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if you're like me you are intrigued by the idea of running your HVAC system on the sun and that's something that is now a reality with the airs spool quick and easy solar mini split this thing has absolutely blown my mind in one how easy it is to install and to the technology of being able to run it completely on solar so it's completely free of charge anytime the sun is out and it runs off of grid power when the Sun goes down but at an extremely efficient rate so let's get right into this and show you just how easy this is to install and how awesome it works all right so this is what you're going to get in your box really nicely packaged so we have some foam tape here got our remote has the batteries in it already which is super cool you have kind of a safety pack here so really thoughtful um they come with a level set of gloves really nice gloves actually some Putty if you want to seal up the hole where it goes outside two drill bits and a Phillips bit which is super cool none of the other systems come with this much support or stuff to get your job done the other cool thing is this comes with a masonary bit which is really awesome so if you have to go through a concrete wall if you're putting it in a basement this can come in handy and these are really expensive so really cool thing that the kit comes with so as you you can see directly under we have all of our wire for the solar panels This will run straight from the outside unit up to the solar panels and then we have our actual head unit and let's flip it on ins side here so you can see what's going on back here so these are some specialty items here these are the Quick Connect fittings and what I love is they're pre-installed on the actual line so you don't even have to connect these fittings literally all we're going to do is connect con this one to the other side at the condensing unit and there's no vacuum needed it runs the refrigerant through here once it's connected and then we have our communication wire already installed on this which saves so much time I don't know why they didn't think of this sooner but airs spool really thought about everything with this now the first thing we're going to do as far as mounting this is we're going to take off this Phillips bit screw and this bracket will come off and then we'll determine where on the wall while we want to put it and then as you can see this is zip tied to um the line set as well so pretty much all we're going to do is gingerly Bend this slowly down until it's pointed straight out 90° and that's literally all you want now if you want to you can open this just to make sure nothing Kinks but that's kind of how they're designed so they fold them in and then when you're ready you just fold them back out and it's ready to go now where we're going to mount this is right here on our wall now if we had a flat ceiling you want to keep 6 in from the top um I've seen people get away with closer to four but I think the manual says 6 in all right so we got our bracket mounted and something I wanted to mention that I use a lot is the stud buddy this is way Superior than the electronic ones that can be misleading sometimes you simply follow where your stud is and this tells you all it is is a rare earth magnet and it sticks to the nails or the screws that are there there was one right behind here and then there's also one there I think we caught just the end of that one but everything grabbed really good I'll make sure and leave this in the video description if you're interested so now that the bracket is in we're going to locate where our hole needs to go drill our hole and then we'll be ready to put this up permanently and then to level it out we just put our little level on these little flat tabs and we can verify that everything is nice and level so one source of intention in all of the mini splits that I've installed is the user manual um it's often Chinese it's hard to read this one is very thorough it has color images um it has all of the information that you need to do to do the installation and this is probably one of the easiest installs known to man um it's all connected a lot of the leg work is done for you which I really like now we're going to locate the hole here so it looks like we're going to measure 6 and 1/2 in from the center of the hole above the bottom right screw and it also highlights the hole right there so we're going to measure straight off 6 and 1/2 in and that's going to be where our hole is going to be drilled okay so we have our hole marked here 6 and 1/2 in straight off of this screw hole right here and what we're going to do is we're going to go down slightly at an angle so just something like this it doesn't have to be like crazy pitched but just enough to we the condensate water will easily drain straight down all right we are now ready to permanently Mount the mini split head so I'm going to take our communication wire feed it in and to take our drain hose feed that through and lastly we're going to feed in both of these lines just barely have enough room for both of them here and hopefully we can pull the insulation through here we go okay so now we're hooked onto the top bracket all we're going to do is push this straight in and it should lock in that's it this is fully installed complete ready to go it looks really nice and it's ready to go everything else is going to be done outside okay so here's what we have on the outside we did have to pull this through and it got a little tattered but it was able to straighten out so we want to avoid having any holes like that so we're going to overlap this and we're going to tape it as close to the siding as we can just to make sure that no air gets in here because this line is going to get really cold and it could potentially condensate in the line if you don't have this wrapped really well so here's our new condenser it's a very small unit 12,000 BTUs so we have our solar wires they're already preconnected so we're simply going to connect these to the spool that came in our air handler box and we're going to run that up to the roof to our solar panel and this guy just is a 110 plug already wired in so you just plug this in you can plug it into to an outlet and this guy is for our communication wire so we just simply pop this off put our connector in there and we're good to go and the other beautiful part is that the line sets are already attached here and tightened so you don't even have to do anything here you don't have to pull a vacuum this is literally again the easiest system to install and that's our attachment point right there this is where we're going to put our condensing unit we've laid our pad down and we're just going to level this out flip this over spot on right there and spot on there so let's go ahead and set our condensing unit and then we'll show you what to do next all right so what we're going to do next per the instructions since we need a little bit of length here to go up to these lines here is we're going to take off this guy right here and then once we have this disconnected we can kind of unspool this and Route it and make our connections all right so we're going to kind of start maneuvering this now this is going to be different on every single application and as we noted in the instructions um you can liken these to railroad tracks you cannot make a super sharp Bend so just do these at little increments and you won't risk um puncturing or bending one of these lines that would be really bad I think what I'm going to do is Slide the unit out a little bit like this and then I'm going to Pivot this out like so and that should give us just what we need and this line set will just kind of run alongside the top so it's not going to prevent any air from flowing yeah I think that's going to work good okay so at this point we went ahead and taped right here but we didn't tape all of this being as we have to make these connections so we're going to use our thumb to kind of just walk this slowly down to prevent any kinking from happening now thankfully these are pretty small lines so having a kink is going to be pretty uncommon but it definitely is possible okay so we have a nice clean Bend right there our condensate drain is coming right in and later on maybe not in this video but we're going to put a line set cover in and in this video though we're going to put the uh putty in here to seal this hole off and then we'll make it nice and F finished with our line set cover okay so for this part we're going to want to throw on the gloves that came in the instructions and I can't emphasize enough how awesome these instructions are they have color clear Imaging and really nice text to go along with it and something that's interesting I noted is a wrench is not even um described on here so I'm not sure if a wrench to tighten these down is even warranted um also these O-rings are just dust seals so that has nothing to do with the refrigerant that basically just will um seal this joint from dust and stuff getting in but this actually does the ceiling on the inside of the fitting here and that's why these caps are on here so these red will go to yellow and yellow to Red um so this is the 38 larger line and you really can't um install this wrong the only one that will fit on this is the correct size and something to note is that nothing is going to happen as far as refrigerant until we get to the very end of this fitting and we want this joint to be completely closed it mentions in the manual here that if you have a gap right here that's a big no no you want it to be tight up against that seal now we'll do the same for our quarter inch line now unlike the Mr cool I actually when I was making those connections there was a little Spurt of refrigerant not much at all but with this system there is no refrigerant at all like there's nothing coming out of these even while you connect them I haven't heard a single thing which is really cool okay again this isn't 100% necessary and literally doesn't take much at all just going to Snug that one up and we'll do the same for this one and that's it so we're just going to start where we have a a a little bit before our opening here we're just going to leave a little bit of overlap maybe quar in again making sure there's no gaps here we had a little tiny bit right here still exposed we could actually pull this instulation up and take this zip tie off since doesn't matter at this point and just simply pull this up to where it's making a full connection there now what we're going to do is take some duct tape and we're just going to wrap this to make sure that the tape itself doesn't come off so while I'm holding this up against the installation we're just going to wrap all of this including the um the condensate drain going to wrap it up real nice for this part you primarily just need to do the ends because sometime this foam tape the ends will come unsecured but as long as you get the ends you should be great so now what we're going to do is take this putty that came with uh the air handler and then we're just going to seal off this hole and if you have extra it's fine you can push it into the hole it's not going to hurt anything and that's going to keep any Critters and stuff from entering in the building and then of course later on we're going to actually install the cover and make this look really nice okay so we've kind of formed this line set to where it goes straight down we're going to have a line set cover down to about right here and then as you can see it just kind of travels along the corner does not inhibit air flow in the least and I think it looks great for not having to do a vacuum not having to do any of that this has been so easy um so the next thing we're going to do is connect our communication wire again super easy this wire on the inside at the air handler unit was already pre-attached so we didn't even have to do anything here and even on this we don't have to take this panel off like a normal Mini split all we do is plug this in twist it and that's it that is crazy how simple that is now you'll notice our solar wires are here so these two solar wires here will connect to our DC isolator switch and we can mount this on the wall if you don't want to mount it on the wall you could totally mount it on the side of the unit like this no problem all right so here's where we're at thus far our communication wires are hooked up our two solar wires are going down and under and we've mounted this to the front of the unit now something to keep in mind is we just used real short quarter in zip screws definitely don't use anything longer than that as you could potentially damage something but I went ahead and verified within quarter inch there's nothing there so this is going to prevent having to do anything to our new siding here and then as you remember uh we have these two wires that came with the air handler unit these will go up to the roof to our solar and they'll connect right here now I want to show you the solar that we have they're temporary panels and something you can do is if you have a trailer or something next to the building legally you can put panels on there and connect it to this a lot of people don't realize that you don't have to have any sort of permit to do that and the ones that I have on my roof are temporary um we're getting actual solar panels here soon and then of course lastly this cord is just a 110 outlet um we're going to put an exterior Outlet right here at some point but for the time being we're just going to run an extension cord to this and show you how it works all right so here's what we've got here um from the different Power stations that I've gotten over the past year we have two really big um 400 watt panels here and then I believe this is three and then two so I think all of this should be um properly sized to get that running during the day and I want to show you how this is wired so the wire from this panel is coming in right here so the positive will go straight to the mini split and the negative from this first panel is going to the positive of this next panel now the negative from this next panel will go to the positive of this panel the negative from this panel will go to the positive of this panel and that leaves us with the negative that will go to the unit so this is fully wired in we should be receiving power as we speak sun is directly up so we should be good to go all right folks Moment of Truth so we're going to put our isolator switch to the on position and we'll go inside and see what we got here we go as you can see it says 69° 69° we're going to put this in cooling mode it is set to 71 for cooling so we're going to bump that down to 66° our fan just came on we are blowing air this is completely off of solar guys I'll actually show you right now there is nothing plugged into the 110 volt Outlet unit is running super quiet and our plug is not plugged in so this is fully off of solar how cool is that as you can see we are blowing 41° air a few seconds ago it was blowing about for uh 38 but it kind of will fluctuate as the inverter compressor goes up and down but again this is totally running off of solar power and then I don't know if you can see this or not but there's a little solar emblem right there signifying that this is fully free energy right now free cooling free heating this is amazing guys 41 DB you can't even hear this thing running let's go outside and see what we got at the condenser as you can see we're spitting out about 50 DS so super quiet can't even hardly hear this thing running when you're right next to it now according to the installation manual this should only ever pull 10 amps even when it's the hottest outside with no sun so we're going to plug it into our power station here turn this guy on and we're going to turn on AC power and I think because there's full sunlight nothing is going to be put out here but as you can see inside here we have our solar and then we also have this little plug right here okay so we have cloud coverage currently we're right behind this singular cloud and and notice we're only pulling 37 Watts so next to nothing being pulled from grid power so most of this is being used from the Sun but this is pulling some energy from our Outlet pretty fascinating so we're hovering around 50 Watts which again is next to nothing this is a very efficient system and this did this all by itself there was no nothing change it didn't shut down and come back on it did all of this seamlessly and is using both sources of power which is absolutely awesome okay the sun just hopped back out behind that cloud and we just went back to zero so this can actively change depending on the conditions where the sun is located now this will automatically swap over to grid power but I'm going to demonstrate as if there was no more um sun outside and this is overnight so we have energy coming from this power station to our mini split and what we're going to do now is turn off our isolator switch which will disconnect any solar that's going to this mini split so as soon as we do that we can see our voltage and we'll see exactly how many watts this system is pulling that is impressive this system is still running nothing has changed and we're pulling 173 Watts that is like super duper efficient now as soon as we turn our isolator switch back on notice what happens all right there we go so we've transitioned out of grid power and onto solar well guys they really don't lie when they say this install is quick and easy this install probably took us like 3 hours total it was like mind blowingly easy on how to do this and I feel like any DIY should be able to do this now if you're interested in this product I'll leave a link in the video description make sure and use the discount code diyvac so you can get an additional $130 off your order in addition there's federal tax rebates that can get you 30% off of your total cost so this is a no-brainer if you're looking for a mini split now if you want to see hands down the number one most common HVAC scam every time it gets hot outside I see this people get taken advantage of and it is such a simple repair pair that I feel like any DIY should be able to do if you're curious what that is and how to do it check out this video right here and we'll catch you on the next one later
Channel: The DIY HVAC Guy
Views: 569,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heat pump, air conditioner, mini split, solar mini split, solar, solar energy, solar mini split air conditioner, solar mini split heat pump, solar mini split air conditioner installation, eg4 hybrid solar mini-split air conditioner, signature solar mini split, eg4, eg4 hybrid solar mini-split, eg4 solar mini split installation, mr cool solar mini split, airspool, runing mini split on solar, mini split iwth solar panel, mini split with solar panel, running mini split on solar
Id: l2JOUCo7iaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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