This Vegapunk Theory Is ABSOLUTE GENIUS | One Piece

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Vega Punk is the smartest man in the world most likely he is the smartest man in hundreds of years within the span of a few decades the world of one piece is catching up technologically to where they once were hundreds of years in the past and the reason is almost entirely vagabon trying to write genius characters in your story is not always advisable because for the character to come off as a genius you essentially have to write their role in the story on the same level not everyone can actually do this but someone who can is Aira Oda guys I'm of the opinion that Dr Vap has orchestrated a plot which will absolutely shatter 99.9% of our minds hey YouTube Jo booy here so so as of the latest two chapters of one piece we see that Dr Vega Punk the Stella Vega Punk has presumably died but his death has triggered a message Vega Punk is going to reveal the truth whatever that precisely means whether this is the research of OHA or the crimes of the world government in present day either way this is a message that the world government cannot have out there so as of the moment that I'm making this video vegab buunk has 10 minutes we have to wait 10 minutes before the message truly begins likewise the government has approximately 10 minutes in order to destroy it they seem to be aware of that it seems pretty likely that all five goray are going to end up in Egghead and they have themselves a rough plan Vega Punk is utilizing dindin Mushi across the world he has somehow hijacked marine frequencies and this transmission seemingly cannot be cut however the G they conclude that this signal must have some sort of source it originates from somewhere and they assume pretty logically that that source is the lab on Egghead so 10 minutes to penetrate the labos sphere and destroy the lab it seems pretty doable there's been plenty of and various kinds of countdowns in the history of one piece and this is already by far the best period the best and the reason it's so compelling is that usually the circumstances are reversed usually the straw hats have a certain time limit before they have to accomplish something the bomb in alabasta defeat crocodile before the bomb kills everybody the bird cage in dress Rosa defeat Doo before the bird cage kills everybody sunlight in Thriller bark defeat goria before everybody without a shadow dies you kind of get the pattern Egghead is the first defensive time limit honestly it's almost as if this Arc was meant to be like Luffy's official yonko Arc what does it mean to be a yonko well yonko are the four strongest pirates in the new world but they carved out territory possessing territory was one of the ways that trafer law defined what a yonko really is territory can be seen as a kind of treasure and what do pirates do they uh hoard the booty so they say all the booty is theirs literal mountains of booty and they'll defend it to the death so Luffy throughout the story has actually been acquiring territory somewhat low-key you know Fishman Island Dr Rosa wano now all of these countries are now affiliated with basically subordinate to Luffy those are his territory but without the the adventure with spiraling it's hard to actually like defend it like a real yonko should so in my mind that is part of the genius of Egghead Egghead is now Luffy's territory and he is defending it at least until he can get his people to safety because people's booties are the real booty that matters but there's an aspect of this that some people do not really like it bothers them and it essentially boils down to the fact that Vega Punk is a genius Vega Punk should know after he designed his dead man switch that shortly after his death the island of Egghead would likely be destroyed or if not destroyed it would be controlled by the government and the Marines Luffy arriving to be able to defend the island for 10 minutes was a fortunate happens s that there's just no way that Vega Punk would have accounted for what was always more realistic to occur is the Marines and cyer pole arrive they attempt to capture Dr vegapunk they either succeed or fail if they succeed vegab Punk probably gets a public or private execution but Egghead for sure is done if Vega Punk required Egghead to transmit this message it's just kind of stupid going back to the problem with designing genius characters The Power of Will and fate and your friends works very well for Luffy because of his nature it does not work the same for vegab buunk and his plots but I have a question for you with how insanely fire the entire Arc of Egghead has been are you really going to choose to doubt Oda now if Vega Punk is the smartest man in the world and right now it seems kind of silly to require Egghead in order to transmit this message which will only go off after youve died then maybe the genius actually accounted for this the only reason we think right now that by destroying the lab you will cut the message is because the goray assume this but the possibility exists that they assume wrong and quite honestly the more that I think about it the more that I am convinced that they have assumed wrong destroying the lab won't cut the message so with all this being said let's explain in great detail what Vega Punk's real plan actually was or is remember to like the video subscribe click the Bell to be notified you guys already know prepare for the heat the inherited will is important to the story of One Piece everywhere you look characters take up their friends dreams and I believe that the same thing occurred between Professor Clover and Dr Vega Punk Vega Punk personally visited orara after it had been destroyed because Clover was his friend I actually think that this was the unspoken purpose to the dragon and Vega Punk flashback in Ohara Vega Punk was mad about what occurred he was sad because he lost a friend but at that point he didn't actually intend to do anything about it but I think as he watched the Giants collect the Scholar's books and as he listened to dragon say I'll see to it that Clover's death and oar's will do not go to waste I think that the man with unending ideas had himself another through which feat of technology that was not yet invented could he finish what Clover started so basically the dead man switch is 22 years in the making from the moment that Dr VAP Punk decided to pursue the Scholar's taboo research he knew that he might reveal it to the world 22 years for the world's greatest genius is a very long time I believe that he should have rightfully concluded that if he wanted his message to be uninterrupted the source of the signal would have to remain hid essentially it must transmit from somewhere people would not expect it also must be able to transmit even if vegab Punk loses his lab so where is the transmission actually coming from guys some simple Logic for you it is a truly rare moment where it seems like the majority of of the community actually agree with each other that Vega Punk is probably going to reveal the Scholar's research most likely culminating in the name of the ancient Kingdom so through vegab Punk's efforts he will ensure that Clover's deaths and oar's will will not go to waste we agree on this right but if you recall this is exactly what dragon said dragon made this promise yet so far it does not appear as if dragon is involved at all that doesn't make sense promises mean something in the story of One Piece dragon made a promise if VAP Punk intended to reveal oar's research and fulfill their will and make sure that their deaths aren't wasted he would certainly collude with dragon who wants the very same thing so it may seem like veap Punk has done this on his own as like a solo artist but I really do not think so and I think that there's direct evidence from the story near the very beginning of Egghead the shock of vegab punk called dragon and he told him that he thought he would die soon suddenly based on recent chapters this carries a different meaning doesn't it if dragon is aware of the Dead Man's switch Vega Punk is also revealing that he thinks the truth of the world will soon be revealed which had been dragon's dream as well for 22 years a lot of fans have been complaining about dragon and the Revolutionary Army throughout this Arc they want them to do something do something many of us believe that the Revolutionary Army would make their appearance at the conclusion of Egghead maybe Luffy would meet Dragon for the first time here and now but here we are with less than an hour before the stries probably leave the island and where is Dragon exactly where he was at the beginning of the Ark a day earlier guys that's does not make any sense why the heck would vegapunk call Dragon specifically to inform him that he believes that he is about to die and then Dragon does nothing he does nothing they have not moved there had to be a purpose in vegapunk revealing to dragon that he would soon likely die and the only thing which makes any sense to me whatsoever is that dragon is involved with the dead man switch Vega Punk Was preparing him the reason dragon has not left kabaka kingdom is because he can't honestly guys if this theory is true then it necessitates the world government actually succeeding and destroying the labos spere destroying the lab they have to do that before the message concludes for us to discover that the source came from somewhere else basically guys if this series is true you know that Luffy ultimately fails which is kind of a big deal so what actually happened is vegapunk recorded this message and then sent it to Dragon basically dragon is streaming Vega Punk's recording from kamaka Kingdom which is definitely a big brain move in the world government is in for a surprise if this is true but I actually think that there might be more to say here I think the dragon made it clear and the flashback in ohar that he really badly wanted vegapunk on his side he' offered vegapunk membership to the freedom fighter sometime before and vegapunk rejected him Dragon was very clearly salty about this but I think that it implies that vegapunk had doubts about the Revolutionary Army's purpose like you shouldn't think of Vega punk as a revolutionary Army member ultimately vegapunk avoided helping them on multiple occasions where he very easily could have like for instance with the authority chip of the pacifista he didn't give Dragon ultimate Authority he gave jewelry Bonnie it had nothing to do with the revolution guys my personal opinion is that veap punk has been grappling with whether or not to Aid the Revolutionary Army the entire time a question that we have here with the circumstances of the dead man switch is why didn't the York Vega Punk know she had been working with the world government for some time she intended on betraying the other Vega punks it would have been prudent to inform them of what would occur if they killed the Stella so I think that she didn't know but I don't think it's because the Stella did not trust her guys I seriously wonder whether or not the Stella Vega Punk recorded this message we are about to watch today you'll notice in the message that the Stella is wearing the exact same clothes that we've seen Vega Punk wear all Arc if the recording was made sometime just before or during the course of this Arc that would explain why York did not know because the Stella had not synced with Punk records yet she literally slept through it guys this might seem wild to you that veut could finalize such an important plan essentially last minute but this is the smartest man in the world if anyone could do it he could but again going back to the flashback in a horror between dragon and Vega Punk the reason why Vega Punk basically rejected Dragon he States it outright as like look you guys do not have the resources to allow me to create he says don't be stupid what would my intellect and expertise achieve with an impoverished military force like yours throughout the arc vegapunk calls himself a humble genius but it's not true vegapunk has an ego he's almost single-mindedly compelled to change the world and the resources of the government always allowed him to scratch that itch and for me it's fitting after everything that he's gone through everything that he's seen to finally decide to Aid the Revolutionary Army at the moment that he knows that the world government is going to cut him off guys when we first meet the Stella Vega punk in the Egghead Arc something very strange occurred that has never been explained and seemingly no longer has a purpose Luffy and group had found the ancient giant robot by chance and then suddenly it explodes and there we see Vega Punk half in the robot and half out asking for help he says I failed again blasted someone anyone I need help the time space got Twisted somehow while I was warping he had warping technology the entire time and never used it guys I literally think that he just got done warping to and from kabaka Kingdom just know that for this Theory to make any sense vegab Punk had to have met privately with just dragon or dragon and Sao and not the rest of the Revolutionary Army but anyway I think the other half of this possible last minute decision by vegab Punk had a lot to do with the power that he was giving the Revolutionary Army if this is essentially being streamed from kabaka Kingdom then that would make dragon the streamer meaning Vega Punk has given him the means to speak to the entire world after Vega Punk's own message has concluded like I just said most of the Revolutionary Army seems confused about what Vega Punk is about to do the two exceptions are Sabo and dragon both have the classic dot dot dots of characters who have thoughts they both know something that everybody else does not the Revolutionary Army might actually have a big role to play at the conclusion of Egghead just not from Egghead the way that I see this going down is moments before vegapunk is about to reveal the name of the ancient Kingdom the goray will successfully destroy the lab but to their shock discover that the message does not stop VAB pun unlike Clover finished fines his sentence and then Doom the world sees dragon and Sabo ready to reveal the secrets of the world government that they have collected and the Very existence of emu but a lot of people have wondered why exactly vegab Punk required a video stream couldn't it have just been audio and that would have been perfectly fine guys vegab Punk potentially planning this last minute allows for him to have predicted what we are experiencing in Egghead right now he knew he was going to die why did he know he was going to die I think it's because he knew precisely what was coming to egad including Saturn aoro say guys this may be a hot take but Oda actually included space time manipulation and warping for Vega Punk at the very start of this Arc and that has never paid off in any capacity I kind of wonder if vegab Punk could have warped away the entire time if he wanted to but he didn't want to I feel like he almost set this up to be his execution and designed it exactly how he wanted it to be guys despite VI Punk's reasoning at the very beginning of his message there is absolutely no reason to wait 10 minutes before revealing the truth of the world there is no reason this message is effectively playing through every dinden Mushi in the the entire world they'll hear you this is how Vega Punk explains it I see that'll make it possible for anybody with a transponder snail to receive our initial voice message but they'll still need a while to prepare their visual transponder snails the time to set that up will vary from place to place basically guys we are literally waiting 10 minutes in order for people to set up the visual aspect of the denim Muji meaning Vega Punk considers it to be vital but if it's just meant to be Vega Punk or possibly Vega Punk and Dragons talking visuals AR necessary and you wouldn't needlessly need to waste time with the risk of being maybe he set up a way to stream the events at Egghead so the whole world could see the goray for what they actually are basically he knew that Egghead was about to become Ohara so the video feed is required so that the world could see it too waiting 10 minutes was partly about people setting up the visual D and mushies but was also about provoking the world government to do something drastic so that he could capture it live basically guys this theory proposes that Vega Punk is about to 5D chess and out maneuver the gors in the most vicious way that you could imagine he'll provide information which will theorize how the world government came into Power by erasing An Inconvenient Truth Dragon will then tell the world what he has discovered and then Vega Punk will show them physical proof guys if it goes down like this this might be the greatest argumentative ass whooping in anime history but anyway guys I hope that this makes sense if you take nothing else from this it's that veega punk calling Dragon needs to pay off in some way otherwise why include it viap Punk is a notoriously busy guy time is precious to him but despite what theity believed at the time he did not ask Dragon to save him he just informed him that he thought he was going to die with the reveal of the Dead Man's switch we should be asking questions about this if Dragon wasn't going to do anything with this Intel he could have simply found out that Vega Punk died when it was revealed in the news the next day but clearly he needed to know and it was not for him to storm to Egghead so I guess take this however you want to but I feel pretty certain that something is here anyway guys this was a community Theory I cannot take credit for it I heard this from a million different places but I thought I could add something to it and I definitely wanted to share my thoughts on it because this is not my head Cannon so let me know if you agree or disagree or have things to add to the theory in the comment section below remember to check out my book The booms Link in the description like the video subscribe click the Bell to be notified join the squad and as always guys have a wonderful day
Channel: Joy_Boy Theories
Views: 115,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, one piece theory, Joy Boy theories, one piece 1109, vegapunk, gorosei, egghead, dragon, one piece 1110
Id: rqWxir4R0CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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