Our Goals & Ambitions for 2021 + Never Before Answered Q&A Questions - Stories from Flying the Nest

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[Music] and jesse's story i can't believe that we didn't stay up for new year's eve we just oh yeah it fell straight asleep i suppose we are new parents i was in bed by 10 and it was beautiful the best way to stand you can see can you believe it first podcast of 2021 no i can't believe it wow 20 20 what a year i think a lot of people are kind of happy for 2020 to be behind us are you ready for all those memes to come out you know when everyone was waiting for 2020 to be over yes and 2021 it's going good so far right i think it is actually going quite good so far only a couple days in but so far so good but speaking of 2020 how good was christmas i mean oh my goodness i know we haven't chatted since christmas and i it was the first time i ever hosted christmas and let's just say i put on a feast she did yeah you did so good and the photos were amazing it was like a little instagram face i know they photographed so well the food yeah i was impressed i know i kept showing people i'm like look at the food i made because i'd never cooked for that many people before yeah it was so good yeah we had um yeah first hosting of the christmas you and jacob in the kitchen hunter's first christmas oh my gosh she seemed to have loved her yeah she did having oh sorry having a baby it makes christmas just like all magical again yeah like seeing her waking up in the morning that's why i'm thinking if it's amazing with a six month old imagine when hunter's like three it's gonna be really so much fun like her understanding like the magic of christmas yeah because ashley and heidi was saying that hugo understood christmas this year this year three years old and they said it was like so much fun yeah they said it was so magical and i was like oh that's going to be cute with hunter yes i feel like next year she's probably going to enjoy opening presents but i think it'll just be that but the whole magic i think when she's you know three years old well what's weird is that this time next year she'll be walking wow like how weird is that yeah well she she should be walking by around her first birthday so she would have been walking since june oh my gosh it's like can't i can't picture it like you know this year we're carrying her out to the tree yeah next year she'll be jumping out of her bed and waddling over to the tree i was actually showing a video to my friends and um of her at the beach and they're like oh how old is she oh yeah six months around and they're like no way yeah i know what i'm noticing i don't realize because yeah but i was like oh yeah that's pretty big isn't it and also i think because she has so much hair yeah that's another thing that throws it off yeah they just said she's like well developed yeah and also she learnt to sit since five months so it's a little bit early so it makes her look like she's older she's chunky long hair and can sit so people are already surprised by her age but we celebrated on the 2nd of january she turned 7 months old oh my god no we're already off into the second half i thought she was like five and a half and i was like what's seven now seven months old and she's just starting to crawl oh you haven't seen it no i haven't she goes up on her knees and her hands and she kind of rocks back and forth trying to go forward but she doesn't realize she needs to actually move her arm yeah it's so cute oh my gosh you actually need to put in a little clip of a video because it is audio as well another thing she's been doing is if you put your hand to her mouth and she'll go and then you stop you stop and then she'll be like wait come on do it again and go ah until you do it it's so cute pop that in steve i'll have to pop it in but anyway welcome back to your favorite travel podcast the travel podcast that can't travel right now this is story from stories from fly in the nest i'm one of your hosts stephen with my beautiful wife jessica hello and my sister cleo hello seeing as it is 2021 i think this episode should be dedicated to kind of a recap in 2020 looking at some of the highlights because of course in the history books 2020 itself is probably not going to go down too well but it's always good to kind of look at the kind of the highs of the year and then we're thinking of looking towards 2021 what are our goals what are our ambitions for the year and um you know we also asked you guys over on flying the nest or tv slash podcast where you can send in your questions and we also ask you guys what your ambitions are as well so we can kind of here as a little collective community what's your kind of plans what your goals are so maybe we can inspire some people but before we jump in i need some sugar yeah i need my bundle this is my favorite part of the podcast i feel like you haven't seen this flavor oh have you liked it it's a lemon one no different one oh i didn't know this yeah every episode different flavor i know but i look like the lemon i was like okay we're just going back to the old ones literally i was not surprised if you were like oh we're doing a new flavor every episode because i'm seven episodes and didn't know that was a thing yeah so we have i listen okay with pineapple and coconuts oh i know i've never tried it before we thought it was a little bit of like a yeah a celebrationy kind of flavor right yeah pina colada yeah we'll see if we like it yep jump that one in all right let's do a little pop here yeah one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh sorry all popped together oh you two remembered yeah they did tell us turn it upside down and then back and now we're doing the party yeah yes hopefully we can look back on this podcast and we're like yes 2021 was a good year yeah also what are you guys drinking it tastes like a non-alcoholic malibu mixed with pineapple yes it does i like it oh cheers everyone a little bit tropical yeah this is a good way hopefully we can see some tropics this year i mean we don't know when we can go traveling again hey queensland is the tropics just saying yes it is yeah with your parents tropics in our own backyard yes the weather at the moment is pretty tropic oh the weather has been amazing it's very hot yeah i like it i love it it's been like no cloud in the sky it's been amazing it's funny because we have a lot of americans that listen and watch and probably just think it's so weird really cold there hey snowing yeah it's annoying and even when people were watching our christmas video they were like it's so weird it's ending with hunter in a pool in christmas swimmers swimming around yeah a little bit of housekeeping on the weekend so a few days ago i put out a 2020 recap video little review where we walked through everything that we went through on the year it was so much fun to put together i hope you guys did enjoy it if you haven't seen it link it below or go check it out on our youtube channel but steven's been putting those together every year and i love that you do because it is so nice especially seeing as it's like our our past yeah it's so cool getting to watch back everything we've done in one little video yeah they're my favorite yeah and i suppose we put out how many weeks are there in the year 54 weeks 52 weeks oh that's a bit embarrassing so i mean if you missed some videos which is totally understandable there's a lot of videos out there um this one kind of recaps it so you can see if there's anything you missed um but honestly speaking of 20 20. let's just go through a couple of things we did throughout the year so okay oh it's a little walk down memory lane in january of 2020 um there was definitely rumbles of covert but i don't think it was it was like talked about in the air and we were all thinking what no that's not gonna go anywhere yes i think it was very much like in china at that region and maybe it was starting to spread a little bit um so we were in canada we were in you know kitamat celebrating bringing in the new year telling everyone the gender remember we set off fireworks so that's a whole year ago yeah when i saw the start of it and i was like well yeah i can't i just can't remember you guys being there yeah there's a whole year ago and then we did a little road trip through the canadian rockies which was really fun um and we flew back to australia because we needed to tell your parents your family your sisters and brothers about it we were having a baby girl yeah and remember how we told you cleo yeah but we had the little smoke bomb yes and it didn't work at all i know and everyone else knew the gender i was i can't wait i can't wait no one tell me cleo was the first to find out that we were pregnant and the last to find out her gender before all of you guys yeah i was the last you had to wait till we got back yeah yeah and then after that um yeah so it was still january i believe so we decided to go to fiji like it was still very normal to keep traveling back then and we decided i wanted to go on like a baby moon the last trip before hunter came and i thought where's a good place to go fiji and it was an amazing place if anyone is looking for a place to go on a baby moon i'd recommend it yeah definitely it was um so relaxing we stayed on a little private island we stayed at some nice resorts which was really cool and then um we wanted to actually go to what was bora bora but it was touring we wanted to yeah yeah it was like four thousand dollars to fly there like just to fly that's expensive so we didn't go to bora bora we were like nope instead it was like 200 to fly back to queensland you'll go there one day but hopefully that would be so cool so we went back to a little road trip through the glasshouse mountains drove past the australia zoo which is steve owens zoo as well so that's the kind of like that's the area we went um hello where did we go that was maureen we did we went to the factory tasted every single bundaberg yeah that was so good um and then we decided to do our final international trip of the year which at that time i don't think we were thinking this would be our final international trip no way yeah so we went to hawaii which was the very first spot when we started flying the nest and we went to kauai big island and oahu and i loved that trip it was really nice i think the whole time we were just sitting here and of course me and jess have been thankful enough to travel so much but we're like so ready for hunter we're like this is we weren't saying this is boring but we're like having hunter would make this so much better like we kept saying oh my gosh imagine if we had hunty here exploring hawaii with her yeah because you've lived through it and then you can live through her eyes and show her everything exactly see her experience it that would be cool it'd be so cool the first time she sees like a waterfall yeah like there's so many this first for her like she hasn't seen an animal really she's seen a dog yeah and she wasn't that interested maybe if she gets older she'll be like this looks like cool like there's so many things she hasn't even experienced she's seen princess no she's not seen a cat before oh yeah we had to introduce her i don't think princess would be too impressed to be honest um no thank you she hasn't even seen shrek the movie i mean that's way more important than she's very important oh i'm actually kind of jealous of that again and she gets to experience it for the first time yeah you have to read her the books i mean maybe when she's a bit older because it's a bit scary yeah but imagine that she gets to experience that for the first time also she lives in a time like when we read harry potter in the 90s it was all our imagination because then the movies came out but imagine hunter we could read her the book we could show her the movies we can take her to freaking hogwarts yeah she can like be fully taken in with her yeah you can think that you don't need imaginations these days it's just everything's there anyway it is now march so maybe fiji was was february so we in march we flew home and the pandemic was definitely ramping up we had a trip to dubai booked we did and that was actually when we were we never talked about this on the um on the vlogs but we were humming and aring if we should go to dubai and then yeah i kept going to stephen like i'm pregnant there's actually this covert thing going around are you re do you really think we should go to dubai and he was like oh what do you want to do instead because we knew that we weren't we didn't have a house at that time so we weren't ready to move in anywhere i made all this time and i was like why not instead we'll stay in australia where i felt more safe hire a camper van i was 30 weeks pregnant and we went on a big 10 day road trip with my big belly you were 30 weeks pregnant you climbed mountains you went on beaches it was really fun yeah so after that that was the last trip like we have been home and we moved into our house which was so exciting that is a huge thing for us 2020 so we bought a house i mean over the last five years we've kind of lived out of hotel rooms planes trains we've never really had a space bigger than this room we're currently in i mean of course sometimes we'd have like some nice hotel rooms which are a big bigger but nothing that was ours like everything that we owned was either in a box or in that little cupboard so it felt really special it was really cool to have our own little place and that was the funnest time when we moved in and we're opening up all our boxes yes i loved it because i get to see you guys more yeah actually remember kind of a positive for me remember when i told you that i was pregnant and the first thing you said was yeah it means we get to hang out more like you're going to be home yeah i um and then we kind of did some renovations around the house we painted orange all white we did and we got the nursery ready yeah that was really fun um built a lot of ikea furniture april we kind of took it a little bit easier so we celebrated easter i think we watched what was that tiger king show oh my gosh because this is when isolation basically happened so we didn't ever have lockdown or anything in perth but we did isolate so they broke up the state into like 10 different regions or something remember and we couldn't really leave the city yeah yeah we couldn't drive an hour outside of perth they locked their like we would had such like a not a lockdown but very kind of smart the way they did it yeah but i remember that time because it was that time where when you left the house you instantly felt like your hands were dirty yeah and all you wanted to do was wash your hands all you want to do and you wouldn't go near anybody no i don't even remember like just walking down to try and find toilet paper and then if someone was in your way you get like a little bit frustrated because like i need to be my 1.5 meters away from you um so that's kind of when we almost slowed down a lot like i think we enjoyed some quality time together just relaxing because the house was renovated the ikea furniture was built there was nothing to do except for wait and we didn't see you no remember we isolated our house so yeah you got to see the house when we moved in and then once isolation happened you didn't get to see any of the renovations any of the furniture see what it's waiting because we kind of did a little personal because there wasn't any rules you didn't have to isolate it because you couldn't go in groups yeah that's why i had to cancel my baby shower remember yeah and then in may and those are risks to you yeah there was a risk because i was pregnant so i was like i'd prefer just to not i was still going to work yes because you were a um yeah what do they call them barista bristol no the ins essential worker yeah because you made food and stuff so i was essential yeah the only one working was so it was so strange i had to do the orders i had to yeah and i had to make sure everyone was you know like and was it just takeaways yeah just takeaways yeah and there was a lot of uber eats and stuff yes yeah so much yeah it was actually quite busy i was like because everyone's at home not wanting to cook they're like oh we'll you know what they said they um were helping the local supporting the local yes restaurant community i mean coffee club is a locally owned company it's a big corporation so yeah we didn't really see cleo but in may because western australia we're so thankful um we kind of lock down covert quite quickly which mean meant just two short months after we kind of did a little self-isolation restrictions were lifting i was so surprised so we actually haven't had any community transmission in western australia ever since yes so i think we've gone eight months now without anyone catching covert in western australia which is so cool we're so so thankful yeah sometimes we can have put our videos out there and rather than explaining every single time that you know there isn't really covered in western australia you can see the odd person that kind of comes into the videos and now because they're like why are you guys not wearing masks because of course it's a bit different than in other areas so that's why we don't wear masks it's not mandatory because there really isn't covert here in western australia yeah so um because the restrictions were lifting uh before we get to the restrictions lifting i threw just a little surprise quarantined birthday i did he gave me a t-shirt that says what is it happy quarantine birthday or something do you still have it yeah i do because you couldn't come to the birthday no one could come to the birthday you talked to me dinner just him and i oh yeah it was actually really nice and then restrictions lifted and i could throw you your dream surprise baby shower it was very sweet i cried a lot a lot of crying yeah so that was really cool and then did anything big happen in june jessica um let me think about that oh i just gave birth to a very cute little baby the baby hunter came into the world second of june and that so that's why 2020 is so special for us because yeah how can that not be one of your favorite years the year that you had your first child exactly and we've kind of struck gold with this one she's a cutie she's like so she's so cute her temperament yeah so happy so chill giggly she's just the happiest little baby i expect all babies to be like that no we we're not even expecting our second baby too we were like when we have a second baby now everyone's gonna think i'm pregnant but when we do in the future have a second baby we're wait ready for the worst just because we struck gold with hunter not anytime soon guys no million questions of that will come through um so of course because restrictions had lifted jess i mean cleo could come and meet our baby as long as as well as my family and all my brothers and sisters and friends but unfortunately restrictions were still lifted with travel which means meant your parents could only meet hunter over face time yeah my and my brother and my sister so basically none of my family could meet her yes so uh june just i don't even remember june because june was a blur of the newborn he's like waking up every three hours to feed her and just enjoying every moment but being very sleepy yeah that was june july uh we kind of got used to hunter a little bit and we decided to do a road trip with you we went down south to bunker bay that was so fancy i loved it and the moment you're like right like driving down with the buggy and then you just got hunter in your arm and i was like she's actually here like this is insane yeah i remember then she was so sleepy yeah so it's like three days straight all hunter did was sleep yeah yeah and it was so good though because we were in an area where there was wineries yeah so we would like just jump to all these different places and she slept in the car and i'll take her out she'll sleep in my arms go back sleep she's so good so that was like the main highlight we also got her a little passport which was really cute very cute and her passport photo that's a little gremlin yeah august came by and hunter turned two months which was crazy that first two months went so quickly i think we realized it because we started to do the little two-month updates on our youtube channel and i'm glad we do those because then you realize just how quick they grow and everyone always told me enjoy the newborn stage because it doesn't last long and they're so right like the other day i went and watched back her two-month update and her four-month update and i was like oh my gosh even watching her four months i'm like she looks different so different you could do like you should do those um videos when she's like that so young and then and then now it's like so different everyone keeps asking me actually when we're going to do the six month update video and that's going to come out in two weeks should yes so we're going to do another big update because you she has changed a lot in that video she couldn't even sit and now she's like starting to crawl a couple of months later it's crazy so august came by and we went on our very first flight because of course like we were saying covered really isn't in western australia so we could still fly in like within our state and we went up to broome we did it's only two hours north and it was quite cold then remember in perth but broom is lovely it was like 30 degrees every day that's how we decided to go up yeah and oh my gosh and it was so cute seeing hunter like she was lounging by the pool and steven's having a cocktail and she has her little drink i loved how he like said it like just gone her little cocktail by the pool on vacay this is so cute and it's so funny because i remember when we traveled with her back then i thought she looked so big yeah and then i looked back i'm like she was just this little tiny baby september was father's day so you got to do a little father's day for me stephen had his first father's day i still haven't experienced a mother's day yeah because you missed out by a week two weeks we did two weeks she'll almost be one when i have my mother's day oh that would be cute she better bake me all the treats yes she will we'll have something planned don't worry oh yeah we will probably be in the van we will celebrate our mother's day in the van that's [Laughter] um october was my 30th year another big thirty thirty jess surprised me with the little caravan yeah ex-mouth and swam with humpbacks which is a big thing you did this year as well yeah like you did a week after me i think yeah it's like a big buck on this thing we've ticked off i loved it it was like amazing i like cried in the water yeah because it's so in your face the humpbacks it's so big and i think maybe the goggles magnify things so it just looks extra bigger i think so yeah it's like amazing these huge creatures just like meters away well 37 centimeters for stages that was a bit scary i think if someone sent in a question said have you had any like near-death experiences probably that humpback way almost took us out yeah and also on that trip it was baby hunter's first time on a boat oh yeah she was so i think because the engine just was like oh this is my white noise in my bedroom it was like rocking her to sleep so she kept falling asleep yeah oh which was really cool i'm gonna be the same when she's crawling yeah i'm like no no don't cry no um november was massive we bought a van we did this because we don't know when international travel is going to open so let's convert a caravan we'll convert a van into a caravan and drive around australia yes that was pretty fun um in december we put up the christmas tree which technically we did in november we yeah i was going to say we did not do that in december we did that pretty much on the 1st of november we did because it was our anniversary isn't our anniversary 30th of october did we put it up in october no no we didn't because halloween yeah yes yes yes yes um and also restrictions way lifted and the borders opened so we were able to finally fly all the way to queensland and baby hunter got to meet my family which was amazing just before she turned six months which was my goal i was hoping please can the restrictions open before she turned six months and they met her like two days before she came in and like two sides of that coin is one it's crazy that hunter took six months before she could meet her grandparents um but on the other side there's probably still people around the world that haven't met their grandchildren so definitely thankful on where we live and my heart goes out to them because i know how it feels and it's so hard and i was even thinking for the people that just say had a baby back in march and they're still because there's some countries that are still isolating now imagine having a seven month old and still you've been that baby and you have been like in isolation for months like my heart goes out to these people must be so hard yeah definitely and then december 25th happened highlight of the year the highlight of these for sure but that was just a very quick recap of our 2020 um definitely it's way more visual if you go and check out the video which was really fun to put together but i want to hear from cleo what are some highlights that you had in 2020 well only the one really sure if you i bet you if you really think about it there's lots of things that happened yeah i suppose it's a bit easier for us because we can just look at the youtube you can because it's things i've totally forgot about like if someone said a hawaii i'm like oh my gosh wasn't that in 2019 like i forget why my road trip with rachel yes yes i love that was my first like girls trip not with the family or with a partner yeah and that was probably my highlight and that would have been a big thing for you too because it's a little bit more scary you know it's just two girls traveling and you did that yeah and i always rely on my family yeah so i couldn't rely on them now but it was a good like step to more independence yeah yeah and that's one of my goals for 2020 oh is it yeah um and probably new job um what else i don't know because this year claire landed her dream job because she's always wanted to work in like a beauty yes yeah yeah and where did you so she went from working as a barista for years too clear skin yeah um laser and skin therapist yes yeah really cool it's like the stepping stones for just yeah like a career because i suppose you kind of hit the glass ceiling at coffee club yeah so you're ready to go somewhere where you like yeah keep going yeah and it really brought me down always going to that job and then now finally the job i want to be yeah doing something like a public day off and getting paid for it i know because it's your first time having like like a part-time job yeah i felt so good i was like wow this feels really strange i need to work i hate to have christmas yeah no that's good that's my highlights yeah i can't really remember i'm meeting baby hunty yes baby oh why was that not the first thing oh i feel horrible i'm so sorry and if you actually haven't watched the video of cleo meeting hunter oh it was my favorite reason every time i watch it it makes me cry it is so sweet yeah that's all people um comment on it's like you're the girl meaning the baby i think it's on two meal views yeah that's how i've known that it was such a good reaction though yeah and i'm so glad that's the way we got you to meet her not in the hospital hospital meeting babies in hospitals is so awkward it's just like you kind of stand you like got this little shower curtain between the other mum and then you just we wanted it to be extra special so we thought wait till we get home i think i really liked it yeah good little and i think our cousin did the same yeah she did she did the same yeah and i think that's so nice and um another thing i think is hunty gets to watch that back like watch how much love there was for her when she's only a few days old and everyone meeting her like that's so special to have yeah because i have of course none of us have memories of our auntie our cousins our family even like our parents meeting us and i'm sure they loved meeting you but it's cool being able to like watch the love yeah that happened yeah alrighty so let's jump into some goals and ambitions for the year jessica what are your goals and ambitions for 2021 which is a bit of an interesting year because we don't know what's happening in 2021 i suppose it's hard to you know say i want to go traveling in march you just know that probably won't be happening so it's interesting this is kind of the first year when you can have goals but you could be a little bit cautious on them because there's a lot of events that could stop you from doing those goals so i'm interested in yours well when you so stephen told me today he was like oh you need to think of what your goals are to share on the podcast and it got me thinking that usually i feel like every year you'd write your goals like just say for 2020 i was like have a kid buy a house and then after living through 2020 and all the things that happened you realize the type of goals that you really should have is like how much time you spend with people and were you present in moments that you experienced because you know you can get caught up in wanting to like reach these dreams where really in the end of the day when you're in your death bed are you really going to think like i'm so glad i went and am i explaining it right you're saying it's so well and you've just shut down all my goals and ambitions because they're like we have to do this completely but yours is way more nice i think that's what 2020 showed me is that should i be worrying about these like of course it's nice to have goals and ambitions in life like i do think you need them but when i'm dying on my deathbed am i thinking about all these goals i hit or am i thinking about oh my gosh i'm so glad that i spent all that time with hunter or with steven doing all this quality time together and 2020 really did force us to go and have quality time with the people we loved and appreciate it because we know what it feels like to be separated i love that yeah i love that and i think 2020 definitely slowed everyone down yeah that's the thing it doesn't need to always be fast paced you can just sit back and enjoy you don't have to always be busy in doing something to feel like you have worth in life i feel like having i don't know i don't very bad something no you're explaining that's how i feel and i think 2020 really showed me that and i'm like i just want to spend my time so you're saying rather than like the usual get fit um buy a house all these things which is good goals to have you like rather have more practice my with my relationships with people my communication people and spending time with them but you're already so good at that because you do not go on your phone if you're with someone you make sure you put that down at restaurants everything's away like you definitely are really good at being in the moment in the present with the with people thanks i always try and work on that yeah oh that was it yeah that was excellent that was really good that's my main one and then if we were going to talk about goals i'm like excited for when the van is finished and being able to say i've driven all around australia that's a pretty cool thing to do so i'm excited for that yeah that's cool i feel like another goal i think that's really good okay good that's my goals because mine was more uh point goals okay what's your goals i'm sure we'll share these goals as well so mine of course is to get the van done because i think we know that's something that can happen yes so um quick update on the van we are going in tomorrow jess is coming in oh my gosh i haven't even shared the biggest news yet what a couple of days ago my parents randomly were like um by the way we just watched the christmas vlog miss you guys so much in two days we're going to be flying to perth and we're going to stay with you guys for 10 days is that okay also we've already bought the ticket so it kind of has to be okay and they're here right now they're in the other room you're in the other room and what reminded me is because we're heading down to the van tomorrow and miyamoto and grandaddo are babysitting and we're going to be going out all day working on the van that's going to be the longest i've been away from hunter yeah which i think is good like i can't always be there with her you know yeah it's good and so they've just surprised us they have been tearing our house apart because dad comes in and goes oh you know what i should change that light for you i'm like okay i should paint that wall for you or have you seen that you have this issue with your house i can fix it i'm like okay so they've been going to bunnings we've been doing renovations on the house together for christmas my favorite puzzles are was a jig puzzles very cool puzzles mum's already finished both of them we did them together in three days oh my god huge family time so that's been amazing and it was pretty good because seeing as my goal for 2021 is to do more family time cleo said i actually thought i dropped off the face of the earth just i haven't been on my phone because i've been with my parents the whole time yeah it's been good sorry what were you talking about and i think um because if you watch the channel you can see the van has had a few kind of like we put out a van video and then we don't put out a van video so just wanted to apologize because it just takes really slow at the beginning because it was things like planning the build and then there was getting a seat put in getting a window put in which was like you have to book appointments with other people plus there was christmas and new year everything was closed and we flew to queensland for two weeks so i think that's why i was hicked up a bit but officially tomorrow it is van build every single day it's done we're working on it every day except the weekend it's going to be heck it's exhausting so steve i was like if one of your goals is to lose weight at the beginning of the year we're going to lose weight because we're going to be so busy i'd like to see myself we need to remember to pack lunches because you know when you get so in the zone you forget to eat and i feel like that's going to happen so we haven't had like a 9 know to 5 job for before flying the nest well even though but when we're traveling we get so busy yeah but then in 2020 because we weren't traveling as much we kind of got used to the whole you know being at home chilling out and you're you're doing the almond movements of we're gonna be pudgier so we're going to be van building it up good goal steve good goal so complete the van and of course travel around australia because i think with travel so many people want to leave and be like no it's not exciting to say you've traveled your own backyard you instead want to be like i went to paris i went to bali so it's kind of cool that we would have seen all of australia i hope by the time like i want to make sure we tick off every little thing and how cool is it going to be our little daughter before her first birthday she would have seen a lot of australia probably more than me [Laughter] um yes that'd be pretty cool and then also just like a little small goal is i want to expand out our flying the nest academy to like some more courses and things so that's my little goals for the year and also take hunter on an international trip and you think i hope that could happen next year this year this year oh i'm used to saying next year it's stuart's tweet 2021 madam oh okay well obviously the boring goals eat healthy yeah no do all that she's pretty healthy you already eat healthy if your goals eat healthy and lose weight i don't believe that no i just i have a good routine um try and get up at 5 30 in the morning not eight a.m oh i can help you with that i know you guys you guys just get a baby because she gets us up at 5am in the morning i want to get you know routine get up at five you know i enjoy the morning yes oh my gosh come to the dark side come here morning exactly come to the light side you know what will help waking up at 5 p.m or waking up at 5 a.m yeah go to bed at 7 p.m i go to bed when hunter goes to bed yeah wake up when hunter wakes up and it's great 12 hours sleeps in yeah i know i need to try to do that go to bed and maybe nine maybe not yeah mine could work or at least just settle down like turn the lights off yeah and maybe put a show and watch yeah tick tocks that's where you can put your phone on like wind down like mode and like to take to your farm social media oh that's good all your calls are gone yeah nine o'clock and oh do that nine p.m don't contact cleo please she's trying to sleep if you're not trying to call me i'm not call her at five a.m wake her up disturb for five days another two months just hurt for like you actually have i've been like trying to like hello what are you doing i'm like oh my gosh i like to see all these messages from claire i'm like oh i'm the worst no it's so good and probably be with family more oh sweet get to travel with you guys more um good thing we're leaving you for a van yeah but i'm going to visit i'm going to visit one you can drive faster like behind us no no i can fly somewhere get some accommodation or something i don't know we will think of things because i was thinking of a good goal that we should all have this year yeah oh yeah it's something that we all oh no you've done it oh have i yeah what a disgusted face okay but you can do it again i'll do it again i just thought we've never seen snow in australia before because it's surprising i'm doing it yes that was like my favorite that was like my ultimate favorite trip probably sleeps every night yes it was for school can we just talk about um privilege of being the third baby i didn't get any school trips to anything i was like coffee club when i was 14 years old working my way i think learning from jessie yes they're showing you the ropes of work hard play hard exactly did you pay for that trip i don't know daddy i want to go skiing if anyone's wondering what we're talking about in year 12 claire got to go on a ski trip yeah to the i don't even know where it snows in australia melbourne yeah but where are some mountains i think because i'm sorry in the west coast i don't know what the mountains are in that area but in victoria it snows i think it's victoria where it snows yeah so i'm so dumb right now yeah i think it is yeah something like that anyway this winter seeing as we're stuck in australia why don't we go and check out the snow baby hunter learning to ski yeah she probably can't but it would be so cute imagine so i think that is definitely we need to meet somewhere around there and we will go on a little snow trip and you can teach me how to ski yeah because you're amazing at skiing and i still pizza it down it's been years though it's been deployed years we'll see i think it'll it'll come back to you i think yeah you did pretty good in japan skiing remember that time i fell on my face like completely on my face no i don't yeah that was in japan oh was it oh yeah yeah so yeah this actually brings us to kind of we kind of had two topics oh wait hello um family i don't know and be more independent i think yes good independent so good that's the best thing yeah i learned that into like straight after film school and it's the best thing do not rely on anybody rely on yourself and i can attest to that that's the best thing you can learn yeah and steven's good at that except for you bubs if i don't rely on you to feed me i would probably be dead this is true ladles should be eating noodles and wheat beef and frozen mince pies from christmas when he was working on that 20 20 recap video and not tony stern was like i've chose to do a hot cross buns she's going to knock you she's like have you eaten yeah and he was like no i'm like well he's a hot cross bun let me go make you some lunch i think is when i get into the work mode yeah you almost get like into a what do they call it when you just like a trance a trance that's the word and you're just in it and i wish i could get into that yeah stephen is the hardest worker i've ever met i just don't get it i don't know how you do it you're like oh i'm not used to going to nine to five you're used to going to six a.m to 11 p.m exactly yeah true there's a question [Music] so this is kind of the second topic of the show we kind of have a double episode so i hope you guys enjoy the longer episodes so the second one was you guys sent in a bunch of questions it's kind of like a q a episode asking asking questions we've never really answered and i haven't seen any of these questions yet you did get some questions or do you want me to go through mine first i have one question do you want to do your one question my phone's in the other room is it on instagram or did you screenshot it as you can tell stephen is the very organized and then he's like where's the questions i'm like i was busy puzzling with mom just then i can't do it i'll head into bunnings with dad getting a snag on that wisdom fly squatter fair dinkum fly squatter others are they working on leg dogs give me slice of water all right stephen question us up okay so apologize to whoever's saying that's a question your lovely question into jessica maybe just send it to me next time flying the nest or tv slash podcast and also we kind of did a uh two questions one you could ask us a question and two what your ambition is for the year so we are going to jump straight in oh well they start a bit negative is that okay okay morgan said what was your lowest point of your lives i know 2021 is starting deep i know i should have probably maybe changed them around what was the lowest point of your life i know when i would say it was and we're just jumping in so apologize for this i would say it was our third year of flying in the nest yeah i remember this we were with your parents actually we weren't and it's not where we were or who we were with it is just the time and you always remember that and i think we had been doing flying the nest for three years and i think we really wanted to make it our career our job and up until that point we were flat broke negative money and it was almost looking at that point where it's like do we give up flying the nest yeah do we go back and become what we were doing before and it was just so low because we were so like ready like we'd worked on this so hard i think as well at that point we've been spending just say 15 hours days every single day for three years straight working on flying the nest and it still felt like we couldn't afford to keep going and you'd put all this effort and all this work and you're like i don't know if we can afford to keep creating videos yes because of course we decided to pick a travel channel it would be nice if we just did a cooking channel which cost quite a bit to run um we do spend quite a lot of money on our travels so at that point we were just like do we quit flying less or do we not but i always had the motto of because i think i read it somewhere most businesses fail within the first three years and we were just still enough first like in our year our third year and i said jess let's just make it towards the end of the year yeah let's just keep going eating those two minute noodles and we did it and thankfully things picked up after that so that went from the lowest straight to very high like when you just felt like yeah just you want to once you've worked on something for so hard you just want to feel that like success you're like oh my gosh people really believe in our work and people were it wasn't even about the money it's that like you know a tourism board actually wanted us to come out and create content for them because that's all we ever wanted was just to be able to travel and create videos for people and to inspire other people to travel and we couldn't we couldn't afford to do it anymore yeah and so we're so thankful that it actually worked out in the end yeah was there a moment where you're like oh my gosh it's actually going to work do you remember that moment or not really what do you think steve what was like i suppose it would be later in that year i think um we started because it was it's so annoying with youtube how it is such like a numbers game and then once you hit that number i think a lot of other people started noticing us going oh who's this channel they've got quite a little bit of a following and then more and more people started to find us which also meant that more and more companies found us and then we could start creating content for them and then that really i think was the moment when we were here yeah i think it was around that yeah yeah so morgan's ambition and what about claire's what do you know your lowest point oh it's a bit deep i don't know once yeah nah i don't know no it's a bit of a personal question to be honest yeah that's okay you don't have to answer it morgan's ambition is to buy a house and be happy oh that's nice sorry this next one is a negative one as well what's your biggest travel regret um travel regret have you thought about this yeah a little bit i think in our first few years we didn't travel properly i think this is true we just like we went to so many countries which like we went to france subway yeah remember oh yeah we did like you know we didn't really experience the cultures properly and we i think at the beginning as well you're traveling along but you wanted to keep your home comfort yeah and then we realized we really should get out of our shell and try that unique food from that destination and then once you do you're like oh wow like this is so cool experiencing food i never would have tried before or being a bit nervous to go speak to the locals because maybe there was like a language barrier and then going you know what let's just go over and try and make a conversation and learn about their life because it's so different i think our mind was just not in that mindset like we weren't thinking of that we were just thinking of comfort and we weren't yeah i think we were thinking that we were on vacation which is a different way of traveling when you're on vacation you just want those comforts you just want to enjoy you don't have cocktails on the beach i think we were traveling with that mindset not traveling like oh you want to immerse in the culture yeah we weren't traveling for that no and then the moment we did we really appreciate it and i think that's why we started going back to quite a few countries cause i'm like oh we really didn't properly experience that let's go back and that was really cool yeah i think turkey was my real like oh my god i want to experience the culture yeah that was my first one such a culture-rich country and it's way different to australia so you can be like no i'm i'm not you know you're not in a country that's so similar to australia that you follow those comforts yeah yeah so um lucas's ambition is to travel around as many countries in my home country as possible which is from the uk so i hope you can do that in 2021 um okay so frank let's just maybe not do a negative one yeah come on let's have a nice one so friend albert i wanted to do questions well that's good bit deeper yeah yeah so francisco said this one is about the flying the nest expeditions have you ever considered the azorus islands it's a portuguese archipelago in the middle of the atlantic it looks like if hawaii and iceland had a baby this place sounds amazing it's gorgeous super safe and cheap great for hiking wow a good question about the expeditions because we've been having a lot of discussions about them because we have a lot of ideas but you know you always have that little nervous of like when do we announce that how is the world going but i think now that the vaccines are coming out it's getting more because the reason we chose this year this year not next year anymore we're having an expedition in new zealand and that's in november and i feel like that's like a high likelihood of what happens seeing as they're talking about opening the borders maybe in march but it's that whole but when do we do the ones that are really outside our little bubble yeah yes and we have some really really cool for 2022 yeah yeah for 2022 we have such cool ideas and we're just waiting i think for more vaccines to come out seeing how that goes and then we'll be announcing some really cool trips we haven't even told you about them yet clearly yeah we have a little church this is recent i have to tell you yeah yeah maybe i can come along that would be so good no it's okay it's like on your goal list or it is oh it is okay last one is maybe to come along this year yeah maybe um francisco didn't have an ambition so i'm giving him one for 22. okay so francisco your ambition is join the fly in the next expedition now anna said happy new year to my favorite youtube bloggers ever my question is when did you become vegetarian did you begin it together or who started it first i feel like a lot of people kind of be just surprised at this because we never talk about it on the videos because i never want to tell people how they should eat i don't know it's just like you should decide what you want to eat and i don't know that's how i feel and so back in 2014 i stopped eating meat altogether not even seafood and then i think it was only like a month later you decided to do it i think it was about a month later and i guess it just stuck where we weren't eating any meat and then i think it was our third year of flying the nest i decided to start bringing back seafood into my diet and i remember the first place that i had fish again we were in the maori and a local caught a fish so i just felt like it was like you know a fresh fish caught from the ocean it wasn't like from a fish farm or anything like that and they cooked it on a barbecue and instead of coals they had heated up coconuts and the coconuts were the coals and they cooked this fresh fish and i had that and i was like cool i think if i go to places where i feel like it's like fresh freshly caught fish i'll eat that yeah and um so yeah it's been yeah so we're pescatarian now six years since having other beef and chicken and all that yeah yeah it's been ages i can't remember the last time we actually ate meat i know and i feel like that's another thing is a lot of people like oh is it hard to eat a vegetarian while you're traveling and i don't think so anymore i feel like there's a lot of options now it's a good time to be vegetarian i think i think it would have been very hard like 15 20 years ago i think a lot more people are open to yeah or have vegetarian options now yeah and anna said ambition is to travel somewhere and watch your vlogs and to listen to your podcast that's a very sweet ambition paulina said your most memorable meal slash food experience from your travels so i think i really loved when we did the indian street food through delhi so it was through east delhi so it was more of the modernized food so it was definitely local but it was like local i think they put like a spin on it yeah it was like westernized so you could get um not dumplings like samosas oh okay but inside the samosa was like chocolate or butter chicken inside a samosa and it's really unique and they were so good but i think the whole experience was so cool because um we were on the back of motorbikes yeah and delhi is chaos it's totally the entire yes yeah it's the entire population every australian is in one city so imagine the roads there's like 12 lane roads yeah full of bikes and cars wow oh my gosh it was crazy and then we're like zooming through on the back and they even said on the gopro to me like sorry dad yeah i said sorry dad because i knew you'd watch this and go what is just doing but it was such a cool experience because yeah sometimes he'll just pull up and it's just this dude just cooking a form of pizza just on this makeshift like barbecue it's very cool the one that actually comes to me is speaking of expeditions is when we did our first one in vietnam we were with a group of 10 of us and we went on the back of scooters vespers and they took us to different restaurants and it was quite good because someone else was driving the vesper of course but you're going through the streets of vietnam which already feels so cool but so we would have a meal and would have a drink at each one so at the end everyone's like everyone was really nervous at the beginning i was like come on guys like come out of your comfort zone by the end they're like that was the best ever everyone was like pretty tipsy eating all this amazing foods i feel like it's like a really cool experience a unique experience with food yeah because i definitely think people get nervous around street food but it's the best thing if you just book a tour because you know they're going to take you to the good places doing it i like it do you like that yeah do you have any food places that you really liked um i really liked it when we were in um santorini oh my gosh and we were at the airbnb and that little family cooked us a vegetarian like those osaka i think it was inside the capsicum yeah i just loved it i've never had something like that and i was like in love and we didn't expect her so we got like a little knock on the door and the person who owned the villa we were staying in was like i've just cooked a big home meal homemade meal do you want some yes and she grew there i think it was so nice i forgot about that that's a good one i loved it yeah and when you were little what was your dream occupation i had a lot what i used to want to be an interior designer and decorate inside houses yeah and then what else i wanted to be a lawyer i wanted to be a doctor i wanted to do a lot of things i wanted to be a pediatrician yeah pediatrician so i wanted to work with kids actually it's a fun fact when i graduated high school i actually started off by doing medical science and i was going to do that and then i think with my personality i realized especially working with children i'm not very good at handling death yeah and i knew that that was going to be a part of the job like i know that there would have been highs of seeing a child get better but i wasn't ready for the lows and then that's when i decided okay i really just a very emotional person yes i don't think i think it would have affected my mental state so i did that for a bit and then i decided no i don't think i could do that but i still want to work with kids so then that's when i went and did teaching and then i was a teacher before we started flying the nest yeah claire what did you want to be when you were younger i think i wanted to be a horse rider oh yeah when you were thinking i was like classic saddle club yeah and i was so jealous that's pretty much it i don't think i had anything else uh do you remember what mine was um you want to be an actor yes jack sparrow yeah steven's dad [Music] yeah i wanted to be an actor for so long and then realized i couldn't act but i suppose we kind of yeah at least you get to talk to cameras and stuff yeah so kind of living the dream it's even better because you can just be yourself yeah you don't have to you know learn lines and stuff yeah true um so danielle said if we weren't doing youtube full-time what would you see yourself doing career-wise it would be teaching yeah and i studied marketing so i would probably be in a marketing job somewhere i could still picture because steven is one of those people that i can never picture him working for someone else because i feel like you would have started some sort of marketing thing where you could have still worked for yourself yeah i feel like after working for myself for six years i almost feel unemployable because i just don't think i'd be a good employee going to work for somebody else that's new if you'd never started flying this there would have been some sort of business idea that you would have come up with it's such your personality yeah um i'm i think it's pronounced emmy um said are you also getting a full bathroom in your van ah a lot of people actually asked us this because on instagram i shared kind of my idea of what coupe of the van was going to look like and i didn't have a bathroom in there and for us i think being in because of course we're going to mainly be using it in australia when whenever you drive in australia there are already always so many toilets at all the campsites there's always like drop toilets everywhere and for us i feel like it's easier if we just didn't have a toilet but we did want to shower so we've decided because we don't have as much room in the van because of hunter's car seat we're actually going to do an outdoor shower there's going to be an area where we can still rinse off when we're not at a campsite if we're like free camping but of course when we go to a campsite then there'll be a bathroom and showers all there i think the like the times we've done tiny home like living on a van one the showers are very annoying because you go through water so quickly like even the caravan up to x mouth i think we could have one shower each and it was gone and then it would be nice to have a shower though it would be nice but i think the the cons outweigh like i'll prefer more room like we're these type of people we don't really need the shower or the toilet we can live without it to have more space and also to be honest we've done vanning like four times and only one time we had the shower and toilet every other time we didn't have it and it didn't matter we didn't mind not having it so we've experienced it yeah and we're gonna have a little outdoor shower anyway once we go from the beach yeah we've got we've found this like little bucket that you can like store flat packed so we can open up the bucket if hunter needs a wash and we have um camped not at a campsite so that we can fill that up with water and she can still have a little bath yeah and uh emma's uh ambition is to help my friend help my friend through the school year and i totally forgot danielle kind of from before her ambition was to officially start saving slash designing my tiny house build this has been an idea for a while but i want to make it a reality watching you guys start the van build has inspired me to stop waiting and start doing that's amazing are those those little ones on wheels or or it could just be like a tiny home out a lot of people will build like a little tiny home and then it's all sustainable so i think i've watched a great show on netflix on it yeah yeah big living tinies yeah yeah that's cool hey yeah yeah alrighty so that was awesome thank you for saying that imagine in the future if we got really into after the van build and how cool would it be if we built our own like tiny home yeah that'd be cool like and then we could rent it out on airbnb that would be so cool hey if cover's still a thing and we're trying to look at things to do that's something to do it is something to do we only know how to build ikea furniture okay we're gonna learn from the van and then we next step we're gonna learn so much from the vape now jess said did you send a question in no it's a different dress i said you always travel and spend time with steven's family will you ever take jess's family on a big trip with you so one of our plans for 2020 was to take my mom and dad to japan and that unfortunately fell through because they both turned 60 last year and i thought it'd be really special to be able to take them to japan so hopefully you know next time like once the board is open we'll head to japan with them but we have actually gone on a few trips for them but this was before flying the nest yes so jess's parents are retired my parents are still working so that's why my parents have a little bit more financial to be able to go on trips that's why you guys probably see my parents on more holidays so that's why we really wanted to surprise and take jess's parents um on a nice little trip and like kind of treat them to a nice little japan trip so when covert khan is over we're definitely that that office still on the table and then jess's ambition was to buy a house i hope that goes through with you that'll be exciting um raka said how do you avoid losing motivation to fulfill your ambition oh stephen that's for you to answer because he's the motivation king and if i'm losing motivation i've got the motivation king to motivate me and then i've got youtube motivated so i suppose right now i'm definitely following my ambition so i suppose with your question to follow that through in terms of my point of view um i can do a full crazy day 7 a.m till 7 pm at night or 8 9 10 p.m at night and still go to bed and still feel like i didn't do any work i think i just have this crazy kind of work motivation in my head and i think the thing is that i'd hate to in the future just say all this whole flying the nest thing kind of shambles falls to pieces and i'd hate to look back and be like if you just didn't watch that netflix show that time or if you didn't like play that game at that particular time you would it would still be working today so i think that's over my head all the time so i think just having that this could all fall apart at any time in the back of my head and i suppose i've never really talked about this but that is kind of just sitting there all the time and that just motivates me to do more there's always something it's kind of like having if you studied at school if even if you don't have an assignment you know there's an exam to do so this you always have this concert like there's something to do something to do and i think definitely the goal for 2021 is to be satisfied with the work i've done i always tell stephen i think i'm having hunter and i apologize jess that you know i didn't realize this earlier but i think once we had our baby i'm like no you need to spend more quality time like we you know we're successful in our own right so just got to like take a moment to just enjoy the time so that's definitely something i want to go towards yeah yeah i always think that with you it's like you you get so wrapped up in the work then that you forget like also enjoy down time and it's okay to have a little relax yeah yeah he's got you to do that yeah i'm always like come on come on it's time to relax let's go out have some brunch relaxing queen i'm i am that's a full-time job yeah yeah and wrecker's um ambition i would like to buy the largest baby yoda plushie for cleo i saw one at the bowling place and it was hanging and i was like i want it someone was like that's not baby yoda it was baby yoda it was just enlarged baby but his personal ambition was to watch flying the nest video from one all the way out he's like austria series oh wow and to continue his video editing and 3d animation skills and also would like to visit orlando disney and universal studios happy new year and wish you all the best oh yeah that was really cool that's nice jai said and this one's directed at jess what was the cheesiest date stephen has ever taken you on oh and steven is full of cheese let me think so i don't know in terms of cheese yeah i hadn't even had to think about this i remember one cool date was when i remember all day let me think cheesy do you think um when i proposed to you is that cheesy with the dinner on the beach that's not oh that's the proposal i suppose yeah i couldn't really think of any cheesy dates you've done a lot of cheesy things but it's not cheesy it's more just like stephen is definitely a romantic like when i used to work at a cafe if i usually had to work on valentine's day so stephen would always deliver like 12 roses to me yeah he used to every valentine's day he would do that i think he was more cheesy back in the day so you guys you remember you guys you were pretty cheesy steve as well you both were cheesy and you were just cheesy people yeah you cheese sandwiches because i was always in the back and like oh you tell me your little little schemes and what you would give it oh you guys would yeah you would give all these whole there's like presents and i was like yeah um's ambition is to get a job and save up for my gap year with my best mate when we graduate i'm still so glad that your guys ambitions like no matter what's going on in the world is still to go out and travel like i think everyone still has that hope like ah we're still traveling like we know one day and you know what is actually something really cool about like about not being able to travel is it's really going to make us appreciate when we can go traveling again like you're going to go to a country and go oh my gosh like it took us so long to get to this point and you're going to really appreciate it that's so true yeah that's true when you're jumping on that flight and then like it's going to feel surreal it will feel so surreal and it's kind of cool as well because i feel like the whole world's going to come together to celebrate all right because like it's the first time in a long time where something's really affected everyone so everyone can really like empathize and it's definitely the first time that something's affected everyone with social media so everyone's in it together yeah because i'm sure during like you know spanish flu polio all these massive world events people were just in their bubble like they didn't know what was going around you can really hear how it is affecting each person yeah um ali said what is our biggest fight as a couple we've ever had and i couldn't even think of one um i don't know it's just just getting in steve's way stephen hates when somebody stephen hates when someone's in his way i can't ever feel like we've never yelled at each other yeah and like if we never like told sworn at each other no negatively before no usually because if we're ever annoyed at each other we like give each other space and then we come back and talk yeah like sometimes if you know i know each should like yeah i don't want to talk about right now well there was that time you broke up with me that could be our biggest fight very true very true check out our first podcast if you didn't see that um now this was interesting how long did it actually take to conceive hunter because there were a lot of like pregnancy questions oh okay it took us three months three months yeah and it was a long three months because when like whenever you try for kids you don't know if you can have kids like i know i feel like a lot of people will ask you what your biggest fear is and my biggest fear is heights and not being able to fall pregnant like it was always on the back of my mind like oh imagine because i think because i don't know i feel like i was just born to be a mum like i don't know when i became a mum i just felt like i just it was my thing yeah i just love it and i was always so worried like imagine i know there's other ways that we could have done it but it was always in the back of my head so i'm so glad that it happened yeah so thankful so thank you because there's a lot of i'm sure there's another a lot of people out there that would feel like that that little feeling of like that yeah you just you just never know you're like yeah but yeah and i'm sure because when you try for kids i'm sure that will also be at the back of your head as well oh it is already like yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely and the final question i don't know why it's the final question it just happens to be on there okay but why did we decide to join our names together parry valentine oh good question well i feel like when we got when he proposed and then we were talking about it wasn't it you that mentioned it at the beginning it was yeah yeah i feel like um our families like the parry side me and cleo um and the you know jess and the valentine side are completely different families like i definitely feel you know like in good bad ways everything and i've just felt like if jess was just taking on the identity of my family it wasn't doing it any justice and i definitely think like you know this is tradition where the you know the female should take on the name and i was just like no like we are two people that have grown up together and we like we're a unit we should be a unit and our family should be a unit like hunter and you know our kids should be a unit so we should do it as parry valentine and i think um yeah i think that's why because we're two people and this is why i married you stephen that's the cheese very sweet did i explain it right you did explain it very nice okay yeah that's why shall we read some reviews okay yeah so thank you guys so much for all your support on the podcast um it really does help us if you leave us some reviews i think it's just the itunes podcast store that you can actually leave like reviews so if you're listening to this on your iphone it'd be awesome i think you can just do a quick little thing and we'll read it out thank you so much or if you leave like a lovely comment on our stories from flying the nest youtube channel um we can read them out um so coco af said this can't be true you guys literally fulfilled my wish list being a fan of your videos for almost a year now you took me to so many amazing places in the world through your countless devotion on other platforms and now you're showing me a whole new world by having your own podcast oh thank you and then emily on the youtube channel said i love both your youtube channel and now this podcast edition my kiddos have started um watching with me that's really cute and my girls adore little hunter my new year's resolution is to get to take our four kids on adventures while we live here in alaska oh wow in alaska it looks like she's there for military purposes um so maybe she's i'm part of the army um top of the list is dog sledding whale watching and taking the glacier tour i feel like you could do all that in alaska yeah amazing what a cool place to live we did alaska i never knew someone from alaska would listen to this yeah that's really cool i remember when we were driving in alaska and there was the bullet holes in the someone had just like you know wanted to play around with their gun and shot bullet holes in a street sign and were like what the yeah i don't see that in australia but that kind of comes towards the end of the podcast what is next week's podcast gonna be so i was thinking my mum and dad are here they've traveled they've got stories so why not have my parents on the podcast now they actually leave on sunday so we record the podcast on a monday audio comes out on a tuesday because we filmed it like it's nine o'clock at night i definitely am not editing this right now so that's why the audio comes out on tuesday and then it takes me a bit longer to do the video so that comes out as a live premiere on youtube but because jess's parents leave on sunday we're thinking of recording this podcast on thursday so you guys will have like a day or two to send questions out so start sending those questions to myanmar and grandaddo yes questions about what maybe what the relationship with jess is like growing up with her also traveling i think you guys have done some trips with them they've done some well not solo trips but just mom and dad trips as well they've got some funny stories to share yeah they've told me while they've been here and i've had a good giggle so yeah thank you guys so much for listening to the podcast we really appreciate it this is the first episode of 2020 and this is 1921 2021 and this is episode 7. i can't believe we've made it this far we'll be at episode 10 very soon and hopefully a lot more over the year thanks so much for listening and watching guys alright bye bye [Music] this is when everyone sings along the little bus by stephen and jess stories [Music] by stephen and jesse's [Music] i stories when someone gets over confident and gets too close and then we're like and it's always high pitched
Channel: Stories from Flying the Nest
Views: 12,883
Rating: 4.9807692 out of 5
Keywords: flying the nest, flyingthenest, podcast, flying the nest podcast, stories from flying the nest
Id: 6uDt7wizhK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 37sec (4237 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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