THATS WHAT WE CALL A W | One Piece Chapter 1113 Live Reaction

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[Music] he [Music] [Music] hello there we go I hit unmute on on my uh what's it called My Stream deck like five times and it wouldn't work but we're here now uh apparently I got to refix that because it worked every other stream but it's not working today but everyone thank you for being here welcome to one piece chapter uh 1113 right that's what we're reacting to yeah 1113 um shout out to the like 60 or plus I don't even know it's it's hard 70 plus people a lot of people piling in appreciate yall uh so I am not spoiled whatsoever other not not at all other than the fact that I know it's a hype chapter uh I don't know why it's hype exactly um I mean I could I could take some guesses based off last last few chapters but uh I am not spoiled but I am super super excited to read this guys uh I seriously I've been waiting for this since I woke up because I had a bunch of messages that uh the chapter is out and I need to hurry up and read it also got some warnings to avoid spoilers um so uh I'm I'm just super excited guys that's all I can say today's been a great day outside of that I just went and helped a stray cat that came to my door so for for those who don't know most of you probably do I have four pets I have two dogs and two cats I love love animals and a stray cat came to my door today and he looked a little uh emaciated might be too extreme but looked hungry and so he has a buffet outside now he's got plenty of food and water the cat's all good I feel like I've done my good deed um so you know I'm I'm just feeling good I'm feeling good guys today's going to be a great day uh I'm I'm really looking forward to it um I saw there's a couple gift uh or membership things in the chat uh major shout out to tained Mar another awesome Creator who's been making some Banger theories lately definitely go check him check him out if you haven't and if you haven't checked him out you're going to hear of him eventually because his theories are popping off uh so definitely go check him out Bean boy one of the goats of the channel welcome or join the afro gang again and then also gifted five memberships my guy thank you so much I really appreciate that uh welcome loot uh Nal miar I maybe I'm probably butchering that but uh Akash enrio me miru lrs I'm not sure how to say your name I'm sorry again uh welcome everyone to the afro gang and also terrible TJ one of the goats also of the community uh celebrating being a member for 13 months man thank you just said like the stream yes everyone I would really appreciate that uh liking helps the stream Maybe on lives more than anything to be honest with you so it would really go a long way Cliff can you come here buddy come here my dog is looking out the window ready to bark at somebody so I'm just going to get him in here now before uh before he you know gets too busy sorry buddy um so yeah so guys needless to say I I'm very very excited uh for this chapter um I saw a couple other things oh my gosh guys thank this has to be a crazy chapter y'all there's so there's so many gifts coming through already that H it has to be crazy has to um Kush daddy with the $2 one of my favorite super chats every single week the the the music questions uh Iron Man or Paranoid by Black Sabbath oh man that's a tough one I don't I don't have a personal connection to either of those which usually I do and that's what I go with um but I'm going to go Iron Man because uh I'm ready for the Iron Giant to do something here in uh in Egghead you know in this Arc I don't know if this chapter I have no idea but I'm ready for it whenever it is and also uh the Iron Man movie not iron or The Iron Giant movie not Iron Man Iron Giant uh which a lot of people have talked about in regards to this robot on Egghead uh that's one of my favorites so just having the iron in the name at all uh is selling me on it so we're we're just going to do that so I appreciate you Kush daddy as always uh St Constantine with the five GED memberships I appreciate you thank you so much uh welcome Kel nugget Joel roon too and who who is Ray to the afro gang thank you very much and then Adam tree with the $5 uh Super Chat haven't gotten to read but I'll be back later enjoy the chapter like d stream Adam like I say every week because you've done this a number of times it it seriously means a lot that you come in and donate and you know tell me to enjoy it and all that before you've even read it you know what I mean because like because you probably don't want to stay to get spoiled which is super reasonable so it means a lot that you even stop through seriously thank you so much and then uh lonely Mage yet another go to the community with five gifted memberships thank you uh so lonely I take you you've already done your reaction or you've already read the chapter this week I assume um but if you haven't or if you just want to check out other streams definitely go to lonely M's Channel um a lot of great one piece thoughts there oh my God it's just the the gifts are piling in y'all what is this chapter guys something something crazy happens this week doesn't it there there's got to be something insane because I mean look y'all are insanely generous normally more you know like like beyond my my wildest expectations but this is this is a whole other level uh so okay so lonely Mage Thank you Good Vibrations bringing the Good Vibes to the uh to the stream with the five gifted memberships I appreciate you one of the longest 10e goats I guess of the channel thank you man um let's see who got those uh Pedro isad no one midus and John wiser everyone welcome to the afro gang uh major Thank you Good Vibes and then yet another goat sexy vexi from texi Vex the lurking Legend with the five gifted memberships Tristan flimflam signs ji and Steve Walker everyone welcome to the afro gang thank you so much Vex for real um wow uh that's that's like five sets of five already gifted um that's incredible I seriously can't thank you guys enough I guess it's a good time to mention real quick uh if you're into the one piece TCG or you've seen my my one piece TCG giveaways before those are always for members only the members get to sign up well before the stream and the sign up for the next one will be sent out over the weekend so keep an eye on the community Tab and you will be able to sign up and be in the next giveaway which will happen sometime in May I'm not really sure when so everyone who just got a membership it's going to be us and Canada only again um I really do want to fix that this year though and get it to full International I need to figure that out but for right now because we've had a lot of issues with stre already uh lately because of the the TCG Market um going to keep the anyway US and Canada for the next giveaway if you are a member and in one of those countries you can sign up this weekend keep an eye on it um really excited for the next giveaway because the English prices are going down so we might be able to go back to English cards because I said we were going to do Japanese but you know no promises yet we'll see it's got to got to figure that out because all my all my normal plugs for TCG are are dried up right now so so you know but either way um everyone if you're into it definitely keep an eye on it and then Bean Boy again with another donation Bean boy my guy thank you this chapter is so crazy my neighbors know how from my actual scream wow man I all right you know what you know what no more games then it's time it's time to get into it we're just going to we're going to get into the chapter ASAP I don't want to waste any time because uh I'm not spoiled at like usually I even have I have like an inkling of what it's about and I I could I mean I could guess a few things here but um you know I I haven't heard anything which is amazing so uh so we're just going to get into it guys um thank you if anybody else sends any more um uh supers or whatever I'll get to them right when the stream ends or right when the you know I finish reacting and all that then we're going to get right into the supers so just FYI in case anyone else sends them so uh we're going to get into this uh one piece chapter 1113 stalemate um okay cool the is that I don't want to scroll down just yet I just want to make sure it looks okay in the Stream but whatever um so well I I take back what I said about being spoiled because I did see this um which this was I think it was unspoiler marked on Reddit or something and I hadn't seen it before and I was like I bet that's from the chapter or maybe it's from Hulk cake because of the chest Keepers so I technically I guess I did get spoiled on this unfortunately but that's not a big deal dope dope dope dope dope color spread um this is amazing the king is a fighting piece I like that I Robin playing chess with the other straw hats as the pieces this is this is cool I like having Brooke back there is Brooke supposed to be the king here is that the idea okay there's a lot of theory potential here like you know re probably reaching too far here but Robin controlling the whole chess board that's like I don't know like emu or something I don't know but then having Brooke as the king here if he is the king I think he is um you know Brook's from the underworld and stuff so it's just I you know and then nami's the queen here which I don't know there we we could talk about that later this this is one of my favorite color spreads though this is super hype but uh but all right guys it's time for the good stuff it's we're getting into the chapter um okay so that was the cover because usually there's like the yeah so that's the color page not the cover yeah that's right okay the world's largest brain Punk records the mind of a genius now then while my coffee could use more time to cool it's probably safe to assume that we've given people sufficient time to set up their video transponder snails T minus 30 seconds Stella I'm getting nervous we'll be broadcasting to the entire world are we getting it this chapter y'all are it I I did not think it would be this fast when Oda made that timeline but it continues to live even after your death I I was curious about this Oda I love it when you do this I love it when you answer my questions is this your true self Vega Punk that's pretty much what I thought it was going to be okay look wow look how big that is relative to Mars that's this the detail on this y'all then again what is death to something like this is your Consciousness even housed here I got to move the chapter a little bit all right indeed this footage will eventually reach the entire world I take pride in that connection but sharing this is also a great burden no way you don't have one kayaan we thought you'd be the one person in the village who would syrup Village do you realize how big vid video transponder snails are guys this is about this is going to be huge isn't it uh shout out to the 200 plus people here uh like d stream if you haven't already this is I you can feel it you know sometimes you can feel that it's a a massive chapter coming it that's I I'm feeling it like times 10 right now we're going around the world first again which we saw when they set up the transponder snails so now we're kind of getting the you know who has set it up and who hasn't I guess uh it's rather larger than your average house pet now allow me to fetch the tea Dr Vega Punk is a legend in the medical field too you know cuz she's trying to be a doctor right that's like her goal now after she got cured right she wants to be a doctor so I think she cares about that uh I know all about it as if you big liar which is crazy CU he has an apple head what's I for I can't remember their the name I know one like onion carrot and whatever I can't remember this guy's name which one's who but he has like an apple head on and he talking about Vega Punk and Vega Punk has an apple head so just that's pretty cool uh as if you big liar I think it's an apple it looks like an apple it might be a different thing but looks like it uh Pon ninen you should take Dr Dr Vega Punk's research more seriously uh it'll it'll be starting shortly oh laboon in the chapter automatic 10 out of 10 blue all right there you go had to do him some justice um um the futuristic island of Baltimore oh this is cool Vega Punk's Hometown love this you mean he was really born here you betcha he's Baltimore's pride and joy wasn't he responsible for the nightmare of Baltimore no that was Frankie I heard he's turned himself into a ship now and the guy who's saying this has a sunny figurehead esque mask on you guys see that so a got that's weird od's cooking OD cooking cooking how many years has it been now Vega Punk birdie Kingdom where Chopper studied seems It's about seems It's about the island where Tanuki Chi is a king of modern science but his smarts have also been used to make many weapons I like that I because these guys were kind of like they're very nice like mild man people despite seeming like barbarians so I like that uh that little tidbit love it haosu the Pirate Island in the new world quiet down you Scallywags that Vega fellow is going to speak so what you crossed me earlier I ain't letting that slide just to listen to some old fossil maybe okay I love getting like a little glimpse of how Pirate Island is on the regular that's really cool can you hear me Egghead New World test testing testing that's me that's me setting up the microphone this is Vega Punk attention World an ordinary transponder snail that means this is no mere hiding place then you wanted to fool me with a decoy so oh so it's a it's a regular one with just a bigger shell around it okay okay so they they they put him in the okay that means this is no mere hiding place then you wanted to fool me with a decoy curse you Vega Punk and so he gets out of there and immediately turns into this form so I'm wondering going back to like the only time he's in his human form is when he's in that place and I don't know if there's like a reason for it but curse you Vega Punk hello out there Stella we already had an introduction when we did the signal jacking part I know that fine then we'll get started without further Ado y'all I'm like feeling the pressure you know what I like I this is this is Big Time One Piece may never be the same after I read this all right let's hear it already who knows what's coming what's up a very important man is making an announcement just go back to bed dear where is this whatever we'll we'll we'll figure that out later it hasn't stopped yet Mars what are you doing my apologies that wretched Vega Punk he was much more cautious than we gave him credit for there is currently no stopping the broadcast it's impossible to determine how much he actually knows or what he intends to say now but York told us he wished to carry the torch of the o'haren scholars are we getting the name of the ancient kingdom is is that is that what is it happening now this won't be a repeat of clover he means to finish what Ohara started there's Clover getting getting capped right there oh my God Vega Punk did you hear that it was a sweet girl crying out Bonnie Chan needs me what is that thing jewelry Bonnie we will not surrender our military might to you get back Bonnie out of the way Frankie huh if anyone's going to pull off an impressive Rescue of Bonnie it'll be me yo so sanji's been stacking up the Feats bro oh first the kizaru thing now that yeah when Sanji when when a when a woman needs sanji's help he he goes to that next level you know what I mean like that I and I love that CU that's like that's his biggest motivation pretty much like we all know that he won't hit women but there's also like kind of the the opposite side of that where when a woman is in danger he steps it up and I oda's been emphasizing that so much this and also everyone wanted to say Zoro vers nsto which you know might still happen in the future right I'm not not impossible in any way but people have been been talking about that Sanji vers Nero Oda man this this panel looks dope too look how big nro is relative to to Sanji here that did he like jump off the sword too we're not going to cut you slack just cuz you're cile this is a Pirates fight you you gezer Sanji cooking my man uh then he gets bit down by by noo turning into his horse the full horse form it looks like Crush snap but Sanji will just heal from it right uh Sanji what's that I confess that it's starting oo hold him down with pleasure Kashi I confess that I've committed two grave sins Stella distorted future what the heck is that Jewel rebon give me a gianti future oh wow okay that's that's pretty cool I believe that I will soon be executed for my transgressions so this message will be programmed to broadcast the second my heart stops beating Sabo the archipelago he can't be serious wait does that mean he's already dead bro it can't be he was all over the papers just this morning is that du oh my God bro Duval they said he's being held hostage by the straw hat Pirates I refuse to accept this you're lying you bastard you can't just die we just teamed up so we can surpass you hey hey hey what's the big idea with this massive broadcast is he trying to kill print media I Oda I love you I love that's just awesome for saying that just having Morgan's upset about it even so I want to make one thing clear and I pray you understand this please do not assume that the ones who strike me down are evil regardless of who they seem to be I do not intend to discuss right buddy come here come come come I guess I didn't shut my door all the way my dog escaped sorry guys I know it's a tense moment get in here buddy it's s right buddy we're Cliff we're about to find out about the void Century buddy we're about to find out about the ancient Kingdom or something you got to I know you're excited I'm going to be barking in a second too um okay I want to make one thing clear one thing clear I pray you understand this please do not assume that the ones who strike me down are evil regardless of who they seem to be I do not intend to discuss right and wrong here yeah leave us alone okay so that's uh that's Usopp and Brooke and all them I am not qualified to judge such things powerful line coming from Vega Punk man and I do not know nearly enough about him in any case Vega Punk step aside I have no time to deal with verman like you so this is the first time Brook Cen aorus they remember so I want to know if he's going to do anything that voice I see that is quite an audius hypothesis you must be Nico Robin the woman ainu let slip through his fingers that impotent fool he's one of the five Elders what are you talking about protect Rob oh wow Nami love that protect Robin oh okay wow Zeus is popping out okay hold on we'll keep you safe no matter what move you filthy insects and so wait what's all going on here so we got Usopp shooting we got Brooke uh with the ice powers coming out we got Zeus whipping around we got Chopper I mean Chopper just got stabbed by a venomous spider noodle you know what I'm say I mean Chopper's got to be feeling that at that point but Zeus coming out's pretty dope oh man I love that like the weakling Trio slash you know with Brooke Brook also in attendance um that's that's just that's a cool panel right there I'm sure what I'm about to say will be hard to accept some of you may think me a Madman or even an idiot this is futile there are far too many life forms in the in the vicinity of the laboratory I cannot sense any unique telepathic waves cuz it's not on the island bro it's it's about to be on Ohara isn't it it is 100% think think think if this keeps up they won't let me be a celestial I hate her so much I'm a Vega Punk too where would I hide it that said it is still my duty to ensure that everyone is aware of this issue perhaps we should consider destroying the power station to stop this that is out of the question the nearby marinees ships and Equipment aren't the only things we stand to lose in the blast we would also be sacrificing our one and only means of replicating our success with the mother flame I'll cut to the chase our world is going to sink into the ocean a conf what a confession and a shocking prediction I'm feeling good guys I'm feeling good I'm feeling I'm feeling real good yeah 3day there it is yeah so uh oh man so that's what it was was wow so guys if you uh wow I'm feeling that's so uh so if anybody saw my void Century video uh which is now the number one video on the channel uh I did talk about how there was a flood in the void century and how and not that I'm the other people have said it before so I don't even want to act like I'm the only one I know you know I just I have probably the biggest video on it I guess probably but other people have said it um but that was the point of that video is that the world flooded and uh and now you know we we heard before like couple hundred chapters ago that the government was considering another great cleansing you know so I think uh the flooding is the cleansing part because it's going to wipe out most of the world right and what's crazy guys what's the craziest part is that I was already working on a second part to the void Century video like an extension like an extended version or like extra thoughts on it and it's not that I like thought the flood was wrong there was just other parts I wanted to add and and so now that we're going to be making that video now that that that's that's that's the next video I'm I'm putting all my all my effort into that one this WOW guys I mean wow I'm I'm shocked this is like my first I mean like I guess we don't you could probably reason that the world fling now means that it flooded back in the day in the void Century right like that's I think I feel like it's a safe assumption so if we assume that then that's a w that's like my first real W and I'm I'm man oh I I'm I'm so I had no idea this was it like I had a feeling I got something right because I told 3day this earlier but um but so I got a comment this morning and it didn't spoil me cuz I didn't see what video it was to but all I saw in the comment was you were right but I didn't know it wasn't like on my community post it could have been on any video like I had no idea and I've had that happen probably 10 times and so I completely ignored it I did mention it to 3day I was like I did get this comment I'm not banking too much on it because it happens but I thought that was interesting and uh well whoever did that uh you you were also you were right that I was right that's crazy um y'all uh I I don't even know what to say I I wasn't ready I wasn't ready um I thought thought I mean we still might get the ancient kingdom name eventually cuz that's what I thought it was but I find it insane that that Vega Punk's message is that the the world flooded or it's going to flood well sink into the ocean it's basically this the same thing right I mean you know whether you go into the water or the water goes over you similar um wow I have nothing else to say other than wow guys this I am so motivated to do the next video I I am so pumped oh my God guys so the world's okay so let's before I continue celebrating um because we we'll have plenty of time to do that I I guess I I'm kind of curious how is it going to sink into the ocean because um the way that I talked about it in my void Century video which I still think is super relevant is that the world stopped spinning and that would cause title waves which Oda has talked about uh in an SBS before however at the beginning of not the beginning but maybe like 15 chapters ago 20 chap 20 chapters ago 25 something like that um we saw that the result of the mother flame on the Lucia elevated the sea level around the world and so therefore if you were to go around mother flaming all the islands all over the place then you would be doing the same thing right then you would uh be making the World Flood you just have to keep doing it over and over to make that water level go higher and higher because like it pushes out the water right so the water doesn't fall in so it like makes all of it go up so I'm curious on uh on what Vega Punk's like idea is on how this is going to happen because I I I see a few different ways also I don't think this is a a massive deal but something I just noticed which is sort of ominous is you see how like above Egghead in that final panel well the third to last panel I guess there's a lot of dark clouds above the island it kind of reminds me of L Luci a little bit not saying the mother flame is here but that um it's ominous it might just be smoke from all the fire maybe is the idea but there's definitely like a darkness in the clouds above Egghead which I think is is just interesting um I mean and even here in like the I mean see like the light coming in I don't know like that's also interesting is that like a symbol that like just the truth is being revealed maybe I don't know it is cool getting like the whale and the fishmen and stuff or the mermaids I guess specifically wow guys thank you just thank you all for being here this the crazy moment uh this is it's got to be one of my top moments ever reacting to Chapters this our world is going to sink into the ocean but the thing is is that's I mean maybe Clover was going to get to that but that's not what clover I don't know like Clover was going to say the name I don't know uh guys I I want to hear what you guys have to say about this uh because I'm uh I'm over the moon right now um thank you guys thank everyone for being here uh what a what a moment uh I feel like I should have been more animated but I'm just so shocked you know what I mean I I have no idea how to how to even process this right now um wow uh so earlier in the Stream I did miss one super chat at the very beginning uh technically it's a it's from twitch so whatever you call those but for Saran rap resubscribing with a uh over over on Twitch sorry it's it's a little bit weird on streamlabs let me find it okay resubscribe tier one for 14 months in a row thank you Saran rap uh AKA shiny charizard here on YouTube uh like the stream yes everyone please like the stream if you haven't already if there's one place to do it it streams because that helps you know when the algorithms deciding who to show the stream to that seems like likes are a big big factor there so um that would actually help a lot so thank you all right I'm going to get through some of these other super chats there's quite a few of them it's going to be a minute um so just I guess I I'm I'm I'm pumped bear bear with me here um let me find I keep messing up on streamlabs let me find it Adam I did that one Jake Jake Fegan uh big Miss on the spread not having Brook equal Rook that is a that's actually a good point because um uh cuz you got jimbe over here is the rook and I saw somebody I think in the chat say that Luffy is the king it it I'm I guess so is Brook supposed to be a bishop then it's just cuz him and and Nami are in the back that you would think they're the king and queen you know because he's also the sole King because Luffy you would think he should be the king but like Robin's also moving him multiple places forward which the king can't do right he can only move one space so I mean it would make more sense to have Luffy as the king though pirate king but either way it doesn't matter um that's cool but yeah uh Jake Rook should have been The Rook you're 100% right that would that B I don't know why jinbe is The Rook that doesn't make a whole lot of sense or have uh I mean I know it's the straw hat crew but even having uh beige not you know like get one with the super noova and have beige as the as The Rook I think having Frankie as The Rook over there makes sense the other one but um Bean boy with the $ five or I already saw that this chapter's so crazy uh neighbors know from my actual stream I did say that one earlier I think uh daddy with the $2 or John Stoops became a member thank you John I appreciate you uh Kush daddy super chatted $2 perhaps Stella was a satellite to this brain that's a that's an interesting idea um cuz like Mars is even saying like then again what is death to something like this is your Consciousness even housed here this it continues to live even after your death yeah we're going to have to talk more about this brain part of it cu cuz I've been wondering that for a while cuz if you kill the Vega Punk body does the brain stop working in a normal World absolutely it would stop right but he's Vega Punk he he's a totally different you know thing here it almost seems like like his brain was separated in like it's because it's in this vat and stuff it's being kept alive separately and it might be like Kuma's memories being separated sort of but like you know now it's like a more physical form of it maybe uh we're going to have to talk about that more for sure though um shout out to everyone who subscribed during the stream I saw a lot of subscriptions I can see him here on streamlab that's why I keep messing up and trying to find the super chats I'm talking about because there's a lot of people so thank you all very much for for subscribing uh bur celebrated being a member for seven months dude by the fire pit is dressed just like FF Dragon wait by the fire are you talking about hold on wait in the during the chapter hold on hold on let me find by the fire pit down here you mean hold on oh down here oh yeah yeah I and it's funny I I didn't know who F FF Dragon was but I figured that was a final fantasy thing which I think is correct right so I Googled it and you're absolutely right i' I've never played Final Fantasy everyone here is going to think that's crazy I understand I am crazy I'm wrong for doing it I know I need to play Final Fantasy but you're right um uh it it does it does Burch that's actually actually pretty cool I need to get into that I've heard so many people talk up Final Fantasy I I'm I'm in the wrong for not for not knowing you know what I mean I need to I need to get up get my game uh stepped up here and I also need to get my setup back together there we go um Bean boy celebrated being a member for two months no one saw this coming including me like and it's crazy cuz like I kind of predicted it or like you know it's my theory or what again I'm not the only one ever who said it I I want to be clear because uh other people deserve their flowers uh on the flood idea um but um but that but it's funny that I had that theory and this was not on my list you know what I mean like I should have selfishly been saying this just because I already had the theory on it but I just that it getting revealed here is crazy yeah Bean boy I I don't think anybody saw this coming uh Kush jaddy with the $2 uh Super Chat him equal emu what does vega Punk mean I'm glad you said that I know exactly what you're talking about um oh where is it uh man I got to he the dialogue split up all over the place where does he say him I know what you're talking about where is it at where is it at if I can't find it quickly I'll I'll try to just come back to it later I also don't really get the I want to make one thing clear I pray you understand this please do not assume that the ones who strike me down are evil regardless L of who they seem to be um because what that's telling me is like is the world government not like were they not 100% in the wrong like was there a valid reason why the void Century happened I guess is what I'm getting at is that what Vega Punk's trying to say here like hey like it you know it's hard for me to say if what they did was right or wrong I'm just telling you what's happening like that I don't know maybe I'm reading into it too much but but yeah anyway right here I do not intend to discuss right and wrong here I am not qualified to judge such things which might be my favorite line of the chapter other than the the flood one but and I do not know nearly enough about him in any case Kush it's either got to be emu or Joy boy I feel like right uh Andy D good point because you said the world thinks Luffy has him captured that that's a good point I guess I'm reading this in the in the sense of like Vega Punk's about to say what's going on so I assumed he's going to be saying like the void Century or the void the world government is doing XYZ so I guess I'm but you might be right he might be saying that just in case of people are assuming it's the straw hats because of the news but I was thinking he's going to explain what's really going on but yeah you're you're right it might be uh he's just trying to warn him ahead of time that that that would have to be it because um I the the whole point of this message is to make the government seem like bad people right so yeah that has to be it but the hymn it's I mean yeah I'm emu or or Joy boy even because like yeah I'm I'm gonna it's got to be Emo or Joy boy I I don't know I I think emu might be the safest answer but it could also be a translation thing where maybe it's like it was supposed to be them like the world government or like them as like the 20 Kings specifically and but they just put him I don't I'm not a we'll have to I don't know that I'm curious to see what other people have to say about that cuz I I am not sure uh Kush daddy again thank you bro uh with the $10 I just lost it there it is so what's causing the rising sea like where is the excess water coming from if Uranus causes giant holes then why doesn't the sea fall into it causing a lowering of sea level is it another planet or Moon Yeah so great question I'm glad you brought that up I mentioned this I think a little bit right when um I got to the end there so that's the thing whenever we saw L Lucia happen and and any's Lobby has the same exact situation going on when like these these holes get put into the ocean the water doesn't fill in right it's like a giant straight down waterfall which doesn't make any sense because like the water even if you delete the island the water should just fill in that Gap right and lower the sea level because like you're taking away the physical land that would be occupying that space now the water should fill in and the water should go down right so the question is why doesn't the water fall inwards when these blasts happen the mother flame had it happen and eny's Lobby had it happen you know I think I would say it's maybe not super safe to assume but likely that the mother flame and Uranus are going to be kind of closely linked like not I don't think they're the same thing but I think the mother flame could be like a robot version of Uranus or or something right basically mother flame might be doing the same thing Uranus does I guess is the point and so even if Uranus causes caused any's Lobby and the mother flame did L Lucia we got to ask like what is the effect that's causing the water to just stay there and I like anti-gravity would be the first guess in my mind um you know like it's just like or there's like a vacuum there of some kind like vacuum is probably not the right word but there's something there keeping the water spread out and I you know I'm not I I'm going to have to think about that more because clearly that is a like top-of-the-line important thing right now um is is that Gap so man I don't know I don't know kushy we're we're going to get back to that at some point because that's that's like the the number one question I feel like um David cot with the five EUR do you think the flood is going to happen right after this broadcast how will people survive just by getting into ships or like the water 7 solution uh great question so I am going to guess that it's not going to happen right after this it's probably going to take like when the goray said it's time for another great cleansing back at the Ry that I think the flood is what they were talking about because we've heard the term cleansing a few times so for example the native cleansing at God Valley which is its own version of a c like they they wiped that Island clean right they took out all the people who lived on that island and uh now that didn't have anything to do with flooding or whatever but basically that cleansing part of it the great cleansing is doing is wiping people out all over the planet with water obviously like wiping them clean like cleansing almost literally like using water to do it right um so now can they make that happen with a flip of a switch I doubt it I there there has to be some things they have to get organized to make it happen I think and that's probably what's going to happen from now until the end of elbaf that's my guess because like elb has to be a decently long Arc chapter-wise Oda could do it in a couple days right doesn't have to stretch the one piece time that long but it should be a decently long Arc so I bet what's going to happen is after this is over the goray and emo are going to regroup and be like all right it is time to wipe the Planet Clean you know basically which like is so terrible um and uh and so that's going to take some time I don't know what what they're going to do though are they just going to like because they're even saying here in the same um you know the same page I guess or that's like a double page I think whatever it is they're talking about how they cannot sacrifice the power station because they need it for the mother flame like they're literally saying right here like even though we could destroy the power station and it would blow up the island and stop this it's not worth it because we need the mother flame so that that to me is tell is saying that the mother flame is a top top top top top top top top top tier of importance right now like and it might be because they need it to make the world sink into the ocean right because if the mother flame like I have a couple ideas now like for example what if like the mother flame isn't necessarily like vaporizing the islands but what if the mother flame is like pushing the islands down so that they get flooded you know what I'm saying does that make sense cuz like if you push it down then the water would come over and then that's that would do it and that kind of makes sense going back to the idea of how the water is not filling in it's almost like there's something there you know what I mean like there's like an invisible cylinder of some kind there like keeping like things held down I it it would be such an Oda thing to have some way of bringing back these islands you know what I mean so I almost wonder if that's that's it that's like kind of crazy I have to think about that more but like the mother flame is is tied to this flooding I guess this is this the the main takeaway from that um and so David as far as how they get away when it happens ships are the only way and so then you have a whole world of pirates at that point if if that were to happen if all the islands were to get eliminated or like I said maybe they just get like push downward under the water or whatever then if everyone got on ships you would literally have a whole world of pirates with no home to go to right Oda might be oda's cooking guys that man the Oda I love you man for so many reasons today like even if it wasn't my own Theory I'd be so pumped but the Vega Punk man Vega Punk agrees with my theory that my my day is made uh lonely Mage again with the $10 thank you bro uh this changes so much the final war is now a war for survival 100% like a war for no Extinction you know what I mean like they're trying not to go extinct basically uh every race except for humans at least which that is a big Topic in the next void Century video I'm doing that's going to talk about this as well as the other void Century Videos I or video video ideas I had like there's a lot I want to add on to my last one and refine the last one so the next void Century video is going to be good guys defin definitely check that out um and you said the entire world will now take to the Seas and we're finally getting true Naval battles in endgame one piece mind ROP lonely Mage the the strongest mind rope ever I was just saying that an entire world of you said like the entire world will take to the Seas I was saying whole world of pirates same thing Oda is cooking so hard with that right cuz guess what they're all going to be Pirates technically right they're all going to be traveling on the sea kind kind of aimlessly like they just adventuring because they don't know where to go they don't have a home anymore they're just sailing and Luffy probably by the time that happens or near there will be the pirate king which we take as a title that is just you know like the guy who finds the one piece it's just it's not a real king you're not like leading a bunch of people but what if Oda is is going to flip on its head what if everyone in the world becomes a pirate by the end because they have to be on the water and then Luffy being the pirate king is like well let's go take down the government then you know like I'm I'm essentially Your Leader like not that Luffy likes being that kind of you know leader he doesn't like that Spotlight as much but I think Oda might be taking pirate king to like a literal State uh at this point if if everyone is on the water uh Good Vibrations with the $5 this could be why the fishmen are treated so bad they can't drown oh okay good point and the world government doesn't want to associate with anyone they can't control with the purge oh I I love that that's such a good point yeah because they can't drown and that might be why Joy boy because something I brought up a lot is that Joy Boy by with the apology you know with that context Joy boy kind of it seems like he made the fishmen stay at the bottom of the sea right that at least that's how I'm kind of reading it like that's why he's apologizing he Joy boy is saying sorry because because he wasn't able to bring them to the surface like he promised he's apologizing cuz they have to stay in the water for 800 more years and I wonder if there is a very very important reason why he did that you know like maybe he did that not just because like the world wasn't ready to bring you know to like have the fishmen you know live amongst them or whatever what if it's because like for the safety of the world he needed the fish race to stay down there and be safe because the government probably wants to make them go extinct before the next cleansing because it would help them out right cuz like they they can't drown like this and remember even we see even now with uh Garling and miard right how mgar got put to death because he helped the fishmen and uh Garling said something really really just like outright racist about the fishermen I forget what he said I think he called him verman or whatever um and so uh so yeah I'm there there's going to be something big time with the fishmen like they the government is going to really want to get rid of them for sure uh that that's why Joy boy sorry cuz it's like I'm protecting you by forcing you to stay down here type deal oh my cooking uh Joe joow Victor sorry if I butchered your name I I apologize um but thank you for joining the afro gang I think it was the afro gang uh I assume afro gang is the low tier mle gang is the medium tier and laboon lover is the top tier still waiting for the first laboon lover uh but uh we've had some mole gangers for sure I mean everyone's a part of like the mole gang but like the member mole gang is a different one you know what I mean uh but appreciate you uh Joe Victor might just be Joe appreciate you uh Mr Bushido with the two Euros I think they will blow up punk records to cut the message you know I I would have agreed with you until I saw these three panels right here cuz the power station the power station charging the mother Flame or like be you know letting the mother flame be what it is that is that's so important to me because if they blew up the power station then you would get a mother flame esque explosion right like that if if if one thing makes the mother flame then if you just use the original thing it would probably create a similar explosion right so they could do it but they're saying right here they're not going to and so I think that's because even if they brought the mother flame now to like if they had another mother flame to use and they wanted to on this island they they just wouldn't because it would blow up the power station which they need to make more mother flame so they're in like a bit of a pickle here so uh I I I would have been with you until those three panels pretty much Bushido um but hey if it happens you're going to get your flowers for sure uh zmp 323 super chatted $2 and said so the Noah serves the same function as Noah's Arc so true so true cuz like we viewed it as like a reverse Noah's Arc kind of where it's like instead of like keeping people from falling into the ocean like the real or like the one from you know mythology or Christian mythology whatever it's whatever it's called um you know now we're like instead the idea was oh we're going to take people who are already in the sea and take them to the surface like kind of the reverse idea a little bit but now it might be even bigger than that where the world's going to get flooded and what if it's not to take the fishmen to the surface but what if it's so the fishmen can take it to the surface to then go save people you know what I mean like what if they have to go pick up humans to put into the ship and that goes back to the whole fishmen and human relations thing because like the fishmen had to be ready to accept them because the fishmen are going to go help the humans if that is it o Oda would be cooking on a just a totally different level like I he already is he already does every week but that would be insane uh Mr Bushido again with the two Euros thank you very much uh the cover page fits my 16 R hats Theory uh send that I think you may have sent that one to me on Discord before but send that to me again because that that is interesting 16 R hats is are there 16 people on here is that why is that why you're saying that I I haven't counted but I'm just curious I think there's more than 16 but there's a lot going on here um if there is 16 that's interesting though because emu is 16 so uh Sam fiser with the $5 I don't think there's ever been a more thematically appropriate cover spread for a chapter called stale than Robin playing chess with a straw hat Sam you are so 100% correct I didn't even catch that you that's crazy actually that he that we have this in the chapter called stalemate I wonder if Oda got the stalemate idea from this which like it's stalemate because Oda or cuz Vega Punk has them you know caught like like Mars didn't you know destroy the right receiver thing transponder snail and they're kind of caught they don't know where to go Etc like it you know he outsmarted them like on the chessboard is the idea but then having this be there on the same chapter it's absolutely brilliant also um another interesting thing to tied to because like at the beginning of the of the stream I mentioned how this there might be like an emu parallel here like emu is controlling the chessboard maybe like emu is Robin you know Brooks back here is the soul King Nami I mean Nami drops giant uh lightning strikes all the time kind of like the mother flam so maybe there's a connection there but the idea uh that this ties to EMU I think is really interesting because when ever Sabo went and and attacked the gor or emu directly it actually was just emu he used an attack called like flaming Rook right it had rook in the name it was a chess attack so there's already chess like themes I guess with emu or the goray in that regard because the only attack on emu was a chess attack so um so yeah and also like we had the chess Keepers and whole cake which were like Soul powered so there's like something there too um so yeah I I feel like there was actually some Theory potential with this I'm going to be honest uh but good point Sam for sure that's crazy connection uh donon Ross Been celebrated being member for 11 months uh we never see mermaids underwater maybe they are coming that's actually a good point it is because they are like coming up towards the Sun and shirahoshi like her like goal in life well she wants to see a real Forest but also like to see the sun CU we had that panel when she went up to the Ry and she saw the sun and she was like like taken a like my God like that's so beautiful and I don't think she actually said this but you could probably read through the lines a little bit and think like oh she's trying she she wants all fishmen to see this right she wants all fishmen to see the real sun to see a real Forest Etc um so having the fish go to the surface like towards the sun like or the fish I shouldn't call them fish the the mermaids sorry fishmen mermaids you know similar thing having them go into the the surface uh when that like while this is happening and like the Sun's shining down there's there's probably some symbolism there maybe they are coming to the surf for some reason um there's also a whale which you know that's always big time uh D La Joy boy with the $5 Super Chat thank you very much bro don't know if it's been mentioned yet but Momo not wanting to opens borders makes so much sense after the end of this chapter great point my guy great point oh amazing I don't know if that is the reason why he did that but if it is amazing Point CU I I guess there's also a caveat to that where like even if he just destroyed the borders the the wano that everyone lives on is still high up so like I guess they would be okay you know what I mean like it was just the part that's already flooded would get ref flooded which like is kind of whatever I think um but either way that that is in it's interesting to think about because I think there's a reason why like wano is now really high up and has high up borders why zunisha is so dang tall and that's also where one of the road pagas is uh the red line is way up way up high sky islands are are way up high and they like tie to the void or to the ancient Kingdom and stuff very very closely so 100% um I I got to think about that more like what is where is wano going with this flood intact because wo's already flooded so ironically probably when the rest of the world floods is probably when the borders will get broken and wano won't be flooded you know when everyone else gets cleared wano will get freed now wano will reflood right afterward so maybe that's important but I guess also another factor is wano has been flooded by freshwater and so if the flood were to happen and the and the walls weren't destroyed then that barrier would keep it so that wano has freshw water and everything else is salt water which maybe that will come into play somehow maybe that's where this is going that wano or Momo left the walls up so now it won't mix the waters and maybe that will matter I'm not sure but that that's it's super interesting to think about uh great Point Joy boy for sure uh uh XL Bean boy with the $5 thank you for being so generous bro this is like your your I feel like your fifth donation or something this stream thank you thank you to everyone but Bean boy you you've been going ham thank you um I think mother flame is pushing sea clouds into the ocean sea do you mean did you did you potentially mean Sky clouds or is there is sea clouds a new a new Theory or or something of yours cuz the sky clouds if that is what you meant I actually kind of like that because like cuz Sky clouds already defy physics in some ways where they uh like they're holding things up in the sky that shouldn't be right suspending things in the sky and that's like it kind of defies physics and so if they were to do something similar to keep the water from falling in I can actually see it now yeah you Al I don't know if you meant sea clouds um you okay you said Sky clouds in the chat all right I got you CU I was going to say maybe there is like a sea version of that that does the same thing but for water you know like Sky I mean I could sky and sea like those are already kind of like sister things um but I actually really like the skycloud idea the more I think about it it's just like that's that's already like a gravity defying thing right that's that's like generally how I would put it um I guess the other thing that is maybe like a tangentially related to that is dance powder not saying it is dance powder but just that's something that like stopped rainfall it was would start rainfall by taking it from somewhere else but the point is is it it modifies where moisture is going you know I'm I'm just trying to think very generally here so between Sky clouds and dance powder or pyro blin specifically because Sky clouds that's what makes them do that that's that's a really good point actually but like we don't see the sky clouds doing it but at the same time could there just be like pyro blin in the shot that the mother flame uses and that that pushes it right I got to think on that more but Bean boy that's the fire idea I love that actually uh Claudio David with the five EUR uh is this why the world government is racist against fishmen I think so they can survive the flood we see a mermaid at the end of the chapter is it a hint uh clao I think you're 100% on the nose and and I've said it before and it sounds terrible to phrase it this way because it makes him out to be a bad guy but I do think this is why the government's racist towards fishmen but I think the reason that the world is racist towards fish is almost because of what Joy boy did because Joy Boy made him stay at the bottom of the sea which made them like out of sight for most of the world right like they were like tucked away like hidden where like most people wouldn't find them now in the current world all Pirates have to go through fishmen Island right like it they a lot of people see the fishmen now they're pretty used to him but probably for a long time in one piece history you know through the world fishmen were probably pretty rare for people to see and I think Joy boy kind of did that because he needed needed to save them for the reason you're saying right so I think the fishmen were extremely extremely important because of the flooding stuff Joy boy protected them and now this is why the world kind of doesn't like them because the world isn't used to them and so it's kind of Joy booy's fault for doing that but joy boy did it for the right reason that's that's kind of where I'm at on it is that the fishmen are an unfortunate innocent bystander in all this which they have been since arlong basically arlong was a bad dude right he was he's like a bad side to the fishmen but we saw because of just the fishmen in general and like Hai later on specifically and Cy and stuff you know fishmen have had it really really rough and um so them I I like them being stuck in the middle and also with like one piece being a pirate story you know being on the sea most of the time having the fishmen be this important just makes a ton of sense so uh so yeah 100% clouddio uh Jr rer 203 with the $5 do you think Saturn is referring to the seraphim and what they stand to lose I only think it's not the power station cuz wary says mother flame um so so I'll answer the second part first because the power station so they kind of say it here we would also be sacrificing our one and only means of replicating our success with the mother flame so they said this in chapter 1089 I think it's EI it's either 1089 or 1090 one of the two where they talk about like they're talking to York and York basically outright says if I have the power station I can make more mother flames it's like a one to one like there's a few ways you could reason it I view it as like the power station is like like the battery almost like that's giving the power that the mother flame uses so there like you can't have one without the other like without the mother flame then like they even say it's our one and only means of doing it so uh so when so I guess going back to the initial part uh where where you said so you think Saturn or do you think Saturn is referring to the seraphim and what they stand to lose um it's because like were you saying that is out of the question the nearby Marine ships and Equipment aren't the only things we'd stand to lose he that I think this whole I think this whole thing is Saturn I'm not I you would it would make more sense if this was uh Topman because he's speaking but it doesn't I guess it doesn't really matter that much because it's like one full sentence but what there but what he's trying to say is that if we destroy the power station which would create a mother Flame explosion right cuz that's if if the mother Flame's already used for it then if you blow it up that's what would be created is pretty much the same thing that happened to L Lucia Saturn saying no because if you do that now that's our last time using it if we can keep the mother or if we can keep the power station safe and take it with us we can make a bunch of mother flames and then just blow up everybody later on um so when he says what they'd stand to lose he's talking about basically the mother flame cuz he can't make any more without the power station um so yeah at least that's how I'm reading it and this what they're saying here fits in line with what my my thought on it was already which um which I I thought was pretty accurate from 1089 but some people have uh viewed it a different way so I mean I could be wrong but I uh I'm definitely thinking that it's it's the mother it's the power the power station equals the mother flame in the sense of you need one for the to make the other um and also something I just noticed is see down here when vega Punk oh never mind never mind okay I was going to say down here it Vega Punk says I'll cut to the Chase and it looks like there's like a a bubble behind him and I was like oh did did Oda block something off that's just his apple head it's just the perspective of it I thought that was like a hidden bubble CU he's done that a little bit recently like in the uh like in 1086 or 1085 with uh with Sabo and the goray there's a one of one of Clover's panels is blocked by an emu panel like it's you can only see half the text like he blocked it off so I thought it something similar was happening but that's that's just the Apple so never mind um kuya pixels with the $5 Super Chat I had to watch your 2022 video of the flood of void Century again after seeing the spoilers Big W for Dak and definitely play Final Fantasy Kua thank you very very much uh it's crazy to me that it's been a year and a half since that video uh like that is insane to me and now we're getting you know some of it confirmed which I mean that's just I mean for me as not only a one piece fan but now a one piece theorist I'm seriously like over the moon uh I'm like these are these are new emotions to me you know what I mean I've never I've gotten some things right tangentially but this is like one of the craziest things I've ever I've ever had a hand in so so thank you Kua another video is coming on that very soon uh I don't want to give a timeline on it because I was hope I was hope I was planning on taking all month to do it but now it's going to be out sooner than that I just don't know when but it's coming out soon um and also Kua I do need to play Final Fantasy maybe that be what I play on stream soon cuz I need to start playing some more games on stream uh I should probably finish balers gate at least once before I do that because I'm I'm probably like halfway through or more than that so we'll figure it out but uh Kua you also super chatted again and with the $2 and said the reveal will start the worldwide Revolution agreed that that's a great point I'm really glad you said that because that's that's the message we really need to take from this going back to what I was saying earlier about like everyone's going to become a pirate and think it was lonely Mage who also kind of backed that up with a super chat uh the entire world will now take to the Seas same thing so um you know once this happens everyone's going to kind like because they they've already seen part of the flood right they already saw part of it because of the mother flame we saw that uh in like 1089 or 1090 when we went around the world and saw it so they already have a little bit of confirmation in their brains that the world is flooding a little bit that they're sinking and so uh so starting this worldwide Revolution like they're already going to start doing it like probably getting ready to to get back into the water and stuff and whenever like the next mother flame strike happens that's going to everything is going to just go crazy because everyone's going to have confirmation like we got to stop the government like we are all going to die if we don't stop them and like that's going to be just a such a crazy moment when the world gets on the same page you know what I mean uh Matt Cipher with the $5 hope you're doing well bro you were the first one to send me the chapter this morning I'm sorry I didn't message you back there was a few people who did it but you were the first one to send me the chapter and let me know it was out so thank you bro thank you uh you said a new great cleansing is an efficient way to wipe out denters yep fishmen are hated so much because they can't be easily eliminated yes sir that is so it and also something I brought up in that void Century video which I'm going to emphasize a lot more uh in the next one also and the flood in general is going to get emphasized more but what I want to emphasize more and I did talk about in the last one is this works double for devil fruit users right cuz like so we look at fishmen so they're dangerous because not only are they like they're really strong and they can breathe in the water I mean and you know they they're immune to flooding I guess in that that sense right um that's that's one part of it but on the other side of the spectrum you have devil fruit users who are completely weak in the water right like you have fishmen who are great in the water humans are like kind of a middle ground like they're not great but at least they can swim they don't sink immediately but then people with devil fruits just sink and are dead you know what I mean if they go in the water uh pretty I mean unless you get pulled out quick enough you know what I mean so um so yeah like if you do a flood as a cleansing you're getting all the devil fruit users done for immediately that's like a guarantee you're going to get a lot of the world done for they're going to be out of the picture pretty much completely very quickly and then the fishmen are kind of like the last piece where you still have to figure them out which at that point like if I were to put my my evil mastermind uh hat on my emu hat um like you could probably wipe the planet clean and then just go and like manually take out the fishmen so I don't understand why they haven't really tried that maybe that's why they're at the bottom of the ocean because that would be a lot tougher also the fishmen are directly beneath marijua so if they ever wanted to motherf Flame the uh the fishmen they'd have to motherf Flame marijua so there's that part of it too um so yeah the fishmen are are are the emphasis on the fishmen is going way up way way way up uh Good Vibrations again with the $5 if fullon Naval battles happen shiroshi is goated so true Joy boy was probably protecting Poseidon in preparation for the upcoming floods and Wars Good Vibes you're cooking my guy so here's the other part to that to piggyback off that and to make that that point even stronger um you know the uh you look back at The Iron Giant right the iron the the ancient robot that attacked marijua 200 years ago I I have said this probably 10 times so if you've watched all my videos and you probably know where I'm already going with this but the reason that that guy that the robot went up there is probably to stop the fishmen from joining the Ry so building off your point Good Vibrations if 200 years ago when the fishmen rights movement was going on and they were invited to the Ry for the first time in a long time uh if they had followed through with that Poseidon would probably be on the government side right now right because they they probably wouldn't know any better they would be an Affiliated country with the government for 200 years they probably wouldn't view the government the same way or view the world the same way as they do right now so Shir hosi if if if the fishmen had been going to the Ry every four years for the last 200 years so 50 times then one of those time well I mean shiroshi is only 16 but any Poseidon would get captured or whatever right cuz you look at the last uh Ry shiroshi got captured two times in the one Ry right both times Charlos and both times like it was like like like Mard had to go out of his way to save her if Mard wasn't there she was cooked so it's the same thing Poseidon like no matter what had to be protected and kept on the fishmen side on the good person side on Joy boy side Etc this entire time and that goes back to Joy boy's apology he's like he's like listen you got got to stay down here for 800 years I know I'm sorry like it's terrible but it's it's for the better better of the world for you guys to wait wait until I come back until you can get freed that like the for like an explicit reason like this for the world flooding for that to be the reason why that happened would just be like it's it'd be too beautiful so uh Good Vibes you're 100% on the nose um I think that's exactly what's happening uh the the importance of Poseidon has skyrocketed we're all wondering who's going to get pluton where Uranus is cuz it's only been mentioned one time in one piece still but Poseidon is going way up on the importance list for sure that's awesome um partha celebrated being a member for 16 months one of the first members of the channel I appreciate you Iceberg wants to make a floating island oh partha I'm so glad you mentioned this so this is a theory I've had for a while and I've been trying to find the right place to put it into a video so I'm just going to tell you I've mentioned it on stream before so it's not like the craziest thing cuz I think it's just a cool idea but uh so I think iceberg is going to make water 7 float on an iceberg and the reason why is that ice floats right um so for Iceberg to then somehow put a bunch of ice or a giant Iceberg underwater 7even and make it float I think that would be a very very interesting storyline going forward in terms of like maybe how to save other Islands or maybe maybe like any islands that aren't sunk we can maybe point to having an iceberg um or maybe like Iceberg maybe his whatever he found out to make his Island float whether it's I think it is going to be an iceberg like it's just the fact his name is iceberg is you know I mean come on so I think he might also share that technology with other Islands maybe like maybe he'll start going around like let me make your Island into a ship so you guys don't sink and then what if we have like every island coming to one place to fight the government or something you know what I mean like they bring all the nations to one place there there's so much that could happen here guys like man what what a what a time to be a one piece fan uh Mr busho with the two Euros I see a couple of them uh Sanji vers Ethan called it just like carrot joining uh well we'll see about carrot my guy we we'll we'll see about that but Sanji versus Ethan I mean that if you called that that's a big W um I feel like it was well we'll see if it's a full fight like is this is this versus you know a big Clash I if this is all that happens it's not you know it's kind of like Sanji vers versus kizaru but the fact we got a clash at all is still Uh I that would still be a w if you called it so that's dope and I I love it just for the switch up because everyone thought it was going to be uh uh Zoro I'm wondering where where he's even at right now I would love because I think we got almost every other straw hat right other than him in jinbe anyway uh what was your other one uh Nami first used her lightning on anny's Lobby that that's a very interesting point she she the first time she used well well no cuz she used it she used like an electro attack in general against Miss Double finger right um but I don't but it wasn't like a fullon lightning strike like we've seen her do in other arcs right I can't remember exactly what it looked like but but either way she definitely used it a lot in Annie's Lobby so that I think that's I think that's still a good point um and you know another thing I've been thinking about a lot guys is that when did we find out about the pluton blueprints and's Lobby where there's a hole in the ocean already right so is the anti pluton what caused that hole in in the ocean and is the anti pluton the mother flame uh if you saw my one video on the mother flame where I talked about like the Manhattan Project and like York York maybe being like I can't I can't remember everything but I tied it to like Einstein some real world stuff and ending point is just that I the I was already kind of thinking that the mother flame could be like the anti pluton because it was so high tech that Frankie thought like it's like like this technology is from 500 years in the future or something that that Loosely that like can people even build this like this is crazy but of course Vega Punk would be able to right and so the fact we learned about the anti pluton there and the blueprints were destroyed there to then bring that idea back with lcia and stuff would be so perfect and I I I think that that's probably where it's going um it's it's time to to put the emphasis on Andy's Lobby again guys I mean it that's a lot of people's favorite arcs and favorite Arc and it's uh I mean it's still crazy important uh Sam fiser with the $5 I will say I'm underwhelmed by Punk records I was I was expecting Punk records to look like a junkyard landfill of just brains just mounds of brains I'm so I mean that would have been hilarious honestly especially because Vega Punk already had his head like chopped off you know what I mean so like having the brains chopped into pieces or everywhere or whatever should have been you know on the table or even have the brain just be the entire hanger right just brains everywhere I I was kind of thinking the same thing like it would be a literal brain like because this is his brain but it's the the the skull around the brain right like it's it's all of it in the hair too um and so I was kind of hoping for like actual brains but I mean this is pretty dope too I I guess my only issue with this is this is what I expected you know what I mean like this is if if you if I had to like put money on what I thought was going to be inside Punk records this is pretty much what I said I think I literally said Vega Punk's head in a vat with like stuff hooked up to it I'm pretty sure that's like word for word what I said um and so not even I don't even want to take a w for that that was just like Baseline assumption not even like a theory so um so I agree with you it would have been nice to be a little bit uh different you know like be something kind of out there uh which I think actual brains would have been but um but I I do like the idea that it's still alive like that because Vega Punk died his brain isn't dead that I've been wondering that forever I've asked that question so many times um because I know that the goray wanted Punk records because with York punk records and the power station they could make more mother Flames that was like the discussion at 1089 excuse me guys I'm like half burping every other word so they wanted Punk records because that makes York better right to because she has Vega Punk level smarts if she can tap into Punk records because it's basically like she's Vega Punk at that point um so I was like well the government probably wants it then because without it you know like York isn't nearly the same like you kind of need it so um so think that part's really cool that it's set up in a way where the brain can keep functioning even after he dies but uh I was kind of hoping for just like brains everywhere so I'm with you on that um Aiden bell with a $2 uh $2 Super Chat read chapter 576 Whitebeard speech real quick relevant info I'm actually going to look at that because I was um I uh I was already I'm going to look it up over here um looking at that for some Blackbeard stuff because uh I I think in that chapter I should have mentioned in my last video which by the way thank you all for the support on the most recent Blackbeard video I really appreciate that uh it's doing pretty well algorithm's been a little weird lately for some of my videos been like it's kind of like limiting my videos a little bit not that like YouTube's out to get me it's just you know I got to figure out what's going on but um but that video is doing pretty well now it kind of picked up during the week so I just want to thank you guys for that but I was looking at chapter 576 because I think that's it's either this one or the one after it's the one after I think um where're he talks about Blackbeard like the bloodline part so I was looking at this um but I want to see I want to see what you're talking about here in 576 at least in or yeah wait 576 or 567 576 right right right um but yeah uh I think there is going to be because also remember Whitebeard was said to be like the man who can who can destroy the world or whatever because of his powers right and so I think I I so I just wouldn't be shock at all if there's going to be something big here I'm going to I'm going to scroll down and try to find it is this yeah this is the Blackbeard one um so here he is talking to Roger it's not you the man Roger's waiting for is definitely not you teach there are those who inherited Roger's will and one day someone will appear who will inherit Ace's will as long as that bloodline survives their Flames will never die that will has been passed down from long ago and in the future someday a man will appear bar ing the weight of centuries of history on his shoulders to challenge the world sen Goku your world government is afraid afraid of the coming war that will engulf the world I wasn't interested but when someone finds that treasure the world will be shaken to its core somebody will find it that day will certainly come the one piece is real so um and so I do think it's interesting some of the words words he chose here engulf the world I know he said the war that will engulf the world but I think that's I don't know if that's what you were pointing to Aiden but I think that part if that is what you're saying whe whether it is or not the the wording there like engulf the world the world be shaken to its core like even the government is afraid um God this is Oda cooked so hard with the end of marine Fort it's crazy just like the art the way everything works talking about whitebeard's dream and stuff after it's so dope um but yeah no I I I think you're uh I because Whitebeard probably knew a thing or two right he didn't know the full history he didn't know what the one piece even was but he did know about the will of D and I I would venture I guess Ro Roger probably told him some other stuff just maybe even Loosely like yeah some crazy stuff's going to happen eventually you know what I mean like at least something um so yeah I I'm I'm glad glad you brought that up cuz that this is this is the time when someone like Whitebeard and you know just Marine Ford in general like all those massively important things this is the time for those things to come back into play you know like to carry forward all that so I I think you're on the money with that honestly Aiden uh thank you for bringing that up LJ 916 with a $10 Super Chat thank you uh what if the fishmen are just humans who evolved after the first sinking of the world happened which is why the celestial dragons wear those suits and order to live underwater and stay normal humans now that's an interesting thought I guess my I guess my first well I I'll start here I bet you somewhere along human history what you said happened I don't know if it would have happened with the first sinking of the world because now I know it's one piece so you know Oda can do whatever he wants but normally that that type of evolution takes way longer than 800 years you know what I mean and and fishmen have been around since at least 200 years ago so that would be that would been 600 years they would have had to so I I doubt it's that they evolved from the last time but now did it did it was there like a flood or something way in the past and humans were forced to evolve I'm talking thousands and thousands of years ago was the world flooded and that happened maybe like what if the world flooded even before the world government got here and did did it their way and that that's what led to the the development of fishmen and then what if like the humans came back and we like well we're here to take back our land because maybe the humans went somewhere else and that's what the celestial dragons are and so it's I mean something like that could actually work and then tying back to the helmet part I think the the helmet uh that the celestial dragons wear is interesting because their hair looks like whale tails also uh Loosely at least I I you know I'm a big whale guy so I would you know I would choose to believe that but um but I think it they kind look that way and so having them kind of in a fishbowl helmet with a whale tail already it's kind of tying to that fishmen Vibe so and also they're called Celestial dragons kaido was a dragon but he was actually a fish right because he had the fish fish fruit there's a yeah there's there's a lot there there there's some something with Evolution like someone evolving or not wanting to evolve or something is going to be relevant I'm like I'm almost positive um ve very interesting thought LG I I love that I'm going to think about that more because I got a lot of um in the Void sentury video that I was cooking already which I'm going to add a lot of flood stuff to it now I was it was already going to be in there but I'm add a lot more to it now that this chapter happened but something that was a big focus in the original script for it was kind of like population Dynamics and how the government probably wanted to wipe out a lot of the races or keep some of them to a minimum so he could they could leverage them in certain ways basically uh like drive people to near Extinction basically so tying that to what you said I think I'm going to think about that more because I think I think you might be cooking uh D le Joy boy with the $5 this chapter all but confirms to me that Frankie will merge with the sunny at some point 100% man 100% uh so I'm I'm glad you brought it up because going back to the the page with Baltimore the panel with Baltimore do you guys see what I mean by saying that the one thing has like the Sunny's head like this lion thing that was I don't know if he's the one asking the question but he's right here with the text no that was Frankie I heard he's turned himself into a ship that that there's a lion with the the like the same thing as the sunny like the little circular thing with a pointy like it's supposed to be like a lion's man but whatever it is they look like sun rays also kind of whatever um like the fact that's in the same area I I completely agree uh now I think the interesting thing is like when we say merge with the sunny like is it going to be a permanent thing like is Frankie going to literally become the sunny where they're one in the same or is it going to be a docking situation where he can merge with the sunny which is more what I think is going to happen where maybe like like the Frankie Shogun is ruined and now the sunny Frankie it becomes the new one um that's that's kind of what I think but um but I'm curious if you guys think it's going to be like a permanent thing cuz uh cuz I can kind of to see that too I think temporary is more likely but but I don't know uh Alandra soulless uh being a member for 5 months thank you very much uh Vega afro lasting forever and is part of his fruit I so I'm that's that's actually hella interesting that is that so that's so yeah so Vega Punk so okay so I had a couple issues with with the punk records thing where if Vega Punk died is it's kind of weird that his brain lived on I can kind of believe it now that I see it it's in a vat and you know it's it's a manga you know it's fiction whatever Oda can do whatever he wants but like you're bringing up um the part of his fruit yeah I'm I'm so glad you said that Alejandro because even if he dies even if his brain is kept here he should lose his fruit right and if he loses his fruit his brain shouldn't be this big then it cuz the the brain fruit lets his brain increase size exponentially there's like no limmit to the data that he can hold within his brain with that fruit but without the fruit cuz whenever you die you lose it it should then be back out into the world right and so now that his the brain is still here even though he's died for 10 minutes now that means that the powers are like lasting forever kind of like you know permanently at least it seems that way um it's now you're saying the Vega afro lasting forever going back to my theory that the one piece is an afro that contains all the information of the world and all that stuff uh this is kind of good evidence to a degree right cuz even after he died the the information is staying there apparently so imagine we go to laugh tale and it's and we get all the information of the world just like Roger did but instead of getting it from a giant brain in a vat like Punk records which we know has tons of information it's just it's just an afro like that's that's what I want man I want that so bad Oda ple Oda we got one W today all I need now is the mole and the afro all right those are big asks Oda I know those are big asks but please also Mass Deuce being the man marked by Flames would also be high on my radar for things to get right but I'll take the mole in the afro now I got the flood now all I need is the mole in the afro um which I mean this might be evidence for it I you know it's kind of hard for me to say at this point I I feel like I don't know I'm feeling myself a little but now that I got the first one I don't want to get too overconfident um young Usopp with the $2 thank you very much bro uh like the stream appreciate you everyone if you wouldn't mind liking D stream and after you like it go check out young usopp's Channel he makes some awesome content one piece music as well as theories one of my favorite voices on YouTube and I'm not just saying that I've told him like a hundred times and like the music voice is good too definitely go check out his music but just like the theory voice you know just the discussion one great easy listening for sure go check them out um and also another Super Chat from Young Uso for $5 history seems to always repeat itself the mother flame had to exist in the past the only known method to push an island to the Bottom of the Sea yeah so uh 100% agree with the history repeating itself by the way that needs to be like a stronger point in my my script for my void Century video because that's my next one that I'm doing because it's so true uh like literally we're probably see it everything that's happening right now is probably what happened before the void entry started the first time roughly speaking like the 20 Kings and all that like there's going to be those elements are going to be switched up from right now because we don't have a 20 King thing going on but regardless like just the main Staples of the situation are definitely going to be the same um and you said the mother flame had to exist in the past that's why I think it's the anti- pluton like like that because if you had the blueprints 800 years ago when the ancient kingdom was high-tech you probably could have made something like that and going you know any's Lobby like I said earlier in the Stream that's where we heard of the anti and where the hole in the ocean was so then to have that you know replicated on the other side like where maybe like excuse me I'm like burping every other every other word um yeah so like if we look at any's Lobby and say like maybe that one was caused by the anti pluton 800 years ago and now maybe Lucio was from the new anti pluton because the the blueprints got destroyed by Frankie right so it would be a different one it wouldn't be the actual like same exact design but probably very similar uh I really want to see Frankie react to the mother flame at some point because I feel like he would give us a lot of info um so yeah I'm with you I think I think anti pluton just makes the most sense or Uranus which Uranus might be an anti pluton to some degree but I think uh anti pluton might be the easiest just because it is a mechanical thing because it can be built and so you know that kind of fits in uh but I appreciate you thank you very much young usab uh s rap used 69 bits over on Twitch first time we see the Stella body he's kind of merged with the ancient robot oh that's a very good point he was like inside it and like phased through it right good point Saran rep always wondered how Vega Punk planned to get his brain off the island will his brain merge with the ancient robot to escape H uh wow so that's really interesting because they also wanted to use the Vega Force like a Vega robot earlier in the arc to escape and it broke and so we're wondering how they get off the island so like is Vega Punk going to merge with the ancient robot and basically do what Vega force was going to do I can kind of see that um I think the issue is getting the brain in it like if that's really their plan like it's almost like they have to carry the brain with them you know what I'm saying like they have to transport it um which that would be really tough like I think Luffy Awakening and shrinking it because he's rubber cuz like the brain expanding size is necessary for it to keep all the data in it cuz that's like the point of the brain brain fruit but then I wonder if Luffy goes and turns it to Rubber and shrinks it back down like would it would he lose data or would it all keep it in because the memories were also turned to Rubber and shrunken you know that that's hard for me to think through but maybe Luffy could make it rubber and shrink it and they could put it on the ship or S Bear could paw it away somewhere or Zeus can make a cloud for it to ride on I'm trying to think of how he can get it off the island I don't know ancient robot does make sense I just you know how is he going to get it in there right like because it's I could I could see the robot like tapping in a punk records easily uh especially if Vega Punk like merges but the brain part needs to be included and I'm not really sure I'm not sure I I I'm I'm I'm interested to hear what you you got to think about it because I don't know uh Time Lord with 69 bits over on Twitch on the topic of the flooding what if the government flooded the world in the past but since the flooding was stopped somehow they planned for a way to make the floating permanent this time reason I say this is perhaps tequila wolf was meant to serve as a networked across the world after the floods raise the water permanently their personal Highway completely agree with the tequila wolf thing 100 100 100% especially with the flooding now that we know like that's a thing 100% that's why they maybe took so long is like they needed it to go between certain places places or whatever um 100% any high up place in one piece that's like a decently you know Fair distance above the sea level needs to be looked at with like a under magnifying glass at this point um so I like that because it could also be a thing to like like once the world floods because everyone's going to take to a ship probably you know what I mean so they can they're out on the Seas it could also act as a way to like shoot down pirates that are or anybody who's on a ship like can just blow up everybody at that point like you know they have an easier way of like transporting ammo or or cannon fire or whatever along that bridge to shoot him down so I agree with that uh as for making the flooding permanent this time that I'm not so sure about because like cu the government don't want a world that's just completely devoid of people you know what I mean like they don't they don't want just an empty planet that they just have like they don't want just like a giant wet rock that they that they control like they want to have slaves and to live like kings you know what I mean and to get whatever they want you know anytime they want and you need people on the planet to do that and so this is actually kind of like the darker topic of the voice entry video I'm working on where basically uh you know like they they need people on the planet to to live the way they want and so they need to kind of have the people on the planet that the most subservient to them the easiest to control and sadly in one piece that's probably humans and so that's probably why they favored humans over all the other races not because they think humans are actually better it's not any kind of Supremacy thing it's because the humans are the worst or the weakest or the you know the the ones that are insects to them they think all races are insects to them to be completely fair but I guess I'm just saying that like they they view this as like their you know they they they keep the human population low they repopulate so they can you know start using them as slaves or whatever they're doing right and then um and then they repopulate and then it probably gets to this point where there's too many humans too many different Wills people know too much information and they try to wipe the Slate clean it it's almost like a cycle in that regard so um so yeah so I think their goal is to flood it entirely but then once everyone's dead recede the flooding let the planet go back to its normal State 800 years later do the flood again and just keep that cycle going so they can just stay in power forever that's basically what I think is happening um so so so but I love the tequila wolf idea uh Time Lord that absolutely fire uh and then St Constantine with the 11 Euro Super Chat do you think anel's devil fruit can be the original mother flame it has been used as a power source on the moon before it can be connected since they didn't see devil fruits for some time uh St Constantine you're cooking on the highest order right now uh because just like you said enel went to the moon and powered up the moon and now they're all the whole arm's awake and like the ancient city of B quote unquote is back right that's the idea and if you go to the hieroglyphs uh that that enel was looking at for like uh while he was on the moon part of it was like they ran out of resources on the moon and they had that's why they went to Earth because Earth had the resources they needed so tying it back to this power source stuff you know a lot of burka like the automata it they're they need a power source like they aren't just they aren't like humans where they eat like humans their power source is food basically as we're seeing with Luffy who eats and gets powered up and he's ready to fight again then he gets tired and all old then he eats again so humans power source is food right which actually food comes from the sun because you know going going along the food chain there's going to be a lot of science talk like like science class talk in this next void Century video but you know going back through the food chain uh you know the sun makes the plants grow animals eat the plants and then we eat the animals we also eat the plants too but you know what I mean just going through the that's basically how it works like the sun really gives us the energy that we eat it's just we get there's like I think you only capture like 10% from each step of the food chain or whatever so ending point is just that you know the power source for the moon like the N L was able to give that power directly because he's lightning where all the other people who lived on the moon which were his race the birkens as well as the sky peans and shandians they had to go down to the Earth for their own resources because they can't run off power the same way everyone else can so I think think definitely what happened St Constantine is that I don't know if necessarily anel had the first mother flame specifically maybe though maybe but I think for sure whoever had his fruit was powering the moon City burka right the because there's two burkas there's the there's a skypia level one that's near skypia uh that got destroyed by ANL then there's the moon one so the moon one I think 100% it was powered by anel's fruit which means like everything came full circle right anel like some past user of his fruit uh like left that left the moon and brought that fruit down to the Earth and then then he brought it back up later on because his goal was to go to the moon and so it's just like a perfect will kind of thing um and so so yeah so I wonder um as far as the power source goes or like the original mother flame because the original mother Flame or whatever was used at any's Lobby would have needed a ton of power I think anel's fruit makes sense but I also think it would be a little anticlimactic if the the the anci Kingdom's power source that Vega Punk has been searching for is just like an unlimited source of electricity like cuz I mean that's kind of what he's looking for but like for anel it's like that's all he is is electricity like a human that controls it so I think it would just be like a little simple if it's like oh that fruit was cuz like he knows a lot about devil fruits I guess is what I'm getting at like he should know that was it he should know there's like a lightning fruit out there or there should be he's probably looked through the encyclopedia so it's it should be something other than just the fruit but maybe the fruit can replicate it right like maybe maybe the fruit can accomplish a similar thing um so so I'm with you on like that fruit was incredibly important to the ancient Kingdom and stuff in the past at least at least that much 100% um D Almighty pizza with the $10 Super Chat finally caught a stream appreciate you for sliding in man I'm glad you caught one too uh just tuned in but each ancient weapon could also be a means of surviving the flood underground in the air and over and under the water cooking man all caps cooking also you think Roger Pirates have been prepping for the flood uh okay cooking man uh I'm going to go with the second part first because going with the Roger Pirates part uh Ry can coat ships so they can be in the water right so ship so like even if there's a flood your ship would be it can go in the water like obviously ships can already float on it but he's like reallyy already has it all figured out right and then um uh crocus he's with laboon who has a whole island inside if the world were to flood he can just hide inside laboon so yeah yeah I'm going to say probably Almighty Pizza they proba yeah I bet you they know about the flooding they definitely know about it and they probably been prepping here and there uh almost for sure I would say that's crazy that that's such a good connection uh and then the ancient weapon thing absolutely because like for pluton the the thing I brought up with it being a mole that makes it so perfect is that it still can be a ship because all you need to be a ship is go Island to Island if a ship can take you underground and just skip the water entirely and just do ground to ground transportation and just not even touch the water that's even better right that's better than a normal ship I'll take that I don't have to worry about Raging Waves I don't have to worry about a storm coming through I don't have to worry about floods you I mean not I mean ships normally float but you know what I mean like my ship can't sink in that way right like I'm I'm good um and then Uranus obviously in the sky Poseidon already controls the sea Kings absolutely Almighty people piz that was great great job great Super Chat um Kari 2600 with the $20 thank you very very much I don't know if Vega Punk dying means he loses devil fruit since Luffy technically died and still had his devil fruit after coming back to life maybe Vega Punk learned the true nature of devil fruits and they don't they don't leave when a user dies but maybe when their soul or Will dies so the thing with Luffy is he was dead for like like a sec I say a second was probably like a minute or less than a minute and the thing with Vega Punk is she's been dead for confirmed 10 minutes so I guess that's that's maybe the slight difference between the two um but regardless I think you might have a point in saying that the way the devil fruits reincarnate might be you know not as simple as what we saw with smiley I guess is the point uh cuz smiley smiley blew up and like immediately the fruit was reincarnated like it was like instantaneous almost um and the thing there is like you know like for instance I was would love to say something like oh maybe maybe the fruit only reincarnates when you're truly forgotten which is you know cuz like when you die or when you truly die I'm sorry because you know you're not dead till you're forgotten as we learned with Dr here you look but the thing with smiley is that he wasn't forgotten because literally right after that happened I think Caesar was like Smiley I'll see you again or something like that like Caesar obviously remembered Smiley there was no forgetting that smiley existed right so um so I guess I we probably just need to rethink how the Vega or how the devil fruit reincarnation works you know what I mean because like between Luffy and Vega Punk it's obviously not instantaneous and so there's got to be more to it um I was going to I was going to say something like maybe they maybe there's just no fruits left in the world that are the fruit those fruits tied to but that's like that would be like too specific of like a thing like like whatever fruit the gugu is tied to there's there's no more fruits in the world which might be a way of like ending the of reincarnation maybe like like if a fruit is supposed to be an apple and you and you got rid of every apple on Earth would it not reincarnate then maybe that seems that seems a little crazy but maybe um so yeah I think we I think we just need to we have a lot to learn about it I'll put it that way about how The Reincarnation works for sure kibari 100% um and the part you said about their soul or Will dies I can see that I guess I'm just thinking like like them being forgotten would be the most direct like their Will dies because like their will is completely forgotten it's gone it's lost to history there's no bringing it back Etc it's kind of like with um maybe a little bit with like in dress Rosa with the like sugar turning people to toys like you forgot about them so like that person's will is mostly gone it's still there in the toys though right the toys still had that will even though they like were forced to listen at least the ones that had contracts were forc to listen still like their will is there they're thinking they want to you know go do certain things so maybe it's like an extreme version of that like maybe you need to have like the will G like every that person needs to be completely erased from history or something but then again going back to Smiley I don't know I don't know we're we we'll figure it out I guess we probably don't have enough information I guess to uh figure it out but I'm going to I don't know I'm going to think about that more too because that's really interesting because that also ties to my void century video because going back to the flood if there is a flood that's going to wipe out the devil fruit users immediately if anybody if no one else the devil fruit users will hate the flood right because they just they're cooked and so part of my idea there is like maybe the flood will bring the fruits back to one place so the government can just have them all again and so maybe that will tie into this reincarnation thing so we'll find out about it I don't know we got a lot to learn uh Mr Bushido with the two Euros mid chapter but it was spoiled for me yep that that that'll do it the best chapters in the world can become the worst if you get spoiled on it my voice just cracked so bad as I was doing this and it caught onto a piece of hair and so like not all maybe my voice cracked because of that cuz my headphones caught onto a piece of hair maybe that was why both happened at the same time and it was very painful but um but yeah if you get spoiled even the best chapters can be uh can be you know pretty mid if you get spoiled on it like if somebody has honestly I need to give a major shout out to everybody for not spoiling me on this this this could have been so easy to spoil me even just saying like like the one comment I got which I didn't know what video which really helped where they said you were right I was like well I wonder what video that is you I I don't know what I got right could have been anything at this point um so uh so I just want to thank you guys for not spoiling me nobody went out of their way to at least that I caught on to so thank you very much that's it makes me feel good in case the mole ever gets proven true or the a this makes me feel confident that I that I won't get spoiled like the instant the spoilers come out so although that'll be a bit bigger than uh than than the than even the flooding stuff uh you know the one piece or the pluton you know uh Mr Bushido with the five EUR uh Giants and Bonnie will die I definitely agree with the Giants part at least Dori and brogi not sure about Bonnie but what if all Races used to live on giant elephant backs long ago like an avatar where people lived on lion turtles backs I feel like I like the idea that that people were on different animals backs because that also flips the Noah's Arc story on its head where like we as humans put animals on a ship to save them Oda could flip that so that humans like rode on animals as a ship you know what I'm saying so I actually really like that I don't think they would all be elephants just even though like I know zunisha is race is like the nomy Norita elephant and so there could be other ones in the past that could fill that so maybe they it could be all elephants that would be kind of just like a little repetitive I guess mainly so I could see other creatures having really long legs and that's maybe what helped the people in the flood last time you know like maybe whenever the flood happened they tried to save as many people as they could by getting different creatures then maybe Joy boy stretched their legs out with his fruit to be like all right all of you can walk in the water now save everybody please um I could actually see that I kind of like that idea I like that the more I think about it it's just the the the noa's arc flipping part of it because we have the Noah already The Arc Noah is actually what not Noah's Arc but the arc Noah so I actually I really like that Bushido the more I think about just not elephants but but I don't think Bonnie's gonna die though um I I'm feeling more and more certain about that by the chapter uh Kuma Kuma's going to die though Kuma Kuma's cooked I love Kuma but he's cooked I can't if if Kuma if Kuma gets out of here Bonnie gets out of here and Vega Punk gets out of here even if it's even if his body's dead but the brain lives on as a separate entity that's like still alive quote unquote if all those things happen then like you know oda's got to have some more death I feel like in in this Arc um which Bonnie would hit but Bonnie is like to you know she's 12 years old you know OD od's not going to be that that ruthless saving the 12-year-old girl is the point but uh but her dad dying maybe is like a last resort to save her I think that is uh on the table for sure because he's already kind of dead not like 100% dead but he's like 90% there I feel I feel so bad Kuma I'm sorry man Kuma I love you Kuma I'm G to make it up to you with the kuma analysis video after ahead's over I'm still doing that I'm pumped for the kuma analysis video because I know I know I mean I'm pumped for it in general but I know you guys are really pumped for that one or you know maybe like the one piece algorithm in general is pumped for that one but also I'm really pumped to do the Vega Punk analysis video cuz that's he personally appeals to me a lot I'm he's one of my favorite characters so both those are going to come after the arc's over but um for now the focus is on void Century 2 void Century Two like my video two you know part two the Extended Cut um I'm going to I'm going to try to get this out in the next couple weeks it's just you know a big video like this takes a while but uh I got I got the team ready uh you know got a great team behind me ready to go so we're going to figure this out and uh we're going to get it done well all right guys uh I want to thank you guys again this was amazing um I'm going to head out here in a couple minutes I got a couple announcements but I guess I want to say first if you guys stick around Kev dog just went live uh he actually went live like 15 minutes ago I took a little bit too long but whenever this ends this will for you over to Kev stream and Kev is amazing Kev is also holding a buggy bash the buggy Bash 2 because he did one last year uh next Friday so a week from today so I'll be on his Channel Next Friday anyway so if you haven't checked out Kev before definitely go do so uh other other couple announcements I just wanted to say real quick I'll probably do a community post about some of this but just a couple things um you guys have probably noticed me doing shorts more often lately uh and I have stopped the last couple weeks the reason why is between those in my daily Community posts semi daily every other day I I'm pretty sure those were affecting my algorithm pretty negatively um just like uh I could have a whole two-hour stream talking about how this stuff works but basically I think uh YouTube was showing my main videos to fewer people and instead choosing to show shorts in the community post and so it was affecting how many people were seeing my main Channel videos so long story short I'm going to stop those for right now and do them over on redacted instead uh and I also want to give you guys a massive massive thank you for supporting the redacted videos the last couple discussions I did one with Sai and one with hidden island um definitely going to have another one up soon probably I I I was thinking about doing a chapter review sort of one for this because this is such a big chapter uh but because I want to get that void Sentry video done I'll probably do one the following week so basically just stay tuned on redacted because there's going to be a lot more um either really long podcast style content or shorts and daily kind of content and then this is going to stay main you know streams that you everything you guys already come for the the big videos the big theories the live streams that every all that's going to stay here for sure it's just redacted is going to be the auxiliary stuff I guess you could say you know um so yeah I'm still figuring that out things might change again in a couple months but I'm just trying to do what makes the most sense for the channel right now so so thank you guys so much uh um again members uh there will be a post weekend about the next members giveaway for the TCG so if you're interested in that keep an eye on it and other than that I think that's about it for my announcements so um so yeah thank you guys again also Mr busho two Super Chat Oda killed kids before carrot gets time time fruit hey look if carrot gets the time time fruit that'll be one of the biggest W's of all time Bushido I I would love for the time time fruit to come back but um Oda might be leaving that one out just because I mean at this point if you go forward we might not see you again because one piece story is ending soon you know I mean if you jump if you jump a 100 years in the future now we might never see you so you know what carrot go ahead carrot get the time time fruit jump forward 20 years and then we never have to hear about carrot ever again all right guys thank you very much
Channel: Dak's Saké
Views: 6,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, #onepiece, one piece manga, one piece theory, one piece chapter, luffy, egghead, kizaru, sentomaru, kuma, vegapunk, saturn, gorosei, god valley, shanks, garling, one piece new manga chapter, jewelry bonney, bartholomew kuma, bonney, saint jay garcia saturn, sun god nika, egghead arc, egghead island, blackbeard, void history, void century, ancient kingdom one piece, one piece new chapter, one piece 1113, #onepiece1113
Id: KY9O35NpdRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 10sec (6670 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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