each one we'll remove the battery and make an attempt to start the car without it what's cool about these is that they don't need a power source as in they're fully autonomous we've already tried they give you a good jolt all right let's fit them and see how a lot is going to behave on magnetos let's get to it we've got a special merch offer for you fellas to brighten the mood in these turbulent times starting today we'll be offering a mystery gift box when purchasing the box you're guaranteed to 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cylinder one to three then to four until you get them all now the worst part about that is that you have to keep removing the chain anyway i think it's time we put the sprockets in place bolt them down and get to what's most interesting i'm referring to the process that's gonna demand the utmost precision which is i'm sure we'll figure it out we don't have any other options we've installed the four magnetos now we have to tune each and every one of them all right let's carry on [Music] okay we've tuned the ignition in true g54 fashion as in randomly and now we're about to do a test run we'll be turning the engine using the starter in order to well we don't want to use a hand crank with how we've modified the nut i don't even know how i'm gonna fit a hand crank and so we're leading with the starter motor instead you could have pulled the wires from the distributor you know come on now [Music] uh [Music] seems to be backfiring we're looking at severely premature ignition when i'm working the throttle no i see well the pops tell us that we do have spark that's a good start there might be one more thing we can do [Music] let me think [Music] it's premature are we all in agreement yeah we seem to we seem to have miscalculated something i also don't like the rpm on the magnetos if you've ever tried starting an old motorcycle when you forcefully kickstart that well that actually requires considerable strength on your part i guess we'll have to fit a bigger sprocket downstairs in order to get them to spin faster i don't mind that we'll have double spark that's during the compression stroke and the exhaust stroke i mean screw it i don't see how it can backfire when the mixture is burnt out a lot of production cars actually run a wasted spark system where you've got one coil for two cylinders and that doesn't result in anything nightmarish happening right right so we're gonna modify these to spin faster amplify the spark and at that point we'll continue fine-tuning the ignition we definitely screw it up somewhere but no worries let's do this [Music] see there it is up top oh yeah there we go [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we are now running a bigger one to speed the magnetos up a bit and amplify this part everything is dialed in marked up that's good and right here i've got a so-called stroboscope this is the device you use to adjust the ignition and it proved to be very useful in this context in that it helped us get the magnetos into the right position so now they're going to be giving a spark exactly when we need it and even though at the moment we are getting double spark two for each cycle once on compression and once during the exhaust stroke i'm not worried about that at all at the very least that'll be easy to resolve again there are a lot of cars out there where you've got one coil per two cylinders that generates a wasted spark and that doesn't bear any horrific consequences no hopefully this works the first time around okay let's try starting it oh really hold up dude oh it already started okay then [Applause] wait a second we totally forgot about how do we switch it off as in they work without a power source so they turn on and you got sparked not once the car is running we can disconnect and remove the battery all together you want to maybe try push starting it get the battery out of there i think it'll start beautifully with a push and this should make for 107 clean experiment okay you ready it's been a while since we've done this let's go oh holy cow that barely took any effort oh wow the system works very well we only gave it a slight push and it's taller now we got to push it again so it's trying to start oh it starts wonderfully it runs so smooth yeah we got smooth engine operation no misfiring no nothing now we need to do a bit of testing but then what's there to test let's show those guys over there what's up listen to what they have to say about this if i may ask the experts what do you think this is i'm scared to even imagine vlad you're always rolling in with something weird what do you mean listen to how great the engine operation is you seriously don't know what that is notice how there's no battery no unnecessary wiring yep the car runs how do you not know what this is what about you my friend i'm not going to get hit in the face am i that is a legitimate risk so yeah you might not want to get right in there isn't this one awesome ignition system most importantly you don't need a battery your sorcery scares me why so don't be scared you want to go for a ride no is that the fear or you don't know how to drive stick i have no idea how to drive this concoction i seem so what are those magnetos of course those are magnetos listen to it run sounds very nice and it started instantly you should try a hand crank not the best option for a lot of motor i mean you might have a chance if the engine is still cold but once it's warmed up not an option you're better off push starting it did you enjoy watching us push it put that back in drive around let's see how it behaves this is quite awesome we listened to the requests and fitted the magnetos and everything works it wasn't even all that hard to pull off it didn't take much effort at all i mean you can literally cobble something like this together this didn't require any complicated engineering all you have to do is weld a few brackets bolt it all down granted you do have to play with the length of the chain that is a timing chain but yum you can lengthen and shorten it all you want so yeah setting this up is easy most importantly it works and quite well as you can plainly see the only real drawback is trying to start it you're not starting it with a hand crank that's for sure i mean that's difficult even with a stock lotto motor after all they are pretty rev-happy well compared to like an engine for a volga or nuas both of those are pretty lazy as are moskvage motors and so they're easy to hand crank start but with this one it's not nearly as easy and so there's the inconvenience of having to push started so if you're alone and god forbid the car stalls you're gonna have to push it home [Music] look at the battery so we don't have to push it yeah i'm also not a big fan of having to push it we have established it's a viable way to start the car yeah let's put the battery back in we know that it doesn't necessarily need it no i didn't hear it it started making a noise back there well yeah because there's no phase angle and it doesn't want to get up to peak revs it tops out at about four grand can you maybe adjust the voltage or something they actually can be adjusted you do that by turning them you want to know why it doesn't run at idle air control valve wait why is it sneezing are magnetos i mean they can be finicky whoever has operated machinery that utilizes magnetos knows that sometimes out of nowhere they can refuse to generate a spark you're like why ain't it starting here you are spinning it adjusting the clearance and so on replacing condensers and all of a sudden you have spark again sometimes you just have to leave it overnight and the following morning spark is back somehow so yeah it's one of those things whoa it does rip i can definitely tell you that oh this is lovely i like how it drives tremendous but then i mean why shouldn't it work this is exactly what they were made for after all a magneto is a device that well they used to use them on bikes that you kickstart of course when you retrofitted one to a motorcycle you didn't have the juice to power the headlight turn signals and all of that but those were times when we just didn't care all we wanted was to ride even if we couldn't find a battery they were hard to come by and the ones we did have would keep going flat magnetos on the other hand those you could easily find in like i don't know a village or a depot you'd come up and ask if anybody had a magneto and they'd give it to you yeah switching it off is a bit troublesome you have to do it in gear but i mean well guys we got this to work we fitted a magneto to each of the four cylinders and they work perfectly a shining example of a 107 success rate okay i seem the chain feels a bit hot no problem it's not really that big of a concern after all it is made from metal anyway fellas it works everything is great this was a really good one you saw how easy it was to push start you're like and off you go if anybody has ever ridden a motorcycle with like a six volt system well you didn't even really need a battery it would have had a permanent magnet generator and it would have been super easy to push start yeah man those old bikes they often had us on our feet back in the day but hey it was still a lot of fun we'd do magneto conversions granted we wouldn't have any working lights but on the upside you could easily push start such a machine or kickstart it if you prefer that hey when these work they do an absolutely wonderful job and that's all i have for you fellas this was awesome i'm really glad we got the suggestion so keep them coming comment give us a big thumbs up alright catch you later
Channel: Garage 54
Views: 141,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage, garage54
Id: 9-Z7lxgQplA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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