We Can't Breathe, But We've Got A Second Wind

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hello it's William a white pastor of discipleship at friendship West with some great news children's church is on lines at 9:15 a.m. low to Friendship West org click long get connected find the children's ministry tab now you can gather your family worship together on Sundays with children's church at 9:15 a.m. for 30 minutes and our general one hour online service at 10 a.m. so join the discover children's community at 9:15 a.m. on Sundays and discover the benefit and the blessing of children's church online if his Sunday morning is time for chosen generation live watch us every Sunday immediately following Sunday worship at friendship West live on Facebook and Instagram [Music] greetings friendship West family in spite of these trying times faith formula and friendship West still continues to serve our community by providing support and resources to our VIPs and those who stand in need in the southern sector of Dallas as you well know stores on our side of town already lacked many of the healthier elements that our people stand in need of on a mission co-op and the hope for hungry food program helped to fulfill those needs and services but with increases in unemployment students being unable to attend school where they would receive guaranteed daily meals grocery stores running out of supplies and growing health concerns we are still on the ground ensuring that our people are well taken care of in order to do this we need your help your contributions and prayers can help us continue to feed individuals and families provide up-to-date information and stand with our community as we work to support and shine God's light in the midst of these trying times one dollar helps to provide three meals for a family of four and ten dollars provides a month's supply for a family of four so donate today at WWF a formula org continue to check faith formula and friendship west websites for ways that you can help serve was it my fabulous fantastic family of faith friendship West we hope and pray that everyone is safe healthy we are staying busy even at the church making sure that you maintain connection with us because although the building may be momentarily shutdown God and friendship West are still running and operating we ain't counseled Church we're just doing it differently we've received your emails thank you phone calls thank you and I've even been flagged down one of you driving around the parking lot appreciate you we get the message loud and clear some of you will not use technology to get your tithes and offerings and we certainly understand your concerns that's why we're adding additional ways to facilitate your needs we have two solutions for you number one please give vita ho a call at nine seven two two two eight five two three nine that's nine seven two two two eight five two three nine and she will personally mail you stamped self-addressed envelopes for you to mail your offering that number again is nine seven two two two eight five two three nine the second option we leave home to do a run four essential items but you're maintaining social distance right such as your groceries so you leave home for an appointment you can stop by the church there's a phone number on the door call that number it will connect you with someone inside the church and they will unlock the door and you can step inside drop your envelope in the secure tithing box that is locked and bolted to the floor and then you can leave and everything is cool so please stay engaged with us by following us on social media Facebook Twitter Instagram the FWB C app and of course our website friendship west dot or if you want to use technology to give please follow the information on this screen may God bless you and keep you know and as always thank you for your support your understanding during this time of adjustments as we navigate uncharted territory praying for you praying with you and I believe God is able I love you so much I miss you more than words can express but we will get through this and we will get through it together [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweet [Music] [Music] god three times [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's gone away [Music] it's gonna work in your favor [Music] he's gonna [Music] [Music] [Music] I see you [Music] Hey good to see you this morning god bless you we welcome you in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ there could've been a lot of places that you wanted to view to this morning but you saw well to view with us and we want you to know we're excited that you have connected with us electronically you know our pastor always says there's a lot of churches bigger but there's nothing better you can in your quest right here at friendship West why because we have nothing but love for you god bless you God keep you as our prayer listen we want to open up with a word of Prayer because you have favored let's go to God in prayer Lord our Father we love you we bless you we thank you even in times like this we see that we are going through a lot of things Oh God but Lord with the power of the Holy Spirit we have favored that all things will work together for the good Lord we love you because you are holy and you mighty and you said that if we climb to you you will hear our prayer so Lord we're asking that you would bless our pastor as he proclaims a word from you God we ask now that you would give the anointing of the Holy Spirit to run through those computers those telephones what however they are moving in the sanctuary which is where you are God have your way we thank you for this time bless every entity of this worship experience that people may feel your power have your way this day in Jesus name we pray amen a Princeton West family this is rush staying here and I would love to feed you guys in on a special treat first let me introduce you guys to my dad as you know Father's Day is approaching and we would love to show that some love and let him know that he is appreciated now even though you guys cannot ring dad to the church for Father's Day physically why does summer break there virtually so I need you guys to sit in your favorite photo of you and your dad the communications at freeship website for the deadline to submit photos is June day make sure you tune in to Sunday worship for Father's Day for a special tribute to your day good morning and grace and peace be unto you like many of you I woke up this morning irritated aggravated angry frustrated and just really trying to process all that is going on not only in our city but in this state this nation and even the world we are witnessing and bearing witness in real-time the ongoing assault on black bodies in the streets by police brutality as well as in the corporate Suites by way of race-based policies killing black folks everyday and so for the next few minutes I want to invite you into this virtual sacred assembly of the village where we can talk about what we need to do to survive this moment and beyond because the fact is that no one is coming to save us it's going to be us so first we want to make sure that we have space to be real about how we feel this morning so we want to invite you as much as you feel comfortable to do to express your thoughts and feelings in the comment section in whatever viewing platform that you have on this morning Facebook Twitter YouTube etc so we continue to look to God and to the great cloud of witnesses the ancestor that can speak to us and tell us what we must do at this moment and so last night as I just thought about what to even share there's so much to share and so little time to share it in I started thinking about who was speaking to us at this moment and I called my mentor mama IVA Carruthers and received confirmation that Toni Morrison mother Toni Morrison is speaking to us even now through her novel beloved and then this novel baby serves preached her sermon in a place called the clearing and she preached as she called the women to her cry she told them for the living and the dead just cry and without covering their eyes to women let loose it started that way laughing children dancing men crying women and then it got mixed up women stopped crying and dance men sat down and cried children danced women laughed children cried until exhausted and Riven in all each lay about the clearing damp and gasping for breath in the silence of that followed baby Suggs holy offered up to them a great big heart here she said in this here place we flesh flesh that weeps laughs flesh that dances on bare feet and grass love it love it hard this is the flesh I'm talking about here flesh that needs to be loved feet that need rest and to dance backs that need support shoulders that need arms strong arms I'm telling you and oh my people out yonder hear me they do not love your neck unloosed and straight soul of your neck put your hand on your neck grace it stroke it and hold it up may you enter into the clearing on this morning to let loose fine healing triumphant love and prophetic encouragement to take action so not only are we called to love God with our heart and our soul we are also called to love God with our minds so we need to pray for our collective creativity and imagination this is how we have achieved levels of freedom and survived white supremacy for 401 years in this country to paraphrase dr. Elaine Brown Crawford we have always looked to what was possible in this world it is hope in spite of and in the midst of the holiday makes us want to throw up both our hands that keeps us from turning into the moral monsters and embedding and internalizing the oppressive systems that we are up against so in this moment we have to stay focused and be clear on the why why we protest why we engage the powers rioting and looting that's not our message rioting and looting has shaped this country as we know it from actions taken against indigenous people of this land from the west coast of Africa when they took our ancestors and to the bombing burning and looting about crowning jewel black Wall Street 99 years ago today destroying the lives and livelihood of black people and Greenwood district of folklore tossa Oklahoma so no rising elune is not the message but insurrection against oppression is our message so the righteous indignation the righteous anger the righteous work you see in the streets against the system of policing is expected because the system was never designed to serve and protect black bodies or black respectability politics and if you need a biblical example of what it means to have righteous anger in the streets I invite you to check out Jesus in Matthew 21 12 and 13 when he turned over the tables in the temple and so mother faint Lou Hamer is also speaking to us in this moment she lets us know that we have to be conscious enough not to condemn our younger generation taking it to the streets because many of them are tired of being dismissed and dehumanized and they also understand that the American flag is drenched in our blood so we have to keep pushing it so I want to offer it perhaps to actions that we can take in response to what's going on on today and hopefully we can keep this conversation going the first thing become part of movements that are working towards overhauling the criminal justice system whether that's police reform or prisoner rights you can also support faith in Texas it's bail fund to help bail people out of jail for protesting and let us not forget that we're in the midst of a global pandemic and covin is continuing continuing to impact the lives of black communities and minority communities at disproportionate rates NPR released a map of Dallas showing the disproportionate and discriminatory testing practices right here in this city and so friendship as part of a project you need to offer up testing every Thursday in the month of June from 9:00 to 1:00 so we invite you to come out to the Frederick Douglass Human Service and International Justice Center at six point six West Keith Boulevard and so we also don't want to lose sight of the fact that we have to gather in these large protests cuz it's a critical time that we have to be seen and heard so can you donate masks or gloves to make sure that people's are masked up and gloved up as they take it to the streets so you can help that way by being able to donate masks and gloves we continue to call on justice for Ahmad Aubrey Shay Brianna Taylor I say George Lloyd I say we speak their names and we lift up the names of those that we do not know and so we also want to make sure that this is important election season for us we don't lose sight of all that's going on to not be focused on that this is a 2020 election season so we're gonna invite you to not only engage in voter turnout voter engagement voter registration but we also wanna make sure you're active at the polls are you signing up and setting up to be election judges poll Watchers we must be present and we'll talk more about that as we go on in the days to come so if you want to join us and our Justice efforts here at Friendship West we invite you to email us at justice at Friendship West out or RG or maybe you live in another city we might be able to connect you with organizations or faith communities who are doing justice work where you are reach out to us and we gonna do what we can to connect you we are committed to remain in the site where justice peace love liberation and healing will be lived out so may the prophetic fire fall on this pinnacle Sunday and set up a revolution that will secure our future well into the 22nd century may God continue to bless keep protect you and grant you peace for the master [Applause] seven apology that's right [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's peace stand against the enemy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] anybody [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] one thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a flashback on this Pentecost Sunday to our amazing joel kelly chorale we thank God for their ministry of praise and on this Pentecost Sunday we seek now a word from our great God for such a time as this join me now when I as I lift up John chapter 14 verses 25 through 27 I'm gonna read in your hearing from the Freddie Haynes remix of the Greek New Testament now you ain't got it ain't published it yet but maybe one day check out John's Gospel chapter 14 beginning at verse 25 I have dropped this knowledge on you while I'm still kicking it with you The Advocate the Holy Spirit who will argue your case in the face of evil and injustice who my daddy is about to send in my name will drop knowledge bombs and store in your faith file all I have taught you for your personal recall do this I'm leaving you security in spite of stress harmony in the midst of the hisses of hail and the sense of wholeness that wickedness cannot wreck the peace I'm giving you ain't like the world so you don't have to be internally agitated or intimidated these few moments I want to talk about we can't breathe but we've got a second wind we can't breathe but we've got a second wind please now check out this video that will introduce this message throughout American history there have been innumerable examples of African Americans falsely accused have been imprisoned shot lynched and as attorney orleans points out I shudder to think what would have happened to mr. Cooper had not been filming once again I say thank goodness that there's video tape you know I think as the daughter of a black man and the mother of a black man this is really too much for me today I'm still rattled by that last story and she's practically strangling her dog practically strangling her dog to make these false accusations against another black man I'm still so upset glad I'm so sorry I'm still so upset by that last story where the man is handcuffed underneath a car where people are pleading please he can't breathe and we're watching a man die so we go from that story now to this story where she falsely accused as a black man on television I mean I I don't even know what to do or how to handle this at this particular time I know that this is I'm speechless I'm really really speechless about what we're seeing on television this morning it feels to me like an open season and that it's just a not sometimes a safe place to be in this country for black men and today is too much for me Tony and Anthony I'm gonna turn it over to you to that a another black man had not just been lynched in the streets but now you have Karen Amy Cooper having the arrogant audacity to try and SiC the police on a black man by the name of Christian Cooper right there in New York City it was too much for Gail King and Gayle Kings raw and real response to that nightmarish news that was a relentless attack on her own psyche as a black woman caused me to reflect on the words of marvelous Marvin Gaye Marvin Gaye back in the day raised the question what's going on but you know how he professes that particular musical masterpiece the sonorous soulful Marvin Gaye basically says mother mother there's far too many of your crying brother brother there's far too many of you dying do you Marvin Gaye today raising the question what's going on Gayle King is a mother who is crying and there are brothers who are dying and Marvin Gaye can't help but raise the question I raised it this morning what's going on again my sisters and brothers don't forget the context the the crippling context that Gayle King is speaking out of this is just two weeks less than two weeks after the after the brutal slaying of Brianna Taylor who is held as a she role as a frontline worker who is daring to save other lives but it's also within two weeks of receiving and watching the video of a young man by the name of Ahmad are very being killed for jogging wild black I'm simply asking the question now what's going on a mother is crying because too many brothers are dying but the context is also a pandemic that has put the spotlight on a virus of a pre-existing condition of Medical apartheid environmental racism and zip code injustice that really makes being black a pre-existing condition in these dis United States of America that is the context my sisters and brothers as Gayle King can no longer deal with the relentless attack on her psyche as a black woman as a black mother and hear her now as she says to all of us I love it because she basically leaves the prompter and says I'm not even dealing with the prompter right now I'm just going to speak to you America I'm going to interrupt your breakfast as you are in the comfort of your home and you need to hear my heart break and my hurt as a black woman I'm not going to let you get away with I'm not going to let you get away with just being comfortable with the death of others no you're going to hear Maya hurt you're going to hear my heartbreak and I love it because she says I have no words have you been there is that what some of you are right now have you reached the point where basically after this relentless assault on our psyche as people of ebony hue as over and over we get this nightmarish news of black bodies being slain and black people losing their lives at the hands of vigilantes and police officers my sisters and brothers is there anybody like Gayle King who has reached the point where you have no words you don't know what to do and then hear her as she goes on to say it's open season open season is a metaphor for hunting why because police and vigilantes are the predators and black people are the prey she goes on to say it seems like this is not a safe country for black men Thank You Gayle King for your honesty because what really got me at the end of that particular scene is Gayle King then gives it over to her co-host white men I love the metaphor right there because she's saying I ain't got nothing else to say I'm passing this on to you white men right now and hear me well white America we gonna pass this on to y'all right now because it's time for white folk to step up to be sure I'm grateful and thank God for those white people with conscience who have the soul of blackness in them and so I thank god for father Michael flavor I thank God for Dave's ear and I thank God for those who speak truth to power like George Mason and Jane Elliott y'all are our sisters and brothers and we thank God for you but I'm sick and tired of those whites who sit in judgment on the sidelines about what is going on in the black community even though you have benefited from racism I'm simply here to say to you since you created racism it's on you to cancel racism since you have benefited from racism it's time for you now to put an end to it since you my white brothers and sisters have had the nerve to reap dividends from racism you need to repay those who have been broken by racism I'm simply trying to say I'm tired I'm sick and tired of white people sitting in judgment or sitting on the sidelines instead of getting involved in the fight against racial injustice and I'm particularly speaking in a hollering at white preachers and black preachers with white theology oh did you say that Freddie Haynes I'm gonna do it one more time I'm talking right now to white preachers and black preachers with white theology because you're simply white preachers in blackface whenever your theology is so twisted that it does not address systemic injustice when you are so caught up in personal piety but it does not translate into social responsibility that is a twisted theology that has poisons in our psychology and produces a sick sociology to remix the late great William Augustus Jones jr. I'm simply trying to say white preachers it's time for you to stand up because if white creatures especially white evangelical preachers would preach the gospel of Jesus Christ a gospel that sets the captives free brings good news to the poor delivers the downtrodden and announces the year of economic justice called Jubilee if white preachers would do that in their pulpits to their parishioners we could begin to dismantle racism right away and so I'm simply saying you have created racism now it's time for you to cancel racism my sisters and brothers I'm simply trying to say right now that we find out were sales in a time where we are going to have to continue the fight but we also need those who find themselves benefiting from racism to stand up step up and speak up it's your time right now if America is going to heal and be whole if America is going to heal from the sickness the virus that began at the founding of this country as it unveiled the hypocrisy of this nation's practice of democracy because you said all men were created equal or while at the same time you treated relaxed people as merchandise as as less than human you didn't recognize our humanity no wonder that is in the DNA of too many white police officers and white vigilantes who find themselves not seeing the humanity of black people because they criminalized black people and demonized black people to justify what they do to black people yes I'm simply trying to save my sisters and brothers that Gayle King is saying to all of us and Marvin Gaye is hollering what's going on here this mother crying because she's sick of our brothers dying and with that being the case I could not wait to hop homiletically into this prior profound pregnant and prophetic passage here on Pentecost Sunday it's Pentecost Sunday I love it it's Pentecost Sunday and on Pentecost Sunday that is the advent of the Holy Spirit that gave birth to the church don't forget the wind blew and the fire fail in essence the Church of Jesus Christ is born because those faithful fledgling followers of an executed criminal by the name of Jesus of Nazareth they found themselves on Pentecost filled with the Holy Spirit they got a second wind you about to catch this aren't you they got a second winner and when they got their second win it it hit me that that is exactly what we need we need a second win we need a second win for George Floyd because George Floyd there in Minneapolis Minnesota died he was killed he was murdered at the hands of a police officer parenthetically who had 18 police don't miss that 18 complaints that had been filed against him would you please explain to me how you can have 18 complaints filed against you but you still have a job with any of you out there listening at me right now have a job if you had 18 complaints filed against you and yet that man had a had a job as a police officer and the girl Linda Clemens who specializes in reading body language she said when she read his body language look at his audacity as he looked into the camera you could tell she says that he was in charge what was worse she said that you could tell this was not the first time he had done that and yet he still had a job and yes I'm trying to let you know right now that that brother George Floyd parish he died a brother died and the brother died and when he died here his last words as he called for his mother 46 years old but pleading for his life calling for his mother and declaring I can't breathe that is what the same language used in New York City just several years ago by another brother who could not breathe my sisters and brothers as he died at the hands of the chokehold of a police officer and that's why I want to stop right now because that is a metaphor for what it means to be black in this country we breathe because of your policing that police's us while protecting white people we can't breathe because of public policies that preclude our possibilities we can't breathe because of the disparate way you fund public education so that may have God's get more and they have nots receive less and we have to pass the same standardized tests we can't breathe we can't breathe because of zip code injustice our life expectancy is not determined by our genetic code but by our zip code because of environmental racism a lack of access to health care not to mention food insecurity and food deserts food swamps food apartheid we can't breathe because of policies we can't breathe because you criminalize black people we can't breathe because you don't recognize our humanity a part of God's through human family we can't breathe and since we can't breathe please don't judge us for our rage because right now I've got to quote my girl Lauryn Hill she said black rage is founded on blatant deny you're squeezed economic subsistence survival deafening silence and social control black rage is founded on wounds on the soul we can't breathe because our souls are wounded we can't breathe and because we can't breathe it means that evidently you are still on our next I got a quote Thank You Floyd Inslee our main man Malcolm X Malcolm was evidently responding the folk who could not handle here it is the passionate anger in his voice and Malcolm said that ain't a chip on my shoulder that's your foot on my neck we can't breathe because your foot is on our neck we can't breathe because while we took a knee Thank You Colin Kapernick to stand against racial injustice you need our necks and we can't breathe we can't breathe em so since we can't breathe I don't want you to judge here it is the righteous indignation that is boiling in the streets after all how dare you talk about looting how dare you talk about looting you specialize in looting America as a matter of fact you were born and looting Thank You Tamika Mallory because Tamika Mallory spoke truth to power and she said that's all America has ever done it engaged in looting from the founding of this country you looted the Native Americans of their land you looted Africa of African America Africa and peaceful and made them slaves you looted them and use them to build this country for free you looted them and deny them their right to be human beings you looted us and you kept on looting us with Plessy vs. Ferguson you looted us as you destroyed black Wall Street 199 years ago today you have been looting us you kept on looting us and you're still looting us you loots us through gentrification you loot us as you populate our communities with with predatory lenders as you loot us you keep on looting I charge you with looting America but you're not just looters you are the greatest purveyors of violence on the planet today to use the language of Martin Luther King jr. so don't you dare judge those in the streets who are enraged and engaged righteous anger and police don't conflict and confuse them with those watch this those anarchists with an agenda because they're using this rage that we have as a cover for their abominable agenda don't confuse us with them because we know your history you have a history the last march led by dr. king you sabotaged it by paying people to engage in violence we've seen this movie before we ain't new to this we true to this and so don't confuse and conflict those engaged in anarchy with those who are righteously indignant I've got to go on now because I'm letting you know that here is a nation that is that has their knee in our neck and we can't breathe but this text says we still have a second winner a second win I'm loving that a second win you do know that one of the Greek words for Holy Spirit is Numa P in EU ma that leads to pneumonia you recognize that Numa pneumoniae it has to do with breath or win are you feeling me right now and so pneumatology that means that that's the study of the Holy Spirit Numa spirit wind breath and here's what I'm trying to shout right now because in our text heaven zero our Lord and Liberator Jesus straight out of the hood in Nazareth with the clouds of controversy that are now swelling and darkening why because in just a matter of moments it will unleash a treacherous thunderstorm of injustice and he will get rich this is this is a Passover season it's a time of homecoming and hope and history for the people of God but don't miss this the Roman Empire recognizing this could well be platform for a liberation movement they have attached to the temple barracks that house the soldiers of Roma who were there to maintain social control and so all of that is going on you have the omnipresent of the Roman soldiers you have religion that has been corrupted getting in bed with politicians to get ready to let Jesus in the Calvary conspiracy and my Bible lets me know that when that happened at Jesus just before that happened Jesus assembles his fledgling faithful followers in that Upper Room and drops knowledge on them he says I'm not gonna leave you as orphans I'm not going to leave you abandoned but what I'm going to do I'm a hook y'all up with the Holy Spirit the comforter the comforter the paralysis is about to come and when the paralysis cometh he's going to the paralysis is going to empower you for your purpose the paralysis is going to come alongside of you because you're not in this thing by yourself and that's the word I'm given to everybody the paralysis is our numa y'all didn't shout I'm a shout for you it means the Holy Spirit is our second win and that's what I pray we give to George Floyd a second win I'm not coming through back in the day running high school at Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco I ran track I was not a track star like Usain Bolt I was a track star huge difference and I won't forget that during my junior year I won one race one race it was at Mount Tamalpais High School a cross over in Marin County had to cross the Golden Gate Bridge and my coach who really couldn't stand me because I hadn't won any races he said in a you walk you have the fastest time in the race that you're running today the 330 yard low hurdles you have the faith this time so you are favored to win I would say that real slow because you missed your shot you are favored to win we were running on somebody else's Trek but I was favored to win we were running in a hostile territory but I was favored to win are y'all getting that yet I'm favored to win even though I'm running on an enemy stuff a trek I'm favored to win though I'm running where people are going to be rooting for those who are running against me but I still got the favor they can't take the favor that I have going for me and I gotta tell y'all about that race it's the 330 your low hurdles I'm dating myself I didn't save meters I said yards and that's how old I am and so check out what happened this is how the race took place I lined up or I got in the blocks and once the gun goes off I've run but I'm running into a fierce haired winner it's on the backstretch I'm running into a head win and I have hurdles to overcome but I'm favored y'all didn't get that there's a head winner and there are hurdles but I'm still favored and that's the word I give to everybody right now in the face of headwinds and hurdles you are still favored by Almighty God and by the time I hit the curb I ain't gonna lie I'm getting somewhat fatigued and tired I give my best to run that curve I'm leaning because when you run the curved you got a leaner but once I hit that backstretch all of a sudden it's like I had a burst of energy they called it a second winner but it gets even gooder because on that back stretch on the front stretch there was here it is a head winner so on the backstretch I had a tail winner and that till we Anna gave me what I needed I had a second winner and a tail winner and that bus sisters and brothers is what I'm pleading for George Floyd he deserves a second he can't breathe he said let's give him a second winner a second win means his death is not in vain a second win means that we that we go from rage took results a second win means that we go from protester passing solace ease that transform the unjust policing structures that took his life a second winner means that we begin to make up our minds that we will not go back to what was normal because normal brought all the hell we've been going through we have a second winner that says we're going to create a new normal and in this new normal we're going to insist new policing practices can I give you just a few every police needs to understand that you cannot use your firearm when you see somebody is unarmed I mean duh ain't that simple right there and Dallas please don't you act all got all uppity like you're better than Minneapolis because right here in Dallas we have police officers on the Brady list what is the Brady list it means that your character is so questionable that your testimony will not be used in a court of law because they know you've been guilty of lying they know you've been guilty of some stuff in the past that call that that questions your integrity as an officer and so I'm simply trying to say Dallas you oughta fire every police officer who's on the Brady list because if you can't trust them to testify in court because they have questionable character how you gonna trust them to interact with black people I'm just trying to say if they're on the Brady list they need to be fired because to me if you're on the Brady list that means you're on the Haiti list I like that H a te why not H AIT Ayala catch that later on I'm letting you know that my man George Floyd deserves a second winner and on this pin of course Sunday I feel the wind blowing on this Pentecost Sunday I'm catching my second wind and George Floyd a mod our Barry Brianna Taylor they deserve a second wind Tamir rice we come in for you you deserve a second wind John Crawford you deserve a second wind i Tatiana Jefferson you deserve a second winner how does that happen I'm almost done too and I'm through the text lets us know that you will get I love this a second winner when you recognize when the Holy Spirit comes Jesus says he's our the Holy Spirit is our advocate when were under attack that was good right there I'm a slower roll so you can get this the text says the Holy Spirit is our advocate when we're under attack the word advocate is a legal term translations are really interesting because they try to avoid advocate even though in the original Greek language of taking a Greek class right now so y'all should benefit from it in the original Greek language adverts for paralysis or Paraclete men advocate your your attorney in court and Jesus recognized they were going to be thrown in courts of injustice and Jesus says that's when your advocate is going to show up and your advocate is going to argue your case before you because you're not by yourself in a real sense advocate had to do with justice advocate had to do with standing with you in places of injustice in order to bring about justice Britany patnik Cunningham says that justice is divine ordinance holler at me Michael Eric Dyson justice is basically what love sounds like when it speaks in public that's justice and when the Holy Spirit is your advocate he fights with you and for you to bring about justice in places of injustice now I just missed a lot of y'all up because you just thought the Holy Spirit was about making you feel good personally it's because we have a poison pneumatology that has sabotage our sociology and Jack with our psychology for each Freddie Haynes I'm doing the best I can because here it is the Holy Spirit Jesus spoke of it anointed him in Luke chapter 4 to preach good news to the poor to set the captives free to heal those who have broken the same holy spirit Jesus says I'm giving now to you are y'all hearing this right now because we just think the Holy Spirit makes us shout here's what my Bible says the Holy Spirit doesn't just make your shelf but the Holy Spirit empowers you to serve to set the captives free the Holy Spirit will make you dance but the Holy Spirit is also designed to ensure that you deliver those who are downtrodden the Holy Spirit is also one who ensures that you preach good news to the poor that you set the captives free the Holy Spirit says I don't just bless you to speak in tongues I give you what it takes to speak truth to power that's when you have the Holy Spirit if your Holy Spirit just shows up in the sanctuary but never leaves you in the streets then you've got a fake Holy Spirit tweet Freddie I'm doing that thing let me give it to you like this the Holy Spirit my sisters and brothers is so powerful the Holy Spirit stands with you when you fight for justice when you fight for righteousness that's the Holy Spirit and that is why the spirit in the book of Acts let the people of God to speak truth to power to heal people that were broken if your spirit is just about personal piety and not social responsibility and activism I'll go with dr. Turner right there at Duke Divinity School who says if your spirit does not have you and quarrel with the world as it is your spirit ain't holy whoa preach Freddie Haynes I'm I'm doing the best I can I guess I'll go ahead and give it to you like this the Holy Holy Spirit is so / it's the purakh like just apparently the one who comes along side of us how do I do this the Paraclete the helper the comforter I could go in all of those but I'm not going to even do that I'm gonna just let you know we've got here it is backup power I couldn't sleep one night I got that a whole lot right now and and some watching this this paid advertisement that's running and it's about this this backup generator do you get that a backup generator and how the backup generator works best during a storm the backup generator works best when a storm has knocked out power everywhere and yet because you have a backup generator it means that stuff keeps going even though everything around you has been knocked out by the storm the Holy Spirit is our backup power the Holy Spirit gives us power to keep on when we feel like we can't go on the Holy Spirit is our advocate when we are overwhelmed and the odds are against us but the Holy Spirit gives us the power to keep on anyhow well I gotta wrap this thing I'll wrap it real quick and that it and that is with this not only is the Holy Spirit our advocate when we'll under attack but the Bible lets us know the Holy Spirit of the Jesus is offering us through the Holy Spirit I love it peace when we're under pressure no let me Freddie Haynes it for you Jesus gives us superior interior resources to overcome evil exterior forces oh that's good right there i'ma do it one more time we have superior interior forces what is it it's peace it's that peace that passeth all human understanding it's what they called in the Hebrew Bible Shalom which has to do with wholeness and wellness are y'all getting that right there when you have wholeness it means that when your world is falling apart somehow you manage to keep it together why because you have that peace that God gives and the world can't take away you have a peace that works best when you're under pressure you have a peace that gives you strength in the midst of your stress anybody know anything about that peace it will keep you together when your world is falling apart that's why I love Martin Kings story of mother Pollard back in the day mother Pollard bless her god rest her soul she marched during the Montgomery bus boycott and when she March understand she walked she did not ride to work she walked even though Martin King said she was up in age King said she could not read or write but she had amazing intelligence she was poverty-stricken yet she was rich in the spirit of Almighty God preached I just did that thing and one day a day while she was walking to work the bus boycott was well underway someone stopped her trying to give her a ride one of them white folk because they didn't want the bus boycott to be a success and you always have one of us who don't mind taking a ride but mother Paula said no I ain't gonna take a ride and y'all know what happened they said well aren't you tired check out her response her response was with ungrammatical profundity my feet is tired but my soul is rested that's what you call peace right there but he's when you're dealing with injustice peace when you're dealing with oppression peace in spite of everything that you're going through I know what mother Pollard was saying and she was saying what we saying sometimes I feel like going on no trials come every hand I feel like going on I feel like playing on no trials come on every hand I feel like praying on I feel like fighting on no trials come on every hand I feel like fighting on and if you feel like praying on and fighting on it and going on it it's because God gave you a second winner so I don't know about you I'm done I feel like praying on I'm a remixed Martin now I'm a pray on i'ma fight on i'ma go on because truth crushed to earth will rise again I feel like going on because truth forever on the scaffold wrong forever on the throne yet that scaffold sways the future and behind the dim unknown standeth in the shadows keeping watch above his own I feel like going on because my eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord and we that believe in freedom will not rest until it comes I feel like going on because I have a second win let me pray God thank you thank you for the power of your word your word that Ezekiel used in a valley of dry bones to ignite the revival of a mighty army and God that's my prayer that you will use your word all over this nation today to ignite a revolutionary revival a revival that will change this country that will will will dismantle oppressive policing systems a revival that will transform our rage into results give us a revival give us the strength to keep going on now god I pray pray especially for those who have no relationship with you God please save the lost God God please hook up those who who right now are so confused let let them know they need the presence of the Holy Spirit they need to know Jesus if they gonna deal with this injustice they're going to be empowered for living in this world they need to hook up with the Holy One so please god bless them to come to know you I pray O God for those who are discouraged for those who are just angry those who who like yell King just don't know what to do give them a second win in the name of Jesus give them a second win so they'll feel like going on those who want to join church God bring them on home to church let them know they can join church even in the midst of this quarantine this pandemic speak to them in Jesus name listen I'm praying for you I thank God for you I want you to know that you can pray right now call the prayer line if you need prayer if you want to join search if you want to give your life to Christ and you should don't you want this Holy Spirit call the number four six nine four nine eight zero two one zero four six nine four nine eight zero two one zero please do it right now and be blessed listen y'all we're gonna be all right we're gonna be alright long as God's got us we're gonna be alright let me share a few things with you then not preach like y'all were here today I'm sweating like crazy let me do this please please please oh let me give you this this is so awesome friendship West is a testing site we're testing site now let me just say to my beautiful members we have two sites here one on Wheatland Road that's where I am right now got another one on piste six one six West Keys some of my beloved members came over to a Wheatland on Thursday to get tested I'm not gonna call your name Cecilia kleiner but came over to Wheatland Road when I've been saying six one six west keys so please do not pull uh Cecilia Kriner make sure every Thursday get tested don't just get tested for yourself get tested for those who you may come in contact with because again this unpredictable mysterious virus it shows up even when you're asymptomatic even got one symptom and yet you can pass the virus along because you are what infects you uh so please make sure that you get tested we're doing it every Thursday six one six West case Boulevard here in Dallas Texas from from 9:00 a.m. I'm sorry 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. we move the hour of 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. last Thursday we exceeded the expectations of those who brought all the stuff us do the testing exceeded their expertise in testing deserts friendship west hope to see you Thursday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and those who live right there in that area please make sure you were there if you know people who have not been tested send them get them there also faith formula they're doing it and they're doing it big time listen thousands of people have been fed the homeless have been served because of your generosity so I hope right now you are taking advantage of an opportunity to give to a great cause a church that is about that social justice service social service life please make sure you're given right now send your tithe you can give electronically friendship Western or give online recurring giving is available it says text again use your phone do it right now 972 2 0 0 9 4 1 9 please please give the work God is doing to this church is just amazing so please give please give church anniversary is coming up June 14 the Stu Sundays from now we got a surprise for you that we're going to announce next Sunday because we're gonna do it different to make sure we connect in the midst of social distancing I want to tell you right now like but I gotta hold it I gotta hold it so tune in next Sunday and I'm gonna show you what we gonna do church anniversary oh my god should I tell them right now no don't tell them right now I want to tell them no don't you okay I can't tell you I tell you next Sunday church anniversary June 14th our 44th anniversary also graduation service this Wednesday if you graduated wherever you graduated from high school or or college or associate's degree or graduate degree vocational we're gonna celebrate you on this Wednesday so please make sure you're tuned in it's going down like four flat tires finally make sure you give because God generously blesses us please watch tonight joy regional play a piece on poverty at eight o'clock on MSNBC that's eight o'clock central nine o'clock Eastern Time I'm not just saying it because your pastor is gonna be on there I'm only on there for a little bit but it's a real important piece on poverty in this pandemic MSNBC joy read tonight I'm done I love y'all much we who believe in freedom we ain't gonna rest until it comes because we have a second win the Lord bless you the Lord keep you the Lord calls God's face to shine on you and be gracious on you the Lord lift up the light of God's countenance upon you and grant you peace go now in the power God's Holy Spirit feel like going on because even though we can't breathe you better watch us we've got a second win we believe in freedom cannot rest we believe in free how can you believe it [Music] [Music] we believe in three [Music] how can you believe it [Music] [Music] dauoi raisa believe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Friendship-West Baptist Church
Views: 4,631
Rating: 4.8655462 out of 5
Id: iPK1Uks15FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 50sec (4670 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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