We doubled the lifespan of HVAC.

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rivets or screws a simple question a simple decision point but when you're designing a piece of equipment meant to bring Comfort to millions of people these choices add up hey I'm Hermon the guy putting together these videos today we're going to be following Engineers Bill Mike and Caleb as we delve into just some of the engineering turning points that make a quality HVAC unit from component selection to logic design manufacturing hurdles and life beyond the assembly line will'll explain why and how we do what we do there are envelopes that need to be pushed and boundaries that need to be explored and hopefully we can make the industry come a long way from where it is today so we were always involved with the kitchen ventilation business and makeup air business but we always knew there was something missing most people are used to dealing with all kinds of problems with their rtus whether it's belt breaking uh refrigerant leaks the average lifespan of that basic rtu is 12 years that wasn't sufficient to us and on the flip side the high-end equipment was very expensive and very complex the sequence of operations were very complex so we took a step back looked at all these factors and wanted to create a highquality simple unit that lasted the lifetime of the building every single component had to meet that threshold standard will this component last 205 5 years that's a simple question it's very hard to answer but it's a simple question and a simple starting point and that's how Paragon was born shortly after I started I came out in the in the lab and saw the very first prototype which pretty much consisted of some sheet metal design and a lot of Concepts that are still used and and others that are uh very long gone you have three primary drivers of energy the outdoor fans the indoor fan and the compressor so we had all those in mind making decisions on these components that would bring the overall energy consumption down while not sacrificing [Music] performance for the compressors we had three options you know there's your onoff compressor right that just you send power to it it runs at one speed you take power off it shuts down then you have your digital scroll compressors where these compressors always have power and they just disengaged the compression Scrolls at various rates and by doing that you can change the amount of refrigerant flow this is more efficient than on and off but it's not as efficient as actually slowing down the compressor varying the speed of the compressor to achieve the desired flow rates Refrigeration flow rates that were needed for your design so with that in mind we were looking for the highest efficiency components right so onoff compressors rle digital compressors were out so at the time there were really only two manufacturers that developed or had a design that could be scaled of variable scroll compressors that we could use there are different levels of quality suppliers out there but there's only one best component that we can use and it's our job to ensure that we're selecting the best quality components for our end users in this case the efficiency build quality and reputation of the two manufacturers were neck and neck but it's not really until you reach out to suppliers that you understand how they work and what a future relationship might look like do they communicate well are they reluctant to send you a sample to test out these are all things to consider and of course there's the cost the market has an acceptable level of cost and price point so we have to figure out a way to design a highquality unit that the market will accept so one of the first and most important decisions was deciding on that compressor after that some things came into better Clarity for example we would have never used a TXV in place of an eev the eev was almost mandated because of that variable speed compressor check valves in the system and accumulators crank case heaters things like that if we're going to go with this high quality compressor we want to do everything possible to protect it since the evev is responsible for controlling superheat this is one of the biggest safeguards in ensuring the compressor isn't exposed to liquid refrigerant so let's cut into one so we can see how it works the refrigerant flows in this direction and is metered by this needle moving the needle is a stepper motor when we close the needle it changes how much refrigerant flows through this orifice so how accurate can we be well in this valve we have 2500 steps of control between the needle being completely closed and completely open so we can be extremely precise on how we meet our refrigerant using these valves was one thing we got right from the get-go but we weren't always so lucky so there were many examples during the design phase of let's try this technology or let's try that and see if it works some of those were just complete dead ends we realized that right off the bat for example on our outdoor condensing fans we tried to use an industry standard prop fan with a small motor and we realized really quickly with a high quality high performance unit the condensing coils end up having a little higher static pressure what we found is those prop fans could not pull the air through those coils correctly and basically led to higher operating pressures which translated into higher energy use [Music] we start to look at other manufacturers other equipment and then you go I wonder you know this is used in this application but it's really the same as what I'm trying to do we standardize on a high-end EC motor condensing fan very low noise and it made a world of difference for the overall unit performance every single fan essentially has a vfd a variable frequency drive that's tuned to that specific motor in that housing and what that does is it allows us to use the most efficient combination of propeller motor and housing there's static blades on the leaving edge of those fans that help to straighten the air flow patterns ultimately reducing the energy required anytime you can move air in a straight pattern that's going to be the most efficient and most expected path of that air flow these kinds of designs are also seen in high performance applications like gas turbine engines including the noise reducing Chevrons which are inspired by none other than Mother Nature Nature is uh very slow but always gets things done right and does so in a very efficient manner so by modeling their propellers off of whale fins they were able to increase their efficiency by a couple percent and it doesn't seem like much but when you're moving that fan maybe have an application where it's 24 hours a day 7 days a week that 1 to 2% can save a lot of money for the end [Music] user at this point in my career I've realized that belts are designed to fail so if you have a belt driven HVAC unit you are actually designing failure into the unit with direct drive blowers there's no belt present so you've eliminated that failure mode we use a mixture of electronically commutated Motors and high efficiency AC Motors to create the best possible energy and Longevity solutions for the equipment not every 10 horsepower motor is created equally there's different torque curves and different electrical characteristics so we have to know that data and we have to make good engineering judgment on which motor is going to perform best in this equipment motor selection also depends on what type type of fan we're using and we can specify two designs the first is centrifugal meaning as the fan spins the air is for centrifugally around the fan these fans are simple affordable and excellent at overcoming static pressure the second is a mixed Flow Design so what are we mixing well a mixed flow wheel is part centrifugal in part axial also forcing air longitudinally across the fan adding the axial element helps improve efficiency when moving High volumes of air it also allows us to manufacture a more structurally robust wheel that we can spin faster and with less vibration thus our mix flow Wheels can handle even higher static pressures this is actually very important partly due to what sits just Upstream of these wheels if you look at a standard rtu versus Paragon one major difference will be that indoor coil if you look at Paragon the coil is very thick and you may ask well why do you need such a heavyduty coil in this unit and the answer is as that air passes through that coil there has to be enough residence time for the air to cool down and water to drop out of the air moisture to drop out of the air so it's thick thicker than a standard rtu because we process that outdoor air and remove that moisture correctly with standard rtus the coils are thin so they're only good at sensible loads they're not good at handling latent loads we didn't know what was going to happen in 2020 but we knew that outdoor air was going to become more prevalent over time so we designed the unit on purpose to handle that outdoor air universally if you want it perfect conditions in a space you have to handle that moisture correctly aside from coil thickness the fin density fin pattern tube diameter and number of circuits are all optimized to draw moisture out of the air with the least possible static pressure penalty just Upstream of this coil are the filters and then you'll find the outdoor air damper which controls just how much fresh air the unit will introduce we interviewed one producer of rtus we asked them why there was so much play in the damper blades So when you say you're introducing x amount of outdoor air into a building say it's 20% outdoor air and those damper blades can actually move how do you know you're actually delivering 20% outdoor air when the damper can fluctuate so we selected a damper that didn't have that play in it the gears are interlocking and they lock to a specific Place ensuring an exact amount of air quantity coming into the building this is just common sense engineering and it applies to the small details too with features like built-in lighting and convenience electrical locating pins for the Lesser use panel and easy access doors with removable hinges for commonly accessed areas so servicing these units is easy and you don't end up with 100 screws on the roof and speaking of screws we don't use them at least not in the sheet metal construction that is instead we use rivets which seal the unit better provide better structural alignment and never work themselves loose if you look at just the overall housing and the sheet metal in the unit we use a g90 galvanized material g90 means how thick that zinc coating is on the outside of the metal so there's different grades of galvanized g90 is one of the thicker Coatings available and that coating is important you'll notice a lot of people will paint their equipment and while that may look good up front and brand new if you were to scratch that paint that exposes That Base metal to corrosion and that corrosion will spread rapidly on the surface of the equipment with galvanized material it has a cell healing effect where it will oxidize over and actually cure or self-heal that scratch eliminating the paint step reduces lead Times by several days so this is yet another Common Sense decision stainless steel is another material we use more selectively like for our drain pans or our heating coils in most rtus these are usually made of aluminized steel which works but can corrode over time allowing rust to take over with the unit meant to last 20 plus years stainless steel is just the way to go and while we're here it should be no surprise that our heating manifolds all modulate and we even offer a split manifold design which allows for extreme turndown ratios to deliver a precise discharge without having to cycle the heat on and off when demand is low our primary focus was focusing on the sustainability of the equipment making it as efficient as possible and and as simplified as possible so this is why we don't emphasize things like energy recovery ventilation we wanted to make standard what we knew was a very reliable long-term technology and eliminate the things that cause complexity and problems for [Music] users you can select the best components in the world but that doesn't mean it's going to translate to the best HVAC unit in the world it's important to ask yourself do you really know what you're doing and that's a very abstract question but it's very important if you don't know the details of something you really won't know the outcome so knowing the details of how something operates or how components work influence how the overall system works and it influences the overall outcome of the system when you have a lot of components that are dependent on each other but also modulating somewhat independently you really have to understand what makes one component move right so for an expansion valve for example what is going to drive my expansion valve to increase or decrease it's superheat on the flip side of that superheats measured at the exit of your indoor coil right Upstream of your compressor which is also modulating right so how do you determine okay well I don't want my compressor to fight my eev even though it's a far path to get from the discharge of the compressor you know you have to go through a lot of components all the way to the expansion valve but they still do have a little bit of a delayed effect so understanding how to control that eev so that's responsive to those changes but also is capable of maintaining that super heat in a adequate amount of time is pretty critical back in the 1920s Russian American engineer Nicola minori was researching automated ship control for the US Navy part of his research involved observing how a houseman controlled a ship so how does a human steer a ship what kind of feedback do they take into account and from this he formally developed what we now call three- term control let me explain say we have a ship going straight in this course and we wanted to turn and follow this other course naturally we have to turn the rudder but how much do we just turn as hard as we can hm probably not then we'd overshoot a bunch so how do we do this well if our desired course is way different than our current one we would turn a lot but if it's just a little different we would just turn a little bit so how much we turn to correct our course is proportional to how much we need to correct right and that's our first term now let's say we turn the ship this amount but realize we're still not changing course Very quickly maybe there's some wind or a current pushing the ship this way at this rate it will take a really long time to get back on course or it might never happen so accounting for time we steer some more this is our second term integral control now finally the ship is heading towards the right course at an acceptable rate but we all know we're going to have to steer right to intercept this path otherwise we'd just cut right through it in a way we can look into the future anticipate what will happen and react accordingly and this is our last term derivative control three- term controllers often referred to as P controllers or P Loops are used extensively in industrial applications and while back in minori times this would be implemented as a complex feedback circuit we can Implement P Loops using software and the right inputs and outputs for example if as Mike mentioned we want to maintain a certain superheat we would need a pressure and temperature sensor at the outlet of the evaporator a way to control superheat and the right P Loop to smoothly steer us towards our Target and just like wind and currents affected how the ship steered conditions around our units changed constantly so Paragon uses quite a few sensors to take all these variables into account in conjunction with finally tuned P controls we have to control every one of these components in the system and there is a specific guideline on every component on how you write that P Lo and how you control them how many times you cycle them on and off in an hour and how you bring oil back to different systems so all that has to be researched and we have to do it the correct way to maintain that quality standard and the end result is if you do that correctly that can translate to better indoor air quality because you can hold a very tight band in temperature humidity and CO2 levels in the space so it starts at understanding the basic component that the details of that component into a bigger assembly and that can translate into the overall outcome into a building Refrigeration is very integral in my life here but theory is just one portion of design practical application and empirical testing that's the other half you can design this in a lab for 10 years throw a unit in real conditions and learn things you wouldn't have even thought of in the lab environment so let's get a unit out in the real world as soon as possible let's let's get that beta going let's get that data coming in because a lot of the development and a lot of the unique Corner cases that may exist will happen when you start introducing various environments cold hot mixing between the shoulder season is always a killer for refrigeration systems because it gets hot inside due to maybe internal demands maybe it's nighttime and it was a really hot day so now your thermal mass of your building starting to really take an effect on the indoors so you need a cool but it's really cold outside so how's the system going to operate when you need a little bit of cooling and it's cold outside so all of those start to come into play when you prototype units that kind of goes hand inand it's almost like modulation on modulation and you want to be as Dynamic and flowing as possible to your conditions writing this software and logic to achieve this Flow State took years and it's not just about extracting all the performance we can out of the system it's also about making it last just the compressor itself we had to figure out how to throttle the compressor how to ramp it up how to slow it down how to manage refrigerant in the off cycle Believe It or Not What happens when the unit is off is almost just as important as what happens when the unit is running one challenge with variable speed compressors is oil management and how do you keep oil circulating through the system how do you ensure that any oil that's in the system gets returned to the compressor we do that through oil boost cycles and we actually monitor the presence of oil with an oil level sensor we have an operating envelope where we're looking at different conditions of the way the compr compressors operating and we will throttle that compressor to get into a safe range so if pressures become too high or too low we'll throttle that compressor to make sure that we do everything possible to keep the unit Heating and Cooling when it's most needed in a standard rtu you will not find any of this technology or any of these capabilities this is a newer technology that we've standardized on and we're changing the industry because of it one place we soell clear room for Improvement were the electronics driving these units I mean sure you can claim a unit is smart but just how smart is it to run off the shelf plcs designed to be mediocre at everything and Stellar at nothing so instead of using an off-the-shelf PLC with someone else creating software where you may not know all the details of what's going on in there we brought all that in house we designed our own circuit board and our own software so our engineering Department can make changes very rapidly with that all of our circuit boards are conformally coated to resist moisture we designed circuits with through hole mounts where we need some structure on that circuit instead of surface mount just looking at the most basic of components whether it's a little terminal block or a little temperature sensor if one of those components goes bad or has a problem with it it can take the whole system down so it's very important even to the smallest component in the unit to select the best component available and then when you have a sensor that is involved with a critical operation of the unit you want to plan for redundancy there so in a lot of cases we'll have two sensors measuring the same exact temperature and if one were to fail we'll revert back to that second one our latest sit ation incorporates a lot more sensors and a lot more logic to make sure all of these moving components are operating in harmony cuz if you start having them operate out of sync you can cause some real issues with your efficiency you can cause damage to components uh you could cause premature failure so by running through that design and iterative process to get to where we are now we really have a much deeper understanding of where we were initially nothing really happens overnight if you think about it it's a gradual process step by step you always learn from where you're at now and where you want to be so we practice that Japanese art of Kaizen which means you make daily incremental improvements and if you look at that over a long period of time not only does it impact your entire company but each and every product gets better each and every every day through better quality and better process [Music] standards if you're the quality manager for a company or quality director for a company and you're producing thousands of products a day over multiple manufacturing centers how are you by yourself going to maintain and manage quity quality it would be impossible because of that fact everyone has to be involved in improving quality it's not one individual it's everyone that touches that product along the way whether it's engineering sales service or production Bob started this concept called quality at the source which means that everyone takes personal responsibility for what they're doing and we still practice this today after all these years of the company being an existence it's been the most reliable source of quality that we [Music] have our quality team established something called a brazing Academy and basically what that is is not only did we teach people how to braze but we taught them why they were doing what they were doing we showed them through Theory and through practice why brazing was important and what was actually going on in that brazing process you know a little bit of extra knowledge behind what they're doing just went so far you know every single thing that they got wrong on the test I mean I'm going through with them every like every day or every other day I'm walking back over and be like hey by the way yeah follow-ups those are critical yeah we take all the components and we're actually cutting them apart so that we can verify the quality of the braids that we see for each of the individual components looking at how how is the fill does it have clean concave all the way through is there any uh paracity or bubbles that we see do we have lack of fill and so we're looking at does that create a quality braze throughout the component at the end of the day we had people graduate this program and I could tell on their faces they were very proud of this when people take ownership of what they're doing and are proud of what they're doing we think the results are better not only did this bracing Academy educate our technicians on how to make a better product it also light for our quality team into how we can improve our brazing fixtures and which subassemblies made more sense to take off the line these gradual process improvements are not just nice to have they're a necessity when trying to raise that quality bar one task that we were challenged with was how to reduce the defects internal defects effects of our weld quality and also reduce the overall vibration of our wheels so this was attempt number one yeah oh yeah I didn't even know they had this one great this fixture didn't really align any of the center components with each blade it also limited us from using it during the welding process so it only would fixture it when initially setting the blade position with this in mind we probably went a little too extreme the other way overdesigned a solution that very complex a lot of moving Parts locking in each blade in multiple planes I mean even looking at the complexity of this it's not intuitive I have to give you detailed instruction of how to use this device to put on a wheel where we can look at something like this and you can see it's intuitive of how it matches up with the wheel currently on the robot of you're placing it over and you're tightening it down so it's a much more simple process and it's a better product for them to use overall when you lock this fixture down onto the wheel you're locking in every blade relative to the center Hub you're also applying pressure down on the top plate and what this does is it concentrically aligns every blade in the same exact position every single time to the hub so we know when we go to weld this wheel these blades are going to be in the exact same location every time this is a great example of creating a quality process that is manufacturable these wheels create an enormous amount of vacuum inside the unit to maintain the required air flows meaning if there are any leagues untreated outdoor air would easily make its way into the building so something that's really simple but can be taken for granted and CA some major issues is how well these gaskets seal and the cuts on these on the gaskets themselves so if they're not perpendicular uh to each other or the proper length you can have water air infiltration in through these doors or out from the unit so we've actually implemented a automated gasket cutter and a kitting process that precuts all this gasket for this specific door so all of these pieces of gasket are cut on a station Upstream to the exact length to ensure that there's a proper seal that's one thing I appreciate about our quality Department we get direct feedback from end users and our salespeople for example in this case we got reports of leaking doors in the field and these guys went to work with that data and came up with this solution we realized we weren't cutting the gasket correctly and we were stretching it in some cases so they put some quality protocols around it recommended some equipment to solve the problem and now it's implemented and that hul happen very quickly we can take an issue and convert it to an action really quickly as you become more mature as a company you go from an attitude of just getting it done which is important but then just getting it done correctly and correctly every single time this is a part of that process I like to think of it as part of the nitty-gritty details of production wire routing was variable between all of our facilities so we wanted to standardize on it so that if there was a problem in the field or was an electrical interference issue we would all be consistent and we would know where the problem originated and how to solve it that's what this does this template here allows production to lay out the components on a board and make sure the wire routing is going to be correct to every one of those components wires circuit breakers sensors or even coils compressors Motors you name it these are all parts and materials we acquire from different suppliers so let's have a look at how we control quality when we weren't even there to produce the part in the first place much of what we build is an assembly of procured parts we rely on our supplier quality pretty heavily one issue that we just found they're actually uh testing these now some alignment pins in our wheel hubs that you just saw were out of spec so the quality manager here ended up making some jigs just to validate that these pin locations were in the right position prior to welding the wheel and wasting all that time processing a defective part it's so simple yep in order to track supplier defects you need to both document and record what the defect is so it can be followed up properly and so we started implementing these defective Parts components bin really within the past year people on the floor would say I'm going to throw this part in the trash and not document and now this is moved to truly documenting getting it fixed not ignoring any issue if there's no consistency if it's just a onetime issue on a lowcost component then it's not necessarily something we would address but if we see any Trends and that's what you're looking for in quality is Trends how's that process been the supplier non-conformances do they do they accept that data well I mean we've seen it in the responsiveness from our suppliers improving significantly of suppliers we have sent issues too where we properly document properly track show them exactly what's going on on because ultimately we make our supplier better which they like because then they're producing a better product and then we also become better overall too so it's correcting it even before it gets to us we do still perform checks on many supplier sub assemblies and sometimes these checks are even manufactured into the product before it leaves the supplier here's a good example of that with these coils we have worked with our suppliers to seal off the coils you can notice here that that there's a seal it's braze shut on this end and on the opposite end you can see that there's a shraer port so our suppliers are sending the coils to us pressurized and one of the first things that we do before we use the coil is to check to make sure there's a minimum amount of pressure inside the coil if there's not pressure we know that there's a potential leak in the coil and we know to take corrective action there these are a critical component to us so we want to make sure that if we do have a leak we identify where it's happening what process is causing that leak and it's a way for us to grade supplyer quality as well if we detect x% of coils from one supplier is much higher than another supplier we know to shift that volume away or issue corrective actions to the supplier causing those issues not only do we check pressure in the coils from the supplier but we also check Downstream and inside the total system on 100% of units we use these to vacuum our equipment down check for leaks high pressure checks for structural issues with piping medium pressure we inject a tracer gas helium and we look for small leaks in the in the copper tubing and then once it passes all that we Evacuate the system down to 500 Micron level before we fill it with refrigerant and this equipment has programs in it for each specific unit to make sure that we do that [Music] correctly if you tighten up a wire and the terminal block is tightened down on insulation it won't conduct electricity correctly so using that thermal imaging can help us identify those cases where we'll have a marginal connection or improper connection we also look at all the coils to figure out if there's any dead circuits in the coils all these circuits in the coil will go back through the coil many times it's possible that A supplier will raise these uins on these return bins on the same ends of the coil so that will be considered a dead circuit the thermal imaging will help catch that problem we're building in automated testing so what is automated testing one of the checks that we have on a lot of our units is let's make sure that all of our temperature sensors are operating correctly and wired in the correct location seems pretty straightforward but there's a lot of little things like that that are simple in itself but difficult when accumulated on a massive list so if we can build in a system that no matter what when this is ran when the blower ran when the heater ran we're digitally recording all of those temperatures making sure they're within a certain degrees of each other making sure that your discharge sensor is wired to your discharge and installed in your discharge location if we can automate that and let the the individual's focus on the tasks that matter then let's do that let's let's automate that process something with automated testing is that sometimes people are hesitant to trust software they will say how how can I know that this is actually reading what it should and we are actually doing both manual with software so it's a double verification of you can see him going through and he was just measuring for leaks while it's prompting him on the screen to check for leaks so it's not just software automated testing but we're also having the manual user secondary verify without adding any extra time we 100% functional test our unit so part of this automated testing requirement was let's grab all that data all that metadata and upload it to our quality module quality control module and furthermore let's make that accessible to Tech Support to sales region so if there is an issue in the field maybe associated with the install or or or something else we'll be able to reference how that exact unit tested within our [Music] facility one of the things I ask any quality engineering candidate what is your definition of quality and I don't think there's one set definition but what I can say is we Define quality to be meeting and exceeding customer expectations and there's a lot of other things that could be said you know ensuring a product is built per specifications that's often associated with quality but really if if you build it per specifications and your customer was expecting something else to them that's a poor quality product with these big rtu producers they produce to stock Distributors and then contractors go to these HVAC distributors and pull from stock for applications so there's multiple levels between the producer of standard rtus and the actual customer with captive a we specifically design and produce equipment for a specific application in mind so we select our components select the configurations to best serve that user details like what kind of Supply wheel to use how much turn down is required or the need for reheat are just some of the decisions to consider and look in a market full of one siiz fits all units we really do feel that one size fits none at least not without making unnecessary compromises so truly understanding the application and the customer's needs is critical to achieving a quality outcome the same can be set for curbs we don't just slap the same curb on each unit instead we calculate airflow requirements for each and every adapter and design the right configuration for the rooftop this makes retrofits a breeze with no surprises in the field and the nice thing is we can still do all of this with extremely quick lead times a benefit of having multiple manufacturing sites across the country when the unit's done being produced at the end of the day we load it on our own trucks and we deliver it directly to job sites we were forced to do that because of the trucking industry being a total disaster when it comes to shipping damage normal LTL shipments there will be several different touch points for the equipment cross docking uh loading unloading multiple times before it gets to a job site with our shipping Fleet we load it onto our trucks our drivers deliver it to a job site and actually help unload it so what that translates to is our application Engineers work directly with users to design equipment we produce it to those exact specs with the highest quality components we then ship it to job sites directly with our Fleet our service department then starts the unit up to our standards and specifications to make sure that equipment is operating correctly we then monitor it on cast link to make sure it's operating for the life of the equipment as it's intended to that's what it takes to make users happy that's what it takes to make our customers happy quality has to be built into the overall process from the very first decision- making for the application all the way through the longevity and the lifespan of the equipment everything in between has to have quality built into it so in addition to cast link which is very powerful for looking at this equipment online we have a direct service team and those service members are on the ground reviewing this equipment all the time and they give us direct feedback anyone in the company can pick up the phone and call me or the owner of the company no questions asked and say hey I've got a problem with this component we got to look into this that becomes our top priority for the day we drop everything else we're working on and and solve that problem we do that no matter who's calling us whether it's someone in manufacturing sales or service having so much feedback throughout the life cycle of our products has resulted in special features like construction mode which allows for the unit to start up while the building is under construction this mode brings in 100% outside air flushing the indoor environment from typical construction pollutants and speeding have dry times we also offer what we call connected commissioning this service is not just about whether the unit works it's about squeezing every possible ounce of performance comfort and Longevity year round something the industry isn't quite used to there's a knowledge Gap that we have to close between us producing this high quality Equipment and customers actually seeing the value in it I will say though talk to a lot of customers about this equipment and I've had a lot of customer visits here and with customers and as you explain and talk about the challenges that customers have with their buildings whether it's high CO2 levels or high humidity levels these problems exist in every application and as the industry learns about Paragon Technology it's becoming more transparent that it is the right technology to solve these challenges hopefully we can make the industry come a long away from where it is today there's a lot of potential there's so much more to gain and hopefully you know everyone stops a little bit to look back at where we've been so we can direct ourselves to where we're going well that was fun hey if you made it this far I just want to say thank you so much for sticking around and if you didn't know we have a growing library of videos on refrigeration Air Quality Motors controls and other topics that may or may not interest you so take a look maybe leave us a comment let us know what you like to see next and hopefully we'll see you around next time [Music]
Channel: CaptiveAire
Views: 18,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pyns1XtEktk
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Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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