We find POISON in the CHAPEL!

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good morning from John's shadow where I'm about to have a quick shower in a very echoey room and we're going to head back to Lon this morning but I do want to show you the beauty of the shower itself for a start it is a shower with a view isn't that beautiful and it has these stunning handmade tiles apparently all handmade in beites and they're interspersed with fish lots of other animals there's a deer and far far more importantly a squirrel what a way to start the day looking out of the window I can see John and philli coming back from their huge dog walk with all three of the dogs tiny lelot is absolutely loving hanging out with the other two it has been a joy waking up in this room as always I love this place so much so does lelot I know he's living his best life ready to go home we'll see Marie yeah Marie okay so you going to lead the way oh what a beautiful place it strikes me every time I come here I don't think that I ever Tire of seeing this level of beauty well it's pretty miserable weather on the way home hopefully it'll be slightly nicer at the but at least it feels all snug and cozy in the car and it's now really quite lovely we have dinner with the guest tonight which I'm thoroughly looking forward to let's go in and see how everyone's getting on good morning Grant I like the way you started the day first one I'm trying not to have them at the moment so this is not helping me as the first how many a day are you aiming for three well there's a pile to get through yesterday was two so does that mean I have to have four today to even the quer out yeah because you failed yesterday I gave Marie a bad look cuz I seen her take one so that means there's one less for me speaking of Marie oh you're preparing everything for tonight yes someone's happy to see you Marie is it true are we having one of your famous paval overs yes or E yes they look very pretty so what else are we having tonight am I allowed to sneak preview a little bit we're having Ary chokes stter and then we are doing a pan fried cod with lots of butter and herbs with delicious a I thought was a pom chat but I just cannot do it anymore it's an ancient cooking uh Chef's style for preparing potatoes so there's supposed to be seven sides of these uh but I just realized that I just don't have time to do that so I'm doing poms laand in I like that poms lant yes perfect and is this still working out nicely very well excellent yes we love it so much all right going to go and unpack and I'll see you in a sec see you my lunch is agonizingly healthy today that's lots of pickles from Kyoto and Mar's made it better with loads of little micro hubs I didn't know we had little micro hubs I picked up Grand of course the minute I'm back I'm desperate to see how things are getting on in the chapel so let's go chat with the restorers for [Music] ah This brilliant red which is so vibrant so saturated this is actually a mixture of lead and Mercury so it's really a double whammy on horrendous poisonous materials to use for paint [Music] for [Laughter] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] fore for they weren't expecting the vaults to look this clean and finished and neat when they did them because they haven't added many new colors only on the missing bits actually but they found that after a good clean a lot of the existing parts were wonderful and brighter and more vibrant than they had expected so now having seen the ceiling looking like this they realized that they can't leave the walls in the state that they were it simply wouldn't flow it would have no cohesion as a whole so instead they have started putting these very very thin layers of paint on top of the original lead paint and they're going to keep building up the layers until they have a final result that looks as though it's aged with time they will of course be putting all of the patterns back on but that has Luminosity that it would have had when it was first done well that was alarming I wasn't expecting news of lead paint and Mercury when I went over to the chapel today how is everything going in here I'm ready okay should I call everyone through to the table yes all right going through room that's for us a I see all the funs being had here that's for the kitchen hi Dave good to see you how are you good yeah excellent everything's going well oh as always when you and Marie the Dream Team are in the kitchen Phillip it is super pretty wow it's very light and spring likee isn't it I think it's bringing much needed uh lightness to the weather absolutely I took a picture of it for all the extra things were on it and it it really is lovely and I've just sent a little text video to my friends to say to look up hard more we put that one on during the day so we always have that one on and then we swap it for dinner this is good for two reasons one it's our favorite so then everyone sees it and two it doesn't get red wine all over it because we're not using it for dinner true we are very excited tonight Al because we have our first ever guest from the Dominican Republic that's pretty amazing this is Scarlet hi hello and Edo thank you darling amazing thank you oh that's the Ary choke let's start the evening with a bit of Ary choke from the season so this is arti sh that's roasted with an dressing there a have aoli from the garden well about all the herbs from the garden and garlic and there is ones thank you thank you Marie you next dish is cot which has been pan fried in butter and herbs and it's served with pom land pom newly invented by Marie today actually exactly bladon and radish from the garden thanks smells wonderful it it smells delicious I have to make a picture of I am so hungry this evening yes always I'm good for you don't need to ask darling so you got a uh sort of eaten mess with apple mint and lime and then there's a lime and lemon Cur with cream and bits of mint and apple and the mint is from the garden so of course than thank you thank you Mar thanks Mar thank you it looks so pretty does doesn't it we've just had a lovely tea and coffee I always choose the mint tea with mint from the garden over in the winter Salon which is where we always go with the guests after dinner and that is because it gives Dave and Marie the opportunity to clear the dining room whilst we're not in there and Marie prepares the dining table for breakfast the next morning and as I've not shown you that before let's go and see what Maria is up to now the behind the scenes reality Marie an empty dining table and an iron well just in case the the T plot is wrinkly I always like to make sure it's like nice and smooth so very nice it's the extra service I provide yeah cuz we actually just tend to put the vases of flowers on the bits that have the lines or the kend not here and then not at breakfast breakfast is a whole different level yes I I'll I if it's crinkly but if it's got neat folds I don't always do it the real trick is to find the right table clot that fits the entire table I know it's a nightmare it is a nightmare especially since we have n and yet we keep looking chck that into me the trick is to have a base layer we often use a sheet for that because they're the only things that fit yeah oh this is an actual tablecloth that actually fits yes that's nothing short of We're the wrong way around Bo really matter all that matters is the crinkling what is nice and toasty in here I know it's beautifully warm in here tonight that was going all the way through dinner oh that top one that's my favorite one oh really yes have a dress in this fabric honestly W it's gorgeous yeah I know I love these Indian print tablecloths I got this one at a fair we went to with John and Cal last year and I regret now not getting more and Philip tried to persuade me to get more at the time and I was like no no I'm being sensible it's the other way I've regretted it ever since sometimes one can be a bit too sensible in life there are now three people trying to put the tablecloth on neatly Marie has just pointed out that it's usually a lot easier when she does it alone because I don't have any critics actually I don't think I need find this no that's a winner [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 108,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, escape to rural france
Id: 4iMgtuRf9UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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