We Bought over $4,000 Worth of Amazon Health & Beauty Items from 888Lots.com | Liquidation Unboxing

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let's scan it it's got a barcode yeah right here wow welcome back to another family flips unboxing and today we've got these boxes right here so this is an hba lot and i forgot uh it's not just hba it's a drugstore log what oh do i spit in your eye okay hi there my name is joe and i'm jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in got 88 lots health and beauty they are amazon shelf pools we paid 622 dollars for it plus 48 shipping 12 dollars per box all in i don't know 62 48 bucks what is that 660 or something like 670 i don't know 144 items let's explain a little bit more what this is and why we purchased this per purchase purchased this so this is a drugstore and beauty lot and there's a lot of drugstore a lot of beauty items there's a lot of i don't know vitamins and i don't know different stuff it's not really like the christmas type stuff it's like this stuff that will sell on a normal everyday basis smells good you ready yes i think it's okay hopefully there's some like contact solution in here or something you can use i don't know part of our strategy is putting more items in our store that sell every day that items that people need which is why we bought this so if you haven't purchased from 88 lots before you've never heard of them uh there's a link down in the description uh to take you to 88 lots the good thing about 88 lots is it's all brand new products so you have to worry about testing stuff returns it's all brand new plus your first order up to i think like three thousand dollars i don't know somebody told us another video that you can get fifty percent off your first orders you can have multiple orders your first time as long as it doesn't go over like three thousand bucks uh and then after that the great thing is you get to negotiate prices with a sales rep which is what we do to get all of these prices that we get so if you're interested check them out link down the description so you're ready yep all right um first i guess so i'm always gonna go for the thing that you can't tell what it is right away so uh i don't know it's like here's another one maybe we can race it's like i don't know i just look at it it looks the same it could be different maybe it could be it feels the same it's like it's some kind of tube lotion it puts the lotion on its own i bought a brand new i didn't buy a brand new blade we found brand new blades smells good romantic some of this lotion can be worth a lot just because it's like old school like they don't make it anymore i say old school they don't make it anymore and yeah you want to cut it i'm strong independent yeah that's another one there another victoria's secret romantic oh man maybe i'll use the knife next one oh this one's different oh this one's a teak wood men's collection ultra shea body cream i have uh some standard i don't know why that's funny yeah i guess in my head i was like well they got big toes you got like jumbo toe separators i don't know but i guess it's uh just toe separator for like bunions and stuff okay um so yeah that's what it is right there got two of those gotta keep them separated that you do i have a hangover free monster patch so i don't know i'm assuming this helps you not have hangovers and you put it on like you wear it do you wear it while you're drinking i don't know whoever made it personally tested it many times so for the next 12 hours you'll be the most interesting person in the world without a monster hangover hmm huh i had no idea that was the first i've never heard of that before got a couple other small oh heel-tastic yeah watch dry crack heels disappear hey that's what you need i have cracked heels super bad uh and then i have a uh a knob that's probably the most glamorous item we've ever had before it's a knob you know the dimmer switches that's what it is that's what i'm doing i'm doing this this is because this is how i dim the switch i mean i guess it's beaut it's a drugstore item i don't know and then we have um this what's that exfoliating foot peel mask you put like a little mask on your feet and it draws the toxins out i've done this before i couldn't tell any difference uh but they say it works some say it doesn't work some say it's like a placebo effect i don't know is there more is that what this is yeah i thought it was like a mask so we got three of them which is good one listing um i've got i'm gonna pull this box out this is 100 human hair oh in this box that's a small box do i open this i guess i would have to huh because i wouldn't know anything about it i don't know if i want to open it or not i mean i know it's a brand new item so i know it's not going to be like used or anything it does have the number and the amount of inches and the brand so i may not open this we should be able to fight from the um manifest yes so i'm gonna try not to open this one but it would be cool to see i'll show you a screenshot if i find it do it there's a knife in there i just put a knife in there i'm trying to reach in um all right grab two items don't even know it looks like we've got some hot hands right here i could use that right now girls how's hot hands and you apparently you don't and uh vixx vapocool hydra sooth uh winterfrost i think this stuff has expiration dates july 2021 which is good and it's still sellable here's a non-medicated hydrocolloid spot treatment for blemishes i have no idea how much the lemon is free i don't need any of that um these are the same whatever they are it's in another language so i really have no idea what it is but you can see like on the back of it there's it goes does something from i'm trying to get the focus there you go it does something from behind the ear or around the ear or something i don't know i literally i think it makes your ears smaller dodo label that's what it is it makes your ear like it's like tape that you can like make your ears look smaller oh it's taped to make your your wrist it's not face tape it's face tape that's what it is we were just talking about this in a previous unboxing about facebook face lifting patch interesting yeah neato neato we should face tape you what are you like i don't know i have no idea how do you do it i have no idea um how do you say that zylie melts zolly melts for dry mouth little two-pack oh this is cool it's a necklace it's a t teething necklace or like for people who have sensory disorders like people on the autism spectrum and they like to like chew on stuff it's like a necklace that you can wear it's got it's like legos it's like little legos and they can like chew on it they can mess with it that's kind of cool i like that i've got lots of uh toothbrushes here looks like kids toothbrushes i just bought the kids toothbrushes too but they like the electronic toothbrushes but we've got thomas the train ultimate spider-man thomas and friends brush buddies lucas was into thomas the train for a very small amount of time hyperogenic wrong hyper hypo it's super allergy why am i trying hypoallergenic makeup so it's like a little makeup kit so you know we normally buy these kinds of things not for christmas gifts but this would be a very nice i know who we're going to send that to who uh tommy and destiny their daughter birthday was the other day i told him uh i want an address so we can send him something okay she likes makeup she's like 13 years old sorry that one's not for sale that's one of our other youtube friends daughters that's going to okay what is it this is a beauty box you never know what you're gonna get and it's like a long white one so i'm like what is this what is it it's a sonic toothbrush for kids it's like a oh okay like those fairy will is it fairy wheels that we've got yeah but it's weird because it's not like in the regular box box um it's just like in a bag but like it's it's got like the insert part i mean it's got so taped up like uh i mean i would just leave it in there all right but it's a toothbrush nonetheless whatever it is it's 10 pieces which is kind of nice because then it's like you know no matter what it is we could make one listing for it yeah ten nope it's ten different pieces oh it's like a a baby baby ganics uh a baby kit babe organic squeeze and foam shampoo and body wash it's not a baby kit because this is hemp oil oh you don't get baby's hemp oil relax you're a little stressed you've been crying a little bit much let's get some hip in your bottle and just relax hemp oil doesn't do that oh what does it do it doesn't have thc in it so it doesn't so what does it do deep sea premium saline nasal moisturizing spray i got two of those i've got a travel travel what's what's with my words today are you acting like me did i rub up on you mouthwash uh self-tanning lotion and more travel mouth washes so maybe if we get a lot more mouthwashes we'll be able to load it up and sell it as like a big lot we have so many little things here and there's so many of these bags in here um they've done a lot better job i guess before they were having some issues with some like of the liquids breaking and stuff uh so they've got some better sealable bags like if something breaks inside uh that's a big item there what is that i have no idea i can handle on it this one does too so whatever that is it's this wait let me see if one of these has i don't think that's the same laundry wash oh laundry wash i bet this one's the same looks like it's uh original a fine specialty cleanser for laundering everyday clothing 100 biodegradable neutral ph does not contain bleach caustics enzymes phosphates or sulfates it feels like it's a natural laundry detergent so this is not the same i thought it would be the same because i felt this handle up top but whatever it is it is leaking is it leaking yeah this is scrubbing bubbles that's oh yep it is about half the bottle leaked so thankfully it was in this bag because if it wasn't in that bag uh then it would have leaked everything i'm going to open this bag while he opens that bag an honest retrospect like i probably should look at these manifests a little bit more in detail because had i known it had this much stuff like liquid stuff in here i probably wouldn't have bought it for uh the reason before uh so hopefully we won't have a lot of stuff that's damaged this looks like a uh folex professional spot remover carpet cleaner and then it's like one of those deals that's like if we sell this we can sell it's gonna have to be in a box granted it'll be a lot easier to ship uh since it doesn't have a whole lot of other items in there so it will be easier to do that with i'm interested to see why this says one pieces because i pulled out three different items i pulled out some band-aids some emoji band-aids and i pulled out some of this palmer's cocoa butter and then this this smell smells amazing the neck could be the naked bee moisturizing hands and body lotion in like honey and coconut yeah honey and coconut it smells fantastic mmm i love that it's like we've got lots of random little pills are stuffed down in here we've got i don't know pie can knock a lot of alcohol uh yeah you all know how to say that because p y c you know n o g e n o l okay we've got bio multi-plus right there um trying to see this is november 21. this is uh so it's not expired which looks like uh march 2022 and we've got two of those bio multi plus plus iron and copper we've got a keto ketosis weight loss formula right there and uh 2021 so it's all still good whoa there's a lot of bottles in here hold up holy cow there's caffeine pills 20 straight caffeine yeah expires in 2023 is that more of a keto yeah these are the more of these keto formula pills i don't know how i thought keto was just an eating thing i didn't realize that they had like pills i'm just going to give these two things um and then pa7 pa7 uh i'm assuming this is some kind of vitamin of some sort um it's got i don't i couldn't tell you i couldn't tell you that was i remember seeing that one on there that one might be one of the expensive more expensive items it's gotten phosphatic phosphatidic phosphatic i have no acid let's scan it it's got a barcode yeah right here wow that's like a uh it sells for 38 to 55 so there's been several of these just one bottle right here that have sold for 55 plus 52.95 55 45 51 49 so crazy one bottle right there it's got three clinically proven benefits larger improvements in strength increased lean muscle gain and greater body recompositioning with a controlled diet interesting that's nice and it's gonna bring 50 bucks here's some more you want some more ultra h2 may improve energy and metabolism better brain function therapeutic antioxidant and free radical scavenger i have no idea what that means i think you just you take this with water and it hydrates you better yeah these keto pills are selling for like uh 13 to 16 a piece hey i know right now i'm like what is this other stuff worth and they all got you did you get this one already this l tyrosine uh-oh that's for whoa what 68 bucks oh is that 270 times okay so 90 tabs 25 bucks and we've got two of those so awesome and then a pack of two sold for 55. so let's try these held up now let's try the the the water ones that now i'm remembering why i bought this was because people are gonna buy all this stuff regardless if they wow let's go to solds oh our heat gun dropped so it looks like 39.99 50.39 sweet i mean like think about this these like they're not very big so they'll ship very easily um you know they're not like a controlled substance or anything they're just they're just pills like they're just supplements it's the g and c they're they're completely unopened so it's not like we're selling open bottles of anything hold on let me see if there's any more 12 13 bucks i feel like this one really this one's hydro uronic acid that's that skin care stuff anything that has that stuff in it usually costs quite a bit so will you skin that one too i don't scan i don't have a scanner bummer i have a pill i have a pill splitter what's this gonna be worth this is a pill splitter i'm just gonna put it over here because it's you know a simple a simple contraption but i think that's all of the bottles oh no here's some electrolyte powder i bet that'll be pricey this is a lemonade it's a dietary supplement zero sugar zero calories interesting might be actually worth some decent money might be actually worth well none of seoul okay only 13.99 oh i thought it'd be more than that there's a lot that are listed for like 40 50 bucks but they're not selling for that much the ones that are selling were like 12 13 bucks what's that one there well they marked out the uh them butt faces i do have some uh hair growth serum here so that might be worth some money it's serum these look um slightly different like the color is different like this one's kind of a i know you probably can't tell from way up there oh where wherever but it's like a greenish color this is like a gray color but it looks like it's the exact same thing so yeah looks like it may be uh two different uh printing presses or something here's some gaviscon health uh it works immediately for acid reflux and heartburn that could be very useful see this guy up here see him he's pushing down the acid he's like pushing it down you know what he's doing yeah so it obviously works it gives you the power to you just take it and then you just go that's what you do that's what he's doing so have you been entertaining our guests i see i'm just letting them know what it's for you know i'm a professional unboxer you know i'm a professional unboxer i know nothing else but we can cut open boxes and open stuff and tell you what ebay tells us oh well you can do this i believe in you i do have some hair coils hair coils yeah there's been none sold of this one and there's been a couple listed that are only listed for like nine dollars ten dollars for the hair hair hair the hair growth uh which may call it i didn't know people could put their hair up in these there's like four in each box they're like little hair like haircuts but they're coils i didn't know this one's open yeah i'm gonna start giving you stuff looks like we've got some flossers right here she just waited at what she was doing to me ample oil more because the people who unbox them like when we unbox them we put them in our spots so that we can price them so yeah i gave him all that stuff to price she did because hemp oil right here we got two boxes that does have a upc on it you want me to scan it no it's probably gonna be worth you know it'll be worth something but it won't be not a high dollar yeah where'd the knife go i'm gonna open this i think it's a shampoo if i had to guess while she's doing that i've got um hb6 um uh with i guess they are uh razor blades yeah razor razor blades heavy rides up lights i know we've got some people from australia that do watch us um what's the same you gotta say razor blades in australia no that is not at all is that not how you do it no oh how do you say if with our accent if we want to say razor blades in an australian accent we have to say rise up lights yeah rise up lights let me know if that sounds right that's not that still does it sounds better when you don't accentuate rise of lights like that rise up lights we've got so much stuff to look up prices are almost done truman's with the what first box moisturizing shampoo i can't tell if it's for a dog or a person there's a dog on here but it's got wheat protein kelp extract and peppermint oil kelp extract oh grooming men grooming men for over a decade this is men men's men's men and i don't like that what's how do you say that men men men's shampoo it's men's men's how do y'all like the lighting today uh we've added another light change some things around let us know if it looks better for y'all while he's undoing that i've got oh dry eye therapy i bet this would help with whatever's in my contact lubricant eye drops i've got fine sketch tattoo what tattoo eyebrow pen oh that's interesting you want to hear funny story and it's dawn uh platinum foam uh refills right here it's what it is i uh i have some bushy eyebrows and now it's not so much i'm married you know i'm not trying to attract the female but when i was single i would trim up my eyebrows you know um one day i was trimming my eyebrows and i used the wrong guard much like i have a history of doing that it's right i use the wrong guard my beard i use the wrong guard on my eyebrows and you did not shave off your oh it was gone i had to get a little eyebrow and make it dark because there's only one and i'm like do i shave the other one too so i got me a little eyebrow shave the other one no no i left it i think i trimmed it a little bit shorter but not as short as this one here i may have a picture somewhere if i have a picture if it's on facebook i'll have it added in this area here um because i actually trim like my whole face was gone your whole face you know what i mean like my beard and everything was gone so i'll try and find the picture and send it to you i'll send it to our editors they put it on there so this is uh patchouli oil sun essential oils oh i put julie smell in our clothes yes and i put it in my hair that could be a great thing or not it's a great thing i know i'm adding a sound effect so y'all you know can extra so we can extra wash day wonder pre cleanse skin detangler it can't be skin detail it can't be right jessica we're tangled up and we need some deva curl it's either skin slim slip slip detangler i think we have another one of those who is it for it's for curls do you dread detangling your clients knots tangles and matted curls uh okay no i'm good uh this silky lightweight pre-cleanse detangler will be your back bar life saver okay so i guess it is a detangler i just don't know for clients so you can't use them yourself it's for your clients there i don't know we've got another one of these carpet spot removers we've got one over here already so now we've got two which is better we may sell in a pack of two i have hair repair they can't see it baby hairy pear we can tell stories with pictures we don't have to tell y'all what you're welcome with liquid keratin yes you don't know what you stop it's like you're in a commercial forgive us colgate tweezers glitter glitter this is a pack of five ooh the honest company organic healing bomb you're healed so little we've got a pack of uh five as she previously we're so on top of it so at least we can sell in a pack of five um it's like little things you put your purse so coming to you uh which if you are watching this unboxing you're like huh i actually need that item uh then uh there's a link down in our description down in the bar description yep down in our description to our web site where you can purchase these items and you can get 25 off by using the coupon code youtube which is also down in the description it's also right there thefinflips.com uh tea tree oil tea tree tea tree oil from natural craft and then i have this which i'm assuming is also this is not tea tree oil this is can you hold this please sir you notice when she she's like putting her elbows way up here every time that she goes to rip some she's like you get more power that way i mean i can't do that because it's like gonna cause i learned that from crossfit okay functional movement lime it's lime essential oil which if you use essential oils you can make your own dish soap put a little lime in there the lime the acidity of it uh help cut the grease no no uh like lashes mute what's that like like it like a scene like jesus that was used for symptoms listed below um what symptoms okay relieves hot flashes associated with menopause so that's it and uh looks like oxiclean uh dirt factors i don't know how we're gonna sell this online just one box because there's no way that we can make any money doing it i've got some eye cloth cleaning wipes for small screens and i have a just daddy i thought i was the dust daddy a dust daddy because i'm the dustin daddy you know i dust i dust the around the the witch mccollum am i the dust mommy yeah for the dust mommy and daddy i dust every week she does i do dust sundays is our cleaning day unless there's like a game or something then it's usual then we move it to saturday straw dust cleaning sweeper dusty brush so it's like one of those electric thingies that kind of i assume so not but combines the best of a duster and a vacuum awesome neato and the last item i have in this box is happy nights disposable bed pads yeah 30 pieces brand new sealed in the box these are great they are they advertise them for uh kids but if you are postpartum yeah these are actually really great they actually put these in the hospitals too like these are all really great for and then also if you have incontinence issues like when you're trying to get out of bed and stuff all great stuff all great if you're lazy like me no if you can get out of bed to go to the bathroom you must get out of the bed to go to the bathroom i don't pee in the bed y'all that was just you know being like but now they're like is he real well what anyways let's take surprises we'll be right back after these messages in two seconds from our sponsors that we don't have we don't have any sponsors but if you're watching and you want a sponsor email's down in the description all right so we just finished unboxing the first box from this lot of drugstore items um and i'm very pleased yeah we're gonna be pleased we're gonna try and do two boxes in it uh but that one box had so many items that we wanted for like three hours you know what i mean you know and it's drugstore items so it's not anything that's like oh super glitzy glammy so we just thought we would stop it here but we do have some really great results for you some things that i wanted to point out one of them was the diva curl that diva curl wonder wash day wonder so it's a big bottle um but this one right here is actually selling for 45 on ebay you can see it on the screenshot right above joe's face and uh yeah so if we sell it if we sell this uh we should be able to make a good 20 uh potential profit for that 30 bucks 30. oh yeah 45 it's been a long day yeah i apologize so and then i got the laundry wash um forty five dollars as well for this long rush laundry wash and there's been many of these that have sold so it'll bring us around thirty dollars profit also and we're doing the prices a little bit differently on this one we used you know in the other unboxing videos we did like every single item every price we wanted to kind of switch things up a little bit because those get a little difficult uh and they get a little long winded i guess yeah about long winded well i mean a lot of these items are essential items so we all kind of have an idea of how much those things would sell for example anyway so we just wanted to give you some of these highlight parts so one of them i also had was this this foam bottle refill um you know it doesn't seem like a big thing and it really isn't it's not worth a whole whole lot it's worth 28 which is quite a you know i think it's very impressive it was i was like wow yeah so with this right here you know it is kind of heavy but we should be able to still make 16 once this sells which is great yeah and then i had this folex the carpet bathroom night bathroom carpet spot remover uh there's this two pack should sell for around 28 for the two pack it should give us around 15 profit because they are a little bit heavier but i thought 28 bucks 14 a bottle for carpet cleaner i know we don't have carpets we have hardwood so maybe it's like you know maybe it's normal to pay that much for carpet cleaner i don't know these are bottles so i feel like this would be a lot yeah i just thought wow that's a lot for carpet cleaner and i just thought it was cool so that is that i also have this this tanning lotion it is slightly damaged here but this is an eight ounce bottle uh selling on amazon for thirty seven dollars thirty seven dollars so we should be able to make twenty dollars when it's all said and done off this little bottle right here twenty eight bucks what did i say twenty dollars twenty eight well i wasn't sure i wrote these numbers down for her so i was like well maybe i wrote it down wrong he he writes like a dog in scratch is hard to read at times so and then these two items you already have seen but i want to kind of remind you of them this pa 7 54.99 is what they're selling for anywhere like even up to close to 60 bucks so we're going to make 45 profit for it and then this ultra h2 i don't we had the bottle but i don't think we ever did the price on this 39.99 for it wow no we didn't i don't think we did so it should bring us around 30 32 profit for uh it once it does sell and granted we know this is all potential profit it's not profit until it sells we get that i think people watching the video understand that so and then the last thing yeah yeah the last thing that i have here is that gavis scone the where you push down the acid you know what i mean you just push it down yeah um so this one right here selling for 39 for the two pack now this is on amazon it's an amazon price i couldn't find it on ebay so we may not be able to list it for that much on ebay but if we did we'd be able to make 28 off of this guy right here so that's really exciting some of our favorite favorite items um i know why it's a uh they bundled it yeah so they bundled it so we made able to separate it the two of them and sell them on ebay maybe to get a little bit more for it also we'll just have to see now for those of you who are watching and you are really interested in any of these items we do have these items listed on our ebay store but we also have them on the familyflips.com i will also mention that all of these prices are not final because some of these items will when we go through to list them we're gonna have some items that sell for less than we thought they would and we have some items that sell for more than we thought they were so this is just a general consensus of what we think we're going to make but that could always change but you feel free to take a look on our ebay store feel free to take a look on our website if you find any of these items that you just and you will get a better deal buying off our website because of the coupon code so but you can look on ebay also yeah so some of you may are one or may are wondering yeah maybe you may are one you may be wondering where are we at financially for this first box so this is 144 items there's a lot of items i don't there's probably 50 maybe 60 items in this this first box that we opened i don't know but perspective revenue after shipping and fees for all these items so far is 766 dollars remember we paid 642 dollars for the lot plus 48 shipping for 670 bucks so we are almost a hundred dollars in potential profit with just the first box and three more boxes to go so keep an eye out for that second unboxing i'm really excited to see how much we actually get out of this entire lot um so yeah and let us know what you think about this format here uh if you like it if you like the other one if you like both of them and maybe change it up i don't know give us some feedback just let us know what you think so thank you guys so much for watching this unboxing we really really appreciate you if you're interested in seeing more unboxings be sure to hit that subscribe button because we release unboxings every single week multiple unboxings every single week and if you're interested to see how these items sell and how we conduct business reselling those items don't forget to check out our vlogs as well until next time friends peace like you should be like hey i don't like the way i look i'm trying to do an introduction and uh accidentally got my beard last night and uh i don't like the way i look and jessica's like you should go to men's warehouse i'm like why she's like because you're going to like the way you look they guarantee it they guarantee it so yeah we're crooked not crooked like bad yeah just crooked action gonna get a drink gonna get a drink gonna get a drink get a drink with your whistle what what what what what there's something in my contact okay anyways i'm trying to get it to focus on it focus focus all right then butt faces maybe maybe my skin is just that good i doubt it no i hold my head right like you do you're like professional you like know how to hold that your head just right i don't think it's a full upc treble travel man watch mouthwash razor blades i don't know we we we're making all out of ourselves at this stage i was all for fun it was not offensive i hope nobody was offended by it if you do i'm very sorry it was not my heart's intention i thought i was just trying to be funny you know and now she's got me worried like i've met somebody mad we just lost half of our australia audience sorry oh man you're just letting me dig the hole that's why you're being quiet men's shampoo but you're still chewing your cake no i didn't tell you to start recording okay i don't know okay so we just finished unboxing uh the first of three boxes first two boxes i guess oh yeah we unboxed the box didn't we what are the two boxes it was should be two boxes hold on pause two bucks there's one there oh there's there's two more boxes there's three more boxes yeah that's right i was right yeah all right start over we'll only unbox one box all right there's a link down in our description down in a bar description yep you
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 5,337
Rating: 4.9421964 out of 5
Keywords: extreme unboxing tv show, buying liquidation to sell on ebay, 888 lots case, 888 lots, unboxing videos 2020, liquidation pallet unboxing, amazon fba 2020, pallet unboxing, 888 lots reviews, 888 lots box, 888lots unboxing, returns pallet unboxing, family flips, flipping pallets for beginners, flipping pallets amazon, liquidation pallets, make money online 2020, work from home jobs 2020, make money online 2020 free, make money from home, unboxing video 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 24sec (2424 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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