We Bought LOST Cargo Packages For CHEAP

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sometimes packages don't end up at their final destination but where do they go the short answer is here liquidation warehouses around the country and we buy pallets of these items to resell for a profit right behind us we have an entire pallet of lost cargo packages we paid 525 for this one so let's see if we can make a profit the sponsor of today's video is Incognito but more on them later so this this right here is why we bought this palette because there are five of these boxes and then we think we know what's inside so let's check it out all right it looks brand new it looks like it's never been opened just one layer of tape oh yeah look at that here there's 10 TV antennas in here we looked up the SKU number on the outside and and knew this when we looked at the palette that there was TV antenna so there's 10 times five boxes so it's 50 TV antennas and what are they race that for forty dollars a piece so that's a two thousand dollar retail value uh just in the TV antenna so if we take our rule that we can usually sell between 40 and 60 MSRP we still have about a thousand dollars in profit with these TV antennas so even though TV antennas might not be super exciting to open on a palette we chose this palette because at 50 pieces of that I can make one listing on eBay saving me a lot of time and slowly move this over the next six months and still make a really good profit we love multiples of things because it means less listing listing is kind of my least favorite part of the reselling process and you're like brand new products stuff that doesn't have anything wrong with it yes that stuff has never been open and these boxes are in like pristine condition so this is what one item looks like it is in perfect condition I'm guessing this will still cost me probably 15 to 20 bucks to ship because it's a little bit heavy depending on the location of where it's going so I might I'm hoping to be able to make a 15 to 20 profit per item so pretty sweet so you may think it's strange we bought 50 TV antennas but at the time of editing this video how many have we sold we have sold seven already so we are well on our way to getting our money back so everything else on this palette is just pure profit so let's see what we got so as we were unboxing all this stuff it is very heavy items so I'm very curious but it's gonna be either difficult to ship or better for Facebook Marketplace so real quick a lot of people don't know what lost cargo is well basically if you buy something from China and it comes over on a shipping container it doesn't go back if you return it because it would cost them way too much money to put it back on a boat send all the way back to China it's basically just sitting ducks here in America either it's going to go to a landfill or get sold to a liquidator so that's what we do we're we're buying these things and then reselling them uh back to the consumer so this doesn't look like it's ever been open because the straps are still on it it's a mystery box too it doesn't really say what it is so yeah we got okay oh mirrors a mirror oh I think I saw other people having these on their palettes from Grand Rapids power liquidation it's like a mirror that um is also a jewelry box like it opens okay we get all our palettes from Grand Rapids Pell liquidation uh they have really great products but we're going to show a picture of this because it is brand new The Mirror's in good shape yeah it's all there yep but I know that there's a lot of these being sold currently on basic Marketplace so there is a little bit of competition because a lot of people have gotten these in their palettes but it's a pretty cool item yep I think it's like 80 if I remember right Patty yep oh yeah all right we've gotten a portable toilet before this is a portable toilet and we sold it really quickly yeah so uh people apparently need these for things like camping yeah I guess off-grid yeah something so yeah that'll sell it hasn't been used but it's been opened which I do feel like is a little bit of a deterrent but before we get any further into the video we wanted to talk about today's video sponsor incogni seems like every other week you hear on the news that there's a new data breach that happened and all your personal information is suddenly exposed so if you've ever signed up for sweepstakes or filled any form out online there's a good chance that some of your personal information has been leaked to some of these data companies as time goes on these data companies collect more and more information about you leaving you more and more vulnerable by the day and it's kind of scary what they know about you they know your shopping habits your social security number your credit card information what you're buying what you're looking at incognit helps you protect your privacy and take your personal data off the market by reaching out to data Brokers on your behalf requesting your personal data be removed and the best part is is that the whole process is automated for you incognit helps get your information removed from these databases in Three Easy Steps step one is to create an account step two is to Grant Incognito the right to work for you and step three is to kick s for you and keep you updated on their progress every step of the way and Cockney is just a really great way to maintain your privacy and help prevent things like identity theft and credit card fraud the first 100 people to click our link below and use code Jamie and Sarah will receive 20 off in Cagney so let's get back into the video so we have a lot of very large packages in this palette which we chose on purpose as well because if you saw our last video we had 500 tiny little packages so we had like some bigger easier to sell through stuff so but this is also way harder to ship so pros and cons of both this all this stuff might be better for Facebook marketplace where the other palette is going to be better for eBay smaller little items yep so we'll do like porch pickup where people come pick the item up put money into the mat yes you don't have to ship things that way yep if you haven't watched our last palette video you should go watch it it was one for the books for sure it was like probably almost a ten thousand dollar MSRP it was crazy so this is a pool ladder I believe we've gotten a lot of pool items oh spring will be here soon enough and people will be setting their pools up again um so we're gonna just kind of have to hang on to this stuff keep it in our this is our second garage just our inventory area is it a ladder though it's not a ladder oh it's not a ladder wait a second let's look this up Bimini top we're so wrong it's a hundred dollars from Walmart it is a top boat cover sun shade boat canopy that's what it is okay so canopy yeah just on your pontoon boat for shade right yes okay cool another summer item but like I said we'll just hold on to those uh put them in storage and have them listed for springtime when people get their boats out again yeah sweet all right hundred dollars these handy tools are for these are my favorite tools on the planet I bought like 100 to these on Amazon I will link them below because they're the best not an umbrella oh what is it oh my show maybe oh I think I know what it is we got a movie screen and these on palettes before too it's a green screen panel so oh um you know if you're into video stuff like us green screen you could put like a beautiful beach setting behind us if you want oh yeah oh sweet so that's a pretty fancy one it's got your your stand and everything can you show them can you see Mr Green Green Screen oh yeah look it even holds itself up nice that is I bet that's fancy yeah if you want to you know go on zoom and pretend you're in the office when you're actually in a football game or something you know like Frankie my boy babe don't have a dressing it don't we yeah it's Frankie he's a legend he doesn't need any more boys all right this one is super heavy it's all taped up so it's a complete ah Mystery Box oh my word I have no idea with another box two boxes inside this box LR left and right there what is it it's a strut or shock oh my word a big car one tip that I learned recently is to look for topical groups on Facebook um for our last palette we got a ton of auto parts and I found out that there is a group called like Michigan man stuff or something and they have a ton of Auto Parts on there that people like to buy so this will go probably on there yeah if you're an OG subscriber you know a long time ago you got a saxophone that was this brand uh so we're gonna see what kind of instrument we got here guessing guitar guitar no it's too small to be a guitar isn't it oh what maybe it's uh a little banjo a banjo that'd be cute oh yeah hey I was right it's so cute wait don't rip this keep it nice okay sweet so this glary is a more like um beginner brand of instruments not super high-end but still it's brand new yeah it doesn't look broken yeah just need to figure out I don't know how to hook up the strings or anything but they're not hooked up already well there's like this bridge thing you probably have to pull it tight this one has a picture of what it is in the outside it's a screen printer right um a heat press yes for like t-shirts and stuff I've sold these before you can also do like uh mugs okay this is mug so it doesn't look like it's in plastic anymore so this kind of item I don't know that I could I can plug it in and see if it turns on but I can't necessarily like test it because I don't know how it works so what I would do is probably offer this on Facebook marketplace with a refund guarantee so they could have you know up to seven days to return it full refund no questions if for some reason if they didn't like it or something was wrong with it so that could happen for sure where someone would have to bring it back because it didn't work yeah look that's cool so that's a sweet could make our own Jamie and Sarah swag nice would you buy Jamie and Sarah swag let us know in the comments not thinking too many too many left but big old package here next we have a bunk bed which looks like it's still in the straps yeah I'm not sure if we even want to open this so we can show someone that's brand new I guess I don't know how a bunk bed could fit in this tiny box that's a little confusing to me one piece it doesn't say one of two though it just says one so sometimes on pallets you'll get boxes that'll say one of two like if there's two boxes of something and then you're not you don't get the second piece and so that item is like worthless but that doesn't look to be the case here I guess we have to investigate don't we I think so if it is all here this would be a great Facebook Marketplace item as well for sure all right let's see here okay oh yeah so oh yeah it's all there it's just metal so that's why it can be compacted because it's so many poles and stuff okay but it's an entire bunk bed that will sell quickly it looks like a full on the bottom and a twin on top so oh yeah that's nice that's a nice one the ladder and everything cool oh wait this bed frame comes in two boxes it says [Music] why does this says one piece oh I might not have all of it we'll see we'll do some more investigation but we might only have one box of this yeah bummer so this looks like another multiple item situation here we got eco-friendly yoga mats I don't know if you can see that whole box 12 pieces whoa oh yeah new in plastic whoa let's open one to see what they look like hold on I think I saw yeah there's more down here so how many do we have let's lay them all out so that's what it looks like right there eco-friendly yoga mat it's got all of them wow lots of them 12. 17 18 of them okay 18 yoga mats brand new eco-friendly that's another easy multiple listing and shipping option for us yeah um super easy I don't know what these retail for if they are over 20 I think they're worth selling on eBay so it looks like these yoga mats are retail for thirty dollars on Amazon we have 18 of them so that is 540 in retail value so we get half of that that's what 270 bucks so sweet not bad that'll pay for half of our palette right there yep so between these and the antennas we're definitely profitable yeah all this rest of this stuff is this bonus yeah whoa that's different than I think I never mind I didn't know what this was it's pretty cool looking it's way different than I thought the ladder um it looks like wood but it's metal but it's a big step ladder look at that that's cool sweet these are still not cheap and that's brand new again so yeah I think most this stuff is brand new except for the heat press right yeah everything's been like steel sealed still great what is that oh I know exactly what this is we've gotten these before really these are those shoe backs container things really hearts hearts yeah you have to build them yourself and then you put your shoes in there here these are maybe for women because they're tiny and they have hearts on them I don't think those sold for us last time no they didn't but they're so expensive new Okay so we've gotten one of these before as well you're gonna take it out no I'm looking for the instructions yeah really big tent actually yep like a white tent for affordable yep yeah for like an open house or what have you but I have those sold very quickly and easily for me yeah so I mean especially like on Facebook Marketplace when Open House season comes yep you can either rent one for a lot of money or buy one for a lot less money right so that's what we're gonna do yep that'll definitely sell yep what's this guy skinny little thing yeah oh yeah like a behind the toilet shelf yup made of bamboo there you go pretty cool so nice I would just be guessing how much that cost but yeah bamboo bookshelf I got 30 to 50 bucks for it yeah for sure yep everything adds up I love waking up in the morning and putting something on my porch and later that day opening like peeling back my doormat and getting a 50 bill I mean like sweet the classic camp chair looks like we have so many camping chairs let's see here oh I don't know easy with your knife there don't cut it that's true it's used it's got dirt on it got the packing slip there you go whoa 100 gallon collapsible rain barrel portable water storage tank interesting like Off the Grid living type thing or for farming or what yeah well which one oh yeah did you like water spout there how many gallons 100 gallons 100. the problem with this being opened in return is that there might be a leak in it so if I sell it on Facebook Marketplace I absolutely will put a disclaimer on it that they can return it if there's any problems with it because I don't want to be selling people junk that they are just out of luck of their money yeah and we don't want to risk shipping this on eBay either so we definitely won't sell it on anything is that a rip no maybe no no okay I think yeah be more packages to go so let's see what we get big one big one can you lift it I need some help you need help here okay yeah Furniture Maybe big one yep the big one oh no this one says item shipped in two boxes also oh so cheer half of a chair half of a chair I don't know so there is a reseller group in our area where people will go on there and say hey I got box number one do you have box number two and a lot of times people get reunited with their pieces so yeah I could definitely do that yeah because I'm guessing the other box is on the same truckload just a different path right so so in our area probably so I'll probably try to help someone out and see if I can get this to them right now it's looking like the bunk bed we only have one box as well so those are kind of a bust yep so I'll do some research and try to reunite them that is part of liquidation and reselling is the risk side of it too so just be aware of that if you're you're looking to buy pallets some of it is unsellable so oh wow so this looks like a fan for a mini split which mini splits are extremely expensive like thousands of dollars but the problem is I don't see the other part what other part the part that goes inside your house so oh it says box two oh yeah so we got another one boxer but I mean if that both boxes were there that'd be like a two thousand dollar bill probably so oh that's a big bummer oh it's dented which is probably why it was returned but well that's not that big of a deal I know but I'm saying like yeah there's damage there too so this is bummer might just be a hunk of metal here oh no last package hopefully it's a box two of two or something don't you think yeah I don't know hope what though okay another uh another uh big big right there yep sweet so as we said before these are great for Open House season yeah they sell really easy surprisingly so yes so we didn't have any of our backs twos but I'm gonna go ahead and look on Facebook today and see if I can find those but we definitely got some good stuff yeah we'll show you the total MSRP I think we're still definitely going to be profitable we're gonna leave out the items we only have one box four but we'll definitely still be profitable on this palette because we have a lot of brand new stuff that can just kind of sit in our inventory and we'll just ship it out when it sells so yep you got to be willing to wait on pallets for sure it can be a zero to six month process I think so thanks for watching guys we have tons of other palette videos on our Channel and I'll leave a playlist here so you can go check that out thanks again for sponsoring this video go ahead and click that link in the description to check it out see you guys next time bye
Views: 101,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost mail, amazon returns, amazon customer returns, mystery box, mystery unboxing, mystery box unboxing, unboxing, extreme unboxing, pallet flipping, return pallets, returns pallet unboxing, flipping pallets, pallet unboxing, unboxing pallets, flipping, amazon return pallet, amazon liquidation pallets, amazon return pallets, return pallet, missing amazon packages, unclaimed mail, amazon liquidation, amazon pallet, lost and found, lost package, lost cargo, unclaimed, pallet
Id: hHfwSULM4bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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