Reacting To True Scary Story Animations Of Being Home Alone (Gave Me Goosebumps)

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hey I'm chafing the Cub Scouts welcome back to another episode of me reacting to scary animation sharing my own personal stories and just how do you know conversation with you guys in the comments and stuff like that I have no idea what to call this series but it's a good time the first episode did really well you guys talked about your own experiences a lot you guys want to see more we are gonna check out Wannsee entertainment videos again link to his channel will be in the description box below well we're gonna check out a few good ones in today's episode so guys cool with then you down with that everybody get ready and buckle up here we go first video for today's episode is called the man in my brother's closet I have no personal stories about this first of all because I don't have a brother and I also don't have a closet let's check this video out and I know I'm stupid this happened two months ago in January of 2019 oh wow this was recent went out to a party they told me they wouldn't be back until at least 3 a.m. in the morning because the party was supposed to start at 8 p.m. hold on guys so the party starts at 8 p.m. they're not gonna be home till 3 a.m. two parents are about to get they fucky-fucky on and the party was going to be in New Jersey I'm gonna have in Connecticut so yeah it's a while to get there and back ok they told me to watch my 10 year old brother and expected me to be responsible because I'm 15 years old whoa guys calm down he's 15 years old he can handle the brunt when they left we watched movies all night while eating a bunch of popcorn myself good brother was around 11:30 and we just finished watching infinity war I told my brother to brush his teeth and go to bed I stayed up later than him to watch the movie Logan the movie ended and it was around 2:00 in the morning and I was getting ready for bed when my brother came down the stairs I asked him what he was still doing up and he said the boogeyman was in his closet and I looked at him in confusion my brother isn't the type of kid to pull pranks or joke around he wanted me to check it out oh dude that's already giving me the heebie-jeebies because he even said his brother isn't the type to joke around like I have friends like that once who tell me stuff and I'm like get out of here man and I other friends that are more serious and when they tell me something I'm like oh cool I said fine and started saying he probably just heard a house noise he said he heard a noise coming from his closet and when he checked inside the boogeyman was whoa scare me I went inside his room I turned on the light and we went to the closet door I'll do it my guys I opened it and what I saw made me seriously angry there was a tall scruffy looking man with long black greasy hair what the heck I did not expect that I thought he was gonna be angry because he found his brother's dildo or something but there was actually a scruffy man inside of his closet why would that make him angry I would have shat my shorts he looked as if he was in his mid-40s and was fairly built I was pissed off when I saw this creep watching my 10 year old brother sleep and I figured out what my brother meant when he said the boogeyman wanted to touch him wait this kid was mad this 15 year old has bigger balls than the grown-ass man I've ever met like what he was mad that this guy hung out in everything looked like he got a spider in his nose this man was in his closet and instead of being scared for his life he was mad like he was ready to go John wick on that pass I was so pissed off I punched his throat Brad he dropped to the floor gasping for air but I stepped on his face as hard as I could at least six times [Laughter] ain't no way stomping out a grown man ain't no way making him believe those crusty 15 year-old toes get out of here buddy he was covered in blood and was having trouble breathing I grabbed my brother and ran into the bathroom locking the door and calling the cops then I called my parents my parents braked out in about ten minutes the cops showed up and searched the bedroom no way he wasn't in there they searched the house he wasn't anywhere to be found I gave them a good description of his appearance and an officer even stayed at our house until sunrise is this so hard to believe if my brother never came downstairs to tell me what happened then I fear the worst could have happened to him and I'm extremely thankful that did gotta be out like that though you ain't Michael Jordan put that toe back in next video today's episode is called true Home Alone Horror Story animated so let's check it out I'm 30 years old in this story took place when I was 13 my mother was a single mom and she had to work two jobs she worked at a grocery store in the morning in a bar at night wait you couldn't get a woman to voice this I thought it was a dude that was experiencing this and that was the mom so I was home alone a lot but it was okay because I was used to it yeah I could cook myself some dinner and walk back and forth to school I was a pretty responsible kid for my age one night I was watching TV while eating ice cream and someone knocked at the front door guy could be as my friends never came out this late in my mom would always use her key to get in guys when I was younger being home alone was some of the most anxiety filled moments in my life like moments like this are what I was expecting when I was home alone like what if somebody just randomly knocks on the door what if somebody comes in through the window what if somebody like cuts the power to my house and like tries to break in I always had those moments of just feeling completely paranoid and what's happening to this girl is exactly what I thought would happen to me when I was younger I opened the door and it was a man standing there with his hands in his pockets oh he replied hello young lady are your parents home stupidly I said no what's the [ __ ] my mom isn't home right now you have to come back tomorrow why would you ever say that guys I know I'm pausing the video a lot but never say that actually don't even open the door in the first place kids kids that are watching this or any young adults never open the door for someone you don't know they will call you they will text you you can look through your peephole if you can't see anybody never open the door no matter what he then said with a surprised smile on his face oh you're all alone huh oh yeah yeah I am he replied with okay young lady have a nice night what was the point of him coming over to Bane on the door then he seemed friendly but also weird at the same time hung out you know it was balding and had 70 Stiles glasses on with a mustache and bags under his eyes like he never slept you know if you had that combination going on you pretty much creepy as though about ten minutes pass and there was another knock at the door I gotta answer it before I open the door something told me to put the chain one yeah I don't know about you but my gut told me to do that good it was strange because we really didn't use the chain but I'm glad I did because as soon as I opened the door it was abruptly stop trying to change oh my goodness Sayre do anything I looked through the track of his door to see the same man again he said in a startled voice oh oh hey there I just wanted to make sure you were okay oh it was like he knew he failed getting inside the house and tried to play off this and any suspicious by speaking quickly and making it seem like he didn't just obviously try coming into the house I said I'm fine thanks and I should do it oh hold on I got a pause that like there's like watery eyes going on right now like what hey he came over the first time asked if anybody was home which was already weird she opened the door stupidly and said and he was like alright we'll have a good night BAM 10 minutes later nope this time her instincts or her gut feeling or whatever told her to put the chain on if you had a good gut like if you had a good gut feeling your go will be like don't open the damn door but she put the chain on the guy tried to actually barge in didn't even think that she would put the chain on and he felt stupid so he tried to play it off but Dane I gave me the heebie-jeebies at that time I didn't understand the situation or the dangers of what just happened but still I was a bit freaked out in one of my mom had come home soon I'd be throwing up if I was her in power1 by how scared I would be and I was still thinking about what happened so I started to watch a movie trying to keep my money it was the man once again oh my god dude I shouted leave me alone oh there's like water in my eyes dude that is so pretty creepy door screaming let me get you [ __ ] while slamming the front door handle up and down trying to get in I just stood back crying praying he doesn't get in he eventually gave up and left my mom came home about 30 minutes later just to find me crying and I told her everything that happened close the door was a dead dog we told the police but they never found this guy I looked back nothing how grateful I am that I had the feeling to put the chain on the door I hate to think what that man would have done if he had managed to get in why are you so freakin scary like I got goose bumps all over my damn arm the fact that he opened that little love whatever that is the mail hole my damn come on man tilde oh man that was good that was actually a really creepy one if you guys have had any home alone experiences or like any like paranoid thoughts let me know down in the comments below I always felt like something weird would happen when I was home alone and I always thought about like what I would do like what would the solution be if this happened what would I do to solve it like if somebody like that was banging on the door obviously I wouldn't open the door but if I did what would I do next what I call the police what I call my mom like what would I do when I get a baseball bat what I learn how to do karate and then fight that for I don't know like tell me what you guys would do but let's move on to the next one third video of today's episode is called true bathroom Horror Story and a little story from me guys every time I watch something scary or play a scary game on the channel or just do anything that creeps me out going to the bathroom is some of the most scary moments that I've had after I like have a scary experience you guys know what I mean like after I watch a scary movie if I'm gonna go to the bathroom and go pee or poo the current always has to be pulled open so I know that there's nobody behind there you guys know what I mean or when I take a shower after watching a scary movie poop shampooing my hair have one eye open you know just in case I always got to stay ready but yeah going to the bathroom after something scary happens it's just I don't know what it is it's just very creepy let's check out this true bathroom Horror Story this is a true horrifying instant that happened to me when I was very young the year was 2007 and I was an 8 year old girl studying at a primary school the school was old and it was built after the war and Japanese invasion in my country these army men and local people killed on the line beheaded too many teachers and students claim that they have encountered paranormal activity although I've never seen anything paranormal at the school this place still gave me a creepy vibe my class was located on the second floor just beside the girls bathroom the chilling part is we could see an old cemetery park from there before entering the bathroom bro-bro never used the bathroom when you can see the cemetery from outside like are you joking me bro one day when I was studying in my class I wanted to pee so I asked the teachers permission and went to the bathroom I got into the first doll and locked the door there was no light or anyone in there it was just me everything was silent cool suddenly someone banged and kicked the door that was in front of me I was in shock and froze for the first seconds I don't know why but I didn't scream for my life I just quickly pushed against the door so the person wouldn't break in after a few minutes the banging stopped why don't you just say that somebody's in here taking a fat [ __ ] in and they'll go away I waited for a few more minutes and opened the door there was no one in there I walked out ready to go back to my classroom then I saw student with broad shoulders and chocolate skin standing opposite of my direction it was waiting at me with a smile on his face I froze because he was one of my classmates and he actually sat near me I think after he saw me go out of the bathroom he followed me and that was him inside I quickly returned to my classroom and didn't speak of anything about it to anyone the student soon went in and sat down quietly he sat down and then looked at her like that bro I would have punched you right between your spaced-out eyes like this fool just walked up to his seat sat down and then look better look check this out guys I'm gonna go back real quick quietly I cannot recall his name but I still remember this incident even now I will never forget this horrifying experience I wonder what would have happened to me if I didn't lock the door or if he had successful wait that was it wait what was the point of it being like haunted and build like next to a cemetery what was the point of that all I got from that was some creepy ass kid that don't know how to like keep his eyes to himself I was just bein on your bathroom door I mean that is creepy but I thought it would be more like spiritual like some kind of ghosty type of thing but all right last video of today's episode is called creepy guy hiding in my closet I know we saw in today's video a guy hiding in a closet and then the dude apparently kicked them six times in his face I still don't believe that I don't know why I mean it could have happened but for some reason you know I just don't believe you kicked them six times in the face but you know what it doesn't even matter this video is called creepy guy hiding in my closet we are gonna check it out right now I was 10 at the time this happened I loved my bedroom since it had a TV a bed in a closet with my computer on my desk bro flexing on these hoes one night when I was sleeping I heard a noise coming from my closet which kind of woke me up I didn't mind it at all because I was still trying to fall back asleep to go to school tomorrow yeah three hours later after I woke up and ate breakfast I was getting ready to pack my bag which was in my bedroom for school when I got in my room and packed my bag I looked at the window and saw some tall black figure with a hoodie outside of my bedroom window my heart dropped and when I said who in the world is that the figure ran away Oh zombie ran away you gotta be kidding me wait I thought he was going to school why is this so damn dark outside I didn't see the figures face since he was wearing a black hoodie and it was a little dark outside since it was 5 a.m. in the morning oh that may say after I came back from school I was on my phone researching for my school project suddenly I heard a loud tap on the window you know this guy you can and this time I saw his face he was a man in his late 40s he had wrinkly skin and had black hair wrinkly skin wrinkly swalls everything and said hey want some candy some candy what is this the 80s come outside of your house and I'll give you some he laughed and waited for me to come outside he ran to the front door and made a mistake by standing there because my dad was going to go to work and he opened the front door and yelled at him get the hell off his property or he'll call the police yeah my dad had told him he had been outside of my bedroom window stalking me he was about to call the police when he realized he didn't want me to get scared that I was going to get kidnapped or something so he said he would install security cameras the only reason why I didn't scream when he was outside of my bedroom window is because that I thought it was one of my friends trying to study with me but I thought to myself why the hell would any of my friends want to study at 5 a.m. in the morning right and none of my press study period that night I heard someone laughing in my closet no way how did he get in there my eyes but I was scared to death since I heard that he was scratching the bedroom closet was something that sounded kind of like a knife I waited a minute or two until I looked up my courage to make a run for it it screamed for my life while I ran to my parents bedroom and locked the door I explained to them what happened and there was someone in my closet my mom called 911 the guy was saying stuff like come out and I won't make your parents watch as I stabbed you are you kidding me and that was the thing that made me so scared because my brain was alerting me that he did have a knife seconds later we heard sirens and me and my parents heard the police bust the door yelling police drop your weapon and put your hands up why would you say even me and my parents were relieved that he was gone I was very lucky that my closet was far away from my bed it turned out that the guy was a crazy mental guy who escaped from his mental hospital by stabbing the security guards and stabbed them over and over again you guys saw that from now on my parents have set up security cameras in each and every room and also outside who knows what would have happened to me if I didn't hear him laughing in my closet would I have been stabbed to death or what if he was hiding under my bed row since that day I still don't know how he got in my parents house maybe my mom or dad forgot to lock the front door or he got in from my bedroom window maybe that was it Hey yeah guys that is gonna do it for this episode of me reacting to more scary animations hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you guys want me to do more on other channels let me know some channels that you want me to react to and then maybe I can hit them up and get some permission from them to react to those videos also shout out to once the entertainment for allowing me to react to these videos if you guys want to check out more of their videos on their channel I will leave the link to wants the entertainment in the description box below but if you guys enjoyed this video and want more in the future make sure you guys give this video one big fat like and tell a friend today that Jay from the Cub Scouts is that dude
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 4,025,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kubz, scouts, kubz scouts, scary animation, reacting to scary animations, scary, animations, scary stories, scary cartoon, animated, horror cartoon, stories animated, true story, real story, reacting, reacting to, react, reaction, real stories, real stories animated, scary animations, animated short film, horror, funny, cartoon, cgi, scary video, ghost, chills, real stories animatied, reacting to animations
Id: Pbit1X49K9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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