Shark Fishing The Mississippi River

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welcome back to M Hood fishing everybody I have a few hours of fish before stuff like that gets really really bad which it's supposed to be on its way it is just after Sunrise right now I'm over here on the East Bank look at this spot really nice kind of tight but not too bad first things first just like yesterday when I was over here this is a different spot though we are throwing big baits well as big as I have them that is a skip Jack right there on a 10 knot using steel leader today three ounces of lead 80 pound braid a 10 foot Daiwa beef stick with a big old pin real Bait Runner and as usual when I like to come over here I bring other rods as well for white bass skip track whatever else I may catch on artificials I have four of those there a different array of things oh I trimmed a tree but I didn't trim my bait off well that shortened my cast by a little bit but that's fine because you don't have to cast too far here to be in deep water this is actually a deeper hole than I was fishing yesterday we're in a Bend haven't hit bottom there we hit bottom right there what's interesting about this particular spot is I am staring up River at the rod so the bait is not going to drift Downstream like in a lot of spots there is a back current here it's kind of an Eddy that bait's actually going to start drifting up River here I've caught nice fish here before and I've already seen some rolling and feeding right off here there's I think other species coming through here so we're going to see what we can get Sabiki time maybe fresh bait would be good because this is yesterday's bait it's been sitting in the refrigerator overnight oh there's a oh shoot gotcha finally hopefully we don't snag up that Sabiki out there finally this is a cat too pirouette and like one I wonder what we got I wonder if it's a massive Gaff top there's a lot of that in the river right now of course oh we lost it did we are you gone yep came off that was fighting like a gaff top so that's probably what that was oh yes look at this Lady Fish oh don't yes we have live bait now nice calm down I am not going to do a Power cast with this we're just going to do a nice there we go does not have to be far it's going to be deep water anyway but there are Big Fish coming in as close as that hitting stuff we're not even on the bottom yet should be soon Still Still sinking yep we're on the bottom right there so you don't have to do a big long cast here that's good even a live lady fish or a Soft Bait if I would have done some He-Man power cast I would have probably lost it there we go we've got one what we got skip Jack that time nice oh no it's not it's a ladyfish again I'm sorry guys there is a lot of ladyfish right off these rocks right here pretty thick I've lost a few already oh there we go there's one stay on oh that's a white bass there we go what we got this time another lady fish yep we got to get this lady fish off because I think something is going on with the live one I do have the live the uh Bait Runner engaged here these are actually good bait and we got two fresh ones now all right so we just had a ship go by and we're still getting that bite see the rod tip just barely shaking and bending I don't think that's from him change the Dynamics of the current right now I think we might have something on he's picked up the bait and he's moving it you see that line reorientating coming this way down river a little bit I'm hoping this is a fish and then I'm not getting fooled by the ship see my rod tip go down like crazy oh yes here we go man I didn't think he was there I don't think he knows he's hooked yet oh we put out alive Lady Fish and we brought back this oh and he's still look at that look at that he's still alive kinda my goodness I just threw that right back out there even though I might have a live one still we're gonna put that right back out because I got other things to do that was either a gar or a bull shark I'm going to say bull shark another live one barely alive hook them right back behind there this is a crew boat that just went by real close I want to see you see how far it's gonna come up in here the river is coming up right now over the next few days several days it's going to come up to just under five feet that wasn't bad it is now just after eight o'clock and getting a bite on this live bait this has been interesting so far but I'm not 100 successful I've been here for maybe since just before 7 A.M so I haven't been here that long I've probably got on this side of the river around six 30 but when I mean yeah no I haven't I've been out in the water since 7 A.M I would say oh I had a bait out since seven and I need to I can't stay over here all morning so something needs to happen oh something is with the live bait but it's not serious yet I do not have the Bait Runner engaged I'm gonna let him take his time I want a serious Bend something about almost like this let's see we gotcha stay on I'm bringing this fish over a steep drop off I've lost a few like this already this morning I think [Music] I don't I don't know if there's a fish here at the moment because I just feel the drop off I don't feel him fighting back again same thing oh here we go gotcha we snagged us a Lady Fish let's try this again I'm gonna try this weedless spoon over there where we were catching that stuff oh we're getting hit again right off they love these live Lady Fish I'm just gonna slow down here get this spoon in put it away we've got us a slack line oh he just took up our slack line come on there we go finally stay on this could be a guard oh he's tight up against this drop off he's coming out away from it oh yes this is a bull shark yeah so I think we were losing bull shark Angar this morning and maybe we were getting some hits from smaller uh Gaff top just a little bit bigger I'm gonna use a net this time because it's going to be easier bigger of a bull shark than yesterday not too much bigger but a little bit they always want to walk you're trying to walk walk away you ain't walking anywhere buddy all right guys yeah you're right I had a feeling we were going to get one of these today pretty cool little bull shark pup awesome don't bite the camera I want to get another live bait but we have a visitor over here I want to see how close we can get before he disappears oh there he goes I am not having luck getting another live bait so we're just gonna fish what I have which is good see it it's happening get another bite hopefully it's not another small Gaff top it's just got the hook wedged in its mouth and not actually hooked up I think that's what's going on while I'm losing fish it's just fish that are undersized for what I'm fishing with it is a tinat good thing with these hooks is you can set them [Music] I don't think that worked though oh we might have a fish yes be nice easy this time he's still there he's still shaking I'm gonna bring him up slow because I don't want to lose another one right here right in front of me kicking a little bit right there [Music] oh got a little power like flipped the switch didn't feel like a big fish till right then come on don't come off right there that is a good drop off right there and I don't know what he's coming up against that causes them to come off or if it is like I said they're not necessarily hooked up that hook is just The Hook and the bait is just stuck in their mouth but there we go that is what we call a massive Gaff top that is massive these fish fight hard for the size but that's not what we're here for today I would say that most of this session was Gaff top bites especially the last bit after that first Gaff top I got in yeah you're right guys it is now 10 o'clock and as you can see something's happening so I got to get out of here and just let it happen but not while I'm out here all right guys thanks for watching like and share and subscribing and I will see you next time
Channel: M. Hood Fishing
Views: 306,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o4FEZfjdrnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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