We Combined 4 Iconic Games into 1 Randomizer Challenge

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am I missing an item I feel like I'm missing this is so fun Mario found an undead bone [Laughter] Shore we combine four extremely different but iconic games into one giant randomizer challenge when you obtain an item or unlock an achievement or new ability in one game an item is being sent to any of the four games involved today JBS and I are combining Super Mario 64 Pokémon Emerald Kingdom Hearts 2 and Dark Souls 3 jobs will be playing Kingdom Hearts and Dark Souls and I will be playing sm64 and Pokémon Emerald the goal beat all four games as fast as possible if you like these type of videos don't forget to subscribe and check out my other cross game randomizers the playlist is in the description and now let's get to the video all right I'm going to start in three 2 1 go all right okay let's see what do we got a nugget oh my God so many items yeah I have some chest Kingdom Hearts has the most checks by far today yeah King over has a lot of uh items in it in fact let me double I can just look it is 676 locations oh my god um but they a lot of them come pretty fast so oh SS ticket already SS ticket all right yeah I'm assuming you have it on to where that goes to Lily uh yep so that that can that can be a good indicator for like a late surf I like those seats yeah it also could be a you know a way to get a an early main I oh yeah that too what do what do what do your games need to finish uh so I need four Cinders of a lord like the one I just found uh so 1/4 of the way in Dark Souls that that's all you need for Dark Souls technically but I'm also going to need you know some stats and uh and weapons uh to to be able to feel comfortable enough to beat the final boss and then for Kingdom Hearts 2 I need uh 30 lucky emblems um which are just they're basically like power stars like they're just a random thing to get um there are 40 in the in the total pool oh man small LC Banner okay Dark Souls is not going to get deced for a very long time small lock Banner yeah to Dark Souls Dark Souls like has kind of one big barrier at the start um and that is generally the small alric Banner uh if you don't have that you have to beat this other like really hard boss you're supposed to beat a lot later I made it logically so that you don't have to do that um too early but we got the B the banner anyway so we're gonna have a lot to do in Dark Souls once we get over there you got like 40 items already I tell you my my first leveling up is normal okay or standardized I think ooh surf oh holy crap no balance yet not everything is open okay I'll play I'll play some Mario then and hope for like a main prisoner Chief ashes I don't remember those y incredible I had no idea Kingdom Hearts is a game like that with this many items I thought it was more like story based no it just has a lot of chests in the game and uh for randomizer the way we do it is instead of you starting at the beginning of the game you start in this room that has 13 portals in it um that's normally like every portal has a super boss it's like normally a a super post game area um but instead of super bosses they all of the worlds in uh in the [Music] portals crown of crown of dusk yo what I me I think that's the helmet basically that one no I do this every time so if I find a weapon it just appears in your inventory in Dark Souls uh yeah it once I boot in there it'll actually like all of them will pop up all queued up it takes it's like kind of funny how slow it can be so we we'll make sure he has his good armor and and weapons yeah because Kingdom Hearts 2 starts with the um world unlocks for only three worlds if I don't find more stuff I could like do more in those worlds but uh you're generally not like you don't have enough tools to fight the early bosses and stuff like too difficult yeah or just like too slow oh mm so does the game have logic as well where it doesn't expect you to beat past certain like bosses yeah like it or at the very least you need to have certain items to do certain bosses uh Estus shards are fantastic so every single one of those you find is going to be so helpful cuz that's more healing the Dark Souls okay well one of us has to unlock my basement or upstairs with Mario oh man so you're like stuck to lobby for a bit man so is there out of logic stuff in your games kind of like the flash logic in Pokemon kind of like in Dark Souls 3 I could fight uh the dancer of the Boreal Valley earlier than expected but there's not like a hard line on like when the game expects the the dancer to be available it's just that like normally it's a when you progress through the game it's like a very late thing you do um and it's the settings like say that like it's not going to be expected to be too early yeah in Pokemon I'm kind of waiting for a super rod or the surf badge so I can get a higher level main so I got a new place to go battlefields of war was one oh my God all right well so much for a late surf all right I can I can surf wherever nowas yeah so much of your game just so much of your tracker just went green I'm sure yeah would you say that Disney's is a creepy [Music] cult I I think Disney's like the one not creepy cult what in a way you know like Disney so many people are are you know a little too into Disney mhm but it's not like they're too into sacrificing flesh to their lord you know or something oh I see I see I commissioned a life-size Onyx plush oh really 18 ft wait I was going to say when you say life size yeah it's 18 18t long my god oh hey basement key that's 64 oh nice where I going to keep that thing in my living room D I know that's what I'm wondering is like how do you have space for that you can just chill on my couch I don't need to be on the couch your couch is 18 ft long no no not really what's like the best weapon um for me it would be the cell sword twin blades they're they're not like they're the speedrun weapons so they're what I'm used to that I Prett much always switch to here we I send teamwork what does that mean uh that is a limit for goofy uh which I will probably not use but if I never get one for Donald then I that does have any issue spes okay I have more I could do in King Hearts to but I think I'm going to switch games cuz I don't have anything that's like like critical that I do I do all right first boss time and I already got hit oh not good the Demonic beast on my JN it's such a weird contrast yeah you're right I keep throwing my black fire bombs at bad times okay good I didn't die to the tutorial boss lucky oh another lucky emblem nice multiple of those yeah yeah I need 30 of them total so oh is that your finish item thing yeah it's it's like my power Stars uh okay yo a tent let's go all right metal cap is a course that's annoying is there like Pokemon centers in Dark Souls uh I mean a bonfire that also respawns all the enemies so oh like what happens if you die in Dark Souls return to last safe or you go back to the last bonfire that you rested out okay okay and you lose all your Souls which are both your experience and your money but they drop on the ground and if you can get back to them you can pick them up high jump is that an ability uh yeah hey can you guessing what it does no you know what the word for Gauntlet is in German no what like um Tang hando that's what it is right what hand shoe basically so isn't The Gauntlet like an armored glove yeah I mean it it basically is a hando I guess yeah yeah but it's a tank as [Music] well the tank hando all right Mario is waiting for Koopa so I can play Pokémon nice let's teach you surf H why is it not letting me you surf you can't surf here that's weird that is very weird maybe because ah no that's really weird actually we we got you surf and the balance badge yeah I know I know I got to I got to see what's up with that battlefields of War Mario Mama Mia oh boy oh boy we're in a bad way military Mario to be fair you go to a battlefield in that game all right I died am I missing an item feel I'm missing this is so Mario found an undead bone Shard this is why one of the reason re I love doing arella just if you have you ever played where somebody's playing Blasphemous no Blasphemous has just like the most ridiculous item names it's absurd they're always like I don't know like uh mother's milk from the gods of Asgard or something like that why not do carpetless because I can multitask and that's definitely the only reason why I'm not doing carpet list yeah everyone knows it's an easy trick easy every every sm64 Runner knows how to do this is simply more optimal I'll try red coins while everything's moving for the fans this is not going to go well but this is this is the content play it would take me like a year to be able to do that keep [Music] switching I can't do this man Chris wow wow wow wow [Music] wowow no all right we won't be doing Red Coins so something kind of funny uh Chris is that the it there's an item in this game that's basically useless you just use it to like light a path if you were playing in Co-op like it just drops a stone on the ground that's lit up um but the colors of it I'm going to actually just show you real quick the colors of it me or your Chad I mean it's on both screens um the colors of it are kind of like the archipelago colors for the logo oh I see it I see yeah so that's what they use as the archipelago item how many checks have we done out of the 1,534 checks we've done 248 the longer I'm in Dark Souls 3 the more uh there might be for Kingdom Hearts to get when I come back which will'll get you know a bunch of really fast ones I'm also now like going to be kind of op in Dark Souls 3 for a little bit so that's nice oh another lucky emblem nice oh what was that at uh Stars fire SE or something yeah ice cream y uh ice cream is actually really good that gets me access to Twilight town if I have to fall for it I'm going to be oh the mock bike early hell yeah mil tank is okay dude get out what no I worked very hard for that carbos I hope you don't just sell it I will definitely sell it I know oh okay well I have sellur twin blades plus 10 I've never using anything else no what did you get excited about uh the cell sword twiin blades that was when you were asking me about the weapons earlier I was like that is the oh speed weapon oh nice I'll be skipping So Many Items I'll just focus on the fast one do you have fly yet though no all right dude most of the time I don't even find flying these yeah that's why I'm a little scared about that whole skipping items thing I can walk back going dude the other day I was I was streaming I heard an explosion I thought it was just like leftover illegal fireworks from New Year's uhhuh uh turns out a car blew up like in the city I could feel the explosion oh my God it was insane that is is wild oh also horizontal slash that you just sent me is really good oh feather badge yo maybe HMO too soon n you're never going to get it yeah and then the emergency alert went off on my phone stay away from the smoke fires like God end of world scenario okay I finally got a high level encounter and it is gar yeah yeah but Scarlet Violet's obviously buggy [Music] sadly all right chat avert your eyes again you see there are uh there are randomized checks on NPCs in this uh in these settings and um the best way to get those checks is to just kill the NPC so sometimes we have to kill friendly NPC je no yeah and then they drop all their stuff yeah thankfully this is one of the best ones in the game we don't have to kill him we just get to hear him say no you should have waited is fun oh I skipped over it darn it two more stars from Mario and I can do DDD and fire SE that was scary oh no oh I got knocked off a ledge 30 back to Mario hey wake up Mario a man I can't do that all right I'll just I'll just sleep here with Mario until you maybe find me the wink obligatory reminder do you have a grass mod no D I saw one earlier and forgot to throw a ball yeah I I forget all the time let's the ability stench who wao what's up with the Sprite here hello that is weird SE seen that um Kingler just used bubble Beam on me oh now use Crush clot kler oh I see everything is C give it enough time is this like a regular enemy or a major boss uh regular enemy oh it's huge well it's kind of in between uh it doesn't respawn like normal enemies do um but it's not a boss the bottom left gravestone got it got it o the stone BGE oh hey now the cut stuff is in Logic No o saw a Shar that's oh God another Soul wait no you don't need oh god there was a whole lot of hate following me right now no let me around stupid slugs oh no these things are totally going to kill me no no I was climbing a ladder just hoping they wouldn't chase me o weit of the Dawn that is a required item that that that is uh it unlocks the like final level basically um but I need another one of them to to fully unlock it Save the Queen what the hell that is a staff for Donald probably useless but could have a good item I'm starting to to get somewhat close to Dark Souls actually hitting BK mode yeah BK mode I I'll explain it um they call it BK mode when you have nothing left to do and you're just waiting because someone once during archipelago ran to Burger King while he had nothing to do I think that's it right came back and finished it and still had nothing to do yeah yeah that's that is correct it also just works cuz like most people will if you don't hear the story you'll just assume BK stands for blocked which is like you know basically what it is I have do I have the basement key in Pokemon uh yes you do I remember that we sent you that before the basement key in Mario on that path I was going on okay oh I made the jump let's go skip or no uh kind of like yeah it's like a little platform you SK just avoids you having to like run around it's kind of like if you were talking about like the the sideflip Wall Kicks in TTC like yeah skips kind of but it's just so you don't have to you know run around thing I see all right what's the progress let's see across all the games we're about 1/3 done now on checks not bad not bad we were figuring about like 5 to 6 hours for this right so well the the finale is going to be faster anyway because we're going to release a lot of check through it's the bone Wheels I'm heading to the Bone Zone oh don't kill me they killed me all right time to fight the bone daddy bone daddy yep is that the official name no the big bone boss in the bone zone so not P he's down good good I just ran from a grass type again no oh bone Zone has been completed now it's time for fire zone actually it's the fire sea I made it I made it to fire SE before you actually I've already beaten it oh damn okay [Music] I want to do archipelago at gdq I want to be part of it that seems fun at gdq yeah yeah but Nintendo Nintendo is going to hate that yeah well I I mean you just do it with non- Nintendo games but then I'm out of the picture Minecraft oh God I'm so bad at Minecraft I just like playing it all right I'm running out of things to do all right well the good news is I'll be switching back to Kingdom Hearts quite soon soon and uh that's going to find some more stuff I'm sure all right the area I'm in now I'm going to full clear and then I'm going to switch games again oh okay it's the there I'm not I won't be technically in BK mode there'll be a few checks that are still left uh that I've I've just abandoned for now but that's just cuz they're a major pain all right I'm doing sh cave and then just pick up an item here and there all over the world oh I didn't realize you got your mind badge let's just find you dive get you a whole bunch of new checks no I don't want that honestly what if I'm forced to do red coins moving in TDC I don't have strength I can't do this oh for the last thing in sh cave I always forget that that's strength locked I guess I'll clear this too this is such an annoying check I have nothing else to do I'm probably going to wait on you anyway yeah I was surprised when you were skipping checks and stuff I'm like no fly that's going to be interesting is this as close as the streamer will get to playing Dark Souls yeah there we go it's right there Chad I'm definitely playing another [Music] boss I hope someone saw that on hisn Wow all of that for the Canon unlock 40 stars in Mario I need 10 more before Mario can do stuff oh wait no I need I need the key I can't even go upstairs okay I'm going to switch to Kingdom Hearts cuz there's only a handful of checks left that I can get in Dark Souls right now and I don't like them fair whatever whatever the fastest checks are because I'm running out of things to do in both games and that's also going to get me way faster checks ooh that s ring you sent me is good I'll put that on for cuz I will forget later I yeah my loadless time for Kingdom Hearts has been paused like the whole time since I switched back or since I I switched to Dark Souls and it's still at 23 minutes so I've got a lot to do or I've got you know many hours of catch up on Kingdom Hearts 23 is that when you switched already so early yeah it was it was only it was like less than a half an hour dude you just switched how have you gotten 10 items already uh those are the the keyblades and and weapons you gave me come with abilities and when it like reconnected it uh it basically just list those abilities like like it finally checked them how many lucky emblems do you have uh I have 19 so 11 to go uh and I will still need another way to the dawn in order to get to the end is there 30 exactly or is there more than 30 there's 40 in the whole thing okay where did we see that grass type tra oh no it's still a check on my my board I'm currently in a mini game that I cannot lose because I modded it so that I could have effectively a a cut scene that I could walk away from so you're cheating no like I I made it a mod for like the community that we oh I see yeah it's the only mod I've made to this game I learned I learned how to make uh the health value for that and for another um another world uh make make the Health values like infinite so that way they Auto pass so all right I'm going to mag ramble uh yeah that's pretty good I don't have strength yet though yeah do you at least have heat badge or you missing both uh no no heat badge I have four badges I have uh one how close are you on power stars to being able to do oh well I guess you you still need the key huh for Mario yeah yeah I need the upstairs key 50 stars unlocks myips that's true what if myips is the unw I be crazy I mean I I could conceivably find you nine in this game oh down to six five I'm going to get you that mys check oh another Power Star is that four to go four to go for myips I I'll I'll drop everything and get MS it's got to be important Chicken Little yep Zach bra himself is that from a movie as well yeah wait what the chicken that's the name oh that's the name of the movie de Goods hey there you go the goods that gets you some checks that gets me one check God wait really are you able to get the other side of the oh I guess I got the museum as well chis you want to see some crimes you want to see some cheating crimes yeah you ready okay out of bounds out of bounds and then uh grab oh whoops I didn't mean to flip up like that and then you goofy get out of the way there just like a weird spot right here where you can grab the ledge out of bounds and then a i boned my head but you can jump up and uh skip like half of this post game dungeon yeah it's like the weirdest thing there's just a a really small spot here that they missed that you can just grab a ledge from the wrong side actually I could probably do this form huh give me strength hidden item in tree maze yeah you know where the item is yeah it's like bottom left corner I think yeah I think it's like like if you loop around to the left and then yeah do it your turn got it dragon slayer great B another star what do two two away two to go one to go one to go I think you'll have to go into 11 probably right I'm I'm standing in front of the door oh okay yeah oh there it is Mario let's go I think I got you almost every one of those except the last one here we go here we go great oh ow gu the Thunder hey can Rainbow ride let's go that's where I am nice that's why I didn't exit stage yet yeah Mario's back chat really [Music] funny oh you didn't see this I just realized I forgot an item [Music] here negative combo oh that's really helpful actually oh man I could have gotten that ages ago uh it's okay I I need two of them for it to be like super super helpful basically negative combo reduces your your normal combo by one uh which is helpful because there's some cheeses you can do on bosses if you have two of them so that way you're immediately doing a combo finish Cinders of the Lord oh hey halfway there wow so that you sending me that was required because that was the rainbow right Canon star yeah that makes sense and drive converter converts uh some of the money that enemies drop into drive orbs to refill that resource oh well no well you're you're going to be occupied for a while now no don't send me to the waters plenty to do oh another one oh wow all right one more and you can finish right yeah that's wild there's still so much of that game left one more sinders of a lord and we can release all the remaining check at once from Dark Souls you want to read that last item that I just got or well not now not the last one but the one before excr covered ashes yeah what what's like your game Kingdom Hearts is that like your main thing Kingdom Hearts 2 is definitely what I started doing archipelago with um no no no not in archipelago like for your whole Channel Kingdom Hearts 1 was back in the day and now I've bounced between so many the Kingdom Hearts series and the uh crash bandic uh and Trilogy are definitely the big ones but I've done some other stuff I dabbled in like some portal and Portal 2 speedr running quite a bit well of portal portal one that one yeah I did I only did glitchless runs um yeah me too well I did INB I I I couldn't do the whole backwards let's go I like I didn't want to do play the whole game backwards so I just stuck to glitchless oh it's going to be really funny If eventually sm64 just while sitting there snoozing gets to beat the game Mario's been sleeping for 3 hours oh man I'm out of checks I have to walk back around to R bro hold on let me let me just find you the uh Dynamo badge real quick one sec one second now it's in this next chest I promise sorry I me the one after that I was counting for for uh I'm saving and I'll reset if I you find it ah oh maybe it was this chest no no just a skirt well I've done all I can Mario can still get red coins in DDD and I can try red coins in TTC while it's moving oh no I need to go to the abandoned ship for [Music] dive no there it is Disney Castle key that sounds important oh thank second floor key oh wait I got it yeah okay I got the castle key you got the second floor key nice okay well got a lot to do Mario now that Disney Castle key is really helpful we can skip dive for now I'm chilling in front of room key 4 that that'll be exciting if we find it I'll play Mario oh oh you got it nice the strategy I cleared an entire level and I got zero stars out of it Fortress I'll go for OG Canon this for the fans well how OG you talk about the YOLO just go at it just run off yeah I failed okay I'll try I have no idea what's going on in Kingdom Hearts yeah same but someone will know and some people will know oh whoops I mean go well they'll have to pretend they didn't see what just happened summoned something and then immediately dismissed it I wonder if it's worth to like not play Mario so we get more on release you know what I mean just because now that you've got the the key uh all need 70 Stars I mean I don't think it matters too much as long it's all down to check density right across every aspect of the whole seed like whatever is getting the most checks per minute is probably the best play at any given time that's why like for me switching back and forth is like adds an in a not insignificant amount of time so like it's better for me to stay in one game even if the check density is a little lower yeah but releasing all items at satisfying thing yeah and it's like that's aot of checks for like basically no time yeah true if you have good checks remaining seven stares to go it's definitely going to be the first one done y archipelago only Strat the cannon [Music] [Applause] [Music] shot nice does it normally just like suck to get that uh Cannon unlock well the Cannon's in the eagloo so oh yeah that's right it would get do that lucky emblem I'm four away oh again still need that other item though that's going to be the thing that we're actually waiting onose off red they both skip oh okay you have rain badge right so I do or it is rain badge that is for that one right I think yes okay final badge now I'm going golfing oh I can still make par but no birdie all right this one's for far it's going to be a long putt we actually playing old a bogey just you have to trap the lock shock and barrel kids in presence and the Sora basically does a golf swing to hit every uh hit every present every box this is it Cannon unlock for bom on Battlefield well they can't all be winners can be helpful I still have two star yeah you don't have Wing TS you can use it to get to the island I guess just do Island hop I can it's sucks though yeah was like it's so hard just do it it's so easy just do it there's a noob version oh there is okay you jump from the top yeah oh back up strats missed the cannon shot but it's no problem never mind fill that one too okay we'll get a different store three feel slow here we there's a good chance Mario is going to finish and the release is going to do nothing for us heat bad here we go hey okay just need the uh hm now three items from done Dark Souls releas is going to be insane um Dark Souls has another 168 items left yeah yeah it still has a bu that would be sick all right Mario's chilling in the front of the door at 69 I'm switching game Another Castle key oh thank you that's really good hey scanner that's couple checks wait does it oh is that the the SC yeah I think you might actually also need to have done the Devon goods stuff but you have Deon Goods so yeah I could or or you need like Dynamo badge or something weird it's I I remember it was like more than just scanner to get those two checks but jet like yes but he never does it that's true dive stuff no I'm not doing dive stuff I'm going this way man they all suck all right I get the grass tyed I did forget again oh my God I cannot remember this one yeah the hard part is not finding a grass Manon it's remembering that you need to find a grasson there it is Pokemon is no fly zone I don't have fly man I wish on my last three game AP I did Red Minecraft and um Mario my first item I picked up was fly wow literally first item I mean the badge for it took a couple hours but it felt nice after this I have to walk all the way around again no remember when we were having the discussion earlier about uh what if you didn't get Fly should you just get all the checks dude rock smash not having rock smash is so much worse yeah it's pretty bad see I'll save here and then reset back if the are the meteorite is nothing all right all right entire left side of hoen is done next item the next closest item to me right now is the grass type Pokemon check and I'm not even close can you find a star I'm I'm working on it ah I keep dying in like the same spot hey another star oh oh Mario wake up Mario wake up it's time to I going to release like 15 items that's pretty good this could snowball into Dark Souls being done I'm winning the co-op all right here we go give us some good stuff please bam I got nothing you got lucky you're done with lucky emblem you get gave me a thunder no I still need one more oh one more you didn't give me any I gave myself one oh oh it looked like it was me you gave uh a drive gauge up and a and a thunder and then you gave yourself a TM and that's basically what sm64 had God damn it but hey one out of four down we're 25% of the way completed that's how that works for sure we don't add up the check yeah we're 25% down J I'm getting close to well not like super close to it yet but soon enough all that'll be available in kingom Hearts will be super bosses hidden item on Rock before Ledges okay got that and then there's one more hidden item in North grass patch okay time to fly hey Cinders of the Lord oh Dark Souls are going to be done oh man should I switch over to that and and Pop All the items oh yeah for sure okay we're loading up Dark Souls yep yep how long do you think it'll take um I mean if I first try it like 10 minutes oh if but it might be uh it might take a few attempts but it'll probably take a few attempts way to the dawn way to the dawn oh that was the big yeah that was that that's the one all right all right yeah the one more lucky emblem in that and kingom hearts can be game easily After Dark Souls is done then yeah definitely okay optimally Dark Souls is going to release it put us both into go mode and then we're racing Kingdom Hearts still has to go through a whole world uh cuz I didn't I should have gone through it by now but I was kind of hoping to get double negative combo so I just was not doing it Jailbreaker key does that help uh I mean it would if I weren't in go mode the dive checks aren't actually that bad the Dark Souls of the Pokemon games probably Pokemon Yellow all right final boss time good luck thank you such a small dude yeah but he oh well I already died the whole like lore for him is really tight he's basically supposed to be like all of the players that have ever played Dark Souls so he basically has like every type of weapon attack and spell in the game not actually every but most of them dude I have you played Kirby games before uh I played forgotten lands and like 64 okay I I had never played Kirby game until until like last year those Final Bosses are so funny oh yeah out of nowhere the the H see game turns into like must defeat God demon god Slayer pink guy yeah and it's so weird that they're basically all like that too yeah F finally okay I'll get the flight right away because I might behind let's Rush Fly point I'm not doing this fight well but I'm being carried by the fact that I got pretty strong and now we got so much healing for me how long are you going to be from done in Kingdom Hearts um probably like 10 or 15 okay okay then I'm playing it right then I'm I'm preparing myself to be as close to finish as I and beat the boss okay nice very sloppy but I'll take a second try Victory any any day'll we there they are go I'm one item from strength all right I'm rushing through victory road then to get the final fly point so your release might end up being my finish yeah that's good good call oh that's Dynamo freaked [Music] out wait I don't have strength oh it's it's not in my inventory yet oh it hasn't I should wait that's what was happening to me in Dark Souls this my turn into a different kind of race man I kind of have to pee just a couple quick ones what can we do what level are you anyways uh 50 something okay so still in the realm where a rare candy ain't nothing to scoff at yeah I could do Magma base I guess oh firey pass pretty good like magma and Aqua Hideout if you haven't done Aqua Hideout I okay yeah they got decent checks firey path is certainly faster you could probably do all of magma Hideout before I beat the game though oh okay you got that much left okay I I mean I'm trying to think it's not like that slow to get all those right it's only one fight oh wait no you don't have blind trainers never mind hold on that's a lot of fights actually yeah I'm used to Blind trainers all right I'm heading to into the door that leads to the final fights this is what I needed um the lucky emblems for one fight down three to go two fights down two to go I'm also like I have extremely good stats Eternal uh Chris can you explain what's going on in Kingdom Hearts uh yeah so ET goofy committed homicide and his trial is about to start you could be further off you have the the the wrong goofy was the victim goofy dies in this game what all right I am done with the third fight son have you seen Goofy's murder trial no yeah no that's such a classic [Music] murder murder right this should kill right and yay time for mine all right GG I won the co-op and there go all the rest of the items and I didn't get the knuckle badge oh no wouldn't it it would like I know you've already done it at this point but it would have been so funny if it were the grass uh the grass Pokemon lady oh it would have been pretty 127 another dive item D there were three mandatory items but that also means that my average time is probably higher I was so close oh my God the ad just started playing what a terrible timing Mine played as soon as I beat the game I tried to stop it at 1 second remaining and I accidentally hit run ad instead of stop all right one okay I need as many water Pokemon as possible to show up there's so many water Pokemon in this [Music] game easy set [Music] up I guess five I'm invested now I should have gone and predicted in your chat I think it closed a while ago no yeah I'm [Music] S three three now looking good for me three Ms three PS I mean I guess it could be worse uh four it's just psychic forchic why am I which one's the Ste five five all right come on pure water on last damn 10's not [Music] possible uh that adds poison oh wait no poison oh that's right I was off one forgot Bell spr's not pure grass dang that was close all right release should happen any any second yeah I think it's like when you walk through the door or something Nots up 530 oh no run it [Music] back I'm waiting for the pop there it is there we go Gen that was super fun dude that was fun yeah yeah we should try with Minecraft next you do Pokemon in Mario and I do Kingdom Hearts and dark souls okay dude I would actually spend like a week trying to finish thank you to jups for joining me in this video subscribe for more videos like this thank you very much for watching and [Music] bye-bye
Channel: 360Chrism
Views: 19,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario 64, pokemon emerald, kingdom hearts, dark souls, dark souls challenge, super mario 64 randomizer, pokemon randomizer, archipelago, archipelago randomizer, sm64 speedrun
Id: V3t6QGibcTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 51sec (2991 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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