We Critique Your EDC Pocket Dumps | Blade Show 2019

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] how's it going guys welcome to blade show 2019 and today we've got something a little special we've got Taylor from best damn EDC thanks for being on man thanks for having me yeah yeah finally yeah if you guys don't know Taylor has an amazing channel here on YouTube as well as a pretty awesome Instagram page so if you haven't checked him out check him out best damn EDC it's a good stuff really good stuff so actually the reason that we have Taylor on today is we are going to be looking at some of your guys's pocket dumps so we put a call out on on the blade HQ Instagram we said we'd have Taylor on and so we're gonna take a look at what you guys are carrying and then at the end we're gonna show you what I'm carrying we show you what Taylor's caring and you guys can tell us who did it better mmm yeah I don't petition I just made it a contest so you guys let us know at the end all right so let's jump to this first one man cuz this is what you do this is your jam is looking at people's pocket dogs yeah okay that's pretty much my life pretty much your life now sir apocalypse before we started filming this we actually were like going through the posts you guys had made trying to pick the best ones was really hard cuz going to pick a couple and Taylor's just kind of laughing at me and he's like now you know my everyday looks like people don't understand why it takes so long and it's it's tough to narrow things down yeah there are there are hundreds of submissions every month and picking five a week yes really tough and solid submissions - yeah because there a lot of them yeah like like his first one so this first one comes from gorilla leatherwork on Instagram it appears that he does some sort of leather smithing leather working so maybe check them out but the reason that we picked why do we pick this one this one popped out specifically for a very specific like four feet away - like that one nirvana yes wanna bet yeah that's a grill knife I mean they're really hard to come by yes it's discontinued you can get a custom from Peter or Cindy but it's right you're gonna pay for a custom yeah but I also like that handle in particular I love the blade shape it's probably one of my favorite blade shapes from Spyderco but the handle yeah it's just absolutely beautiful now I'm not as up on all of the little EDC things right because there are so many and there's they're super rad you actually had a you actually had a thing about a company that makes like little EDC pocket stuff and they make like a universally adjustable wrench or something like that oh yeah yeah CIA EDC rims yeah I need to get that range and this is why I love your channels because you turn me on to all these little things I didn't know about so at point in place in this picture this key bar has a knife blade on it you know this is something I'm gonna wear it is this like a common mod that people are doing I don't know if it's common key bars are everywhere yeah yeah but the the blades I saw them start popping up maybe a year ago I may be a little longer but there are a lot of different versions of the blades that go in the key bar and they're made by a bunch of different companies yeah I really don't know the logistics of how that works whether they're working together or they're just making a blade and saying hey it works with a key bar right but there's like a flipper there's a flipper with a like a liner long line of lock that goes inside the class so why not just buy a knife just because the just the fun of like altering your thing and making it your own or yeah and I'm gonna be working with keyboard some point in the next few months and we're doing basically a DIY likes almost like a DIY Swiss Army knife okay and you can kind of piece together they have so many tools that go in them yeah keep ourselves tweezers and yeah they sell a ton yeah tons of tools so you can kind of piece together the tool you want so if there's not a Swiss Army that has exactly what you want you can you're gonna pay for it but you can make your own yeah and now this one also has a pry bar do you recognize which pry bar it is oh yeah yeah North lynched north wall access pass that is B is that that's a - no that's 11.2 yeah so I love the Lynch Northwest pocket clips I don't have some experience with the pry bar as you guys know I'm a little hard on my knives you just use my knife as a pry bar don't do that kids it's not a good idea you can get a pry tool for cheap yeah yeah you can't that's something else to carry - yeah it's that's the thing is pocket real estate right like that's kind of the balance with some of these pictures that we were looking at some of them were a little like unrealistic I was like you don't carry that everyday yeah there's some with like in excess of 30 items yeah and I'm like nah there's no way yeah but this this seems like a pretty like doable pocket oh this seems pretty yeah and then okay so notebook are you a notebook man or not a notebook man depends on the day okay depends although like I've been walking around with a little notebook holder because I put all my stickers and business cards in it but sometimes I do sometimes at all and that's it's funny I'm gonna diverge a little bit here but the funny thing is like I started doing this EDC stuff because I like EDC so much but I don't have an EDC anymore yeah nothing consistent no it's different every day she's like wake up and you're like I guess these things I spend like 20 minutes every morning like this today do you have like do you have like that really trick like tabletop and everything's like Nold out perfectly and no isolated beautifully and I wish I have a craftsman toolbox full of easy secure it's like that's all so I feel pretty awesome that's also still pretty good it's flashlights knives you know just every drawer has something in it nice awesome alright and then the leather in this one is actually it appears as though it's from gorilla leather works minimalist wallet or something I've not heard of him I mean super cool that's how I find out about a lot of people as they submit through the show well and you were mentioning that that's kind of a big part of the EDC community is there's a lot of little makers and there's a lot of guys making their own little stuff just for them yeah so and this is one of those guys this is this next submission yes yeah who is this who's this guy this is John Smith and John's a good friend of mine 875 FPS on Instagram but he does Swiss Army knife so he makes custom Swiss Army knives out of copper titanium brass just all sorts of cool stuff he's got one in the picture yeah so the company is technically brass works but he he really just pushes everything through this account but he's actually probably the guy that got me into EC oh really so I did a video a long time ago and I wasn't really into I was into tech and there's kind of this really weird fringe like overlap between the two and I did a tech EDC and [Music] somehow through that I found John and I just I saw one of his pictures I'm like I don't know what any of this is this is all new to me and the further I went back in his feed I'm just like I what is this world and then I started talking to him and just kind of went from there cool so he was he was the one that had the gateway drug then yeah he's he's a huge proponent of like supporting sois makers right that's one of the reasons I respect him so much but also why is pictures are so cool there's always something new yeah and more in unique great so it's making small makers like what does he have going on in this picture well his own knife his own Swiss Army knife is in the bottom that's the right back there but you've got a fell whole trip I don't know if that's technically a small maker anymore but yeah so whole trip in the Cologne that's in this I don't know if it's necessarily an EDC item but it could be because they have little studies that are like 1.5 milliliter bottles okay yeah like get off working like I hit the club he's gotta be ready yeah guys when Taylor saw the Cologne in this picture he's like oh my gosh that Cologne so I don't know what it's about but like it's probably worth checking out yes it's a company called musk and hustle and it's just a little like vials they call it a stubby of roll-on cologne huh it's very strong but it's my I've not smelled one that didn't smell amazing like they're all good right on I think that's also his pry bar in the middle there he takes brass pry bars which some people are like why why brass cuz it's the same softer thing about my bar yeah your Burnley sigh Pappas may be there because I don't think a lot of people know this I pop yeah I don't think a lot of people know the site pop but we at ladies queue we love Burnley we love the sky pops we do drops every occasionally with them and stuff like that we had a drop recently it was called Blood Money yeah that was probably one of my favorite if you guys know what I'm talking about google it or look it up on the website it's I love that one there's a lot of fun but the the cure dashi I don't know and then that's the thing about Jon like every time I see a photo there's something in his photos I don't know yeah now I'm noticing there's like some sort of Damascus stuff going on yeah so he I know he bought this pin used from someone he doesn't I don't think he even knows the full story right it looks like there's maybe a MOCA tie or tie Mascis clip and tip I guess is I'm new to the pin wall but it gets deep okay I thought like $100 pain was expensive which to me $100 pay yes these filters like this can get very expensive very quickly well it's like and people will pay like 300 bucks for a clip yeah and this is a thing it kind of in the EDC community in general right is so like I'm very much just like a use type of guy I like my stuff to look nice I like the way it feels and that type of thing but at the end of the day like I'm not gonna go buy special titanium screws or space or anything like that but there's like a huge thing in the EDC community right yeah there was a guy who submitted a while back and so I price everything out I don't price it out but I list everything when when somebody's featured I'm sure I list everything and a lot of the time I'll just kind of make a mental note of the price and there was a pin that I I priced the whole thing out was over $1000 like just all the different assembly pieces and everything yeah there was us just the cap on the very end which didn't do anything it was it's spun right it was 400 hours yeah so pocket jewelry is real let us let me know down in the comments guys I'm interested for you guys watching a blade HQ I'm interested how many of you guys walk around with kind of these PVC pocket bling pocket jewelry pieces just out of interest like I've got no judgment on it yeah it's not my bag but like it's intrigues me you know I mean it intrigues me yeah and I had my first bit of that recently yeah there's an Eric Oakes Orca huh with moku tight clip and bolster not bolstered but a pivot collar and even then I'm like wow I don't want to I don't want to use this it takes that whole use thing to new levels like it feels wrong right something that's that pretty it's just too pretty yeah like you get knives like you're sipping cz's or mini Kirk River which I know you don't like but yeah it's a use knife like you feel it and you're like this thing wants to be used but those like alright so speaking of kind of these little makers and using not using this next picture is from a guy called honey badger Arsenal and he's got a peeler in there which I'm all about flighty neum scales it looks like the pen he made yeah he made a pen it's got his name on it which is really neat he's got and then the wallet is from that other guy the gorillas guy the other works guy so see you guys it's it's all like so interconnected it's it's the syndrome community of little makers yeah even the pry bars from John yeah and in the press from John who we also looked at there in the beginning which is really intriguing but then also it's got this rock tool in it yes which is kind of cool for a few reasons if you guys haven't seen the rock tools you should check them out but when Taylor came he he stopped by and he gave me one of these things so this is a branded yeah yeah best damn EDC rock tool right yeah it was a big surprise to me I didn't know these were coming yeah it's really cool so run us through the tool real quick so I think I don't know I think the rock stands for rapid utility knife okay and it's because a lot of the the tools before this were really two-handed like the big it is designed TPT you have to separate the two skills and then blade oh yeah this one you just push yeah and you've got a little tension bar there that locks it in place so rapid utility knife I think that's what it means yeah not we like the way it sounds yeah that's now you've got your utility knife this is a cap lifter obviously I thought this was like a strap cutter or something but it doesn't work for that this is actually he literally told me this was made just for his brother oh that's oh really perfect yeah and a little pry tool flathead and a lanyard hole that's great yeah I almost forgot you know cuz everything has to have a hex bit driver yeah so hex bit driver talk to me about this hex bit driver thing what is this about like what why does everything have to have an expert driver I don't know I haven't found almost any of them useful ever like I don't think I've ever used one so there's yeah there's a thing called a bit fault from a company called lever gear that it doubles as a screwdriver yeah and it works because it's in the end and it actually okay yeah so you can actually use it but these the problem I have is that you're trying to screw something like this this doesn't it doesn't work as the bit falls out like yeah I don't know yeah but but all the way but but everything else here pretty right yeah I would almost prefer and I've told him this I would almost prefer without a cap lifter though oh yeah I got a bottle opener man got a bottle I mean it's you can already open a bottle with just that's true that's true no you're not right no all right let's see what this next one's about so this is this is another guy that you know right yeah so I have a discord server he's very active in there I actually bought one of my knives from him yeah so we've we've talked a lot yeah Enza stuff fellows real name puff-puff gee looks like on yeah but yeah he's cool guy very active in the server very knowledgeable and has a lot of very expensive knives yeah they're a lot of knife in be going on him that's cool so one of the reasons that we picked Puffs EDC was two reasons so one he's got the m4 shaman in it which is awesome I love the shaman the m4 variant was great and then the other reason was in the comment for in in the description he said he said PS I wish Zack was my dad it's Taylor kinda knows this guy so I was like is he like a kid and he's like no he's not a kid so you know puff you want to hang out sometimes let me know buddy but what else we have going on in this in this picture that it's kind of like an EDC staple pop-up leather so if you're in the EDC world at all you're probably familiar with Popoff leather he makes a lot of a ton of wallets that are they're all great quality but he does notebook covers and belts yeah really nice really nice belt cool his drift with leather is just I don't know there's something about popov like I've had a bunch of leather wallets there's something about them like you get them in they smell and the smell doesn't go away like I carried a very similar wallet to this of his for maybe three years and it still smells brand-new that's awesome yeah so there's that and then the I can't remember is that a style PS the Leatherman yeah oh that's a skeletal pretty sure this man yeah that's skeletal well yeah other way both of them let us know in the comments you guys can see it yes army knives you don't seem like in these really put together EDC's you won't see a ton of like red scale like traditional cesari's yeah but I don't know many that don't have one in them yeah they're coming and that that flashlight the copper i3t eos vermont polite is right yeah you can't really get them anymore because they only made I think 10,000 oh interesting so they're gone they're going up but it's and that's kind of another another thing in the EDC community there's a lot of like trading great and like selling items like that like oh there's gone so like let's trade or sell or whatever yeah I have to in the new unbox that I bought nice just hang on just hang on is yeah keep it I he might be selling I'm soon probably give them away cuz that's that's what I do yeah and I got a better look at that Leatherman guys it is a ps4 don't worry we're on track alright and then let's see so though we had a couple honorable mentions but the last one I want to like look at look at was submitted by s gone czar maybe I guess that's a cool name s cons are and the reason I chose this one guys is this is crazy so he's got he's got this surge the Leatherman surge and then what light is that Oh light into our warrior which is a big heavy light yeah so like and then you know obviously skis with his with his Leatherman multi-tool and I love this because like I don't know what this dude does but I feel like he builds tanks or something like that he doesn't hold back not hold back he goes for like pumped here yeah yeah I should I should have like like Instagram stalked him and seen it like if he's like it's just this like mountain of a man and it's like no this is a normal flashlight but either way yeah either way s cons are you doing it right buddy nobody has a really good belt just to hold his pants he's got it and that's things the surgeons might is is my favorite Leatherman right like I did a thing on the freezers you've done a thing on the free series as well yeah I really love that p2 like really loved it but like if I'm gonna do a do carpentry or something like that I'm gonna take the surge I don't wear it daily I'll put the p2 in my pocket any day of the week but I don't like I don't like the surge for everyday carry I'm p4 guy yeah I know your p4 guy you like that pocket clip on a p4 I don't have one yet I know but I think it's I think it's a little heavy man I think you're gonna get him like yeah maybe I'm gonna care to wait for a long time yes so I love the wave to its degree so anyways so a couple honorable mentions and then we're gonna give you guys our pocket dumps so I've got an honorable mention from Jake Hooper and I just love this one he's got some really well used pieces he's got he's carrying a BRS with him like it's a cool cool cool pocket dump I was into this one and then I saw our buddy Utah knives he comes into play THQ all the time super great guy you guys can see in the picture he has a laser engraved b'hq on his I just forgot the name of the knife hidden Canyon the hidden Canyon and he got that done at our grand opening which is pretty cool yeah yeah he's a great guy you guys should check out his Instagram super rad dude and there's actually another on my phone so I'm gonna take just a second there was actually another one that I missed because like you know like I said there were a lot of really good ones you one second guys here we go another honorable mention is Miko's knife life this dude submitted like 30 pictures and I think you just went back in like hashtag to old pocket dumps but his pocket dumps are stellar you guys they're all on point they're just all on point if you guys are into pocket dumps follow that dude I don't know who he is all that dude he's got some great stuff and they're there like multiple pictures propose like yeah it's it's like you get a picture and then you scroll and you get close-ups of everything else it's incredible and then I like this one in particular because it had the admit one to valhalla I love that patch I don't care I love it it's fun so yeah so those are those some honorable mentions there were some amazing pocket dumps guys it was really hard to choose but those were those were kind of our top picks now you want to go first you want me to go first I don't know you made it a competition I didn't make it a competition so money a mine you choose so we do like one after another okay go ahead you go first then okay let's go Trebek's contour nice that is I switch wallets a lot I don't know but this is one that I come back to a lot of probably more than anything and it's just I don't know it's great it's it's compact holds everything together and if you need to adjust it you can like yeah if you carry more cards you can appointment I've never done a trade of X but I know a lot of guys that really dig them so yeah great wallet you said everything needs a cap lifter yeah woman yeah exactly so so it's built in so I don't have my wallet with me but I actually just use moleskin I use like a like the small book moleskin I tried to carry because I'd like to keep book on me I tried to carry the field notes and they just they're too skinny and I beat him up too fast but the moleskin stay together a little better and then it has that pocket in the back so I just put all my money and cards in that and that's my warious yeah worth to great it works perfect but I should probably something up let's see what I have so I got my Chavez oh yeah it's got a little bit of a fiberglass on it that's ok don't worry about it oh so you know you guys know how much I love this Chavez super great knife yeah so that's that's my my knife of the day right now hold one for the first time yesterday and it was really hard not to buy one there real good but real good I had to buy this mmm that one Guardian tactical the icon 0 through 5 this is the limited edition so they were only I think 10 of these with this finish on it yeah awesome so they're only 10 of these and 50 of the blade show exclusives cool there were in blue yeah I got I got locked in the closet I've even seen them so yeah maybe I'll get to see him so really this one at least if you guys haven't checked out Guardian tack you need to they make amazing stuff alright let's see what else I've got my wallet so I got the the Phoenix c12 on me I love this flashlight every day all day so it this one the battery might be dead just give a little tap ah there it is yeah battery's almost dead but it it's got three light settings when the battery's not dead and yeah super great super great light light I always carry is pretty much always the Oh light as to our baton - yeah a lot of guys carry the.oh light I need to get no light in my pocket I've carried this Phoenix for like four years or something I should try no light out I can send you one yeah but I guess I got to pull something out right yeah if you got something well I'm actually almost out of things oh hey hey there you go little micro leather my micro it's just a great little multi-tool yeah and I'm noticing a theme here with the with the beats you know even though this always got some beads I like that okay all right it's pocket jewelry yeah it's pocket jewelry right I got that that Victorinox compact man like I did that Victorinox video you guys saw with corrected sack collector this thing hasn't left my pocket it's so handy we did Bali comp today I was using the scissors I was using the corkscrew as we all sorts of stuff so yeah yeah I might now last year yeah so big idea design TPT slide I know I've got these branded but yeah the reason I carry this over that is the pocket clip okay I've lost probably three of those right because that means so I like this very similar tool also one-handed yeah let's see I think I'm out I mean I got something really cool I've got my gonna show you the other side but this is a Tony Marfan's personal personal card it's made out of metal which is super row but that's all I got that's it this is actually about my normal I got one more thing I'm actually like I don't carry all of this every day yeah this is a spry bar so these aren't available yet okay it's made guy names I think his Instagram handle is CJ glass glass and heart is his last name but he this is a prototype so he's not really brought him to market but cool little practice right and you said you really dig the practice like you like to always have one I don't I don't always use them just like them more than anything it's like a little okay digit toy should get a cram it yes look your cram it this is a little safer I love a saver I can do this in public and nobody right nobody's gonna bat an eye at that perfect right well let it sit let us know guys I mean you know you obviously have more than I do but you know I this is you know there's a lot going on here I'm just gonna do this a couple times okay yeah well let us know down the comments alright this is a lot of fun man there's a mean on thanks for having me yeah for sure and thanks for falling along guys make sure to check out our blade show 2019 playlist here on YouTube we got a ton of great stuff going on you
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 169,897
Rating: 4.8217564 out of 5
Keywords: Pocket Knives, Trade Show, BladeHQ, Knife Trade Show, Blade Show, Knife Show, Sharp, Blade Show 2019, Folding Knife, Knives, Knife Banter, Steel, Blade HQ, Knife, Best Damn EDC, EDC, Pocket Dump, Instagram
Id: y5tydKsMhn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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