WE BID $26,050 ON THIS STORAGE UNIT ! MILLION DOLLAR POTENTIAL ~ i bought an abandoned storage unit

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this commercial break is brought to you by do we make million dollars today beat us at all this human needles welcome back to this exciting unboxing this is crate look at this guy's you see my hands getting dirty a lot let's see your hands uncle Michael compare watch tomorrow eat I ate my burger just like I'm not even alive french fries burgers it is what it is that's why I'm immune to most sicknesses and cold I never get sick because I'm immune to it just like when the Native Americans ate poison oak and they no longer it's acceptable to it but we're going through it's amazing you forgot this is the best stuff that is the best stuff that's the flea market load that's the trash and we are here we are here in this going on halfway marker here's the halfway mark look at this around and around we go where it stops nobody knows we're gonna get ready make sure you check out the other videos in this thing I'm telling you we've hit gold ma I'm not I'm not saying oh we hit a few grams ago we've I know we've talked close to 150 grams of gold so far Beatles records Beatles collectibles silver coins sports memorabilia course we did a Grand Slam honest but anyway let's get started and that's pillage how that go intriguing box but the I shook everything as I pulled it over this side this is like this is like her her childhood stuff or something she had back in the day this I used to have one of these I think uncle Michael I found your childhood record player look at that for the 45s Beatles 1964 it says it's written it's model P 1912 I would definitely put it in our Beatles collectibles ok yours anyone doesn't cry look at that 1964 what do you think that's worth soaps ok dick call you Manning I told you TV guys dos mojitos huh you watch that one they're not signed hmm Jack sold some these recent Guinea I remember nannies to watch that soap up all the time I'd watch it I didn't understand one word yeah une coming ladies sound like a good story doesn't it Days of Our Lives I used to watch a lot too I washed up like eight years those are vintage please don't hurt him I got a bunch of stuff come on look you should get you a little box this all looks and like yeah no I mean I'll help you out a little bit no you welcome you all accorded nothing now you're too good for recording where's your tribe hard huh Wow okay this I just keeps coming is its there's no difference in this woman and the trend the thirty four thousand there's no different except one was in man and one was a woman this is the difference as hoarders their hornish let's see what she ordered from the Bradford exchange what are we looking for seventy swing plate and one new machine Kingdom swing collection don't miss this custom frame mark mcgwire replica autograph order today she paid one plate 74 to play who will be to see those let's see this you got to pull him out do you have nice hands you know he would women's panties ad what do you call these advertisements she ordered Beatles that's the difference in her and him but the same thing stamps the Beatles this is a just this is just amazing guys I'm helping Manny in his box he doesn't like the Beatles sky you got any more help baby I think we killed Scott he's thrilled over in the front seat oh look look that's what it says look look at that 59 cents for these this is crazy The Beatles stuff is adding up like I mean Beatles the thing about the Beatles stuff is like it's not like it's not like the $2 version this is all stuff that's like a few dollars a piece even a 2000 Vito's calendar Beatles magazine this type of stuff at least you put these in lots like five of these for 20 bucks and worse scenario look at that that's a good one what's the clean so cycle thinking remote look at this I know I so I'm telling you I feel in that box well I thought was a safer first but it's just a plastic trunk no Manny just jumped off his box and onto this I don't know he just abandoned me is that why you're in your name is his abandon ethos that's why that's a good one that's perfect timing come on coins not bite that box up mic hesitancy okay then it's the old giant sticker there it is it's like one box as a whole that's why I don't usually can we get that trunk can we just do that next Uncle Michael what are you doing do you think you can pull that trunk out by yourself Uncle Michael and not drop I'm gonna break a sweat it's pick on Uncle Michael day every little envelopes got something cool today look at that Beatles 1980 those are kind of cute yeah they're vintage a Katy right how do you Manny yeah how do you 31 okay so ooh look at this why is it gonna a thing with her like then Chuy's free that's why we're 20 bucks catfish hunter very prominent baseball player pitching I can't get enough of this Diana Princess of Wales Royal Mint memory coin where's that is it in here yep Jasper coin Scott he had understand the value of all the things like all how many button sets how many five pieces well the way you're carrying it seems really like don't say that's four you're so strong see from the side we'll put it's not anything I want to break it be careful this guy man he do with his hand he cloudy chopping ha ha see that's why we brought him uncle Michael Merry Christmas he just taught you that open the trunk so the smoothest thing Manny came on the stage looking like Fonzie with that smooth another princess to Hannah claim the Bradford exchange of Bradford exchange are you getting that attitude where you picked the wrong boxes to Uncle Michael and you're gonna just be all humbug that is the who who is that High School football team can it be no it is cubic zirconium it's guys present for him that's getting negative attitude again guys go coasters and why don't you go through the United States Mint their Christmas ornaments to a coin collector they're brilliant my hands are just I can give you up cimento high notes you want are you I'm alright this guy I do not think a Scott could barely cater jewelry box to the car I hope he drops it alright now as he goes open the door that be so funny yeah because they'd be funny oh my go you're a crybaby I think very few people understand our sense of humor it's just the way it is you see that is how we already be here through the videos we constantly bicker all of us together Oh Thank You Manny not Manny Manny's new to this team and he doesn't bicker he's really quiet I almost thought he didn't talk today hey guy starting to wonder if he lost his voice but sadly even though we have less than 24 hours we out of here Uncle Michael is making I'll call it a day huh I can't hear when you cry no you're messing my video up but I gotta say and sadly Uncle Mike was crying we got a call today early so we're leaving how can we can sweet talk to you to put in a full day's work six o'clock he's ready to call it a day he's gonna be left at 4:00 this morning doesn't mean you put in a long day continue this video the question will be see right here the question will be will we find any boxes better who shouldn't ask that's what the universe said everyone we're not asking well I'm just someone's like I like to see this is my one-hour drive home refreshment station it's 8:30 in the evening I've literally been home for like 20 25 minutes and whining for my massive drive home watch and lock and it's live and I got a finish pack and I got auctions for last few days I've been doing them in a couple days of packing it wants to save a little bit on shipping but the hustle grinder wine is never gone we got to finish it never is ending the hustle kind of wine is never ending we got to get this packed up then do our eBay items but we got to be on the road at 6:00 in the morning to go meet the guys so here we are at the next day there's a little unboxing that happens before what you're about to see next but I will put that in the next video this is the story I'm about to tell of how we almost almost were part of a possible million-dollar unit we bid 26,000 something change but this is what transpired Oh what do you do know this commercial break is brought to you by do we make million dollars today so here's the deal we get a call from storage doctor he says I've been bidding on this unit tell Mike to look at it I look at it and immediately we go right into research there's only minutes left this was already at the end and it's now in a soft close mode which means every time it gets bit it gets extended for minutes we are in scrambling research mode we managed to stumble across the list of names and the public announcement of who's in there and whose unit it might be we find this name right here that Matthew ends up finding out as a major art collector across the world we scramble to call the place to ask them if this is actually their unit or just coincidence we're researching things we see in the unit this is a name written on the back of one of the paintings we're just looking for any clue the facility who under doesn't understand it's public information refuses to tell us is this lady's name that one attached to this unit all work is stopped all of us are just researching googling calling people but this is the way the storage business is it's like a treasure hunt to them fullest capacity trying to figure out like right now I'm stuck trying to figure out is this the actual name how do I read Russian intensity as high as well coming up short on all research other the fact that we know that this lady's name has million-dollar pieces inside of art galleries and this is one frustrating fact that it's public information basically any storage unit that's going to be for auction they must publicly advertise in the newspaper the name of the unit most likely they're supposed to actually put the number when you call the people in building they answer the phone you ask them could you please tell me if this is so-and-so oh we can't get that information we can't give them a no sir it is public information legally you're supposed to tell us but I don't know why these employees think that they're holding some top-secret classified information now here we are we're bidding at 25 seven twenty right now we're just bidding to slowly increase it up I mean yes worrying about the we could possibly win it but we're trying to keep the time going while we research time is ticking we have to bid again twenty five thousand seven hundred and forty dollars balls of still were bidden to win and we still don't have our answers yet now we're up over $26,000 Wow my mind is spinning like a million miles an hour right now twenty-six thousand forty dollars one of our hunches well there's obviously more than one bidder but one could be the owner but we think we know who the other bidder is and that hunch paid off he actually said I was out at 20 grand he's on vacation but he told me the actual unit owner's name which then gave us the insight for us to figure out this person has a website in San Francisco they're selling Russian art but it's not the pieces Mathieu thought it was I'll put a couple clips here because there's very similar pieces in this artists all over the world they have a gun trough a melon coughs let's key Hallman and yet olive is a now we're out well that was a heck of a rush guys okay alright so we're done we go back to work then they do resemble some of the pieces that you were saying like the real names would they resemble them so that's what they do all right so I guess we're gonna go back to working okay no I'm good yeah all right so we can just call it okay wow what a gentleman rush we spent the last hour and a half looking at a unit we bid twenty six thousand four hundred and twenty dollars or something on what I bid I forget what I was over 26 grand I bid and now is now the highest bid but we didn't was a source talker Alex who gave us the Alex message Scotland and JAXA tell me I can look at this I look at this we all get a frenzy last minute no installs of course but no time to do a home as what pays to do homework right Scott but luckily we have Matthew Matthews the go-to clutch down comes the art all of us quote our heads together we fold in a lifeline got some information got to the bottom of it I can now sleep that we're not getting that but you can't hit a home run if you don't swing the bat and this is a very odd piece of information I'm going to show you this email I got immediately after it's over with and someone won it's now been cancelled I wonder what the reasons are for that who was the bidder that caused it to cancel after it sold for just over 26 grand ponder that guys
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 9,395
Rating: 4.9003558 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: 9oM1R-8Bs3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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