We Bought A Pallet Of MYSTERY Electronics - Unboxing over $2500 of Amazon Products!

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[Music] all right it is a cold January day and today I'm heading down to grp liquidations to pick out some new inventory for our next whatnot show Sarah is not with me today because we just had our baby boy last week uh so she's recovering with him everyone's uh healthy and doing well so we're super grateful but I'm going to head down there now and see what I can [Music] find [Music] we just got this mystery box of electronics from grp liquidations so let's open it up and see if there's any Treasures in here all right oh boy should we show them looks like there's some good stuff in here already been told it's Electronics heavy and I see okay see some good stuff in there what do you think wow I don't know last time we had an Electronics palette we got a little bit burned by bad monitors oh is that a monitor all right let's open up and see what we got here all right I see some pretty cool stuff already let's see what okay puppy r puppy what's that puppy yo puppy yo vacuum nice looks pretty fancy let's look that up see what we got here okay so today is a very exciting day because everything that we open up on this Electronics palette we are going to be auctioning off for $1 over on the whatnot app it is a live stream auction so everything that we have will be starting at $1 so you could be scoring this sweet vacuum this is a $500 vacuum by the way I just looked it up brand new inbox here hold on what W it's heavy so we're going to start this at $1 over on or whatnot um and you could score big time plus if you use our link you get 15 free doar to use um it's going to be pretty fun so our Electronics Show will be on February 1st so make sure you are bookmarking that show get your $5 free dollars because there's going to be some goodies but let's keep opening all right what do we got I see something cool can I do this one yeah what is this okay Trek 4x4 streaming HD camera RC car oh it's like a remote control you can stream from it what do you do with that I don't know you could like I don't know that's cool this okay this is nice cuz it looks like brand new in box isn't there something in Like Home Alone where he like drives RC car with the camera on it or something just buy him feel like that might be a different movie I don't know you let us know if you know here's one of these we'll be over on or whatnot that's probably more expensive than you think too yeah we'll have to check that out that's sweet all right so so I have a Sony four-way speaker is this for a car looks like yeah car audio sweet all right we've gotten these on um palletes before and they were broken most of them so I'm going to open this up and take a peek at it just because looks a little looks return used but it is a gaming monitor so hopefully it's in working condition okay I have a Blu-ray DVD player do people still use these pick pickle ball oh that's not electronic but pickle ball is a big deal score something that'll resell awesome also you can score it for a dollar over on our whatnot so yep all right automatic water timer I don't know what that is right I see like a a drone of sorts Light Up the Sky cool all right so the screen is not smashed so that means it has a 50 chance of working so as you may have noticed we have had our baby in the last couple of weeks s's no longer prant no longer pregnant he's upstairs right now with our babysitter but um we will introduce him soon he's a sweet sweet little boy but he's healthy and doing good and we're doing good so so back at it make putting Sarah back to work here all right we got a LED accent light another one cool I'm going to see what that looks like here he is here's Benny Benjamin thought we'd show you cuz it felt awkward not showing him but here he is he's healthy he exists he's awesome he's awesome say hi buddy you kind of sleepy boy so family five now kind crazy it's a party around here yeah an all night party the monitor works so we're in business here all right the buffet server okay food warmer tray before we continue on we also want to mention that what not is sponsoring this video and our stream so we have some iPad pads and airpods to give away over on our whatnot stream on February 1st y so you don't even need to buy anything these are going to be free all you have to do is enter the giveway and so every five minutes right yeah we'll see every one of our shows so far have had like at the max 100 people so you know one in 100 that's a pretty good chance pretty good chance of winning a brand new inbox iPad or airpods yep airpods and you can come hang out with us unscripted you know we edit these videos a lot come hang out ask us questions it's it's a good time we're really enjoying whatnot uh so go check out our link you get free free $15 oo okay another one of these guys this one's also been unopen so that's we got the scrubtastic I saw a Tik toac video on this recently that's actually like a toilet scrubber well no yeah or like I don't know about toilet but shower that's pretty cool as seen on TV pet pet feeder I think we've seen these before pet feeder uh dig electronic I guess when you're gone oh it has a camera very cute oh that's cool okay Sony uh what are these called CD players for your for the speakers okay all right we got accent light exterior outdoor wall light all right wireless light switch kit cool okay okay light sensor sockets so these are probably like I don't know somehow electronic well yeah no like if if it gets dark it turns the light on that's okay okay this says gun safe oh wow is that an electronic maybe it's electronic let's check it out that could be worth something you think so they're not cheap yeah got a couple of otter boxes here you put your electronic in them oh it is check this out wa it's it's a fingerprint gun safe look at this brand new brand new so look put your fingerprint there nice we got some gaming headphones looks like those look pretty cool got some more speakers Sony a plug in pendant light those are cool all right we got a honey whe digital dead bolt okay those actually are great for reselling we can usually score those at auction too for a couple bucks and it's like $100 yeah these are expensive yeah the keypad things right we just have to make sure all the parts are there which this one looks like it's been open so we'll have to double check that we got I don't know infrared quartz heater is this for like your wall a wall heater yeah yeah cool got a lot of valuable stuff here I think I think so all right I got to go in y by the way we get all our palettes from grp Liquidation uh Mitch is a great guy and he has some awesome products he has tons of different stuff we'll link his face Facebook page below so you can go check it out um pallets are a great way to make extra money uh we love reselling anyone can do it so what do you got there I just want to see it's a led oh oh wow we got something special here I got an outdoor remote control Outlet what what is that yeah if you want a remote control Outlet come on okay I don't get it um well if you have like a string lights you want to turn on of the REM oh I see I see oh I think we got a frog here look at this wa oh wow is that what the box said no it just said LED accent light but oo that's sweet could be yours for a dollar yeah this one some might like that for yeah you put it outside it's cute remote control dimmer another one of sorts not sure what this little fancy boxes so if you are a reseller whatnot is great for moving through a lot of inventory quickly mhm um specifically if it's on the smaller side so I think we got a lot of good stuff for that here there's some bigger stuff too but um yeah it's it's really great you know if you're if you're doing a pallet if you're a pallette flipper um if you have smaller stuff that you've been sitting on for a while try whatnot it's super fun and interactive too definitely just go check it out people sell all sorts of things all times of the day it's so fun so and a lot of people are moving switching from eBay to whatnot because the fees are only like 8% compared to eBay which is like what starts at like 13% 18% yeah so yeah well and it's just it's a really quick way to get through your inventory and still make good money you don't have to sit on stuff forever it's interactive it's fun it's just like it's sweet okay look what I have here these are I've had these before um what are they called hearing a hearing aid oops so it seems like that would be expensive but it also looks very Chinese w so watch it what yeah we'll have to look that up but it's a hearing aid so are we allowed to sell medical equipment on whatnot I don't know good question yes cuz like you couldn't sell that on eBay Facebook could you medical yeah I don't think so yeah you'd get like flagged another pendant light here so we got lots of lighting stuff okay which is always good seller cool humidity probe do you know what that's for humidistat oh mushroom Greenhouse humidity probe to you're growing your own mushrooms that's very interesting what is this oh it's a speaker okay The Bongo speaker compatible with Amazon Echo okay we got a pressure cooker hey let's go we haven't used ours in like a while those were big like 3 years ago yeah that was all the raid ooh a cupping massage thing I have a friend who's done this and it creates like welts on your back but it's supposed to help with like migrain sounds awesome sounds great so if you have migraines look into this it's a cupping massager it like bruises on your back yeah it hurts you all right oh bottle warmer okay maybe we could use that oh and that this is a breast pump mom cozy I've seen these before I don't again I'm not sure if we're allowed to do medical that's not MediCal a breast pump is it uh it's teetering the line breast pump okay outdoor Wi-Fi smartbox that is our last thing so if you want to put like your router and waterproof it for rain right okay all right that was pretty good palette that was fun lots of onopen things which I like so yeah the tricky part about Electronics is that if it has been opened you have to test it so so February 1st 8:00 p.m. come check out our live live electronic show we will be giving away all of these brand new unbox things for free free plus you get $15 free do if you are a new sign up um so go ahead and bookmark that page you know if you've been following our channel for a while you know we started with Furniture flipping and it was all about the hunt the treasure hunt uh since then we've gotten more into buying pallets and liquidation and so we feel like whatnot is a great fit for our business uh come check out our show we can check liquidation reselling and all that fun stuff I'll see you there bye [Music] by
Views: 21,716
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Keywords: pallet flipping, return pallets, returns pallet unboxing, amazon pallet flipping, flipping pallets, pallet unboxing, unboxing pallets, flipping pallets side hustle, flipping, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon return pallet, flipping pallets amazon, flipping pallets for profit, amazon returns, amazon liquidation pallets, unboxing, flip, amazon return pallets unboxing, jamie and sarah, amazon, mystery box, amazon pallet unboxing 2024, mystery box unboxing
Id: bV4uMtxtd9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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