We can't STOP LAUGHING in Gartic Phone!

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thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] adorable [Music] [Music] look at everyone hello hello KF welcome welcome to group live if it's your best crew life um welcome hi to say yeah we welcome you all we welcome you all yeah always welcome hello hello um yeah today we're gonna be playing guard tick phone for one hour and we think it's going to be a lot of fun because we'll play the games that we usually don't play yes oh goal would you like to explain why we're late for the stream oh yes we're late because I want to get a cup of coffee yeah everyone totally you know but no we are late because we have something amazing coming out tomorrow do you guys know November 19th KF tomorrow that's tomorrow it's a special day it's literally tomorrow if we get one like right now we will show you special deal [Music] I know what it is it everyone has been working on it for a very long time yeah it's very exciting okay fine we'll show you one thing but you have to head on over to crewdistrict.com okay you promise US you go yep do it everyone's saying done I already did it okay fine you ready look thank you thank you for your likes I'm hiding it here's literally the cutest thing boom oh no yes rewind w b i e s babies they're smaller than my hand they're babies I'm gonna like keep opening it and closing it down tomorrow guys so if you want to grab them you could grab them before Christmas that's my best holiday stocking stuffer little box guys everyone worked very hard on this project look at how cute oh no too big spoiler we had an idea we were like teddies are cute but what if we got made littler versions of Teddy so that we could take them everywhere with us they're cute they are baby Crews and they are Draco look at [Applause] so keep an eye out for that timer because if they sell out you maybe you probably can't get them until they go back in stock so yeah yeah that is the series but yeah they're super adorable I have them all chilling on my desk guys and I love them I love KF the most look at chaos ah I know you can't literally carry a baby KF with you someone's trying to put a chair behind their head right now is to have all the rubies in my background that's your goal yeah well first of all you need to actually furnish your office gold I'm working on it okay oh thank you everyone's saying it's adorable thank you thank you so cute so I like to squeeze them don't don't do that do not yeah I'm okay what game should we play first let's knock each other's drawings off oh knock off rubies knock knock dude we can only draw one groovy I can't draw five of them sorry I'm sorry yeah we can draw one of them no how about everyone draw their own koobie hey hey I don't know in front of me so I'm gonna try okay watch this I need to click the link I need to click the link wait gold you're not even in the game I am okay good wait I need to um [Music] this looks exactly like the image we just showed you we got this my time is of the essence you guys cat gives us too little time to draw what does this look like lunar your decorations are grabbing my beautiful eyes oh should I take it Mom I'm sorry oh are you sorry I don't feel like you're sorry hey good I made Kirby gold look like a football um everyone totally looks like it thank you thank you I know I'm an artist I'm an artist by heart we got some sparkles it's a cat ever tell any of you guys that she won an art competition when she was in like grade great grade were you in I was literally like a kid five yeah that's right I've got a medal and everything it was for drawing a farm and a cowboy and a horse I wonder if I saw it on a farm all right let's do this this looks this looks like a knockoff of literally the cubie I mean it looks good though mm-hmm I wonder I'm gonna make my different colors and for the ears chat everyone's saying don't forget the ears they're saying the the creepy and the thumbnail looks good that's good oh thank you I mean I do thank you we're not using your tablet to draw again Luna I always do yeah well actually only for garthik recently only for garthic I did she has the upper hand guys what am I missing for funny Kirby we're missing the belly and we actually have a lot of time huh yeah I like this ah that sounds like knockoffs we're missing the crown I got you Chad don't worry oh I think that's gonna give us less time each time right hashtag Crew Live everyone if you would like to ask questions or if you just want to react to how cute the crew bees are or if you want to draw with us yeah yeah definitely draw with eyes my groovy looks like the Amazon ones I'm trying to make mine horrifying chat what do you think I don't know hmm it's a crew Teddy I guess I could write this crew watch I could spell on stream crew District that's a d this is an art piece everyone okay crew district there you go I can't draw the logo so I'm gonna draw High is everyone done drawing am I missing I love it oh thank you thank you guys so much I mean what would little funny crew be doing milk little funny Kuby would be swimming in a pool of ketchup why okay I mean I could draw a ketchup bottle it's your favorite condiment funny ketchup I think I like ketchup because it starts with a k that's the owner oh no we barely have any time left look at this piece of art chat what do you think so cute oh thank you thank you very much everyone I expect your art to be top tier oh yeah it's Wednesday oh my gosh she's moving so you bet there's no Color Picker on here let's see chat what do we think I could actually put chat like right here I don't know if it's seeable there you go oh my gosh I feel did I oh man my steam crashed oh what it's okay I think my V2 would disappeared off the planet so sad it's okay I'll relaunch okay chat um whoa what's wrong with my voice hello hello I can hear you how why is the audio sound like I'm leaving why is that oh something's wrong with my voice give me a second mm-hmm did I fix your patio I'm good I sounded like a robot for a second okay oh my gosh they don't even show the image again after did you know what you're supposed to draw funny what am I oh to draw this did anyone get mine I did I hate you okay [Music] okay we're gonna have to look at this very carefully guys how am I gonna draw my chat is Frozen everything oh no this is what she got for this yeah I'm trying to be a street a pro streamer okay gold okay Chad totally we gotta copy this okay it looks like this I could pause the Stream So after I'm copying I think they made like a demonic version scaring me okay original Ruby I'm trying the tracko what oh I didn't even draw the head what what what what way real I need cereal I don't have time what I I literally will look like the knockoff what's up this is definitely beautiful this is too fast this is too fast it looks so bad me either okay I I think I understand the point of this you're supposed to trick people you're thinking they're you're the original Drive yes so I'm just gonna draw it my way and trick people um I literally I think that how are we gonna try I'm running out of time okay oh my gosh okay why are you laughing oh my gosh what is this you know I'm just gonna copy the dryness yeah I'm not even trying it anymore I'm not even trying this is stupid hey don't be toxic she's already toxic artists okay all right let's go even Dwayne this is like actually challenging so we had all day all day to draw and then oh my gosh oh my gosh I didn't even drive like Ruby yeah well obviously you know which one's gonna be the next basketball I don't like this game mode yeah it's really fast I like it too stressed out um I like it a lot do you because I don't even know what I'm drawing chat what do you think I think it's really cute oh all right KF are you ready to see this monster yeah I'm excited okay let me the chat is going wild wow beautiful oh my God why does it look like you were sleeping on stream oh I'm just kidding I'm taking off my Superbook you know I don't know how to fix this maybe it should be starting uh yeah you restart Draco are we gonna start with okay bye Jacko it'll take a bit okay okay all right let's see this beautiful copy let's go art it do we vote for who has the best art because like you just try to guess what's original funny okay mine was literally a crewby I'm so cute I didn't use any black lines I didn't have enough time and then I was like oh I have even less time okay the Draco Drew look out oh yes and I just copied Draco pretty simple task what's the point of the wrong ear oh it's the wrong ear wait what is the phone color yellow yeah that's worse it actually got worse yeah it's an art thing how to use like this the first step to draw it totally they do look like real knockoffs I do believe that they look fake guys like all of our stuff here looks pretty bad so I made mine literally a knockoff so I mean it's cute is he cute I'm just going for scary yeah yeah it looks pretty scary I could barely copy it it's ice cream and then Luna's is melted ice cream ice cream melted rainbows ice cream leave prompts in the chat don't worry I'll run a cue but this is not working it's the ginger groovy rainbow okay I'll ask and you guys could respond oh wow how artistic people's nose what is that Chaco Drew oh that's adorable oh and then I drew well it's actually really good at copying okay oh that one's cute so close so close Okay um crew opened up YouTube right now we're gonna ask for proms from chat and then we're gonna write in all right look at Luna's drawing thank you wow um oh this is going so bad okay let's not do that again lunar why did you add this cereal for a fight I had so much time it was cute and I didn't realize my tennis balls and then those are the biggest ponytails and this is when I reached so I drew the same thing becoming horror and then I drew [Laughter] now wouldn't you buy these two bees like we are such uh okay let's go okay I think I win the award I think I'm sending the link to you guys but let's try points we'll try scoring okay I'll go this time we have the help of Chad okay yes okay what's point so points is where we get points for playing oh there's a new link yes okay I'm joining oh he's gone you lost YouTuber Draco again I took I think we're crashing oh I I CL I closed it I closed it when I opened the new link oh draft oops okay I'm gonna be reading chat chat is gonna help me out and I'll be looking at hashtag crew laugh me too and if you have any funny problems tell us uh funny prompster on YouTube okay Draco after we share your link give me uh let me see oh the chat's going so fast I see a lot of food pizza french fries clearly our fans wait don't say it out loud wait what happens if one of us draw the same chocolate you forgot to mute yourself oh hello he's double echoing do you see how they call this the karaoke effect see how hard it is all right all right I'm gonna look on my other screen at chat yeah I'm ready let's see I mean I got some good prompts thanks Chad thank you I got one too what what is pity corruption I don't know what that is oh oh wait it's that it's that thing I think it's a part two Network pilot all right we ready guys let's start I'm ready don't read your prompt out loud just write it okay this one is from ebotec on YouTube it is not saying it everyone look at your stream okay oh don't don't dream that's kidding I'm kidding I like the surprise anyways oh I have to draw this okay this is gonna be quite challenging all right so we're gonna start with a face and then we always gotta put the fabulous hair Boop I wish the painful tool bucket died better boom boom yeah we color it in like so we fill in the blanks because we are an artist wow I know Luna's concentrated because her YouTuber is looking at her tablet caught in 4k and then we got this I'm not sure how to draw it but I see a lot of gray afros I hate again if you're not it's not really what else happened I even paid for v2 Studio why is it crashing okay let me make sure I draw this properly and for her eyes oh I can't say who it is Boom we got beautiful lashes and then is it me is it fabulous again I'm not saying who it is got this done and then yeah I'm missing I'm definitely missing cups you guys are probably like what are you dry I don't even know what I'm drawing yeah I have no idea it's so fabulous okay and then we're gonna put some noodles some broth Old Times running out better hurry up this does not look like a cup and use the wrong color Chad does this look like a cup noodle I'll put c on it for cup noodle and then I'll put some chopsticks I'm running out of time you know what I'll make it like a chibi like oh so cute you know like this done easy [Music] Winnie as no why oh no reason you don't need it you don't need to know what I'm saying what the heck Luna it's okay everyone draft no I colored my entire thing black aha I see rainbows what is that um lunar Luna just know that the background's all black you know what it's Draco hitting funny with a stick I think that was a prompt but I don't know what is this it looks like is it chicken crew I'm not saying it it looks like chicken crew everyone's saying chicken crew yeah let's go for chicken crew phone is ringing let's go uh what else are we doing oh I'm not saying now let's say it funny say coffee how am I supposed to try this this is the vibe we're going for we're going for someone who's like ah the pointed that's their finger and then they're like waving their hand like this I'm trying to stick human [Music] yup in a stick human and they're lack there they have Angry Eyes and they're like smiling at the same time and then rainbows over here I'm gonna mute myself so you can't hear what I'm saying I have to mute or else they'll figure out what I'm trying so for say upon rainbow we got Rainbow's KitKat I'm just gonna use black because I'm lazy and I don't want to color it and she's like what do you want you want me to say a pun she's like this she's like this looks so scary what are we doing she's doing the splits she's like they're like say it does this make sense chat foreign I'm missing Nails on Rainbow okay does this look like nails oh my gosh it looks so bad done my art is done everyone oh my goodness you're so fast yeah it looks it looks so great right Chad everyone please leave thumbs up no don't be scared of my drawing it's beautiful why why are they scared of me drawing I'm concerned okay guys if wait do you want to switch to our other server just in case our YouTubers crash because they're like kind of glitchy today yes all right I'm switching I have just switched server channels and it looks like everyone is Hardcore concentrating because no one is in here with me hello I am here I see you're talking smack I'm not talking smack by myself what are you talking about hey I'm talking about nothing Gia on Twitter says the the mini crew Plushies are giving yes they're giving all the energy is this is this a strawberry killer I'm not sure what this is Boop time for the review on review come on let's go we're okay I'm ready I'm ready to see all right manual I don't need a voiceover wow chat seems really excited about whatever Year Chad can we get some drum rolls please because this is the most gorgeous in history what did you do what did you ask for my name is funny artists I draw the best things and I had the prompt to draw this Draco doing karaoke and I drew Draco doing karaoke and then I accidentally called the screen black I was trying to write font on the TV and I said Draco being an idol hey and I got to draw Draco being an iPhone wow Spiderman Draco being a singer I mean it's pretty awesome I mean he went from karaoke to being a singer promotion next I did something simple strawberry demon and I drew a strawberry demon growing out from oh my gosh planting it's growing and then really came true it's like Rainbow's icon dreaming evil strawberry screaming evil Strawberry yes okay this is evil so what funny so mean we have decided that this was a strawberry killer I mean close enough close enough okay Luna let's see yours I demanded a Ramen lunar uh-huh oh gosh and of course hi Drew Luna lunar eating Ramen I guessed lunar slurping Ramen and then rainbow guest I mean I didn't guess I drew lunar eating Ramen and I said Luna eating Ramen yeah yeah that was the easy one I'm waiting for my art art piece because I know you know that's how you eat ramen right um why why what is it you'll see okay let's see are you ready I don't remember what my thought was okay let me just fix this my YouTuber keeps crashing so I'm just gonna close it oh no no more uh we'll switch to Discord bubbles because it doesn't yeah it might be easier the V tuber is why why does the stream not bye-bye to the stream Stay Stay KF turkey poo it was a turkey oh gosh those are so small they look like chickens well I didn't have time to finish them you wanted five turkeys where's the fabulous tail yeah I didn't have time I had to do the hair otherwise they would just look like turkeys um and then I guessed oh gosh I guess they have the gobble and I drew chicken crew cheated because I heard funny saying chicken crew so I guess chicken crew but I thought those are ponies yeah guys how's it a pony look it kind of looks like magical pony no it's a beak and his tail is colored nah magical ponies and then next oh there you go I think oh so I took this from you chat YouTube chat ready rainbow say a pie and then it was rainbow hi because she always has to stay apart oh my God guys I like puns two wishes I can't say them all the time you know and I obviously know what that I'm not a pod machine yes you are I believe yeah say a fine rainbow and then I drew this say it those are great Nails yeah why are my nails like that yeah Gorgeous Nails for you okay I love them rainbow they are pun yeah yeah that was easy so easy oh I got the most points no I got the most points you're on a time what not for long that's right can we try the animation one or no do you think we can pull that off you chat do you think we can pull off animation yes Chad is saying Amazing Nails funny for me thank you I'm an artist what can I say mm-hmm ooh 1kf jatsia as based on the new crew teddies what are you guys's favorite cereal favorite cereal easy cinnamon toast crunch Cinnamon Toast Crunch Mentos Crunch and Frosted Flakes I think I like Frosted Flakes too I like Reese Puffs and crafty chat what's your favorite cereal let us know does anyone like fruit loops not really no not really or I found new brunch cereal crunches and how do you spell Fruit Loops oh here he goes again I think do we have a new link I forgot join me okay let's actually make an animation for kfk oh Chad is saying Lucky Charms oh I like Lucky Charms you like the cereal or the charms are we skilled Uno I'm sorry sorry anime thing is we only have like five frames everyone's saying please make a dog make a dog animation or all of us oh my god oh never mind I'll do the dog one is this animation though yeah a dog oh no dog eating Fruit Loops because I keep saying Fruit Loops in the chat I see something funny I see something too all right yeah pick from chat I think this is gonna be great I'm picking from chat we need to harness in all of our skill to attempt to draw an animation and everyone knows how to draw an animation right it's um okay guys to draw a new frame the thing that you see under it is not going to be there citizen says what is your guys least favorite ice cream flavor [Music] anything with Maple in it I see I don't like Maple anything with raisins yeah raisins I agree okay I'm gonna try making this look I'm gonna try making it I like Maple but I hate the tastes a fake maple oh I hate artificial caramel coffee tastes that's what I eat all right please do not fill the cereal killer guys I'm trying to make it as I wrote that okay I'm using shapes so you don't mess with Luna you wrote that I wrote that oh oh my gosh I guess we're having to make sure that you need okay and then this isn't a good knife okay you know what I'll try another knife let's go for a brown handle I'm trying to make it look like a knife so it works boom boom poo please okay oh we can only draw in Gray oh no no you can turn this person's like Angry they're like hey I love waking up in the morning and ruining my cereal what type of cereal we get you know what let's go for Rice Krispies because I need another one everyone's saying animations would take a long time don't worry I'll I'll cut them out not worth it we're really fast at times secret skills oh you have to give us normal time yeah give us short time it's gonna become bad okay ready okay [Music] we're waiting on rainbows I know I know there's ads all right Chad let's do nuts now give us prompts to animate please yeah foreign [Music] oh it's already starting okay okay I just saw um a nugget a dino how about a Dino Nugget okay I got this okay I'm just gonna do this nugget getting eaten okay please Whoever has this oh this is Dino how does one draw a Dino um I can't really color a day so let's draw the dino eyes like this and it's like kind of sad you know why because it's about to get eaten and then for extra detail the dinos gotta have some dots chat does this look like a Dino Nugget or does it look like a turkey let's put some dots on it um is there what else do I need they want to make sure chat you want a material title nugget okay I'm fine I got you we got a mouth [Music] oh this is gonna turn out so bad and then we got the lips who wouldn't eat this Dino Nugget Let's uh let's make our little nugget smile like so and we'll put some lashes on a little nugget um my mouse is jittering which I have no clue why but this is one beautiful nugget isn't that beautiful they're saying sleigh okay let me put and look look what I have time for this I'm painting his nails um let's go okay one two three everyone try making your own Material Girl nugget hashtag crew life add Nails it's perfect this is the most beautiful nugget that has ever existed ever would you eat it you might get some slight food poisoning Material Girl let's do this how am I supposed to animate this I don't know how I'm supposed to animate whatever I got either I don't I don't know how I don't your best okay maybe I can like spawn some eyes on it and then the hair is Flo who drew this this is horrifying supposed to be it's from YouTube chat guys what the gold is this yours I don't know YouTube what did you what prompt did you give gold because I have no clue what I'm looking at oh is this a guillotine oh wait that's not me that is not me no no or it's not whatever that is not me is this shower mine should be pretty pretty obvious what Chad I literally don't know what this is I think it's a shower head I'm gonna assume it's a shower head and they're taking a nice bath okay nice good old shower and showers are fun and they make you happy done no it's it's nft art I don't think so crew we done I got a real one I don't know I didn't see a lunar has a detailed one who would you do Chad who do you think I've actually is your rainbow no the phone is ringing you guys think this is a phone I don't think whoever Drew this made a phone please give me an easy drawing yeah I have no clue what this drawing is pure gorgeous you think so Sunny this drawing is pure gorgeous I like it I like live streams boost my ego on trying why are you crying I don't know I got like a half finished drawing so I like tried to animate it and finish it at the same time oh my gosh [Music] what is all of this what are these prompts what are you guys asking for KF is this what you're really asking for who drew this [Music] who hurt you who hurt you just discoverable I don't know oh my gosh um Aha and then they do the face like this we can make better heart eyes better oh and then we're like these animations oh my gosh I have a feeling they're gonna look so good remember to make big movements because like there's only five frames oh there's gonna be big movements bro wait are we supposed to copy it or no you're supposed to copy so it's accurate it's supposed to trace over it and change something I'm gonna never did anything done while you did this I hate your opacity oh I mean it looks kind of artistic in a cool way by the same time I ain't digging it how are you supposed to color all this in I don't know if I'm getting these colors accurate cross your fingers chat we have to hit like and it'll look animated okay everyone make sure to close one eye is this the last one we got clothes one night no we're three out of five gotta go four out of five it's cute art piece oh thanks Paige I know it's an art piece okay this is what you wanted I would drop more detail on it but like you know I want to see these five frames yeah let's see what the five frames become oh oh I wanted funny the neck oh my God thank you chat there you go it's close enough it looks kind of horrifying though laughs ready two more two more people who's the one taking the longest yeah it must be the it must be the right I'm asking for high expectations ew what is this oh I mean all the colors the colors are in the colors on the top are what were used on you didn't know that that's stupid dumb I don't know what this is this is disturbing me I don't know through this is this everything's disturbing me I don't know why you guys are supposed to all back now I regret playing this animation game you're nasty no I don't like it it looks like a worm oh yeah what is this who's charge of this you will see lunar I bet you okay and then I guess the power gets weaker so it'll be like this I don't even know what the previous one was and then rainbow I think this is a image of rainbow she will get turned into a cupcake someone better trace my cupcake just a hold of you to think I can draw a cupcake she turns into a regular cupcake and like chat is that supposed to be vacna because it looks like a worm like it actually through a worm like it and who drew this I'm gonna erase this turn the opacity down um let's get I hope you are amuse chat yeah chat because this oh wait I could do this hold up I could be like she turned into a cupcake it looks yummy thank you I'll open up a bakery a bakery of deliciousness and they're like hey and you know what I'll give them one big tooth done [Music] this animation is gonna be so great we're gonna have the best music and we're about to hit our last frame it's vacna yeah I think it's Wagner but like the vagina that doesn't scare you in your dreams it's wait chats mocha Pokeball says it's not vacna it's lakna okay I don't even know what this is now I don't even know what this is now what is this why is everyone complaining no one's having fun here I don't know what I'm drawing because these proms I don't know what the problem because we don't know what we're looking at and I'm disturbed by this what is this smelly thing what are you doing smelly yeah so I asked for a Dino Nugget a material no oh no you look like a Dino Nugget funny crispy and golden wow your Dino Nugget got eaten and now okay okay and sacrifice of their tail they became Rich okay and then like I don't know I thought it was like a cow so I was like oh let's have it poop and try so I saw the poop and I said let's have it poop more so I don't know why I was just here there's so much poop R.I.P what's wrong down can we slow it down can we slow down there we go it was just a Dino Nugget then it tripped and then it went extinct the Dino Nugget went extinct oh you can probably feel about this okay I thought that it lost it to sale because it pooped I think like three or four seconds it's good four seconds wow no I'd say oh yeah chatting you I know that's what I was I was thinking I was trying it too I was like you extinct why it looks oh man this looks so bad I wouldn't even I'll down hey okay my thing wasn't cursed and I think it shouldn't be cursed I'm so confident I mean like it's so simple what's your Simplicity it's just funny Uno reversing you know there's no reverse though yeah that's true I just continued it funny and then I was like does someone transparent and I was like okay I'll just I'll just copy and I turned it into a horror movie yeah yeah all right lunar changed the card into a demon oh now she's the funniest game possessed let's go yeah it's basically um because like the tricks played on funny because she thought she was no demons actually this one's pretty good I like this one turn it faster two and one oh yeah that's okay this one's pretty sick ten Stars yeah she looks distressed because this one's pretty good reverse portrayed hair I like it next M I don't know what did you want the first thing I saw in chat was Ramen oh but the noodles in that head's mouth I put it in don't worry I put it in the mouth oh okay and it was so delicious that I made them like eat it and have explosive flavors because they're so delicious oh my gosh I'm scared and the missing Chopstick funny was because it was so good it flew away it kind of looks good wait are you sure it was good because it looks like you threw it up it looks like they ate it and then they're like oh it's disgusting like yeah they had like they grew hair and barfed although they ate it they're like this is delicious and then they and then they swallowed it back in threw it up and then they put it back in your mouth not the one chopstick disappearing the chopstick yeah maybe oh my gosh okay next let's go okay I'm waiting for like the really cursed ones where I was like yes what is this explain it oh well I put shampoo with her hair because you know showering needs shampoo so and then I was like okay how do I add to this I just put green coming out of the shampoo bottle oh my gosh it's red hair no he's gonna have it and then the shampoo went wrong yeah okay let's go I mean it worked out so I feel like pretty cool gold proms Gold's pretty bad gold you shouldn't have thought wrong how am I gonna draw the trade I know I know I was too I'm biggest ambitious animated I like that cute one whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that apparently it's supposed to be Thomas the Train someone can tell my job better Tommy please and just Redemption because I really messed it up I don't even know what comment looks like anymore and me this is probably the most cursed one I saw okay some KF in chat saying rainbow and Wagner I saw that too ah and there it is a pink rainbow so oh my God it kind of works okay it looks great oh it does solve the problem if my vacuum was so angry so if that gonna turn rainbow into a cupcake yeah guys Magnus just hungry that's why oh sorry everyone's saying it's lachna you're right it's lakna sorry what no because when it doesn't look like it and you just have to make another name got it you know the meme mom do we have Batman at home no we have vechna the vecina Black Mask the hungry okay I think we have time for one more let's make it good chat which all right guys should we play we already did knock off we did animation and let's take a look at what else we got we got Icebreaker play with just one sentence ask questions and have fun with others drawings Aquaman similar efforts in it guys compliment is you complete a sketch oh this might be I don't know we got so I like that solo backgrounds crowd score or Secret everyone's saying what is Icebreaker I guess it's just questioning everyone's saying sandwiches what's a sandwich I want to say sandwich yeah start writing and keep drawing until the end so it's like we just keep adding on to the drawing okay if you guys want to play sandwich game mode Let's Ask chat chat we're going for secret or a pole sandwich yeah I'll run a poll right now let's run a poll oh I wrote sandwich there you go let's see which one will win because it looks like it's breaking even sorry Icebreaker you guys lost there's only like two of you saying I sprayed in the chat ah ice breakers not gonna work today and welcome new members welcome to the channel what's up thank you and thank you for the super chats everyone say I'm glitching secret with 55 percent and sandwich with only 45. secret all the actions are a mystery drawing and sentences are hidden during the game what what how's that I'm confused so everything's just everything's a secret I see so much secret secrets all right let's see chat let's go we're gonna have some problems with that nauseous line working okay I'm gonna type it in chat's not gonna figure out I can't even see what I'm typing foreign oh can we start over I didn't write anything because like the channel but everyone whoever felt my prompts felt it all wrong the heck is this all right we're gonna restart thank y'all following like they were panicking and they spelled everything which one that was probably me what did he say it said sandish eating yeah that was me it was subtle you should belt you missed the D and everything well it was old remember to set it to Secret let's go go let's go oh wait new link there's an ad all right people start my question is how are we gonna Guess the Drawing if it's a secret all right putting out my secret uh-huh can you figure out what I just wrote chat I won't tell you yet ooh let's go we didn't eat the same one oh you can't even see your drawing correct okay oh no this is evil guys oh no way this is actually evil okay done let's just try you you know that's why they wanted us to play this everyone smash like and then we'll go try sandwich after it because this is really curved let's go smash like you ready let's try finishing yeah just gotta do that all right I'm good mystery [Music] let's go oh I hate this game mode this keyboard is actually pretty tricky yup who's the best at drawing in the dark you know what I'm just gonna use like one pen this time what is that lunar [Music] as a gumball this is gonna turn out so bad oh my I can't even see myself typing I don't even know if I spelled it wrong oh man secret was a huge mistake okay I won't fail this watch let's go I think the keys to keep it simple okay we got our lemon shape let's just do this this I'll put like sleeping eyes like this and then let's do a couple of these this has to look like good art design crush your fingers guys these are the most cursed drawings in guardtek I'm drawing them really fast because I don't even yeah like the thing is you drop fast and hopefully you can kind of see the line yeah I forgot what I drew but I'm done let's see these masterpieces uh Twitter uh Twitter hashtag Crew Live I love all your Material Girl dinos wait I drew this completely wrong thing wow Jack was gonna fail okay oh my God I'm actually I just drew what I guessed I didn't draw the oh what time okay let's see what it got I'm super excited to see the outcome all right I guess I do the wrong image so delicious let's go now let's go get a Dino Nugget guys okay wait we don't even have dino nuggets nope so I drew angry potato dancing okay okay I got it first why did you not have any space Oh No it looked like it was murdered oh my gosh I was typing this so I drew running potato [Laughter] I'm running I couldn't sneeze it was all burned out next okay I did Kirby lunar oh God I drew curvy lunar no no and then chat with horrified rainbow and they said and then I thought Luda is a gumball and I felt something can I try to draw lunar Gumball I thought it was balloon lunar this is so fast cat's eyelashes I hate you I could not draw this I did that and I was like that's not saying my life I drew this because I thought I I do I drew her lashes you see those lashes and things like funny eyelashes I totally it close enough all right I took this from chat little Moon sleeping in flowers I attempted to draw a little Moon sleeping in a flower what is the main amazing Drew I thought I drew a face on it uh oh yeah and then I drew a sleeping lemon I of course would guess sleeping lemon [Laughter] I don't know I guess that was a funny cat in the flower head and I thought I was drawing the eyelash prompt but I tried to put a flower after you're scheduling so I guess I think funny swimming wow wow amazing can we get our next prompt in the chat everyone okay yeah let's go paste okay let me go into the new one and leave your props KF yep someone says I blame school for making me late to the stream oh it's okay we watch it guys do we fight too early today should we just remember like what's the best time I feel like yes make sure to click on the live stream tab on the channel yeah your lives live gold our Minecraft training lives are pretty funny so if you guys missed that it's on the livestream tab I keep thinking that you could start it here bless you thank you let's go let's go welcome everyone late this is our final round for your final round start right it is I finally describe the last drawing let's do this let's go write a set sentence let's go for I'm looking I'm looking at chat cereal whoa uh let's Pizza this is the three letter prompt I'm not gonna say that loud need letter sorry three word yeah you could do a three letter prompt tracker well mine is really hard so I hope whoever gets mine cookies that'll be cute I don't think any of us are skilled enough to draw that I'll write it down if I were me I would not get want to get my part prompt let's go with the prompt okay what is this okay okay um that is challenging mine is challenging okay mine is worst I think chat thinks I'm lunar I think she thinks I'm an artist this might look like a bat but kfo won't do you dirty it looks like a Picasso drawing dump dump we always gotta clean off these white spots because if we're gonna make a nice drawing do we even have enough time for this I don't think so you didn't give enough time okay um filling in the blacks and then we gotta go for the little white belly [Music] for the eyes no the eyes are gonna be so tricky foreign you might look like Sonic it might look like KF it literally looks like those meme drawings oh gosh it looks like a meme I'm trying my best to put like details in okay let's fill in this oh it's the wrong it's the wrong color White I'll try doing the symbols I got this chat this is gonna look great Boop got the ears my mouse is so jittery how is a chat then we got another yellow no back here and then we got a blue oh my gosh I can't do this in time yellow blue I need more time to draw this blue and I I know I got it I got the X oh that's the closest I could draw guys that was rough me too this is hard oh my gosh what is this okay whoever's Gary whoever drew that am I supposed to draw what I just saw yes no this is really hard you have to replicate it how do you do sandwich I don't know you just draw the same thing but like more they don't even give us the colors they use chat how does one even draw sandwich eyes a little wonky but that's okay it looks like they just someone whoever Drew this made KF eating a cookie and luckily this is what my art skills kick in this uh game mode is actually more challenging than I thought gorgeous chat because this potato has a melting butter on it who doesn't love butter I love love butter butter taste a melty butter on a potato I really like this function it's cool okay guys I can't wait to show you the art piece it's magnificent it's gorgeous it's phenomenal I'm trying to draw the like I made it look like a Minecraft character which I'm kind of digging all right chat what do you think of my potato 10 out of 10. it looks like art this low-key looks horrifying but amazing at the same time and that's why I love Garth Tech we got blush what else am I missing um I'm missing as baby potato it looks like a bean and let's put some butter on it done 10 out of 10. thank you thank you I know I know it's magnificent incredible I beat the challenge I did so bad oh and then we get to describe at the end I see it's like triangle art princess royal royal crew is I don't know they look like Doritos oh God it looks really bad Jackson wow 10 out of 10. amazing it looks like a baby I think mine I don't know oh yeah oh you guys thought that was draca I followed suit girl draca Jacko you don't exist it's always draca famous tracker lunar you kind of Drew your lipsticks over your lip that's how great draca is you know yeah she looks great in anything good job I asked for KF eating a cookie okay okay so I did draw a KF eating a cookie okay I'm your teeth I was like she probably Drew KF eating a cookie so I did oh that's so cute I did KF eating the cookie while hugging it at all okay Draco oh gosh fancy crew I hate you Draco I could barely drop something you missed me oh that's one of them I was so confused I thought it was like a fashion show or something I mean it can't work yeah oh no [Laughter] I was scared it's like what it's like um what the camera sees when they're really far away shape [Music] okay Rainbow's prompt was okay I think crew dance party what the heck there was no way I had time to do that so I just worked on KF what the heck and I tried to draw KF and realized I was messing it up and I was so confused so I tried to draw KF oh oh my God are you all try again with the cookies I thought that was KF eating a cupcake was the earlier okay ultimate drawing oh my gosh that is actually pretty cute okay this is a good chaos I was trying to set up some kind of scene okay that's scary funny you ruined my frog mine was from YouTube so I'm sorry funny oh my gosh guys what do we think hello hello that's laughing their butt off guys we hope you enjoyed this Crew live and you know what hashtag Crew live and tell us what other games you would like us to play next week yes wait there's still girls prom girls [Applause] this is the best one it's because she knows to avoid this from yeah it's from Chad funny farting potatoes Drew and I was really confused okay I got it I got it I knew that I knew funny was farting potatoes this is creepy and I thought that was um Annie found the most delicious potatoes for her material Farm oh my God enjoyed this subscribe if you're new around here subscribe other than that we love you these come out tomorrow the cutest baby teddies all of the world and they come in a cute little designed cereal boxes [Music] no cereal included okay yeah no cereal you can just imagine but he actually has a cute little creepy they're dropping tomorrow so make sure to head over on crewdistrict.com to grab yourself a little crew baby a friend or life yeah you could bring them anywhere they're literally in your hand they are so cute and squeezable just give them a little squeeze a little squeeze a little pop a little uh yeah KF we hope you have a wonderful weekend thank you so much for joining us we hope you enjoyed guard Tech IO we crew we love you guys see you later okay love you thank you for joining us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 1,906,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, gartic phone, gartic phone itsfunneh, gartic phone funneh, gartic phone krew, gartic phone funny, gartic phone funny moments, gartic phone hilarious, funny gartic phone, funny moments gartic phone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 14sec (4634 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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