We Can't Stop Crying! The Last of Us 1x3 Reaction

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hey guys I'm Hugo and I'm Lisa and I'm Elise this is life almost without reactions episode three of The Last of Us here we go all right I like do we need it it's great yeah it was great now if we can start talking yeah whatever we were gonna do okay so what did we want to recap from episode two like things we noticed because we watched the show again throughout the week to kind of see if we missed anything so um um so I didn't write anything I didn't come prepared he does all the editing and everything like that so we'll give him a break we can do is do our homework so that we can uh come to talk about everything um so some things that I wrote down um was that it spread so fast from when patient zero was first identified because in the opening um it was identified two days before it spread to the U.S it was the 24th of September is when that Mycologist was called in to look at the specimen and all of that and identified it in Indonesia So within two days that was happening to everything was getting destroyed in the U.S so that's extremely rapid so if it was just in the flower surely this must have been going on before those two days because it had already had time to be distributed all across the planet yeah because they'd never identified patient zero I think this was just like the first case of someone acting aggressive that got reported to like government officials yes to start documenting so I wonder how or if they'll ever show how patient zero actually came to be yeah like which which individual fungi transitioned I mean yeah yeah you should be able to adapt to surviving in humans yeah like no it will be really cool if they do go into that um sounds like they didn't do that in the game based on a lot of the comments um or go this far back into things um so we'll see seems like the outcome was kind of inevitable yeah but still knowing the origin story it wouldn't be cool to see patient zero and how it happens yeah like was he just camping I'll have this mushroom and it didn't work out it was a really bad trip along how they said everything was spread so people mentioned you know um the flower and so the people who ate the cookies you know that's how they got it yep but so does that mean that the fungus can survive through like extreme heat um I guess it depends on when it got into the flower Supply well because remember it's like the oven it was the the cookies were in the oven yeah um I think or something was in the oven yeah they ate the cookies for sure after they were cooked yep so the phone and the biscuits and all that yeah is that like adapting to yeah that's crazy pretty pretty hearty yeah I'm like wow so that's gonna be hard to kill that off either way but so when she was when they were examining the cadaver the professor of mycology it was when she cut into the leg at the bottom yeah it looked like fungus was surrounding that already right oh yeah yeah tissue does not look like that so wow yep so even after because I'm like okay so she had a bullet through her head and it was no longer able to control her body yep so that's me thinking but it was still like alive yeah inside of her yeah because it's food source dyed the human but it's still alive it will continue growing out to try to you know how does it stop doing that I don't know I guess that's the big question well remember the bloaters you can like the um the last stage oh yeah of this happening it seems like it just like completely exits the body and like destroys the body it eats through the Flesh and everything trying to reach out and find some other living host probably and if it doesn't after a certain amount of time it will die see how anyone how any of them survived 20 years and how they're still walking around yeah that was the question I had to I'm like how did you how did you survive 20 years right yeah it's insane they would have to be really strong Ruthless People and very lucky no no I'm saying that the uh like it said sometimes they're you're Walking Corpse and they're out there for 20 years that you're talking about the survivors everyone that's alive has kind of been hardened especially if you lived through those 20 years like they mentioned there's pillagers and bravers or something and yeah other errors all the Earth the bad ones yeah I think they said slavers yes flavors yeah um so like all right there was just the one thing on character development that caught me when they asked Ellie like who if she was alone in the mall you know you can obviously tell her reaction that it seems like she's lying that she wasn't alone in the mall and when they asked if she had a boyfriend her reaction to that was almost like comical so I wonder if she's gonna end up having like a female romantic interest at some point okay because it seemed like her really was like maybe maybe because her no was like no it's true yeah so like I don't know we'll find out yep yep against God's wishes oh my goodness um so other things that I thought um that really stuck out to me when the Mycologist was kind of taken back and they were debriefing after she identified what it was she was just so overall with emotion because she knew what was going to happen you know she knew this is it bomb us that's the only thing you can do and it just kind of reminded me of sometimes when you are a scientist or you work in healthcare or you know things like that you can see how terrible disease is and when somebody is first diagnosed with that you're like oh crap I know what's going to happen to you and it's awful like you think that you know sometimes you know too much it makes the world a harder place yeah you know what it's crazy that you chose I'm sorry I'm not I'm trying to like not block you yeah good I'm talking good um but it's crazy how you chose nursing as your professor career when that was a bad choice probably but yeah so I mean you're caring and your patients are lucky to have you and the people who work under you are lucky to work for someone as caring as you but with how much you do personalize things that definitely seems like it's a tough it would be a tough career mentally it is it is but I feel very gratified by it I mean I don't do direct patient care anymore because of the emotional aspect of it it was just too hard to work in the pdic UNC sick and dying children wow um yeah um the children I have you know deal with makes it harder for me to watch these things anyway it all fits and then the therapy it has I feel really good guys thanks for talking this out with me while we yeah please let's let's talk it through um yeah another thing I want to show y'all a picture um yeah you mentioned that yeah okay so this is probably really obvious to everyone but me until I rewatched it during the week and then I was like mind blown so this is gonna be embarrassing if y'all are like duh I noticed that already but in the intro um when you are seeing all the Mycelia and the girls dang it wait wait wait hold on wait let me write down what I think okay yeah okay here we go no because what if they don't believe you oh yeah I missed just also let me know while they're doing this hi Team all right to team Hugo now share with us what you would like to share okay so you just see the mycilia spreading and it just growing and growing and then you start to see it um it kind of like pans back and you see that it's grown into the United States with like hot spots around like highly populated areas I didn't yeah so like there's Washington California there's Texas there's Florida Maine this looks okay if it's not the us then somebody like sneakily snuck that in there because it's totally the US yeah yeah so oh dang right that is really interesting and it like Sprouts off the side of Florida and I'm wondering like is that a big pork ship you know like going whoa yeah to us and chat so I can upload it during this section wait say that one more time send the pictures oh yeah yeah I'm like oh I will I will that's not what I wrote down oh I thought you were going to talk about how you noticed that it looks like it was spreading over a human body oh because you can kind of see the outline later on it looks like a face that it's kind of spreading across oh my God is this it's transition like Evolution and it's spreading oh yes evolutionize it baby evolutionized it's gonna be a word it is going to be a word we've made it so um what else do you have anything anything you want to talk about oh okay I am ready for The Last of Us episode three oh I I actually have one more thing I think it's important to say it's very important to say that Hugo was actually right about two predictions at least during the last episode you said that it was like the ones that used the clicking sound you said it seemed like it was you said echolocation and you said it was like a helmet or it seemed like it was almost like a helmet making headshots harder and both of those were right yeah so I think you actually there was another thing you said about them too um that was right when honestly during the episode I'm like um I don't know jokes on me you were right so good job uh yeah I guess before we get started rest in peace too what was that actually I don't wanna her last name is a w started maybe the female actress who voiced over Tess in the game she passed away today and she was also on Vampire Diaries and a lot of other things other things in her life as well she seemed quite prolific and she was only 45 cancer it's the worst yeah all right um yeah seriously Tess just died remember that's what we're coming into what the heck yeah she died like twice that sounds weird um you know what I mean right geez yeah no okay and yeah that's wild oh yeah yep what the heck oh yeah do you think they planned that oh my God oh my God get out of here it's great marketing it's a tragic wow this is a longer episode oh no oh yeah anyone hot I'm very hot okay I did not know if it was just me but I'm kind of dying a little bit I'm looking okay yeah I'll show you you better not miss the US okay see here's the hot spots oops oh yeah look look you see it yeah yes it's totally us and sprouting off now from like Florida going across the Atlantic okay oh and is that you're talking about the Heat or the face yeah yeah yeah and that's coming out of it yeah the ant thing yeah right those yep and then like how you pointed out on the last episode they really did a lot with this they really did we took time to kind of watch yeah thank you Hugo for not just forcing through the intro well it's because I get copyright strike all the time oh and we're not trying to steal it's a lot of stuff and the music music is great I see it to me yeah yeah but no this was very interactive so we'll I'll try and cut it in okay okay I want to drink out of that I do that a lot of people do that on Hikes it just sounds fun relaxing maybe he used to do that with his wife or or his daughter seems like something comforting to him yeah it's beautiful suddenly want to go hiking yeah oh man they're in a rough spot right now I just can't see oh yeah whatever you need yeah sorry your jacket back no so they still no longer eat bread I think they're flower products it's probably never been like fully confirmed to be eradicated from flower yeah and like even if what if it's just always present now or something um I have no idea how flowers made corruption from wheat in the wheat fields yeah I wouldn't eat it then I don't know look I've been thinking about what you're sorry I wasn't gonna say I'm sorry about what happened nobody made you go along with this plant you needed a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice so don't blame me for something that isn't my fault that's really solid advice someone who's emotionally like you're just not like yeah you're right yeah but he's also grieving right now too so he knows how long they were together yeah I think it feels like a long time yeah it had to have been and she was like the main character free this in his life yeah we can manage that this looks like it was filmed in Canada I think that's where they said yeah yeah the comments might I thought you were being sarcastic because you knew no no like this this really does look like Canada I've never yeah same yeah people always talking of the people episode Bill and Frank someone shot at me and missed you see this oh yeah you get him is he a good shot what do you guys think yes would you give her a gun yes again this like if you're the caretaker in this instance yes I would teach her how to use it and I'd give it to her because that may save her life or my life and I'm not a gun person say what goddamn questions yes no way play this one combat s it's a good pay town second time they've said that getting funnier yeah just like to state that the ladies are all looking beautiful today thank you me too but you know it's fine yes everyone's looking good oh I'm scared of what's under there oh my gosh she's just she's too brave I know it's gonna it's good but also fine or if they trap someone down there yeah what if there's just there's just bad vibes bad vibes from that hole ugh see your holes are always good stuff oh it's gonna like jump out girl or it's not why isn't it why don't they ever communicate yeah they really found something yes I feel like [ __ ] she gets grabbed yeah don't go down there please tell me she's not gonna go she's going to go down she's going down she didn't say something I'm giving up on you she survives yeah I guess we can just think that yeah she's gonna be like a body down there it's actually just three episode show what's your game plan to return a pull-up actually you know kids probably can do that yeah I struggle with a pull-up okay garbage can stand it up okay she answered my question immediately it's a video game moment pack tampons yeah the thing guys fear yes yes oh no oh there probably was someone down here the whole time huh yeah and they've just been oh Lying dormant that whole time looks like something fell on him how do you survive this song right yeah the body should be dead interesting so I wonder how long the fungus can survive in inside of a dead body yeah I mean it's he's still alive oh yeah because you're right oh yep now now we know why did that get me yeah what the heck how about saying is she gonna shoot him Guardian Joe she can put him growing out of his head though that's that's the thumbnail oh she's probably super interested another entrance oh I think it's where he hit his stuff what are you doing what are you doing he's trying to kill him I'm so uncomfortable there's something going on with her she's curious yeah but violently curious remember how curious she was when he was beating on that one yep yeah there's something that's such a close and it's actively bleeding which means it it's alive still alive yeah it probably helps yeah like she knows only what they tell her in textbooks because she was never exposed to This Ellie just now realize that she's wondering that guy died really yeah like what happened it looks like the roof or something yeah collapse she's gonna gloss over the uh mercy kill she just did in the basement okay what are you doing it's not much ammo out there for this thing no oh wow a few times sure so oh she's yeah 12 12 bucks for a sandwich what happened she's never been in a plane or that's crazy to think about no yeah she's through a totally different View Point than people who were pre illness how did it even start fit to be in be infected hey we just had this conversation cordyceps mutated so they got into the food supply probably a basic ingredient like flour sugar you eat enough of it it'll get you infected enough of it oh come Thursday night or Friday morning Friday night September 26 2003. on Monday everything was gone wow it's a crazy weekend I mean his daughter was infected anyways because she had pancakes that morning she didn't oh she did nobody did okay yes I should have said Ax Murderer I think it's gone about a week after hell break day soldiers told you you were going to a qz oh no if there was room oh wow oh my God [ __ ] that's pretty messed up be quiet like this is like the Holocaust seriously wow limited resources good question Ellie their resources that people can't be infected oh yeah wow yeah I don't like that choice though oh is that that's a child oh no this is 30th so this was a few days after so there's still a decent amount of people at that point by Holocaust I just meant the concept of taking someone to a place thinking they're gonna shower you know sort of ring right yeah the Discrimination oh yeah yeah of course I love you well I'm like I feel that's one of the never mind not today your new world order Jack Boots um he's a prepper a firefly no I think he's a prepper he's been preparing for [ __ ] to go down for a long time so he's hunkering down staying away from the government oh this guy's good oh holy crap oh wow sulfuric acid interesting oh wow ooh clever I've never seen that before when you think you're ready and you meet this guy right and he's got a gas mask he's ready he's ready ready I think we know who this is gonna be what's the X on this door saying it's evacuated I guess oh that would be so creepy if you're a whole neighborhood that everyone's just gone where's Darley I love this man the actor I don't know who the character is yeah yeah he was in uh Parks yeah Parks and Rec yeah I need to see that babe we've never watched that oh you totally have to watch it sorry Focus oh a boat that seems like a good this guy's a good plan Home Depot you have the right idea he's evacuated the whole time a really good prepper how did they board so fast he may have been hunkered down there for a while that would suck like well there goes the power yep that was fast this guy just already knows that the government's done huh yep it's Parks and Rec character play anymore pretty handy so he's like setting himself up dang look at that okay how do is Jordan this guy this is his town now I guess yep it just keeps taking whatever he wants yeah it's now just about survival yeah people don't get in that mindset fast enough and he's just always been there I guess yep this guy's a man what was the point of evacuating the town huh why did they Evacuate the town because he said that dead people can't be infected so they're just trying to get rid of people or get them into the qz so okay you either need to be safe for everybody or you're dead right oh um smell the food oh he's just like he's living yeah I think he this is his happy place right he's like I was right apocalypse yeah and it happened oh man we're out there somebody's out there oh yeah oh this is like the first step huh yeah so can the fungus see though at this point yeah human can see so it can see he's got trip wires Jesus yeah I should just know that he's ready it doesn't get old oh my gosh oh my gosh this guy yeah I think he know all this he's just ready that was his whole books I guess yeah he built that we built this city right he's ready jeez oh my God here we go I should have wore my military shirts yeah would have been a good day for it maybe oh he has he has like I think it's gonna be a person alive oh we go are you armed yeah probably I really like this character take that long to answer reason didn't come we started with 10. yeah I'm alone very hurt I don't believe him oh it's probably covered and stuff yeah I don't trust him either though I wonder if the thing about Baltimore Q Z is real though Maybe I just feel like anyone who survives out on their own this long it's only been four years yeah right yes this is four years after but I don't trust him though and also I like this guy so yeah me too I'm on his side and he has a gun did you get that oh it's a reader test testing device get to live buddy okay because this guy would have shot you yep Boston is that way I'm really hungry I haven't eaten in two days it's gonna be three of them I feed you then every bum you talk to about it is going to show up here looking for a free lung and this is not an Arby 's Barbers didn't have free lunch was a restaurant so I don't like them a little more yep wait did they talk about Bill and Frank those are the two names oh yeah and that guy's name is Frank oh right is this bill right Am I Wrong oh maybe you are right yeah when did they speak on this remember um that's where they're headed yeah that's where Ellie I thought it was Bill and franks right yeah okay yes maybe I'll stop being so judgmental wow I do not recall that sure sure all right maybe we can't trust him can't imagine a hot shower so he has electricity but he doesn't dust at least not in that room what was he so shocked about I mean he's a kind of barge in yeah it's like Kramer wow that looks really good what the heck laughs that's the reaction you want when you cook for someone right what the [ __ ] like with my spaghetti casserole yeah not like this this guy's like what the heck I'm in heaven right yeah we're leaving dude well four years ago anything like this I know I don't seem like the taco no you do yeah hmm ah that was kind of endearing is there some romance here it seemed like it possibly a hint of it yeah also he just made you food in the Apocalypse what a wholesome reaction yeah that's kind of what you want yeah it's weird that we're reacting to a reaction oh thank you you're welcome I wonder how he was prior to the Apocalypse so I guess I'll be going then it's gonna be hard to decide who to trust first yeah yeah because I'm sure he's lonely but he's standing always like currently not very least favorite okay I trust this guy he probably hasn't played the piano in four years right fingers don't forget ooh is that Linda or Linda Ronstadt yes imagine just music yeah For The First Time in Forever and he sings no thank you sorry oh professional um um meaning yeah don't turn your back though sorry no no that scares me I'm sorry I'm just I'm just nervous I'm skeptical of anyone that would be horrible I'm sure it's a good thing hmm you can lay on her shoulder too that was beautiful yeah okay no I got teary-eyed too girl you're singing about it it's not a girl um girl and um it's very well done my God how lucky to have found each other in a time like that thinking they never would again oh oh no it's Bill and Frank no tearjerker my God oh I hope nothing bad happens to them oh oh geez all right wow cut to the chase yeah so you sing like that yeah all right God I hope Frank's just a wholeheartedly good person look how he hunches his shoulders that's so like I'm not like he's quite vulnerable yeah okay Bill seems like a good guy so does Frank it's literally every night with Elisa wait who's still in this situation this is a little different this is pretty beautiful oh I feel like Frank is a traditionally handsome man bill is handsome but he's not as like like the natural yeah movie star handsome oh what was that happening I don't know oh he's never been with anyone oh wow oh with a girl a long time ago so basically no no imagine having this experience as like well at their age yeah I I want you to know another [ __ ] have sex for lunches how about dinner great ones I'm gonna stay for a few more days yeah he's like just you're you live here yeah this is it uh you never think of finding love in the Apocalypse all because he fell again and it seems like he's also never experienced this love either like he never been with maybe when he sang that song it was literally just heartbreak because yes alone yeah ugh we're just speculating oh [ __ ] you ah Everett classic you mean just a long-term relationship our home isn't just I [ __ ] break oh I'm like oh my God I love it and some gasoline for the lawnmower that's all I'll do everything else myself foreign so this is what they're fighting over I I kind of get it paying attention to things it's how we show love let me love it the way I want to just home he has to try to make it as fixing up some of the shops not the stupid ones and the clothing boutique we don't have friends foreign I've actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio uh yeah oh is that test yeah this is seven years into it right yeah oh my God there's a gun attitude oh my god oh so oh okay yeah that's schizophrenic too I'm not schizophrenic paranoid for sure it's been so long I want to thank you even if you don't end up working together let's go inside Tess I want to show you something not inside wait they're so opposites they're the same Maya if mine brought strangers into our situation I wouldn't be happy either quid pro quo decades yeah 80s trouble of course we'll be fine backpacks are in right now totally you need to carry everything on your back makes sense ah 10 years total pick it up okay oh not that oh no survivalist he's not very in shape what what it's okay ready yes oh a garden a little one a little I don't love him which gun this is kind of Jordan and me a bit I'm definitely Frank no super cute yeah and then they both died no oh that's gonna do so good oh look at that oh yeah oh man nature's candy that's a crazy gift yeah yeah and he's been growing them yeah he's held that back for a while attended it sorry getting older faster than you um older means we're still here hmm no no another person to love and then have them die but they are digging deep into the storyline I really like both of them it's a great shot yeah they built up this love story there's something you thought you'd never say um I mean if somebody's been growing those strawberries they probably won't spin it up five years or um maybe they'll be fine oh geez oh snap uh I bet you he's already prepared ready fail oh god oh no where's bill we know he's gonna survive get away from the window bro man oh man Frank well I don't know if going outside's a call well he doesn't know where Bill is yeah it's a whole neighborhood too there he is oh my God no yeah standing in the open oh Frank oh no he's gonna need medicine Frank Frank I made a list for you no no I did not see this coming Cole Joe call Joe man what I thought the other guy was gonna die I didn't think either of them would die because they keep talking about Bill and Frank and it's still 10 years until present oh yeah true you can't die oh he's just in a wheelchair oh yeah well they got me yeah I knew he couldn't die yet oh it's fine okay plot twist this is presentation yep now oh no does he have cancer they don't have a front door anymore I guess they don't need it oh wow oh he's in bad shape oh this is like end game goals right that love yeah those flowers I'm sure are for Frank because you know he could care less about the Aesthetics no is that him is that bill he's strong no but he can't paint like he once was able to I thought it was rather cool yeah but based on his other ones looks orangey oh they really had a life together that's 20 years well 17 yes 17. it's like seven more years than we have currently at 10 almost 11. you know I'm not fighting about it back in bed I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day oh God that's gonna be a rough day what I'm not going to give you the every day was a wonderful gift from God good days with them with anyone else we want them or a good day starting now make me some toast we'll get married okay okay um yeah they want you to just yeah just take it yeah excited to get married last week or something put them in my wine oh my gosh drink it take me by my head my hair and I will fall asleep in your arms I can't watch guys cry all right I can't ah do you love me yes foreign we really can't get attached to any character it's my first time crying yeah ever it's your first time crying ever ever yeah on the show on the podcast on the channel oh my God I have such mixed feelings about this assisted suicide no just this day you know there's no you know what's beautiful is that he spent the last like 10 17 years whatever making all this so that he can have this day basically yep because he wanted to fix the batik up yep and the flowers the seeds and he never wanted to accept anyone no oh my God you guys get it together oh gosh gotta edit that part out uh he's not gonna edit it God I wish she just died earlier it's not so much easier uh that line where you said then love you like I want you to love me it's too early to talk about it Lisa yeah um can I have more of that yeah yeah here just have a little thing that was a lot they're not taking chances that amount he put it in his own glass too I wonder I don't think so yeah I don't he did it right in front of him though did he put it in the bottle of wine I think he did his own first oh maybe like earlier oh well he brought out the glasses yeah were there already pills in the bottle enough to kill a horse this isn't the tragic suicide he's killing himself too hard in the bottle and you were my purpose I do not support this but from an objective point of view foreign ly romantic I hope nobody kills themselves now oh gosh yeah this is the only romantic in this very specific scenario how long do you really have depends on what it is but that was a lot yeah it seems like and in their state it would be exacerbated by alcohol too they may already be feeling it but probably not is that it oh no damn it Hugo uh he doesn't know that they're dead I mean he might still be alive oh yeah probably not huh no no let's see badly misdosed them yeah never been that long either no well you can't tell from the way the plants are still kind of alive dead I mean plants can live for a while there's rain true Sun but still I don't think it's been that long bill um what was the purpose of taking her to Bill and Frank oh they mentioned I don't know if that's just like a place that they know is safe that they can get resupplied and stuff or if that's where they intended to keep her to keep her safe did he leave that for him Patrol what that door just closed it's from Bill hmm to whomever but probably Joel a vehicle you wanna more death for him August 29 2023. I'm guessing you found this Joel does anyone else would have been electrocuted or blown up by one of my troops oh I love him anyway that's helpful I never liked you it's like we're friends oh oh so I'm gonna tell you something because you're probably the only person who will understand it's wrong because there was one person worth saving wow that's why men like you and me are here we have a job to do I leave you all of my weapons and equipment use them to keep yes yeah they never like fully acknowledged that him and test everything it's always implied she loved him more than he loved her because he's just so guarded but they still were in a long-term relationship they were Partners they were for sure oh no this is a rough episode all this for a car truck yeah I wonder if it's in the game it's just like this yeah oh gosh wait is there no battery um so maybe you can make her make a battery that's exactly what Joel needed to hear it kind of looks worse okay I have a brother out in Wyoming he's in some kind of trouble and I'm heading out there to find him this is the most talking he's done with her about Tess oh rule one you don't bring up tests ever you don't tell anyone about your condition rule three you do what I say when I say it lady Mormon Prince over it um do you think she gets a gun now oh maybe okay he has like a a million guns down there so she's gonna sneak one I wouldn't want to leave this yeah I was kind of thinking that too I'm like why don't you just stay genius but he wants to get to his brother here they have a mission countdown every few weeks this playlist would run over the radio dude no limited or swollen still there's a wall of them she's 100 can steal one oh toilet paper in the ah yeah I would take the light bulb I would I guess that would break but some more has to have electricity women's shirts oh from the boutique guessing how did he make a battery a shower when the kids tell the adult to show yeah right I've been a shower oh God I'm cheap well there goes that in like a minute she's breaking their things yeah I know right that might have already been broken yeah I would go through all their stuff too because that's gonna end up saving his life I bet and then he's gonna be like pissed that she stole a gun and kept it from him yeah let them be like oh well but you did say goodbye it's kind of heavy too so like yeah when you haven't put it on forever or if you're a shower just feels good if you're stuck in close proximity with somebody it's really nice that you both have deodorants yeah that's a gift for both yeah she's probably like never been in a car huh no I sure had cars oh like this uh probably not yeah it's pretty like I like it it's your first time in the car seat belt oh conversation okay I'm going for a ride like no I wonder Ellie didn't he just say do what I say yeah I mean but it's the radio you know the wrong step yeah why didn't he like the song I think it was too emotional and then he sang that [ __ ] crazy nice beautiful song it's kind of ended in a nice heartwarming way that's the room where they are I guess yeah the open window that was a really good episode yeah all right so sad that's episode three of The Last of Us uh did you cry Babe not earlier yeah you're not a crier I just kind of teared up a little bit that was rough a jaw cried outside yeah yeah he was a little bad for sure like all of them all of the tears you are sobbing I was like that was not just a cry I had to contain myself because people were here yeah but like if no one was here okay um leave a comment down below if you cried and uh yeah so thoughts what do we think let's start with Elise I know um what do you think about the episode I mean it was really good it was beautiful it was tragic it was funny it was happy somehow in the end the ending was nice yeah I mean the whole episode really tied together and it kind of just showed the depth of life even after this horrible apocalyptic event happened um and the letter that bill left Joel was exactly what he needed to hear yeah you know that just motivated him so perfectly to keep taking Ellie and protecting her so yeah yeah it was beautiful bill was like you um like they're the same yeah and he's like like even I after I figured I found someone who I care about protecting there was one person worth saving yeah that's what I did yeah and he had assumed Bill had assumed that it was Tess for Joel which I'm sure Joel probably assumed that yeah but now we know that it's Ellie this is one person to see no one else I guess he's got a brother yeah yeah and there are I mean other people on the planet I thought that entire episode was shot like almost like in a like a movie like it was just from A to B it wasn't until you see Joel that you're like oh there's something else going on here like it's like like that was just a solid side its own unique story yeah that was really well done and I'm interested did they do this just to show us kind of like this other life that was going on or what because they did this beautiful character development now they're both dead so I wonder if there was any other point yeah I didn't see that coming to developing those characters I didn't either both go like that yeah I thought that they'd both be around or maybe one wouldn't and they'd still would like be big characters in the story yeah yeah I kind of assume that as well that's why I like wasn't crying at the beginning I was like no it's gonna be fine they're gonna be fine guys no both died very tragically that was it was beautifully shot what did you think the the I cannot decide what to feel when he said this is going to be my last day and then he told him all the things that he wanted Bill to do on this day and I'm like imagine what is going through Bill's head right now he's like I can't do that right because I'm sure he's like no like he wants him to stay alive like you don't have to have it this day but at the same time like Frank is probably in pain like and he knows today is coming and he wants it to be on his own terms yeah yeah it's one hell of an episode oh my god um anything else hmm I just know that now that we've watched that beautiful episode some awful things are happening yeah next episode I mean that was that was emotionally provoking like I I like you said I I was like trying not to so me trying not to cry made it worse and when it finally came out it was like like I know oh it was good uh like And subscribe go watch our other videos we have plenty of different uh shows we're watching like Attack on Titan and Demon Slayer uh Elise we'll be here for the rest um I don't know if you want to tease that you might be starting a channel soon but um we might be starting a channel soon that's pretty much it yeah it's been fun and uh we'll see you next Sunday all right bye
Channel: Life Almost Without Us
Views: 44,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life almost without reactions, life almost without, Reactions, Lisa and Hugo, The Last of Us reaction, The last of us, Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Joel, Ellie, tommy miller, theresa, tess, The last of us Frank
Id: n921ykkB_pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 14sec (3794 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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