We tried the NIGHTMARE Randomizer mode...

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let's start in three two one go okay so we randomized literally everything we met randomized stats types moves the accuracy of moves the the map is randomized every single item is randomized and this time actually every single item even the butt catching contest first second fourth place uh and third I don't know I skipped that one word you can get a lot of places and literally everything's randomized okay there's trainers that will call you and they'll give you an item we'll have to find them we'll have to get their phone numbers and we have to get their item probably um we gave everything a 50 level boost so everything's harder now [Music] um remember Bill's grandpa that wants to see five Pokemon will have to find those five Pokemon right two yeah these might be required for the Pokemon stuff see that area those corsola okay none of them are required I mean it doesn't matter I'll just pick aridos yeah it doesn't matter at all I pick courseworks I think it's faster and plus giving the rivals so yeah and this is uh also we every trainer is in spinner hell which means they're spinning extremely fast and have Max Vision the vision is so great they actually will walk through walls to reach us and um this is the it's called nightmare by the way if we ever do this again and we say we're doing nightmare you know what we're talking about um yeah it's Co-op we're trying to beat the game it's gonna take a while probably I think the only thing you missed was Pokemon checks uh it's a Max person is the first item so there's uh Pokemon tracks as well so some trainers or some items you need to catch specific Pokemon for uh Peter City Mart is right here um and they sell super repels oh I didn't get my held item very also didn't get uh repels yeah I just bought 10 super repels I'm gonna just use one here I'm gonna go up the route to the houses there second item is a TM tm20 okay uh the map card is random I may get the map card the map cards right now too bad yeah you talk to the old man he gives you an item oh another thing um this is a full item randomizer but there's no Logic No Fly logic that means yeah fly could be literally anywhere or right here it didn't work it's a Revival ARB you might want be talking uh it's the mount Moon Mart is not important right correct yeah you can ask me about locations I'll help out yeah we do start with five pokeballs which is nice I found the underground but I'm scared to go uh there's a PP up in front of the house if you need money PP up right in front of uh like the red scale house yeah yeah it's another Mark I'm gonna mark this as a Mart and I'm gonna mark this Mark well I'm gonna Mark these marks because they might be helpful if we need repels later like not too bad to get back there is enough logic to be beat a billionaire yeah there there's logic to make sure it's like completely did you get the two items the super repel and whatever else oh uh yeah yeah uh the inside the house the item on the right to water stand oh describe in case you find the Water Center room I got it I got it uh how do we get other people Route 19 Maybe no we can't do that underground so we have to do the underground it's literally required we've done all the other so now we have to figure out a way to beat the underground go to world Island together yeah yeah that's where I'm yeah so just catching me in the world Island I mentioned that but that means every every stat type and like all that is randomized so this coupon could be pretty good yep um ID we can't fight the guy on 31 because we haven't turned in the mystery egg yet unless Chris found the mystery egg no I didn't find anything why do you mark the underground as lime oh because there's four items there yeah uh there's Stantler here in the world Island I mean it doesn't matter that much better than Cuban in theory potentially I'm throwing balls at the dragon now yeah I guess you just Chuck balls with everything anyway and hope we get some yeah thank God we have this world Island this could have been a really bad because you didn't really have anywhere else you could have had to use level five for that fight I caught the dragon yeah nice I have the Dragonair on screen I'm hoping to catch it okay we're stuck here we have to go through the underground to get out oh we could also just save and re it's spinner how we can dodge them oh yeah you're right that is true we could it has more horn drill which is 45 accurate it also has bug type dragon breath normal rock type with pretty good special attack uh pretty bad everything else first items full restore in the underground yeah I'm heading your way now and then it's been a TM okay so it's just worth grabbing everything and then an Ultra Ball yeah I'll just grab it all and then a burn heal you can skip that one on the right sides of burn heel I hit the top right I didn't say probably not that big a deal uh you said the burn heels like to add them to the right yeah by the basement key okay do we need the basement key or no no oh I just went away you can check that I hit wonder that's cool oh did you not check the entrance over there no I didn't okay I'll check that entrance [Music] it's bug type this is a dead end we have to go your way so the only way out should be the top of under unless we're missing something uh yeah it's Equity we're good it's accurate okay so we're out of here we're out of here [Music] um I'll go down and check the items yeah I went up yeah you can start checking the town I'll grab the items I don't want to be no I got an encounter oops [Music] reminder to always be mindful of the Pokemon check I found the rainbow badge where oh my God uh and burnt Tower okay if you want to just grab it really quick yeah I probably will I'm gonna jump the ledge here and grab the items first though I'm saving to skip the trainer paper potion Ultra Ball Berry I don't know these are rare there's a rare candy down here if you want it I found the top of sprout yeah that's worth doing that's like three of them I'll do it yeah that means they're looking left or right 50 50 then how do we Mark that pop of sprout yeah yeah nice we're the same level I can hard drill this oh maybe not no tell me level base I don't think I need base okay maybe the speed base damn dragon breath I guess oh I can paralyze then kill it [Music] very tanky no he hit me through the wall okay that worked out all right where was the rainbow badge burn Tower yeah accurate go to the left yeah I'll describe it really quick one I don't know I've seen stoking unexpected to be tanky yeah okay so you're there I'll leave for now and just keep checking equity one badge already oh Ace path holes is here spinner hell is also turned on of course yeah dog it's kind of just obligatory to turn on spinner hell for the a hive badge is up here oh that's good that's cut eventually uh which item was it was the item ball next to the stage okay wait we marked them Orange right Badger uh uh yeah uh let's not do orange because we're using that for power just do stuff on the left for badges on the left for badges yeah just pick a color you'll just see dark blue the top one or the bottom one yeah oh just just pick one just pick one doesn't matter okay badges is the the top blue yeah top blue okay and we'll do uh HMS right below that yeah guys I found a way to fuchsia oh I think I died unless I found a revive you may have a Revival herb if you did the map I'm pretty sure I saved Chad I saved what's going on hey guys I found Bill's Grandpa that's really good okay uh the normal icon is Bill's Grandpa we'll have to get back there with Lickitung okay give me the mark stuff that gives money for now I can Mark money is like super dark blue Maybe yeah like there's just a free protein here if you if you find it I don't know that that might be helpful for now because we definitely want money early [Music] uh the plain badge sound [Music] okay so we have three badges already that's not bad holy crap the Atkins does so much damage oh also reminder to save often because there's more warps that are like you'll get insta hit by a spinner from like more locations in this if you get inside by a spinner you're probably dead Oh you mean that might be good the level 15 Atkins out speeds me and one shots me like Atkins is op what is happening I was at half HP though so I healed this time do I horn drilled in it does over half right you have you have to be faster and it won't shut me from Full I have to leave did you say 4 500 OPP oh 20. I have to leave Shannon it one shuts me from Full the Atkins yeah it's actually really fun it's faster too I have to leave that's just really funny that is so bad so we I mean we are running Dragonair when did you pick up the high patch or no no well when you pick up the hive badge later you try to beat the sage okay I'll I'll wait until I have something for you how many full heals do I have one full restore and that's it okay fortunately this move is physical super effective horn drill let's go so we have Evo every level on uh no because that's actually not I'm okay with that wait what is this there's a golden rug building with a mom and her child oh that's Bill's house is that important no no okay I mean you can get a free pick one there later there I think the only thing that we're still looking for might be the um I already found those grandpa so I think we're just looking for the big Magikarp guy I found salad on Mart that's good [Music] and kimono girls as well that's probably too hard yeah I'm not doing that what level would they be you could actually horn draw all of them I think they're all at 26. yeah good luck hitting Orange it's a coin flip you just say [Music] flip coins it has didn't start that's oh nice about the heel House Mount moon is only one encounter table right correct yeah all of me is one same with digletts cave I found the t is that important the what the T oh no [Music] uh this was black born I found Black Thorn I'm debating going down the route but it's like kind of a wrist foreign [Music] I must be four times weak to body slam what what's our type let's see where we are Forex week stuff or Rock normal it's okay that was fighting buddy slam then it had to happen right it might be really strong if it's a high power 4X move he just died [Music] eat Blackburn is just like all dark [Music] okay I cleared uh the inside of National Park oh okay I can get level 50. let's go oh oh but he won't appear until we talk to the professor or correct correct you can just access because there may be a required token so they have to unlock it early because like you know if clefairy's oh like that might be a bad example if lickitung's only here you would be soft locked if this was locked all right car level 53 Stantler I found um the mumu route and it died immediately I'm back at Mom's nice hair across oh Baby that Taylor's pretty good 179 attack is quite good it's a bit slow um good attack bug fighting and I have a stab fighting move okay Mega Punch is like insane Pekka's pretty good rolling how was my special uh not terrible but it's accurate and Forex weeks of flying wait I went here for sure that's a bit of a threat foreign [Music] candy [Music] okay I'm back in Cherry Grove so I have to go back through the underground [Music] you have to get through the that's the literal only way out until we get the mystery egg check the route foreign [Music] golden Stantler I'll probably see one more before I leave I think I'm gonna try catching this Machop and evolving it just to see where the Divas I found that Lighthouse floor with the ton of warps is that the girl we need to talk to no that well that will be marked it's it's the the four with the gentlemen oh gentlemen gentleman sailor the sailor's the guy at the top that's the one who gives you the thing yo you'll mark it it's it's literally on the on the card thing from cobra all right I'm loving something sick do we need that do we need Koga yeah you can you can Mark you know [Music] I want to see one more that was a good sneeze I'm on uh cyan wood nice I'm in the Blackthorne area but I took a detour because I get a little 50 in Red Room the Sandler's pretty good I haven't found anything else did you how did you mark Red's room hey well just it's where it normally is but I mark from from Blackthorne to the league reception area oh the guy the guard is just gone yeah the guard on the left is just gone okay yo I'm trying to sword dance that could be kind of sick do I jump I'll jump the ledge and catch our main here I guess yeah bsts ran are you like outside and on Silver yeah yeah that's pretty good I would probably do that too always be on the lookout for the mon [Music] that get us like items if you find like a Merrell or in a zoomeral it's usually worth a catch a zoom Arrow or ditto [Music] bear skarmy's bug type very high attack very low speed not runnable time foreign I found Kurt do I need to talk to him don't need to talk but just bark at this cart because you don't need to get back there later okay in the measure portable thing right now might be that electrons of swords it's been a while since I've caught me I found like nine balls foreign I mean I would have to evolve this oh I can't run from it so it's probably fast remember uh Evolutions are random so it's sometimes worth catching and yeah [Music] oh true if you have a candy it's like really helpful checking [Music] I don't know if I have a candy okay I'm gonna leave I'm just gonna run the Stantler I think it's good enough there's the candy south of ecratique if you can still get back there flying psychic oh the speed's Terrible oh I found a master ball oh and a King's Rock that's a really good to play [Music] so also if you find any of the places with in-game trades just check what they give they can be helpful to know what the trades are I'm not going to catch iggly buff that's not worth it correct I'm in the mark that'll work because it's all the same [Music] I'm Gonna Save and just check what's down here I am gonna Force block because the items south of Blackstone are really good no kill me unless this item is leech if you see leech life it's it's insane by the way lead slope is 115 uh ground and 100 accuracy now uh Electabuzz is electric type what kind of rando decent special attack let's see this is Lighthouse Square steel ghost fighting fire I'll just leave Blackthorn this is okay so just lizard is good place that can place that can freeze but it's a fire type move yeah the secondary peps are like really funny and you have like fire type moves they can I I found a left side cancel I'm doing it yeah do that for sure careful the trainers though they'll be in the 50s oh my God you're right don't head on oh no [Music] uh old man and top right tree are TMS [Music] nice I'll try yeah just check what they are but like the things sleep powder that's good and Hyper Beam okay hey Marine is like never worth but sleep powder's sick [Music] it doesn't matter yeah I have a Stantler with like 200-ish attack and fighting ghost covered it stop fighting so it's really good but I need to find that then it's in Red's room Blackthorne gets you there that's the only way to the league reception right now [Music] the uh there was an electorate there as well that had sword stands but I couldn't catch it I ran out of the balls [Music] this is 1.5 bubble boost I hate talking about okay I want to get the items first but I'm gonna check these warps I don't have to check my way back I do want to check all of my Mark that is the game Corner because maybe the game winter months are worth later I'll mark this isn't it I guess I'll mark money as the dark blue every year what's up I hit the Train on Route One oh you've been here wait you've been inside map Park yeah oh we've found this at the same time I guess are you like heading to Olivine no I did that ages ago oh okay so you just found this and turned around no I I cleared National Park yeah yeah but when you cleared National Park you didn't go to Olivine correct to Olivine oh wait I'm confused I didn't go to Oliver and I died I died you died okay I was wondering how Olivine was unmarked if you found sex okay so I will get the item here and head to Oliver yeah I found Olivine and I was checking the items up here and I found National Park and I was like oh it's Mark what the hell okay so this would get me to oh I can't get the store foreign [Music] there's a revive right there you were so close the tree was a refive you wouldn't live uh you did clear national park there right I did I did six I'll just act makes the list good I found I found contest bucket engine contest oh do you want to do it [Music] um I I can do you want me to just get all four places is it worth doing that already yeah it is oh you can Farm Adams from it too so if like if it's a rare candy is the last place you can just go in leave go and leave Farm candies so just always check with the LA like the the last place item is [Music] um but then just do the contest until you get all the places [Music] it's extra fun in the Uber contest because it's like literally random sure no [Music] oh well hey buddy slam again oh you're still running that yeah well and I have other stuff too I went in with that one though the volcano badge is south of black okay it's one of the two Berry trees I won first place is a miracle seed useless [Music] foreign I have to get every every place correct okay I found the card key I think I'm gonna keep going if that was anything else I probably would I I'll check with this [Music] that was 90 power steel and it did nothing what [Music] foreign oh I found left side though the awkward way [Music] Teddy Ursa is the tankiest Pokemon in the game okay you haven't done much as long as I can live till I get down [Music] that was just a mess come on fourth place is Sunstone that's funny so you can Farm those if you I don't know how much you need money but you can just go in and leave for a thousand bucks every time [Music] you have to watch the cutscene over and over that's a really good pause um yeah there's lots of types week the fighting that's why it's a really good offensive I have as humeral Dex info so we can breed for Merrell in the future no we can't breed yeah we can isn't it the eggs are random right [Music] [ __ ] you're right correct correct I forgot [Music] this is normal it so it's guaranteed to be neutral okay you have to hit I have one more [Music] sure 80 80 okay I need to catch this in like with low HP that'll lower the points and then we can get second or third place with that [Music] you said it was The Old Man and the top two items are all TMS in theater top top right item in Old Man rtms yeah I grabbed them all yeah I found left side can't help it so I just have to keep going and you know Swagger keeps missing when your opponent is a plus six attack oh I didn't know that yeah I can't hit the Swagger anymore [Music] wait that's so hard that's a weird problem to have foreign [Music] or am I just missing because of octazuka what's happening it also might be accurate [Music] like Swagger might be twenty percent no no it's 100 not repelling isn't even terrible thing [Music] okay this might be second place okay so that's where he let's jump Eli jumped on 28 so I can do all of this no I got last place again what places have you gotten first last yeah [Music] what do I even do I'm gonna heal that dragon now [Music] foreign or I'll just get the king loud I just found Jigglypuff on the trainer that sucks so close I need to check this uh and then I bring drowsy anyway okay if I catch King light like one HP maybe I'll get not first [Music] you can also get everything at every level so get a lower level Kingler all right and so wherever you said [Music] is that is do you think that's good enough level matters yeah uh yeah level matters quite a bit okay two perfective false weapons I got fourth with that okay and so I overdid it yeah she did too much or the level was coming into play [Music] oops [Music] wait what oh yeah okay okay I have to get a I have to get a feel for this okay level 16 severely damaged might be good then [Music] okay that might be a little too much damage did we lose with the teddy Ursa [Music] should I do full HP Teddy [Music] oh I have one rope that's why I picked up that room I'll be I'll be here forever let's go that's why you force having a rope if you can [Music] I found the storm badge yes 19 months that's like 19 years from left side can't tell or route 28. or cyan wood getting second and third place is so difficult yeah I did that's why I said like Don't Force It if you're really struggling uh but like it is good to get it done okay full HP Caterpie this might be at second or third come on last place gotta be my head bad stat [Music] you don't need to Mark money items anymore yeah I I found Oddish oh nice that's good audition contest okay okay that's really good [Music] sunston the market holder over there it killed me [Music] but yeah that's gonna We can probably Force an Oddish well no we don't have to but we know like stay until yeah I probably wouldn't bother but if you find Lickitung it might be worthy okay King I got his first place I'm gonna weaken the Kingler yep that's the correct Strat pipe it to like a little bit below half if it's the same level [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay that was half HP King level 12. I got last with that what yeah level level 12 damage you'll typically get lacked okay if it wins the contest at 15 and it's level 12 it'll probably get seconds or okay there's another king though level 13 I'm not gonna weaken it this past to the third place [Music] [Music] I found surf hm hmo3 oh my God oh my God uh surf is in saffron so storm badge and Surfer Beth and saffron a marking scarf is dark blue [Music] and so there's two really good things in Saffron [Music] this is a co-op game um I've thrown uh eight balls so far okay okay stayed in come on this has to be it's not terrible it has to be it has to be [ __ ] the payday is 145 100. bruh find payday this shit's Parker I got last [Music] what I caught the same Pokemon I won with them first place once and got a fourth place the second [Music] level 15. all right Chris the red scale room in Saffron also gives you hmsx and machine part so now surf storm badge hmo6 machine part all in saffron which you can get to from left side of Kanto or like science um you need an Escape right for storm badge though yeah I have that can you mark that all right yeah it's all marked like the the top blue color whatever you call that foreign do we even bother catching skip them no that's not what if we if we got last with a full HP Kingler skipping's not gonna do it what level does this get balloon 10. I mean there's there's a chance [Music] it's literally Everything full health just to get a Vibe because if if you get a not like not last place you can get any place again level 14 full HP teddies last [Music] he may not be able to thank you thank you probably have to go backtrack [Music] [Music] I get back through puzzle Kabuto and I just had the left side can't tell me [Music] let's get a Virgin uh you checked birdian Forest right yeah yeah there's two rare candies in there I'm gonna pick up all the items those are gonna be an old purple I got third right that was third shot see anything out of the sunset yeah I got a new item that was that must have been third uh okay that was uh what is it poly wrath level 11 was third okay good enough so any polywrath might be able to pull it off [Music] that one or a power for just this feels like a this feels like a really really bad check to like not even bother until later yeah but you also get to see all the Pokemon there it's nice you found the other shot of it I didn't catch it yet but yeah normally contest isn't like that bad [Music] but it's also your first time [Music] [Music] last play okay I'll try it once more and then we'll just keep second place for later [Music] so you're only missing second right now yeah yeah that's fine we can always backtrack I always I always at least get a couple of the places because it's also sometimes good for just farming yeah I got like 20 sunstones yeah so now you can buy like X items and stuff for the whole run it's a really good clefable level 13. oh my God I can start a fog badge is on Route 35 it's been our hell route I see it it's the item ball all right just gonna get second place here really quick and then I'll pick that up I'll Market this where are you right now I won thing I'm I'm in the Pokemon Center below you oh you're like in you can get to Route 35. okay this is Chuck's gym but it's also the bucketching contest how do we Market um I'm gonna do green is bucketching contest on the right side [Music] oh okay so you're there perfect what the is it the rollout TM oh yeah it has to be yeah roll out TM okay so grab that grab the fog badge uh and then go back all the way to the Pewter and enter the center in Mount Silver on route 28. that will get you to storm badge and uh uh surf hm whirlpool and machine art okay okay so just just definitely go to Peter I think yeah it's the pewter bottom left building gets you to Route 28 you take the center to puzzle caboodle and do the puzzle [Music] that storm badge and then you get saffron and grab everything that's blue there's a lot there that's blue cool okay so you now have you have storm and full surf access we can already start doing Star Pack [Music] foreign [Music] where are you right now it's been around you're still by me okay oh I found the lake of Rage Magikarp guy I'll mark it as a water symbol we'll need to bring him a big Magikarp later okay so I'll finish checking Veridian uh what are the ways out of this from here 20 minutes and freaking contest yeah it's fine because I was able to stuff and now we don't have to do like as much contests later third place is the hardest to get I just found Merrell on the trainer so if I find the decks I can look up Merrell okay I'm in pewter and I'll go to route 28. Route 28 puzzle could be the user rope and then go saffron you should have literally full star facts hmf3 and yeah when you get the saffron it's worldly oh actually get the red scale first and then go worldly and then check the two things on the left because you'll be able to Surf I couldn't so get uh when you get the saffron go to the big building in the middle first the red scale get the two key items there and then go where a lake and check um I'm doing the puzzle though to release the unknown oh yeah you can do that that's fine I didn't do that but we do that we need we need to catch on known right yeah we do eventually but also like catching on Flow so I didn't do it yet Chris is committed to being our unknown catcher thank you Chris sure [Music] found a ledge deck jump [Music] oh I came out of the Blackthorne gym we never have to oh wait that's a card so card key may not [Music] oh I found a daycare that's pretty big oh wait no it's not that I forgot is there anything other than the storm badge in this room uh I think it was just storm the Lost item was here I'll mark the date the Lost item was in there oh I didn't realize my bad [Music] okay I'll pick up I get the red scale first you said [Music] prepare to react to a shiny nope yeah retail machine part uh red scale is machine part whirlpool and then [Music] um you can go through there to the right to get surf and then you surf all right cool and then glance with this other thing is first and then I'll go there uh that's Mount men [Music] so this was oh you want me to Surf over okay okay yeah I think it just makes sense for you to go that way because it's unexplored [Music] puddles surf is it actually bad uh it was like 70 power Rock 75 power Rock okay it's just a random foreign [Music] waterfalls in Victory Road I marked it as Light Blue for hm okay Mark oh I can buy Super repels finally I wasn't ready [Music] I was so low on her pal I found a sailor in in the lighthouse is it the Sailor it might it there it's the one that's not on the tracker no it's it's through a room that has three inches oh second floor I think I found it I think I found it okay if it's second floor you did [Music] oh he has a Merrell too that was sick so you both have Merrell decks [Music] this is the trainer okay okay I'll get the phone number then because you don't have the Pokemon oh that's what I mean like it's not super important but eventually it will be because most likely we'll have to defend them again what's the other side of the moon I can get to that Park which gets me back to Olivine if I that's not bad I can also finish the boat to get to vermill no one's I'm in the DuPage both to vermillions oh there's a Blissey here that's good XP [Music] not a lot of damage are these Spinners too oh no they're not okay wait he's not spinning north of Vermillion Vermillion yeah oh dude the trainer on the bed is too blissy the SS ticket is just outside Vermillion it's the the item in the bush oh nice okay we're both about to be in Vermilion I'm doing the boat Quest I found the power plant also oh sick sick okay I'll do that this is really funny I'm very good together Vermillion I guess um if you need XP the boat is too policies wait you didn't find fly did you no not yet no okay there's a world floor that's just two two stairs two letters [Music] yeah Mark Worrell is like red red okay yeah we just pick a color and Mark it let's go with purple for world purple purple for world Pearl pool uh the re there's a rare candy to the right of the boat in Vermillion like the surf to the right next to the machine part is a Pikachu you can just catch it oh nice I'll let you do that though like only one of us needs to check that item well what if it's good though what if it's good though well then I'll just go get the Pikachu it's not worth me like grinding okay sure I killed it I quit it great well you catch it then foreign wait it doesn't matter like we don't need to force it because we need the Pokey gear to check that so there's no point right oh yeah but just just remember that there's a Pikachu the the like the suicune is a picture I'm checking the bottom building right now it's World Island there's a Kelsey I'm I'm nervous Chad okay I'm just freaking out uh Whirl Island that's the [Music] if you didn't touch your followers I'm gonna check the power plant unlocked building at the top right [Music] foreign [Music] case that might be useful the coin case might be useful yeah well they're following the Pokemon there is viable you know it's it's very quick to get the oh I see like Pikachu might be 500 coins it's like oh that's free it's worth checking okay I'm going back on the boat I'll let you finish off for a million I just wanted to do the power plant and leave basically foreign [Music] case as like a brownish gray color whatever that is top right okay and you have the SS so you can take [Music] what's interesting is We can surf to cyan wood from Olivine Theory I've been in Simon never mind let's use uh none of the boat items are required Escape right rare this is a minefield [Music] of trainers yeah [Music] yeah no off inside I thought it was the top guy at least I don't think I checked Monica oh no I was there it's level 50. I'm gonna die foreign Center [Music] very effective by the way that's my strongest move chat [Music] oh server came back I'm wiping I found the wild ditto oh man if only I I won't bother [Music] I can surf here [Music] um I'm marking Mount Silver is brown [Music] because that might be required the back of Mount Silver oh I found gold Rod Mark have you been there no not Gordon run nice that's a good find then look at all the items okay 10 hour left is this and then Goldenrod mark is myth this is force [Music] oh God I hungry teeth as well [Music] if I'm burned Tower but I can't really do it right now I would only be able to get one item so it's like kind of not worth uh shout out to this being [ __ ] in nightmare mode so the items aren't available down here very cool oh my God this is the radio tower [Music] I'll do this immediately if I get the badge too give me two bags if you sick [Music] I hate Uber badges do I have five I could go get the hive at any point make an echo cheek [Music] I found Ho-Oh oh that's good save and catch it it's I think it's Paris but just use a candy oh wait no star me oh wait this might be really good yeah that could be amazing [Music] okay that's promising it won't drop me with something [Music] I only have one ball I did save though yeah if you're ever here oh okay okay very easy I have a water stand already so I just got 5f [Music] okay my slab is broken apparently [Music] can we do a TM check now probably good timing I have a paid ATM I know how broken payday is what type was it every other type it was but it was incredible [Music] okay there's a bug okay well I have a super broken [Music] I have to find a PC eventually oh nice both of those kind of suck foreign [Music] if you're running a special attacker you can buy a double kick TM from the store in Goldenrod it's a 130 power move uh both picks it's 65. twice all right I don't know where I found TMO one uh it's a 145 power bug [Music] with 100 accuracy it's okay this is Poison type and there's also stabbed by the way sorry it's 216 attack a lot at level 60 that's pretty good yeah okay the storm is like 130 base Maybe the starmy is a special attacker and it's really fast too okay you can buy double kick here and it's a decent police [Music] okay yeah how much PP did pay they have it's nice to have a man and I have the ppaps anymore how much PP was it [Music] that's basically the only move I'm gonna click for the Run [Music] Blackthorne City Gym foreign [Music] why did I not do this I turned around here I think oh digletts okay [Music] the master ball I'm fine about 15 that should be good I'm gonna go for three products items by doing the check everything worth always checking okay [Music] they need X attacks I think you need to prioritize speeds because I'm really slow I have that much money sadly uh I found Jasmine the gym or the top of the lighthouse double lighthouse [Music] found a gem that was in like nice Goldenrod Mart leads to Goldenrod Mart if you ever find Goldenrod [Music] four one and four four left to do fuchsia City any good I'm getting the expansion card item oh nice yeah I and I'll unmark it right yeah if it was useless yeah [Music] I'll pick this up oh never mind I hate everything what I hate a trainer oh [Music] okay fully cleared Goldenrod Mart the radio towers here though so we'll probably have to come back I called out by the way that the card key and the volcano badge were both South and black I cut it out verbally I think yeah yeah you did yeah the card Keys the very lowest item and the volcano badge was one of the berries it was the like Berry trees oh nice Rockets so if I find Lake of Rage I can already do uh rocket base I just haven't met the lake of Rage yet do that [Music] where do I go just I think we're done with E4 I think that's the last one uh we're still missing will is it worth a try it might be worth a try go uh I'm marking tin Towers [Music] uh World Island we did as purple oh boy this has whirl and ten that's kind of bad [Music] that's also said secret floor [ __ ] that's annoying there's a place that has tin and whirl so I can't mark it as both [Music] oh God okay orange equals ten [Music] that'll make sense to me in three hours when we're looking at Pokemon they saved before Karen chat please tell me I did I beat the sage now at the fly thing a flash thing but you don't have to beat the stage later [Music] he went back got revenge can I have 300 speed that should be fine or my attack foreign [Music] how much money I may get from Payday [Music] all right payday check how much is it gonna be I I'm by the way my sweeping move is payday it's 1 45 power 100 accuracy stab oh my God it's it's so strong I found I'm known on the trainer it's on Karen oh my God live unknowns is a threat it's so bulky how did it live I think so bulky now [Music] okay I'm gonna teach like all TMS that I have now and check their power yeah I just saved teachable and then reset yeah all right I want to see how much money I got from payday that's like this would be really funny I got 700 from Payday okay you don't need money anymore [Music] punch twister are pretty bad and through Karen [Music] wait how many badges do I have six five it's stabbed yeah but we're special attacker whoa okay wait get Razor Leaf if you can you have Razor Leaf I think uh no I don't oh that was like one of the first things I found I think it's not that big a deal is it physical yeah it's 130 flying high crit rate oh that's pretty sad and accuracy 100 100 yeah oh [ __ ] yeah that'd be good if I find it what TM number was it do you remember oh I don't remember I'm gonna reset though I'll give you a bit yeah because you don't want physical maps right no not really foreign charge did you check whirlpool Define check Whirlpool it's power oh yeah it was like it was electric I think it was inaccurate I think it was a hundred electric with 75 accuracy that's correct so I'm gonna teach whirlpool yeah it's like thunder but it trade a little bit of power for accuracy it's not like a lot of actors crap one of my stats this is important yeah attack is is not that good we go we go definitely full special so I'll ignore raise a leave but and I'll teach whirlpool right I'll teach whirlpool yeah you can also buy X accuracy God they solid space for Kenya oh but Whirlpool we wouldn't be able to teach over Whirlpool so that's not that not that good actually I found Lake of Rage damn they all suck them oh [Music] okay I found Lake of Rage I could go do rocket [Music] Rockets were just back that way it's not too far I think I'll grab the lake of Rage items and maybe I just sold that oh let me get X items while I'm here like rocket base is really good oh I've seen a lot of shiny Geodude line here I have full odds a lot of shiny gear dudes though I saw I'm full come in the money get another trainer with Merrell I've seen that three times [Music] epic okay I got all the X items in the world [Music] I'm actually a bit tight on X items because I didn't have a ton of money they have everything else but I'm I'm very short on repels though but yeah it's not that it's not that bad how's the person who harvested the power of the Sun I actually I I thought I had more money so I stopped picking up I stopped picking up items wait you stopped picking up item oh like money items when you see it yeah yeah I have an emular coins man [Music] you know how many sunsets you had 11. [Music] it's really good I found row 12 I'm terrified I hate this place foreign [Music] yeah that's the only shiny I'll be seeing I'll probably get like 50 more Wilds throughout the whole run where do I go where do I go it's tmo2 I saw O2 oh this place is worse than hell where I am around 15. oh I'm so one big house that's sick yeah grab something that's awesome [Music] didn't I teach that to Teddy I must have taken a different Teddy I caught like 10 of them foreign [Music] I'm gonna get the surf item I did everything south of lavender except cut you go all the way to route 15. yeah yeah I did oh what you did that's sick you check the warp on 50. no no no no no no I did not do that okay okay okay don't you shouldn't do that I got the no I got the item on 14 sorry okay yeah yeah or technically it's about 13 but okay whatever um actually actually it's about 30 it is around 13. all right [Music] oh I can't believe I got the price like that I was sick I'm in Azalea plus three items let's go secret potion is the the item behind Kurt okay Azalea I'll mark it uh light green [Music] that works [Music] do we need Anthony for anything what type was Starmie poison thank you um no Anthony is not required [Music] I know the story was scary so I asked him to type things I could one shot it if he's running it it means it's the threat I mean you could catch it as a backup it was on the gym later oh I was doing praise [Music] [Music] oh there's the bottom of cycling red nice so I found both sides Chris I have cycling red fully marked but I didn't get the item just a heads up which so there's two items on cycling road but I I've seen both sides but you didn't get it okay yeah I just uh I wasn't ready to do the fight I didn't have a mean and it would have been annoying hitting the trainers there I did the fan club and I mark it as a dead end okay because I did both dead end charcoal for my blizzard true fog badge ivy isn't it 100 power so it's fog it's 110. versus 105. yeah it was Stronger so can get land [Music] Zoom suck it this but you are correct I probably could use payday I was also trying to conserve PP no just my payday account is now zero [Music] I found World Main I'll get all the items sick [Music] I'm not gonna reset that that was good items foreign the girl it's fine and just force Dodge the guy never hit this guy seconds go up [Music] yeah we'll need the back track right because I want to get a rocket in theory [Music] how do they get back to Rockets from here I found Goldenrod uh game corner is that important uh if you have the coin case which you might just be um I don't okay yeah I was gonna say uh Market is the coin icon because that might be worth checking what's going on sure is there a spec Wonder I've been really enjoying the YouTube content recently glad to give some support live less than three thank you I'm solid on Mark were you here yes yes I was you weren't on floor three wasn't there um I'll just buy all the TMS that are usable p.m check let's go thank you for the guy message guitar what do you Vine where are you all of wine City see that's kind of connected to where I am [Music] Thief is interesting don't run full physical I think I will not I still haven't thought oh yeah I need to find the golden rat Mart eventually oh I think all of mine's kind of close to that I think around the time I was in all Vines where I found Goldenrod Mart yeah yeah okay so go uh from Olivine get into going to the Mart Tin Tower L then go ruins about bottom that's goldenrodmart if you're in Olivine you just said you were in Alabama yep yep I'm there thank you good enough [Music] I'm gonna get the hive badge for athletes at critique let's go grab the hive really where's the hive badge in ecrt do you remember uh burnt out [Music] was double kick the only one that wasn't wearing that bad oh flashes through there a double kick was the only move that was good oh God I have to sell something else did you do come in this when you were here nope you can do it I think I'll just do some on the way back wait I need I need some money [Music] what was I getting here it was the item to the right of the outer or was it the first item so the right I think both actually I'll just grab this then [Music] I definitely the top right was something top rate I think was high they stand around with the first time yeah top right was higher and I skipped the Elder yeah yeah skip the Elder I beat him I don't think I get the cutscene oh it was a rare candy with the item ball that was worth that's what I remember okay water dark fire is like almost perfect the edges water types with like dark resist all right we're not we're not playing vanilla yeah like crawl on for example a couple more typings in this did you do self sign girls no I didn't even get the items by them all right I'll do it I have rope out there I think that's seven badges should I beat them too foreign you can [Music] yeah I think um let them let them hit you like don't try and Skip AFK and let the last one hit you oh just the last one yeah it's one fate if you do that hell yeah Spin and look up that's actually a good check now in spinner Hill yeah top 10 girls is good [Music] [Music] yeah there's a lot of really funny checks for spinner house Sky main where it's just like something works out and you can get stuck [Music] yeah that was totally worth it I'm just hugging the left wall I'm terrified the if the girl hits you uh she's a phone call trainer that's Nina you'll need that later you're done oh potentially not you yeah yeah I'm not resetting I found a world what world is purple Pearl pool yep um do you have Lugia or ho Omar in ecritique which one was it hello okay so that's worth me getting for another chamber was that the Starmie yeah that was stormy there there is a the room with the Diglett in it and is that any important no uh if Mr Fuji's is not important either no no I think all the indoors have been done like all the important return indoors but there might be some to keep asking I I am pretty sure I've gotten most of them let me go get this quick [Music] I found the Thunder badge oh um it's the tree outside National Park if only I had the uh squirt bottle have you found a squirt bottle no didn't I Mark something wasn't there that was an important item oh yeah in Azalea the secret potion I I marked that I marked it okay yeah yeah I I had that written down um [Music] you found Route 12 and left [Music] was there any uh no he just did all that I found the move the leader he's he's in the house of the name Raider easy to remember name is now delete oh we have surf I found a surf room earlier and didn't do it oh my God I forgot we have sir this early nice [Music] I marked it though it's fine oh and I get back to Goldenrod store 2f I need to go get [ __ ] Pogo balls keep forgetting to buy Pokeballs every time I hit a mark that has like not they're like not expensive Pokeballs [Music] Thunder badge I can also go buy X items on yeah or 5f he didn't check five F that works out really well go 5f bye [Music] oh I'm in Goldenrod now if you need to get to a mark uh well big old round marks I found the rock smash TM I don't I I just marked oh wait wait you said you found a rock smash yeah 36 no it's it's in oh and the poker gear you have to come here anyway the gym where is it top house top house F2 okay I'm here so I can just grab them yeah it's the ignore the first three damn it I guess you have this whatever [Music] thank you oh God that's a threat 59 Espeon first two or first three I don't know that's so much HP ignore the first two for sure and then just grab everything okay and the two items you need are back to back and then you can you can ignore the rest I can rope out at the end after pokagiria the big Marts are in here by the way it's just kind of funny Goldenrod Mart and Celadon Mart are like two buildings in gold because I I got here just now from Celadon store and then you called out Pokey gear just like sick I'm here [Music] it's very interesting this run we've been like near each other a lot and it's paid off every time we need each other [Music] out are you streaming the map no at the tracker and the timer the timer's funny okay I may get back to celadon's store the ice seven badges are sick sick so if I find one more badge oh I can't I can go Route 36 grab the badge and just do rockets because Rockets are in the basement of uh building on the store this is the thunder badge I can just go and do that I'm gonna I'm gonna do radio tower because I have card key uh okay I don't have it yeah [Music] I know where it is though [Music] I found potion man oh my God that's his potential Soft Walk I didn't know about uh please open foreign there might be a soft walk in this devs devs devs Developers tell me this moves [Music] thank God okay we're good we're good [Music] I'm fine Violet I'll do everything like surf our Earth Badge is surfing in violet I'm at seven badges now okay like you too yeah well we know where the card key is uh and we don't know where the basement yeah so um if if we do find the basement I'll just do it and then I'll tell you if there's stuff down there because then you can do card key based because I'll I'll finish rockets by then yeah well if there's nothing card key it might just be better to do basement on its own true because you can just dodge and they may not be bad like how deep the items are but it's still worth me doing it first yeah I mean [Music] it's in in Nightmare ivy for whatever reason they made those move even though it leads to issues I I think they just wanted the meme that they have to have them moving [Music] foreign just uh beating Whitney for some stat XP [Music] uh the trainer okay I'll leave it marked then the trainer in Whitney's gym that you're forced to fight the one that's looking down [Music] it has a Magikarp okay yeah I heard okay I mean you can look it up like as long as one of us has the decks oh right right it's not like we'll have to find the decks then yeah unless you find it in the wild that's why the Pikachu is nice because you found it in the wild opportunity you don't need the Ducks for it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] by the way that does unlock phone calls phone call trainers are now officially in logic oh okay [Music] well I was busy with the contest for so long stupid contest man [Music] yeah it sucks but like you have to do it my type [Music] there you go I found Slowpoke wow I'll do it I'll do the cheese [Music] did you sell the green apricorn are we supposed to keep apricorns you can green apricorn remember is the friend ball if we need to do a happiness Evolution like we only find igliba but it's fine because you'll have so much money by the end that you can just buy like a hundred by them oh so Kurt's balls aren't part of the pool correct that would have been crazy yeah there's issues like you can't do that because you know sometimes you don't get an item right yeah and then it's gone forever because it's like a gym leader badge would have been like an apricorn yeah you just be soft locked so you can't you can't have the apricorns DNA them until we have a way to like guarantee that every item [Music] cards balls aren't random I know oh my God so fast but so weak fast and bulky I just finished card key I'm gonna do both sides then we get the other director too oh that ether's actually such good timing I can use that for the next fight [Music] okay the card key is actually used you don't ever have to turn in the card okay because I've also been out of the end um the only question is do you have to do the left [Music] my phone Shockey guy is that needed no but you can get free Pokemon oh I guess so checking for the nine and 251 chance or whatever [Music] Venusaur nope [Music] okay Tauros is a threat it has quick attack it does a lot of it it's very bulky so I'm south of violet now there's there's got to be a trainer here right that I need phone number of nope there's no one there for phone number oh okay there is to the left the Violet school boy Allen South of the silhouetto tree oh I'm not there anymore it's on route 37. yeah I guess we could split up what phone call trainers were doing so we don't have to like delete numbers and like go back and forth as much we should probably just try to not all have the same trainer until we find out like they have a required item [Music] it's weird picking up the map card to hit right and extra time is annoying you don't need that so dead end the map card yeah yeah that item was useless okay okay you you can skip uh radio tower it's all useless sweet I'm not gonna unmark it though I'll I'll leave it marked but I I did already do we have to win every prize at the lottery uh just the first four why you don't have to get that math yeah you have to get the master ball but you can play you can play it infinite time it's like the contest so just start spamming eh you can leave it for me though if you want wait are you serious no hey I draw it no there's no way [Laughter] we had it in the first half like where you made this unbelievable I already got this item [Music] that's the triple [Music] uh did he checked south of Goldenrod at all oh he went down there but didn't do any of the trainer I didn't I didn't check the warps I I did the three items though yeah they're all useless right yeah [Music] if I dodged all the trainers on the way down I'm just gonna get Gina's number while I'm I'll get the trainer on 35 okay which means you can skip her later [Music] I'm getting the item oh God I'm getting the item by Tojo outside South yeah percent yeah do you think the lottery would be funny for this but like within a reason [Music] like make it fast to check or make it uh is there a phone trainer where by before I jump the ledge uh you need whirlpool oh they're behind whirlpool yeah you know where the solar beam TM is yeah it's that guy now what you can do is have him hit you through the wall yeah that's what I'm thinking that's what I'm thinking that's what I'm thinking so you're gonna get that one yeah I think so okay yeah that's fine the only thing is um you'll need Whirlpool to get the item oh true because of the refight right yeah [Music] right down by the way the names of the trainer so you remember he's calling you preschool or pie we have to actually write this down oh my God yeah you want to know the names I'll make opening a text document you're on 27 right that's Jose you're on 27 but he's gonna call me as pie right yeah [Music] on store I had like a cool idea for this it was go 5f to get X items but I want to check this one F4 first because it first left the war I'm gonna leave on 5f oh God okay I'm coming back oh wait no I'm not mine one F oh my [Music] God okay so he's seen the item there because that's Indigo Plateau foreign [Music] okay I got a pie's number let's go nice nice [Music] okay now I can finally buy my ton of money I'm buying proteins yeah I'll buy carbon okay I have a ton of money I think I'm gonna buy carbo carbo probably better [Music] when you taught sleep powder did you check the accuracy no I never taught it oh you just never taught oh I can go down to the power plant we we have Whirlpool we just have to find the badge which we have we will at some point foreign [Music] people where you get the deck oh you're like in the building yeah there's two scientists yeah that's not where you get the deck oh so dead end yeah oh my God where do you get it then um it's just in Ruins about it's really we've I've already found it and we have surf oh okay I found the unknown stacks I found flash it's in ilex oh okay nice Alex is also really good to find [Music] the last item in regular order uh we don't have Zephyr yet so it's not crucial foreign flash is like so important when I'm doing this normally because I don't turn off the dark cave uh marsh badge is in the opening room of red [Music] oh this is [Music] oh no one's been destroyed uh expansion card is in here too the second item after cut bush [Music] there's a cut Bush here no Shanna can't go through where are you in in ilex oh yeah that's a thing it's nightmare it's nightmare everything's just annoying I'm surfing to um Cinnabar Island same wait actually oh I'm turning I'm turning around that's so funny I'm on to the bar now I'm talking to Blue how the [ __ ] do we keep being in the same place at the same time that makes no sense uh just ether here oh yeah we'll get get the flash then and the expansion card I don't think that I don't know how worth that is and even the mahogany uh no I think I'll stay in Mahogany I just wipe into a train on Route One actually yeah I might have revives Mark stuff what do you mean what did I forget tomorrow did he Market uh blue Alex for us no like uh yellow oh there's no badge just there's a there's there's flesh okay I was doing HMS as a cyan but that's fine I like to use the colors on the right for wild locations you didn't trick [Music] if you won uh you can start pass in the bar and go to the right that gets you to Cerulean [Music] nobody checks early in hey oh did OBS freeze oh no no no no no just the tracker froze that's weird [Music] yeah this is weird [Music] I mean in the fisherman's phone number on 44. totally just totally every other Steve's name [Music] if you find Sacred fires the Strong's moving the game nah not for me [Music] I don't think I can beat payday 100 power 145 stab is tough [Music] the window capture froze Chad is like Chris Market Mark your first five steps like what do you mean [Music] those things are [ __ ] fry every time [Music] uh there's two rare candies to the right of mahogany if you need candies when you get here [Music] oh nice and there's the arrival part of v-roads we don't do the Rival Fame why is 35 blue oh I picked that up [Music] yeah it was the fog badge but you've probably already done that [Music] you there's an egg marking is that where you picked up the egg that's just the daycare I I thought maybe it would be useful when I found it oh yeah that might be useful oh wait no nevermind there for feeling lucky it's good [Music] luck [Music] I did not get Dream Eater could you no oh it sounds a zephyr badge that means in uh which room is this it's either water room or hello room it's in the Ho-Oh chamber of runes about [Music] a Missy Jim is also here nice fun Misty now if you ever find that um the licky tongue I found oh dear too oh never imagine Pokedex that's huge yeah that's really good Pie's calling please give item I'm Mark Wait what does that mean now uh if if they give you an item that means you get to talk to them he I don't think he was talking about an item if they ask the Fate then you have to fight them till they want to give you another okay [Music] fight them before they call you again if they call it out a fight okay so just pay attention if they called for a fight or if they called for an item did you get the boat items yes all of those is done oh okay [Music] it was uh there's a rare candy if you go on the side so you know that saffron nobody's checked the far left I want to do route four at the end because I want to leave that way so I'm gonna like repel save I think oh I'll get both items on cycling Road you skipped those right correct I didn't get the item if you're there do it I got all the phone calls except for the refight trainer that is around uh mahogany I got the two fast ones [Music] spinner hell was a mistake like going down spinner how no adding spinner held to this foreign well the thing about adding spinner hell is like it's supposed to be like the worst setting possible and that means you just have to have spinner hell on [Music] I found this Azalea what was here buying a card's house behind Kurt's house yeah and that was it yeah you can unmark that it's I marked it on the building okay You didn't mark any was that what was that the secret potion yeah oh I didn't mark that for myself [Music] okay the two items were bad this is dark as well oh God going up going up to I just reset I'll just reset it's just not worth my time as long as you say the top both of the Cyclone items are bad yeah by the way neither of us have done south of black just the very far south I did um why is this light blue hm probably where probably waterfall moving I guess yeah I found waterfall [Music] free protein I'll take was it just waterfall on that floor and probably I can't remember if there's more items just get them [Music] well I actually almost made it to the cave all right donkey I'll see you later I would fly Blackthorne City's right here that's huge yeah you can check out the item South oh also um the black belt Kenji on the route uh fade in get the number and just talk to him it's the easiest of all the phone call items you just immediately get the item as long as you have his phone number [Music] okay he's a spinner on the right well okay spinner doesn't help right now but he's on the right of the route but you can also let him hit you through a Ledge I was trying to be helpful okay it would be helpful yeah wait uh well I'm I'm clearing dark cave first [Music] rock smash side oh never mind you marked that the other side [Music] no the other one you couldn't do anything inside yeah I thought it was the other side I found both sides of it and I've also cleared out all the [Music] I just marked it as a dark cave because you might need to go back there for like wild wait I even checked this that was the whole point of coming this way I found the fighting Dojo is that important there's a free item in there well yeah that is off it's just the item okay I'm going south of Blackthorne now save the top just in case you mess up and fight Kenji on the way down for the free item [Music] he's a fighter on the right uh it's like after the second or third item foreign and then if that's nothing it's I don't have to like Mark it or anything yeah that's nothing then just tell me that Kenji is useless so I can unmark it on my phone call Tracker okay [Music] and I'll do route four now I guess yeah it's nothing okay so Kenji is done [Music] and you got all the items heading down like Oasis surf all of that well no I'm not there yet oh you're still working but didn't you didn't you go here no like I said I think it's south of Blackthorne I just came out of the cave at the very bottom oh okay you need to check literally everything for the whole row foreign [Music] hit her later okay I'll pick up the volcano badge that was the one right yeah that's the only thing you got everything else on the way down right yep Okay cool so it's just the volcano badge and then card card he's the very last feed all the way down but you don't technically need the card because I've done the card key segment and there was nothing there so if you'd rather take the cave you could skip the card key and then um yeah like skip the card key for now if you want okay I'll skip the car key but it's also Bruno true it's an option yeah [Music] maybe I'll wait until we have fly [Music] uh the mystery egg is north of Cerulean it's in the bush foreign [Music] in Cerulean damn it all right Gina called me for a fight unfortunate I met him in the Lapras room I'm going to mark it with the eyes icon that works [Music] foreign [Music] pretty good [Music] I hope we find flies soon yeah it's getting annoying fly may be a phone call trainer either then I have to battle trainers without fly to get Fly how many items does uh nightmare add like 30 maybe oh that's not bad also thank you vagax [Music] I'm hardwalled by an Umbreon because I ran out of noobs that Canada [Music] um are we allowing Escape feature or no if you're soft walking okay don't use it if using it for convenience uh have you rock smashed in Olivine no I just got rock smash I have not rock smashed a rock yet I don't even think I've taught it wait rock smash is randomized what do you mean it's not tm08 oh my God you're right wow I found the dick TM though wait did did you have rock smash no I called out tm08 wait how do you get rocks okay we should allow looking in the log for a Pokemon that has rock smash because we have the rock smash TM I think that's reasonable you agree we could we can wait until later fair enough if you want to I I think it's fine that we're allowed to look it up because we have Rock Smash but we we can just do that later I feel like we need that pen missile is 35.90 pretty good foreign Island the one that has the item it's the base key so it's useless that like World Island surfed by the whirlpool outside oh my God it's not just 170 water explosion oh my God what's the accuracy 90 is pretty good oh [ __ ] yeah it's okay so sludge is terrifying is that better than double kick yeah probably it's 40 power well the thing that's nice about double kick is animation time save that's true where was Flash HM I found the late room Flash HM there's a ilex right yeah I like yellow okay so if I find the eye looks I'll come back here let's see how good ancients I think I can get to ilex from here because we are both starving around this time of the XP share oh wait it's random Evolution it doesn't matter yeah yeah I did find the XP chair though oh I found the dark cave other side but uh no rock smash I can get the first item oh you beat rival in Victory Road I just found that side [Music] [Music] okay so we have all of rock smash still today foreign [Music] check wait what is that one we checked that already what is that oh the photography Togepi from an egg yeah we don't know yeah we had we had a damn key check the ROM to make sure that was viable otherwise you wouldn't continue this [Music] crap where I go oh my God nobody's found this yet damn I'm finding there's so many warps here and we don't have that many warps left 4 just by accident [Music] um where was The Zephyr badge [Music] uh Cerulean it was it was in our Runes of Alf chamber I forget which one [Music] did you get the item in Celadon City in Salon yes I found the Celadon game corner is that important uh if you have the game uh just mark it as the coin case okay wait the game Corner as in like where you play the slot yeah slot machines oh don't Mark that it doesn't matter it was hello chamber for Flash and being alerted by chat okay okay I couldn't remember which chamber it was Escape rope chamber had a badge which you already got I think that was fly badge [Music] no strain so I can't check strength items I just leave [Music] I'm assuming he jumped the slide or it was near the ledge yeah so this is the last check [Music] foreign [Music] has like one more pleth there's three I could get a check Misty thing just do dinner hell I cleared the surf Circle and I marked it too what was this way again [Music] I went here to Mahogany yeah foreign [Music] I can pick up Kenya [Music] I have Kenya but go ahead and pick it up actually what Pokemon is it never look it's a pharaoh so we can get rid of it [Music] okay I have two more checks for Cerulean and then I'm done error [Music] foreign the other side of ilex and I actually beat um the well as well oh you're on well Duty then [Music] I can do both uh strength is the item ball we can use strength oh sick where was that in ilex by okay it's in Celadon City [Music] I forgot we were using the left side for badges in an engine I marked it this time though qua gives uh that nugget if you care probably not anymore at this point yeah I'm totally done with money once I start buying by them ends it's over foreign [Music] store right now I'm checking 6s you can go get the badge that's on fifth floor if you want okay so 6f is Karen or will so we're done with E4 we found them which item was the Imagine here I think it was the last was a long first the first one was the unknown decks yeah I think it was the last item that might be wrong you just grab them all no I believe you let's go Shin let's go promise oh more quick attack okay I know it's special foreign [Music] well I didn't check the items in Flash chamber if you have flash yeah I still haven't found the separate badge okay oh Zephyr badge is close to that [Music] professors and puzzle Ho-Oh go the mahogany get the Zephyr badge and go back to the Cerulean be a flash there's a way to get the mahogany from where you are oh I think it required uh surfing to the bar how was it yeah it was again Route 20 surf to Cinnabar get flash then go route four back to Julian and then check the Flasher that would be a loop that you could do that was a scary fight I am through will I've done any E4 yet I've done will Karen because I don't want to backtrack [Music] will lead to that Runes of Alf thing I'm gonna mark it as ink ruins about breath [Music] like where you catch I think it's smeargle in the vanilla game that like one little patch everyone's about [Music] you know it's a gym I'll do it at this point [Music] except for very nice very nice yeah exactly I'd be it's not it's not that big a deal for me to just look up a couple of the rock smash it's not like really cheaty I don't think if we need to later you mark Misty's gym with a color what was that the item inside was required or you know every it was the poker there oh yeah [Music] okay you got the items around mahogany yeah I think there was I think the rate that was too rare candies to the right ah whatever yeah and you beat that I think there's anything left round four there's nothing except the way back to Cerulean you got both of the a M's and mahogany the whole area uh yeah I do okay yeah then just go back to Cerulean and do the flash chamber because then I'm glad I can't go back the guy's blocking the gym huh no no no you take Route 40 at back oh okay to get back to Julian yeah yeah I'll do that I'll do that that's four items yeah and then then I can skip flash so I wouldn't have to rush ilex [Music] there's also the dark cape surf section still and I did that oh you did that okay [Music] um if you have Whirlpool you can do dragons then as well I I did the items in that dragons then but I don't know Whirlpool I don't have the badge okay same oh my God really sucks we're like kind of trapped here I guess you can get this in the bar like where are warp still we have a lot in Azalea oh this is a bad lead there's a Lugia I am a little scared I'm less scared now [Music] this person's level 18. what it's like a really low level trainer on route 4. I have one super low level and then at a level like 50 [Music] . I forgot what the Fate is normally but it makes sense with the normal fight [Music] oh great another king draw please kill okay Kingdra is so bulky okay I'm back I'm doing the flash chamber [Music] Demi strength I need to check that move [Music] yeah like how strong it is I guess [Music] please go hey if I'm the center at some point uh it's bad [Music] Erica is a dead end Erica [Music] Old Rod nice I have the other two rods that's so unlikely to be required wait there's a thing where that's required well if the Pokemon we need is fishing only oh okay I'm just saying like it's on my mind oh my God that would be like that would be terrible did you get the whirlpool item at World Islands yes okay [Music] okay where do I go to get out of here I'm going to sign what right actually I'm gonna check this first if I go to Route 20. no I want to surf back to science telephone Cinema I'll go back through here that's a good place okay and then [Music] I'll beat will on floor six [Music] yeah I've done will Karen will by the way has a pretty scary lead it was Strong Quick attack's a powerful move yeah quick attack is very effective on me too it was on me as well what type are you uh hair across it's it's probably psychic it's like it's special as well I know the typing special [Music] you're pure poison right yeah oh the lead has quick attack yeah that's what I was saying Oh I thought I thought something else did I save chat I must have saved I always saved before E4 foreign ER doesn't give you anything but it might be required I'm just going to use my 170 power move and hope it dies four more works here oh quick attack out speeds me you right [Music] there quick attack is a fast man oh just give me the violet okay I can go back to violin which there might be stuff it's also gets me Union [Music] okay there's a lot of options from cyan wood for where to go I just don't know how many of them are like useful [Music] foreign oh my God Sonic Boom does way more damage now [Music] yeah it's not 20 in there oh [Music] okay this is technically a let's jump water falling down the surf two entrances though foreign this must be water Stan [Music] mineral badges in the water stone room at Roosevelt okay [Music] um and that is in Mount mortar oh I found the route 15 warp too oh perfect it took me to route 15. foreign [Music] so I have to reset I hope I know I say this I'm gonna grab the badge yeah I'm gonna grab the badge on the road wow I have to climb all the way up around 15. that that's the way out wow that's annoying you know we have like the soft lock prevention and map thing like it prevents soft locks the the softball prevention is going all the way up route 50. that because that's the one way here so yeah I'm gonna just throw and not do that okay World Legends to violate how useful [Music] it's a lot of options there why is this pink what did you mark pink [Music] um it's a ruins of alphagraphs don't worry about that okay Azalea oh dude we need to get to Azalea or lavender that's our goal oh and Azalea links to Lavender okay how the hell do we get to Azalea [Music] Ridge about top two exactly a perfect uh that's viola so I want to go to Violet so I do World Legends the violet so cyan wood World Legends Violet there we go foreign [Music] he's the one who did that so I can oh but there's a badge here apparently purple no you mark purple as well okay so here I'm going to oh Rocket bait hell yeah I did the shiny let's go there Chris I think the best thing you can do is probably go to Azalea that's like everything Azalea [ __ ] Azalea is the waterfall oh no I misplayed it's whatever because I'm doing rocket like how do we get to Azalea Mount main Square lavender that would work okay if you can get the mahogany surf all the way left so you could get to Azalea that that's by far the best thing you can do there's like 12 of our 26 remaining warps are either in Azalea or lavender and they both link to each other I'm I'm getting I'm beating Koga first you're doing where is hoga in Lighthouse okay uh uh Equity Celadon store no that one sucked that's where it came from yeah but that's that's how you back to Mahogany mahogany is like somewhere in this direction Mount Silver F1 Cerulean City route 20 mahogany okay you can get the mahogany where you are it's just kind of annoying no no I say like I I don't see a better option we can't do route 31. oh we can we have the Mr okay so yeah round 31 is available now um out I can go mahogany if you want you can try and find a way to do like get back to Cherry Grove because I know that was in the ecritique area and turn in the mystery egg because you have that right I don't have the mystery [ __ ] I'm the one I called it out I don't remember what it was I marked it at least [Music] Also let's do badge check uh for Joe though I'm missing seven you have either of them no uh for Kanto I'm missing one two five eight do you have any of them I have eight so we're missing five badges Glacier Rising Boulder Cascade soul is our missile [Music] so we're actually only five badges to go [Music] oops it's educator [Music] yeah just looking at what we have left I think the only thing that's reasonable for you to do is get back to Mahogany I'm getting the item in toad in Tojo Falls I don't know if you've done that no I didn't oh do you avoid the Violet you can check the inside of Union Cave because you're the one with strength I don't have it oh yeah I checked this was a dead end I'm gonna Mark is an exclamation point But I just forgot to mark it I'm pretty sure it was just a dead end [Music] thank you [Music] I have 10 badges to E4 so I've done [Music] good enough [Music] cyan wood to Union where are you right now no you've done your name I would have to be Violet I'm still in Tower I'm in Lighthouse right now looking for things to do Lighthouse fourth floor yeah oh go Zion wood and then Union Cave 1f and surf the Black Thorn and then go to Lavender that gets you a ton so go sign wood from where you are and then Union Cave 1f start for cross go Black Thorn and then laugh you follow that yep uh Soul badge is in the rocket Bay so you have to do the shiny [Music] Soul badge to it's in like the bottom left here I don't know if I checked the same bottom left is it like the password room all right I'm doing the whole thing but that's all I've seen so far um Rockets was here and now I could mark it how many badges do you have [Music] uh 10. okay I'm at 11. yeah we just want to say like somewhat close on progress and how much E4 have you done two two yeah okay so we're tied on e4 and I'm so badge ahead basically and then we have a couple swap badges I'm in the underground oh where uh in lavender lavender okay and that's the like card key thing yep yep I'll mark it for you yeah so I need to go there that'll be me which of these this is goldenroduction right here okay I'll do that as soon as I finish this I'll find the way back I'm in the waterfall hm room I don't think you've done that one in ice pack no I haven't I don't think I did very much Where You Are I need to find a way to get to uh Equity with work yeah Equity worked right to get to where you are [Music] uh yes Equity worked okay I have a slow way to get there but it worked but that's fine where are you trying to go to you because I need to do that at the end oh yeah so I need to go I surfed down right that work surfed down oh wait do you go to Lighthouse at four in in equity City and then I can surf to sign with from Olivine yeah you need to go to steinwood that's where you want to go I'll serve I'll go to all of mine and surf the sign what that works I just picked up Chet I don't think so hello everybody welcome to a very chaotic run we're running a Max randomizer basically it's like literally the highest settings we can put on did we not go here we never went North by Mr Pokemon you can't you need you need the mystery egg for that oh I'm here nice okay good so I can skip going up after I turn in yeah grab all the items though yeah I delivered Kenya too oh sick yeah damn yeah there was a lot in lavender I was I was wondering how they get there that's good there's a phone trainer here yeah the bug Catcher by uh south of the berry tree south of the berry tree by the grass yeah that's bitterberry yeah just the guy there there's one trainer on the route I I don't need to tell you where they are okay [Laughter] there's there's just one Trader just find the one person well the one by Kenya guy yeah okay there's literally one trainer on the right I don't know that is like South there's more no but that's a different route yeah you're on 31. all right I'm at the electrodes [Music] I don't think that's required [Music] how is the uh attached routing value and then you're getting uh at least somewhat deep probably like cooked tail segment now don't tempt me with ditto I don't need it we can't do breathing Wayne third time I've seen one dude this fly is like being a massive troll right now okay so I wait for Wayne's call then [Music] you don't wait for Wayne's call but you'll eventually get one it searches gym I'll just beat search yeah I I think gyms are bad at this point with 21 warps left [Music] okay you don't have to finish the rocket section unless the sludge bomb TM is required they have to find a way back there later okay so what was my option I was going to do all of iron [Music] I think it was top left like I remember oh my god did it was scary how is ditto scary and just started just saying what [Music] massive IQ plays here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] blackthorn's bottom right in here [Music] can you I'll just use it again I know it works no full restore Blackthorn is done [Music] okay and I get basement because I need to be the one that does this okay I'm in the basement now cool I did not say because I'm an idiot but I revives and you leave the Delhi bird [Music] I have to walk through the ice path thing again always annoying this was resisting earlier right yeah I'll use my weak weave on Delhi bird because it's not a threat foreign have one Payday for everything I'm finishing lavender okay yeah I'm just doing basement so [Music] you know a worst case scenario is I found the Cascade back oh [ __ ] where uh psychic guy in the Pokemon Tower okay I just mark it I will grab it as soon as I'm done with basement I feel like best case scenario flies in the basement even if it's annoying for you Lugia's YouTube [Music] I mean it's probably too late to switch it's a fan pee to the vulvit ah just whatever oh but I'll mark Lugia's room that could be needed for encounters right yep correct just mark it as Lugia or the color either one more oh the spinning okay the spinning sailor in Lighthouse is not necessary ask that one more time the spinning sailor in Lighthouse correct there's only one trainer in Lighthouse that's required oh it's okay yeah you already found yeah we found that one [Music] one more item okay none of the items in the basement are required and the warp leads to please nothing perfect you can trade crocodile for Magby here if you want that's pretty sick all right yeah that's really good uh I'm gonna grab Cascade line fly's here in lavender fly oh my God we found it finally it's the item it's the item ball in the middle house uh a mark fly green oh my god dude it's cute here we found it three hours uh item ball get the item ball yeah not the hidden item are you already done you got the you checked the warp yet yeah I'm through I'm through oh my God we can just get out of here we're just gone [Music] there's a ton of items here though item finder is not necessary correct I'm going to Azalea I'll check what I can all right what what do we still need you have Earth bags I did not skip the hidden item remember the yeah I do have the Earth patch I have what 12 badges squirt bottle nice oh my God there's so much squirt bottle hidden item through Lighthouse all Mark squared bottle in did you on did you get Fly yeah I have fly okay is it the same place yeah same place okay I'll mark the squirt bottle light green [Music] I'm in the strength section of morta [Music] train Cut Is Here cut us here oh my God now we find every [Laughter] it's just everything all at once [Music] um okay remember strength because I need that right strength I marked the item ball Celadon oh my God there's too much to my brain that I can't do much happening dead end this was here [Music] you don't need strength to get here oh you just find the back yeah oh okay I thought you just strained no no no uh can you do the the slow poke Wild Tracks when you have time just do all the slow cook watch stuff what does that mean like finish off the things that Slowpoke well blocks me from doing you're the one that did slow cook well not me yeah kind of like how I did the basement because it'd be silly for you to have to do it did you oh you found the cut house okay yeah so you can do all the track you just need to go do that you already like push the far-fetch yeah I did okay yeah so just go to the two places then and get lost away them oh the cut items right there I can just stay here I'm dodging the spinner for the third time oh now he hits me God damn it it's stuck in one room for a while on hooktail nice so are are you at the light green marking or is that where you're going what's the light green marking fly well that was where fly was and then it has cut and support okay yeah I'll go there uh what items was it I uh it's the item ball the last item ball before you jump the ledge okay and then you ignore the next one and then it's the item ball in the bottom right okay I got the item from Marshall just now Marshall is poly so I got one of my phone calling them okay so I have to go to Tully [Music] um I'm in lavender this led the ice path exclamation mark timeout 10 I sure do love randa's streams Chris Grimm you don't have to push perfect do you get both of those checks yeah okay then just talk to Kurt there's a wild Barrel on my screen oh that's nice okay we take those [Music] uh we're down to 10 more now so we're almost done with war brand though just to confirm you don't have Glacier rising or Boulder correct okay so we're three badges from done Glacier Rising floater I need to pick up the Earth Badge at some point [Music] Earth Badge is override I'm gonna have to weaken after this I'm at the VOD scrub [Music] bro that was a crit okay Hound Doom has like ridiculous or it found the way the Forex resist dragon [Music] so I have strength I have why we don't need flash by the way we might have to figure out something for rock smash I killed the marrow [ __ ] how have you killed a marrow and the Pikachu this run I don't know man I can't I'm level 60 I can weaken it do you not just have balls that you can throw not enough it broke out of four how many balls do you have now I have one just go just fly Cherry Grove buy balls that way you have them [Music] Cherry Grove's never randomized so it's always kind of pokeballs oh nice I came out of uh Azalea gym so you have to why is this horn I marked that I must have marked it I don't know why okay and I need to figure out how to get here Lighthouse F5 bro can you move like did you check um Cherry Grove surf no I haven't done like any ever World Star [Music] [Music] all right I talked to Claire [Music] so I'll do that oh I'm in Azalea but there's nothing else here I just finished Azalea because it was the Dratini quiz important I'm literally flying to Dragon's Den right now oh yeah [Music] just find where we still have warped or just start doing a world surf stuff yeah I need to go check sludge bomb like did you do cuts at Lake of Rage no I've done I don't have cut yet oh I've done like no overall item yeah I'll do that I'll do that uh what was sludge bomb guy mahogany pop rape that is my most important check [Music] I thought you were serious [Laughter] [Music] hopefully you didn't have a prediction for that I know sometimes you do and I did that like three hours ago no no no uh there's nothing at all in dragons then I've done the whole thing okay now I go mahogany and I checked the Gatehouse this will tell me if he has to do the shiny segment by the way you don't have to check oh you yeah you need the soul back [Music] uh you only get the soul badge when you're in the shiny segment and then everything else is useless all right Soul badges bottom left in the password [Music] saffron [Music] to check if cut is good no [Music] he used to have a squirt bottle and cut right are you in that room in morda foreign yeah yeah it's it's quarter bottle and cut I used to have right talk oh no I'm gonna play both of them I have ropes so it's fine it's me in a 360 prism brain dead he set my full name the boulder batch top right item Lego rage one to go we're missing uh two ago Glacier Rising [Music] I just found the pass but I think we've seen both sides of train uh where do you say the glacier badge was no Boulder oh Boulder that was Lake of Rage I leg of Rage top yeah yeah you can get there through Goldenrod City but you don't need cut you don't need a cup [Music] why is Blackthorne City marked foreign [Music] give me one second he says the item before I dropped down right last item before I dropped down uh yeah yeah it's the it's the item ball in the top bottom left corner of that section did you get that not yet now I have the Merrell on screen throwing balls oh nice you found it too I caught it yeah yeah I'll do Merrell phone call then is it my party nice I went to my party so I can actually just do that okay last item before I drop down if that's not it then it's the one next to it that's the squirt bottle then they jump the ledge then you jump the ledge not the first item no so you skip that you jump the next ledge go and it's the bottom right one [Music] I'm playing ketchup because I think I'm behind Yeah by a little bit because you have to do rockets so I got that and then iFly Lake of Rage no no flight Goldenrod City that's better to get from the top yeah yeah way better and just get the phone rod Lake of Rage where's like a rage and Goldenrod [Music] is that Goldenrod wait something magical's happening right now oh I almost skipped the scientist oh nice uh yeah lack of raging Goldenrod Goldenrod City I found the game I was just being dumb it's the top right item and then you're done and you find where the Earth Badge was definitely wasn't that I already did that I may have marked it Orange [Music] Maybe it wasn't there it was it dark cave but you wouldn't know foreign do you have rock smash no I never did any rock smash stuff okay maybe it is through Karen oh what am I doing I don't need anything no I was the one who found that so I would have found the badge there that was what I did uh worst case we can check the vods because it's it's a badge and I marked it [Music] was it in ilex Forest top first items was Flash that was Flash yeah I don't think he marked the Earth Badge I'm maybe I didn't mark the Earth patch where was the Earth Badge just don't worry about it we'll find it yeah just someone needs to check the VOD for when he marks the Earth Badge I'm checking Overworld surfing stuff now what about you oh I remember it's Violet surf ballot surf Violet serve top Ryan yes foreign everything's fine yeah I got it [Music] I have the boulder already I should be at 14. yep I'm at 14 badges I'm missing only the two that we haven't found oh I need to check uh Polly Tully called me uh cut and balance useless and checking cut South now where was the mineral badge [Music] that was in a building and water stone room yeah I'll just checked blue I marked all the badges yeah I got there from the I just went down the waterfall yep that's what I mean you have fly now at least yeah I mean already I can't do that Zephyr badge check patch because uh I need to get the egg from inside Violet Center which I actually should it's actually it's not that far out of the way I'll give you that [Music] there's an exclamation mark what is that I think I checked it but I forget what it was actually check that if you're there yep got it if you see it I fixed it I think it was just a dead end it was one of the islands but it was the wrongly marked but we found out we got the item anyway so it doesn't matter yeah so we found we found all four Islands yeah [Music] okay I got the middle badge anything you need Rising did you check Route 15 cut no I didn't have a cup when I was there oh boy here we go oh yeah you can go back and get that while you're there actually oh my God okay what haven't we done we haven't done Claire Route 25 wake up the Snorlax that's a free warp I'll go do this now because I can grab this along the way Kingdra has no special defense it's only bulky physically oh it's super bulky physically and like it does a ton of HP it seems like it's a reverse [ __ ] [Music] oh okay I picked up the egg so I can go check Miracle seeds now Marowak has the most Specialties in the middle game I don't remember that being an issue is there anything else here one Mega 3F all the way left and I have to Belgium all again I think [Music] just go just go just go just go Route 15 is nothing sick yeah if you hug the top there's like one trainer that hits you so I just hug the top and hold right or hold left have you found the radio expansion no no I don't think I have a weather Azalea three question marks we're right next to each other yeah I'm leaving you beat me the marking that by like a frame I still don't know where the rising badge is did you get the uh Miss what's it called I'll just grab it Mystic water and Cherry Grove I did I did I did I'll go the other way then where is where's the rising badge I don't have it we're missing Oh I thought you had it never mind we're missing seven and eight yep that's what I'm missing [Music] I'm gonna do champion soon I'm doing the mystery egg turn in now and I'm gonna talk to Tuscany and then I'm Gonna Fly Violet and get the miracle seed item yeah you have to do that uh did you how much cut and starf have you check I've done a decent amount now I did soft sand and like lick of Rage that's it soft's gonna lay your age perfect I'm doing left of mahogany because I can also get the item from Pauline while I'm here yep yep that's good I've also found all the trainers and then I'm gonna go get the uh Miracle seed item because I did Falcon and I got the egg to Evie from the mystery egg the only evolution is on the list okay totally's useless uh holy is Marshall and is useless that's two of them down [Music] Chris is the one who's like suggested this picture he wants a quick beat yeah this is a good idea I mean I've never done it it's interesting there's so much it's so much it adds so much yeah that's what's like fun about it there's just like too much to track everything I definitely couldn't do this on my own yet Polly's done and I go south here and grab this item uh Chris what what placing in the contest did you skip two okay we're getting to the point where that might be becoming viable [Music] um where's champion I think it's reasonable for both of us to just finish off E4 champ at this point uh yeah we can do that and that way we're just prepared to finish as soon as we can I I'm definitely doing champ now because I want to check the two post game items [Music] I'm just gonna use my candies now I found eight of the 12. it's pretty funny um okay so I'm beating Karen now and then I'm only missing champions oh you're ahead of me on e4 I think oh never mind okay I thought you had more I have done will Karen oh yeah after Karen I'll be ahead then yep foreign [Music] to teach sleep powder actually oh God Karen is strong did I save I I always say I always say sleep powder's 95 accuracy by the way if you still have the TM for it I saved that right right right right right right right right let me know otherwise I'll wipe I did sweet then I have speeds anywhere I'll just hit it hope it dies because it does it does too much damage to me [Music] oh nice that goes down oh never mind it's weak to it's weak to my 170 power move but it doesn't die to it nice and it kills you yeah what Pokemon is terrifying please tell me are they pouring on you're not gonna believe this I set up on that it was doing nine damage everything yeah because we're opposite we're running opposite Mains yeah but like is it killing you yeah you have zero defense on Starmie dude I was setting up for free I was like scared going in I was like oh this is the prettiest bite of my life it's so funny [Music] yeah we are we are incredibly opposite then yeah I did that fight at level 50 with my Statler oh my God it was the first fight the Hitmonchan is spamming Splash so okay that's I just beat champ unless his last is impossible it's a Shuckle it's just kind of a threat okay we're through [Music] so easy the rising check on Elm no no no no no no no no no no [Music] I need to look up the last kogan's pretty annoying ecritique down Embry now let me see if I have rock smash with me I do not eye track I don't [Music] I forgot to check the elm Elite Four item whoops so do I just beat champ two [Music] yeah you're good champ can you check the all my them I just forgot and you'll be there yeah I already did tusk and you said you got the item in front of uh like outside the treasure Falls oh yeah I did I also beat the guy right yeah so you'll be the one going actually also um do you get the item InTouch right you said uh yeah and told you I got that one too yeah when you start figuring out what items we still have to get that are like inside after mute guys so I did all of Tojo um I'm a Max person right I remember this like not killing earlier but yeah that plus four okay let's get through Overworld surf while we're kind of both doing not terrifying stuff um I did Tuscany I did Cherry Grove are you the Cherry Grove um I did all of violet including the miracle seed um nothing in Azalea you did soft sand yeah whole segment did you get the berry tree north of Goldenrod on 35 no I did that I had started at that point so I got that um I did everything to the left of left and right of mahogany I did everything so that's all done give me one sec after nav I'm in Tojo nice oh you got to say that you said is useless which one told Joe was useless useless useless okay I was just roping out after uh Bruno it's like yeah Ralph Chad is bullying me no okay um The Leftovers oh my God nobody's done rock smash right no one rock smash at all okay no rock smash at all um I did the surf item by whirl I think that's everything on this direction um did you get the oh wait uh yeah we got the Oasis because we had to start with that um what else uh you did South lavender right uh no not cutting not cutting okay so we needed to cut south of 11. everything but cut yeah okay so that's good to know uh check the champion item from Elm after I didn't check the I'll make them okay I need to get north of Olivine I'll I'll get um Dana and the uh Merrell check doggo north of Olivine after this I'm on my last E4 member I'm on Marina I'm sweeping uh the post game item was a maxita okay this is money all right I know that was the coin case are you doing lavender oh no am I doing lavender no you should you're okay now okay I'm cutting I'm cutting [Music] uh you check the Curt item right no oh you need to do that you were supposed to do that earlier I didn't hurt when you can um I'll do the legendary dogs after what I'm doing I'm getting phone calls really quick the numbers [Music] usually when you say you're getting phone call really quick it's in real life oh yeah as you were saying not this time don't call BRB yeah I'm grabbing Beth the phone numbers on uh because there's a trainer that gives you a phone number on Route 38 and also National Park is there and there's a phone call in National Park which is the Merrell trainer yeah yeah did you get the berserking yes oh do you get the Dream Eater of TM no okay that's one I didn't do that that's quick I I got the Mount Silver item foreign yeah I did surfing left mounts over I got okay Christine is Dana Dana equals Christine [Music] did you get Huey's phone number the sailor in Lighthouse or do you just pay them no I didn't have the I can get it though do you want me to it's fine don't worry about it for now we're not quite the phone calls yet I don't think are you doing dream meter or am I uh whoever does Dream Eater does national park for second do you want to do that or do you want me to do that I'm I'm in here I'm finishing it okay I've got finished with that I'm gonna finish when I started Jonathan there we go Chad [Music] so he's doing that what warps do we still have that we have that and we have that also all the all the bugs went extinct uh I'm doing Cerulean I'm gonna do it pop Australian wait this is unreal what's happening oh I'm repelled that's really funny no no it's not it's like somewhat embarrassing with also funny yeah it's for someone embarrassed I think oh with Poliwrath level 12 we lost right we got fourth so I'm not I'm not catching that and Caterpie level 14 we also lost [Music] I only have to come up here once unless it's like a weird reason to come back I'm I'm doing uh Bill's grandpa's house yeah pretty high level level 13 Kingler has a chance yeah BST why is the players I reminder everything always kind of has a chance because um the opponents get random Pokemon and because they get random Pokemon uh there's a chance that like like Caterpie might be really good and leedle might be terrible so like yeah yeah there might be like a lot of variants on their Pokemon for the contest [Music] it weakened itself with belly drum interesting now it's now we're never going to win with this man I can't wait till balls are just a hundred percent just wait till users recover I'm almost dumb [Music] time for this [ __ ] [Music] in general is really high base stat total so [Music] the level seven might have a chance you saying because the others get random Pokemon level seven is really hard to get second with because it's so much lower level than everything okay level seven will be very tough to get a placing [Music] I checked SpongeBob right yeah I did foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] there's only the four items from flash something else yeah believe there's just four items from flash flash he's done we should not be doing this [Music] eight balls later [Music] I'll do Missy like immediately I may as well it was like in town right foreign Butterfree were the others my Caterpie had no chance I mean maybe it did [Music] laughable catch the Oddish by the way yeah if I see it again I've done kept by catching contest so much my box might be full soon sad [Music] or the rain crazy there all right this has a chance level 14 clefable let's go how come I didn't check the warp for Bill's grandpa's house good good question I forgot I was wondering why it still said three warps I just didn't go in I won that's unlucky yeah I'll go back I was mostly focused on the items not so much the warp but you are correct I should check the warp if this is useless I'll just reset to get back up there [Music] save performance I will do the first game do you have the expansion but not the radio card right I don't have radio yeah okay I miss these useless okay so everything so far seems just too weak except for Kingland and clefable 17 Kingler I think we lost with 14 Kingdom so that might be good yeah generally anything 16 or higher has these that was first place with Kingdom [Music] foreign [Music] sure [Music] I guess I've learned to get down [Music] oh we got a 17 King though okay true true I think that was the first one we won [Music] oh my gosh and the bollock foreign one and three let's go [Music] uh you never have to do any of nugget Bridge all done oh this is a Pokemon like on the route [Music] dude bucketching contest is not worth um I guess you'd start doing gyms so like a 14th of fable might get first on one contest but second on another yeah lots of Randomness to it have you seen Lickitung on the trainer yet [Music] maybe I can look it up yeah he had an Ultra Ball swath I talked to him and reset earlier yeah check if you've seen Lickitung because that's the first of the Bill's Grandpa Quest [Music] Lickitung is like number 111. I have seen it good thank God okay so Lickitung we can do it's on nugget Bridge it's it's by Bill's house on that road oh [ __ ] it's also in uh Cinnabar Island that's much easier yeah that'll be much easier okay so lickitung's doable Oddish is doing what I have to go catch it I have all the stack have you seen Staryu I don't think so think I may have and that would be Growlithe and Pichu I've definitely not seen Pichu War growli as far as I'm I may have seen Staryu [Music] Janine gives Rising badge oh one badge left we just need Glacier I spent like an hour in the contest here we spent like 20 minutes contest today oh man he's gonna I'm gonna spend so much time for one single item it's not gonna be it okay I don't know if that's lost plays I'm leaving I'll be back later [Music] do you want me to do it no [Laughter] I'm asking because all this [ __ ] [Music] because one of us like we should do the contest until someone catches all day um you can go catch Lickitung if you want you want to catch lucky tongue in Oddish wait how good did you need yeah [Music] [Music] okay so just keep working on gems foreign [Music] [Music] did you check Rising badge check right away yes not that there we go I'm on uh [Music] it's gonna be a rock smash item and we can finish well we can we just have to find rock smash can you okay you've caught like 9 000 Pokemon from contest can you just scroll through the PC and see if Amazon it's like it's like 10 kingdlers well you have 3 000 Pokemon in the PC yeah I'll check I'll check out thank you please check okay where do I find a PC though oh by the bucketing card that's perfect all right you know what for the meme I'm also doing the bucket contest like twice I'm gonna do like one or two no oh I'm going to trucks I'm here he's gonna beat it what am I going for a second yeah second place okay here we go you can tell me what you have on screen imagine the comedy if I get this it'd be it would just be so faulty I have a Kingler level nine uh has a chance okay it might be too low level though I doubt it level nine is too low level I think I heard it has a chance though I don't have Rock Smash you simply won't believe this did you know actually no I I didn't I didn't I just wanted this [Laughter] you simply can't believe [Music] I'm back in I need to win this before you 13 Tingler that's a prime candidate right now because I'm here it's like intense it's like a race forget about forget about the full item uh how was Poliwrath good what level nine too low probably okay I'll leave I also think it's too low I I usually don't catch almost like well I got third no I got third with king oh my God oh this is prime 13 King like a third this may be too strong our audition on screen okay I got third darn it and use explosion not I'm kidding I'm kidding okay by the way I got third place so yeah closing in uh okay called Oddish let's see that's good [Music] do you remember a clefable and Kingler okay [Music] okay so you want me to catch the kitten then probably third again I've gotten I've gotten last third third that's my kingma 14. I I just got third with team of 13. okay this is it this is it be level 15. it's out I hope this is the best because of how funny this is I won all tough as a chance it's worth anything that has a chance you catch we got first with king of 14 but third with Kingler 13. RNG kingless 17 okay I'm not going to bother with that one I got third three times gonna do this I mean in theory it's so fast like that's that's why it's worth like it's faster than like doing you know Sabrina in theory it isn't but like you know you feel like it is King light 11. do I just do I try it's borderline probably surely I don't get third place four in a row right like surely this is the one [Music] oh my God I even plays unbelievable I lost a pencil or Butterfree pincer I swear to I just got Bodied [Laughter] 14. you know what I want to win because I just want to feel something okay 16 Poliwrath that might win though right I'm 17 polywrap and I also know that I'm going to win but I want to catch it because I want Vengeance on these insert catchers they can all suck it yeah I won with 16. dang well maybe how many points just check the points whenever you oh there's points yeah mine was 424 for the level 17 polywrath so I would need like a 14 polywrath to win I already get second high level Oddish on screen that might be it [Music] 14 horses I'm good [Music] 18 Kingler I had no idea there's the point you can see the points what was that I didn't know you could see the points yeah you just hit through slow don't math backpack 18 ganglers it's like if I want to win 288 nerd okay the Oddish didn't get any score yeah at level 14. thank you yeah so just catch things and if they hit like how many points was the Poliwrath the 17 one my 18 is 424. okay what do you think 16 would be then like 410 oh okay so any any polywrath like 15 to 11 as a chance yeah 15 Kingler that probably has a chance come on yeah we're gonna get this at the same time it'll be really funny I have something possible I think depending on BST man that was a good set of Pokemon I got it second you got it yeah I got it I got it it's not it but I'm so glad so are you doing the gym yes I'm doing the gym that's why I came here we uh you go catch like a song go catch looking yeah yeah that's now your job I don't even care that we it wasn't it I'm just so glad I won [Laughter] second place ever [Music] yeah how's it feel to be a loser he didn't even win I know right it feels great by the way our last two warps we have to beat Claire and we have to find the radio card that's the only warps we have left [Music] uh you finished flash checks right you the chamber yeah yeah okay [Music] I saw two out of three it's and not licky tongue yet unlucky you have to be the one that does it because you have the Oddish so you're gonna be the bill bill Doer until I find out that I have to join there's a good chance you might have to [Music] [Music] if I have ethers that's just ether payday a bunch it's the 10 in the water and we don't have sweet Sun nice should have been luckier with the uh the TMS oh I guess I could I could go somewhere else oh on screen nice [Music] okay which what's the order after uh Oddish licky tongue it you have the list pulled up it's just in that order left or right starting with focus on look at tongue oh there's Starry grout future I'll look up star Utes I may have seen by the way uh start doing gyms if you aren't like after you check this yeah I'll check those two first I'm doing Chuck but just pick a gym and do it I know what we still have we saw burn Tower strength and hidden item burn Tower oh [Music] that's good it's not Chuck [Music] uh yeah this is for the Bill's Grandpa foreign Tower Morty next [Music] fur [Music] oh and then I have to accept the items [Music] Rings about bottom it's not the first two from bills foreign [Music] did he not do this Pikachu is the the suicune yes why did he not catch it I killed it I told you [Music] I had I mastered all the Pikachu I killed him man I have consistently not catch [Laughter] okay own Pikachu so I can go do that that actually works out because I'm the one doing all the all of them phone calls anyway I'm I'm beating Blaine thanks okay [Music] I already did blame I just did not Market [Music] you already did playing yeah I said I was there when you were doing Verizon um exclamation mark time out of the pockets 2K13 see you in five minutes dumb butt face Chris knife did you deliver deliver the secret potion no I I never done anything relating to Jasmine I haven't even talked to her at the top of lighthouse I'll do that you did expansion talk if you oh I have the no you need to talk to Secret fashion guy at some point I did you already did yeah I marked his dead on them I wait don't mark it I'm not sure if I did in the correct order okay yeah just make sure you talk to him at some point it's fly violet remote only mode says who Chris clown thank you Alex did you deliver those red scale uh no I don't even have the red scale oh me neither I just got another phone call item I got Alec which is uh route 44. so I will get another phone call done uh do you check Lickitung and Oddish yeah it wasn't either of them neither of them okay I I'll check my decks for Staryu after this fight oh my game crashed how the emulator just closed itself how recently do you save pretty recently I just hope it didn't delete my save file I think it's done that before hey boy where's life we're safe okay on GSR yeah I am I don't know this happens extremely rarely maybe once a year it just closed itself again again yeah what's happening I'm just start I'm just fighting Jasmine and it closes itself Jasmine breaks my game okay maybe just don't for now I'll save again in a different spot [Music] it crashes as soon as I start the fight I have no clue that is so weird what I'm out of ropes uh I need to immediately go get more goldenrod's store is like right here actually wait that's really weird [Music] exclamation mark timeout at Jake Brennan seven you are the closest legendary dog uh how much of the Kenya Quest did you do because you started it I only first part do the second check the uh do you do the secret passion guy not yet I didn't confirm I'll give you Jasmine because it's crashing no no I'm on Jasmine now I didn't crash this time did you do Sabrina no I'll do Sabrina now um when you're done with Jasmine fly to [Music] fly the Violet enter the center and then enter the cave that gets you uh secret position guy and then after that immediately go check uh whatever we were just talking about uh Kenya part two immediately go check that oh yeah I've done that one pushing guys done okay so that is that then [Music] wow this thing's fast get it hit the 10 percent or no that's 30. [Music] we should be almost done here we're doing pretty decent it's not Kenya it's not Sabrina don't want to beat Morty right I'm going there literally next and you did the Pikachu item exclamation mark timeout and Pockets there's no the suicune post game yes I got that okay I should Mark does it yeah then I got it I got it I'm checking totally because he called I'm gonna get that phone number from the that guy in in the tower in Lighthouse yeah that's fine I can delete Tully which was Alec did you check dream meter no I thought you did oh I did I did actually one I just remember I was like oh it was you yeah you did south of lavender too right including Route 15 cut uh yeah I did okay Cami Cami lighthouse foreign Alex Wilton is done what phone call items have you gotten any of them uh well that one black belt you got Kenji and that's it yeah Okay so we've done only two phone calls I've done one and you've done that one oh no I've done I've done two so we're at three probably a dead end oh and you check the decks for Staryu right foreign no just check your decks we have stereo can you click on ice path right right side what about this path can you click on it there's a there's a great question mark That's unmarked I'm pretty sure I did that I just didn't did you get both items in here yeah I did you can check the warp though it's worth checking yeah I mean I mean I got hit by a trainer foreign [Music] yeah for gyms we're basically done Faulkner's a dead end because I did everything related to fall I'm doing Morty now it's literally just Brock blue and uh we would get a check for beating Claire that was the pass do you have to pass yeah I have the task oh wait what was the past in in that ice path thing the item was in the past yeah oh yeah I have the item we we just seen both parts of the the train so there's no point so I'll go with Brock because you're doing Morty yeah I'm on boarding now it's gonna be Brock Brock blue and then one of us should probably just do Claire and check we're probably doing phone calls and catches soon well that's a great first nightmare um [Music] Brando I think we're all pretty good for nightmare well I was reasonable we just didn't happen to find it like both components of fly were like fine like phone call Storm magic a thing one of my runs storm badge was the Growlithe item on uh on Bill's grandpa oh my God so not only did I have to catch all this Pokemon without flying uh the Pokedex is also in the bad spot [Music] I've only seen Starmie so we need we have star UFO yet so at least I can't help um should I do Claire and check the warp [Music] um I I mean I guess you have to right it just it just will work I'll deal with that [Music] you can skip the trainers if you're good these are the hardest trainers to skip this train puller just get good it's hard yeah I'm gonna start unmarking thing can you check Kirk right [Laughter] [Music] dude Brock's way better no I lose so much time if it's there if it's on Brock at least 30 seconds it's on Kurt we lose five minutes right to go do everything go check Kurt yeah yeah I'm on my way like whatever you're doing leave like yeah did you check out outside of silver cave foreign yes a while ago what level are you by the way I'm 86. I didn't use the candies okay yeah I candied from like 72 to 80 and I've gotten like it's crazy [Laughter] no I'm not sure no chance watch stream there's no way after asking five times yeah it's [ __ ] marked I swear to God so I think help me nav where's where do I go uh I'll help you now it's violet yeah hey man contest was fun though yeah well you only had to do second place contest because guess what you forgot to do [Music] exclamation mark VIP In Pockets 2K13 hey let's go that's that's the minimum we want to do and 12 minutes ahead still and I just what's your solo opinion uh 356. that run has cut on the phone call trainer and then the item was fine cut I did like seven phone calls I think so overall wasn't that bad of a seat okay nightmares way easier to beat uh solo times with Co-op yeah I forgot where do you have the heel yeah I just gotta do the well and you'll get a free heal even gonna figure that out but that's on you now visit I'll visit my friend the butt catching contest PC I love this place [Music] oh my God he's finally home I found Pichu for once in the wild should I catch it sure I'm literally waiting for the guy to turn and hit me and I find the Pichu cool that's another one that the item chips we can do oh Elm has a heel I didn't even know that yeah you can always just fly the album the other free heal [Music] Elm is the mom of this game all mom does is help us time travel uh where's Oak oh uh saffron Saffron City top top gate I see it deep reception is I'm only 79. you said Red's level 100 yes all level 100s and it's an Uber oh God you have 95 accuracy powder oh yeah foreign [Music] [Music] oh I outspeaked the lead that's good yeah get information for me while you're there actually I'm not that far behind any oh God I need to mute the song okay okay well I might have to tell cattis to mute that I'll write that down man I'm kind of sad there was nothing on phone call trainers because Chris didn't get to experience that the joys of talking to Mom over and over the lead seems very not scary that's nice at least hmm I should have equipped that all right I'm starting right I'm still on the way I have 13 minutes to beat my solo PB it sounds like Chris is probably about three by now no I'm still sitting up it's a very slow setup f421 HP there's double kick this thing's actually pretty scary it creep me as you said that with double kick that was the first time I saw that okay oh okay did it kill you no but it was close all right I'm attacking now nice just Spam 170 power sludge all right here we go really it's faster than though Grand bowl is weak to water I don't know if that's any info now foreign comfortable with that I think all right I'm through okay and plus one and one ten plus six I'll be sweeping three Starmie had 15 special 12 speed 13 attack 13 HP and three three defense foreign [Music] Heyday time well that was a fun run though it was uh interesting [Music] I just have to remember more phone call [Music] at the sleep how many how many is there how many phone call items like 15 maybe okay by like 15 phone calls like 10 Pokemon something like that that we go in knowing that Togepi is not a thing because you have to check that in the log well yeah [Music] so I think it's only nine for that Pokemon we got lucky that rock smash wasn't anything we have to check rock smash too it wasn't anything um well we can always get rock smash because we can always find something that has a yeah true level 100 blessing oh my I don't even do half and I'm fully set up yeah it's a physical tank I I always one shot it without setup in yeah I three shot it with a 210 power move off of Base 150 attack at plus X let me know when times uh I think lapis was the last so this might be it there may be one more any Lapras this week and time GG 347 not bad by Stantler what one attack 11 speed one attack the Army was busted foreign that's so rare it is all zero was that the odd egg or something it was yeah it's just funny showing something with all zero IVs and people were like oh my God what that's so unlikely all right yeah that was a dumb idea I just laid it was good though no regret here yeah if I could have warned you I would have said this will take about three and a half hours and it took a bit over because my PBS like four hours and we usually get around like half an hour faster [Music]
Channel: 360Chrism
Views: 50,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon emerald, pokemon randomizer, pokemon map randomizer, pokemon emerald map randomizer, pointcrow pokemon, can you beat, can you beat pokemon, pokemon challenge, randomiser, pokemon map randomiser, nintendo, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, challenge, pkmn challenge, pokemon race, nuzlocke, randomized nuzlocke, random nuzlocke, pokemon mod, modding pokemon, pokemon map mod, modded pokemon
Id: pq8k56ek9e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 28sec (13708 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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