We bought a monster x9 what a disaster

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foreign [Music] it's going pretty tall I mean it's about six foot [Music] looks good a little bit of Hocus we spot right there too bad I wonder if I can find a tassel in here I found some the other day I put my girlfriend's house foreign still got some more of these stages to grow got a little ways to go yet but I mean it looks good a little spotty right here along the sand out there in the field out there in the field a little ways it looks a lot better the one thing I will never understand and somebody'll tell me it's the sunlight of course and that's what it is but these end rows here almost always do better than the actual like inside of the field I always just find that funny but my irrigation's running down there run the full circle out here I'm gonna drive up here and then we're gonna go down look at the combines we'll see about cutting wheat later after lunch nozzle's broken still just waving back around like a magic wand up there it's pretty neat I'd freak out somebody see these drop things ain't bad I mean yeah that ain't bad but if you get that problem they'll break a nozzle off so you'll see if I can find a nozzle for this thing the breaking nozzle off or they'll lean over like what that one is and yeah all right let's go to unload combine that's an interesting combine it'd be a shame if it was ours oh never thought I'd see the day that we owned the next nine but hey we on the next line wow big dude so in comparing these two the X9 the 780 I mean the first thing that you immediately see is the residue management I mean if you look out here along this field you can see like just piles crumbles and stuff here and they're like you know just ran a pile every once in a while you don't see that behind the X9 it just seems to be so much more well-thought in a sense about that that X9 will give that 780 a run for its money now I'm not going to say that it'll completely wax it um we haven't really put them head in head yet today will be the dime that we put a head to head now the head love it absolutely love that new HD style head The Wheels on the back of it it just floats across the field I mean it doesn't do it does an amazing job that new head is just amazing now one of the things I don't understand it's something that we already gotta fix we don't lose the Flyers really they put a metal ladder on the end of that or a metal piece on the end of that so every time you get up inside this thing you have to take hit this button and pull this up not a big deal but I already bent it so now it doesn't close so it ain't a big deal if you're in nice flat running ground but nine times out of ten with a combine you're going through a ditch so I don't know and then when you travel down the road you pick that up you flip this switch and it spins around that thing goes down well let's just say it's going to be interesting to see how well a tire eats a ladder by the time Dad's done with it this fall so I don't know yeah I already had some cab wheat another thing this new HD style head they took and put one entire belt on instead of having your old two belt system like what the 40 is and the old 45 was they went to a single belt not a bad deal I mean it works it's pretty good head I love the head it floats it flexes it does everything that you want to do at first not gonna lie I was cussing it for a few minutes but now that I kind of got the hang of it it's a lot better so another thing though whenever you get into like shorter wheat stubble and stuff and you put it down on the ground and your wheat's really really short your Center here has to be up higher like whatever you're in the field they have it set to where it's up higher from the dealership they have set up higher in the center that's something that way whenever it flexes down you're not cutting your tines off with your knives with your sickle so I I don't I don't be on me it's but yeah I mean I can see where it's nice like I said I love it but the same time when we're cutting beans and we get into shorter beans with it all the way down you're going to start having trouble with that Center shoving shoving beans in so be interesting to see and we was walking behind this thing yesterday and I mean there was virtually nothing behind it you're not throwing much out the back you're not losing hardly anything at all and I mean this spreader is just unreal [Music] yeah it's amazing it'll cut some wheat I will say that and today like I said should be even better so we'll take pick up here and we'll drive out here in this field a little bit and I'll show you guys the residue that was coming out the back of it I mean it like I said it's phenomenal compared to the 780 it spreads it it doesn't just drop it on the ground I mean it was like that's from the 780. right through here left a little bit oops but I mean like this is from the X9 it's chopped up real nice it's spread out really even the guys are gonna love planting into this now you can see here where I was trying to set it up and I got it wrong but and that head how it sits gives me the ability to actually or how that head is how it's set up gives me the ability to keep the head higher whenever I'm cutting wheat so for one that's going to help you speed up to begin with um also we had to buy a new head cart not too happy about that part but it is what it is it's almost deer cart it's pretty nice um the the whole entire deal it's just been a mess from the beginning we told or we was like hey we need to make sure that we got a head wagon there in case this HD this hinge Draper doesn't fit onto our head wagon which it didn't we knew it wouldn't from the beginning so they brought one down and they was hauling heads around with it which granted it wasn't ours it was the stores in Vincent's those alliances and they take off down the road with it and one of the interns left the um oh the pan out of the or left it yeah left the pin out of it or something it came unhooked driving down the road driving down the highway so they ended up totaling out the head wagon so then we get down to it two days ago and was like uh where's our head Wagon at you guys said you guys have one in case we had to buy one well uh yeah so we found out it got totaled and then now they brought us that one down from Mattoon yesterday afternoon and Xavier pulled my head down with it yesterday and he said he loved it he said it was a lot easier to turn having the all-wheel steer deal it's a lot easier to turn so anyways we're gonna go back to the farm get ready to go cut weed this afternoon probably go get lunch and then yeah now it's recording okay so today as you can tell uh we're cleaning out the elevator we've got our dust mask protection and it's not really dusty in here right now so that's why I'm kind of pulling it down but uh get ready to pull turn on the auger so we can uh shovel the rest way out and bring you guys along after foreign so right now I'm walking on is that just like that the bin is done it took us 12 minutes to do all that Kyle they're done we're gonna get out and go get stuff ready to cut wheat that four o'clock and it and it is three o'clock so uh we got about an hour hour and a half before we gotta leave so try to go find something else to do see you it's nine I will say this I mean I get it it's just Columbine but there's a lot to this thing um the twin rotors is amazing I think it does a great job did I get if it was a little dryer I'd clean it up better but you can only do so much when it's wet so we're trying to cut these because these are some Jenna seed beans and we need to get them planted otherwise we wouldn't be cutting it right now we'd wait until next week um plus you know we're coming up on next week we're seeing rain for next week we have a dryer we might as well just go ahead and use it and get it over with so we're cutting this we're gonna go probably try to go cut a couple circles down on the fields out to here but I mean so far from what I can tell I mean I I've got four thousand forty seven hundred bushel out here that ain't that bad and one this one acre wet weight I mean this grain tank on oh I better put the head down the grain tank on here is definitely bigger there's no doubt about that you can tell uh it holds quite a bit uh we got the 150 bushel Hopper extensions on top of the 460 that it is so I think it's like 610 or something like that and uh it holds a lot of grain and you can feel it when you're going across field you can kind of feel it once it gets full but this counter is off what it says there where it says the uh percent full which I unloaded like a quarter of the way and then was looking at it so yeah I've had it up to 23 or 2 400 bushel an hour in wheat still like I said I'm just trying to figure it out but that is already better than 780 the 780 was doing has been doing like 15 to 1600 all day my old 680 done about that too um the one thing I did find out is that this head it's a 45 foot Draper really for this combine you need a 50. um I can you can only do so much with the head the combine itself will take it but the head will not so you just run out of basically power that you're pushing to the head in a sense yeah I mean oh come on the spreading on this beautiful I mean like over there where Augie was you can see everything's heat spread it just kind of throws out the side and drops it this thing you can barely even see it over there the knives chop it up really nice and it's just perfect um what else I don't know I'll figure out something where I gotta put this head on the trailer here in a bit but yeah for the most part it's done great the X9 is amazing machine you can definitely tell if they built it fairly well for what it does the parts are not the parts on this machine are very well built everything about it is the head is amazing I absolutely love this head I mean it just how it is I mean like I'm in a little dip right here and granted this this right here is a little dip for me most people it's a not a goalie out here for both people that want golden to test it but yeah the gauge wheels are nice too I like that feature now it just kind of sits on the gauge wheels and goes across the field pretty nice I'm gonna go in clean around you know you'd almost look at this road now it didn't it's just irrigation putting on about eight to nine tenths up here per round so that ain't that's pretty good pretty good little shower for it I don't even know why I'm driving all the way back here there's no point in it I'm just gonna mess up the road even more but I can see the irrigation's running so that's a good sign oh play a card up here I'm a little tired airplane looks good up here um this corner always does pretty well up here actually probably one of our better Farms is up here and then yeah I don't know but the only problem with like this field here and I haven't quite figured out why but it's got really bad gray leaf spot pressure most of the time but it seems to do okay now so one of the things we did to prevent that gray leaf pressure really spot pressure from coming in as we put on things like xyway that's why we've been trying so much of it because we do have a lot of fields that in a sense are like this where we have a high greatly spot pressure and um fisoderma is another one that comes along with that jeez so as you can see right here they've been they've been messing around looking for coal so you guys doing today so today we're out cutting wheat let me stop here if you look here here's our X9 combine that Alex is running right now our operating for weed Harvest maybe if we go up a little faster we get a little closer to it let's speed up here he's gonna he's probably Gonna Wanna unload going back knowing my luck we're probably far enough right now we can hop out real quick hurry up and get down here it comes gotta go don't get hit by a strong this thing brexit a lot better come out here and look that's a little wet this girl's a little wet but if you come out here and look this accident does a terrific job spreading this straw out a lot better than what a the 780s do and whatnot see we gotta we got a hinge Draper now so Alex why is playing chewy for a little bit better he's he didn't want to runs it so well I'm out here let this clear let's get back in the cab and uh wait do we need to get unloaded so uh we're getting ready to unload here I gotta speed up first it's kind of hard to do this one-handed yep I'm gonna get my speed right now and uh we should be fine it's unloading on the X9 so getting after it this afternoon hits of wheat so yeah let's see if I can't hey you guys can see it kind of loading back there I can't get a better shot when we uh unload next time well today we are up here in Russellville actually we're starting up irrigations just started that one this one my mirror here and I just started another one over there and them two are running this other one up here was supposed to be running and it is not so I go over and try and start it real quick hmm we are really dry um the only thing that I think has really saving us right now is all these fires up in Canada we're not too terribly hot I mean it is middle of June and it is 70 degrees outside so that's a little weird that's for sure we haven't really had an actual completely sunny day um yeah we had one or two good ones last week that's about it but and we need it right bad Alex needs a nap oh my but anyways we're gonna go ahead and start up the other one and um yeah now we're at Emerson [Music] oh yeah plenty of these fuel to get it around another time starter up foreign should be seeing water come out of it about any time I'll check it on the way back out they take a minute sometimes with these next well somebody got a little handsy with the wiring if I remember right this one's loud the fan blade used to hit over here on seven tenths thank you [Music]
Channel: L&R Rusch Farms
Views: 160,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7sWmBOBV2wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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