The Last of Us Epi.9 This Series Killed Me

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hey everybody I'm Ames we're watching The Last of Us episode nine season finale oh I have no idea what to expect I can't even predict anything that's gonna happen because this show it goes for a slight right and it takes a hard left so what is in store for Joel and Ellie let's find out pregnant [Applause] oh no uninfected is This Ellie in the future what it's me anyone no nobody's home doctor a midwife oh my gosh oh no oh baby's coming baby's coming free this is how Ally was born a fact she'd get in huh Ellie's knife [Music] oh look at all those scratches on her leg what the heck this infected is crazy no no no no oh God the mouse thing again oh God oh oh [Music] my God the baby the baby oh just like popped out of her oh no she's infected trumpet oh she got the umbilical cord is this how Ellie got her immunity oh my God that baby oh no but now the mom's gonna die that's Ellie's Mom that's such good casting time did you [ __ ] tell me [Music] I know she's gonna die because she's gonna turn oh you're so tough is she not nursing her because she's infected [Music] who's gonna come help her oh my God oh my God oh man why was she all alone the knife The Last of Us the last episode in season one Marlene other fireflies Ellie's mom's a firefly she is friends with Marlene is this the same day or the same night oh no did you have to like put herself in a different room in the baby in a different room so she wouldn't do anything to the baby when she turned Anna what is she singing oh my God the baby it's not your fault we would delay getting out of the zone she needs to be fed and I didn't want to nurse her okay I should cut it before I was bit no she's lying before she's protecting her took her with you to Boston find someone to bring her up oh Boston I don't want you to give her this she's passing her Knife Down her name is Ellie how long have we known each other who are the besties so you pick her up now and then you kill me hello oh poor thing you have to do it Marlene I can't kill you you have to that's the right thing to do you can't let her turn and and become one of them oh she's gonna do it oh that was the right thing to do Marlene oh Ellie Ellie I wonder how much time it's been since Silver Lake Ellie is she like daydreaming about something no what I found this in there Beefaroni Chef Boyardee if you want to beat me or something it would be this I've never played Boggle well all right I'm getting close wow the relationship is so much different already Joel is so much more different some inner conflict in there Ellie do this for me wow thanks we had a guitar in that RV it's all smashed up but got me thinking maybe I should find one you can start singing again yeah I could teach you I bet you'd be great at it you want to learn how to play guitar Ellie hmm oh yeah okay so this is what I'm thinking cut through that building to get around that stuff uh actually this time I was thinking would blast our way through that Rubble I found some dynamite in that RV back there no so we're going to cut through that building find a skyscraper go up and look around where had you going didn't I hope there's no infected in there because I really just can't take any more of that I'll get you up there you can drop that ladder down maybe we go through that way come on I'll give you a boost she is just on another planet literally is it just everything about meeting up with the fireflies and her being a cure okay yeah fine just you kind of seem extra quiet today so wow I'm sorry no it's fine wow Joel he's totally opened up he's like a whole new Joel one two oh what a good boost there better not be anything up there freaking better not be oh nice knife Joel whoa damn it Ellie what did she see [Music] is this another game do you have to like Chase Ellie what what does she see [Music] a giraffe did there like used to be a zoo around here what are you doing it's all right he's gonna feed it well that giraffe is not scared of them at all [Laughter] gosh Joel's smiling is this sort of like little moment of Peace before [ __ ] hits the fan I don't know if I can handle it all a giraffe family look how many giraffes there are is it everything you hoped for it's got instruction down you can't deny that view maybe there's nothing bad out there but so far there's always been something bad out there ain't that the truth we're still here though hmm I'm only saying there's a risk we don't have to do this you mean what else are we supposed to do nothing we just go back to Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing oh and just not have a cure and then just don't tell anybody but what if someone sees her arm that's true after everything she's done you can't be for nothing that's so true I know you want to protect me you have and when we're done we'll go wherever you want Thomas sheep Ranch the moon I'll follow you anywhere you go but there's no halfway with this we finished what we started she wants to save the world [Music] yeah what would have been the point with everything that they've been through and she's been through met her best friend Riley no Army emergency medical camps obviously didn't last no I had me in one just like this with Sarah no she was gone already oh what was wrong with you for this I figured that would have happened later nope second day it was me what I was the guy who shot and missed after he lost Sarah Sarah died and I couldn't see the point anymore simple as that and I wasn't scared either I was ready how did he miss Ed I went to pull the trigger I flinched anyway it was and I'm telling you all this is why you're telling me all this so Time Heals all wounds I guess it helps it wasn't telling that did it it was you I'm glad that that didn't work out he was meant to be here me too oh God their acting is so good Pedro Pascal and Bella oh my God we should probably get going yeah they're like enough with this sentimental talk you know what I'm in the mood for what shitty puns oh my gosh people are making apocalypse jokes like there's noted Earth rot why they're meteor that's terrible that's a good one that's a zero one no all right [Laughter] that's a three out of ten I'll give it five five out of ten oh no oh my God that guy came out of nowhere tell me [Music] these better be the fireflies that looks like blood but I don't think it is oh yeah the fireflies see yeah you're pretty hard Arlene Patrol didn't know who you were are they not know where is she they lost half our crew across in the country I had five men whose only job was to protect me I still almost got killed well they almost got killed too it was all her she felt like hell to get here she would have been dead on day one you were the one person I never wanted to be in debt to we all yeah you owe him big time I can't she's being prepped for surgery what surgery our doctor he thinks that the cordyceps in Ellie has grown with her since birth why is she in surgery it produces a kind of chemical messenger it makes normal cordyceps think that she's cordyceps that's why she's immune gonna remove it from her multiply the cells in a lab produce those chemical Messengers and then we can give it to everyone he thinks it could be a cure Joel oh my God but how do you remove it from her if it's been with her since birth cordyceps grows inside the brain you take me to her right now oh [ __ ] but Ellie deserves a choice she deserves a freaking choice I was there when she was her mother that I that I was child I promised than the only one who understands Joel doesn't want to lose her now I have no other choice there has to be a different doctor I do oh uh oh don't piss Joel off walking out to the highway leaving there with this pack getting this it tries anything passing down of the night shoot him he tries anything shoot you know right oh no Joel's gonna snap Marlene her single tear is not gonna lose Ellie like he lost Sarah I didn't hear anyone say stop which way downstairs you guys are dead down the stairs oh no oh no jaw I said keep walking where is she oh my God what is he gonna just take everybody out whoa is this what happens in the game he has to like go get Ellie well because I look at these shots with like the kicking of the bullet oh this is like some 007 GoldenEye in the complex aka the hospital how is Joel picking off all these guys don't the fireflies get trained oh he kills him anyways no oh God oh God with the knife this violin music on top of this oh my God is that a gun to shot wound to the face [Music] is going handheld do they have to be in the Pediatric Ward they're in an empty Hospital the elephant the monkeys from the other episode Joel he's just like it's like he's seen a ghost really unhook her how did you get in here I said unhook her I won't let you tape it he's not going to kill these other nurses is he [Music] Joel was lifeless now she's literally lifeless that poor doctor he just grabbed like a spatula whatever those things are called little surgery knife to defend himself and Joel just shot him where are you gonna take her she needs her clothes Joel was she having regret oh can't keep her safe forever because she lives in a broken world that you could have saved Maybe but it isn't for you to you to decide for you it's for her to decide what's right that you know it does look like he knows it it's not too late even after what you've done we can still find a way are they gonna kill her is he gonna kill Marlene Joel what have you done what it's all right you're with me tell her the truth Joel tell her the freaking truth yeah we're running some tests on you and some others turns out there's a whole lot more like you people that are immune what dozens of them what the doctors they couldn't make any of it work they've actually they've stopped looking for a cure Joel have you lost your marbles Raiders attacked the hospital I barely got you out of there she knows she knows she knows he's lying to her yes the only truth he said it's Marlene okay I'm taking this home where did Tommy oh my God she literally turned her back on him because she knows that he's lying to her I'm sorry [Music] she's still alive it was like how he was holding Sarah remember in the first episode but this time he had a gun Let Her Go Let Her Go and just come after her that's not fair for Ellie like yeah she should know before she gets put under and just killed but that's her decision they Marlene and Joel have now both done the wrong thing but Ellie decide what Joel just gonna like keep her Wyoming he's going back to Tommy her freaking arm like people are gonna see that we gotta walk the rest of the way probably about a five hour hike and we can manage that remember yeah it's your relationship change and now it's Gonna Change again Ellie doesn't believe him she would have liked you well she was a lot more I want to say girly and I'm not saying that you're not girly [Laughter] you know why I think she'd like you why because you're funny the wall there you go hey wait tell her the truth Joel back in Kansas City you asked me about the first time I killed summer when I got bit in the mall I wasn't on my own my best friend was there Riley R.I.P feel poetic and just lose our minds together and then she did and I had to look sometimes things don't work out the way we hope he can feel like like you've come to an end and you don't know what to do next but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for what's wrong with me swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true I swear okay what a huge Cliffhanger for next season my God they are so doomed their relationship is done they're toast kapoot kapui wow that was an amazing first season I'm a little bit Shook and speechless Ellie is 600 million percent gonna find out what happened and Julie passed like something is gonna happen my brain is bursting because there's so many levels I don't I don't even know what to say right now everybody I have to let myself sit in this I I cannot wait to play the game when I said you can put your spoilers down in the comments after this video you can but what I meant just to clarify no spoilers for season two aka the second game because I'm probably not gonna play that until after I watch the second season of this we shall see what happens maybe I won't maybe I will play first just depends when I can get my hands on a PS five or four what in the outstanding what I probably could imagine an adaptation of a game because the acting was beautiful Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey did such a phenomenal job and the writers I know this is supposed to pick up in Vancouver in November but with the writer strike I don't know we this the series could get pushed which will suck because it will be too many years to wait for the next season we need to support the writers because look at these writers who've created such an amazing game and such a great adaptation for this HBO series it is beautiful and with everything the visuals acting set deck music just the little nuanced things that they did Nick offerman's performance everyone's performance in this was amazing I think everybody should watch this series even if you don't like sci-fi fantasy post-apocalyptic because what they've done here in storytelling is amazing it is remarkable and I've never quite seen a story told like this and I I am blown away by this series and I think it is absolutely amazing I am going to percolate on this now because the choices that everyone's making it is it's crazy I cannot wait to see what's gonna unfold next season because yeah Joel and Ellie you know their relationship is it's done it's done so I don't know how they're going to be able to heal from this because this is pretty this is going to be so incredibly hurtful to Ellie and I think Joel thinks he's doing the right thing thank you so much for watching with me and thank you so much for watching The Last of Us season one on my Channel with me it has been epic epic and just one more thing if you haven't already don't forget to subscribe yeah it's it's right there I'll see you guys in the next reaction video [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hold Down A
Views: 22,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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