I Built an Autopilot Cargo Ship for Torpedo Sub Target Practice! (Scrap Mechanic Gameplay)

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what's up guys my name is khan and we're back today with more scrap mechanic and today we're looking at a super cool vanilla build i decided after i built the submarine that you know it's pretty cool to have a submarine but shooting at stationary targets really wasn't that fun so i decided to build an entire cargo ship and a few people in the submarine video mentioned how it kind of had that world war ii feel to it which i agree with that you know the manual torpedoes the straight firing torpedoes uh it really does feel kind of like a world war ii submarine so i decided to make a sort of world war ii style transport ship uh very simple ship we've just got a single screw with a rudder in the back and of course it is all thruster driven and completely done in vanilla scrap mechanics so uh first thing we'll do we'll just get on board we gotta go underneath and hit one of these switches it deploys a very convenient step platform we just get up in here and uh before i guess we go inside we can just take a look it's a very simple ship now i tried to keep it relatively simple uh the main reason is the submarine is pretty complicated the ship is pretty complicated they're both big they're both floating on water and i wanted to make sure that you know it could drive on its own without causing too much lag and actually with the submarine it is a little bit laggy but it's not too bad so we've got four cargo bays uh we've got some basic cranes none of this moves it's all just you know it's all just for show we can hit it with a hammer just to look like a cargo ship the real fun stuff is underneath and then of course in the cargo bays let's actually just grab some plastic so we can cover them up uh but if we open up the cargo bays you can see we are hauling explosives and uh and level five thrusters and logic and some other things of course we can drive it on our own so uh down below here we've got more explosives more logic you see the whole thing is is rigged with explosives so it's designed where if you hit it with a torpedo pretty much anywhere you're gonna set off a chain reaction and the whole ship's gonna blow up and it's kind of amazing so that's the idea um it is rigged with explosives pretty much everywhere we've got a bubble block hull and uh this is sort of our i guess our engine room these are our auto pilot systems of course completely done in vanilla we'll get to that in a sec and then we can go upstairs to our main control area like i said i kept it relatively simple that's why there's no doors for example i didn't want to have extra bearings extra controllers extra calculations want to make sure it was as simple as possible uh we've got a couple of seats so we can of course get in and we can drive the boat normally with one two three and four which i just have remapped five will retract our two gangways there's just retract both of those and you know it drives like a normal ship it's not super fast the propeller spins in the water the rudder turns when we turn you know just just for show it's just controller driven nothing too fancy but six and seven are the real magic those are auto pilot systems so we're actually going to turn one of them on here if we go inside you can see the right side light is lit up that right side logic gate and that means we're actually tracking the right shoreline so the way the autopilot works is it uses 250 block range sensors so we've turned it on there number seven and now we can actually get out and walk on the deck and let the ship do its thing so when i originally made the autopilot i thought well in creative there's sort of this big ring of water around the world and i want the ship to just kind of drive around the ring of water on its own and just do laps right and i thought what if we just have sensors that read both sides like read both walls at the same time and just steer between them but the problem is it's actually this is a lot wider than you'd think it is you wouldn't realize how wide it is but it's actually fairly wide are we gonna hit that no we're good sometimes it'll you know if the propeller hits something underwater i didn't put a sensor on the propeller so that's the only risk because if the propeller gets hit uh it might screw up but anyway back to the autopilot so in the front we've got some sensors there's two in the nose these are aimed out 45 degrees in either direction uh there's sensors on this side one is aimed forward and one is aimed to the right all of these sensors have been blueprint edited to have a 250 block range the max range on a blueprint edited sensor is 255 so the max we could really go is 255 i went to 250 just to keep it nice and even um and so basically the ship sees 250 blocks in all the directions around the nose of the ship and those are underwater so it's actually reading the shoreline with the autopilot all we're doing is we set a left or a right autopilot and so right now we told it to follow the right side so what it's doing is it's trying to keep these sensors always within range of the shoreline at least one of these three sensors has to be picking up the shoreline and as long as the sensor picks up the shoreline it'll move away from it and then if a sensor stops picking up the shoreline it moves towards it so that's why you see the ship sort of going back and forth giving a little bit of variance and then there's actually a one second delay on each of the movements so when the ship decides oh i don't see the wall anymore it keeps going straight for one second before it turns away and then so on and so forth it goes straight again and that just prevents it from you know jerking back and forth so it does do a bunch of maneuvers it'll read rocks in the water for example like it read that rock and now it's you know trying to read the short it's gonna read this rock so it's gonna push us out but it will consistently follow around and it's actually like super cool i'm gonna make more more boats with this exact same autopilot system but you can see it's really cool like i can walk around i could do whatever it'll keep steering we could have you know a bigger boat with guns or whatever we want and it'll just keep you know driving on its own and if we go in here um well you don't see much here hold on we go down here to the logic you can see it's still it's still making the decision so this autopilot is the one we're using this one's the exact same it's a very simple autopilot not much to it it just basically says hey if you see the wall turn to away from it and if you don't see the wall turn towards it and this timer here in the middle gives it a one second delay between those movements so if it sees the wall it turns towards it if it doesn't see the wall it turns away and so on and so forth and that basically allows the ship to keep turning and these gates here you can see these control the directions of the thrust there is a reverse of course the autopilot doesn't use the reverse at all it just keeps driving straight forever uh we can enable the reverse on our own when we're manually driving it this is this is a bit of a pain to get out of when it's moving to be honest this there's no i have to put a chair down there we go there's no movement in here i should make this a ramp you know what what if we that doesn't matter we're gonna blow this ship up anyway but yeah we should make that a ramp oh my goodness hello well we're up here now but anyway it's really cool and i like the fact that this ship just keeps driving on seoul there's a few things with it i don't like um right off the bat you can see it's kind of listing to the one side i i can't seem to fix that there seems to be an issue with scrap mechanic water when you make something that's relatively neutrally buoyant like this does have a concrete base in the bottom there's concrete in the bottom of it which keeps it upright and then there's also a uh a bunch of bubble block and stuff like that but for some reason scram mechanic when you have something that's like really close to neutral buoyancy like the left and right movement it'll just kind of get off tilt with like the first turn you take and then it'll never fix itself so i don't really know what the deal is oh no it kind of did there sometimes it did sometimes it didn't so there's that and the other thing is i i find this is too fast uh but i'm gonna show you guys something really weird here so we've got a couple thrusters in the front um and if i just watch i'm gonna reduce these by one tick just two of them by one tick right and now i'm gonna turn off the autopilot and then i'm gonna turn it back on once we've stopped moving and the ship will like barely move there's something really weird with scrap mechanic water so here we go auto pilot's off okay we've got like 20 level 5 thrusters in this thing pushing it forward let's turn the autopilot back on oh now it's now it's working you stupid you stupid boat basically what was happening was um i would turn on the autopilot and reduce i'm trying to make this like just slightly slower than the submarine right but i was having this issue where it would either be completely bogged down and wouldn't move through the water at all or it would go so fast like that it just outran the submarine so trying to find a good balance of speed the water in scrap mechanic does weird weird calculations yeah here we go see now look i only reduced two thrusters out of all of them and look at the crawl that we're at now right and it'll never go past this crawl but when we were already at speed and then we reduced the thrust it maintained speed so i don't know what the deal is there i don't know if there's some drag this is obviously um really slow and easy to hit i find this is too slow so we can bring these back up but now like you know even if i look i bring them back up oh no we're moving again i don't know it's really weird all right i guess we're just gonna leave it at this speed this doesn't seem too bad and you can see watch we're gonna get to the corner here so we're still telling it to track the right wall it can't see the right wall so it's just gonna do a big turn i love this it's so cool and then boom turd keep going and then eventually it'll go straight down this way so obviously we're gonna let our cargo ship go um right i should probably save this i guess i'm not sure what the devs are gonna do with the water what changes they have i hope they work on the water physics though because they are a little bit wonky like obviously the water right now is just sort of a barrier and i would love to see water physics that are a little more responsive um just because it would be easier to make stuff consistently but you know it's not bad i will say i never thought when i first bought scrap mechanic that they would ever have water in the game and the fact that they do is just unbelievably awesome so uh here we go we're gonna turn this thing on set it to autopilot right side you don't have to have it in range like i put these little visual things to let you know when it's in range when it's not but um yeah you don't really need that you could put it in the middle and then have an autopilot but it's going to crank it hard until it finds the wall right and then it'll turn away from the wall so if you're not careful you might beach the ship it's just better off to kind of put it close to the shoreline and then let it do its thing so we're just going to we're just gonna ride this a little bit actually you know what i think we're gonna do i think we're gonna jump off here when we get close to this peninsula we're gonna let this thing keep going right and we're gonna jump off here we're gonna take a car and drive across the map and we're gonna get in the submarine on the other side of the map and set up an ambush and see if we can ambush this transport ship as it comes by i'm fairly confident it'll make it around the corner shouldn't be a problem so here let's just get off here good luck transport ship i believe in you all right we're just around the first corner here no signs of the enemy transport ship all right all of a sudden the lag hits up it does uh the two of these in the water about 40 frames per second 50 it's not it's not the greatest it's a little bit laggy uh to be honest they're very big creations but i think it's still pretty awesome oh i accidentally just shot a torpedo i didn't mean to do that i didn't mean to i didn't mean to uh torpedo away torpedo oh no that was a mistake i i forgot the controls for this are not the same as the controls for the other other ship all right torpedo sub number two i don't i don't see the transport ship i literally don't see it at all let's uh let's dive though get under gotta be sneaky and hidden i honestly have no idea for this train it should be coming around this corner unless it got stuck on like an underwater rock and i didn't notice the uh the frame rate definitely tanks just a wee bit when we go under the water i don't think scrap mechanic likes calculating this many floating things all at the same time but it's fine we're working we're working out the torpedo sub i will say definitely has a lot more moving parts than the transport ship i that's this is the main reason i tried to keep the transport ship as simple as possible because you know if you want to use it for a target for any sort of uh vehicles or whatever you want to make sure that uh it doesn't kill your game also the sub is is tipping up a lot more than usual that's weird in the front maybe it's because the game is calculating too much i uh is that oh there's the boat there's the boat there's the boat there's the boat you can see it right there on the edge of the corner okay okay let's go let's go all sneaky like let's go we gotta get broadside shots on this thing as it passes by right like that's the best way to do it okay it's so hard to see it below the water there's like barely any hull there it is above the water where is it oh it sees that rock uh-oh it's way it's gonna be way closer than i thought it would be uh full reverse full reverse back up back up we are not that fast in reverse oh no it's closing quick i don't i want to get a broadside shot man don't i don't want to be head on i don't think this is gonna i don't think this is gonna work all right we gotta time this too with the torpedo travel time trying to back up more all right i think we're gonna just do it fire two fire one fire two uh the second torpedo hatch didn't open uh houston we've got a problem did that blow up the first torpedo as well it did oh no oh no the second torpedo hatch got jammed somehow that's like the first time i've seen that happen oh my goodness all right that's fine we're just gonna leave the debris i can't believe that the first one was like away and then the second one just got hit that's okay the transport crew they didn't notice they didn't notice at all i got to make sure the hatches work oh man that was that was a problem let's uh let's check the hatches here real quick how do i how do i do that i guess just let me just place a block down on them that should fix it right in case they're jammed uh dive dive yeah we can't let the they'll notice the the sub debris that floated up it's not a big deal not a big deal see i think we're slightly faster than the transport ship ever so slightly but that's why i wanted to slow the transport chip down a little bit more than it is um because you know as fast as it is like it needs to be slower but then if i bring it down like it basically has two speeds it seems it's like this speed or a crawl and there's like nothing in the middle and i don't know how to make it you know slightly slower than this i tried weighing it down that didn't work once so i i don't know anyway let's let's see i don't know if we're gonna be able to hit this shot it is uh pretty much as fast as we are look we're stalking it though all right let's just let's just get a shot turn into it a little bit and hope our torpedo doors don't get jammed this time let's just you know let's just surface at this point we're pretty much visible here we go torpedo door one that opened good fire we're gonna let this torpedo get away first oh there's no way that's gonna hit oh that's such a miss oh maybe okay that one good that one's clean as well come on hit hit torpedo one hit hit it's so close it's gonna hit the bow it's gonna hit the bow yes yes it went look at it go completely sunk completely sunk oh my goodness that was awesome that was so awesome i didn't think that was gonna work i i thought it was gonna like graze the bow it's so cool how it explodes all right we're gonna we're gonna put another one in the water we're actually just gonna clear the whole world because there's so many parts now um it's it's a bit of a mess i definitely do not recommend doing this on anything but a fresh world so here we go we're just going to clear it so allow clear clear yes boom it's amazing that the devs put that in this time we'll have it uh go the opposite direction it doesn't really matter just to prove that it works though so we'll get her lined up and going back the way we came so we'll just turn oh this thing is so cool i'm so glad that it works as a target and the fact that i wanted to put explosives throughout the whole thing because when it was completely done there there was just a scrap like a handful of debris and when we sink this one we'll actually leave it and take a look but there's just like a handful of debris left in the water and i really really like that all right we're gonna navigate it just uh right next to shore here if we can there we go so you can see that lights on and then we press uh well now it's off but doesn't matter press six there we go perfect and it should be now tracking that left shoreline amazing you might say well it's going to run into that well that's why we have the sensors in the front so there's one looking forward one looking this way and one looking this way so it actually makes sure that if you are going to run into something directly in front of you it'll turn away from it before it does um which is kind of nice so that's sort of why you need three sensors but it works really really well i haven't really seen it running much yet um unless of course it hits those rocks like those big ones there below the water that are you know they come up right by the surface and uh some of them you can hit but i honestly in the time i've been testing it i haven't had that happen so it's kind of nice all right so we're just gonna let that go i'm gonna drive up the the shore again this time i'm gonna try and actually have the submarine hidden i'm gonna make sure to place blocks on the doors that's just that scrap mechanic glitch that happens sometimes where like doors get jammed and if you place a block on them it seems to clean it up all right transport ship should be way up in the distance there so let's just submerge real quick it's going to be coming along the left side shoreline you could have it follow the outside shore if you wanted to um but we're obviously it's have it's following the inside so let's just get over to the outside shore and make sure we uh we get this guy good i can't believe that first shot hit i thought it was gonna miss i thought it was wide across the bow to be honest i thought it was just gonna go up in front i have missed a bunch of shots when i was testing this creation out but apparently just you know one shot perfect there all right we're gonna try firing uh a couple across the broadside like the the nose of it first when it's coming towards us but actually that's probably a bad idea that gives us a way we really need to just lie in ambush and wait for it oh there it is i think yeah i think i think there is it's moving hull oh my goodness this is gonna be there it is you can barely see it it's gonna be like the impossible shot to hit and the torpedo's gotta float all the way up from underneath too if this shot hits it's gonna be amazing gonna be flat up let's actually let's come up a little bit just bring it up a little ways just so we can see a little bit more of the explosion there we go there's the boat okay all right it's coming it's navigating it always looks like it's coming like straight at you but then of course you know it's it's actually trying to follow that shoreline i don't know do we do we turn and i don't think we go for a shot this far off do we actually you know what we got to get down first let's uh place some blocks on the doors just to make sure they're all functioning in case they're broken all right you know do i do it i think you know what we're gonna go for a long shot we're gonna do it four fire all right there it goes torpedo away that might be good oh man that might actually be good you know what no i think it's gonna go across the bow i think it's gonna go in front of it i don't know we'll tell if we can see an explosion no i went way in front of it way in front of it all right five fire opened up good fire there it goes that one five looks like it's tracking though five that looks like a good tracking torpedo oh that's gonna hit that's gonna be dead in the side oh it turned a little bit though oh it hit in the back it hit the back oh yes oh my goodness let's go back up to the service oh that was so good it just clipped the back of it and that was it just game over the cool thing with this transport chip too is you could actually get another person to drive it and just not use the autopilot right you could have someone just try and steer it and the other person try and dodge it with the sub which maybe i'll do at another point in time if you guys like that i did of course build it to use as a target practice for myself because i think it's just super cool to try and torpedo it and i do want to build uh more like world war ii style boats in scrap mechanic that are all done in vanilla and just have like all sorts of cool you know explosive launching cannons and stuff like that but let me know what you guys think in the comments down below as you can see this is um this is what's left of the transport ship we're gonna just go out and take a look uh we're of course finding our submarine but uh yeah this is it it's all that's left is just a little bit here at the front and even then sometimes no in all the level five thrusters on the ground holy cow you see level 5 thrusters don't blow up look at this the crane sank this part sank oh that's so cool i made the top out of like scrap metal because i wanted to make sure that if it didn't get blown up it sank and look at that you got like the top of the stack and like this and look it actually trapped like a piece of although that might have said got it so this is awesome the other crane here all the thrusters it really does look like a debris field this is also why you need to definitely clear the world each time it just it gets ridiculously laggy but uh let me know what you guys think in the comments down below i really like this build obviously i love the torpedo submarine um and i think it was great but on its own the torpedo submarine you know it needs something to shoot at and i think this transport ship is just fantastic we can just spawn this in again um i i just really really like it i know it's a very simple build you know it took a while to build just because of its size there's not a huge amount of details on it i did want to make sure i kept it simple just for you know like i said to make sure it doesn't lag too much even though it still already lags but i think for what it is it looks really really great and uh i really like the fact that the submarine can still you know just just reduce it to a pile of rubble and if we had other ships like if i had a destroyer with a cannon with an explosive you could shoot that at this too and if you hit it in like one of these cargo holds um or somewhere along the side at the waterline you'll blow up the whole ship so really cool stuff but let me know what you guys think in the comments down below make sure of course hit that like button hit the subscribe button and as always i hope you guys enjoyed this video and we'll see y'all next time oh i'll put this on the workshop too so you guys can download it if you want and try it out [Music]
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 53,255
Rating: 4.9663372 out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic transport, scrap mechanic boat, scrap mechanic ship, scrap mechanic torpedo, scrap mechanic torpedo sub, scrap mechanic submarine, scrap mechanic automatic ship, scrap mechanic autopilot
Id: gPBYTxiGG0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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