Wooo this pretty does kirby not talk. I go there yeah. Why you send them man! Take cover Wow those eyes! I I don't think I've ever seen kirby
with those eyes. It's just. Oh, whoa. Did he turn into a snake
there for a second? All right. Storm came, took him away, and. Oh, still going Patrick laying there in front of him to uh, straight into it. Not even a menu screen. Hey, everyone. Is your friend.
Think noodles. And welcome back to Fan choice Friday. When I play games chosen by you. And today, you were going to do it. That foul. That's what I thought. Okay. You know, I got a coin that went really far. You guys have chook. You guys have chosen Kirby. And The Forgotten Land, and you could see
your comments on screen right now. This just came out. I've never played a Kirby game of my life,
so it's new to me. Any law names, characters, I'm going to
screw them all up, so I'm sorry for that. But if you guys end up enjoying
this video, do subscribe to my channel. Most of you guys watching this right now
aren't subscribed, is completely free, and you can always on some later
if you hate my videos. Also, don't forget to like it. If you want to see me continue this like
I did with my Bowser's Fury game play. We played that thing
all the way to the very, very end. And I mean, I assume. Wait, why do I get coins
for walking into a plant? That's right. I know this from Smash. He can sort of fly like. Not like fly fly. He can sort of floats. I can, like, float over to here. Well, where not going to do this
all time things tutorial. Oh, what's going on up here? Okay, I don't know what these coins are
for okay. Be inhale. Yeah, I know. And then you spit. Oh. Oh, why does it
why does it target other locks? Because I didn't point that way. Okay, now what do I do with this dude? Are you friendly? You're cute. Oh, by the way, I chose a pig because Kirby eats, like,
everything, like a big fat pig. And also, he's being so skinny dogs. Kirby, you ate the dog, buddy. Spit the dog out. Oh, no, Kirby. You kill the dog. We I didn't. I didn't realize he could eat
and kill animals like eating trash. That's fine. Spitting the trash out
it's actually littering but if he destroys the trash, that's fine. He's like a recycling plant. Oh, this is pretty. Wow. I am tiny. Can we zoom in here? It's a reset camera,
but it it controls a distance. That's kind of cool.
Oh, can I always just. Okay, so you just always inhale enemies. Okay, I'll just walk toward you slowly. I took his sword. That makes sense. Yeah. Die, Mr. Mushroom. I don't know if you're friendly or not,
and I don't even care. Come on, die dude. He is so quick. Like, look that way. So if I hold it,
okay? There's a charge attack oh, right. Okay. Oh, cool. Oh, wow. I just wrecked that thing. So I was just seeing, like,
so if you jump, and then you. Oh, wait. I thought that would do the heart attack,
but didn't. Oh, I got a silver coin. I don't know what that does. Oh, jeez. I was holding down. Now I feel stupid. Die. You got to call my tornado. Oh, so that's my sword damage. So if if I die
as a sword can never play this do I die,
or do I just go back to regular kirby c? Okay. Drop ability. Why? Oh, because that's pick of these bombs. Okay, so I have to get a bomb right? Get a bomb. Wait, no, no, not give me the bomb. Oh, they go off too fast. Okay, what now? What what? Oh, hello. I'm blowing myself up here. Excuse me. Hold on. Let that one go off there. Oh, they only go off
when they hit something. Is that the deal? Oh, or me? They get it. Die. Yeah, you did die. Good. All right, I'll get it. Cannon, you need to die, too. Can I get him up there? Wait. No. Right. Oh, so I can't get him, can I? Hey. Oh, yeah.
I can just send a bunch of stuff. Unlimited weapons to what I do. This roll the bomb down the stairs. Yeah, I didn't think that would actually work. All right, what language is this? We're going.
I don't know, man, but we're going inside. Is there any bit of story? Like,
is there any, like, text or speaking? So we can figure any of this out or.
We had to tell the story ourselves. Oh, can we drive? Oh, Pikachu. Nope, not Pikachu. Okay. I'm pretty sure these guys are evil,
but they are adorable. Look how fluffy they are. I'm going to eat one. I'm going to eat one and take it to. I'm going to eat three dogs. Oh, Kirby. Oh, don't eat. You can't. Oh, my goodness. He ate the car. Wait now you're a car cover. Good job, buddy. Wait. What? You're kidding. You've become a Kirby GR Lake Tahoe dash. Go. This is like a Roblox hobby. What are we doing? Oh, so. Okay. In order to go through those,
I have to, like, boost to break these. Okay. Break to the wall. Kirby, car Yeah. Cool. So if I do this, I can't. Oh, no, I don't get it and get it. Oh,
I thought I lost it. No, no, wait. Get it back. Get it back. I want it all back there. Got it. Okay, now I've got the.
I've got the wizard hat. I got Bob's with me. Wait, so can I turbo dash you? Yep. I can take out anything I want. All right. Who designed this road? I've going to throw, baby. Oh, I thought it would break
that bridge to woo. All right. Yeah. Oh, I didn't jump. Okay, jump yeah. I'm not really turbo dashing. Oh, that's cool. Woo! Dan, why would you ever not Turbo Dash I think, like,
you just permanently have it going. Top speed. You get coined to kill enemies. It's pretty good. And you knock over drawbridges. I think yep. About my man. Can I can I honk? I want a hawk. I sure tried that. I bet. Right? Stick honks, doesn't All right, Kirby. Oh. Oh, I was going to say, there's actual text on the screen, but that's the language these are your eyes on a new world. So that's the language. But, like, but translated a new dramedy and dream
that a place real laugh and smile. But this is just the lyrics of the song. But I thought it was giving a storyline. Okay. I think he's probably good at that. Don't eat the ducks. Ducks are nice. Eat dogs. Apparently, Oh, they are so cute. I don't know why they're your enemies. Running wild. Just let your heart
take the wheel and show you the way fresh spring breeze. Can I jump? No, I can't control this. Mine, mine, mine, mine. Why does the dog have eggs? Dogs don't lay eggs come a logo is that off remark? Mare we go what do they have in those? What they have in the cages there. Oh, a car can't climb a ladder. So I guess we're getting off now, huh? Goodbye, Gar. Love you. All right. So that's
why you would get rid of the car? Because you can't use it otherwise. Whoa. That was super realistic camera movement. There Oh, what's that? Oh, no, that's a good. Oh, they're light. They look kind of like I know they're not good,
but I know what they're called because I saw the press
release on it, but I forgot. Maybe. Maybe
I'm okay. As soon as the cutting edge. I want to look it up. I don't know what that is, but the. Oh, it's a cute little butterfly mouse. I don't know what it is,
but don't do anything to the poor bunny. Why don't I call it a bunny? Butterfly
bunny? Oh, wow. No, y'all are. Me, too. I thought you were nice.
Yeah. Pretty feathers. Why are all of the animals so cute? But then some are mean. They should have, like,
I don't know, mean, look at. Okay. All right,
this is a mask battle sort of thing here. Okay, so I got Mom's. Hold on. I mean. Oh, not far enough that. Hey, boys, get some do you. Do I need it? Do I need it there?
Do I need to smash you? There we go. All right. Oh, wait. What's what's going
on? Oh, wow. Okay, that's what that is. Yeah, there's a few. There's a few landmines, bro. Why are you looking out
like you got to come after me? At least anybody else? I Dude, that was really easy, okay? Oh, a birds draft. You oh, no. I just have to touch the cage. That. Wow. And you do a dance. Ready? Go, buddy. Feel they there we go. Storyline. You saved me. Thank you. What about those other guys? The Waddle Dees? That's what they were.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Those are the those are the not the one of these aren't
that cute foxes dogs that look mean. They were all captured.
Those like, gumballs. The waddle dies and taken away. We thought we fought those beasts. As hard as we could,
but they kept coming back for more. Now the only one left. I have to go save them. I have to let me eat and steal your flying ability. Hi. What you all be? Save everyone? That's great. So your name is Kirby El File. Elflein Elflein. Nice to meet you. So you're one of a kind.
There's not more of. You know what I wanted to do? Well, I want to road map. Where can I can I. We can I. You know, i can I eat elflein. I want l villain's ability. Okay, I'll take the bombs back. Oh, wait. We take a start to the map. Let's see this world map. Actually, wait. Oh, it looks really linear. Natural plains. Okay, way downtown grassland so. Oh, that's kind of cool way, I think. First of all, I think we're Cisco here. Go to downtown grassland. Oh, here we go. So clear the stage. So there's, like, one there's. Okay, so,
I mean, it's somewhat like Bowser's fury, but those are for theory was way
more open. Each stage was sort of,
like, connected together. These are. Wait, where's Elflein? Thought it said we were you at all. So I got to do this all by myself, huh? All right, that's fine. Take out the dogs. Get out of here. Dog's okay. You're not. There's not even a dog here. All right, so this thing, is it? Yeah, it's. Whoa.
I got a red coin out of that. Oh, guys, I see. Make five tulips bloom. So that's one of the achievements
that you have to like. Here we go. There's another one.
Or this Allen County. That's not a tulip. Apparently so. Oh, so now this guy. Hold on. So it's telling me to drop abilities. I'll do that,
and then I can take his ability go ahead. Throw it. Okay. Good man. And you? All right, now I've got. What do I have here? Okay, I've got, like, a a really sharp boomerang here. Okay, that's nice. That's nice. Okay.
It hits twice. Like, once on the way. They're on them once on the way back. Oh, and I can get things with it. Can I charge this one like I could with. I don't think so. Hold on. Let me. Oh, yeah, look at that. So now what? So so I can do that and then have it
come back toward me. I see. So you hold it out there. Oh, okay. That unlocked some cake, Kirby. Like I said, he's piggy
he loves his cakes, so, I mean, okay. Is this a secret thing here? Yeah, it looks like a secret to me. Hello? I like it. I like it. I got to. Oh, I'm getting all the tulips on this
level, dude, and I don't like litter. Get out! Get out! You should get points for getting rid of
the litter. Oh, what's that? Oh, is this. So we do the money. Oh, you know, we eat the vending machine. What a jump or soda shop. What is this? So, okay, I could shoot sodas so I've got 93 left. How do I get more? Oh, oh, oh. You kind of want this. Oh,
my goodness. Wow. This this thing is really overpowered. I die 65 gives me. Oh, you only gives you one soda. Okay. I got to say, wow, the trash so obviously we want to go through here yeah. Where is it? Look at all the cash, baby. Okay, so I got something for that. Let's can I jump with this thing now? So I need to spit it out. Spit out the vending machine. Kirby, let's go up here just to. Yep. Okay. What is that? That's like a gotcha,
you know, like it, huh? Oh, okay. So put stairs there. But do we do? Oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense. Sorry, I said a machine.
You can't go. Oh, my goodness. I'd really like a soda machine right now. What do I have to do with this guy, bro? Oh, okay. Do I just hit you from behind? Is that bam! Ha! Easy peasy. One thing that's different about the is wait, did I just no way. And I didn't want to go. I didn't know
this was going to happen way. I didn't. I didn't know
it was going to take me all the way there. What if I want to go back? I don't. I didn't get to like
I didn't get to see if. Oh, boy,
if there were, like, any other tulips. That makes me angry, man. You need to stop it, right? Oh, okay. Hold on. I need to get up. What are the cones do? Oh, you can eat this. Yeah, that's what I thought. I don't know what happens when you turn
into a traffic cone, but you can eat them jump spiked. Oh, my. That is aggressive, isn't it? Holy cow. Jeez, ease. And also him. I could have probably seen that guy. Oh, this is what you want. If I knew there was going to be something. Okay, that's easy. What is that? Green pumpkins or something, man? Another hold a crack. Bam! Come on, give me. I need to, like,
make something bloom here, bro. There's one. I see it right up there. That's my third one, right? Is that three? Three out of five? I want five. I'm not beating this level
until I get them all and since there's no time limit,
I might be here a while, maybe. I don't know. Let's go under. Okay. Do we see any other? What's going on over here? Oh, yeah. This looks like a problem. I'll fix it or not. No, wait. No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. Hold on. Yeah, okay. I'll go that way because I'm trying to figure out which way
is going to have the bloom, the tulip. And I feel like this is like an extra area here
that we're allowed to access, right? The spewing water up to the balcony. Okay. I mean, I didn't even know
that was a thing, but. Okay, and then one up here. I don't see one okay. Oh, to get past that, dude.
And then you da da da da da da. And what did I get? I got another, like, candy thing. Like, it's like all those things,
you know, like, you pay $0.25 a new twist, the thing, and it's got like a plastic
ring in it or whatever, you know? You know what I'm talking about,
right? Guys spent. Oh, I like it. All right. Listen, I saw the boomerang. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I mean, I'll save you, bro,
but I got to go back. What will I get? What do I have to. Oh, checkpoint. No, but I don't. I mean, I have this already. Wait,
so do I. Do I need any of it? Okay, hold on. Because, like, I'm
pretty good with this thing. I don't think any of the bombs or what's. What's that? It's a giant leprechaun bird. Okay, get em. Bam. That's a. Do you see how much damage I just did? Okay, I'm going to go this way. I don't know what these do, but get em. Wait, what was it all? Because he's got a shield. Okay,
thankfully, the stars are gone, though. They're me. Oh, well, that makes things a little bit
easier. Okay, so if you go back,
if you can make it behind him, can I, like, hit him there? I thought if you get in from behind
like that, it stuns him. Bam! Oh, that did. Oh, that did a lot of damage. Okay, come on, man. Yeah, you see? And then you just look at that. Look at that. Look at that. Look at the damage. Let's go. It was just spitting on him
and Max damage. Now, wait, I need to go back. You look kind of having a seizure
here, bro. What do I need to do?
Do I need to eat him? Oh, can I. Oh, all right. I'm going to take that back because I like that one. Too. I like the sword, too. Oh, yeah, yeah. Here we go. So I got three, so. Okay, I have to save the hidden waddle. The hidden waddle. These hold me to get, like, 100%. So clear the stage. I pretty much did. Five tulips bloom and hidden waddle dees. Okay, you can't go back,
so we're going to get this guy. Oh, this was a hidden one. Oh, this is only mid. Oh, okay. Okay, so I sort wait. Is it? Oh, so I'm still on the same stage. I thought that was the end. That wasn't the end, boss. Okay, what do we have here? That what? I don't know if I want a mouthful of that. That looks. What is this? Why is it flashing here? Oh, I probably eat this
and then do something with it. Is that what did I. Oh, my goodness. I'm so fat. What do you what oh, that's cool. I turned it into the lid,
and then I got okay. And then I got this guy. I got it. Is that it's another hidden one. Oh, that's cool. But I don't know how to open that. I think. Oh, you know what I need? I need a bomb. Do we have any? Oh, what is that thing? Oh, that does not look nice. Can I. Okay, wait, let me. Oh, no, no. Let me kill you. Let me drop this. Let me you and see if your ability. Well, let me go do that. I don't think it well,
I don't see any bomb guys though. Oh, it's not flashing anymore. Oh, yeah, it is. I really think you need a bomb. There. How about this guy? Can I eat this guy? Up, though? He almost saved me. Okay, let's take that back. So this is like a turtle kind of oh, yeah. We need something to.
Oh, I need that cone. Wait, there's a cone here. Oh. Oh, I got an idea. Hold on. Can you cut this? Oh, no,
but I might be able to cut out the sword and make that thing fall,
and then I can use it and then eat him. Right? Can I? Yeah. Give me that command. And I yes, that's what I'm talking about. I'm gonna take a mouthful of this. So that's how you kill these dudes. But let's get a
but how do I climb this ladder? I can't, right? Because I was thinking I could use it
to break that thing, but I can't. I can't use it to kill this guy. Bam! Oh, no. I feel bad oh, there he is. Hello. I got all three, right? Yeah. All right, so. Oh, there's another. Ooh, another tulip, another tulip,
another tulip. Was that for? There's got to be one
at the very beginning, that I missed. I'm betting you. So we got to split this thing out, huh? Can't get. Oh, no. Can I say we can't get up there but weak. And I want to keep this
as long as possible. Here, get out of here, dude. While this is super close,
I wish I could actually. Woo! Okay. Oh, dude, there
it is. I'm getting it. I'm getting. I'm getting it. There's a fifth one. Let's go. Oh, my. That's what I want. We've got you. We've got everything
set for. Clear the stage. See? See, I'm 100% in it. That's right, baby. Oh, yeah. I'm going to. I'm going to break this. I'm going to fix this water pipe
right here. Oh, this is huge. So okay,
so he can obviously chop my head off. That's the wrong button. Okay, I'm going to go this way. Here, break it. Oh, he almost got me. Okay, well, he.
The other one doesn't point. Is it point at you
as much or you're going to. You're going to break it, dude. Oh, yeah, you're going to break it. I broke. I broke that. Okay. Oh, okay. So we want him to hit what's inside. Oh. Oh, it's a it's a it's a
what I'll do right there. Okay,
so hit this bite it again, bite it again, bite it again, or wait. Am I supposed to break it? Okay, I'll break it. Oh, hey, hey. Enough of that, bro. Oh, I see. So I break that, and I come over here,
then I get this little toy and I smile and that I smash his face pop. Here we go. Oh, there's three of them in there. All right, give me let go, you stupid birds. Bumper, but bam! Yeah. Two 89. I don't know.
I don't know if that's good or bad. The stars, like, what's Max maybe 300, but I got everything else,
and I got these. Yeah, there's a lot of talking
about the volume one. So Kirby's pulled the mysterious vortex
that appeared in the sky over his planet. Pop star when he woke up in a new world. Traveling through a vortex,
also becoming new. A mysterious power.
Let's see what it can do. Onward to adventure. What new power? Blue Star Coin. Okay. Oh, that's the bull buffalo horn. Oh, so we'll learn about what? What the enemies are. The brutal, brutish puff of horn
we could tackle will stand a chance. Good thing they have a hard time stopping
recovery can turn the running off cliffs. I'll be okay down there. The real tough. Now they die. Ride the star to the map. How many stages are there? Doesn't look like a lot
if I just completed that stage. Right. So through the way I got all night,
maybe all what I'll do is saved. I got a collection.
You figure collection now available. Use all the figures you collected. Collect
the full set. Yes, I'm talking about. So it looks like there's one
little one here. So we just did this one. Then there's one. 23. Oh, wait. This is okay. Okay. This is like, the,
like the end of World one, and then world two is up ahead,
but we can't see this. Yeah, okay. Because I was thinking
this is the end here. I was like, dude, we could just beat this
game now, but no search. What's that do? What did I. What did I just search for? For 96 on finding coins? Is that, is that what I'm finding
is it's happening here. Yeah, I'm finding coins every time. That's kind of cool. All right, let's head to what old town because. Because supposedly it changes
as you collect more. What you do is. Yeah, like these. Like the there's a town grows up,
and you unlock things as you, as each one of these set of what it is, is. Yeah. Rescued. They rebuild their own town new buildings
helpful resources I think many games and stuff to of these cinemas now and rewatch
the memorable scenes on the big screen like is it actual gameplay of
me or is it just like a like just like stock footage. Let's see what you got dude. Welcome to Quality Cinema. You can watch all kind of movies. Are you wondering why we built one
so soon? Entertainment is important. So which movie you'd like to watch? Let's see Oh, okay. So it's all of the cut scenes. Okay, so you can watch back the cut
scenes. That's kind of cool. All right, well, guys, that is Kirby
and the forgotten the land, the. Thank you guys for suggesting it. I always love these, like, Nintendo platformers,
and if you guys loved it as well, again, you want to see more, click the like button, subscribe
and I'll see you guys again soon. Thanks for watching.
And of course, New Line.