First Day of Harvest! 2023 Montana Wheat Farm

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hello welcome to Kate's Ag today is my first day back in Montana so that's super exciting I've been away at University so you will be seeing a farm update just as I will today and how the crops are doing it's just about Harvest time so we'll see if they're ready today it's super warm out actually almost too hot thank you now I am sitting in the combine and I am so excited apparently the wheat is good for moisture which means it's under 12. so we'll be starting today but it will be the first time getting into the wheat this year my dad started the combine and I will be will be roading into the field we're going to start in very very soon so I really can't wait I'm starting to look at all the buttons again and I think it's slowly coming back to me because I think this will be my fourth year combining yes my fourth year so it should come a little bit more naturally to me this time and I'm hoping it does but we'll see when I get into the field now I'm here with Dad in the combine and are you happy to see me after so long yeah I'm really happy Kate so we're going to be roding the combine over to the field or actually I'll be roading over Dad's just giving me a little update on how things work and I remember everything so far ok and I don't I don't know Kate if this is a low speed cylinder thing so I need to look at it and run it in the field a little bit okay Darcy's going by in the truck now now I am roading to the field I can't wait to get back at it for this Harvest I forgot to rev it up oops definitely need to remember that I thought it was only in second gear because I wasn't going very fast these combines are very steery so I really have to pay attention we've got a little ways to Road the grain cart and combine my dad's going really slow in front of me now we're coming up to the end of the gravel road to head on the highway to Road over to our field it looks like there's a truck here just waiting for us to go by now I'm turning onto the road that was Dave our neighbor he's one of my dad's good friends from childhood actually had to pull off into the ditch because there was a truck passing now I get to go Full Throttle which is approximately 21.3 miles per hour a real speed demon today now I think we've made it to our field I see Darcy's truck so we're just going to turn in here and let's hope I remember how to drive combine it should be like riding a bicycle and I'm always surprised by remembering each year but we'll see do you want me to just line up for this first row You just pull in behind me and wait till I get my combine up here Kate we're in our summer fallow field right now and I was rolling a bit so I better put my parking brake on and maybe I'll idle it down as well now I'll give you a little tour of the inside of my combine here are my turtle and rabbit buttons and then I have the rest which is how open the concaves are um how fast the Reel is running which we don't have a reel because we're running pickup headers so lots of different stuff like that here this button turns the back of the combine on this turns the header on so you always turn the back and then the front and then this is my Monitor and the different buttons show different things so we'll just go back to the normal screen here I've got my radio little glove compartment and some more monitors up here as well here we've got our grain cart driver his name is Lucas and then we have the steering wheel my Kate's Ag tote bag of course and the grain tank my dad's combine's coming into the field now so now dad's in the combine with me for a first pass of 2023 Harvest I don't know if we got the things we got at school this up I need gloves too yeah right okay we put new picking belts on this Kate these might be too low so if it's throwing it like that yeah in front of this combine you have to tell me and I'll drop the wheels a little bit to pick up the the belt right okay the run this probably not all the way down let's pull this up see what our road what I think rabbit speed okay we're gonna we probably don't want to run any any more than uh 900 and to adjust that we press the Cog wheel with the arrows 900 is my it's the rotor behind you it's the thing grinding the wheat out we're gonna run it at about eight nine this has a bang in it too so I have Park break in it's rolling second gear right yep and when you push into these Kate I can't tell you how how heavy the wheat is or not heavy so you got to go slow just like always you know and we'll probably be bombing along and two four maybe two one I don't know we'll see okay I don't see it picking dirt I don't know that it isn't so we'll stand our belts up keep the wheels on the ground it takes a little while for this to fill up I should have checked to make sure that and I think all your stops close are we getting wheat out yet yep okay we got 15 we're gonna open this up to 4 okay for now this is my uh how much overthrow right this is your return auger this is a lot you gotta slow down you get how it's maxing out let's just stop for a minute and that's the return auger and the bottom one again is the bottoms what's coming over the back of the combine so um maybe I'm grinding this too much so you might open it okay so throw over and return yeah that's going quite High yeah but I don't know how heavy this wheat is Kate don't know if it's 50 or 60 or 30 if if you let this up it's going to start clicking it'll plug up to return and you probably won't hear it okay I know it seems slow but we might have cut this low so we're gonna Cruise along and two four and wants to return okay see if we can keep the return in the in the game at 2-4 trying to get it to run see the Little Rock make sure that these figures aren't picking you know okay I opened that the thing up we might not be run long enough to check the return here we can't have the return going to the top because what happens it plugs up the slip clutch starts banging and if you're not listening for it or looking for it you're gonna have a problem then we're going to be stopped you know opening that up turning it on shutting it off turning it on shutting it off clearly and you know that when you go down into these water things what's happening the wheat's going to be heavier yeah we're pretty good it's fairly clean let's see what the fans are right and the sieves are what move the wheat like this to get that that allows it to get into where it gets augered yeah taking this stuff out of it right the chop so when you open the sieves up you'll likely have a dirtier tank we had a lot of trouble with this last year too Kate so it might be because I got a large wire concave but large wire concaves are for peas yeah for bigger crops they don't thrash wheat very well I sent them to my house with Trevor to get uh that electric gun in a 15 and 18 socket so in case I have to raise these belts but this one looks okay right now okay okay well he should be at my house about now they should be able to hear this this is not enough I know what it is I don't know what my combine will do in this either Kate I mean I just you know I I seemed like there was quite a bit of Wheat coming out of their stuff down there and how do we check to see if we're picking up good stop and back up I think the belt's probably running a little fast for as fast it's going so which which of those dials controls the belt speed I don't know wouldn't The Reel basically be that should say belt speed you gotta keep an eye on this till we get to settle down yeah could not let it max out if it does just stop listen for the clicking if it clicks you got to shut these off it's strange it's getting so full so slow remember this is always lagging yeah and then when you start back in you got to be watching it I opened the concave up again too and that might might be helping I don't know it might be harvested that means it's starting to record because you probably put the header down at a certain height or it stopped recording one of the two it's not recording Maybe there you go now I'm recording that's got to be off you think 35 bushels per acre Well I reset that you have to do it with these button things here or something the field we are in right now is near the 15-grain bins and the grain elevator so it's very close to the farm my great grandfather homesteaded back in 1912. looking in the back of my grain tank it's looking fairly clear so our sieves are probably the right openness that beep that you hear is whether or not the bushels per acre is recording to our monitor but typically if I run it while it's recording then it picks up a little bit too much dirt so I run it one above that and we'll just have to reset the belt to where it's a little bit higher oh I think I just saw a mouse run through the wheat swath I seem to be picking everything up fairly easily again the ones I typically forget are the middle dials which controlled belt which one controls belt speed real speed for big headers that type of thing cylinder speed sieves concave I usually forget all that but you remember the core details so my dad took one pass with me now he's going to work with the grain cart driver and our other combine driver for this season who you'll meet very soon a friend of mine from University so I'm quite excited about that right now it's about 4 P.M so dinner should be coming around six it feels like it was just lunch time although that's kind of what the first day of harvest is like you're running around trying to get things sorted get the combine set make sure they're picking up the wheat properly and really set the foundation for your whole Harvest I get all these random beeps from my monitor so sometimes I hit the check mark button that's what's going on I'm going about 2.6 miles per hour and my return is only just under halfway full so that's pretty good I can maybe even go a little bit faster 2.7 and let's see what that does to my return auger the wheat is not super thick here so we I should be able to go a little bit faster it's crazy to be back on the farm I feel so thankful to be able to be here that my health has improved enough so that I can sit in this combined seat and and share with you the wonderful time I have um and our family story on on this 2023 Montana Harvest it's truly something special and I'm very fortunate to be able to do this I'm just steering around around a rock right now and now I'm turning back around because you don't want to have the combine eat a rock that doesn't typically end up very well our grain car drivers kind of parked in the field there for when I fill up I think my dad's in the grain cart right now helping him so we'll probably be dumping on this pass here I don't know why he's on that side my back window's full but I don't have a grain tank buzzer and I also I'm not able to see any grain in my window so I can still keep going for quite a ways so now we are in the back and forth passes so the North and South passes of the field which is quite exciting our grain cart driver is starting to take over the wheel Uncle Chris is inside the cab helping him and then my dad is in the cab with Trevor to train him on combine so just coming behind me and I've got my auger out so I picked up my header and I'm stopped in the combine right now it's difficult for me to give directions to The Grain cart to the grain car driver because that's an operation I haven't done my dad won't even wave anymore that was perfect awesome job so after you're finished unloading me you can kind of go behind my pass because I'll be taking this part here so you'll just be driving straight and coming in and you'll be able to dump my dad if does that make sense yes now I'm here with our newest Harvest crew member which is very exciting my one of my best friends from University so hey guys my name is Trevor I'm from Maine our friend from school came out uh for the end of summer for Harvest loving it so far very excited to be here um I'll probably be in more videos I'd imagine yes definitely so yeah you'll see me I like it it's fun she's sick it's great thank you awesome how do you like Montana oh it's beautiful it's one of those beautiful places I've ever been for sure I mean the mountains were incredible and I was on do they know what the little trip little duck not yet we did a video collaboration which will be coming out very soon with a very cool company Duckworth a Montana wool company so look out for that that was sweet that video is gonna be good nobody's gonna be damn good yeah it was good Montana's great love it out here love food tag thank you very awesome and Trevor's doing a fantastic Drive job driving combine got a big lawnmower yeah okay very great so now I'm in the combine with Trevor being a combine trainer more or less yeah more or less how are you enjoying combines so far sweet it's really fun fun sit up here really high pick up wheat it's a dream we're preparing for tractor driving class yeah we are that will be sweet I already know how to drive a tractor now no exactly we're gonna eat it why they have a full class for them that's a good point I don't know yeah that's cool up here it's fun chilling with Kate's fun and you know she's a tremendous teacher sort of her dad's a good teacher well thank you our grain tank is full Kate can I get a copy I have a copy Are you full yes you feel like you have the hang of the combine now. I wouldn't say I have the I know the gist I wouldn't say I'm fluent yet I haven't master the craft yet but yeah I have the general steps down. very nice I think you'll do super well my dad's been excited to teach you I'm excited for your dad to teach me but I'm more fun to ride with the combine different type of fun different kind of fun this is more entertaining that's actually I'm like doing things now yeah Kate stop right there yeah I'm right there Header comes up and now the grain cart is going on about time so ending soon how do you feel about that day long yeah I did not know we were going this many hours that's the Harvest life for you yeah the food is good though yes that makes it worth it Lily Wahl cooking so thank you Lily the sunset is really beautiful tonight wouldn't you say Trevor yeah yeah I would say so and it always is so that's awesome that's true Montana sunsets are beautiful my dad's up here in the Combine our grain cart is back there yeah the trucks are as well now we're finishing our last pass and we will be unloading in the truck yeah auger's coming out and first time lining up to the truck this year so we'll see how it goes maybe that's a fast mine goes way slower than that really yeah my auger goes way slower than that I have the better auger I don't even know if I'm getting straight guys you're kind of kind of choking right now excuse me I could have told you it was not good also you should put it over there right where it's empty yeah way closer okay I'm slightly failing and lining up to the truck right now I'm getting there a little bit back and then it would be longer thank you yeah I know I know my dad told me that last year now I'm getting it it's the best part it's lined up fairly okay so how was the ride Trevor the ride here yeah oh it's great my best rides I think I've ever had in my life oh glad to hear very glad to hear you're huge 100% so would recommend yeah well you can't get better than that so I'm having a bit of a challenging time lining up to the trucks but you got it yeah turned out okay in the end so now Trevor and I are done combining for the day so this is your first day of harvest this Montana Harvest yes any harvest actually what would you rate it one out of ten the tops too like it's a tippy top absolutely horrible that was a great time it was a great time solid solid solid eight seven solid 87. well I'm 8.7 that's all I mean 87% that's a pass that's a huge pass that's a huge pass okay one time I think once I'm driving alone in the thing that'll really make it that'll be a 10. that'll be really fun no for sure okay yeah enjoyed your time sunset's gorgeous every day I can't believe it every day yes for sure you've got quite a bit of combine training today so you're gonna put that to the test many hours very soon hopefully I pass yes no certainly well thank you so much for watching today's video make sure to like And subscribe press that like button and then will you wave yes bye guys bye
Channel: Kate's Ag - Farm to Fashion
Views: 281,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agriculture, farming, farm, Kate's Ag, vlog, farm to table, family farms, farm vlog, women in agriculture, wheat, northern farmer, made in the usa, Kates Ag, Montana, crops, harvest, no-till, women in agribusiness, John Deere, ag, farming simulator 22, documentary, equipment, winter wheat, harvest 2022, kates farm, kate youtube, kates farm youtube, kates youtube, kate montana farm, fs19, laura farms, big horsepower, wheat harvest 2023, harvest 2023, combine radio chatter, farm girl
Id: oDOPKZs1dj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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