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what's up guys welcome or welcome back lyrson here learson i love it today's my anniversary the christian but i'm spending the day with you christian who what a question where uh he's not here so therefore it's pearson day sorry shut up here so you know we've been thinking and um being an adult sucks i have a stack of bills i have yet to pay i haven't touched a dirty dish in months i don't even want to show you what my laundry basket looks like so i thought let's just be kids again yeah let's go back in time ready pearson ready yay yeah we're kids again hey wait oh oh oh okay this is amazing we got the silly band we got the little weird clips we've got the other clips come on everything did anyone okay comment below if anyone else like was super into silly bands when you were a kid because this was like the thing when i was in school they're really not even that cool we were just talking about that they're not even like that cool they're literally just shapes as bracelets and they really don't look good when they're all on your wrist but you know because they're more fashionable nowadays like this is what we looked like when we were kids i know yikes yeah i'm not sure what age we are right now what do you want to do now okay i'm excited for this video because i see a lot of really awesome things over there walked into her apartment i was like this is going to be the greatest day of my entire life this is the greatest video ever there's gonna be a lot of nostalgia there's gonna be a lot of you know nostalgia because one piercing literally went to the store and just got like everything i could remember from my childhood so i'm excited we'll cover our bases yes oh aggressive all right subscribe if you want to let's get into the video whoa whoa i wanted the pink one eat my dust pearson [Music] here we are people are staring what's to sarah we're having the time of our lives right now what you've never seen a 22 year old dress like this before weird you're lost i'm definitely getting fries because my mom never let me ready yes let's go [Music] hopefully they're safe and sound here i haven't had a honey on so long really hard last week this buffalo sauce made with buffalo all right i got my sweet and sour i got my fries i got my cheeseburger we are living large we're off to a good start today i wonder if jimmy's going to be here jimmy you know my crush oh my gosh i remember these days it's like all let's bring it all back i remember mcdonald's was the place that you would like hang out like hang out you'd see like all the people from like middle school and be like oh my god i didn't give me a milk mustache she just said it didn't give me a chocolate milk mustache no she said melt it's spelled with an eye milk melt i don't hear the difference milk ill it's ill-il milk ilk that sounds gross say milk milk that's how it's supposed to be said why would you milk is m-e-l-k i'm gonna throw my milk at you pearson don't you dare do it i'm ready to play oh my god we just made it to the park we're gonna play some games and relive our childhood now let's go and sing let's go okay hold my hand can you jump off absolutely not oh my god my stomach's dropping oh my god you're gonna fall i'm gonna jump ready the rules are simple basically you can't touch i don't know okay let's just turn this into regular tags oh [Applause] that was horrible why do little kids do this that was an ah i think normally it's because they fit in this line yeah oh my god i have a wedgie i want to go home let's go we uh scooted back home now i'm hot and tired i forgot what it's like to be a kid you can't drive anywhere no not at all scooter down yeah my mom lives three hours away so i don't think she was down to do that and then if you're 12 years old you can't uber anywhere so scootering is our only option well uber wasn't even a thing when i was a kid and i was saying these kids nowadays they don't know how lucky they are i don't know anywho we're gonna finger paint i want to make a llama but i feel like i don't have the right colors do i always paint along with the like should i do something different do a giraffe i like giraffes i like giraffes too we're starting to like turn into like little kids now so we are artistes for the day i figure painted on my first official date with christian which is kind of funny because like i was wearing like a white dress and he didn't bring anything to like wipe your hands with after and yeah it was kind of a mess oh my god it was really cute like the thought the thought was really yeah i'm excited oh my god that's so good already all right wait what am i doing oh grass in a house or a tree okay [Music] this is wonderful this is therapeutic who needs a therapist when you've got you know finger painting i feel like your best friend is your therapist you know like i just call you and complain you all yeah therefore you should probably get into you know therapy finger painting so you don't have to keep calling me every night i'm having time of my life really yeah you're welcome i forgot that i had to make the sky blue that's okay maybe a lighter blue light that would be really pretty brilliant what was like your favorite tv show oh my lanta powerpuff girls kim possible luke impossible i truly believe we had better tv than kids do now i know i agree i think they're getting chips without you i think i'm forgetting so many honestly spongebob was probably my my show i loved spongebob i was not allowed to watch spongebob so i had to like watch it at friends houses i'm like really thinking about starting a vlog channel i'd love to like have a second channel for more like vlog like just everyday stuff if you'd watch it comment down below tell me what i should do you know when you're a kid you like bring home your art and it's like so bad and your mom's just like wow i know this is so horrible yours is so good what the heck i got played y'all pearson's like really good at art just like didn't want to tell me that i think i'm done you're done already okay i gotta pick it up do you want to go annoy jeremy after this i would love nothing more perfect what are you doing what's that a push pop can i have one oh my god i wasn't kidding i literally got all i know oh my gosh you know it's kind of sad like when we were kids we did so much fun stuff and like we're so creative like oh let's be repair like oh let's ride to the park and now it's like wanna watch netflix okay guys i'm done for the final reveal you ready three two one wow yours is so cute mine literally looks like a three-year-old no yours is really good yours looks really good that like gradient that gradient sunset's amazing we all know if there's someone it's fine i'm just trying to get my freaking push pop out for the last 20 minutes so we didn't tell jimmy we're coming we're kind of just gonna show up and make him play with us so let's go hey hi can we come in with us what are you guys doing can you blow this up okay bro what is going on what's going on what is going on we're kids we're kids yeah we're kids can't you tell yeah you guys hop in the time machine we're back at a time and you know what we really want what we want to go to the pool but we're too young to go and we need an adult supervision whoa i'm trying to tell you that i'm not an adult but the guy to the right of you is she's gonna make herself a little kiddie pool nice and safe all right let's do some strides ladies let's go do some strides come on comparison let me see those arms work i only know how to doggy pattern and don't you paddle that let's go that's the first step we need to get to step number two by the end of this course nice hey hey what are you doing all right all right i think i can do it i'm so proud with the arms swim swim no that's a doggy that's uh she has no idea what she's doing alright ladies let's work on the kicks let's go let's go let's go faster faster magic we're in the middle of the ocean right now there you go nice kicks nice i think you guys are at the point where you guys can take your floaties off if you guys are comfortable with it all right since i think you guys did a amazing job today with the training course today i'm going to be rewarding you guys with a little treat so amazing job today with swimming amazing jobs oh my goodness i don't want minute apple juice i want gushers hey what are you guys doing i'm throwing a temper tantrum because i haven't had a nap wow kids guys all right i think it's time to go to sleep then because you guys are being really sassy with me so i think to finish off this day as being children we're gonna take a nap because nap time is the one thing i miss the most about being a kid yeah even though i still do it i got my llama i have like 10 if you want one to cuddle with oh yeah i'd love one okay i got you hold on here you go i got this one in san francisco oh my god it looks like a pinata oh and then the best part i got my dog's face printed on a blanket oh my gosh so i'm gonna sleep with this okay nap time so i [Music] [Applause] oh where are you are you supposed to shake this yes you want to shake it you are piercing it won't come out i need help ah it won't come out all right guys that is all we have for you today i think it's time to go back to being an adult no we are having i don't want to i love scootering around you know i think this is a good reminder to always keep that kid energy never stop having fun don't take life too seriously in all seriousness i think there's a good message to be had there's a good lesson and i'm glad that us you know buying happy meals and going in little kiddie pools taught us this i know you're all welcome really we're all learning here together exactly thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video i will have my best friend's channel pierce and link down below and we'll see you next sunday bye you
Channel: Lexi Hensler
Views: 8,190,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WV3WI99LC-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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