We FINALLY Know the Ending to Egghead!

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace with the climax of The Egghead Arc quickly approaching in the manga I find it amazing that Oda keeps finding ways to surprise us like for example Dorian broi just showed up to Egghead which I don't think a lot of people expected but you start to see what oda's cooking as soon as you remember that Egghead is the island of the future and we originally met those two on the island of the past which was little Garden in fact they even helped us depart that Island by blowing a hole through a giant goldfish so helping us depart this island sure makes a lot of sense and on top of that we should also have Viv meeting up with the crew at some point soon with Morgan and she was at little garden with us when Dorian brogie first ever spoke of elff which we know is our next Island but you know adding two brand new players like this to the altercation also just adds to the ever growing list of things that many of us want answers for by the end of egad like what about this incident is going to shock the world do Vega Punk or his satellites even make it out alive what happens to punk records or the fusion reactor or York or the seraphim will Kuman Bonnie be okay is kizaru flipping sides is Dragon still looking East and maybe my favorite question of all is what is Blackbeard's goal on this island since we are getting so close to the climax of this Arc I wanted to try taking a stab at answering every single one of these questions because well on one hand I thought it'd be fun but also because ironically I think od's actually shown his hand a little bit with what he set up outside of egad cuz we know Oda is amazing at World building it's probably one of the biggest reasons that we all love one piece and when he decides to show us something going on in the world away from what our crew is doing in a given Arc it's usually because it will have major ramifications on what the crew is doing later on I think a perfect example of this is how during wano we saw the warlord system get abolished and by doing so it caused the cross Guild to form in the background during wano and then that allowed buggy to take over the final Emperor spot after the raid on onigashima and you know one of the most unique things about the Egghead Arc is about how half of it takes place in areas other than Egghead like was Shanks beating kid Blackbeard defeating law GARP saving Kobe the mother flame attack and even Weevil being taken by greenbull because bachan said that Vega Punk was the man who could prove that was whitebeard's child Oda showed us these things now because they're going to tie back in after Egghead is over so I guess what I'm really saying is if we want to know what will happen in Egghead we first need to consider what's set up outside of Egghead and there's probably no better place to start this discussion than with Marshall D teach because this man has been making big moves ever since wano ended namely capturing pudding going to Amazon Lily for boa fruit fighting law at winter Island and then his crew defeated garpet Hai noou but in chapter 1079 we also saw Blackbeard chip arriving to Egghead now this panel is from a day before the present day it's been at least a night since then so because of that and the distance to Winter Island I doubt teach himself was on that ship and as many people have pointed out by now it's most likely leit and Katarina Devon as they were not present on any other Island we saw the Blackbeard Pirates recently on now augur could maybe warp teach in the gang over eventually if not with one giant warp it could maybe be a bunch of smaller warps but as for who's there right now it's not likely to be him or even teach but the question still is what is their goal here and when is Oda finally going to have them do something well let's first consider what teach learned at Amazon Lily because that incident occurred multiple weeks before now so whatever he learned there could have influenced this overall plan that he's put into place since and obviously the reason he even went to Amazon Lily was to get boa's fruit which he didn't ultimately get of course but while he was there he did meet the seraphim and he even noted that they had the PX symbol meaning that they were the government's new pacifista and wouldn't you know it one of the seraphim just happens to use boa fruit via green blood it's almost too convenient for Blackbeard I almost wonder if Oda created the seraphim for the explicit purpose of Blackbeard getting those fruit abilities that he needs without requiring him to actually kill those characters I mean like we saw with s shark and Senor pink you can literally take those powers without needing to kill the person so I think getting s snake is the obvious first thing Blackbeard wants from Egghead like I said he's had weeks to plan for it now so it all just makes sense to me but I think in addition to that he at least needs someone who can command the seraphim otherwise it's kind of useless and he probably needs whatever other seraphim are needed for his overall plan so I think the most obvious candidate here to help him command the seraphim is York I mean York is already the traitor and now that the Buster call is imminent it seems to imply that her deal with the government is off she's probably going to need a way out somehow and Blackbeard's crew seems like a pretty good option not just to command the seraphim but even to make additional seraphim potentially or maybe even more importantly to make green blood for even more devil fruits I mean this would give Blackbeard even even more fruit users under his control for whatever his big plan is but as we've heard several times from Vega Punk already the biggest holdup with making these creations is money that's basically why he worked from the government from the beginning cuz they had the money to fund his projects but Blackbeard just happened to get a hold of Monkey D GARP who is worth 3 billion from the cross Guild compared to Kobe's 500 million if he sells GARP then he has more than enough money to fund York's projects and now maybe you might be thinking that GARP should instead be used as leverage for Blackbeard to maybe become a king like he mentioned to Kobe since you know GARP is the legendary hero of the Marines and all but remember sangoku told us that the government has wanted to get rid of GARP for a while now mainly cuz he doesn't listen to anyone but his notoriety makes him hard to get rid of so I honestly think that if GARP was a hostage or something I doubt the government would offer that much in return for him they'd probably rather let Blackbeard take out GARP and look like the bad guy so that people hate Pirates even more and then support the government even more so overall I think the 3 billion is a better deal for teach which is thankfully a hell of a lot more than you need to try out the sponsor for today's video Squarespace cuz if you're anything like me then 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go to squarespace.com for 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain thanks again to Squarespace for sponsoring but let's get back to the video so if Blackbeard really does sell GARP then I think it's also important to consider what it means for the cross Guild which would probably be further proving to the world the threat they truly are we saw this developing already with T-Bone RIP by the way but if some low-ranking Marines saw that the cross Guild had GARP turned in none of them would probably feel safe I wonder if a lot of them will start resigning maybe so GARP ending up there just makes a lot of sense but going back to Blackbeard one thing about York is she kind of needs to be a package deal with Punk records because that's Vega Punk's brain I'm sure she's pretty capable on her own and everything but she's able to tap into Punk records and should almost be Stella level by using it while making New Creations I mean even Saturn made that one of his goals alongside York and it honestly makes double sense they'd want Punk records because they also have pudding whose devil fruit Powers allow her to access people's memories I understand a lot a lot of people believe he got pudding for her third eye since if it awakens it supposedly lets her read the poneglyphs but as big mom pointed out that hasn't happened yet that's why she wanted Nico Robin and since Blackbeard is a devil fruit Hunter primarily I would not be surprised if the fruit power is really what he needed with pudding because by virtue of punk records being Vega Punk's brain she should be able to access it and those memories come out almost like a film reel basically so teach should be able to look at those himself maybe this will let him learn some of the voice history research Vega Punk was working on I mean one of Blackbeard's Hobbies is historical research and Oda said that in real life teach would be an archaeologist and if it's not anything about the void history that he wants then maybe it's something about the Buccaneers or just about how devil fruits work in general perhaps he believes that Vega Punk has the answer for one of his next upgrades that he has planned you also just have to think how perfect it would be for Punk records to end up on Hai noou given that it has a giant skull on it I'm not sure if it's big enough to hold Punk records inside since it's like massive but if it could that would be amazing and if they did that I wonder if pizaro merging with the island would have some type of extra effect on him but you know speaking of that how would Blackbeard even get punk records To Hai nosu safely anyway I mean on one hand maybe augur could do it with his warping Powers but again he shouldn't be on the island right now so let's just say that's not an option so I think the next best guess is actually es bear because he has access to the Paw paaw fruit abilities honestly if they get a hold of es bear they could have themselves all p over to Hain noou safely after they get what they want I mean we know there are a lot of parallels between Sab ODI and Egghead already so I think it would be kind of cool if it was capped off with es bear paing the Blackbeard Pirates away to somewhat invert the straw hats being pawed Away by Kuma and I think there's a really good tie of pudding here as well because we saw that the pawpaw fruit can also push out memories and now these memories act as a copy instead of how pudding kind of has to remove the original one the reason why I think this is going to matter is because a lot of us expect the big mom Pirates or kakuri specifically to come after pudding if that actually happens which I also do expect then blackbear can just use S Bear to basically replace pudding's Powers almost now obviously this would only work if it's true that they wanted pting for the powers and not the third eye but still and this would also keep with the theme I've been talking about that the seraphim are almost replacements for the fruits that Blackbeard needs and I think the plot relevance of doing this sort of switch up is that pudding would then be aware of Blackbeard's plan or at least probably or at least part of it or something I mean they wanted her for a reason so she might have a clue why right and then her being saved by kakuri eventually could then lead them back to the straw hats because maybe something she learned from Blackbeard is really important and they need to go tell them or she just needs to go tell Sanji specifically or something or maybe this at least gives them a reason to go to elb so that big mom also goes there cuz I think a lot of us expect that she'll be there and if there was any other seraphim that I think Blackbeard eventually gets I think it would have to be es gecko or at least that's what I'm calling more Moria seraphim until further noticed and the reason why is he already showed interest in getting Moria but it seems like Moria refused to join and it also seems as if he escaped Hai noou because of this panel we saw with perona we didn't see them at all after that so it's not confirmed or anything but since Kobe ended up being freed I think it's safe to assume he took that deal so in a very similar vein to S snake s gecko could give teach access to Mora's powers without needing to kill or kidnap him like I said I genuinely wonder if this is why Oda thought of the seraphim in the first place and between the shadow Powers as well as York's expertise I'd wonder if this is Blackbeard segue into getting his own army or like an equivalent to the Grand Fleet basically because most major Pirates do have something like that Shanks has all those weaker Pirates under him that we saw at El Beth Whitebeard had tons of pirates that showed up to Marine Ford buggy has fans all over the world big Mom's family is massive Kao had all those gifters and Stuff Etc so I think it makes sense for teach to get his own Army at some point as well and it wouldn't surprise me if Blackbeard got the most deadly one out of all of them like genuine question what constitutes a corpse for the purpose of a shadow fruit does a PA aist account can York just make like inanimate seraphim that es Geo adds Shadows to I mean I would have to imagine that it's anything that doesn't have the 21 G of Soul anymore that we learned about earlier in Egghead so I think like a cyborg type body should work as far as the Shadows are concerned I mean imagine an entire Army of like zombie seraphim with varying devil fruit powers from from the green blood or even if they were just regular pacifista like the Mark iiii or something that would still be terrifying but if Blackbeard walks away with York punk records and some seraphim then what is the government getting I mean they came in with the express purpose of killing Vega Punk and then also trying to acquire three things York punk records and the power source so given what I said about Blackbeard all this theoretically leaves for them is killing Vega Punk or getting the power source and between those two I think the power source is far more likely and the main reason is just that it's needed for the mother flame that weapon is probably the number one most dangerous piece of tech involved at egad in general so as long as the government keeps that then the loss here for them is somewhat tolerable I think cuz this would still let them erase whatever Islands they wanted which is pretty dang powerful but what's interesting is that we haven't actually seen the power source yet nor have we even seen the mother flame itself which I did do a video on that before and it still holds up extremely well so I'll leave a link to that one down below but as for the power station we just know that it's on the island somewhere and that Rob Luchi relayed its location to kizaru so somehow he found it even before he started fighting Zoro so my suspicion is that it's going to be found deep underneath Egghead Island and the first reason for this is that it's kind of the only place that makes sense because we've seen so much of the island at this point I mean the basement where York killed Shaka and kept The Cypher pole agents is the basement of the labo phase like the upper part with Punk records that sits up on the cloud but I think the power source is going to be in the basement of the actual Island itself because I don't think that's been explored at all yet now maybe it could be even lower than that labo phase basement as well like deep deep within the clouds but I don't think that makes sense either since it's a fusion reactor it's something you'd want to keep as safe and stationary as possible and the basement of the literal Island would help with that a lot more than anything else like one of the biggest things that's considered when building a nuclear power plant in real life is how earthquake prone the area is and if it still has to be built in that area then they put in a lot of measures to kind of mitigate any catastrophe and this kind of makes sense for the story of One Piece as well because we have a buster call going on right now the power station would probably be the one thing that's safe from all those explosions if it truly is deep underground I mean if the books at Ohara survived just by being put in a lake then hopefully an underground bunker area for the power source would be all right too because if this was all true then it makes even more sense that the government's going to end up with it because if it's deep enough to survive the Buster call then it would still be there for for them to retrieve afterward and on top of that it also kind of inherently implies that it would be hard for anyone else to move it's kind of like I spoke about with es bear pawing away Punk records except with that one Punk records is kind of just sitting up in the sky asking to be paed away I mean the entire labo phase could if they wanted to but if there's something deep underground that's probably going to be a lot harder to use those powers on and like I was just saying Fusion reactors aren't the type of thing that you'd want to send flying across the world and expect a good result so the government ending up with it after the Buster call is just the simplest answer I think but now without York and punk records it remains to be seen how the government would replicate the mother flame but given that Saturn is a quote unquote man of science although a somewhat questionable one after not noticing Vega Punk's deception I think he could figure it out somehow I mean he was responsible for launching the first mother flame so I wouldn't be surprised if he could make another one but now with that being said what's going to happen with the government's biggest goal of all which was eliminating Vega Punk well the first question that we need to answer about that is if Vega Punk did die what happens to punk records because his literal brain is inside I mean shouldn't it shut down at least on some level if his body is done for and furthermore his brain grew to that huge size because of the brain brain fruit when he passes away his body is going to lose the fruit right what happens to his giant brain then does it revert back to normal I mean since Saturn wanted to both kill Vega Punk and also take Punk records at the same time that sort of inherently implies that he knows it'll be okay even after Vega Punk's dead but I don't know like I just said Saturn's been fooled before when he said he wouldn't be so I'm not exactly sure how that would go down but if I had to take a guess I think the most likely answer here is that while Vega Punk's physical you know biological brain is inside Punk records it's probably more of like a cyborg brain situation at this point so you know people can still retrieve information from it just like the internet basically even if Vega Punk himself dies at some point and if this is true what an amazing connection that would be to Einstein now we already know that Einstein connect next to Vega Punk because of the tongue sticking out and just the general genius Factor but get this when Einstein died they took out his brain within 7 and 1 half hours of his death but afterward it was actually split up into several different pieces and they were each sent to Leading Pathologists around the world so that they could study it so if we take that thing one step further what if Punk records is also split up to different people around the world now this could happen with or without Vega Punk's death since you know his brain is already separated from his body so let's say that instead of just Blackbeard getting Punk records as I said before maybe they do split it up somehow and Blackbeard could get a piece the government could get a piece maybe neads even gets a piece and the straw hats could just keep Stella himself because his antenna lets him connect to it that way they all kind of have the same information but each have different ways to connect to it and if you like that idea at all then you should really go check out this theory that Randy Troy and I came up with over on his channel called reassemble Joy boy I'll put a link down below for you guys it's a pretty similar idea to what I just said except instead it involves the poneglyphs but now when I say Vega Punk is going to live that may surprise some of you given that we just saw Vega Punk Get donuted but you know I'd be a lot more worried about that if he didn't give an entire speech about sun god NAA directly afterward we all know that Oda doesn't kill his characters off very often but when he does he tends to set it up and let us live in that sadness way more than we did here he usually makes a death scene feel like a death scene I mean sometimes he makes it feel like a death scene and the person doesn't even die but this one kind of almost felt like the oh no anyway meme but in manga form I mean Saturn stabbed him and like two or three panels later people come over to help Vega Punk and Saturn's just gone and he just let them sit there kind of talking about NAA the whole time you know I get that Oda has to let people cook sometimes but I mean compare this to when ainu punched Ace because right after that he went in for a second punch immediately like honestly kenon got a more conclusive death scene than this and he's not even dead same goes for pel if Vega Punk is going to die it's not because of that stab that we just saw now is it Chopper that's going to save him is a satellite going to is Bonnie going to change his age or or something to save him I don't really have those specific answers other than the fact that Odo will find a way as he always does and then another good reason why Vega Punk has to live is the OG Miss Buckingham stucy like I said at the beginning she said that Vega Punk specifically was the man who could prove Weevil was whitebeard's kid especially because bachan's clone the cp0 Stuy helped him out at Egghead and she's pretty injured right now and maybe she doesn't make it out and that could even tie in another way like imagine that Stuy does die during Egghead and then Vega Punk has to go explain that tobachan himself now I don't know how she'd feel about it exactly but that storyline alone is kind of crucial I mean even if Stuy lives I am kind of worried what the government's going to do to her since she betrayed them as a part of cp0 I mean if you go back to the raid on OD gushima there was a scene before gear fifth happened where Drake stabbed guica and told him that he was pursuing his own sense of justice and then guica replied I envy you as if almost to say that he couldn't do the same thing but stucy did Chase her own sense of justice there obviously so that could could be important going forward if Stuy doesn't escape with everyone but as for bachan it's also important to figure out this Weevil stuff since greenbull took him in in fact out of all the Warlords that got chased down after the dissolution from the Ry he was the only one captured by the Marines that has to lead somewhere I think and my guess is that it's going to tie to the Cross Guild because they already have a lot of pass Warlords on their crew and now while Weevil is a newer one I bet you that Weevil is also going to go to impel down conveniently where Mr two and doflamingo also are two people that many expect to join the cross Guild someday since you know doflamingo is an exwl Lord that we defeated just like the other ones in Cross Guild and also Croc has Mr one and Mr three back so I think it's finally time to go get our goat Bon clay I actually want to do a full video on this in the future so you know I'd highly recommend subscribing if you haven't already but for now it's a really fun idea to think about and I also think that this could all tie to the man marked by Flames now I'm going to put another link below to this video cuz it's going to provide a lot more context if you're curious but the main thing here is that Whitebeard probably has a tie to that missing poneglyph because it's the one from Fishman Island he held that territory for most of the great pirate era and bachan said she specifically wanted whitebeard's inheritance that's why Weevil being whitebeard's actual kid is kind of a big deal and also why it's so ironic that she's saying all this to Marco who was also very much Whitebeard son and his first division Commander at that even if Weevil is whitebeard's son he's not going to be any more of a son than Marco is so it's not like that inheritance is going to belong to him but regardless I wonder if the reason that Oda is even bringing up this inheritance in this way is because the road poneglyph was a part of it since Whitebeard held that territory for so long and now maybe bachan knows that and that's why she wants it so tying this all back to Vega Punk because of this Weevil situation I doubt that Stella is going to die because he's going to have the most information on this and if I had to pick one more reason why the Stella is going to live I think that if Blackbeard gets York and punk records then keeping Mega Punk Around the straw hats would act as somewhat of an equalizer because you know York and punk records with all the money that Blackbeard's going to have is probably about equal to Frankie and Vega Punk assuming they don't have that much money to blow because in both situations you have one person who's kind of the Builder which is York and Frankie and then one who has the information which would be Punk records and Vega Punk now obviously Vega Punk can build stuff too but I think you get what I'm talking about and on top of that you know Frankie and York even have similar dress codes so that would be kind of cool and by keeping Vega Punk on the ship it would not only let them keep Pace with Blackbeard and whatever upgrades he's getting but it would also let Frankie start making all the crazy upgrades that we've been waiting for whether to himself or the sunny and furthermore if Vega Punk joins us in the elb arc then he will get to see the Giants that he saw from Ohara he'll also get to share and learn new information about the void century and maybe even reveal important information about Sun God naika or Luffy's fruit specifically I'm kind of dying for Vega Punk to do a quick test on Luffy to see if he learns anything about his devil fruit like maybe that it's not not actually a Zone as I've been preaching for a while or just some other kind of important information I mean if it is a Zone fruit then he could kind of duplicate it right now I'm not saying he will but if it's a Zone then I'm not saying he wouldn't try but all right if Vega Punk doesn't die what about Saturn I think one of the most popular theories I've heard regarding the end of aead is whether something is going to happen to Saturn and personally I don't think he's going to die just yet and the main reason for this is I don't know if we've ever had a major character like Saturn lose right after their full introduction like imagine kaido losing after revealing his Dragon form in act one of wano or something like that and the gor are quite literally some of the endgame villains of the entire series we've waited like 20 years to see them finally go into action and yes we are in the final Saga of course but we aren't in the final fights portion of it yet and by Saturn surviving all of the insanity at Egghead and displaying his regeneration powers and such it would only show how serious of a threat the gors truly are now obviously if everything else goes down at aad as I I describe in this video though he will be in some major trouble with emu like the Marines will have been decimated Vega Punk is still able to share that void sentury information more people will know of NAA they didn't get York and punk records Etc emu will probably not be pleased with any of that so if Saturn were to die at any point soon I would rather that emu kill him for his failures than Saturn actually getting defeated by anyone in Egghead cuz this would just kind of show how strong the top breast of the government truly is like if we can't take out Saturn but then emu does then we know emu is an even bigger threat than we already think they are but I do think something interesting that could happen though is somebody finds Saturn's human body back on the ship because his form on aead was summoned with a summoning Circle that is not a transformation like we've ever seen before for a zone or for anything really Brooks time skip is the only time we've seen something like that and if you go back even earlier in the Egghead Arc there's still this mystery panel with the shadowy figure that Shaka saw destroying a camera and I've been saying for literally almost a year now that that thing looks like Saturn or at least as as close to Saturn as you can get in a silhouette and if that's true maybe he's just astral projecting or Shadow projecting his way to the island and maybe we can learn a little bit about that if somebody were to go find his normal human body still back on the ship I mean maybe karita Devon can even go copy his body because of that now we don't know how her powers work exactly but I mean that would be a good opportunity if she does have to touch them like Mr two had to or maybe she even goes a step further and just kidnaps him now that seems a little bit too extreme for me you know they just got GARP so kidnapping Saturn on top of that would be kind of ridiculous but either way I just think it'd be really cool if his human body was still back on the ship and somehow ow a Titus back to it but now let's talk about Karu because I know everyone has been talking about him potentially switching sides and abandoning the Marines this kind of started with Luffy getting the food since one of the ramen Bulls looks like kizaru from earlier in the ark and there's also the whole thing that Luffy randomly went missing and was over by the food machine but the biggest key to me for all of this is really just the setup of the og3 Admirals because ainu went on to become Fleet ad Admiral aiji moved on to become a pirate under a Yono but kizaru has stayed in his very same position he never took that next step and pursued his true will or sense of justice like the other two which is unclear Justice I mean that already tells us right there that this man is kind of complicated so if I had to say right now whether kizaru is flipping or not I would say that he will eventually but probably not officially during this Arc I think it's more likely that Egghead is going to be to kizaru what Ohara was to aliji like this event is going to plant the seed of betrayal for later on so that means that there may be no full betrayal yet or full departure from the Marines but maybe he'll just do one or two things here or there that help the good guys because he's realizing how wrong everything the government's doing is I mean think about it he's been forced to kill his friends he's even said he doesn't want to do that he knows NAA is back who he knows because of those very same friends and all of this suffering on Egghead is specifically because the government doesn't like Vega Punk researching history not because of the technology not because of the weapons not because of the duplicate fruit failure none of the actually dangerous stuff it was only because of the Void history it's like when Saul was asking sen Goku what the Ohara researchers did wrong they did nothing wrong except study something that was going to make the government look bad and on some level I'm sure that Karo knew this already I mean he's been working for the government for quite a while but experiencing all of this firsthand might affect him greatly maybe him helping Luffy secretly with the food is going to be his equivalent to aiji letting Robin Escape Ohara where he doesn't to toally betray the Marines but he helps them in secret and then just makes up his mind later on and honestly I think out of everything the biggest thing affecting kizaru has to be the confirmation that na has returned because he probably knows the legends of Naik very well from spending his time with Kuma and Vega punk I mean Kuma told Vega Punk he thought Luffy would be NAA and while we don't know if kizar heard that line specifically he and Saturn both did hear their agreement to save Bonnie in the first place so it wouldn't surprise me if they heard that as well and I mean we saw kizaru do the NAA dance which is still huge in my opinion so if he was ever going to stop being a quote unquote Cog in the machine I think it would only be because he found a better machine I mean the fact kizaru even feels that way at all kind of implies how big or threatening the machine he works for is and na might be the one person who could change that and you know it's one thing to kind of hear the legends of Na to do the dance to hear the sounds to hear the dangers of it from the government but it's another thing to get rocked by a white star gun the way that kizaru did he got to fight NAC and experience firsthand what that's like which would give him a very clear idea of how strong he truly is that is probably the clearest proof of whether na can change the world or not and you know it wasn't until right after that punch happened that we saw the food appear and that we saw Luffy disappear so maybe that punch convinced Karo to do just enough to let the straw hats Escape without blowing his cover but if or when he ultimately does flip whether it is now or maybe sometime in the future I do not think that Karo would join the straw hats even as an ally or something now maybe he would help them Escape here sure but I think he's a much better fit for the revolutionaries because it would make it so the og3 Admirals went to the three separate factions Akay was still with the Marines of course akiji went with the Pirates and then kizaru could maybe go with the revolutionaries and given Kuma's and Vega pun's close connections to them it all just kind of makes sense I think and if kizaru is going to betray the government it might make some kind of sense to join the guys directly trying to defeat the government because obviously kizaru would be a very wanted man and I think this whole idea that Egghead is to kizaru is what Ohara was to aliji is a great time to discuss the next part of this whole thing which is what will shock the world it's kind of a unique thing in one piece to be told ahead of time that this incident will shock the world and then we get to see it happen afterward cuz we're all kind of sitting here waiting like what is this big thing that we're waiting for that the whole world is going to be shocked about and I think a really good place to start here is if you go and look at the Ohara incident and maybe just kind of think what would have been the most shocking possible thing for the world to to learn from this the first answer you're probably going to think of is the ancient kingdom name that's why they shot Clover when they did and obviously Clover has close ties to both Robin and Vega Punk so when it comes to Egghead sure the incident part will be like the Buster call the deaths that happened the island blowing up whatever but the part that shocks the world has to be something especially crazy and what better thing than having the ancient kingdom name revealed and right to a gor's face instead of over the denen Mushi and I think out of everyone Robin and Vega Punk both make the most sense to reveal it and now maybe Robin a little bit more so just because she could finish what Clover started and she's from Ohara and everything and then obviously for it to actually shock the whole world then everyone around the world would need to hear what that name was so I think the answer for that is probably big news Morgans he could either go put it in the paper for the next day or he could just broadcast the event to the world in real time sort of like the events at Marine for which I think would be fair to say shocked the world since Whitebeard died and they all heard the one piece was real and as we've heard a few times during this Arc the will of oara lives on so by revealing that name during this Arc and getting the crew out safely it would be further proof that that was true and if we're going to talk about the name of the ancient Kingdom then what better segue would there be than the giant robot that's literally from that very Kingdom the one who has woken up twice now to the sounds of Luffy's drums the last time this giant moved was 200 years ago when it attacked marijua around the time of the Fishman Rights Movement you could probably make some parallels to Kuma here cuz you know he's also a cyborg and he just climbed the red line earlier in this Arc and that makes even more sense now that Kuma's actually here on Egghead and even in chapter 11:06 we can see that he and the ancient robot both look somewhat similar while seeing or hearing Luffy and gear 5ifth and I think before we try guessing what the robot's going to do here on Egghead we should first think about what it was doing 200 years ago in marijua because since it happened around the time the fishmen were about to join the Ry it seemed to be a reason why the fishmen didn't get to rejoin the Ry and until just recently and my theory for why the robot did that has always been that it was protecting Poseidon because it's incredibly risky to take posidon that far away from the sea and the Sea Kings we kind of even saw that at the most recent Ry where shiroshi was almost captured twice but now if that is true then we need to ask how it woke up in the first place back then and I have three potential answers for this one is that it was just on some kind of timer because you know when Odin went to laugh tale he seemed to learn that in specifically 20 years Wana was going to be saved so maybe the ancient Kingdom could see the future or something and then option two would be that someone back then had a tone dial with the sounds of the drums of Liberation I love this idea the most probably but the question would then be who the hell would have such a thing and how would they get it this would kind of be a parallel to Brooke who has a tone dial with his crew playing sake that he's saving for laboon and labon's like a friend that's been waiting around a long time so that kind of ties to the robot a little bit I guess so that would be kind of cool and then option three is kind of similar to that which would be that someone actually just played a tune very close to the drums of Liberation and then that also worked like maybe they used actual drums and not the Nika fruit or whatever but now that the robot has woken up for the second time today what is it going to do well the first option is that it just replaces the Vega Force 01 which was destroyed by kizaru kicking Luffy through it this was supposed to be our ticket off the island by using its anti-grav capabilities and then we were going to like cou day burst after that to go even further but now we need another option for that initial boost and since the robot traveled all the way to marijua in the past I mean I wouldn't be surprised if it had Advanced ways of traveling like the Vega Force did but the idea that I like even better for the robot is that it fights Saturn because on one hand it would basically be like a Kaiju vers giant robot thing which we actually got a version of at the very beginning of egad when we saw the space monster face this giant robot thing and you know Saturn's name is based on a planet so that ties it to a space monster a little bit so there you go and this would be an even deeper cut I think in relation to the void century because Saturn fighting the robot is basically like a symbolic form of the world government vers ancient Kingdom that robot is literally from the kingdom it's 900 years old which honestly Saturn might be that old as well now I imagine that Saturn would still win that one eventually but regardless even a brief clash between the two could buy us some time to escape it could even give us a little bit of Saturn's perspective on things and maybe even a brief flashback where Saturn remembers this robot from before what if this robot or just its creator or something is responsible for Saturn's SCAR or maybe we'll find out the robot was tied to Joy boy's crew or something whatever it is all these possibilities are why I really hope we get to see the robot clash with Saturn so then if neither of the robots end up being the answer for how we get off the island then who is well how about the two who just showed up to basically do just that being Dory and broi as I said at the very beginning of the video Egghead is the island of the future and we originally met those two on the island of the past and that gave me a really good theory and one you may have already noticed from the thumbnail because remember when we were on little garden Dorian brogi basically sent our ship flying using Hoku sovereignty in fact they even sent us straight through a giant goldfish and you know sending our ship flying like that is kind of exactly what we were hoping to do with the Vega Force our plan was just to go as far as we could and then coupa burst the rest so if Dory and broi can just send us as far as they possibly can then maybe it all works the same and obviously we would get that amazing parallel to little garden also you know Dorian brogi did that to the Mary before so now getting their chance to do it to the sunny would be even cooler and in fact the other time we saw Dori and broi use Hoku sovereignty it was also on a ship kids ship except they kind of did that one with the attempt to destroy it so it's a little bit different but to see us get a third Hoku sovereignty on someone's ship would just be so perfect and I think it's also important to note that when they launched the Mary back then they were also fatigued from Battle and they were also using weapons that were so old they literally broke from That Swing so that wasn't even like their strongest form of a Goku sovereignty is basically what I'm saying but now you know they have new weapons apparently and we just saw what they could do to kids ship so when you add in the adrenaline or desperation from the situation at Egghead I bet that they could just send the sunny straight through that entire Armada of ships and this would maybe highlight the fact that Giants are simply the counter to a buster call almost cuz I mean the Marines have wanted to gigantify people for centuries now and this might be a reason why the Giants are the ultimate fodder control but you know in order for them to even get the Sunny away from the island like that the sunny would first need to get down to them because it's currently up in the labo stratum and with the laser system activated it can't really get out unless we think the adamwood could survive the laser which you know that's an interesting discussion but either way I don't think the Sunny wants to get hit by one of those lasers which is a really interesting connection to Brooke because last time we saw him he had the sunny sliding uncontrollably on the Frozen clouds up above so I think where that whole thing is going is that somehow the lasers are going to get turned off which will then allow Brooke and Lilith to almost skate the sunny straight out of the labo stratum and then down to the lower level as for how the lasers get turned off maybe that'll be York after like a Blackbeard Pirate freeze her or something or maybe it'll just go be Edison again or something I don't know but the reason why the sunny Landing down there makes so much sense is a few things first being that it would just be so hyped to see our ship sitting between kizaru Saturn and 30,000 Marines we've honestly had this type of scene so many different times in the story before that that I can't imagine Oda not taking it to the next level by doing here at Egghead we saw this at anny's Lobby and also post anny's Lobby a little bit we saw this in hul cake and we even saw this a little bit in wano before the raid started we also saw something just like this with Roger against Shiki in the Ed War Oda loves to have the good guy ship up against an entire evil Armada and win and I think we're going to need that moment here too not that they beat every single Marine there or anything but just that they do manage to escape so if Brooke can just slide the sunny out of the labo stratum and then over the fabrio stratum and land like basically right at the shore it would give us the perfect setup for Dori and broi to then fling us away before everything either explodes or kizaru awakens or whatever insanity is set to happen to the island which may not bode well for Dory and broi specifically I think I mean we all know the parallels between Ohara and Egghead right well remember Saul another giant who is not from elb actually was kind of left behind at Ohara and I think the very same thing may happen to Dorian broi now Saul didn't actually die as we learned recently so would Dorian broi actually survive well it's possible could see their send off from aead being a little bit like the Gin Bas send off from hul Cake where they're just kind of bringing up the rear quote unquote and we're left wondering what really happened to them but from a storytelling standpoint I think this would be genius because elb is already going to be a super packed Arc I've done three completely separate videos involving elb now and I have at least one more coming so while Dory and brogi are awesome it honestly makes a lot of sense to kind of leave them behind at Egghead at least for right now we've already spent an entire Arc with them in little gardens so the fact they showed up to aead makes me think that odor realized how much screen time they take in elb and by bringing them here and maybe leaving them behind it builds a meaningful way to separate them cuz like I said it would be amazing to get that final send off with like Egghead blowing up behind them and stuff but then it would also be amazing to go get that reveal later on that they actually survived now I could see a world where they just don't survive at all cuz you know they've been around for quite a long time and that would be extra tragic but Oda just rarely kills people so I'm not really sure but now that I've talked through generally how most of the major events of the arc will go let's go through some of the aftermath and let's start with Kuma cuz the main question with him is does he actually end up dying as so many people have predicted 84% of you to be precise or does he make it out alive in the end well this question alone is kind of tricky cuz he's already sort of dead not like 100% dead but he's not fully himself obviously and to me I think the Telltale sign when he's truly dead will be when he loses his fruit powers or maybe when he loses his 20 G of Soul specifically although I don't know how we'd really know that without someone explicit ly telling us but regardless I think you guys get the point here the question is mainly is Kuma going to die for good or does he get to take Bonnie on all the adventures they spoke about and honestly Oda has introduced so many twists and turns in this Arc already and he's also not someone who's exactly known for killing people that often that I'm really not that sure anymore I was 100% convinced that he would die before but now after all the stuff od's been doing I'm like 84% convinced cuz the main thing for me and I think a lot of us agree on this is that Kuma needs to become conscious again at some point just to see Bonnie and NAA because this whole time on aead he's been sort of unresponsive even though he's been moving it's not like his personality is fully there so him seeing Bonnie and NAA is something I'm absolutely waiting for but you know escaping alive and conscious does seem like a lot for him remember he was already damaged heavily before the ReRe Arc even started because he was the Celestial Dragon slave and then he got attacked the entire time he was going up the red line then got half his face blown off like Whitebeard did and then also got his foot blown off although we haven't really seen those DRS on since he got back to Egghead and then as soon as he did get here he got stabbed in the back by Saturn plus Vega Punk said that Kuma should be in sort of a vegetative state right now and he is kind of trending that way it looks like so the Outlook isn't very good for our guy Kuma and my expectation is that while he will see Naik and Bonnie of course he probably will die here in this Ark and honestly part of the reason may be specifically because he sees those two because after he does see them he will want to do whatever it takes to make sure they escape alive seeing Bonnie and NAA all well and good will probably give him some unprecedented levels of motivation so the way I kind of see this going down is that he ends up acting like sort of a giant bomb thus helping aad explode like all of Vega Punk's other labs and the reason why Kuma specifically makes sense here is that each one of those labs was blown up by Vega Punk's friend or colleague Punk Hazard was blown up by Caesar 4 years ago Frankie blew up his lab in Baltimore 2 years ago which you know they didn't have much of a connection until they met and now it's time for Egghead so it being done by Kuma would just be so poetic and now sure the Buster call might help the island explode as well but I don't think a bunch of Canyon explosions will be on the level of what we saw in those other labs cuz those were like mushroom cloud tier explosions so I think maybe a sort of series of events here could be that the ancient giant goes and stalls Saturn but loses so Saturn goes after the crew which leads Kuma to stay behind and protect them so that Dory and broi can send them off I think something in that realm of things could work and as far as what Kuma does to Saturn I can see a few different things here now one could just be that he latches on the Saturn and explodes sort of like a Pedro and Paris Sparrow situation except on a much bigger scale which maybe give Saturn some kind of permanent damage to remember Kuma by but still doesn't kill him or a second option could be that maybe Kuma awakens his fruit and does like a massive Ursa shock or something I mean that's basically like a giant bomb we saw what those could do with Thriller bark but my favorite idea which ties very closely to that one is that Kuma gives Saturn a giant pain bubble I don't think Kuma has to awaken his fruit to do this but if he does he would get to affect his environment with his powers so maybe he could then take all of the pain not just from himself but from everyone who's still on the island he could put all of that into one massive pain bubble and give that to Saturn and this would hit hard for so many reasons one Saturn would be forced to feel the pain that he caused on everyone else and the reason they feel this pain is mostly cuz he doesn't want them to study the void Century now for Kuma specifically it's because he's a Buccaneer and all their agreements and stuff but for everyone else at aead the only reason they're suffering is the void Century research so Kuma would be forcing Saturn to feel the pain that Saturn inflicted on him for all those years and remember Kuma can make the intangible tangible and while we still have a lot to learn about the gor's powers this regeneration stuff is super sus I mean the summoning circle is super sus so I wonder if using a pain bubble like this is sort of a way to bypass Saturn's regeneration like maybe to Saturn a pain bubble will act as permanent pain because it's not just damage inflicted on the body like a cut or a punch or something but instead it's just like the raw sense of pain in a physical obtainable form but regardless of how that all shakes out I do expect Kuma to be dead or at least Left Behind if not for all the reasons I just said it would also then free up his devil fruit which I know a lot of people expect Viv to get eventually and you know she's on her way to Egghead with Morgan so that would kind of line up but then as for Bonnie I think her fate is going to go one of two ways if Kuma lives then both of them are going to go on all the adventures to the sky islands and wherever else they wanted to go with each other which would be Peak but if Kuma died I think Bonnie joins the revolutionaries cuz on one hand Dragon needs to make it up to Kuma somehow and the very least he could do is protect Kuma's daughter after he dies Kuma protected Luffy several times so dragon can do the same for Bonnie I know a lot of people really want her to join the crew since she obviously admires NAC but that is actually why I don't think she's going to join the crew Luffy doesn't want people to treat him like a God ever especially not his crew mates they are his friends Luffy's friends not n's but by joining Dragon she can still liberate people and kind of live like na did without actually following him directly and now this is why I still think dragon is going to show up during this Arc at some point or if he doesn't it's only because he's going to go somewhere else that's equally important which I don't know where that could possibly be but either way I just think dragon is going to make his move I know we love the dragon looking East memes the fraud memes and all that stuff but this is really the time for Dragon to do something I thought for sure he was going to be the mystery group from the end of chap 11:05 but even though it's Dorian brogie My Hope Has Not wavered That Dragon will show up because at this point I think it's clear that Oda is trolling us with dragon he's setting him up to look bad on purpose I bet he even did the thing in 11:05 on purpose knowing that most of us would think it's Dragon cuz I mean a few chapters ago we did see Dragon considering where Kuma went and Eva said he'd go to the red line to get some Revenge however Kuma wouldn't do that now what's ironic is Kuma did do that but it was only because he was on his way to aad and the red line was in the way and I think dragon is more than smart enough to connect the dots and realize that he actually went to Egghead because remember Dragon got a call from shakka at the start of the arc that he was going to die Luffy was said to be with Vega Punk at Egghead in the papers and dragon is the one who told Kuma about Vega Punk originally when looking for a cure for Sapphire scale so Oda is cooking something up with dragon no matter how much we want to meme it but I just don't know what it is my guess for now is that if Dragon shows up it'll just be dragon and not all the revolutionaries one reason is that we have so many players here as it is that introducing an entire Army would be a little bit too much I think but there are some other good reasons for this and the first is simply time he is halfway across the world right now so his only chance to get to Egghead is some kind of devil fruit now Kuma's devil fruit would be helpful but maybe dragon has something that can kind of replicate that like the wind loia fruit and I'm sure a lot of you have heard about this before you know the main reason is because of the wind gust we saw in logtown but I think a reason that a lot of people don't know about is that dragon ship is called the wind grandma like come on if Dragon really does have a wind loia he can probably get around the world insanely fast and you know on top of that I think another reason why it'll just be dragon and not the whole Army is that when Dragon went to log town he was all by himself and that's where he met Luffy so if he's going to meet Luffy again at egad it would kind of make sense for him to still be by himself I think but now what would his purpose be I mean I think it would have to be fighting off Saturn or kizaru if Oda is going to bring him here dragon is going to need to show out and I mentioned earlier how the ancient robot might help hold off Saturn for a while and Kuma might help as well but remember kizaru is also a threat if the straw hats are to actually escape with the Stella and toe they're going to need all the distractions they can get right now and dragon is definitely on that level and maybe what you're thinking right now is that the crew doesn't really need that much help because you know the mark II's just flip sides again because Bonnie's the highest on the hierarchy the seraphim are still stuck in the bubbles Dory and brogi are out there fiz the Marines outside it just doesn't seem that threatening as we stand right now and what I would say in response to that is that you're right as long as you keep that qualifier of right now because we have seen the momentum shift over and over again in this Arc and I'm sure the government is going to find a way to get that upper hand again soon I mean for one thing I don't think Saturn or kizaru have even gone all out yet like kizaru hasn't awakened for sure and it kind of feels like Saturn isn't taking this very seriously beyond the na or void history stuff I mean he even said that if he wanted to avoid getting stabbed he would just dodge but he didn't and also as far as the mark 3s go this is like the millionth time we've had them shift sides cuz they started on our side with sentto Maru then they flipped because kizaru gave them a new order after beating him then the mark 3s flipped again because of Atlas but then they flipped again because of Saturn and now they flipped another time because of Bonnie supposedly this is the top of the chain though so theoretically it should stop here but oo just keeps introducing new things over and over so I don't think that's what's going to happen I mean maybe at this point Saturn just does his eye laser thing and takes all of them out either way though the point is just that the tides are going to turn again and our crew is going to need a little more backup at some some point and who better to do that than dragon and then the last thing I want to cover here is Viv and Morgans because I think they will be most relevant towards the very end of the Ark cuz if you think about it it's not a smart move to land the world Economic Journal blimp anywhere near Egghead during a buster call right I mean sure Morgan is coming to get the scoop but getting in the action itself kind of seems unnecessarily risky so I suspect that after Dorian broi send our crew flying from Egghead Morgans will go meet up with them and Viv will then hop on the ship or maybe she'll hop on the ship at the very end before Dorian brogi send the ship flying since you know she was on the ship last time Dorian broi sent it flying at little garden and it would be kind of nice for her to see them again because she was even there when we first heard of elth so whichever way it shakes down I think the main thing here is that V has to be on the ship before we get to elb so that they all arrive together elff was set up when she was present so I want her present when we get there also Viv is wanted by emu right now of all people so the safest place for her until we beat the government is going to be with the straw hats plus from Morgan's perspective being at Egghead for the actual incident that shocks the world just makes so much sense because a Morgans would love to get that scoop and B by virtue of us already knowing that it'll shock the world that basically means we know it has to be reported to the world and that almost definitely means Morgans will know what happened because he's probably the one who shared that information and then last but also least let's talk about Caribou because somehow someway he's likely to end up with the straw hats cuz obviously as a lot of people have pointed out Caribou has learned about the other two ancient weapons by virtue of being near the straw head such as shiroshi being Poseidon and the fact that pluton is deep underneath wano and there seems to be somebody that he's relaying this information to that we don't know of yet so through some way or another he's going to have to learn about Uranus while being with the crew and for a lot of reasons that I may be talking about a lot more in a video here pretty soon Uranus has to be tied to elb and by virtue of that Caribou is going to have to ride there with us and learn about it and stuff so somehow he's going to get on the ship obviously there's a lot of talk around kizaru being the one who gave Luffy the food or moved him or whatever but Caribou is a very likely and maybe even more likely option because he's given Luffy food before and his swamp is like a different dimension to store stuff in or whatever so there's no doubt that somehow someway Caribou is going to make it off with the crew if you guys have any thoughts about these or maybe questions about things I missed or whatever definitely leave a comment down below I'd love to hear what you guys have to say and maybe some of your predictions about how the ark is going to end cuz at this point I think it's just about any one's guess and while you're down there make sure to leave a like And subscribe cuz it really does wonders for the algorithm and if you haven't had enough maybe go ahead and watch one of these two videos that YouTube told me you might like to watch after this but until next time later
Channel: Dak's Saké
Views: 172,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, one piece theory, one piece luffy, nika, gear 5, oda, sun god nika, laugh tale, shanks, luffy, blackbeard, #onepiecetheory, #onepiece, one piece anime, imu, gorosei, devil fruit, gear 5th, void century, one piece latest chapter, ohara one piece, awakening, red haired shanks, marshall d teach, god valley, one piece manga, luffy one piece, man marked by flames, egghead, egghead arc, end of egghead, buster call, saturn, dragon, vivi, kizaru, one piece 1106, kuma, bonney, vegapunk
Id: KA6DcUMpuEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 37sec (3097 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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