We Drew Weird Stuff..

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today we are playing gartek phone if you don't know what gartek phone is it's essentially a website that lets you play drawing games with your friends uh some are uh based in animation some are based in destroying doodles others are just yeah they've got a big variety it's good time uh today today we have a quite a stacked lobby of people joining us for garcic phone i'm just gonna read them off as they are in the call in order uh we have colo uh who's very good uh dave capp kiwi hacker jaden animations modest cube trevor uh odd ones out good boy james and ouija the god we will have more people joining as uh time goes on um this is just our first uh attempt at trying to organize uh a lobby um we're gonna try to do this more often so i hope you guys are enjoying this because the last one we did was really really fun oh okay um i don't know what this is like creams and stuff oh it's terrible drawing i'm sorry in advance yeah me too oh this is cute hey what the [ __ ] um [Music] i don't know what that is [Music] i don't know i don't know what this is [Music] oh okay i like this one this one's this one's right up my alley we're getting to switch like from eraser back to uh pen after i erase i just go straight for the color oh wait it said money oh [ __ ] i missed right oh i miss red oh no i miss her that's the part that's the fun of garlic telephone oh i misread so have an oprah moment i misread it so bad what the oprah eats all of kipper's food no i misread it i my dyslexic ass misread a word and it's made mine ridiculous [Music] [Music] that was embarrassing when i looked up a chat and they're screaming at me and i'm just like what's their [ __ ] problem and then i just look up and i'm like oh no and there's no time left to correct my hard mistake we have one more drawing right i think so [Music] all right i think seeing the results is going to be the fun part dave did you just do you have the sound board that is not me what was that i don't know who's doing that that was me sorry wait did you actually fart i don't do that ross yes ross his farts sound extremely like the generic fart with reverb that we know and learn i mean i'd be impressed someone's got to have that part [Music] it happened from somewhere first or yeah what's the origin of the part with reverb the guy farted guy farted probably ate a lot and they went hot that's funny actually somebody found that sound effect in an old uh super mario brothers cartoon yes it was when like a thing came down to squish someone yup yeah i've heard it oh wait so it's not even a fart it's just sounds an awful lot like a fart it sounds like a [ __ ] it's the wilhelm fart yeah [Laughter] i'm glad we have like a lot of time to like you know think and type it out as opposed to like go go oh [Music] oh i don't want to draw this this is sad there's a lot of a specific character in these yes there's a lot of like a guy i don't know i i couldn't remember how to draw that actor so i just made depict a character that he he he did i know his i know his name chat i know his name's not that but i couldn't think how to draw that act doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter oh my god [Music] i have not been using the bucket tool i've just been using like the pen yeah same uh this is so bad yeah is this sure is love the content recently keep it up [Music] minus two no that's a plus one chat [Music] okay all right and here we go let's let's see our results oh boy here we go marshmallow man oh i wonder that was me being peer pressured by a [Laughter] [Music] appear pressured by a bee to drink drugs wolf being offered some bee juice excellent that's a good one bodybuilder too big to walk through door [Laughter] doesn't know if he should wear a red or blue shirt [Music] the nips large murderer stole victim's shirts what makes him a murderer stolen by st i'm sorry i meant to say stolen by stabber oh [Music] peppa pig is mad [Music] that was awesome oh it's man pig shoots you [Laughter] first degree murder by hairless teddy bear with a [Music] gun angry brainless bear shoots the odd ones out oh brainless barely surviving an encounter with a furry homer simpson loves going out to buy a donut oh hell yeah he does love that he loves it homer simpson enjoy doughnut and money so i [ __ ] up i thought i read monkey [Laughter] monkey is angry at homer [Music] but marge a monkey arguing with homer simpson [Music] [Laughter] that's my favorite homer simpson yelling profanities at each other very good great eats oreo seductively oh god i don't like where this is going oh oh there's an oreo james eating an eraser with stubble [Laughter] no james eats a chickalette bar but he has fleas i think any time i draw a person people thought it was me but i was just drunk one suit eating milk chocolate chip bar [Music] [Music] true oh [Laughter] [Music] i don't get humor this days oh yeah yeah that's a whole bunch of recycle goods yeah this one's awesome this is a good message chad remember to recycle chat yes throwing away apple juice box in the recycling box yes all correct well that one was just nice according to all no laws f aviation there is no way a beacon fell what [Music] right i ran out of space strange being quiet about your fondness for jazz music that's a good draw good i like that i couldn't remember how it looked jerry's very creepy that's creepy pasta i was wondering how seinfeld came up twice it was my fault i'm sorry that's good james hates jerry there was a lot of james ones wasn't there i mean i just rude [ __ ] bee [Laughter] eating a tasty salad with figs in it this is describing what i was doing i i didn't know what to draw tasty i'm dying for a [ __ ] salad over here wow a salad for a man shriveling up in the desert nice nice nice sun corner thank you thank you very well that's my signature he is nice salad in the middle of the desert smile that was all over a rabbit getting a diploma oh boy i'm glad the men are ruined [Music] oh [ __ ] this one turns rabbit gets education smile yay it's so happy look how happy this one is i'm real sorry everyone a plus bunny meat [Music] [Laughter] chomping on a bunny rabbit how could you do this [Music] he was just graduating small animals was pretty good i'm glad i got the small animal from the way to go ross you killed that rabbit sorry so we all create a drawing and then uh everyone's drawing gets passed around uh to everybody else and it's just we animate it wait do we have to choose a like a brush size to stick to no you can do whatever you want just i think this one just don't really use much color because you don't really get a lot of time accents are fine don't forget full color it's gonna be real difficult [Music] i'm making it harder chat that's the point i want to make it as hard as possible now i'm just teasing cola my god i hope cola gets it next what the what the [ __ ] are you doing no i just weren't you saying to keep it simple no no you mean draw whatever you need i mean if it degrades it's actually one of the best parts of this oh hell yeah again i love this one this is the same okay let's see if anyone can have to like color everything in now because there's no paint bucket tool somebody actually did create a script to let you create shortcuts for the tools oh really oh i should actually get that then i i like it oh dear god oh that's we don't get to see the first one no it's you only get one frame so it's basically straight ahead animation so always never gonna be good [Music] look um if we all hit done would it like go to the next yeah yeah it does it does we're just waiting on one person everyone's done that would be me oh no whoa this is actually going to be really interesting because i've never seen an animation with this many frames before because we got so many people oh man what the hell oh come on man okay uh this is a lot of color ready yeah it is a lot of color huh i think i think you got mine [Music] oh no i'm not done we'll get done faster i don't even know done enough there we go what okay what's happening i have no idea what this one is i'm just gonna sit here yeah are you not started yet oh no i finished oh that one was uh quick and easy add a twist of some sort um sure that's fair so far so good i think this one has the best payoff of any of the games in my opinion what the hell i feel i don't know what to do to this wait do we get past the same drawing multiple times because one of these looks very familiar nope really i don't know why we i would i i don't know which way this is going oh no i i'll do it this way this one's great this one's really good [ __ ] all right done i think i'm i'm done too okay oh my god oh my god this is this is uh delicious this is gonna look like a flip book at the end isn't it yeah um a flip book by like six year olds it's it's it's just it's so nonsensical by the end of it doing stuff like this makes me want to actually learn how to draw so like i feel like i could execute artistic ideas with people who can draw i mean i i can draw and i struggle drawing in this one [Music] oh i don't like this one i don't like this one at all there's nothing to this this is the last one huh this one's gross good i wonder how many times the red color has been used for blood in this round so much man what else would they use oh lipstick here goes nothing like nervous i'm so excited it's the girl at the beach i'm so excited have a lovely day i'm so sorry for this woman she's having a lovely day at the beach [Applause] asexual reproduction [Music] oh my goodness and i was like it's just gonna scream [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] oh that's good that one's great that one's great see up with the head i like how the bird the birds just descend yeah they lean out of here okay oh i know how this is so strong oh boy he is so strong that's a lot of muscles oh no do it do it do it [Music] [Laughter] again [Laughter] it's not even a bird anymore just a guy's mouth it's so violent there's not even like a pause for that second punch no not at all oh my god i like how his eyes get more and more crazy okay the sky's the limit with this one oh okay oh he's yeah okay always oh my god he doesn't make it oh wait how did it end up oh i oh i know where it ends [Laughter] oh yes if this works wait do we have another one uh you got that dave amazing such a magical medium oh it's another gun one drugs i like this guy's face [Laughter] oh my gosh i thought it was like a balloon head so it's like it's getting worse what is happening they're both in pain oh god i had them burp [Music] fire all right that one's great one the fire getting worse oh all of us were like oh this one i didn't know what i was looking at at all dude i was like what is this it's closer oh no he's getting too close [Music] i'm uncomfy [Music] i was hoping it would just be like on some eyeliner yeah it's a little guy oh man in there standing up little where's he gonna go [Music] you eat him there it is that is he's kind of a nightmare that's nightmare fuel oh look at him [Laughter] oh that's what that was supposed to be oh look it was crotch he's got a package for him oh wait i remember this being like what what i i don't know wait so i thought i remember this one having a gun oh yeah there we go that's a nice ending that's so cute [Applause] oh god all right they're both creatures of crime they are [Music] okay this one was i don't know what was going on with this one i believe you and i boasted fruit what the hell i know right i i did that and the next thing i saw was a strawberry and i was like oh [Music] [Music] oh god every time it always ends in death everyone has to die that's the only question we can think of [Music] this guy he's just happy that it happened wow [Laughter] i like that right i do like how the other guy pops up at the end okay nice little strawberry oh is this [Music] okay oh this is good that's what this is i was so confused by this one i was just like what is that happening i thought we were making yeah we're making a strawberry explosion yeah i mean i figured strawberry apocalypse i just don't know if everyone's gonna figure it out [Music] [Laughter] is [Music] [Laughter] yeah that actually looks really good yeah the explosion's pretty good yeah wow yeah look at it yeah look at it like disappear that's like the pieces i love that look at manny i like manny i think he looks good he looked great before he was crushed to pieces rest in peace okay i remember this one so cute okay yup trying to get the dent in the head he's hungry nice yeah this is gotta no she wants to push this jaden keeps introducing characters [Laughter] that's great [Laughter] oh that was awesome that's amazing it just gets happy to sad it's i love it i like how he shrivels up yeah that one's great holy crap that's awesome so you're gonna have less and less time to draw [Music] that's nice oh i got yours very good i had onion skin for this this is going to go very badly for me because i don't remember how to draw this character oh we really have to commit it to memory second huh i'm so sorry to everybody who drew good stuff i need to draw they need to draw the abs hold up the abs [Music] [Laughter] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you they're calling in okay i think i nailed it i think i nailed it as fast as i could oh wow i think i nailed it uh i don't know what this is i feel like my object permanence is not like developed anymore ah we're already done no time come on give me more time [Music] okay oh [ __ ] oh i think i got this one no it's so bad no idea wow it's only going to get faster for three more holy cow the next one's going to be insane [Laughter] we're not even at the fastest yet oh no um [Music] [Laughter] there's no time okay i finished i actually did it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is this is putting me to the test and trying to get this right all right you ready i'm scared my hand hurts jayden sorry about your carpal tunnel [Music] thank you oh i walk in the rain here's me ruining that [Music] oh well this is nice isn't it above his head he's just getting wet [Music] running out of time [Music] i wish i played a gif at the end i feel like that's much needed there he is okay took one of his phones oh that one's awesome this one after it isn't awesome abstract art the ball chin was regained [Music] he's a cool guy he's very [Music] hey [Music] wow cartoons [Music] oh my god [Music] that was hard to draw that much time there it is brought a bit yeah and then we lie i don't i know one of those lines was reversed it didn't it didn't notice god that must happen to you too cade because like that's not what my final drawing looked like uh yeah that big line on top of my head that was not there my final drawing i don't know why that's there [Music] i wasn't sure among us here he comes i didn't even remember the second oh my god i love how just with that just with that you're able to know what it is easy to know at that point wow got the colors in there nice [Music] damn nice that i'm it was bare it was like so good it was a cat for one yeah it went from reverted back to original among us it was among us all along it stayed among us though okay is that youtube wow wow youtube how to make money on youtube oh wow wow by animating apparently wow wow wow wow wow wow wow one dot wow wow i didn't know what was happening so i just did the same thing like oh wow yeah you lost so well oh dude [Music] [Laughter] is he drawing homer yeah okay so the laptop became a cintiq cintiq became james with cintiq and then it became abstract art and then i just shrugged it off and then it became a big pencil and then it was a drawing of homer oh wow fantastic wow that was pretty good oh oh i like this one okay now i know what i was drawing [Music] very good beat i'm i'm glad i just remembered the house in the background [Music] wow [Music] [Laughter] [Music] not good at perspective he was just a little baby that's a beautiful story how much i love you i like that one just feel it then it becomes mother and child it's so funny got it okay this one went off right here dog on a plane i guess no idea [Music] [Applause] it's staying on brand [Music] i don't know i'm a little worried about where this is going okay okay i think it was a glitch that's what yeah that must have happened yeah yeah this was the big glitch so that's gonna be an unusual animation oh smith wow very cute i didn't know that so i can only assume it didn't work i'm so sorry that's the one i thought you drew ron i had no idea what to do now now i see what i was drawing i still don't recognize any of this i recognize it now oh i see it okay okay okay okay okay wow not my great hand it's pretty good that's the man you got all the fingers flamantha 2.0 right there ross this is my drawing of your oc i hope you like thank you guys i really appreciate all the fan art it's fantastic okay we'll see what dave did i'm curious with it he's so strong oh my god oh yes that's so good thank you this is the best part when people interpret what i was trying to do and make it look good i love it okay one nipple one nipple well there's a small one yes one's larger than the other i thought this was like piccolo at first like a really big puff yeah what was that i i was like something with wings that's nice huh yeah okay it's evolution ah muscle suit deflated wow just what color drawing great magnificent great round everybody great rounds [Music] you
Channel: RubberRoss
Views: 913,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RubberRoss, Jaiden Animations, Odd1sout, Colo, Gartic Phone Animation, Gartic Phone, Gartic Phone with artists, Ross O'Donovan
Id: Iywag-0Kv2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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