Accepting Responsibility To Build Our Community.

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surely i'm being turned to the o allah striving to be upright to him who has originated the heavens and the earth and i am not from among the polytheists surely my prayer and my sacrifice my life and my death are all for allah the lord of the worlds no associate has he and this am i commanded i am of those who submit oh allah thou art the king there is no god but thee thou art my lord and i am thy servant and i have been greatly unjust to myself and i confess my faults and i ask protection against all of my faults for none can grant protection against faults but thee and guide me into the best of morals for none can guide unto the best of morals but thee and turn away from me the evil and indecent morals for none can turn away from me the evil and indecent morals but thee oh allah make muhammad successful and make the true followers of muhammad successful as thou did make abraham and the true followers of abraham successful for surely thou art praise and magnified in our midst and all our bless muhammad and bless the true followers of muhammad as thou did bless abraham and the true followers of abraham for surely thou art praised and magnified in our midst i mean [Music] i said alaikum in the name of allah the beneficent the merciful i bear witness that there is no god but allah and i bear witness that muhammad is his messenger i greet you all in the greeting words of peace on behalf of the honorable minister louis farrakhan in the nation of islam we would like to welcome each and every one of you those that are here live at mosque mariam those that are watching across this country the various mosque and study groups those that are watching in europe our brothers and sisters in africa those in central and south america those in asia those across the globe we thank each and every one of you for joining us on this beautiful and powerful sunday morning worship hour give yourselves a round of applause please [Applause] the honorable minister louis farrakhan is teaching us guiding us instructing us helping us to be better brothers and sisters to ourselves in building a better community we must first build ourselves and then build bonds between ourselves and in the spirit of the million-man march in the spirit of the million family march and in the spirit of the millions more moving let us become brothers and sisters brothers and sisters turn to your left turn to your right and behind you introduce yourself and give your brother a sister the greeting words of peace all praises are due to a lie as it says in romans 15 therefore once again we welcome one another as christ has welcomed us this is maas mariam it was rededicated by the honorable minister louis farrakhan it is dedicated to helping the messiah the mahdi and his mission of establishing a universal government of peace which is the kingdom of almighty god allah wherein we all can live in peace together this mosque is named after mary the mother of jesus she has given great distinction and honor in the holy quran because she gives birth to the messiah who carries the indwelling spirit of almighty god allah which is manifesting allah's presence which allows jesus the messiah to do that which no prophet or messenger has done before him he gives sight to the blind by allah's permission he makes the death to hear by allah's permission and he gives life to the dead by allah's permission the honorable minister louis farrakhan has named this mosque after the mother of jesus to let this dominant christian country know and understand that every muslim believes in jesus how are you all feeling this beautiful sunday morning we walk by faith not by sight we haven't always known where we're going but allah knows sometimes we don't even know where we are but allah knows and sometimes we definitely don't know where we're headed but allah knows the following two young representatives of the honorable minister louis farrakhan as it says in the scriptures they are ambassadors of christ they're walking by faith and they will come to share their experiences and to bear witness in this awesome experience of serving and following the mighty god his messenger and his minister the honorable minister louis farrakhan brothers and sisters from around the country and around the globe please give a big warm round of applause for student minister nuri muhammad of mosque number 74. [Applause] in the name of allah the beneficent the merciful we are eternally grateful to him for his intervention in our affairs in the person of master farad muhammad the true and the living god whom we celebrated his birth of 132 years a living god a few days ago we thank him for his messenger messiah and exalted christ the most honorable elijah muhammad and we are forever grateful to him for the one who sits in his seat a divine leader a divine teacher and a divine guide to them the honorable minister louis farrakhan it's in their names that i greet my sisters and my brothers in the greeting words the peace of assalamu alaykum it is such an honor and a privilege to be a servant a student and a soldier of the greatest man walking the face of the planet earth and i'm talking about the honourable minister louis farrakhan we thank allah for such a man of god and a messenger in our midst today in my humble opinion you can't say al sharpton jesse jackson louis farrakhan you can't say w.e.b du bois frederick douglass and louis farrakhan when you say farah khan you have to say moses and aaron and jesus and muhammad and abraham the honorable elijah muhammad and then put him in that same line of divine for he is god's chosen servant among us we thank allah for him and his ability to show us the way we know of a mathematical certainty and a scientific and scriptural certainty that we are walking with the christ and the vigor of christ the honorable minister louis farrakhan is the representative of the christ how do you know who represents christ the word christ coming from the word christos same word that is the origin of the word christo most of the time we have been trained psychologically in america to look for the character of christ in noun form but not to look for him in verb form but the bible says you judge a tree by the fruit that it bears and you judge a man by his works so when we look for christ we shouldn't be waiting on the splatter the sky to split open the moon to start bleeding or some big caucasian swoop out of space with hands big enough to crush the whole world we should be looking for a man that can make the blind see the deaf here make the lame walk and raise dead people from the grave we bear witness that we were once blind but now we are seen not in the sense that we couldn't see with these two eyes but we were blind with the third eye we seen men as trees but now with the life-giving teachers we see men as they are once this spittle got put on our eyes a grave the word grave coming from the root gravity gravity is an unseen force that holds objects down where to be raised from the grave don't mean you're going to come up out of some cemetery but sometime crack might be in your life and it's holding you down lust might be in your heartness holding you down you might have a problem with alcohol or with poverty and it might be holding you down will come and connect to the mind of farrakhan and i guarantee you by listening to this word today you and i will be raised from that invisible force that unseen force in our own mind that holds us down and we'll be raised from the grave well if christ comes from the same word that crystal comes from what do we use a crystal for the quartz crystal is used to help us to tell time is that right in some far eastern cultures they use what's called a crystal ball and saying and looking at it you can see into the future right also the crystal in ancient egypt was hewed out of a mountain and made in a specific curve by which it was forming a telescope where we can see from one world into a new world any time that you have impaired vision and you go to an optometrist they negotiate a crystal to help you to see better is that right the diamond on your finger is also a crystal a diamond started off as a piece of coal but under 3 500 degrees of heat for billions of years for one million pounds of pressure per square inch a piece of coal became a beautiful diamond or a beautiful crystal now when light strikes and depending on what angle you're looking at it from you can see many different hues and colors coming forth from that light that same piece of coal that was worthless becomes value when it goes through heat and when it goes through pressure that same piece of call that if something fell on it will crush it becomes a diamond so when things fall on it now it crushes whatever touches it i say to you today that the honorable minister lewis farrakhan is a christ figure and a crystal in our midst for he's helping us to see the time in the in the in the world we live in he's helping us to understand and have our perception cleaned up and just like that telescope allows us to see a world beyond the present world we live in looking through the mind of the honorable minister louis farrakhan we can see a world much bigger and better than the world that we live in right now likewise he was a piece of coal in 1955 but he met a man that had a light and brought heating pressure came into the ranks and coming into the ranks the zionists put pressure on him the u.s government put pressure on him negro preachers put pressure on him hypocrites and disbelievers applied pressure is that right but those billions of pounds of pressure per square inch did not turn the cold and crush it it can take took fire kind and purified him to now he's become like a christ or a crystal in our midst and everything that falls on it it doesn't crush him he in fact crushes it i say to you brothers and sisters that if we want to know the time we got to connect to the crystal in our midst if we want to see a world beyond this world we got to look through the view of the honorable minister louis farrakhan if we want to become so hard and so strong and so valuable that nothing that we come against will crush us but we will absolutely crush it we should start looking and listening to the crystal that is in our midst today we are going to hear the light of truth coming through such a crystal and i guarantee you that whatever you add in whatever anger you are standing in you will find that prism that you need in this life-giving teachings to raise us from the grave thank you for listening i greet you in peace assalamu alaikum let us give brother newry another round of applause please [Applause] i bring to the roster another young ambassador of christ representing the honorable minister louis farrakhan out of the famed city of new york moss number seven please give a big warm round of applause for brother abdul hafiz muhammad [Applause] in the name of allah who came to us in the person of master farad muhammad we referred to him as the great mach deal the self-guided one to whom praise is due forever in the name of his exalted servant our messenger to us the most honorable elijah muhammad and in the name of their anointed servant who is in the midst of us today who brings us a message to the black man through the black men and women but for all human beings the last mercy of god to us whose message of warning and rebuke must be listened to we speak of none other than our brother and our friend the honorable minister louis farrakhan i greet all of you my daily beloved brothers and sisters here at moss maryam and around the nation and the world with the greeting words of peace we say it in the arabic language assalam alaikum the honorable elijah muhammad has taught us through minister farakan that every day is savior's day so even though february 26 has passed the weekend at rosemont illinois has passed it is still savior's day so i say to all of you happy savior's day to all of the saviors of the nation of islam we want you to know that we celebrated the 132nd anniversary of the birth of the savior master farad muhammad in 1974 the honorable elijah muhammad gave to you and i a savior's day gift entitled our savior has arrived not that we had to look for him to come but he had already made his appearance in the world the bible says these words therefore as lightning shines from the east unto the west so shall the coming of the son of man be jesus was speaking in the first person and he was speaking of another one who would come from the east to the west i asked you this morning who else came from the east unto the west and found where the caucus was and the eagles were flying except for rod muhammad we call him master because he would come with the power and the control to raise to life that dead caucus and breathe into us the life we have thus he is the savior he then left for us another savior who became the savior for the black men and women of america you only know the message of allah because the word of allah because he gives a messenger who leaves that message with us that is the most honorable elijah muhammad he saved us and he saved the muslims who came before we came he is our savior but today brothers and sisters in the rebuilding of the nation of islam make no mistake about it i don't know who saved you but it was allah in the honorable elijah muhammad through minister louis farrakhan so he is a savior among us he saved me and he saved we who believe in him and follow him today so i leave you with these words from the book of nehemiah and obadiah it says i or he will send saviors plural after them we must follow the minister's words to accept responsibility to build our community but you won't accept it if you don't see yourself as a savior not a killer but a healer not one who harms women but raises them to life not one who makes children and don't provide for them but saves them so as i said to you in the beginning happy savior's day prepare your heart your mind for the weighty message of part two of accepting responsibility to build our community up you might a nation you can accomplish what you will thank you as we greet you in peace assalamu alaikum can we give another round of applause for all of the visiting student ministers of the honorable minister louis farrakhan as each and every speaker student and student minister and brother has shared we all have a story to tell and each and every one of us those that are seated those that are watching via internet all of us have an experience of following the honorable minister louis farrakhan and each of our experiences is a blessed experience because the transformation that almighty god allah has done through each and every one of us by us hearing the honorable minister louis farrakhan we are no longer what we were we're not yet what god wants us to be but we're definitely on the way we're nowhere close to the negro the dead person the colored person the little boys and the little girls of what we were we're no longer ignorant to the word of god we're not even ignorant any longer to a knowledge of who we are and who we're supposed to be so each and every day those of us that have been blessed those that are blessed those that will be blessed we have to thank god every second of the day for giving us a wonderful person in the honorable minister louis farrakhan because all we have to ask ourselves is if we did not have a rendezvous with destiny and an opportunity to hear from the honorable minister louis farrakhan where would we be right now in our lives each and every day we have to reflect and when we're on our knees or whether we're standing whatever form away that we pray we have to forever thank god for intervening in our affairs by first giving us the greatest black man that we could ever ask for in the person of the honorable elijah muhammad and then he and almighty god allah for blessing us and giving to us right now in this year 2009 that they would look down that line of history and know that we would be needy right now in this month to bless us with the honorable minister louis farrakhan so brothers and sisters as we move closer to hearing from that wonderful person let us give a big warm round of applause to the national assistant minister to the honorable minister louis farrakhan brother ishmael muhammad [Applause] in the name of allah the beneficent the merciful we give him praise and thanks for his many blessings his many gifts and his goodness to the human family as a student and follower of the honorable elijah muhammad i could never thank allah enough for his intervention in our affairs in the person of master farad muhammad and for his raising up from among us his messenger messiah the honorable elijah muhammad and i'm grateful to almighty god allah for the man who is in our midst today who in just a few short moments will come before us with another message he is an extension of the honorable elijah muhammad and that makes the honorable minister louis farah khan a divine leader a divine teacher and a divine guide we thank allah for this wonderful wonderful human being i greet all of you with the greeting words of peace we say it in the arabic language assalamu alaikum i want to thank uh my fellow student ministers who shared words let's give another round of applause for brother nuri muhammad from indianapolis brother abdul hafiz mohammed from new york for their words we've come out once again to hear a message the bible teaches us that there would come a time where the people would no longer lend themselves or here to sound doctrine but they would lend their ears to every teacher that tickles the ear and there are a lot of teachers today tickling the ears of the people tickling them in that which they desire out of vanity self-seeking desires the message that will come to us today is not to tickle our ear but if your ear is open to the truth it will absolutely liberate you deliver you and free you and it is that truth that will be spoken today that jesus said we would all receive and it is a truth that will absolutely free us him that have ears let them hear and as that word is spoken to us that travels at one hundred and twenty feet per second but in that word that's traveling at the speed of sound is contain light life and energy so if you have an ear and a retaining ear at that then once that word comes into the ear into the mind then it explodes and what explodes is light and that light travels at 186 000 miles per second and when that light begins to stimulate thought and begins to activate you then you start traveling at the terrific speed of 24 billion miles per second then we can be about the business of moving our lives and building our communities so today the honorable minister louis farrakhan as we prepare to receive him know that among us is god's messenger don't get excited you say what a black man a messenger of god well the people before us during the time of noah said the same thing what a messenger and the people that were in the days of isaiah and ezekiel and jeremiah those that were in the days of moses and aaron those in the days of jesus those in the days of abraham those in the days of lot those in the days of muhammad all of them rejected god's messengers except for a few who believed know that the honorable minister louis farrakhan is just not some gifted orator [Applause] as uh my brother from indianapolis often says if you're gonna talk about minister farah khan you can't put him in the category of class of men that were our great freedom fighters even though you could put him in that category of booker t washington and w.e.b dubois and marcus garvey certainly he is worthy to be in that company and certainly he has fought for our human and civil rights but you can't really put him confine him or designate him to just that he's more than that when you talk about louis farrakhan you have to put him in the category and in the class of men that god has raised up from among the people that you read of in the bible and the quran from abraham to moses to jesus to muhammad to the honorable elijah muhammad to his servant the honorable minister louis farrakhan everything that is happening in the world today a black man born from georgia told us that we would see and witness the fall of america can i get a witness did not elijah muhammad say that a day such of this was coming did he not tell us that the economy would fall that businesses would close down that the stock market would fall that they would be laying off jobs by the thousands and who was elijah muhammad to tell us of things to come that we are now witnessing and bearing witness to and he said he met god face to face as we are looking at each other today face to face so when we say that the honorable minister louis farrakhan is the extension of the honorable elijah muhammed it means that the work and the mission of the honorable elijah muhammad was to be expanded and the honorable minister louis farrakhan is fulfilling the entire scope of the message and the mission of the honorable elijah muhammad and as the people are distant from god and out from his reach you know you may have a toaster at home or a blender and sometimes the power outlet could be at a distance from that appliance or a vacuum cleaner what do you need to do to make sure the power gets to that electrical appliance you go and you look for an extension cord the honorable minister louis farrakhan is an extension we are at a distance from where we need to be so god out of his grace god out of his mercy god out of his love extends himself stretches out his hand to his people that you might be connected that we might be connected and so my dear beloved brothers and sisters i hope that all of us enjoyed savior's day and the message that the honorable minister louis farrakhan delivered and today we shall receive more of what was a absolutely magnificent message one that should be and must be studied by all of us and the beauty of the man that we are about to receive is that as you hear him and you listen to his words carefully you know that he is being guided by god to give us guidance and to give the world warning and guidance if they would lend their ears out of this terrible predicament for the bible teaches us that there would be a time such as there never was since there was a time and a people and a nation and we are living in troubled and uncertain times and if there was any time that our eyes should be open and that our ears should be open and our hearts should be open it should be now in this hour to open our eyes and our ears and our hearts to god's servant and the message that he has for each and every one of us that will help us through this very difficult hour are you ready to receive and to hear from our beloved minister the honorable minister to us today and we thank allah and we ask allah to continue to give him strength to continue to increase his health to continue to give him the anointing of his spirit please receive the honorable minister louis farrakhan [Applause] allah the honorable minister louis farrakhan thank you in the name of allah the beneficent the merciful we give him praise and thanks for his coming and for his raising among us one that the world has really been looking for for two thousand years and what we thought happened two thousand years ago has happened in our time and among us as a people i thank allah for the honorable elijah muhammad and i thank allah for each and every one of you who in spite of inclement weather and the change of time came out to hear what we have to say i greet all of you my dear brothers and sisters with the greeting words of peace to brother minister ishmael i want to say again how thankful i am for your beautiful representation of the teachings of the honorable elijah muhammad on this webcast throughout america and the world i believe that all of those who have listened have been inspired as i have been so may allah continue to bless you in your growth and study of the teachings of your spiritual and physical fathers and to all of the able assistants brother abel brother jason brother fontaine brother jeffrey all of you i have enjoyed listening and watching you grow and develop as there is much work to be done and we can't have you sitting around watching ishmael work you have to get out and work too so we have cities we have towns we have places that need someone to teach and we have a hungry people that need the guidance that allah has given to the honorable elijah muhammad for us there's a scripture in the bible that says god's coming is after the working of satan i want us to think about that god's coming is after not during but after the working of satan jesus the prophet came 2000 years ago while satan still had more time to deceive the entire world that great one of two thousand years ago could not have been the one that comes at the end of satan's world because satan still had 2 000 more years to work so jesus i want you to hear me well and you go and get your scriptures and check jesus prophesied that one was coming after him in these words there is much that i could teach you or tell you now but you are not able to bear it meaning that he had so much to give but the foundation of the people to hear it was not adequate so he said but when he is come not when i come i'm already here but when he is come the spirit of truth he will guide you into all truth and in another place he says it is expedient for you that i go away meaning i die it's necessary sometimes students of a great master teacher don't even realize what the teacher has put in them until the teacher leaves because they become so dependent on the teacher till they don't activate the power that they really have to do the same great thing that the teacher is doing if you recall the scriptures jesus is among the people he's doing wonderful things and the disciples are sitting watching you remember the parable when he was in the boat and the storm arose and he was asleep and the disciples woke him up out of fear and jesus went and calmed the storm and then said to them o ye of little faith because the faith and the teachings that he gave would have allowed the disciples to do exactly what he was doing and then do it greater oh you didn't hear me so you should never look down on your own innate ability to accomplish great things under a master teacher because the master teacher is not trying to get you to worship him he's trying to get you to follow him and worship only the one who is deserving to be worshipped and that is almighty god allah now i am convinced that we really do not know what we are possessed inside of us we can repeat the teaching of a master but we cannot do the same what of the master not that you can't we lack the faith to try so jesus said it's expedient for you that i go away for if i go not away the comforter come unto you but if i go away i will send him unto you in my name and he will testify of me i those are wonderful words for us to consider and then jesus said greater works [Applause] that i do shall you do now if you look at the works that the master did when he walked among us we marvel he opened the eyes of the blind he made the death hear the dumb speak he raised the dead to life and then he said to his disciples greater works shall you do than what i have done well now you either believe that he's telling the truth or you think he's trying to soup you up or something make you feel good but jesus is not dr feel good he is a living truth he wastes no time so if he tells the disciple you can do greater works than i do but you have to have the faith to go out and try to do it but you've got to do it in my name now i wanna talk real clear to you today because satan's job is to deceive the whole world about a man that would come into the world to end his world now the question we have to ask is is this world out here is this god's world or is this satan's world come on now let's talk now you say well wait a minute of course this is god's will no this is god's earth this is god's universe and all the riches that are in the earth are the lords but the institutions that are on the earth that were made by corrupt man that is not god's word the nations of the earth are not god's nations [Music] the institutions are not god's institution don't tell me that you're sending your children to school that that's god's school when his name can't even be other than remembered in the school don't don't tell me that this is god's system of jurisprudence when so many people are crying out because of the lack of justice don't tell me that this is god's economic system how could it be and there's so many poor people yet the earth can produce food to sustain the birds the bees the ants the worms everything but he is the greatest of god's creation and you are waiting for a welfare check or you are waiting for food stamps or you are waiting for somebody to feed you as though you don't have the ability to feed yourself is this god's world when you can plant a seed in the fertile womb of a female and then the state won't allow you to deliver what you planted but the farmer can reap what he sow it was only recently that they allowed men into the delivery room to watch their wives deliver their children when there were no hospitals like these the earth has been here for billions and trillions of years how did human beings deliver babies before they were hospitals [Music] go among the native americans the indians they never went to no hospital to deliver babies even during slavery we didn't have hospitals on the plantation you had midwives and you had fellow slaves that helped the woman to deliver her child but today you have to pay is is this god's word you have dogs you have cats you have pets when they copulate and they about to deliver do you call a doctor i had horses on the farm and horse is not a light thing to come forth now but i never called the doctor the female laid down and brought into the world a new life i didn't pay anything why do we how much does it cost now see is this god's word ants die birds die cows die allah already has a system set up the vultures just fly they see oh i'm gonna have a meal soon you see as you're driving down the highway you will see a deer get struck you're driving down the highway you see a raccoon that got hit crossing the road you don't call a doctor you don't call an undertaker when you look around raccoon is gone because nature has provided for the end of life in our world of islam and in judaism when one passes within 24 hours they are laid to the earth there's no there's no embalming they wash the body oil the body wrap the body we say prayers and we put the body to the earth and within a short while there's nothing there just some bones because god is the master economist he wastes nothing so could this be his world look at the pain look at the misery look at the people's condition satan has literally all but destroyed the clear path that was laid down by the prophets now wait you say but i'm a christian i'm a muslim i'm a jew i'm a hindu i'm a buddhist whatever you call your self you're a part of a world and this world and its institutions have shaped us so the mosque does not have the power that it had when the prophet was among us and the early companions the mosque is a place to gather the church is a place to gather the synagogue is a place to gather we say prayers we may sing songs and then we go out into a world that we lack the power to change or we really have the power to change it but we don't have the guidance of how to exercise the power that we already have now this is satan's world and naturally satan is fighting to hold on to the power that he has over the minds and hearts of the people of the earth it's written in the bible and quran i will quote both the bible says and satan deceived the entire world are you and i in that world could it be that you and i have been deceived i'm just raising a question nobody wants to admit i've been deceived there are wives that have been betrayed by their husbands and husbands betrayed by their wives and they don't want to admit that the game was played because in order to admit that the game was played you had to admit that somebody pulled the wool over our eyes so our ego gets in the way of looking at things in a more truthful way now again i'm going uh to the quran and the bible but i'm going towards something satan in the quran is having an argument with allah and every time we pray we in arabic say cool say i seek refuge in allah against or from the accursed satan satan is one driven away from the face of god so his whole aim is to pull those who would want to be close to god away from god by making evil fair see me satan has to know truth in order to deceive the people who seek it listen so this argument i want to repeat it because i want us to be clear that satan says to god in the quran in several places respite me till the day when they are raised what is a respite what does it mean see satan says to god because you have judged me boy that's heavy and caused me to remain disappointed see he's angry he says i satan am going to lie in wait for them who is them it's the same day that he's asking to delay his doom until they are raised raised how what means and methods shall be used to raise the people in such a way that it ends satan's power to deceive them listen [Applause] respite me till the day when they are raised allah said surely you are of the respited ones he gives satan time to do his work of deceiving satan says okay i'm gonna come at them from before them from behind them from their left side from their right side i'm gonna make all of them deviate he didn't say some he said oh this should tell you that satan has been given an enormous amount of power to deceive when he's going to say to the face of god i'll get them all and make them deviate and god does not argue with him in the quran allah says whosoever follows you i will certainly fill hell with you all he's going to put satan in hell but all who follow him and this sounds kind of spooky but we're gonna make it real clear for you so you won't make a mistake thinking that hell is some place that you have to die to go to [Music] and you already in hell right now and the hell that we are in made of our own hands and our own doing is getting worse and worse and worse and god is allowing it in another part of the quran allah says you will get all except my purified ones now certainly i i would like to be one of the purified ones that escapes that but there's no guarantee except that i and you continue to seek a refuge in god now i'm coming back to being raised in jesus elijah muhammad taught us that jesus of 2000 years ago was only a prophet did he say that he did well is it the truth see now wait a minute i know i know what you're thinking no the jesus that i know he's the son of god we're going to talk about that because the jesus of 2000 years ago he was indeed a prophet and the honorable elijah muhammad said he was the last prophet to the jews and when they killed him it ended their independence and from that day to this they have been wandering through the earth with no place to call their home but jesus when he said the one coming after him now that's very important because if jesus was the last prophet to the jews that means there's no more coming to them so when he has come the spirit of truth who will guide us into all truth who would he be coming to [Applause] we're going to reason now i just want you to reason with me we're going to be all right see this jesus that's spoken of in the new testament the honorable elijah muhammad says 75 of what you read about the jesus is referring to the one that comes at the end of satan's time because that one comes to end satan's world you see him opening the eyes of the blind that's very important making the deaf hear the dumb speak respite me till the day when they are raised how do you raise them if they are lowered and have to be raised what lowered them it was the lack of knowledge that lowered them and it is satan manipulating their ignorance that keeps satan in power so this one that comes after the workings of satan he's on time he comes to point out satan i mean point him out you think satan is some spook he got he's a spirit all right he got one but that's not what the book says both books said don't follow in the footsteps of satan and the bible says that day shall not come except there be a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed not the spirit the man you a man you can only be deceived by one of your own there is no calf no cow no snake that can deceive you it has to be a human being like yourself all right all right man i'm gonna try to move real quick we got some ground to cover listen if 75 of what you read in the bible refers to that great one jesus yes that is coming at the end of the world muslims we we are well who are we looking for see you know that if the prophet muhammed peace be upon him said three generations after me will no longer be of me those are big words it means that the deception of the ummah the community would start after the prophet was gone you know he forgave the hypocrites in mecca when he conquered mecca but they were still living and some of them came back and became khalifas they became so-called vice gerunds of the prophet how can you be deceived except someone comes in the name of the one whom you love and skillfully turn you away from his path jesus the one that comes at the end of the world is different from the prophet now i'm going to read this and i i argue with some about this because it's clear to me that this person jesus oh man he's some kind of person he says allah speaking in the fifth section of the third surah or chapter of the holy quran it's talking about the birth of jesus and his ministry i'm going to read it because most christians don't think we believe in jesus and nothing could be further from the truth we not only believe in him but if you watch us we're trying to walk the same kind of path that he walked and that path was listen listen listen jesus i want to say this and then you may argue but jesus never preached christianity come on let's let's reason you never hear jesus in the gospels saying i am a christian therefore you should be what i am. he never said it now go read the gospels i have read them matthew mark luke and john jesus said i am something but he never said i'm a christian so why are you fighting us we know it's a good name we don't argue with you over the name but we argue with you over the fact that you won't even listen to us because you say we are not christians and the master whom you follow never said so my question is are you really a follower of the master i just want to raise some points now listen to the words of jesus he said [Music] i hear from the father that i speak oh boy so you can't take his words lightly because he's not speaking of himself he opens his mouth but it is god speaking through him then he says whatsoever the father bids me to do that i do the koran says of jesus he was in complete obedience to the law given to him perfect obedience are we come on come on [Music] see well then i ask this question if we are not in perfect obedience as he is and was then who are we following all right i'm gonna ask some questions did jesus smoke reefer did he hit the pipe a little bit i know they said he turned water into wine at the wedding feast but did they ever say jesus got drunk did he ever beat a woman he didn't beat mary he didn't beat martha did he cuss out his mother was was he effeminate he loved men because all the disciples were men he loved them he washed their feet but did he have sex with them was mary and martha were they lesbians no no no well how the hell did we get like we are if we are following him talk to me [Applause] and i can ask questions of the holy prophet similar it was perfect in his obedience to allah he gave us orders hold fast to the rope of islam and be not divided have we followed his counsel what happened satan got in divided the muslims satan got in divided the christians satan got in divided the jews and here we are now followers we say of these great servants of god but we are as far away from them as the black hole that is at the edge of the universe so as far away as we are is it possible that we could be brought back see look look at these words respite me till the day when they humanity is raised and satan works hard to keep us where we are because if you are not raised he's still in power and look at this look at this scripture from the jesus he meets a woman and she has seven devils in her well one devil is enough but when you meet a woman and she got seven this woman is taking over so if you got seven devils in you who are you you can't say i'm a saint with seven devils you have to be what you're consumed by jesus went to work and he started casting the demons out of this woman and these demons were talking as they were coming up and coming out they started accusing jesus why are you persecuting us me before time we know you're supposed to persecute us but are you on time well hell if the demons are coming up out of the woman he had to be on time are you listening [Applause] do do we have some demons come on we don't have to look at nobody else let's let's start in the mirror i'm looking at that man in the mirror [Applause] what you're asking him to do i'm asking him to change his ways who's the man in the mirror you me us do we need to change something in us [Applause] well then we need a power that will exercise the demon in us that disallows us to change we need that man here's the quran and when the angel said o mary surely allah has chosen thee and purified thee and chosen thee above the women of the world i just want to stop there a lot of women in the world but when the book says that mary this is the koran now that mary was chosen above the women of the world why is she chosen above all the women it's because of what her womb is going to bring forth listen o mary listen to the first command that he gives her be obedient to thy lord and humble thyself and bow down with those who bow see sisters your womb is really sacred you are sacred you're not a play thing that wound is so sacred that from your womb comes the prophets the khalifas the vice gerunds the wise men the sages but also the wicked of the world come from you what happened to you that you produce some good some no good what's going on that's a good question i don't intend to go deep into that but look sisters the honorable elijah muhammad for bad certain things when a woman was making new life because whatever is going on in your life around your life while you are making new life marks the life that you are producing so god tells mary be obedient to your lord see set up in your mind now that i'm going to obey my creator and nothing is going to stop me from being obedient because i'm i'm preparing new life then it goes on [Music] and when the angels said o mary surely allah gives you good news with a word from him of one whose name is the messiah jesus son of mary worthy of regard in this world and the hereafter and of those who are drawn nigh to allah now the angels are telling her about her child he will speak to the people when in the cradle and when of old age and he will be one of the good ones she said my lord how can i have a son and man has not yet touched me he said even so allah creates what he pleases and when he decrees a matter he only says to it be and it is now this verse here is one that i think scholars of islam christianity and judaism need to study now listen to these words now i don't know the arabic so those of you who know the language you can help me but this is the maulana mohammed ali translation of the arabic but it's very close to what the arabic really is it says and he allah will teach him jesus the book and the wisdom the torah and the gospel i'm going to stop now if this quran is saying that he's going to teach him the book the book what book is that you cannot say it's the torah and the gospel because he mentions the torah he mentions the gospel and he mentions al kitab and the wisdom of the book no prophet [Applause] was taught the book there's a difference between the book being revealed and the book being taught because when the book is taught the meaning of it the explanation of it the wisdom of it is given by the only one who knows [Applause] and that is god himself how can you raise the people who have been deceived by just speaking to them what they can read and they're still deceived [Music] you have the quran you don't have its meaning the prophet did give some but he left that to someone else otherwise if the muslim ummah went off the path then someone has to come to guide the ummah or the community back to the path that one in quran is called mahdi and in islamic tradition jesus is to be with the mahdi what jesus the one that was here 2 000 years ago and is dead and gone or is it the one that is to come at the end of satan's time look at the work that this jesus will do he said now make him a messenger he's already called messiah but nine says make him a messenger to the children of israel saying i have come to you with a sign from your lord that i determine for you out of dust the form of a bird then i breathe into it and it becomes a bird with god's permission i heal the blind and the leprous and bring the dead to life with allah's permission and i inform you of what you should eat and what you should store in your houses surely there's a sign in this for you if you are believers let me close the quran for a second there are terminology this terminology in the bible that is not used in the quran and this terminology splits muslims and christians from each other i want to deal with just some of that terminology and then end what we started last week [Music] if you look in the genesis of the bible see god is making a man and the man that he's making is not singular if you study the bible in the 26th verse of the first chapter of genesis he said let us us make man in our image and after our likeness i guess us an hour does mean more than one go back and read it and let us give them not him them dominion over the fowl of the air the fish of the sea and every creeping thing that crawls upon the earth now some scholars of islam say that there are about 50 000 atoms i'm not going to deal with that yet today but adam only means the original person of a world that god is permitting to come in male and female the book says created he them and called their name adam so in a lecture that we gave i think it was back in august on the new educational paradigm i asked the question have you heard that before adam people existed and they were called the pre-adamites how many of you have ever heard the term pre-adam would you raise your hands okay pre means before who are they when you research you'll find that the pre-adamites are the ab original people of the earth ab original means from or away from original means they were here from the beginning do you know who they are caucasian people are not called aboriginals it's the darker people of the planet that are called ab originals listen carefully now the honorable elijah muhammad said to us they call me a black nationalist he didn't say he was or he was not he just said black is not national black is universal because everything started in darkness and then came out into the light so if everything started in darkness and came out into the light as you got light out of darkness you got white out of black wait wait [Applause] the caucasian people are a new people on our planet and they were given time to rule but not to rule in the way of god but to rule opposite until the coming of god this is not racism there are white people who are knowledgeable that you are the father that you are the producer two white people cannot produce yellow much less brown and black is just impossible but out of the black comes the brown the yellow the white respite me till the day when they are raised it's you you're the one we are the ones that have been deceived all over the planet we are at the bottom of the human family the yellow man as he's called he's higher up the totem pole than we are go look in the schools as they test you in math and science even the whites today are behind it's the asians that are number one the yellow the brown the latino brother and the black we're at the bottom come on so you and i and we the darker people of the world have to be raised see you say i'm mexican okay that's a name you call yourself who's rule in mexico it's not the mexican that is descended from the black and the indian is it who rose who rules in colombia in much of south america you see them from argentina now we have in bolivia evo morales he's of the indigenous people we have in venezuela hugo chavez you have now the original rising but they're rising against white world supremacy [Applause] talk to me if i'm speaking the truth and you know it is the truth then don't get upset now i want to make a few quick points because from the genesis it talks about the coming of the son of man the koran does not use that language the bible does son of man as it was in the days of noah so shall it be at the coming of son of man when sodom and gomorrah a homosexual twin city in the middle east was destroyed by god the scripture says as it was in the days of lot in sodom and gomorrah so shall it be at the coming of the son of man we're looking at a future time now but a time when just the condition that caused god's destruction of the wicked in the days of noah and lot that will be present in the world when the son of man comes [Applause] how was it during the days of noah the bible says every imagination of the heart was continually to do evil how was it in the days of lot in sodom and gomorrah the people had turned the natural use into something unnatural so the koran asks the question what is this that's god asking the question what is this a man coming to another man with lust in his heart as he should the female now look at our world the world in which we live the world that is not of god our little girls are falling on each other our boys the same just yes above it can't interfere with this light that's for sure [Applause] are you all right i am too now the son of man is coming in the 24th chapter of matthew it gives you his direction he's coming out of the east even unto the west those of you who are high masons and shriners see the worshipful master where does he sit in the east but he's facing the west what's in the west in the north country it's a master architect that was hit in the head by some evildoers and is buried in a shallow grave so matthew says yes as lightning shines from the east even unto the west so shall the coming of the son of man be for wheresoever the carcass [Music] [Applause] is a dead person the body of a once great and living people there shall the eagles be and they've picked his flesh and ezekiel sees us as now dried bones in the valley would it disturb you to know that you are the virgin that a great son is going to come out of you you only think of a virgin as a female that has never been touched sexually by a man but a virgin is also a people that have never had a true connection to god and oh wait and the holy ghost shall come upon her and she will be conceived of a child whose name shall be called jesus you are the people and it is that god would visit you under the title son of man how did he become a son of man ever since the fall of adam human beings mainly the people of color have died mentally under the influence of the caucasian world come on did you get hit in the head something happened to your head what do you mean something happened to my head are you the ancient builders of civilization have you read about the history of your people the origin of civilization starting with black people come on come on do you believe it you do where's the sign that it is true barack obama accepted the oath of office standing on the steps of the capitol built by built by built by he's now living in the white house built by built by how in the hell could you build that and build the mansions in the south for the slave master and teach the white woman how to cook and dress her in silk and satin while you were in burlap if you didn't know the eye and the culture of civilized people but what happened to you um you have been put to death so you have eyes but you don't see you have ears but we don't hear we have a tongue we can't speak because we have not heard because we do not see this jesus when he comes he opens the eyes see just your being here the few minutes that you've been here [Music] eyes coming open now come on and i watch you you have been listening your ears oh you would like to sleep i know but you kind of wide awake you're hearing and that means you'll soon be speaking what you're hearing the blind the deaf and the dumb and a man who's living on a horizontal level see you are just like the corpse that's in the funeral parlor somebody dresses it somebody washes it it don't wash itself somebody moves it because it can't move that's the way we are you didn't dress yourself right somebody somewhere in the world made these clothes as though we can't tailor as though the cotton that we picked can't grow for us that we could turn it into lint and cloth and make our own garments as though the cow can't give us its hide that we can hide uh fix our shoes though it was a black man who revolutionized the shoe industry look at yourself you once were a builder and now you're a beggar looking to the white man to do for you what you could get up and do for yourself now [Applause] he's the son of man because ever since we've been down we've been longing to get back up so the honorable elijah muhammad taught us that whatever nature desires for us that we are deprived of soon the nature the law of nature will bring forth from the womb of a woman a child born to satisfy a natural need that we have been deprived of what have we been deprived of knowledge wisdom understanding life liberty the true suit of happiness freedom justice equality building a home for yourself family life brotherly love among us as a people we've been deprived of all of that and you do long for that you long to see yourself in a position that you can dream of but you haven't actualized it so when brother barack rose and said he he wanted to run the house mean i was one of the doubters not that he ain't qualified i said i'm some of you will say oh i knew he was gonna be president yeah right [Music] if you know this world like we who've been in it long enough know it we didn't believe that our brother was gonna make it but he made it didn't he how did you feel i mean just be honest how did you feel when you woke up or went to sleep the night of the 4th of november and we watched that tv and the folks were coming in and at about 11 o'clock barack hussein obama noticed the name not jim dandy harry mcgillicuddy jon jones lucius jackson but barack hussein obama 44th president of the united states of america i'm sitting at the tv me and khadijah i look at our people i see you rejoicing and i'm crying because i love you and i want to see you lifted and when i see that barack has lifted you from where you were to where you are and giving you hope and possibility i weep for joy because i know this is a genie that can't be put back in the bottle again we're on the move now we're on the rise now respite me till the day when they are raised now you being raised degree by degree [Applause] and the end of their world is here now so last sunday i said barack obama inherited the fall of america he inherited the collapse of her institutions he inherited the end of her world now is some work for us to do last week i talked about the international bankers and how they plotted against america from europe the rothschilds the warburgs some of these that have recently collapsed their fathers international bankers you may not have known it but it's against the constitution for anybody to print or coin or mint the money of the united states of america except the u.s congress but these international bankers with some treasonous senators on jekyll island off the coast of georgia plotted and set up the federal reserve act and on december the 23rd 1913 a law was passed in congress that violated the constitution that gave international banking families the right to print the money that you have in your pocket i have a document that shows how america got from 1 billion 400 million dollars in debt in 1913 to now 65.5 trillion dollars in debt listen to this how many of you own your home or are buying your home would you raise your hands please okay did you know that the debt of america is more than the value of every building that is on three thousand by two thousand square miles called the united states of america as i said last week right now the fbi building is up for sale the drug enforcement agency has already been sold and what others are doing foreign companies buying up taxpayer dollar buildings and leasing them back to the government america is broke very very broke and no matter how much hope you have in the stimulus package i'm here to tell you what the honorable elijah muhammad said he said that foreign wars and divine plagues are destroying the economy in the american way of life now it rained quite hard yesterday and today and see god the one who makes rain hail snow and earthquake he hasn't let up since barack got in in fact the plagues are coming harder and faster so how can you think a stimulus package is enough when one disaster tornado wiping out of town in oklahoma a fire about to burn up a whole town floods global warming [Music] the messenger would not buy anything on the east or west coast because he said it's going to be pushed in to the center now mr gore is saying that as the poles begin to warm up and the arctic area begins to melt and it builds the water on the east coast and the west coast it begins to flood out the coastline what did the koran say it said that allah would curtail her of her sides god is working today his world is finished and if you stay a part of it [Applause] you go down with it don't you think that the enemy is not plotting to take the people that god is after down with the enemy do you know that you are being held right now as a hostage you know you know when somebody takes a hostage they hold a hostage in the line of fire so that the person who's firing will see the hostage and miss the real one that they shooting at you say well how am i a hostage ain't nobody got me oh yeah if they got this they got you do they have you look what the scripture says shall the pray be taken from the mighty and the lawful captive be delivered see you are lawful captive the 13th amendment made you a citizen ain't nobody asked us nothing did you vote to be a citizen you didn't did you let's make the citizens excuse the language but that's the way they talk let's make the citizens we're going to amend the constitution they were three-fifths when we were arguing about representation now the uh we're gonna make them citizens but we got a catch phrase here what's the catchphrase don't get charged with a felonious charge that you are found guilty of then all your citizenship reverts to slave status so when you go to jail whether you innocent or guilty and they ask you to plead on a felony they come at you and say well if you plea we'll give you this if you plea we'll give you that but once the felony is by your name you are no longer a citizen you are deprived now so they work you for the industrial complex that's tied to the prison [Applause] you get nothing and they're making money off of you then they turn you into a and inject you with aids so you come out of jail messing up your girlfriend with your stuff that you got while you were incarcerated oh yeah my son told me to drink some water i think i should now look when the federal reserve act was passed then banking families print the money the dollar used to be backed by silver if you look at the dollar years ago it used to be called a silver certificate it's a pay to the bearer on demand a dollar in silver you don't have silver in circulation today that mess that you call a quarter half a dollar ain't no silver brother used to be not now no silver nothing backing the dollar so when abraham lincoln decided he was not going to allow the bankers in america not federal reserve not just bankers to loan him the money to fight the civil war he produced greenbacks it didn't have nothing back in it but faith in your government and he angered the international bankers namely the rothschilds after that he was shot to death in the ford theater and he escaped in a route that was already prepared and then in a bond now just think about a man in a bond nobody in the bond but him all these soldiers outside the bond he's in the bond with nothing but his weapon then they burn the bond down with him in it well after the body is all charred and fixed up they bury him in a grave right now down in in maryland but recently the family wanted to exhume the body so i read and uh high officials somebody would not permit it because wilkes booth was a patsy and there was a conspiracy inside the government do you know what happened to john fitzgerald kennedy you didn't know oh see john jfk our first catholic president john was the most charismatic of the presidents and had great support from the american people and he felt that he could defy the international bankers and get away with it he wasn't just killed because he was favoring some rights for black people [Music] the president has power to just with an executive order make a law i'm almost finished executive order one one one one zero signed into law early 1963 where with the stroke of his pen he took away the power of the federal reserve to print the money and he john kennedy boy this is something he put four billion dollars into circulation in two dollar and five dollar denominations but all four billion was backed by silva six months later like it was with lincoln he was shot down in daly plaza you see the international bankers must not be defied because they run presidents and kings you didn't hear me did you see the trilogy the godfather how many of you saw the godfather the third one we're the catholic bank see it was a bank wasn't it and the pope himself that was coming in was not the friend of the bankers what happened to the pope [Music] they gave him some tea john paul the first dead in a few days john paul ii let me tell you something these [Applause] these wicked people they don't give a damn about you and me if you're gonna interfere with their takeover of the world did you know that without the knowledge of congress or the american people president bush met with president foxx of mexico and the prime minister of canada [Music] and they're talking about merging the three economies and the politics and have already printed from what i'm reading new money to replace the dollar it's called the amero a-m-e-r-o american people don't know they want to build a super highway from mexico all the way to canada what are you dealing with [Music] see you dealing with satan who has blinded the people deceived congress that's why i say to brother barack you better have another source from which you gain your intelligence lest you end up like colon power what happened to colon power they falsified intelligence and fed it to a black man who could be trusted [Applause] and when he went before the united nations he told that fbi man you sit behind me cause what i'm saying is what you're giving me [Music] and colon power ruined his reputation by lying to the world that there were weapons of mass destruction sitting up in iraq the devil is a liar he's a murderer he's an international bandit what do you think do you think they went to war in iraq because saddam hussein was a dictator you see how satan works he always gives a noble motive to what he's about to do that man over there gasped his own people well hell if that's the case every damn president in the united states should be killed for what they did to the native americans for what they've done to us under the flag of the united states of america and under their laws maybe killed is too strong a word but set down but they killed saddam and what what was it that they were after trillion dollars worth of oil in the second largest oil reserve in the world now barack he messing up something [Music] now i'm only telling you see he loved abraham lincoln please brother please he mentioned lincoln he mentions kennedy please brother no i mean he's going to do what he got to do but they are prepared to do what they always do 30 trillion dollars they've been fighting over the last few years to get the government in iraq to make a deal over how the oil revenue is going to be distributed they ain't got that arrangement yet and do you know what obama said we're coming out in 18 months we do not want your oil where we we we want a stable democracy somebody is upset somebody's upset so the violence is escalating again in iraq now but america's troops are coming out but he's sending them to afghanistan now you that don't read news you're on b-e-t these silly sitcoms and reality shows this is where your silly head is the whole damn world falling down around you and all you can look at is a foolish reality show respite me till the day when the can be raised but we're going to keep them [Applause] down [Music] so now he's pulling the troops out of iraq sending 30 000 and maybe more to afghanistan and i mentioned last week that afghanistan is now america's new vietnam i'm going to close you see the american people have been deceived by these satanic forces that control the media he's just one you just won it's a group [Music] but their minds i had to control you me us not just you little white people little chinese little mexicans little indians all being controlled by the way they manipulate the news and keep your mind revolving around gossip and slander did you hear [Music] what that boy brown did to rihanna that ain't a name nothing new you just left your husband he beat the hell out of you or maybe you turn the tables and beat the hell out of him but domestic violence is the order of the day but it's just something to talk about 24 hours of cable tv they got to fill it up and they keep feeding you and me filth and foolishness and slander and gossip i love my little brother flavor flav no i do he's my little brother but look how he's being used see do you think making money means you're right so because we're multi-millionaires by calling our women and that that we're right now because we can wear all the bling bling and all of that does that make you right [Applause] satan got us [Applause] he got us two things and we can go home afghanistan did we get involved in afghanistan did you know that osama bin laden was paid by the c.i.a you didn't know you didn't know well let's let's just get a little talk of it see afghanistan is a muslim country and socialists and communists had started ruling afghanistan so the muslims now this is a period of islamic revival all over the world and the muslims are rising up to come back to the pristine purity of the faith so when the muslims rise they challenge a socialist government this happened in egypt on the abdul nasa who was a socialist but the islamic brotherhood wanted to return egypt to islam in its purest form this is going on all over the middle east now so most of the moderate and quotes moderate muslim leaders they're all in trouble because the masses are rising and they want islam but they want it in its pure form so the muslims started rising in afghanistan and the soviet union did not want the muslims to destabilize the socialist government so they sent their troops in to take over afghanistan enter usama bin laden i don't know exactly remember who was with me when i was in pakistan in islamabad and i met with the that president zia and i went into peshawar where the mujahideen were and we met with the leaders of the mujahideen mujahid it means a struggler a person involved in a jihad or an intense struggle for god for god the mujahideen that we met in peshawar were fighting the russians or the soviet union in afghanistan the united states said well we are god-fearing satan talking and you muslims are god-fearing and the soviet union is godless so let's back the [Music] so the cia funneled money weapons information to the mujahideen and those are ancient warriors and they whipped the soviet union and we could see the soviets taking their tanks and getting out of there but what happened america promised that when the soviet union was defeated that they would help the mujahideen build rebuild afghanistan but america is not interested in building any nation that will be true to islam so once the soviet union was defeated america backed out on its promise [Music] the soviet union collapsed and america became the only power in a unipolar world osama mad as hell the mujahideen mad as hell so a civil war broke out in afghanistan between the warlords who controlled the poppy the heroin traffic you that snort and you that shoot up most of your heroin coming out of afghanistan so the taliban arose in a civil war and they win and conquer afghanistan cut off the puppy now let me tell you did you know ain't got nothing to do with the taliban and women win burkas this thing that covered a woman all up america acting like she's defending women and you walk in the street with your behind out ain't a damn soul saying nothing to you but you gonna defend women in afghanistan who cover and you are uncovering your woman making a look like a prostitute ain't nobody saying nothing to you he's not a defender of the modesty of [Applause] women he used that as an argument to sway the american people against the quote unquote taliban you know what the word talib means means student taliban the students of allah students of his word students of his prophet students of his way they don't want nothing but god's way that's the war that's going on in the world today is if you want to obey god over here if you want to keep doing the mess that you doing over here and god intend to kill you did not hear me because you're not making no out of the real god he will wipe you from the face of the earth if you don't get your act together god damn if he ain't playing with you so america saw they wanted to build an 876 mile pipeline from turkmenistan through afghanistan to pakistan to the indian ocean and the arabian sea they sent for the taliban they weren't talking about no burkas they met in texas in 1997 you know cal a houston based company bidding to build the pipeline of which your former vice president cheney is a stockholder [Applause] you know god damn it you know what angers the hell out of me is the damn punctified preachers and leaders who know the truth but won't speak it for fear that something bad is going to happen to them if you know the truth speak it and if you gotta die damn it die on the truth that you are man enough to speak [Applause] all right i'm almost there [Applause] they invited the taliban to visit them and government officials in texas and dressed in traditional gob the high-ranking delegation was given vip treatment during the four four-door four-day stay so don't look at vip treatment by your former slave masters and their children as some kind of sign now that they have changed [Music] if you keep that teaching in your head as you deal with your former slave masters and their children they won't be able to deceive you but if you ever forget [Applause] and begin to think that your 400 year old enemy under the trick called integration has now become your friend if you ever [Applause] lose your knowledge [Applause] then the enemy will deceive us again can the devil fool a muslim [Applause] really [Music] some of you all ready to see some of you waving flag you think this country has changed because you got a black man up there talk to me has the ghetto life changed because you got a black president are the police still profiling and killing is the gang still banging and cocaine and heroin still selling [Applause] don't you deceive yourself and allow this euphoria to blind you to everyday reality of black suffering in america barack obama can't heal it by himself he's put his enemies around him [Applause] and they gave him the most armored vehicle of any president in the history and he's gotten more threats on his life than all the presidents and presidential hopefuls combined do you think they're happy to see michelle in the white house directing the kitchen [Applause] first lady of a racist empire do you think you're living in a post-racial america if you do you are one of those that satan has deceived so when they talked with the taliban it wasn't about the misuse of women it was about a pipeline and some french writers reported that members of the bush administration said this to the taliban in july 2001 either you accept a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs when the taliban refused 911 gave the bush administration and the neoconservatives the excuse to attack muslims in the name of fighting terrorism the leader of the taliban was mullah omar and bush asked him turn over osama bin laden [Music] mullah omar is a muslim he said to bush send me the proof that he and his so-called al-qaeda were responsible for 9 11 and i will turn him over to you that's our way just because you the president of the united states see you don't order a muslim [Applause] you can order a that pretends to be a muslim but you can't give orders to a muslim who obeys god the quran says when one is accused you have to bring the evidence i'll be glad to turn him over to you he's in our country but bring the proof they heard no proof yet and they haven't been able to find bin laden osama bin forgotten [Applause] now pakistan is upset it's in bad shape but the muslims are rising pakistan has nuclear weapons india pakistan's enemy has nuclear weapons china india's enemy has nuclear weapons so there have been border clashes between china and india india and pakistan through kashmir but america don't mind india having atomic weapons but not pakistan and they're worried now because the muslim islamists militants are rising and they fear that if they come to power with an atomic nuclear uh weapons stockpile they ain't gonna do nothing ain't gonna do nothing crazy as hell but they ain't that crazy within 20 seconds 30 seconds one send one over to india another one sent right back so it's suicide that's what forces people to come to a negotiating table we call it daetant with russia and america because both of them have the nuclear power to destroy one another so let's sit down and talk but israel she is a nuclear power in the world and the only real nuclear power in the middle east i have a document here from press tv an ex-official of israel says israel can hardly wait to attack iran tel aviv has by no means shelved its plans to strike the iranian nuclear infrastructure says a former israeli envoy to the united nations the envoy is mr dan gilleman former israeli u.n ambassador and he said tel aviv could not afford to wait any longer for diplomatic efforts to curb iran's uranium enrichment program adding that it was preparing a military offensive against the country now i heard barack obama when he went before aipac the american israeli political action committee he declared that he would you know destroy iran if they attacked israel and i think that was when he was running and hillary clinton went before the same committee and said she would wipe iran from the face of the earth now that's his uh secretary of state and the country is falling for war with iran iran is not iraq and if they had trouble in lebanon with the hezbollah and they had trouble in gaza with hamas they should let that be a lesson because when you dealing with iran you're dealing with an entirely different muslim nation does iran have the right to develop her nuclear knowledge to build that which will cause her not to be able to depend on oil but power generating nuclear power generated source of energy [Music] [Applause] does iran have that right under international law what's the answer yes iran is a signer of the non-nuclear non-proliferation treaty israel is not even if iran developed a nuclear weapon what's he going to do with it see my brother and friend muammar gaddafi he had nuclear stuff over there and he was working on it i mean he was working on it and he gave it up and he said well what would we what were we going to do with it if he threw a nuclear weapon at israel the response would be so overwhelming that there'd be no more libya he was smart you can have it we don't need it let's have good relations that's pretty good iran says we're not breaking any law we're going to build nuclear energy producing facilities in our country and if israel or america attacks we have something for them both i don't know what they got i don't know what they have but i know this you've got this hawkish prime minister forming a government in israel ben yamin and his mind is i don't care nothing about america i'm i'm going to do what i think i need to do to protect israel so if obama hasn't been to walmart [Applause] that's an inside joke [Applause] it's just that walmart is selling everything and they might have a corner where they're selling used testicles damn it if you don't have the testicular fortitude to use the leverage that we america has to reign in the hawks in israel then israel will create a war that will lead america to her destruction i'm going to close with this the honorable elijah muhammad said america will not win another war i'm going to say it again why are you talking like this farrakhan because i don't know how much time i got and i can't waste time but you'll never be able to say that i did not warn you of what america is facing and what you are facing [Applause] if it cost me my life i was born to die but i intend to choose not the method or the way by which i die but the state of mind that i will be in this quran says die not [Applause] unless you die in faith die in submission to the will of god i believe that that's exactly what i'm preaching the will of god and you that don't see america at the bar of judgment trying to make friends with god's enemy then you go ahead she will not win another war and foreign wars and the plagues that are hitting america and the world is destroying the american economy in the american way of life come out of her that's what the john the revelator said come out but where you going don't mean go here go there means come out of the way of life that you are living under the guidance of an enemy of god you can come out of that you can stop doing the thing that you're doing that makes you an enemy of god come out of her my people the book says and be not partakers of her sins and her plagues for her sins have reached unto heaven as jesus knew he was about to go he called his disciples and he asked them who do they say i the son of man is he didn't say son of god he said who do they the people say that i the son of man am who do they say i am and the people said well they say you are that prophet isaiah elijah he named some other prophets and then jesus asked the disciples who do you say i am and peter speaking for the disciples said thou art jesus the christ the son of the living god that's the first time son of god was mentioned never in this quran does allah admit to having a son [Music] so how do we reconcile what the bible is saying to what allah says in the quran jesus looked at peter and said flesh and blood did not reveal this to you that's significant no man told you this i didn't tell you this flesh and blood never revealed it to you and then he said go and tell no man who you just said i am he didn't say that but that's what it meant don't tell nobody then he looked at peter and he said simon [Music] from the latin petros meaning rock and then he said to peter on this rock i built my not church he's not interested in no church on this rock i build a called out community a nation and the gates of hell will not prevail against it last week i mentioned jonah because he went to the people of nineveh and they submitted and the judgment was lifted from them and jesus said this wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign but no sign will be given to you except the sign of jonah as jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights so shall the son of man be in the heart of the earth see america could be healed that's painful to a black man to know that this country did us like this and god could could take his punishment off of america and white folks for the evil that they have done babylon could have been healed but she was not america too could escape the wrath of god if she changes and last week i said change is another word for repent you don't change a policy for practical reasons you change it because it was wrong and it brought the wrong results so if you change your policy toward iran toward the muslim world it's because you realize that what you've done was wrong if you change your policy toward mexico towards central and south america toward africa toward asia you don't change it just for political purposes you change it because your policy was wrong and it didn't bring the right results president obama said when he introduced hillary clinton the secretary of defense gates uh geithner and members of his cabinet he said they will carry out my vision were trying to question as to why he would put his enemies in and he said well it's my policy it's my vision they will carry out my vision those are big words and if you know the nature of the people that he's dealing with the question is will they submit to his vision for america he wants a non-racial america no no no that's not bad that's good if he and they and we could produce an america where all of us regardless of race ethnicity or religious differences could be brothers and sisters to one another wouldn't america be a great place to live but some things you have to give up in order to produce something like that well muslims see if you understand that the messenger said that black was not national it was universal you really don't understand what master farad muhammad brought to him unless you can put it in universal terms if we don't know how to do that and we're sticking to a blackness that was a medicine that healed our condition of black inferiority but if you're going to hold it to the point where you can't recognize good in others and you start judging by the color of a person's skin rather than looking deeper [Music] if we can't grow to see what this book quran and what jesus the messiah wanted to bring into existence where would jesus saying no jew no greek no male no female no bond no free all become one in him if we can't grow to that then we are not with the messiah or the manti this book quran is not about black and white this quran is about wrong and right and if we cannot embrace what is right over our color [Applause] yes i'm your brother i'm black we're the same people does that mean i'm really your brother i got potential but jesus didn't play that he said your brother is outside he wants to speak with you meet with you jesus said my brother is in the temple with me and my mother see disbelief is not the brother of belief faith is not the brother of faithlessness right is not the brother of wrong so we can be from the same mother [Applause] but if you want to choose wrong over right and another member of the family will choose right over wrong the family is split that's why the master said two of you will be laying in the same bed you can't get no closer than that but i'm gonna take one and leave the other so your brotherhood is not because you share the same bed two will be grinding at the mill that don't mean having sex at the mill it means they're engaged in the same work of grinding we into flower but because we in the same work it don't mean that we're going in the same direction [Applause] so everybody is in the valley of decision the jesus that i'm talking about said don't think that i came to bring [Music] peace nay a sword i came to set the mother-in-law at variance with the daughter-in-law and they of a man's own household will be his worst enemy you don't have an enemy until one comes out of your loins one comes out of your bed so i thank you all for indulging with me today thank you for your time thank you for your patience thank you for listening and may allah grant you the light of understanding as i greet you in peace assalamu alaikum allahu akbar allah that means god is the greatest let us put our hands together for the honorable minister louis farrakhan all praises do to allah we have been fed well how many of you are visiting us today for your very first time let us stay in our seats our program has not ended but we do not want to disperse until we pray and thank allah for the message that he's given to us today how many of you are here for your very first time can i see your hands welcome welcome welcome welcome you are most honored guests this morning and all of those that are watching via webcast we thank you for tuning in how many of you believe that what you heard this morning is the truth and is good for all of us may i see your hands raise them high you bear witness i bear witness too how many of you were inspired by what you heard from the honorable minister louis farrakhan that you desire and would like to learn more of what he taught the teachings of the honorable elijah muhammad and the program and would like to become a part of the nation of islam under his leadership may i see your hand raise them high don't feel bashful don't be it's not a time to be afraid you heard the man you bear witness it's time for us to stand up on that truth and unite on that basis i would like on behalf of the honorable minister louis farrakhan to have the honor and privilege of welcoming you my sisters already stood up to shake your hand and to welcome you this morning to mosque maryam the brothers that raised their hand all of the brothers and sisters that heard the word agree with what minister farr khan said this morning stand up where you are if you are at home please submit your name and your information that we may stay in contact with you all of the brothers and sisters that raise their hand please come forward at this time come on brothers and sisters don't be bashful please come on down the center aisle to shake the hand of our beloved brother ishmael muhammad on behalf of the honorable minister louis farrakhan we want to welcome you home to your nation of islam and this should be taking place all over the nation of islam and every mosque and in every study group we see the line forming for the brothers we want you to come right on down the center our we want you to know as well those who are watching via the internet those who are live all over the nation of islam today's message by your beloved brother and friend the honorable minister louis farrakhan it is available to you from cover to cover from prayer to prayer visit us at again to get your dvd or your cd for those who are here live in chicago illinois come right next door to the muhammad university of islam to pick up your dvd or cd of the earth shaking announcement from the honorable minister louis farrakhan savior's day part number two brothers and sisters once again today's message is made available to you in its entirety visit us at to receive today's message and savior's day message as well and visit us right next door at muhammad university of islam and all praise is due to allah while the acceptance is taking place we give all praise and thanks to almighty god allah for the devil is mad but you and i oh so glad for he lost all of these beautiful brothers and sisters that he thought he had in his grip all praise is due to allah brothers and [Applause] sisters [Applause] all praises due to allah how do you feel how you feel i think the honorable minister louis farrakhan is worthy of another warm round of applause we were so so fed today [Applause] now that's truth that is truth that elevates us lifts us up opens up our minds and as it was said before he came to us you know the spittle that brother newty talked about see and the truth that i said and lifted up from the scriptures that sets us free see you're going away today from moss maryam not seeing men as trees but you're going out from moss mariam and out from the various places where you watch this broadcast to see the world as it is see god for who he is and see the enemy for who he is you have been set free today you have been set free tell somebody i have been set free [Music] so may allah bless all of us to fully digest the words that were given to us and let's go about the business of our obedience and submission to the will of allah thank you brother come on we can now close with prayer in the name of allah the beneficent the merciful all praise is due to allah the lord of the worlds the beneficent the merciful master of the day of judgment in which we now live thee alone do we serve into thee alone do we beseech for help o allah guide us on the right path the path of those upon whom you have bestowed favors not the path of those upon whom your wrath is brought down nor of those who go astray after they have heard thy teachings say he allah is one allah is he on whom we all depend he begets not nor is he begotten and there is none like him i bear witness that nothing and no one deserves to be served or worshiped beside allah and i bear witness that muhammad is his messenger i mean
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Id: yJ6YLgn0b10
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Length: 196min 48sec (11808 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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